Thesis 1
Thesis 1
Thesis 1
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The Head of Muhammadiyah Islamic
Education Institute berau
This thesis has been completely examined by paper Examination board of English
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Name Signature
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The Members
I, the undersigned, Zakiya Ayu Nengsih, declare that this undergraduate thesis is
my original work, gathered and utilized, especially to fulfill the purposes and
adjectives of this study, and has not been previously submitted to any other
university for any degree or other purposes. I also declare that the publications
The Researcher,
NIM 19.11.0110.0036
Zakiya Ayu Nengsih. 2023. Error Analysis of The English Sentences Constructed
By The Students at SMP Negeri 1 Biduk-Biduk. Thesis. English Education
Department, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammdiyah Tanjung Redeb.
Advisors: (I)...., (II) Usman, M.Pd.
Keywords: Error Analysis, Sentence
The objective of the research was to analyze the types of errors made by the
students in constructing English sentences at SMP Negeri 1 Biduk-biduk. This
research used descriptive quantitative research method by using Surface Strategy
Taxonomy to analyze the data. The research was conducted in SMP Negeri 1
Biduk-Biduk. The sample of this study was 32 eighth grade students who were
selected using cluster sampling technique. The instruments used by researchers in
this study were rearrangement and translation tests. The researcher found 61
misordering errors in the rearrangement test made by the students. Meanwhile, in
translation test, the researcher found 34 errors made by students. Those errors
were 15 errors of omission, 6 errors of addition, 9 errors of misformation, and 4
errors of misordering.
Zakiya Ayu Nengsih. 2023. Error Analysis of The English Sentences Constructed
By The Students at SMP Negeri 1 Biduk-Biduk. Thesis. English Education
Department, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Muhammdiyah Tanjung Redeb.
Advisors: (I)...., (II) Usman, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Analisis Kesalahan, Kalimat
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis jenis-jenis kesalahan yang
dilakukan oleh siswa dalam menyusun kalimat bahasa Inggris di SMP Negeri 1
Biduk-Biduk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif
dengan menggunakan Surface Strategy Taxonomy untuk menganalisis data.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 1 Biduk-Biduk. Sampel penelitian ini
adalah 32 siswa kelas delapan yang dipilih dengan menggunakan teknik cluster
sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan peneliti dalam penilitian ini adalah tes
rearrangement dan translation. Peneliti menemukan 61 kesalahan misordering
dalam tes rearrangement yang dilakukan siswa. Sedangkan pada tes translation,
peneliti menemukan 34 kesalahan yang dilakukan siswa. Kesalahan tersebut
adalah 15 kesalahan omission, 6 kesalahan addition, 9 kesalahan misformation,
dan 4 misordering.
“The best way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”
mentally, spiritually, and materially during the time of study and the process of
2. My lovely sisters, Putri Ayu Lestari and Aqilah Humairah that has been always
blessed for the laughs and happiness. They are such life amusement for me.
3. My beloved big family, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and all my cousins, thank
4. My thesis mates’ warriors, Farah Asila and Siti Ruswana Sholehah. Keep
Praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most
Merciful, for His mercy and guidance, so that the researcher can prepare and
Shalawat is also sent to our lord, the Prophet of the End Times, Prophet
Muhammad saw, who has guided us from the darkness into the lightness namely
researcher realized that there were still many mistakes that the researcher made.
The researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful and properly utilized by
Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb who will carry out the preparation of the thesis in
the years to come. On this occasion, the researcher would also like to express her
1. Mr. Dr. Damsuki, M.Pd., as the Head of STIT Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb.
2. Mrs. Yuli Puji Astutik, M.Pd., as the head of English Education Department of
3. Mr. Usman, M.Pd., as the advisor II who has been patient and sincere in
guiding the researcher so that this thesis can be structured and completed.
4. All academic staff of STIT Muhammadiyah Tanjung Redeb who have provided
assistance and support in the form of providing the files needed in this research.
