Peter Taylor: Fully Revised and Updated
Peter Taylor: Fully Revised and Updated
Peter Taylor: Fully Revised and Updated
Peter Taylor
7 90278 0697
for the
Small Business
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Published by How To Books Ltd
Spring Hill House, Spring Hill Road, Begbroke, Oxford 0X5 IRX
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NOTE: The material contained in this book is set out in good faith for general
guidance and no liability can be accepted for loss or expense incurred as a
result of relying in particular circumstances on statements made in the book.
The laws and regulations are complex and liable to change, and readers should
check the current position with the relevant authorities before making personal
List of Illustrations ix
vi Contents
Summary I5I
Appendices 200
Sources of Further Information 200
HM Revenue & Customs Contact Details 201
List of Accountancy Bodies 202
Details Required on the Self Assessment Tax Return 205
Useful Computer Software 208
Tax Rates 214
Glossary 216
Index 221
List of Illustrations
X List of Illustrations
In 'doing the books' you will be at the very heart of the business with your
hands on the controls. You will be involved in the management of its assets
and liabilities, its expenses and its profit margins. The more control you have
over these, and the records and figurework on which they are based, the
better you will be able to control the business.
In recent years there has been a move away from keeping handwritten
records towards using computers running spreadsheets or bookkeeping
software although some still prefer pen and paper. There is now a huge
variation in the way that business owners choose to tackle their business
However you choose to keep the records of your business this eighth
edition of this book has been revised so that it is there to guide you. There
have also been updates to reflect the changes in business taxation and
other tips to assist you in your record keeping.
Peter Taylor
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Why You'll Need Proper
Business Records
■ to help the audit of your business in certain cases, and keep the
auditing costs down.
2 Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records
■ wasted time that could have been better spent on production or sales
Rate Yourself
I know: Exactly Roughly No
What allowances I can claim 2 1 0
How much tax is due 2 1 0
When it is due 2 1 0
When my Self Assessment form is due with the 2 1 0
HM Revenue & Customs
If you know that the money owed to you is enough to pay off your creditors
and the bank, then you should certainly be able to sleep at night. (Do you
know your current financial position?)
Business manager. 'Hello Alan, I wonder if you can help me? I urgently need
to find £3,540 to pay off a supplier who's threatened to stop an important
delivery of new materials unless I pay. Can you help?'
4 Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records
Bank manager. 'Yes, I should think so. What's your overdraft at the moment?'
Business manager. 'It's only about £4,000 and we already have a limit agreed
at £6,000. So I reckon that we will need another two grand ...'
Bank manager (checking on his computer). 'Yes, but hold on - I see that
there are some more debits in today and those cheques that you paid in
yesterday haven't cleared yet. I make it £5,819.89 at present.'
Business manager. Nearly six grand? Good heavens, are you sure? I'd no
Bank manager. 'Well, you should have! How much is owed to you by your
customers? If it's a lot, we may be able to sort something out.'
Business manager. 'I don't think we've got an exact figure - it must be about
five thousand. The papers are all over the place at the moment.'
Bank manager. 'Look, why don't you get your accountant in, and get the
exact figures, then we can meet and see what can be done.'
Business manager (groaning). 'That's going to take ages and cost money -
isn't there anything else we can do?'
The business manager needs help, and the bank manager wants to give it
- but not just on a wing and a prayer. What would you think of your bank
manager if he was sloppy with key figures?
Could you answer the above questions about your own business? Broadly
speaking, if 'what we've got' is more than 'what we owe' the business
is solvent. If not, it is insolvent and probably should not go on trading.
However, it should be kept in mind that some of the assets ('what we've
got') are not in a form that can be used to pay the bills. The vehicles and
equipment, etc. (collectively called fixed assets) are for the long-term
benefit of the business and are not readily turned into cash. You should
therefore also consider the situation without taking account of these items.
Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records 5
But these are basic questions, and are only the beginning of gaining a real
understanding of your business as a financial entity. If you can't find the
answers to these questions fairly quickly and accurately, you will certainly
need this book.
1 Buy a new van? Exact cash position? Cash book or bank balance
from computerised
bookkeeping records.
