Particle On A Helix
Particle On A Helix
Particle On A Helix
Problem (Rana and Joag, Prob. 1.8): A bead of mass m is constrained to slide down a frictionless right
circular helical wire under the influence of gravity. Assume the axis of the helix to be vertical (z-axis),
a the radius of the helix, 2πb the constant pitch length, so that the parametric equation of the helix can
be written as R(λ) = a cos λ î + a sin λ ĵ + bλ k̂. Find the constraint force and an explicit solution to the
equations of motion.
Solution: The constraint can be expressed as g(r, λ) = 0 where g(r, λ) = r − R(λ). By differentiating
z̈ = bλ̈ . (1c)
Substituting z̈/b for λ̈ in the first two equations and eliminating λ̇2 , we get
h(r̈) = ẍ sin λ − ÿ cos λ + z̈ = 0 . (2)
fx = µm sin λ, fy = −µm cos λ, fz = µm , (3)
ẍ = µ sin λ, (4a)
ÿ = −µ cos λ, (4b)
z̈ = −g + µ . (4c)
Substituting Eqs. (4a) and (4b) into Eq. (2), we get µ = −az̈/b. Hence from Eq. (4c) we get
b a ab
−µ = −g + µ ⇒ µ=g , (5)
a b a2 + b2
a2 b2
⇒ z̈ = −g 1 − = −g , (6)
a2 + b2 a2 + b2
z̈ gb
⇒ λ̈ = =− 2 . (7)
b a + b2
By solving Eq. (7) for λ(t), we can obtain x(t), y(t) and z(t) e.g. x(t) = a cos λ(t), etc.