The Researcher,
NIM 19.11.0110.0036
APPROVAL........................................................................................................ i
VALIDATION .................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ iv
ACSTRAK .......................................................................................................... v
MOTTO .............................................................................................................. vi
CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ x
C. Objective of Study..................................................................................... 4
A. Error .......................................................................................................... 6
B. Sentence .................................................................................................... 15
C. Review of Previous Studies ...................................................................... 28
C. Participants ................................................................................................ 30
A. Findings ..................................................................................................... 33
B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 54
A. Conclusion ................................................................................................ 58
B. Suggestion ................................................................................................. 58
Table 4.23 The Error in Question Number 5 ........................................................ 47
A. Background of Research
established English as the first foreign language and put English as one of the
with the skills to communicate in English, both orally and written. Listening,
speaking, reading, and Writing are the four main skills of English
All of the English language skills, writing seems to be a little difficult for
thought, feelings, and create written texts. Nunan (1999), who claims that
learning to write smoothly and expressively is the most challenging macro skill
for all language users, whether they are first, second, or foreign language
skill of writing is the capacity to construct sentences because they are the
translate from Indonesia to English, they often find it challenging to put the
defined grammar as the rules that specify how words are put together, ordered,
have trouble constructing sentences. They will therefore use incorrect grammar.
Sentence error makes writing difficult for readers to understand, and even the
ﷺsaid as follows.
"Every son of Adam must make mistakes, and the best of those who make
mistakes are those who repent". (HR Tirmidzi 2499, Sahih at-Targhib 3139)
This hadith explains that every human being must make mistakes. Therefore,
students in learning must make mistakes and errors. Errors are very important
struggle to find the challenges that students face. This is because sometimes
their problems. Therefore, it is helpful to know the errors. Teachers can use
errors to find out students’ achievements and lack. Teachers can see more
In addition, by knowing mistakes, students can learn from them and will not
repeat them. As Abu Hurairah said that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺsaid,
“The believer will not fall twice into the same pit." (Sahih Bukhari Hadith No.
The hadith contains a message that a Muslim needs to learn from the
mistakes he has made. Because mistakes that occurred in the past can be used
as a valuable lesson and not repeat the mistakes that were made in the past.
To find out students’ errors, especially in writing, error analysis can be used.
stated that error analysis is the process of identifying the frequency, kind, and
causes of poor language. Thus, it can be concluded that error analysis is crucial
for identifying students' challenges and evaluating them during the language-
identify and analyze the types of errors that students made in constructing
offer data and evaluations that serve as a guide for an English instructor as they
choose the best teaching strategy to improve students' writing abilities and cut
B. Question of Research
C. Objective of Research
The objective of the research is to analyze the types of errors made by the
D. Significance of Research
The result of this study are expected to provide benefits to all parties,
1. For English teachers, this research can be used as a reference to find out the
interpretation of term. The term that need to be difined in this research are as
1. Error
2. Sentence
A. Error
1. Definiton of Error
development. Therefore, the error plays a vital role in illustrating the degree
certain stages (Larsen-freeman and Micheal, 1992). Errors can occur when
students do not learn the rules of a language. Errors made by students will
students have not learned or acquired the correct form that they make errors
issue despite having covered it in class. For example, a teacher may have
taught students to utilize the simple present tense, yet they still get it wrong
when writing a statement. In this example, it appears that the students are
unable to remedy their errors on their own, even when using the rules that
The error occurs when the learners learn the language inconsistently and
language would frequently make the mistake (Norrish, 1983). The error is a
made by learners who have not yet dominated the rules of the target
The mistake is made when students occasionally choose the right word or
the wrong one when speaking and writing. Meanwhile, they already are
aware of the proper form. It most likely occurs when they speak quickly.
they are aware of how to fix it. In truth, many people make mistake when
Furthermore, mistakes were made by students who grasped the proper rules
but were unable to apply them competently. A slip of the tongue plus
Moreover, the mistake is distinct from the error. The mistake was made
because the language learners lacked the necessary information to fix it right
occurred during their study. The students would be able to fix the issue once
they had more information. In fact, as learners make more errors and rectify
them, they will become more aware of the importance of language learning
(Rustipa, 2011).
