NLP Unit I Notes-1

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Natural Language Processing

R18 B.Tech. CSE (AIML) III & IV Year JNTU Hyderabad

Prepared by
Assistance Professor

• Prerequisites: Data structures, finite automata and probability


• Course Objectives:
• Introduce to some of the problems and solutions of NLP and their
relation to linguistics and statistics.

• Course Outcomes:
• Show sensitivity to linguistic phenomena and an ability to model them
with formal grammars.
• Understand and carry out proper experimental methodology for
training and evaluating
• Empirical NLP systems
• Able to manipulate probabilities, construct statistical models over
strings and trees, and
• Estimate parameters using supervised and unsupervised training
• Able to design, implement, and analyze NLP algorithms
• Able to design different language modeling Techniques.

• 1. Multilingual natural Language Processing Applications: From Theory
to Practice – Daniel M.Bikel and Imed Zitouni, Pearson Publication
• 2. Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval: Tanvier
Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary

• 1. Speech and Natural Language Processing - Daniel Jurafsky & James
H Martin, Pearson Publications

• Natural Language Processing is a part of artificial

intelligence that aims to teach the human language
with all its complexities to computers.

Top 7 Applications of NLP (Natural Language Processing)

1. Chatbots
Chatbots are a form of artificial intelligence that are programmed to
interact with humans in such a way that they sound like humans
themselves. Depending on the complexity of the chatbots, they can
either just respond to specific keywords or they can even hold full
conversations that make it tough to distinguish them from humans.

2. Autocomplete in Search Engines

Have you noticed that search engines tend to guess what you are
typing and automatically complete your sentences? For example, On
typing “game” in Google, you may get further suggestions for “game
of thrones”, “game of life” or if you are interested in maths then
“game theory”. All these suggestions are provided using autocomplete
that uses Natural Language Processing to guess what you want to ask.

3. Voice Assistants
These days voice assistants are all the rage! Whether its Siri, Alexa, or
Google Assistant, almost everyone uses one of these to make calls,
place reminders, schedule meetings, set alarms, surf the internet etc

4. Language Translator
Want to translate a text from English to Hindi but don’t know Hindi?
Well, Google Translate is the tool for you! While it’s not exactly 100%
accurate, it is still a great tool to convert text from one language to
another. Google Translate and other translation tools as well as use
Sequence to sequence modeling that is a technique in Natural
Language Processing.

5. Sentiment Analysis
Almost all the world is on social media these days! And companies can
use sentiment analysis to understand how a particular type of user
feels about a particular topic, product, etc. They can use natural
language processing, computational linguistics, text analysis, etc. to
understand the general sentiment of the users for their products and
services and find out if the sentiment is good, bad, or neutral.

6. Grammar Checkers

7. Email Classification and Filtering

• Finding the Structure of Words: Words and Their Components, Issues
and Challenges, Morphological Models

• Finding the Structure of Documents: Introduction, Methods,

Complexity of the Approaches, Performances of the Approaches

Words and Their Components

1 Tokens
2 Lexemes
3 Morphemes
4 Typology

1. Tokens : Tokenization is a way of separating a piece of text into

smaller units called tokens. Here, tokens can be either words, characters,
or subwords.

2. Lexemes: By the term word, we often denote not just the one
linguistic form in the given context but also the concept behind the form and
the set of alternative forms that can express it. Such sets are called lexemes
or lexical items, and they constitute the lexicon of a language.
• The lexeme “play,” for example, can take many forms, such
as playing, plays, played.

3. Morpheme: is the smallest unit of a word that provides a specific

meaning to a string of letters (which is called a phoneme).

