02 ONeill States
02 ONeill States
02 ONeill States
䊏 The state is a central institution in comparative politics, as the centralization
of violence over a territory.
䊏 States can vary in autonomy and capacity, and this can shape their power at
home and abroad.
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Once we have discussed the nature and origins of the state, we will look
at some different ways in which states can be compared. This discussion will
include an analysis of different forms of legitimacy that give a state power
and the actual levels of power itself. Can we speak of states as weak or strong?
And if so, how would we measure that strength or weakness? To answer this
question, we will make a distinction between state capacity and state auton-
omy, and how this might differ across cases and policy areas. Here, we con-
sider states as a cause, in how they can shape other institutions. With these
ideas more clearly in hand, we will return to our theme of individual freedom
and collective equality and consider the future of the state itself.
But most states are far more complex than simply being an entity that
applies force. Unlike criminal rackets, the state is made up of a large number
of institutions that are engaged in the process of turning political ideas into
policy. Laws and regulations, property rights, health and labor, environment
and transportation are but a few things that typically fall under the respon-
sibility of the state. Moreover, the state is a set of institutions (ministries,
departments, offices, army, police) that society deems necessary to achieve
basic goals regarding freedom and equality. When there is a lack of agree-
ment on these goals, the state must attempt to reconcile different views and
seek (or impose) consensus. And unlike a criminal racket, which people obey
out of fear or pure self-interest, the state is typically valued for its own sake.
The public views the state as legitimate, vital, and appropriate: Who can imag-
ine politics without it? States are thus strongly institutionalized and not eas-
ily changed. Leaders and policies may come and go, but the state remains,
even in the face of crisis, turmoil, or revolution. Although destruction through
war or civil conflict can eliminate states altogether, even this outcome is
unusual and states are soon re-created. Thus, the state is defined as a monop-
oly of force over a given territory, but it is also the set of political institutions
that create standards through which conflicts related to freedom and equal-
ity can be resolved. It is, if you will, the machinery of politics, establishing
order and turning politics into policy. Thus many social scientists argue that
the state, as a bundle of institutions, is an important causal variable in such
things as variations in economic development or the rise of democracy.
A few other terms that are often used with regard to political organiza-
tion need to be defined here. Although often used interchangeably with the
concept of the state, they are in fact separate institutions that help define and
direct the state. First, we should make a distinction between the state and a
regime, which is defined as the fundamental rules and norms of politics. More
specifically, a regime embodies long-term goals regarding individual freedom
and collective equality, where
power should reside and how it
should be used. At the most IN FOCUS
basic level, we can speak of a The State Is . . .
democratic regime or a nonde-
mocratic one. In a democratic • The monopoly of force over a given territory.
regime, the rules and norms of • A set of political institutions to generate and carry out
politics emphasize a large role policy.
for the public in governance, as • Typically highly institutionalized.
well as certain individual rights • Sovereign.
or liberties. A nondemocratic • Characterized by such institutions as an army, police, tax-
regime, in contrast, will limit ation, a judiciary, and a social welfare system.
public participation in favor of
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those in power. Both types of regimes can vary in the extent to which power
is centralized and the relationship between freedom and equality. The demo-
cratic regime of the United States is not the same as that of Canada; the non-
democratic regime of China is not the same as that of Cuba or Syria. Some
of these regime differences can be found in basic documents such as consti-
tutions, but often the rules and norms that distinguish one regime from
another are unwritten and implicit, requiring careful study.
In other words, regimes are an important component of the larger state
framework. Regimes do not easily or quickly change, although they can be trans-
formed or altered, usually by dramatic social events such as a revolution or a
national crisis. Most revolutions, in fact, can be seen as revolts not against the
state or even the leadership, but against the current regime—to overthrow the
old rules and norms and replace them with new ones. For example, France refers
to its current regime as the Fifth Republic. Ever since the French Revolution
overthrew the monarchy in 1789, each French republic has been characterized
by a separate regime, embodied in the constitution and the broader political
rules that shape politics. In another example, South Africa’s transition to democ-
racy in the 1990s involved a change of regime as the white-dominated system of
apartheid gave way to one that provides democratic rights to all South Africans.
