Demonstration of Green Hydrogen Production Using S

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Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Sustainable Energy & Fuels.

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Classification: © TheBusiness
Royal Society
Use of Chemistry 2021

Supporting Information

Demonstration of green hydrogen production using solar energy at 28%

efficiency and evaluation of its economic viability

M.A. Khan+, I. Al-Shankiti, A. Ziani and H. Idriss+

Hydrogen Platform, SABIC-CRD, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST),
Thuwal 23955, Saudi Arabia

+Electronic mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Classification: General Business Use

Additional details of the TEA for making hydrogen (50 tons/ day) from water using CPV-E for 9.1
hours per day and direct electrolysis (from the grid) for 14.9 hours per day.

Capital and Working Parameters

plant lifetime (years) 20

H2 Production (ton/day) 50
Sunshine (hours/day) 9.1
Night hours (hours/day) 14.9
H2 Production Rate during day (ton/h) 2.08
H2 produced by PV (ton/day) 18.96
H2 produced by electricity (ton/day) 31.04
Annual Working Days (days/yr) 333
H2 Production Rate from PV (ton/year) 6313.7
Total H2 Production Rate (ton/year) 16150

PV Energy & land

PV lifetime (years) 20
Land factor 4
Power needed for Solar Farm (kW) 97,202.38
Energy produced by solar farm (kWh) 884,541.67
Solar Irradiation in Tabuk KSA (kWh/m2) 7.37
PV module efficiency 41.00%
Power produced by PV module (kWh/m2) 3.022
Area needed by PV modules (m2) 2.93E+05
Total area required (m2) including land factor 1.17E+06
module and tracker lifetime (years) 25.00
Module and tracker cost ($/W) $ 0.720
Labor, Design, and installation ($/W) $0.43
PV inverter ($/W) $0.08
Total Module and tracker cost ($) $69,985,714.29
Total cost of Labor, design, permitting and installation $41,991,428.57
PV inverter cost ($) $7,776,190.48
PV Farm turnkey Capital $119,753,333.33
PV O&M cost (USD/kWh) 0.008
PV annual Opex $7,076.33
Classification: General Business Use

Electrolyzer (Alkaline)

Reference Operating current density (A/cm2) 0.40

Reference Operating voltage (V) 1.70
Actual operating current density 0.40
Pressure of H2 (bar) before compression 10
electrical usage per kg of H2 (KWhelec/kg(H2)) -LHV 32.66
Electrolysis efficiency (electrical efficiency) (1.23/1.7) 0.70
Fixed O&M (%) - of total uninstalled CAPEX 3.00%
Electrolyser replacement cost (% of uninstalled capes) 15.00%
Stack Cost of reference electrolyzer (USD/kW) $272.00
Balance of plant capital cost includes power electronics (USD/kW) $272.00
Electrolyzer installation factor 12.0%
Reference Stack cost ($/m2) 1849.60
H2 production (mol/day) 2.50E+07
electrons to make 1 H2 molecule 2.00
electrons to make 1 mole of H2 1.20E+24
total electrons needed per day (electrons/day) 3.01E+31
total charge (C /day) 4.82E+12
Amps (C / second) 5.58E+07
Area of electrolyzer (cm2) 1.39E+08
Area of electrolyser (m2) 13942.13
stack cost of electrolyser based on m2 (USD) $25,787,362.96
BOP cost (USD) $25,787,362.96
installation cost of electrolyser (USD) $6,188,967.11

Capex of electrolyzer stack, BOS & installation (USD) $57,763,693.04

Yearly Opex of electrolyzer ($/year) $1,547,241.78
Yearly electricity cost of ($/year) $9,645,781.07
Electrode replacement time (years) 7.00
number of times electrodes will be replaced in plant lifetime 2.00
Electrolyzer replacement factor 1.5%
annual electrolyzer replacement cost (USD/yr) $866,455.40
Electrolyzer annual Opex (USD/yr) $2,413,697.17

Water pump, Compressor gas processing (to 20 bar)

Duty(kW) 51.94
Capex of pump $29,306.58
Opex (USD/yr) of pump $8,302.09
Duty (kW) 984.68
Opex (USD/hr) $19.69
Capex (USD) $4,143,572.97
Opex (USD/yr) $157,391.09
Classification: General Business Use