There are two main types of morpheme:

i) free morphemes and

ii) bound morphemes.
• For example, “apple” is a word and also a morpheme. “Apples” is a
word comprised of two morphemes, “apple” and “-s”, which is used to
signify the noun is plural.
• Unhappy

4. Typology is the study the ways in which the languages of the

world vary in their patterns. It is concerned with discovering what
grammatical patterns are common to many languages and which ones are

They are specified according to three criteria:

 Genealogical familiarity
 Structural familiarity
 Geographic distribution

According to these criteria, the below are the important language family
 Indo-European
 Sino-Tibetan
 Niger-Congo
 Afroasiatic
 Austronesian
 Altaic
 Japonic
 Austroasiatic
 Tai-Kadai

The most commonly spoken are languages in the Indo-European and Sino-
Tibetan language groups. These two groups are used by 67% of the global

To scientifically classify languages, the following criteria are used:

 Language criteria
 Historical criteria
 Geographical criteria
 Sociopolitical criteria

The classification of languages shows us the precise connections between

the languages of the world.

Applying Linguistic Typology Classifications

According to the implementation of these criteria, there are various

classifications and different observations of the relationships between
languages. The three basic classifications for languages of the world are:
 Genealogical
 Typological
 Areal


This classification of linguistic typology indicates the historical connection

between the languages, and it uses the historical and linguistic criteria as a
basis. There are also languages that cannot be classified in to any language
family group. For example, in Europe, the Basque language is called a
language isolate, as it cannot relate to any other language.

Languages are grouped into language types on the basis of formal criteria,
according to their similarities in grammatical structure. There are several
types: flexile (morphological resources), agglutinative (affixes), and rooted
(the root of the word as a morphological resource).


It involves geographic criteria, and covers those languages that are close by
and have developed similar characteristics in terms of structure. Under the
influence of intensive mutual influences, these kinds of languages are
creating language unions such as the Balkan Language Union, encompassing
Macedonian, Bulgarian, Serbian, and Albanian, for example.

Issues and Challenges

1 Irregularity

2 Ambiguity

3 Productivity

1. Irregularity, we mean existence of such forms and structures

that are not described appropriately by a prototypical linguistic model. Some
irregularities can be understood by redesigning the model and improving its
rules, but other lexically dependent irregularities often cannot be
2. Ambiguity and Uncertainty in Language
• Lexical Ambiguity
The ambiguity of a single word is called lexical ambiguity. For
example, treating the word silver as a noun, an adjective, or a verb.

• Syntactic Ambiguity
This kind of ambiguity occurs when a sentence is parsed in different
ways. For example, the sentence “The man saw the girl with the
telescope”. It is ambiguous whether the man saw the girl carrying a
telescope or he saw her through his telescope.

• Semantic Ambiguity
This kind of ambiguity occurs when the meaning of the words
themselves can be misinterpreted. In other words, semantic ambiguity
happens when a sentence contains an ambiguous word or phrase.
For example, the sentence “The car hit the pole while it was moving” is
having semantic ambiguity because the interpretations can be “The
car, while moving, hit the pole” and “The car hit the pole while the
pole was moving”.

• Anaphoric Ambiguity
This kind of ambiguity arises due to the use of anaphora entities in
discourse. For example, the horse ran up the hill. It was very steep. It
soon got tired. Here, the anaphoric reference of “it” in two situations
cause ambiguity.

• Pragmatic ambiguity
Such kind of ambiguity refers to the situation where the context of a
phrase gives it multiple interpretations. In simple words, we can say
that pragmatic ambiguity arises when the statement is not specific.
For example, the sentence “I like you too” can have multiple
interpretations like I like you (just like you like me), I like you (just
like someone else dose).

3. Productivity

1. Set Objectives
The simplest way of implementing a form of NLP in your work
environment is to make sure everyone is working towards goals. By
setting objectives you are giving your team a direction and something
to work for. If employees feel they are expected to achieve these firm
objectives they will naturally work harder to make sure they do. They
will also automatically be taking more responsibility over their role and
the work they do.
This increases productivity on an individual level. Incentives for
successfully achieving objectives can also be specified in order to
motivate staff to succeed and thrive in the work environment.