In some nondemocratic countries where politics is dominated by a single indi-
vidual, observers may use the term regime to refer to that leader, emphasizing the
view that all decisions flow from that one person. Or as King Louis XIV of France
famously put it, L’état, c’est moi (I am the state). When the Bush administration
spoke of its desire for “regime change” in Iraq and Iran, our broader definition
can apply as well, because the objective was not simply to eliminate the leader-
ship but to facilitate or install democratic institutions. This returns us to the ques-
tion of cause and effect. Regimes can emerge through centuries of slow
development but can also be the product of sudden revolutionary change. How
regimes become institutional-
ized is not clear; it is easy to write
IN FOCUS a constitution, as we saw in Iraq,
A Regime Is . . . but much harder to make it stick,
especially if it is meant to dis-
• Norms and rules regarding individual freedom and collec- place a previous set of rules and
tive equality, the locus of power, and the use of that norms and fundamentally trans-
power. form politics. If anything, some
• Institutionalized, but can be changed by dramatic social political scientists have observed
events such as a revolution. that regime change is most effec-
• Categorized at the most basic level as either democratic tive when there is a general pub-
or authoritarian. lic attachment to the state that
• Often embodied in a constitution. can bind people together through
such periods of transition.4
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Less institutionalized
More institutionalized
Governments are relatively less institutionalized than regimes and states. Govern-
ments may come and go, while regimes and states usually have more staying
virtually all other political structures, and within the course of only a few hun-
dred years. Every person and piece of habitable property on the face of the
earth is the subject of some state.
But where did states come from, and why have they displaced all other
forms of political organization? Why are there no longer parts of the world
controlled by city-states, tribes, or empires? To answer this puzzle, we first
need to go back into human history and discuss the origins of political organ-
ization. How human beings have come together and how they have organized
their lives will also be a central issue later on as we look at the role of democ-
racy and nondemocratic rule in the modern world. It would appear that states
have been able to dispatch all other forms of political organization, in spite
of the long history of these other forms. By understanding the origins and
power of states, we can better grasp their functions in the modern world. We
can also consider that just as human beings once existed without states, states
might themselves be replaced in the future by one or more other forms of
political organization.
Archeology and history tell us that human beings have long organized into
political units, although our findings do not necessarily explain why humans
organized in the first place beyond being in a small group. For political sci-
entists interested in current affairs, this original motivation may be of little
concern, but for anthropologists and others focused on human history and
social evolution, the question is important. There are a number of competing
explanations as to why humans organize beyond family or tribe. One impor-
tant factor is probably environment and agriculture. Where people were able
to domesticate plants and animals (a much more difficult process than one
might imagine), they moved from a nomadic hunter-gatherer existence to one
of sedentary living. Concepts that would have previously been meaningless,
such as territory, crops, homes, and personal property, suddenly became life-
or-death issues.
In addition, the rise of agriculture and domestication allowed for the cre-
ation of food surpluses, again a great change from the hunter-gatherer days.
Food surpluses allowed for greater human specialization: some people could
forgo farming and pursue other activities, such as making useful goods that
could be exchanged for food and other items. But while agriculture and a
sedentary existence created property and specialization, it also created, or at
least increased, human inequality. In a system of greater specialization that
relies on a wide array of talents, some individuals will clearly benefit more
than others; wealth and power inevitably become unequally distributed.
This time period is when political organization most likely had its begin-
ning. As societies grow larger, more specialized, and more unequal, they
require new mechanisms to handle disputes. Those with economic surpluses
seek to protect their riches from theft. Those without surpluses seek a greater
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share of the group’s resources. And both fear attack by outside groups or inter-
nal competitors that might covet their lands, crops, and homes. Because of
such human innovations as agriculture, the very concepts of individualism
versus the collective, of freedom versus equality, probably first arose. Who
gets what? Who has the right to do what? And how should these decisions be
made and enforced? Having to confront and reconcile freedom and equality
in turn raised questions about where power should reside and toward what
end. Political organizations formed to reconcile these competing demands and
concerns. Once humans could conceptualize the idea of fairness, politics
Organizations could settle or prevent disputes between individuals, gen-
erating early notions of law and justice. Political organizations could also
establish rights, punish those found guilty of breaking rules or violating oth-
ers’ rights, and raise a force capable of resisting outside attack. To carry out
these activities, though, political organizations required revenue, creating the
need for taxation. Clearly, then, many of the elements of modern politics
emerged in the distant past, over and over again, around the world.