General liquidity Sales and purchase ledgers;
position? cash flow forecast or similar
information from your
computerised bookkeeping
Enough profit to Management accounts
'We got a great new account - lots of new business - but had no idea
what giving them so much credit would mean. If only we knew what our
trading margins had been, and had had a proper cash flow.' Director of
insolvent engineering company.
'I desperately needed a partner to help the business and put in more cash,
but I just couldn't prove to him that we're getting a good return on our
money.' Proprietor of a catering firm.
'Our customer had several different invoices from us. He paid part of
the third one, none of the first two and queried part of the seventh. We
completely lost track of the account, and ended up having to write it off.'
Housewife running a wholesale crafts business.
What we Owe
To the bank £
To our suppliers £
On HP or other finance £
To anyone else £
Difference £
Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records 7
Without proper business records the auditor won't be able to do his work
and the business won't be able to meet the requirements of an audit. What
■ you will have to pay an accountant possibly large fees to sort out your
However, once you do have the audited accounts, you should have an
accurate picture of the financial position of your business. Indeed, you'll
probably be chasing your accountant to get them out as soon as possible,
so that you know exactly where you stand.
8 Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records
■ a major supplier (for example, if you are hoping to get extended credit)
■ any major creditor who is unhappy about the way your business is
going, and the risk he is taking.
'The company was flying by the seat of its pants. It simply had no idea
whether it was trading at a profit or loss each month.'
'None of the partners knew what bills the other partners were running
up. There were no proper records, and none of them seemed to appreciate
that each was individually liable for all the debts of the partnership.'
'You left it all to your accountant? Are you saying he was actually a director
of the company?'
'They didn't know what all that gear was really costing them - not just
the repayments, but interest charges, service costs, let alone depreciation
which seemed to take them by surprise.'
'The receiver couldn't collect any money from customers, to speak of. The
firm didn't keep a sales ledger or even issue statements.'
Hard to believe? Yet the failure to keep proper business records is given
time and time again as the main reason why an otherwise promising
venture eventually failed.
The type of records you will need will depend on several factors. For
depend partly on the type of trade. However, here are some guidelines to
get you started;
■ If you are owed money by more than about 15 customers then you
should consider starting a sales ledger system. Although this could
be handwritten it may be easier to use a computerised bookkeeping
package (see Chapter 3).
■ If you have more than about 15 purchase invoices a month you should
consider starting a purchase ledger system. Again a computerised
system may be the easiest route (see Chapter 3).
■ If you have more than about five cash payments a week you should
think about starting a cash record system independent of your bank
■ Sole traders
for any debts his business incurs. Even if he uses a trading name the
customers and suppliers are still trading with him as an individual.
■ Partnerships
■ Limited companies
In addition there are limited liability partnerships but these are not very
common. Limited liability partnerships (LLPs) are a relatively new type
of entity having been available since 2001. They are a cross between the
ordinary partnership as outlined above and a limited company. The LLP
has the organisational flexibility of a partnership and is taxed in the same
way as a partnership but in other ways it is similar to a limited company.
It is a separate legal entity like a company and enjoys the limited liability
status. It must also file its accounts with the Registrar of Companies and if
the turnover is large enough it must have its accounts audited.
12 Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records
Type of trade
Some types of trade need more records than others. For example, a small
engineering company may well need a sales ledger system to keep track
of its credit sales to customers. On the other hand, a clothes shop which
does not allow credit to customers will only need a simple record to keep
track of its takings.
But the auditor can only audit the accounts if there are proper records for
them to check. A company has a legal obligation to keep proper records
and if it doesn't the auditor must say so in their report. A copy of their
report has to be filed with the Registrar of Companies, where it is on
public record. If you're not sure what records to keep, discuss things with
the company's auditor.
Unless you have a limited company it's best to keep your records as simple
as possible. You'll save yourself unnecessary work which will make
bookkeeping a chore and even lead to inaccuracy and other problems.
Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records 13
A subject which can cause problems is that of drawings taken from a
business. From time to time the owner may want to draw money out of
the business for his own private use. As this expenditure will in some way
affect the business it must be recorded in the records. If Mr Arnold draws
£500 from the partnership bank account for his own use then this must
be recorded by the business, otherwise the bank account would not agree
14 Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records
with the bank statement. But it's of no concern to the business how Mr
Arnold spends the money: all it has to record is 'Mr Arnold - drawings -
The situation differs in the case of a limited company. This is because the
company is a separate legal entity and whenever it makes a payment to
its directors it must operate PAYE. The directors of small businesses quite
often have loan accounts with their company (because the directors have
lent money to the business). If at the end of the year the company has
made a good profit it may want to grant a bonus to its directors. However,
it might want to keep the cash inside the company to help its liquidity.
If so, the company has to operate PAYE in the normal way on the bonus
payment; but instead of paying out all the cash, the net amount of the
bonus is placed to the credit of the director's loan account. The director
can then withdraw from the loan account as he needs to.
When the business has made a profit, the profit is credited to the
proprietor's capital account. This could be likened to an employee paying
his salary cheque into his bank account. When he makes withdrawals
these are debited to his capital account rather as an employee might write
cheques for housekeeping or to pay the mortgage. There is no direct link
between the amounts that the employee receives and pays out (except of
course that his bank manager will write to him if he becomes overdrawn,
or his bank balance will increase if his expenditure is less than his
earnings). The same applies to the proprietor of a small business.
We've already seen that a small business is just the 'business side' of the
owner's personal financial affairs. If the business side earns a profit it
doesn't matter whether the proprietor takes the profit out of the business
bank account or not. Since in one way or another it is all his money, it
is still his profit available for him to spend even if it is still within the
Outline of records
The records that you will need are described more fully in Chapters 2
to 5. You may choose to keep handwritten records or prepare computer
spreadsheets to record the information. On the other hand, you may
choose to use a computerised software package either running the
application on your own machine or as a cloud application. More details
of the options are given in Chapters 2 and 3.
■ keep track of the cash being received and paid out by the business and
be able to reconcile to the banking transactions
■ keep copy sales invoices (of what you sell) or some other record of
sales and if you have copy invoices then you will need some way of
filing them
■ keep the original purchase invoices (of what you buy) and have some
way of filing them.
16 Chapter 1 • Why You'll Need Proper Business Records
■ some sort of wages system to calculate the wages and record the
■ a system for your sales so that you know who still owes you money
■ a system for your dealing with your purchases so that you can establish
how much you owe to suppliers.
■ All money drawn from the business by sole traders and partners must
be shown in the accounts.
How to Keep Your
Accounting Records
We've looked at why you need to keep business records: now we'll
consider how those records might be kept.
Questions to be asked
The answers to these questions should help you to decide the best way
for you to keep the records. Let us consider each of these matters in more
Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records 19
However, if there are more transactions than this minimal amount then
you will need to use a more sophisticated record system to produce the
information set out in the next section.
There are two versions of the self employment pages of the self assessment
tax return. There is a short version that can be used if your business
income is less than £70,000 and a more detailed form for businesses with a
higher turnover. For more details about the actual taxation matters, please
refer to Chapter 9.
The headings of the self assessment tax return are set out in Appendix 4
but they include items such as:
■ Business turnover
■ Motor expenses
20 Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records
■ Bank charges
■ Depreciation
■ Stock
■ Bank balances
■ Bank loans
Capital Account
Don't worry if some of the terms seem unfamiliar - they will be explained
information will make a good basis for preparing the company accounts.
The company will need to prepare accounts to be submitted to Companies
If you have arranged your records to create this information for you it
will be much easier for you to produce your accounts at the end of the
Other information that you might want from your business may include:
■ being able to discuss your business affairs with others (for example if
applying to the bank for a loan).
Perhaps the first question to ask is 'Do you want to use a computer or
would you prefer to keep handwritten records?'
For some people computers are an agony and are to be avoided at all
costs. Others love them. Which category do you fit into? It should be
mentioned that HM Revenue & Customs now require that all VAT returns,
employers' PAYE returns, and company tax returns and accounts must be
filed online. This does not mean that you have to keep your accounting
records on a computer - after all you can always ask your accountant or a
computer savvy friend to attend to these matters for you. However it may
have some influence upon your decision.