2. Boost Staff Morale

NLP is a great way to make employees more engaged and content in
the workplace and NLP training is a valuable investment. Committed
and engaged employees will perform better than other employees in
the business – what are you doing to maintain commitment and
engagement in your business? Learning NLP techniques through
tailored training courses and coaching will enable team members to
reach high levels of performance by over coming barriers in the
Staff morale is an ongoing factor that a team leader or manager
considers. Treating employees with respect, listening to their ideas and
making them feel included on a daily basis will keep their self-esteem
and confidence high.

3. Better Communication
Internal communications and client relationships are vital for a
productive and efficient working environment. Making people aware of
how they come across when interacting with others is a key aspect of
using NLP to improve communication. NLP will help to identify adverse
behaviours such as body language. Body language such as avoiding
eye contact or slouching shoulders is generally a subconscious
Once the negative behaviour has been recognised, the individual can
work to change and improve. As the individual becomes more self-
aware, they also become more aware of other people. Effective
communication requires an understanding to others’ thought processes
as well as an awareness of yourself. See yourself in the way that you
would like others to see you.

4. Learning and Development

NLP is all about bringing together an individual’s innermost skills and
highlighting their hidden, concealed ability. NLP unlocks the potential
for a wealth of knowledge. Employees will be eager to learn and
advance in their own professional development. This enables
employees to take control of their own career and requires them to be
proactive about doing so. A proactive, engaged and progressing team
will be highly motivated and productive.
NLP helps the individual to improve in their job role by taking a highly
performing team member and using their behaviour and work ethic as
a model for others to adopt. You could have a team that is as strong
as your strongest employee. This would have a huge impact on
productivity as well as give your business a competitive edge.

5. Changing Behaviour
The main objective of NLP is to reverse negative behaviours and
habits. How an individual interprets their workplace has little to do
with the actual working environment and more to do with the
individual. Employees have completely different experiences at work,
even though the work environment is the same for everyone. NLP
makes employees aware that the problems they face at work are
usually internal, not external. Making employees self-aware of their
attitudes and behaviours is the first step towards a positive change.
success, no matter what your goals are.

Morphological Models
1 Dictionary Lookup
2 Finite-State Morphology
3 Unification-Based Morphology
4 Functional Morphology
5 Morphology Induction

Morphological Models
There are many possible approaches to designing and implementing
morphological models. Over time, computational linguistics has witnessed
the development of a number of formalisms and frameworks, in particular
grammars of different kinds and expressive power, with which to address
whole classes of problems in processing natural as well as formal languages.

Various domain-specific programming languages have been created that

allow us to implement the theoretical problem using hopefully intuitive and
minimal programming effort.

1. Dictionary Lookup
Morphological parsing is a process by which word forms of a language are
associated with corresponding linguistic descriptions.
In this context, a dictionary is understood as a data structure that directly
enables obtaining some precomputed results, in our case word analyses. The
data structure can be optimized for efficient lookup, and the results can be
shared. Lookup operations are relatively simple and usually quick.
Dictionaries can be implemented, for instance, as lists, binary search trees,
tries, hash tables, and so on.

Because the set of associations between word forms and their desired
descriptions is declared by plain enumeration, the coverage of the model is
finite and the generative potential of the language is not exploited.
Developing as well as verifying the association list is tedious, liable to errors,
and likely inefficient and inaccurate unless the data are retrieved
automatically from large and reliable linguistic resources.

For instance, dictionary-based approaches to Korean depend on a large

dictionary of all possible combinations of allomorphs and morphological
alternations. These approaches do not allow development of reusable
morphological rules.

The word list or dictionary-based approach has been used frequently in

various ad hoc implementations for many languages. We could assume that
with the availability of immense online data, extracting a high-coverage
vocabulary of word forms is feasible these days. The question remains how
the associated annotations are constructed and how informative and
accurate they are. References to the literature on the unsupervised learning
and induction of morphology, which are methods resulting in structured and
therefore nonenumerative models.