One thing that remains unclear, however, is whether these political organ-
izations emerged through consensus or through force. In other words, did
political systems develop because some people managed to impose their will
on others, installing themselves as chiefs or kings and using violence to impose
their will? Or did people willingly form political systems as a way to over-
come the anarchy that would otherwise result in a world that lacked central
authority? In the absence of evidence, philosophers have long debated this
issue. Some, like the philosopher Thomas Hobbes, believed that human beings
voluntarily enter into a “social contract” or agreement among themselves to
create a single political authority to overcome anarchy, where neither free-
dom nor equality is ensured. In return for giving up many of their rights, peo-
ple gained security and a foundation on which to build a civilization. In
contrast, Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that human beings were in essence
“noble savages” whose lives were compassionate and egalitarian. It was rather
civilization, and the rise of the state, that corrupted this life by institutional-
izing a system of inequality. Each of these competing visions provides a dif-
ferent interpretation of civilization and political organization, though both
emphasize that states must be subject to the people, and not the other way
For a long time scholars have assumed that Rousseau’s vision of human
political development was more accurate than Hobbes’s vision of “a war of
all against all,” and that people lived in relative harmony and equality until
technological innovation created more sedentary, more unequal, and more
violent lives. In addition, Rousseau’s vision often argued that the consequent
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Two Paths of Political Organization
Irish Vladimir
K. of Denmark P. of Bulgars
P. of Smolensk
P. of
Principalities P. of
K. of o fG U
K. O
K. of
K. O
E. of Luristan
C A L I P H AT E EMPIRE P. of Antioch
hat Hamadan
K. of Jerusalem
P = Principality
K = Kingdom
E = Emirate
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1st–2nd centuries C.E. Roman Empire expands across Europe and into the
Middle East; zenith of centralized imperial power in
7th–8th centuries C.E. Muslim armies enter Spain; Islamic world grows in
power during a period of innovation and expansion
11th–12th centuries C.E. European crusades into Middle East; warfare begins
to consolidate Europe into distinct political units
South America were radically different from those of Europe. Many of these
new states have lacked the resources, infrastructure, capital, and organization
that much older states developed over a thousand years. Consequently, these
newer states often face significant challenges, such as establishing sovereignty
over territories where a multitude of peoples, languages, religions, and cul-
tures may coexist—problems that most European states solved only over the
course of centuries and at the cost of many wars, revolutions, and lives.11 For
better or worse, although Europe no longer directly rules over much of the
earth, it has left us with the legacy of the state itself.
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be accepted because they have been accepted over a long period of time. In
some way, they are seen as inseparable from the identity of the people them-
selves. Traditional legitimacy often embodies historical myths and legends as
well as the continuity between past and present. Rituals and ceremonies all help
to reinforce traditional legitimacy by providing actions and symbols that are
ancient, unique, and dramatic. One good example is the legitimacy accorded to
a long-standing monarchy, where a particular family holds the office over gen-
erations. However, the example of a monarchy may also connote that tradi-
tional equals outdated. Yet even modern institutions, like an elected office or a
regime, can develop traditional legitimacy if in place long enough. In short, tra-
ditional legitimacy is a system built on history and continuity. The longer a tra-
ditional political system has been in place, the more institutionalized it becomes,
as it has the weight of history on its side. Change becomes difficult to imagine
if an institution has existed “since time immemorial.”
Charismatic legitimacy is in many ways the very opposite of traditional
legitimacy. When we use the word charisma in everyday conversation, we usu-
ally are describing someone who is good-looking or perhaps a witty conversa-
tionalist. But in politics, charisma means much more. Rather than relying on
the weight of history and the continuity of certain roles or values, charismatic
legitimacy is based on the power of ideas, or what is sometimes called “the gift
of grace.” Charisma is typically embodied by one individual who can move the
public through these ideas and the manner in which she or he presents them.
