Q1 Peta-2

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B. Rivera St., Tinajeros, Malabon City


SUBJECT: Mathematics 9 QUARTER: 1st WEEK #: 5-7

NAME: _____________________________ TEACHER: ____________________

SECTION: __________________________ SCORE: _______________________

Performance Task #2: “Gardening at Home”

Performance Standards: The learner is able to investigate thoroughly mathematical relationships in various
situations, formulate real life problems involving quadratic equation, inequalities and functions and rational
algebraic equations and solve them using variety of strategies

Goal: To apply the concept of the sum and product of quadratic equations in the context of a gardening at
Role: Vegetable farmer
Audience: TLE Teachers, Department Head, School Head
Division of Malabon City conducted a program named “ Gulayan sa Paaralan “. One aim of this program is for
students to cultivate crops in their own backyard with their parents to provide a source of food for their family
such as vegetables. The said initiative was joined by our school, TNHS. You have been given the responsibility
to take part as a vegetable farmer by planting tomato seeds at home. You are estimating 300 pesos in other
expenses on top of your php6,550.00 capital. The tomato seeds will cost you php10.00 per square meter.
ENCLOSED! You own a rectangular lot. The perimeter of the lot is 100
meters and the area is 625 square meters.

Using the concept of the sum and product of roots

of a quadratic equation, how would you determine
the length and the width of the rectangular lot?
Provide a quadratic equation representing this

1. Write a quadratic equation to represent the area of the rectangular garden in terms of its
dimensions (length and width).
2. Calculate the sum and product of the roots of this quadratic equation
3. Explain what the sum and product of the roots represent in the context of your garden
4. Determine the dimensions of the rectangular garden
The product of this task will be
 The quadratic equation that models the problem
 Calculation of the sum and product of roots for the equation
 Interpretation of the results in the context of the problem

Standards: Mathematical Concept, Creativity, Neatness and Attractiveness, Grammar

Rubrics for the Performance Task

Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)

16-20 points 11-15 points 6-10 points 0-5 points

Problem Solving Accurately solves Solves problems Solves problems Struggles to solve
problems, with minor errors, but with significant problems,
providing well- providing errors, providing providing
structured equations and equations and equations and
equations and explanations that explanations that explanations that
clear, logical are mostly are confusing or are incorrect or
explanations of the accurate. incomplete. unclear.
sum and product
of roots.

Contextual Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Demonstrates Fails to connect the

Understanding deep clear some sum and product
understanding of understanding but of roots to the
understanding of
how the sum and lacks clarity in problems
how the sum and
product of roots explaining the accurately.
product of roots
relate to the relevance of the
relate to the given
problems. sum and product
of roots.

Provides neat, Provides mostly Provides Provides

well-organized neat and well- somewhat disorganized,
mathematical organized organized notation messy, or illegible
Notation and
notation and mathematical and equations, but notation and
equations, making notation and there are equations.
it easy to follow equations, with noticeable issues
the work. minor issues in with clarity.

Creativity Demonstrates Demonstrates Presents problems Lacks creativity in

creativity real- some creativity in and solutions in a problem choice
world problems or the choice of conventional and presentation
presenting problems or in the manner with little
solutions. presentation creativity.

1. What did you find most challenging about this task, and how did you overcome those challenges?
2. In what ways has this performance task improved your understanding of quadratic equations and their
3. Is your financial capacity sufficient? Justify your answer.

Parents Signature/Date _____________________

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