22 Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records
■ a handwritten system
Although it is possible to change from one system to another you will not
want to do that too often. Try to settle on one system and continue to use
it until you have outgrown it or there is some other need to change.
Remember that the system you choose has to be right for you. It has to
provide the information that you need and it must not be a chore or the
books won't get written up.
A handwritten system
For the very smallest businesses with few transactions, then a simple
handwritten system may be perfect for you.
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Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records 25
This might be using a simple cash book like the one shown in Figure 4.
Alternatively, it may be a more sophisticated analysed cash book. These
will be described in more detail in Chapter 3.
However simple spreadsheets are a very useful tool and for many will be
the ideal method of keeping the business records. More details of these
are given in Chapter 3.
■ provide you with a full analysis of receipts and payments from your
■ keep track of money owed to you by customers and also money owed
to suppliers
A common approach
Whatever system you adopt there are some matters that will be common
to your business and we will discuss them first and we will look at the
actual writing up of the records in Chapter 3.
Handling banking
1. What name is the account to be in? This could be your own name
but if you have a trade name you might want that to appear on your
cheques. For example, Mrs C. Dyche running a livery stable might want
Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records 27
2. If you don't already bank with the particular bank they will ask for
proof of your identity. This may be in the form of a passport and a
utility bill. They may also ask you for the names of people they can
approach for references. This is so that they can establish that you are
of good character. Do ask the people that you name before you give
their details to the bank.
3. Decide who is to sign cheques and how many signatures you will
need on the cheques (e.g. both partners? two directors?).
5. Do you want on-line banking so that you can check on your account
using your computer and also make payments to suppliers and staff
using internet banking?
Transfer the information from your cheque book and paying-in book to
your cash book on a regular basis. We will explain how to write up your
cash book in Chapter 3 or you can enter the details into your bookkeeping
package if you are using a computerised system. Some people do this once
28 Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records
Having checked that you have recorded everything, it's a good idea to
agree (reconcile) the balance on the bank statement with the balance
in the cash book. Using Figure 4 let's suppose that when you checked
the items from the bank statement against the cash book you found
that the payments to A. Durose on 26 May and to Z. Ingram on 31 May
were not shown on the bank statement. These are not an error: it is just
that there hasn't been time for the items to pass through the banking
system (it generally takes about three days for the item to appear on your
statements). In order to agree the balances you'll need to make allowance
for this, and write a simple reconciliation statement like this:
£ p
Balance as per bank statement - 31/5/201X 1503.29
Less unpresented cheques 100.00
325.72 425.72
Balance per cash book 1,077.57
Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records 29
Of course, there may also be some items that you have paid into the
account that have not been recorded on the statement. Appropriate
adjustments should then be made. Keep all the reconciliation statements
you have written out. They will be useful if any queries arise on the bank
account, and will help your accountant at the end of the year.
Cheque 37.29
Any receipts that you can get (e.g. car park tickets) should be clipped to the
expense voucher. At the end of the month (or when it totals a reasonable
amount) you should write a cheque on your business bank account (or
make a transfer via internet banking), to yourself personally to reimburse
yourself. File the expense vouchers on your paid purchase invoice file to
match the payment that the business has made by cheque.
Handling invoices
Unless you are using a full ledger system (see Chapters 3 and 5), then you
will need a simple system of dealing with invoices.
So far we have dealt with receiving and paying out money for your
business. But of course you will need to know how much to pay for your
purchases and others will need to know how much to pay you. This is
where invoices come in. An invoice is a simple document listing the goods
or services provided and stating how much is due to the supplier. Your
business will receive invoices for its purchases and you in turn will have
to issue invoices to your customers for sales you make to them.
The invoices will thus be two sorts: purchase invoices and sales invoices.
from most stationers. The paid invoices should be filed according to date
of payment.
1. Write the invoice out making a copy with the carbon paper provided.
Give the top copy to the customer and keep the carbon copy in the
invoice book.
2. When the customer pays, mark your copy of the invoice in the book
with the date and amount paid. If it is paid in full, fold the top right-
hand corner of the invoice over.
3. At the end of each month any invoices not folded over remain unpaid.
You should then normally send a statement to the customer of the
amount still owed to you.