Some individuals possess a certain magnetism that binds who they are to what
they say. Jesus and Muhammad are perfect examples of charismatic figures
who could gather huge followings through the power of their ideas. In a more
modern and more sinister example, Adolf Hitler was a charismatic figure,
whose power with ideas and language brought about world war and genocide.
As you can imagine, charismatic legitimacy is not institutionalized and
thus is fairly tenuous, since it commonly dies with the individual who pos-
sesses it. But charismatic legitimacy can be transformed into traditional legit-
imacy through the creation of rituals and values that are meant to capture
the spirit and intent of the charismatic leader’s power. Religions, monarchies,
even constitutions and regimes can be examples of this. Weber called this kind
of institutionalization “the routinization of charisma.”
In contrast to the first two forms of legitimacy, rational-legal legitimacy
is based not on history or rituals (as in the case of traditional legitimacy) or
on the force of ideas (as in charismatic legitimacy) but rather on a system of
laws and procedures that are highly institutionalized. Leaders or political offi-
cials are legitimate by virtue of the rules by which they come to office. More-
over, people abide by the decisions of these actors because they believe that
the rules the leaders enforce serve the public’s interest. In this case, it is not
the person who is important or even that individual’s particular values or
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Three Types of Legitimacy
ideas, but the office he or she holds. The office is legitimate, rather than the
person in it. Once that person leaves office, he or she loses authority.
As you have probably already guessed, the world of modern states is built
on a rational-legal foundation. States rely on bureaucracies, paperwork, and
thousands of individuals to make daily decisions on a wide range of issues.
Ideally, the public accepts these decisions as the proper way to get things
done, and they presume that these decisions are reasonably fair and pre-
dictable. For example, if there are elections, they accept the outcome even if
their preferred candidate loses, and they obey those who won. The 2000 pres-
idential election in the United States is a perfect example of rational-legal
legitimacy. After weeks of bitter disputes over who had actually won the elec-
tion, the Supreme Court’s intervention effectively ended the battle, and the
Democratic candidate, Al Gore, agreed to abide by the outcome. In spite of
denunciations by some that the election was illegitimate, the majority of Amer-
icans accepted George W. Bush as their president, even if they had not voted
for him (and the majority of voters had not). What’s more, legitimacy is not
confined to political actors within the state; our own individual legitimacy
comes from a rational-legal foundation: our driver’s licenses, identification
numbers, passports, or voter registration cards all confer a certain form of
authority and power that flows between citizen and state.
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Note, however, that just because the rise of modern states was built on a
rational-legal legitimacy, that doesn’t mean that traditional or charismatic
legitimacy has disappeared. In almost any country, one can distinguish state-
ness by looking at the mix of legitimacy across these three sources. Political
leaders in many countries throughout modern history have wielded a great
deal of charismatic power and have sometimes become the centers of large
“cults of personality,” which we will explore further in Chapter 6. These cults
portray the leader as the father (or, occasionally, the mother) of the nation
and imbue him or her with almost superhuman powers. Charismatic leader-
ship, and the power that it places in the hands of one individual, can corrupt,
but some charismatic figures have dramatically changed the course of poli-
tics for the better: Mohandas K. Gandhi, in India, or Nelson Mandela, in South
Africa, for instance. Barack Obama clearly rose out of nowhere to become
president of the United States through charisma, not his experience.
Traditional power can similarly be found in a wide variety of circumstances.
The United Kingdom, Japan, Sweden, and more than thirty other countries still
have monarchs. Although the powers of most of these monarchs are now quite
limited, they remain important symbols and attract national and sometimes
even international attention. Canada and Australia retain the British monarchy
as their head of state, even though it exercises no real authority and is part of
its colonial past. Rules and regulations can also eventually take on a kind of
traditional legitimacy if they function for so long that people can’t imagine doing
things any other way. The U.S. Constitution, for example, is not only a set of
rules for conducting politics; it is also considered a sacred symbol of what makes
the United States unique and powerful. Is the difficulty in modifying the U.S.