2. Finite-State Morphology
By finite-state morphological models, we mean those in which the
specifications written by human programmers are directly compiled into
finite-state transducers.

The two most popular tools supporting this approach, which have been cited
in literature and for which example implementations for multiple languages
are available online, i) XFST (Xerox Finite-State Tool) ii) LexTools
Finite-state transducers are computational devices extending the power of
finite-state automata. They consist of a finite set of nodes connected by
directed edges labeled with pairs of input and output symbols. In such a
network or graph, nodes are also called states, while edges are called arcs.
Traversing the network from the set of initial states to the set of final states
along the arcs is equivalent to reading the sequences of encountered input
symbols and writing the sequences of corresponding output symbols.

The set of possible sequences accepted by the transducer defines the input
language; the set of possible sequences emitted by the transducer defines
the output language. For example, a finite-state transducer could translate
the infinite regular language consisting of the
words vnuk, pravnuk, prapravnuk, ... to the matching words in the infinite
regular language defined by grandson, great-grandson, great-great-
grandson, ...

The role of finite-state transducers is to capture and compute regular

relations on sets [38, 9, 11].6 That is, transducers specify relations between
the input and output languages. In fact, it is possible to invert the domain
and the range of a relation, that is, exchange the input and the output. In
finite-state computational morphology, it is common to refer to the input
word forms as surface strings and to the output descriptions as lexical
strings, if the transducer is used for morphological analysis, or vice versa, if
it is used for morphological generation.

Let us have a relation R, and let us denote by [Σ] the set of all sequences
over some set of symbols Σ, so that the domain and the range of R are
subsets of [Σ]. We can then consider R as a function mapping an input string
into a set of output strings, formally denoted by this type signature, where
[Σ] equals String:

Finite-state tools are available in most general-purpose programming

languages in the form of support for regular expression matching and
substitution. While these may not be the ultimate choice for building full-
fledged morphological analyzers or generators of a natural language, they
are very suitable for developing tokenizers and morphological guessers
capable of suggesting at least some structure for words that are formed
correctly but cannot be identified with concrete lexemes during full
morphological parsing.

3. Unification-Based Morphology
Unification-based approaches to morphology have been inspired by advances
in various formal linguistic frameworks aiming at enabling complete
grammatical descriptions of human languages, especially head-driven phrase
structure grammar (HPSG), and by development of languages for lexical
knowledge representation, especially DATR. The concepts and methods of
these formalisms are often closely connected to those of logic programming.
In finite-state morphological models, both surface and lexical forms are by
themselves unstructured strings of atomic symbols. In higher-level
approaches, linguistic information is expressed by more appropriate data
structures that can include complex values or can be recursively nested if
needed. Morphological parsing P thus associates linear forms φ with
alternatives of structured content ψ, cf. (1.1):

In either case, information in a model can be efficiently shared and reused

by means of inheritance hierarchies defined on the feature structure types.

Morphological models of this kind are typically formulated as logic programs,

and unification is used to solve the system of constraints imposed by the
model. Advantages of this approach include better abstraction possibilities
for developing a morphological grammar as well as elimination of redundant
information from it.

Unification-based models have been implemented for Russian [58], Czech

[59], Slovene [53], Persian [60], Hebrew [61], Arabic [62, 63], and other
languages. Some rely on DATR; some adopt, adapt, or develop other
unification engines.

4. Functional Morphology
This group of morphological models includes not only the ones following the
methodology of functional morphology , but even those related to it, such as
morphological resource grammars of Grammatical Framework . Functional
morphology defines its models using principles of functional programming
and type theory. It treats morphological operations and processes as pure
mathematical functions and organizes the linguistic as well as abstract
elements of a model into distinct types of values and type classes.