32 Chapter 2 • How to Keep Your Accounting Records
■ Send the top copy to your customer and put the second copy in an
unpaid invoice file.
■ When the customer pays mark your copy invoice with the date and
amount paid, and when fully paid transfer it from your unpaid invoice
file to a paid invoice file (lever arch or ring-binder).
■ At the end of each month the invoices in the unpaid file represent
the customers who still owe you money. You should chase them for
Remember that there are certain details that you should show on your
invoices. These include:
■ details of when payment is due - often 30 days from the date of the
Work plan
There are no hard and fast rules about the way in which you should
approach the task of writing up your business records. However the
following may be a useful aide memoir of what need to be done:
■ Daily
• Write up the cash records - daily cash sales, cash expenditure etc.
• Bank cash and cheques (remember to write the details onto the
stub of the paying-in-book so that you know what the banking
■ Weekly
• Make the relevant entry for the sale in your records (sales register
or entry into computer bookkeeping application).
■ Monthly
■ Quarterly
• If registered for VAT then prepare and submit your VAT return.
■ Yearly
■ The records that you keep will depend upon the size of your business.
You can choose to use a computer to help you with your bookkeeping
if you wish.
If you employ staff then you will need to keep a record of the wages
- see Chapter 6.
Decide what sort of sales invoices you need for your business and set
up an appropriate system to monitor them.
Starting Your Record
As mentioned in the previous chapter there are perhaps three main ways
in which you could keep your records. These are:
■ a handwritten system
Primarily such systems will concentrate on recording the cash and bank
transactions (a cash book) and perhaps extend to some sort of invoice
register to record the sales and help you keep track of who owes you
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 37
Figure 4 on page 24 shows the typical ruling of the simplest cash book.
In this example the book is only used to record the bank transactions: a
simple way to incorporate cash transactions is described on page 29. Here
are a few simple rules to follow when writing up the cash book:
■ Do remember to enter the year at the top of the date column. It can
sometimes be quite difficult, when looking back, to work out which
year you are looking at!
■ When you enter the items in your cash book, as well as the name
associated with the transaction, it is useful to record, as in the example,
what items are for. That brief note will help you (and your accountant)
when checking back to see what expenses you paid.
■ If you take money out of the business for your own use, or pay for
some private items from the business bank account, then this should
be recorded as drawings. Likewise if you put your own money into the
business it should be recorded as a receipt marked Capital Introduced
and its source (e.g. your name) written beside it.
■ If you receive money for sales in the form of cash (notes or coins) then
unless you pay the amounts into your bank intact, without keeping
any back for your drawings or to pay other bills, then you will need to
keep both cash and bank records. The banks charge for handling cash
and therefore it can make economic sense to use some of the cash to
pay wages or bills even though it makes your record keeping slightly
more complicated. We will explain what you need to do a little later.
Each month check out the amounts received and paid against your bank
statement. This process is termed reconciling the bank. You may need
to add into your record any amounts that have been paid by direct debit
38 Chapter 3 ■ Starting Your Record Keeping
or taken in bank charges and also any amounts that you have received
into your bank account by BACs credits from customers. When you have
recorded all of the transactions you can add up both sides of your record
and record the difference between your receipts and payments. This
should represent the amount of money that you have in your business
bank account. If the receipts (including the balance brought forward
from the previous month) exceeds the payments, then you have cash in
the bank; in this case the balances should be 'carried down' as shown. If
on the other hand your payments exceed the receipts you'll have a bank
overdraft and the balance should be entered at the start of the payments
column for the following month.
If you are using spreadsheet software then you would probably adopt
a slightly different layout (see Figure 10) but it would give the same
information. The advantage is that it would calculate a running total of
the bank balance.
This information will also be useful when you (or your accountant) are
putting together your year end accounts.
Without getting into too much extra work this information can easily be
obtained by adding a few analysis columns to your cash book, so that it
becomes an analysed cash book. Of course, it can only be a guide at this
stage as it doesn't quite give the full picture. It does not, for example, allow
for amounts that you still owe for the materials that were delivered last
Friday. But it is a good starting point towards management information.
