Deep Waters Ancient Ships
Deep Waters Ancient Ships
Deep Waters Ancient Ships
were used, along with nine high-resistance woods from other parts
of the world, plus two woods of known low resistance (Douglas
fir and southern yellow pine) for controls.
Each wood was cut to a standard si7.e ( 1.5 X 1.5 X 10 inches)
and exposed to the sea just below the low-tide range. The woods
were inspected at intervals of seven, fourteen, thirty-eight, and
ninety months ( up to seven and a half years), and some of the
findings were surprising. Mangrove wood, which is hard, dense,
and straight-grained, and grows in salt water, had been thought by
many people to be resistant to the depredations of marine borers.
But after fourteen months' exposure in the Pacific, all five species
of mangrove tried were heavily damaged. Resistance to teredos
seemed to be related to silica content, and woods with more than
half a per cent of silica survived best. The density of the wood did
not seem to be an important factor.
Pine seems to have particularly low resistance to borers, and
even redwood, which survives well on land because it is toxic to
many insects, is not particularly good. After fourteen months in
the ocean, 44 per cent of the woods were destroyed, and before
the ninety months were up, 96 per cent of the woods had been
heavily damaged by one or more species of borer.
The only wood that resisted attacks of all three groups of
borers was Dalbergia retusa, a heavy, hard, very oily wood. Un-
fortunately, because of the irregular shape of the tree, this wood
does not make good timber, but the chemical constituents (mainly
the oils) have been synthetically duplicated for use as a preserva-
These experiments led to a deeper look, and in 1967-68, after a
one-year stay on the bottom at 1,350 meters in the Tongue of the
Ocean, Bahamas, another navy test array was retrieved. This site
has been described as a model ocean. The bottom is flat , the
temperature is 4.6 ° C, the salinity thirty-five parts per thousand,
and the dissolved oxygen 5.2 parts per million.
This time, two sets of five untreated wood panels ( each panel
0.6 X 3.0X 12 inches) consisting of pine, fir, cypress, oak~ and red-
wood were tested. All panels were attacked by Xylophaga, with
the pine being damaged most and the other woods somewhat less
penetrated in the order given. The object was to determine the
amount of borer activity in deep water, and the answer was that
redwood, the best of the lot, had over twenty-five borer openings
per square inch. Pine had as many as eighty.
Similar tests were then run by James Muraoka of the Naval
Civil Engineering Laboratory at Port Hueneme, California, in the
Pacific at a depth of 1,920 meters from August 1968 to February
1969, and some additional findings were made. The wood panels
were about the same size as before, but this time some were
treated with preservatives, some were buried in the bottom, and
some were suspended well above the bottom. Natural rope fibers
of cotton and manila were also tested.
When recovered, after six months on the bottom, there was a
heavy slime deposit on the ropes. The fibers of the half-inch-
diameter cotton rope showed considerable decay due to bacterial
activity but were not damaged by the wood borers. The same size
manila line was severely damaged, both by the micro-organisms
and the borers, and many of the fibers were severed by deep pene-
tration. Both lines had lost about half their strength.
The untreated wood panels, of pine, fir, ash, maple, cedar, oak,
balsa, and redwood, were damaged by the boring clam Xylophaga
depending on their position relative to the bottom. Those close to
the bottom had about four hundred borers per square inch, except
pine, which had nearly twice that amount. However, a piece of fir
buried in the mud had no borers, and all varieties that were sus-
pended six feet above the bottom bad only one to three per square
inch. Woods treated with creosote, 1 per cent tri-butylin oxide, or
chromated copper arsenate had no borers.
Thus, the maximum attack by boring clams seems to come in
the first meter above the mud line. This gives one a mental picture
of an old wooden wreck sitting upright on the bottom being ringed
and eaten in a narrow band just above the mud. When the last ribs
get very thin, the upper part of the hull drops down to the mud
surface and the next few feet are eaten. And so on. A time-lapse
movie would show the wreck dissolving downward as though
disappearing into the bottom. In reality, it drifts away as fecal dust
from the borers.
In early 1971, the research submarine Deep Quest was examin-
ing the sea bottom off San Diego, California, at a depth of eleven
hundred meters when it suddenly and accidentally came upon a
navy aircraft, its aluminum surfaces shining brightly. The plane
proved to be an F6F that had been lost twenty-six years before. It
was later salvaged, and this afforded a good opportunity to find
out what kind of sea life would attach to clean alwninum in a
quarter century. Scallops averaging about thirty-eight millimeters
across were the dominant form and were found all over the
aircraft. Pink and orange sea anemones, some a hundred and fifty
millimeters across, were attached under the wing. Calcareous
tubes up to a hundred millimeters long, built by tube worms, were
attached to the plastic windows. Hydroids, barnacles, brachi-
opods, gastropod egg cases, and a gorgonian sea whip were at-
tached to various parts, and inside the aircraft there were spider
crabs, shrimps, clams, sea urchins, and snails.