Constitution due to the procedures involved, or has there developed over time
a resistance to tinkering with this “sacred” document? If the latter is true, then
it is not simply rational-legal legitimacy but also traditional legitimacy that binds
American politics together.
To summarize, a central component of stateness is legitimacy. Traditional
legitimacy stresses ritual and continuity; charismatic legitimacy, the force of
ideas as embodied in a leader; rational-legal legitimacy, laws, and rules. What-
ever the form or mixture, legitimacy makes it possible for the state to carry
out its basic functions. Without it, states find carrying out these tasks very
difficult. If the public has little faith in the state, it will frequently ignore polit-
ical responsibilities, such as paying taxes, abiding by regulations, or serving
in the armed forces. Under these conditions, the state has really only one tool
left to maintain order: the threat of force. Paradoxically, then, states that use
the most coercion against their citizens are often the most weakly institu-
tionalized states, for without violence, they cannot get the public to willingly
comply with the rules and duties set forth.
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Centralization or Decentralization
In addition to varying in the kind and level of political legitimacy they enjoy,
states also vary in their distribution of power. As we noted in Chapter 1, indi-
vidual freedom is typically associated with the decentralization of power
whereas collective equality is typically associated with a greater centraliza-
tion of power.
State power can be centralized or decentralized in a couple of different
ways, the first of which is the dispersal of power within the state itself. Under
federalism, significant powers, such as taxation, lawmaking, and security, are
devolved to regional bodies (such as states in the United States, Lander in Ger-
many, or provinces in Canada) that control specific territory within the coun-
try. These powers are defined within the national constitution and therefore
are not easily constricted or eliminated by any government. Here the argu-
ment is that federalism helps represent local interests as well as check the
growth of central power (which is viewed as a threat to democracy). In con-
trast, unitary states invest most political power at the national level, with
limited local authority. The central government is responsible for most areas
of policy. Territorial divisions within unitary states (such as Japan or France)
are less important in terms of political power. The perceived advantage of a
unitary state is that local interests can be represented without recourse to
regional bodies and that federalism tends to weaken state efficiency by dis-
persing power among many local authorities.
In recent years there has been a greater tendency toward decentralization
in many states, something we will speak to at greater length in subsequent
chapters. This process, called devolution, has become popular for a number
of different reasons. In some cases, devolution has been viewed as a way to
increase state legitimacy by vesting political power closer to the people, a con-
cern as states have grown larger and more complex over time. In other cases,
devolution has been seen as a way to resolve problems like ethnic or religious
differences by giving certain groups greater autonomy. Often this does not
lead to outright federalism but nevertheless a significant movement of power
downward from the central state. We will speak more about devolution in
subsequent chapters.
and enforce rules and rights, collect taxes, and manage the economy, to name
a few. In contrast, weak states cannot execute such tasks very well. Rules are
haphazardly applied, if at all; tax evasion and other forms of public non-
compliance are widespread; armed rivals to the state, such as rebel movements,
organized crime, or other states, may control large chunks of territory or the
economy. State officials themselves, having little faith in their office or respon-
sibilities, may use their jobs simply to fill their own pockets through corrup-
tion and theft. In turn, economic development is certain to be much lower as
a result of this unstable political environment. In general, weak states are not
well institutionalized and lack authority and legitimacy. At an extreme, the very
structures of the state may become so weak that they break down to a large
extent. This is commonly termed a failed state (see Table 2.1).13 Afghanistan
prior to 2001 was commonly viewed as a failed state, with no real sovereign
authority, even in the hands of the Taliban; in many ways, Iraq remains a failed
state, one that effectively collapsed in the aftermath of invasion and now has
only limited power and must be backed up by international force.
However, speaking of states as merely weak or strong fails to capture the
complexity of state power. In fact, we run the risk of a tautology (something
that can’t be disproven) if we simply argued that if a state can do something
it must be strong and if it can’t it must be weak. American elected officials
can wage large-scale wars around the globe but can’t ban handguns, whereas
for Canada just the opposite would be true. Which one, then, is weak or strong?