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 39
the last column is a sundries column to mop up anything that
doesn't fit neatly into any of the other columns. Your regular
payments should each have a column of their own; only items
such as the purchase of a new machine or other occasional 'one
off' payments should be entered in the sundries column.
It can also be useful to add small amounts of narrative (i.e. a few words)
to some of the items, to remind you later what some particular expense
was for.
expenses) and office insurance. In a case like this put the appropriate
amount into each of the analysis columns just as in the example.
2. When you add up the page at the end of the month it is vital that you
check that the sum of the total of all the analysis columns does in fact
equal the sum of the total column. This is cross addition (because you
are adding across the page). If the totals don't agree then there's a
mistake somewhere and you'll have to recheck your work.
To summarise:
■ Each entry is made both in the total column and also in an analysis
■ At the end of the month when the book is added up it must cross add.
Unless you pay all your takings into the bank without keeping any money
to pay expenses in cash, you will need to keep some sort of record of your
sales. You may use a till that automatically records the sales as you make
them, but more likely in a small business you will just use a cash box for
the takings. This is fine but you must make sure that you can establish the
correct amount of sales. The easiest way is to use a daily cash summary
like the one shown in Figure 7.
42 Chapters • Starting Your Record Keeping
Cash in till 821.27
Add expenses 228.75
Less float brought forward * 423.42
Sales 626.60
Wages Jenna 57.90
Alex 63.26
Window cleaner 5.00
Coffee A milk 2.59
Drawings 100.00
Float brought forward * 423.42
Sales 626.60
Cash from bank Nil
Expenses 228.75
Cash to bank 746.27 975.02
During the day you put the money from your sales in the cash box. If
you have to pay any amounts in cash you take the money from the box
but you make sure that you put a note into the box to record how much
has been taken out. At the end of the day you list the expenses that you
00 1^ O vO o On in in o CO (\J
vO On On (M O IT) OJ 00 00 00 't in 8 ^
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n CM
44 Chapter 3 ■ Starting Your Record Keeping
have paid out and you also record any money that you have taken out for
your own drawings. Then by adding the expenses to the figure of cash in
the box at the end of the day and adjusting for the opening float you can
calculate the true figure of sales. Each day you will need to transfer the
figures to the cash record book (as shown at Figure 8).
■ Record your takings (sales) each day from the daily summary list or till
list. Note; it's best to treat all sales the same way regardless of whether
the customer has paid by cash or by cheque. If, for this purpose, you
include cheques in the total of takings, it will simplify your records.
■ Record the expenses as they are incurred. File the invoices for cash
payments on a separate file from bank payments. Keep the invoices
in date order.
■ Periodically, say once or twice a week, pay any excess money in your
float into the bank. When writing up the record of cash transactions
you should treat it as a payment since the money is being paid out of
the float. In your record of the bank transactions (your cash book)
you will record this as a receipt since the money is being received
into the bank account. Confusion can arise on this point, but if the
cash transaction is thought of as quite separate from the bank receipt
transaction then all should become clear.
If you bank the takings intact you won't have to record them all separately
in your cash book. You will, however, need to draw money from the
bank to pay cash expenses, and these transactions should be recorded as
follows. Treat the money drawn from the bank as;
■ a cash receipt in the cash records (using the words 'Cash from Bank').
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 45
Once again, if you think of cash transactions paid from the bank, and
cash received into the cash float, quite separately, then the treatment of
the transactions in your records should become clear.
It is relevant to mention that bank charges for handling cash (notes and
particularly coins) are more expensive than other types of transaction.
You may therefore choose to hold some or all of the cash funds to pay
expenses rather that paying the money into the bank account. However
if you do then it is vitally important that you maintain accurate detailed
records because there will be no other record of the transactions to act as
backup if you need to verify any details.
As your business grows you will need to have a system so that you know
which customers have paid you and which have not. You may think that
you will be able to remember but as the business expands that will become
impossible. You need a system!
So far, you have controlled which customers have paid you, and which
have not, by handling the individual invoices. You have filed your copy
invoices in a separate file until they are paid, or 'flagged' them in your
duplicate sales invoice book until they are paid.