Functional morphology implementations are intended to be reused as

programming libraries capable of handling the complete morphology of a
language and to be incorporated into various kinds of applications.
Morphological parsing is just one usage of the system, the others being
morphological generation, lexicon browsing, and so on. Next to parsing
(1.2), we can describe inflection I, derivation D, and lookup L as functions of
these generic types:

A functional morphology model can be compiled into finite-state transducers

if needed, but can also be used interactively in an interpreted mode, for
instance. Computation within a model may exploit lazy evaluation and
employ alternative methods of efficient parsing, lookup, and so on .

Many functional morphology implementations are embedded in a general-

purpose programming language, which gives programmers more freedom
with advanced programming techniques and allows them to develop full-
featured, real-world applications for their models. The Zen toolkit for
Sanskrit morphology [67, 68] is written in OCaml. It influenced the
functional morphology framework [64] in Haskell, with which morphologies
of Latin, Swedish, Spanish, Urdu [69], and other languages have been

5. Morphology Induction
We have focused on finding the structure of words in diverse languages
supposing we know what we are looking for. We have not considered the
problem of discovering and inducing word structure without the human
insight (i.e., in an unsupervised or semi-supervised manner). The motivation
for such approaches lies in the fact that for many languages, linguistic
expertise might be unavailable or limited, and implementations adequate to
a purpose may not exist at all. Automated acquisition of morphological and
lexical information, even if not perfect, can be reused for bootstrapping and
improving the classical morphological models, too.

There are several challenging issues about deducing word structure just
from the forms and their context. They are caused by ambiguity [76] and
irregularity [75] in morphology, as well as by orthographic and phonological
alternations [85] and nonlinear morphological processes [86, 87].

Finding the Structure of Documents

Document Structuring is a subtask of Natural language generation, which
involves deciding the order and grouping (for example into
paragraphs) of sentences in a generated text. It is closely related to
the Content determination NLG task.

1. Sentence Boundary Detection

2. Topic Boundary Detection

Sentence boundary detection is the method of detecting where one sentence

ends and another begins. If you are thinking that this sounds pretty easy, as
a period (.) or a question mark (?) denotes the end of a sentence and the
beginning of another sentence, then you are wrong. There can also be
instances where the letters of acronyms are separated by full stops, for
instance. Various analyses need to be performed at a sentence level;
detecting the boundaries of sentences is essential.

Exercise 1.11: Sentence Boundary Detection

In this exercise, we will extract sentences from a paragraph. To do so, we'll

be using the sent_tokenize() method, which is used to detect sentence
boundaries. The following steps need to be performed:

step 1: Open a Jupyter Notebook.

step 2: Insert a new cell and add the following code to import the
necessary libraries

import nltk
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize

step 3: Use the sent_tokenize() method to detect sentences in some given

text. Insert a new cell and add the following code to implement this:

def get_sentences(text):

return sent_tokenize(text)

get_sentences("We are reading a book. Do you know who is "\

"the publisher? It is Packt. Packt is based "\

"out of Birmingham.")

step 4: This code generates the following output:

['We are reading a book.'

'Do you know who is the publisher?'
'It is Packt.',
'Packt is based out of Birmingham.']

step 5: Use the sent_tokenize() method for text that contains periods (.)
other than those found at the ends of sentences:
get_sentences("Mr. Donald John Trump is the current "\
"president of the USA. Before joining "\
"politics, he was a businessman.")

step 6: The code will generate the following output:

['Mr. Donald John Trump is the current president of the USA.',

'Before joining politics, he was a businessman.']

As you can see in the code, the sent_tokenize method is able to differentiate
between the period (.) after "Mr" and the one used to end the sentence. We
have covered all the preprocessing steps that are involved in NLP.


1 Generative Sequence Classification Methods

2 Discriminative Local Classification Methods
3. Hybrid Approaches
4. Discriminative Sequence Classification Methods
5 Extensions for Global Modeling for Sentence Segmentation

1. Generative Classifiers tries to model class, i.e., what are the

features of the class. In short, it models how a particular class would
generate input data. When a new observation is given to these classifiers, it
tries to predict which class would have most likely generated the given

2. The discriminative model refers to a class of models used in

Statistical Classification, mainly used for supervised machine
learning. These types of models are also known as conditional models since
they learn the boundaries between classes or labels in a dataset.