The most important find from the point of view of the ship ar-
chaeologist was the condition of a hardwood headrest in the cock-
pit; it had been completely riddled by that old enemy of wooden
ships, the molluscan wood borer Xylophaga.
Dr. Ruth Tum.e r of the Agassiz Museum at Harvard University,
who is an expert on these tiny, ravenous creatures, thinks that the
deepwater species of Xylophaga may have quite restricted ranges.
She thinks that the fact that boards a few meters above the bottom
are free of borers suggests that currents at that level prevent the
larvae from settling. Presumably, slower currents and a concen-
tration of larvae at or close to the bottom would permit the larvae
to attach themselves to the wood. Unfortunately almost nothing is
known of the behavior of the larvae or the length of their free-
swimming life.
Both teredos and Xylophaga attacked test boards fixed at ninety
meters below the surface off Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but,
significantly, no teredos were found in deeper tests in that area.
This probably means that teredos found in wood dredged from
great depths had entered the wood before it sank. If so, some old
ships actually carried down with them these seeds of their own de-
Dr. Turner also notes the possibility that an early heavy settle-
ment of filamentous bryozoans may prevent the attack of ship-
season, accidentally left a hammer behind. When they returned
the following year, they found the hammer handle had been exten-
sively attacked but the wreck timbers, several thousand years old,
were untouched.
It is an interesting question how the borers survive for such long
periods of time without a home or food. These creatures start with
an isolated piece of wood on the deep-sea floor and eat away at it
until they have destroyed their own home. The adults have no
place to go after they have consumed their own house, so presum-
ably they die or go into a state of suspended animation. The tiny
planktonic offspring they produce in great abundance can only
drift with the slow currents, during which time metamorphosis is
delayed. These larvae settle and become viable adults only when
chance encounter brio~ them into contact with a piece of wood.
No one knows how long they can survive in the planktonic form,
but it may be years. Presumably in a year of very slow drifting a
few of the countless thousands of offspring will find some wood
and go through the cycle again to perpetuate the species. As Dr.
Turner says, "Their high reproductive rate, high population den-
sity, rapid growth, early maturity, and utilization of a transient
habitat classify them as opportunistic species--probably the most
important species involved in decomposing woody plant material
in the deep sea."
It is possible the larvae can live for hundreds of years. In that
case they can afford to wait for the next piece of wood to come to
them. Eventually, with the larvae or perhaps quiescent adults
spread out over huge areas of sea floor, a piece of wood will fall
and the cycle will start again. It may be that there are already
borer larvae quietly waiting all over the sea bottom for wooden
ships to fall and feed them. The slowness of life processes and me-
tabolism in deep water thus are made to work to their advantage.
Another suggestion is that viable larvae near the sea surface
become attached to sedimentary particles of dust and are carried
downward by them, creating a continuing rain of incipient borers.
This could explain the ubiquity of larvae without requiring ve.ry
long periods of suspended animation. In any case, it is evident
that chance plays a substantial part in deciding whether deep
hulks will be attacked.
Sometimes scientific evidence about the ocean bottom comes in
curious, unexpected ways. On Octob er 16, 1968, the research sub-
mersible Alvin of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution sank
when a cable parted as it was being lowered into the water. Three
crewmen who had just board ed her barely got out the hatch and
swam clear. The location was in 1,540 meters of water 135 miles
from its home port of Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Later the small
sub was photographed resting on the bottom by the U. S. Navy's
deep-search ship Mizar, and the photos showed that the hatch was
still open. On September 1, 1969, a year after it sank, the Alvin
was found; anoth er submarine attached a line, and the little sub
was brought to the surface again. When it was pumped out, the
crew's lunch was recovered; it consisted of two Therm os bottles
filled with bouillon and a plastic box containing sandwiches and
apples. From general appearance, taste, smell, consistency, and
preliminary bacteriological and biochemical assays, these foods
were exceedingly well preserved. But when they were moved to a
refrigerator at 3 ° C ( about the same temperature as the sea bot-
tom), the starchy and proteinaceous materials spoiled in a few
This unexpected finding clearly was of significance, and Dr. H.
W. Jannasch and some associates at Woods Hole at once began
looking into the circumstances of preservation. The temperature in
the Alvin had been nearly freezing, and the pressure was 150 at-
mospheres. There was no evidence of reducing conditions or any
noticeable lack of dissolved oxygen in the water in either the hull
or the plastic container. There seemed to be nothing that could
have acted as an inadvertent preservative.
The bouillon had mixed with a little sea water when the plastic
top caved in under pressure, and the sandwiches (wrap ped in wax
paper ) were soggy, but apparently both were otherwise un-
changed. When pieces of bread were streaked on sea-water
agar, bacteria and molds grew profusely. In anoth er test, some of
the bread decayed in six weeks and the bologna spoiled in four
weeks at 3 ° C ( and in only five days at room tempe rature ).