This is fine as far as it goes, but you'll probably find it has two main
■ First, you'll have to thumb through all the unpaid invoices, adding
them up as you go, to work out how much you are owed altogether.
■ Second, you can't tell very quickly how much a particular customer
owes you. They may owe you for several invoices and the invoices may
not be in sequence. And they may have only sent you part-payments.
46 Chapters • Starting Your Record Keeping
1045 6 May S Kelly Car service € 165.00 18 May
1046 8 May S Griffiths Repair brakes € 287.00 27 May
1047 12 May A Jones Gearbox £ 550.00 15 May
1048 18 May P Smith 2 tyres £ 110.00 27 May
1049 24 May C Wathen Bodywork £ 743.00
1050 28 May S Kelly MOT £ 50.00 28 May
1051 29 May L Holmes Car service £ 183.00 29 May
The left column is a list of the invoice numbers. Next are the date and the
name of the customer together with a note of the work (if relevant). Then
there is the value of the invoice followed by a note of when it was paid-
You will see from the example that it is easy to see that Mr Wathen has not
yet paid his bill so you will know to chase him for payment. On the right
you can add an extra column for notes (not shown). You might use this to
record if someone has part paid an invoice or when you need to record
other details of the transaction.
Although this is not a substitute for a complete ledger system (see Chapter
5 on double entry) it will be suitable for most small businesses.
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 47
If the cell contains a formula it defines how the content of that cell is to be
calculated from the contents of any other cell (or combination of cells) each
time any cell is updated. The use of spreadsheets can cut down on your
time because of their ability to re-calculate the entire sheet automatically
after a change to a single cell is made. Compare that with a paper system
when you had to rub-out the totals and add up the figures again each
time you made an alteration.
The formula that you use in the cells can refer to other cells (or groups
of cells) on the worksheet. A cell on one sheet can also reference cells on
other, different sheets, whether within the same workbook or even, in
some cases, in different workbooks.
There are many different formulas that you can use in the cells of the
spreadsheet. Some will add a range of cells (=SUM(C5:C17), whilst others
will just copy the contents of another cell (-I-F16). And you can perform
calculations within the cell formulas. For example, +B3*20% would
o o OCDCDOCDCDpC) p 1^ CJ) O) (35 CD
C\J C\J lO
00 CD cd C3 O C) CD in iri
CD tn 00 in o o in CM CD
CM T— ■»— CO ■T—
o o o o h- in o o CM
o o p p p p p in CM
in cd ■M- ■sT CM CD CM r-’
CM CD ■St- 00 T- t^ 00 CM
-.-CO I- CM
05 0) o E CD
c/3 CD
CO o _C0 Cfl
szo CD
o c CO o
L_ X— CD o
3 3 3 c/3
o w 3
CL 0. c« CD
C ^ CD c ra Q_
c c« V)
o .E CO
o o o i O
_o CO o CO ■s«-S-SSco,-^-S-S-^co
cn CO - o
cooocoowQcewtf Q S CO ce CO (5 w
(D 0
O c O
m tr CO CO ■Q
o 3 CO
CO Q. 3 w
CO $ W tr o
CD CO tr C 0 ^ _ CD +- w P c 0 E 0
C •?= o CO CO c D) =r O E Q.
_C0 i: O O w ■0 0 0 ^
CO Q. cc Q ??<o ^ X 0 S'cc CL
CQ “5 CO cc Q O CL O cc CL LU 0 0-5
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 49
calculate the VAT (at 20%) on the value of goods contained in cell B3.
There are rounding functions (=ROUND(C7/9,2) that will ensure that
you do not end up with fractions of pennies when you have calculated
values in your spreadsheet.
You can use the conditional function TF' to conduct tests on values
and formulas and give one result if true and another if false. There are
also many other functions built into the software to make it a powerful
reporting tool. This book does not pretend to be a tutorial on spreadsheet
software but a little further on in this chapter we will include one or two
pointers to help you on your way.