3. A hybrid approach in NLP

NLP, ML, and human input are all part of the hybrid approach,
which combines the best of rule-based and machine learning approaches.
Human experience guides accurate analysis, but machine learning makes
that analysis scale easily.

Approaches to NLP Tasks

There are 3 main groups of approaches to solving NLP tasks.

1. Rule-based
Rule-based approaches are the oldest approaches to NLP. have been proven
to work well. Rules applied to text can offer a lot of insight: think of what
you can learn about arbitrary text by finding what words are nouns, or what
verbs end in -ing, or whether a pattern recognizable as Python code can be
identified. Regular expressions and context free grammars are textbook
examples of rule-based approaches to NLP.
Rule-based approaches:

 tend to focus on pattern-matching or parsing

 can often be thought of as "fill in the blanks" methods
 are low precision, high recall, meaning they can have high performance in
specific use cases, but often suffer performance degradation when
2. "Traditional" Machine Learning
"Traditional" machine learning approaches include probabilistic modeling,
likelihood maximization, and linear classifiers.

Traditional machine learning approaches are characterized by:

 training data - in this case, a corpus with markup

 feature engineering - word type, surrounding words, capitalized, plural,
 training a model on parameters, followed by fitting on test data (typical of
machine learning systems in general)
 inference (applying model to test data) characterized by finding most
probable words, next word, best category, etc.
 "semantic slot filling"

3. Neural Networks
This is similar to "traditional" machine learning, but with a few differences:

 feature engineering is generally skipped, as networks will "learn" important

features (this is generally one of the claimed big benefits of using neural
networks for NLP)
 instead, streams of raw parameters ("words" -- actually vector
representations of words) without engineered features, are fed into neural
 very large training corpus
Specific neural networks of use in NLP include recurrent neural networks
(RNNs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

Discriminative Sequence Classification Methods

In segmentation tasks, the sentence or topic decision for a given
example (word, sentence, paragraph) highly depends on the
decision for the examples in its vicinity.
Discriminative sequence classification methods are in general
extensions of local discriminative models with additional
decoding stages that find the best assignment of labels by
looking at neighboring decisions to label an example.
Conditional random fields (CRFs) [52] are an extension of
maximum entropy, SVM struct [53] is an extension of SVM to
handle structured outputs, and maximum margin Markov
networks (M N) are extensions of HMMs [54]. The margin

infused relaxed algorithm (MIRA) is an online learning

approach that requires loading of one sequence at a time during
training [55]. For conciseness, we present only CRFs, which
have been successful for many sequence labeling tasks,
including sentence segmentation in speech.
CRFs are a class of log-linear models for labeling structures [52].
Contrary to local classifiers that predict sentence or topic
boundaries independently, CRFs can oversee the whole sequence of
boundary hypotheses to make their decisions. Formally, they model
the conditional probability of a sequence of boundary labels
(Y = y1,..., yn) given the sequence of feature sets extracted from the
context in which they occur (X = x1,..., xn).

where fi(·) are feature functions of the observations and a clique of

labels, and λi are the corresponding weights. Z(·) is a normalization
function dependent only on the observations. CRFs are trained by
finding the λ parameters that maximize the likelihood of the training
data, usually with a regularization term to avoid overfitting.
Gradient, conjugate gradient, or online methods are used for
training [56, 57, 58]. Dynamic programming (Viterbi decoding) is
used to find the most probable assignment of labels at test time or to
compute the Z(·) function.