departure from the adult grammar of a native speaker and indicates the
because the students do not know the proper response, whereas mistake is
the incorrect response yet they will understand the proper response.
is either a guess made at random or a slip. Despite being a failure, they are
There are two ways to discern between a mistake and and error,
is the first step. When students use the right objects in the wrong way, it is
students are unable to fix it. They are effective in reversing the deviation,
Based on these explanations, the researcher concludes that the errors and
mistakes are different. The learners will make mistakes when learning a
language. The mistake occurs due to lack of awareness in language use, but
once learners realize the mistakes they can correct them immediately. In
addition, errors occur when students cannot make corrections to the errors
they make and they need sxplanations and help to correct them. Thus errors
3. Types of Error
Errors can be classified into some types of errors. Dulay, Burt, and
a. Omission
and causes conjugation errors. Students often make these errors. Here are
who learns English must make this error. For Indonesian speakers
errors. For example: She not a teacher. The correct sentence should be
2) Omission of article
typically happens when the article a/an is not used as a singular form
in a phrase with a singular noun form. For example: He has book. The
which serves as a plural marker. The example: She has five book. The
4) Omission of - s as possessive
is beautiful”.
The verb in the Simple Present Tense must have the -s phoneme
appended after the third singular person. The example: She cook rice.
6) Omission of preposition
used before a noun that shows place, time and others. students usually
omit the preposition in a sentence such as the use of in, at, and on. For
at 10 am.
b. Addition
1) Double markings
know his class." and "We didn't went here". Although the intent is
using the auxiliary term doesn't in the first sentence to negate the
marker that should simply be know since doesn't already represents it.
The identical problem is present in the second sentence where the past
tense word "went" is added rather than the present tense verb "go".
2) Regularization
irregular into regular rules. For instance, the irregular verb "eat"
becomes "eated" in the past tense when it should be "ate," and the
3) Simple addition
live in the water." By adding the -es phoneme to fish, the statement is
c. Misformation
1) Regularization
A regularization marker, such as eated for ate, tooths for teeth, and
2) Archi-forms
a statement (this, that, these, those). The example: That are naughty
3) Alternating forms
d. Misordering
4. Error Analysis
operating system has caused a spike in the study of learners' errors, known
known as error analysis. In addition, Keshavarz (2012) said that the goal of
terms of the cognitive processes they employ to understand the input they
get from the target language. Error analysis primarily focuses on the data
both researchers and educators use the technique of error analysis It entails
B. Sentence
1. Definition of Sentence
complete thought that at least consist of a subject and a verb. The English
2. Elements of Sentence
Greenbaum and Nelson (2015:24) said that the sentence elements are
certain meaning. Greenbaum and Nelson (2015:10), state that the subject
and the predicate are the two fundamental parts of a sentence. The verb and
any other parts of the phrase other than the subject make up the predicate. In
a. Subject
Eggenschwiler, Biggs, and Reinhardt (2013: 80) stated that the subject
refers to whom or what the sentence is about. There are simple subject
and complete subject. A noun or pronoun is the simple subject, while the
whole subject is made up of the noun or pronoun and the words that
change it.
b. Verb
are used. Verb tenses are determined by the tense, person, and number.
Verbs can have moods that reflect the speaker's attitude. Several
writers struggle with verbs because they use the wrong tense or irregular
c. Object
There are two types of object in a sentence called direct object and
indirect object.
1) Direct Object
direct object could also be something that results from the action. For
2) Indirect Object
d. Complement
and subject.
3. Classification of Sentence
a. Classification by Types
1) Declarative Sentence
language, declarative sentences end with a full stop (.), for example
the following.
a) Carol is happy.
2) Interrogative Sentence
word questions are spoken with falling intonation. Here are the
Yes-no Questions:
b) Is it your dictionary?