The two apples had a pickled appearance but showed no signs
of decay. The soup, originally prepared from canned meat ex-
tract, was palatable, either hot or cold. In other words, the fresh-
fruit preservation equaled the best of careful storage at the sur-
f ace, and the other materials survived far better than they would
have in normal refrigeration.
Why? The implications, if these circumstances are generally true
on the deep-sea bottom, are very important. Can it be that
microbial action is brought to a standstill by high pressure or
some other factor? It had generally been thought that bacteria
would be very active at depth if ample energy and nutrients were
available. But most of the actual experiments had been made
under shallow-water, near-surface conditions because of the con-
siderable difficulties of handling cultures and making measure-
ments under high pressure. But now an accident had exposed
many fascinating new possibilities, and new experiments were
designed to probe the mysteries.
Sample bottles containing liquid media of several types and con-
centrations were installed in racks for inoculation with sea water
from various depths. With Alvin rebuilt and diving again, its
mechanical arms could be used to remove sample bottles from
racks, inoculate them, and do other chores related to the experi-
ments. Some of the racks were kept in the laboratory refrigerator
as controls; duplicate samples were suspended ten meters above
the bottom in water depths of five thousand meters for two to five
months. The experimenters labeled their test material with carbon
14 and then measured the amount of it that was converted to par-
ticulate carbon by microbial action.
The results under these controlled laboratory-like conditions
were much like the accidental ones. Bacteria at deep-sea pressure
converted only 0.15 per cent to 12.9 per cent as much as the same
bacteria at the same temperature in the laboratory control sam-
ples. Carbohydrates decomposed eighty-eight times more slowly in
the deep sea. These data support the opinion that there is a gen-
eral slowdown of life processes in deep water.
Later, these same Woods Hole scientists tried again with similar
but improved equipment. Alvin took to a depth of 1,830 meters
sterile samples that included solid materials (paper towels, balsa,
and beechwood), inoculated them, and left them there a year. The
results were similar; the inoculants converted the materials
17-125 times faster in the lab than the exactly equivalent speci-
mens on the sea bottom. However, similar wood samples on the
bottom in open, unprotected containers were attacked by marine
boring mollusks in the absence of visible microbial degradation.
Dr. J annasch and his associates have proved that "increased hy-
drostatic pressure may exert an effect on the cells, raising the
minimal growth temperature." That is, for the microbes under
pressure to grow and reproduce they require a higher tempera-
ture than 4° C. "In an environment of low temperature, an in-
creasing pressure will eliminate growth and biochemical activity
of bacterial types successively.'' Meaning that each kind of bacte-
ria may have its own minimal temperature related to pressure. As
the water gets deeper, microbes require higher temperatures to
One implication of this finding is that, in the deep, sea, organic
materials may last a very long time. It is conceivable that ancient
fruits or food products still exist at great depth.
Unfortunately most of the bottom of the deep Mediterranean ( a
thousand meters or more) is a relatively warm 13.5° C. This may
be about the optimum temperature for psychrophilic ( cold-lov-
ing) bacteria to grow in. This is the most common bacterial type
in deep water, and indirect evidence suggests that they can survive
very long periods of time without losing the capability of starting
to grow quickly as soon as the environmental conditions become
suitable. Since viable bacteria are found far removed from any
food source, this could be interprete.d as evidence that individuals
may live a great many years.
Fungi also attack and damage undersea wood, but their action
is quite different from that of the bacteria. Dr. Jan Kohlmeyer of
the North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences, writing about
deepwater wood samples, noted that ''wood panels exposed for 13
to 35 months at three Pacific and Atlantic locations at depths of
1,616 to 2,073 meters were attacked by cellulose-digesting fungi.
Degradation was limited to the outer layers of the wood and was
identical with the 'soft rot' decay caused by terrestrial, shallow
water, and marine shallow-water fungi." He saw no traces of
marine fungi in the seven wood samples submerged off Califomia
although all the wood surfaces were deteriorated by cellulolytic
bacteria. This is attributed to the low levels of dissolved oxygen
Deepwater Search
13. Alcoa Seaprobe at sea. This is the worid•s largest aluminum ship and one
of the most advanced research ships afloat. It carries fifteen thousand feet of
pipe and is capable of retrieving objects weighing two hundred tons from that
depth. (Alcoa Marine , Inc . )
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14. Willard Bascom inspecting the special aluminum construction of the
Alcoa Seaprobe at Petersen Shipbuilding Company, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin .
(Petersen Shipbuilding Co.)
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15. Captain Ian (Scotty) Crichton (right) at the search controls of Alcoa
Seaprobe. The side-looking sonar record is at his right,. the pod-position
indicator is above his head, and the television monitor is before him. (A/'coa
Marine, Inc. )