Comparative politics thus further builds on the categories of weak and strong
states through the use of two other terms: capacity and autonomy. Capacity
is the ability of the state to wield power in order to carry out the basic tasks
of providing security and reconciling freedom and equality. A state with high
capacity is able to formulate and enact fundamental policies and ensure sta-
bility and security for both itself and its citizens. A state with low capacity is
unable to do these things very effectively. High capacity requires not just
money but also organization, legitimacy, and effective leadership. Roads get
paved, schools get built, regulations are created and followed, and those who
break the law are punished.
In contrast, autonomy is the ability of the state to wield its power inde-
pendently of the public or international actors. In other words, if an
autonomous state wishes to carry out a policy or action, it can do so without
having to consult the public or worry about strong public or international
opposition that might force it to reverse its decision. A state with a high degree
of autonomy may act on behalf of the public, pursuing what it believes are
the best interests of the country, irrespective of public opinion. A state with
a low degree of autonomy will act largely at the behest of private individuals,
groups, or other states and will be less able to disobey the public will or the
demands of well-organized groups.
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Indicators of Instability
Factionalized Elites
Security Apparatus
Displaced Persons
Delegitimization of
Group Grievance
Public Services
Human Rights
Refugees and
Human Flight
Rank Total Country
1 114.2 Somalia 9.8 9.8 9.5 8.3 7.5 9.4 10.0 10.0 9.9 10.0 10.0 10.0
2 113.0 Sudan 9.0 9.6 8.8 8.8 9.3 7.3 10.0 9.5 9.9 9.8 9.9 9.9
3 112.5 Zimbabwe 9.7 9.0 10.0 10.0 9.6 10.0 9.5 9.6 9.8 9.5 9.3 7.0
4 110.9 Chad 9.1 9.2 9.7 7.8 9.1 8.3 9.7 9.4 9.5 9.8 9.8 9.5
5 110.6 Iraq 9.0 9.0 9.8 9.3 8.5 7.8 9.4 8.5 9.6 9.8 9.8 10.0
6 106.7 Dem. Rep. of 9.6 9.2 8.8 7.9 9.0 8.3 8.3 9.1 8.9 9.6 8.6 9.4
the Congo
7 105.4 Afghanistan 9.1 8.9 9.5 7.0 8.1 8.5 9.2 8.3 8.4 9.6 8.8 10.0
8 104.6 Ivory Coast 8.5 8.3 9.5 8.4 8.0 8.5 8.9 7.8 9.0 9.2 8.9 9.7
9 103.8 Pakistan 8.0 8.6 9.5 8.1 8.8 6.2 9.5 7.1 9.5 9.6 9.8 9.1
10 103.7 Central African 9.0 8.8 8.9 5.5 8.8 8.4 9.2 8.6 8.7 9.4 9.4 9.0
11 101.8 Guinea 7.9 7.4 8.5 8.3 8.6 8.6 9.7 9.0 8.9 8.4 8.6 7.9
12 100.3 Bangladesh 9.8 7.1 9.7 8.4 9.0 7.1 9.1 7.8 8.0 8.3 9.6 6.4
12 100.3 Burma 8.5 8.5 9.5 6.0 9.0 7.6 9.5 8.3 9.9 9.3 8.7 5.5
14 99.3 Haiti 8.5 4.2 8.0 8.0 8.2 8.3 9.0 8.8 8.9 8.9 8.9 9.6
15 97.7 North Korea 8.2 6.0 7.2 5.0 8.8 9.6 9.8 9.6 9.7 8.3 7.6 7.9
16 96.1 Ethiopia 8.9 7.5 7.8 7.5 8.6 8.2 7.9 7.5 8.5 7.5 8.9 7.3
16 96.1 Uganda 8.7 9.3 8.3 6.0 8.5 7.6 8.3 7.9 7.9 8.1 7.8 7.7
18 95.7 Lebanon 7.2 9.0 9.4 7.1 7.4 6.3 8.0 6.7 7.0 9.3 9.4 8.9
18 95.7 Nigeria 8.2 5.1 9.4 8.2 9.2 5.9 8.9 8.7 7.5 9.2 9.3 6.1
20 95.6 Sri Lanka 7.0 9.0 9.8 6.9 8.2 6.0 9.2 6.6 7.5 9.3 9.5 6.1
Note: Indicators are on a scale of 1–10, with 10 the most severely unstable.