3) Imperative Sentence
between commands and requests is only in the way they are delivered.
b) Be quiet, please!
e) Don’t go away!
a) Go!
b) Stop!
c) Help!
4) Exclamatory Sentence
phrase ends with a singular uncountable noun. How is used when the
complex sentences.
1) Simple Sentence
(independent) clause, and can have only one subject and one predicate,
b) Ratih is happy.
These five simple sentences have only one subject and one
predicate. However, simple sentences can also have more than one
d) Tedi and Johan often sing and dance at the company party.
The example sentences (a) and (b) has more than one subject
consisting of two nouns, namely Ratih and Rita (a) and the boys and
the girls (b). The example sentences (c) and (d) have 2 subjects and
two predicates. The sentence (c) has three subjects, namely Ratih, Rita
and I, and has two predicates, namely swim and hike. Likewise, the
example sentence (d) with compound subject Tedi and Johan, and has
2) Compound Sentence
e) One of the students writes the sentences on the board, and the
From the example sentences given, it can be seen that each main
Two or more main clauses combined into one sentence are called
often used are and, but, yet, for, so and or. Coordinate conjunctions
are used to join two clauses that are equivalent (Azar, 1989). More
a) The phone rang, and at the same time the door opened.
c) Maria and Jusi overheard the confidential statement, for they were
sitting nearby.
equivalent compound sentence using the conjunction and, but, or, yet,
for or so, a comma (,) must be used before the conjunction. And is
used to add information, but and yet are used to express contrast. Or is
use a semicolon (;) before the transition and a comma (,) after the
d) My friends are playing volley ball for the office; however, I do not
e) He has been late for classes for several times; therefore, the teacher
punished him.
information other than what has been mentioned in the first clause.
3) Complex Sentence
a) You should lock the doors before you leave the house.
c) Although John is a good athlete, he does not spend too much time
in sports.
e) Since that happened a long time ago, I would not hold it again.
the dependent clause comes after the main clause or at the end of the
sentence, the comma (,) is not used. But if the dependent clause is at
4) Compound-Complex Sentence
a) Although the farmers always work long hours, they seem to enjoy
their work, and they usually have a long time rest during the dry
b) The teachers seem to enjoy their work, and they usually have high
c) Some people fell on other people, and some people landed on the
cheers me up.
sentence (sentence a), the comma (,) is used to separate the dependent
clause from the independent clause, and the independent clause from
long hours, while they seem to enjoy their work and and they usually
have a long time rest during the dry season are two independent
compound sentence.
(2021). The purpose of this research was to identify the types of errors in
second year of SMA Nasional Makassar. The research method was descriptive
quantitative . The sample was the 30 students. The result of this research
showed there are 52 errors made by students at the second year of SMA
Nasional Makassar.
Construction in Writing Subject.” by Sari et al, (2022). The aim of this study
was to know the types of errors found in English sentence constructed by the
was 50 students from the first year, 25 students from second year, and 25
students fron third year. The method of this research was descriptive qualitative.
The result of this study indicate that students made the most error in ommision
by 107.
There are some similarities and differences between the two earlier studies
and this study. The similarities can be found in the fact that both previous
studies and this research’s objectives were to identify the tyes of errors in
this study different from those of the other studies in important ways.
English sentence. This study mainly analyzes the type of errors in constructing
quantitative and to analyze the data using by Surface Strategy Taxonomy. The
A. Research Design
statistic during collecting and analysing data. This research method was chosen
by the researcher to collect, process and analyze the data in order to get a
In order to fulfill the aim of this research which is to analyze the types of
descriptive design.
The researcher chose the descriptive qualitative method to identify the types
because the researcher want to describe clearly the object under study.
B. Research Setting
C. Participant
This research was done by a few parties including the researcher herself,
1. Population
The population of this research was the students of SMP Negeri 1 Biduk-
Biduk. There were three classes of SMP Negeri 1 Biduk-Biduk. The total
2. Sample
The sampling frame that used in this research is cluster sampling which
the sample taken from the eighth class of high school students in SMP
E. Research Instrument
The instrument used in the research was a test. The test consisted of a
rearrangement test and translation test. In the rearrangement test, students were
asked to reorder the randomized words into correct sentences. In the translation
test, students were asked to translate Indonesian sentences into English. Each
test consisted of 15 question. This means that the total number of question is 30.