Production using electricity

H2 Production Rate (ton/h) 2.08

working hours/day 14.9
Power needed from grid (kW) 97202.38

Energy provided by grid (kWh) 1,448,315.48

Total system electrical usage at night for a year (kWh) 4.82E+08


KSA Location Markup Factor (1.0 for USA) 1.00

Land cost (USD/km2) $123,497.00
H2 loss due to separation 3.0%

Operation Parameters

DI Water amount (ton/tonH2) 10

DI Water price (USD/ton) 1.3
Annual water consumption (ton/yr) 166,500.00
Annual water cost (USD/yr) $216,450.00
Required electricity for utilities (kWh/tonH2) 161.00
Annual electricity requirement for utilities (kWh/yr) 2,680,650.00
Electricity price (USD/kWh) 0.02
Annual electricity cost (USD/yr) $53,613.00
Number Plant Staff 10
Staff salary cost (USD/h) 20.00
Annual cost of plant staff (USD/yr) $1,598,400.00


Levelized H2 Price (USD/ton) $2,555

Annual H2 revenue (USD/yr) $41,257,830.32
Oxygen Credit (USD/ton O2) $40.00
Oxygen Credit (USD/ton H2) $320.00
Annual Oxygen Credit (USD) $5,168,160.00
CO2 Credit (USD/ton CO2)
based on stoichiometric ratio of the SMR reaction
(CH4 + 2H2O  4H2 + CO2) – excluding process energy. $50.00
CO2 Credit (USD/ton H2) $275.00
Annual CO2 Credit (USD) $4,441,387.50
Classification: General Business Use

Total Capex

PV Farm turnkey Capital $119,753,333.33

Capex of electrolyzer stack, BOS & installation (USD) $57,763,693.04
Compressor & gas processing (USD) $4,143,572.97
Water pump $29,306.58
Fixed Capital Cost (USD) $181,689,905.92
Contingency 20.0%
Total Fixed Capital Cost in KSA + plus contingency (USD) $218,027,887.10
Land Cost (USD) $146,326.82
Working capital - (Installation Cost of whole plant) (USD) $48,180,395.68

Annual Opex

Annual PV Maintenance (USD/yr) $7,076.33

O&M of electrolyzer (USD/yr) $2,413,697.17
Electricity cost to run electrolyzer + utilities ($/year) $9,699,394.07
Compressor $157,391.09
Water pump $8,302.09
Annual water cost (USD/yr) $216,450.00
Annual staff cost (USD/yr) $ 1,598,400.00
Total Annual Variable Cost (USD/yr) (OPEX) $14,100,710.76


Annual H2 Revenue $41,257,830.32

annual oxygen + CO2 credit $9,609,547.50
Total Annual Revenue (USD/yr) $ 50,867,377.82

Internal Rate of Return: IRR 12.0%

Classification: General Business Use

Effect of operation time and electricity cost on the Levelized Cost of Hydrogen from water.
50 tons H2/day CPV (9.1 hour CPV + grid (24 CPV + grid (24
operation) hour operation) hour operation)
Electricity at Electricity at
0.05 $/kWh 0.02 $/kWh
Energy provided and power needed
Power needed for the solar farm (kW) 256,357.93 97,202.38 97,202.38
Energy provided by the solar farm (kWh) 2,332,857.14 884,541.67 884,541.67
Energy provided by grid (kWh) 0 1,448,315.48 1,448,315.48

Total solar farm cost ($) $315,832,967.03 $119,753,333.33 $119,753,333.33
Total electrolysers capital ($) $156,193,758.24 $57,763,693.04 $57,763,693.04

Annual PV Maintenance ($/yr) $18,662.86 $7,076.33 $7,076.33
Annual electricity cost ($/yr) $134,032.50 $24,248,485.18 $9,699,394.07

Levelized H2 Price ($/ton) $5,900 $3,471 $2,555

At 0.05 $/kWh the LCH is found to be $3.47 the kg (a drop of $2.5 per kg when compared to a 9.1
hours/day operation). The effect of electricity, while important, seems to affect less the cost in the
investigated range, a drop of $0.9 per kgH2 (ca. 25%) when the electricity dropped 2.5 times (from $0.05
to $0.02 the kWh; a 250% drop).
Classification: General Business Use

Figure S1. Part of the solar spectrum absorbed in a triple junction solar cell (A) and a schematic
representation of a typical triple-junction solar cell (B) (adapted from ref. 1)
Classification: General Business Use

Figure S2. External quantum efficiency (EQE) of a GaInP/GaInAs/Ge AzurSpace solar cell (adapted
from ref. 2).


1) Fernández, Eduardo F., Antonio J. García-Loureiro, and Greg P. Smestad. "Multijunction

concentrator solar cells: analysis and fundamentals." High Concentrator Photovoltaics. Springer,
Cham, 2015. 9-37.


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