Source: www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=4350&page=1.
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State Autonomy and Capacity
ical explanation is not particularly useful. How do you build a state so that it
is viable? Is there an ideal mix of legitimacy, centralization, autonomy, and
capacity? Scholars and policy makers are still debating these issues, some-
thing we will return to in later chapters.
For tragic reasons, Iraq is an excellent example of many of our considerations regard-
ing the nature of states. In the run-up to the war with Iraq, many supporters of the
invasion spoke of regime change, believing that a rapid invasion was possible that
would essentially “decapitate” the leadership and regime, allowing for an occupy-
ing force to install a new regime and government within a relatively short period of
time. However, this assumption was predicated on the belief that the state would
remain intact—the leadership may fall, but civil servants would head back to work
once the smoke had cleared. But this assumption proved incorrect for several rea-
sons. First, it underestimated the extent to which state capacity and legitimacy had
eroded under Saddam Hussein and international sanctions since 1991. When the
war began, the state quickly failed, leaving in its wake anarchy. This was com-
pounded by the actions of the Coalition Provisional Authority, which further has-
tened state collapse by marginalizing Iraqis as important players in reconstituting
the state and dissolving the Iraqi military. Some of these failures can be traced to
American political culture—inasmuch as Americans think about the state, they view
it as a necessary evil that must be constrained, not a set of institutions vital to secu-
rity and prosperity. The question now is how one coaxes a state back into existence
after it has been razed: restoring a monopoly of force through military and police,
creating laws and regulations that are respected and enforced, and generally cre-
ating enough autonomy and capacity so that the state is sovereign, effective, and
responsive to the needs of its citizens. There is no simple blueprint for how to do
this, especially in the absence of security.
Notes 45
how power is distributed within the state and between the state and the pub-
lic. Too much power in the hands of the state risks tyranny; too little power
risks anarchy. Finding the right mix is not simply a technical question but
one that shapes how states and societies reconcile freedom and equality. This
debate over freedom and equality, then, ranges far beyond the boundaries of
the state itself. As we shall see in the chapters that follow, it is influenced by
society, through ethnic and national identity, culture, and ideology; by eco-
nomic institutions and the interaction between states and markets; and by
democratic and nondemocratic practices.
Since the dawn of human civilization, people have relied on some form
of political organization to construct a relationship between individual free-
dom and collective equality. For the past few centuries, modern states have
been the dominant expression of that relationship. We might thus conclude
that states now represent an end point in human intellectual and organiza-
tion evolution. But why should this be so? It seems logical that in future new
forms of political organization will displace states, just as states displaced
empires, city-states, and other institutions. Perhaps challenges to states—envi-
ronmental, economic, or cultural—will overwhelm many, and they will revert
to empires, city-states, or warlordism. Or perhaps technological innovation
will make old forms of political centralization weak or irrelevant, binding
humans in communities where sovereignty is virtual, not physical. Perhaps
the core debate over freedom and equality that has stretched over millennia
will be reconciled once and for all, changing the very nature of politics as we
understand it. These questions may seem unanswerable, more amenable to
fortune-telling than to research. But as we shall see, they lie at the heart of
ideas and conflicts that have transformed the world in the past and may dom-
inate our future.
1. In the United States, the word state refers to the federal structure of regional gov-
ernment. As a result, for Americans, the word state conjures up the idea of local
government, whereas for political scientists (and most people around the world),
the word state refers to national, not local, organization. This confusion stems from
U.S. history. During the period of revolutionary struggle and the creation of a fed-
eral system, the former British colonies in America viewed themselves as inde-
pendent political units—in other words, as states. With the creation of a federal
system of government, however, their individual powers were subordinated to a
central authority. The United States of America, in other words, eventually became
a system of national government, with the term state left as a remnant of that brief
period when these units acted largely as independent entities.
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