The paper was collected, then the researcher checked the students’ answers.
The sentences were analyzed and various kinds of errors that appeared in them
were identified. The errors that appeared in the sentences were categorized into
The data of this research was collected using test. The test consisted of a
rearrangement test and transation test. Students were asked to do the test. Data
G. Data Analysis
The Data was analyzed using the flow model, it is data reduction, data
1. Data Reduction
2. Data Display
b. Displaying and presenting the data in table form. The table percentage
P= Percentage of error
3. Conclusion drawing
A. Findings
From the rearrangement test, the researcher found the type of error
Number of
1 1
2 3
3 5
4 4
5 4
6 2
7 5
8 5
9 2
10 5
11 3
12 5
13 6
14 4
15 7
Total 61
made 61 errors of misordering. This error occurs because students wrote the
number 1 in the rearrangement test was 1 errors. The table below showed
number 2 in the rearrangement test was 3 errors. The table below showed
number 3 in the rearrangement test was 5 errors. The table below showed
number 4 in the rearrangement test was 4 errors. The table below showed
number 5 in the rearrangement test was 4 errors. The table below showed
number 6 in the rearrangement test was 2 errors. The table below showed
number 7 in the rearrangement test was 5 errors. The table below showed
number 8 in the rearrangement test was 5 errors. The table below showed
number 9 in the rearrangement test was 2 errors. The table below showed
Based on this test, the researcher found that students made four types of
Omission 15 44,12%
Addition 6 17,65%
Misformation 9 26,47%
Misordering 4 11,76%
Total 34 100%
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed three different errors. The first error, “I am
student” was an omission error of acticle. The first sentence was wrong
because it lacks the article “a”. The second error, “I am is a student” was
an addition error. The sentence was wrong because there were two “to be”
which it was double marking. The third error, “am I a student” was a
misordering error. The sentence was wrong because the placement of the
subject and to be was wrong or mixed up. In addition, the sentece should
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “Am she
because the incorrect form of to be “am” should be “is”. The second error,
because the placement of the subject and to be was wrong or mixed up.
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed four different errors. The first error, “My
hobby a reading and cooking” was an omission error of to be. The first
sentence was wrong because it lacks to be “are”. The second error, “My
hobby are reading and cooking” was an omission error of s/es as plural
marker. The sentence was wrong because there was no addition of “es” to
the word “hobby”. The third error, “My hobby a reading and cooking”
was an addition error. The sentence was incorrect due to the presence of
the word “a” which should not be in the sentence. This error was a simple
addition. The fourth error, “My hobbies is reading and cooking” was a
misformation error. The sentence was wrong because the incorrect form
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed three different errors. The first error, “Nina
singular person. The first sentence was wrong because there was no
addition of “s” to the word “live”. The subject in the sentence was third
The sentence was wrong because the incorrect form of preposition “in”
should be “on”. The third error, “Nina leaving in Jalan Belimbing” was a
misformation error. The sentence was wrong because the incorrect form
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed one error. The error, “Why you late?” was an
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed one error. The error, “We study language
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “Ruli
have three pen” was an omission error of s/es as plural marker. The
sentence was wrong because there was no addition of “s” to the word
“pen”. The second error, “Ruli have three pen” was a misformation error.
The sentence was wrong because the incorrect form of verb “have”
should be “has”.