Extensions for Global Modeling for Sentence Segmentation

So far, most approaches to sentence segmentation have focused on
recognizing boundaries rather than sentences in themselves. This
has occurred because of the quadratic number of sentence
hypotheses that must be assessed in comparison to the number of
boundaries. To tackle that problem, Roark et al. [61] segment the
input according to likely sentence boundaries established by a local
1segmentations. This approach allows leveraging of sentence-level
features such as scores from a syntactic parser or global prosodic
features. Favre et al. [62] proposed to extend this concept to a
pruned sentence lattice, which allows combining local scores with
sentence-level scores in a more efficient manner.

Complexity of the Approaches

The approaches described here have advantages and disadvantages.

In a given context and under a set of observation features, one
approach may be better than another. These approaches can be
rated in terms of complexity (time and memory) of their training
and prediction algorithms and in terms of their performance on
real-world datasets. Some may also require specific preprocessing,
such as converting or normalizing continuous features to discrete
In terms of complexity, training of discriminative approaches is
more complex than training of generative ones because they require
multiple passes over the training data to adjust for their feature
weights. However, generative models such as HELMs can handle
multiple orders of magnitude larger training sets and benefit, for
instance, from decades of news wire transcripts. On the other hand,
they work with only a few features (only words for HELM) and do
not cope well with unseen events. Discriminative classifiers allow
for a wider variety of features and perform better on smaller
training sets. Predicting with discriminative classifiers is also
slower, even though the models are relatively simple (linear or log-
linear), because it is dominated by the cost of extracting more

Compared to local approaches, sequence approaches bring the

additional complexity of decoding: finding the best sequence of
decisions requires evaluating all possible sequences of decisions.
Fortunately, conditional independence assumptions allow the use of
dynamic programming to trade time for memory and decode in
polynomial time. This complexity is then exponential in the order of
the model (number of boundary candidates processed together) and
the number of classes (number of boundary states). Discriminative
sequence classifiers, such as CRFs, also need to repeatedly perform
inference on the training data, which might become expensive.

2.4. Performances of the Approaches

For sentence segmentation in speech, performance is usually
evaluated using the error rate (ratio of number of errors to the
number of examples), F1-measure (the harmonic mean of recall and
precision, where recall is defined as the ratio of the number of
correctly returned sentence boundaries to the number of sentence
boundaries in the reference annotations and precision is the ratio of
the number of correctly returned sentence boundaries to the
number of all automatically estimated sentence boundaries), and
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) error rate
(number of candidates wrongly labeled divided by the number of
actual boundaries).

For sentence segmentation in text, researchers have reported error

rate results on a subset of the Wall Street Journal Corpus of about
27,000 sentences. For instance, Mikheev [39] reports that his rule-
based system performs at an error rate of 1.41%. The addition of an
abbreviation list to this system lowers its error rate to 0.45%, and
combining it with a supervised classifier using POS tag features
leads to an error rate of 0.31%. Without requiring handcrafted rules
or an abbreviation list, Gillick’s SVM-based system [21] obtains even
fewer errors, at 0.25%. Even though the error rates presented seem
low, sentence segmentation is one of the first processing steps for
any NLP task, and each error impacts subsequent steps, especially if
the resulting sentences are presented to the user as for example, in
extractive summarization.
For sentence segmentation in speech, Doss et al. [63] report on the
Mandarin TDT4 Multilingual Broadcast News Speech Corpus an F1-
measure of 69.1% for a MaxEnt classifier, 72.6% with Adaboost, and
72.7% with SVMs, using the same set of features. A combination of
the three classifiers using logistic regression is also proposed. On a
Turkish broadcast news corpus, Guz et al. [31] report an F1-
measure of 78.2% with HELM, 86.2% with fHELM with morphology
features, 86.9% with Adaboost, and 89.1% with CRFs. In these
results, HELMs (and fHELMs) were trained on the same corpus as
the other classifiers. They can, however, be trained on a much larger
corpus and improve performance when combined with
discriminative classifiers. For instance, Zimmerman et al. [64] report
that on the English TDT4 broadcast news corpus, Adaboost
combined with HELM performs at an F1-measure of 67.3%
compared to 65.5% for Adaboost alone.

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