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed three different errors. The first error, “Siti do
person. The first sentence was wrong because there was no addition of
“es” to the word “do”. The subject in the sentence was third singular
second error, “Siti doesn’t not go to school” was an addition error. The
sentence was wrong because there were two “not” which it was double
marking. The third error, “Siti do not going to school” was an addition
error. The sentence was incorrect due to the presence of “ing” in the
word “go” which should not be in the sentence. This error was a simple
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “What do
you like it?” was an addition error. The sentence was incorrect due to the
presence of word “what” which should not be in the sentence. This error
was a simple addition. The second error, “Are you like him?” was a
misformation error. The sentence was wrong because the incorrect form
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “She not
because it lacks to be “is”. The second error, “She is not teacher” was an
omission error of article. The sentence was wrong because it lacks the
article “a”.
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “There is
four rat in my house.” was a misformation error. The sentence was wrong
because the incorrect form of to be “is” should be “are”. The second error,
sentence was wrong because the incorrect form of noun “mouse” should
be “mice”.
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “Made
third singular person. The sentence was wrong because there was no
addition of “s” to the word “wake”. The subject in the sentence was third
preposition “at”.
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “Hospital
next to hotel.” was an omission error of to be. The sentence was incorrect
was an omission error of article. The sentence was wrong because it lacks
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed two different errors. The first error, “My
sister have short hair” was a misformation error. The sentence was
wrong because the incorrect form of verb “have” should be “has”. The
second error, “My sister have hair short” was a misordering error. The
sentence was wrong because the incorrect placement of word “hair” and
the translation test. The table below showed the error in question number
The table above showed three different errors. The first error, “He
need eraser and pencil to drawing” was an omission error of s/es in verb
of third singular person. The first sentence was wrong because there was
no addition of “s” to the word “need”. The subject in the sentence was
The second error, “He need eraser and pencil to drawing” was an
omission error of article. The sentence was wrong because it lacks the
article “an” in word “eraser” and article “a” in word “pencil”. The third
error, “He need eraser and pencil to drawing.” was an addition error. The
sentence was incorrect due to the presence of “ing” in the word “draw”
which should not be in the sentence. This error was a simple addition.
B. Discussion
was conducted tests to answer the question of research. The researcher was
Regarding the analysis of the two data collections, the researcher outlines an
errors of misordering. For example “Thanks for help your” the correct
they were not made by students. Because this test was done by
that arises was the wrong placement of morphemes in the sentence. This
mean that rearrangement test could only find out one type of error made by
student still face problem to be, article, s/es as plural marker, s/es in verb of
third singular person, and preposition. For example, “She is not teacher”
the correct sentence should be “She is not a teacher”. This errors shows that
15 errors of omission.
The second error students made was addition. An item that should not
are two kinds of addition made by students: double marking and simple
addition. The regularization which is another one of the addition errors was
The type of misformation error that students made was archi form. The
were not made by the students. For example, “My hobbies is reading and
cooking.” the correct sentence should be “My hobbies are reading and
The last error made by students was misordering error. The erroneous
occured due to the students used the Indonesian word order to translate into
Based on the result above, the total numbers of errors found in the
translation test were 34 errors which the error divided into four types of
test, the question of research had been answered through the results of the
A. Conclusion
chapter, the researcher concluded that the types of errors made by students of
found was 61 errors. Meanwhile, the types of errors found based on the results
B. Suggestion
Based on the result and the conclusions obtained, the reasearcher would
sentences so the students can know their progress and reduce their errors.
find out the factors that cause students to make errors in constructing
sentences. The other researcher can also conduct other research to find
Azar, B.S. (1989). Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey:
Prentice Hall.
Dulay, H., Burt, M., & Krashen, S. (1982). Language Two. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Writing: Grammar, Usage, and Style (3rd ed). New York: Houghton
Mifflin Harcourt.
Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. New York:
Education Limited.
Norrish, J. (1983). Language Learners and Their Errors. London and Basingstoke:
Nunan, David. (1999). Second English Language and Learning. Boston: Heinle
Sari, E. A., Gustiani, S., Yusri, Y., & Simanjuntak, T. (2022). An Error Analysis
Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage. New York: Oxford University Press.
Yule, G. (2016). The Study of Language 6th Edition. Cambridge University Press.
Appendix 8 Documentation
Personal Data
Kalimantan Timur
Educational Background