The formula to calculate the first value after the brought forward line is
shown on the sheet. This takes the value from the line above (cell F3),
adds any amount received shown in cell D4 and subtracts any payment
recorded in cell E4. The result which is the revised balance is shown in the
balance column. By this method you can use the power of your computer
and the spreadsheet software to take away the drudgery of adding up the
■ One other quick tip for using spreadsheets that novices sometimes
overlook is the SUM function. The easiest way to use this is to use
the Z button from the toolbar at the top of the sheet. Click on the cell
where you want the answer to appear. Then click on the Z button and
then highlight a range of cells with the cursor. When you release the
mouse button the sum of all of the relevant cells will be shown in the
answer cell. This is great for adding up columns of figures.
Thus, for example, you can add a check total column to a sheet to
ensure that you have made the entries correctly. Consider the example
of an analysed cash book page like the one in Figure 6. If you prepared
a similar document using spreadsheet software then you would know
that for each line of the cash book the amount recorded in the total
column should also be entered into one of the analysis columns. But
52 Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping
An easy way to identify just where the error is relies on the power of
the computer. If you introduce an additional column on the right of
the page you can enter a formula into the first cell as follows:
You can then copy this formula down the column against each line
on the sheet. As you copy the formula down the row numbers will
increment. For each line the formula takes the value from the total
column and then deducts the sum of all of the values in the analysis
columns. The result should of course be zero. If it isn't then it is easy to
spot which lines need to be checked.
You should try to build this sort of checking into your spreadsheets to
verify their accuracy.
■ If you have a lot of entries on your spreadsheet then you may find
that it is too big to print onto one sheet of A4 paper. Faced with this
some people turn to the sellotape but there are better solutions. If the
sheet is wider than high you can try changing the page orientation.
Go to File/Print preview on the menu bar. Then choose Setup and try
changing the orientation from portrait to landscape. Click OK and
see if that has done the trick. If it still does not fit you can click on
Setup again and this time use the scaling. Experiment with the 'Fit to'
■ prepare your sales invoices and keep track of who owes you money
There are cut-down' versions of some software that provide some, but not
all, of the facilities listed above.
The basic record keeping is generally achieved from routines opened with
just a few clicks of your mouse. For some of the more detailed adjustments
then you should have an understanding of double entry bookkeeping
(see Chapter 5) but of course you can always leave these matters to your
Bookkeeping software has been around for many years but recently it has
become much more user friendly. There are many packages around but
they fall into two main groups:
■ those that run on your own computer (or across a small local network)
You will no doubt be familiar with software that runs on your own
computer be it a PC or a Mac. You probably use programmes such as Excel
or Word. However, recent developments and the improved speed and
reliability of the internet have made it possible to use remote applications
through a browser on your computer. The actual programme and number
crunching is carried out on a remote computer so that your own machine
54 Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping
is just a terminal to enable you to input the data and obtain reports. This
is cloud computing. You don't know where that remote computer is — it is
just somewhere out there on the cloud that is the internet.
So which system will be right for you? Well here are some of the advantages
and disadvantages of cloud computing.
■ The accounting data can be accessed from more than one place. You
can do part of your bookkeeping at the office and then complete it
when you get home.
■ You may be able to give your accountant access to the system so that
he or she can prepare the year end accounts without disturbing you.
There are some applications such as VT Cashbook which are cut down
versions (in this case from VT Transaction-1-) and have a restricted range
of processes. In this case you cannot run sales and purchase ledgers or
produce sales invoices from the software. It does accommodate multiple
bank accounts and will keep track of your VAT on a cash accounting
basis. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing. If you do not need the
omitted features then VT Cash Book might be just what you are looking
for (and it is free!).
When you run these applications then, in most cases, behind the
scenes, the software will be completing the double entry bookkeeping.
Double entry bookkeeping is the internationally recognised set of rules
for recording financial transactions of a business. A full description of
double-entry bookkeeping is given in Chapter 5. For the majority of the
time you can forget about the double-entry and leave it to the software to
look after things.
However there are a few transactions that need to be entered at this basic
level if you want to be able to extract accurate management accounts
from your bookkeeping system. This will include transactions such as the
entries for depreciation. These transactions will be dealt with through the
journal routines built into your software and we will describe the debits
and credits in more detail in Chapter 5.
If you have not already set up details of the customer then you will need
to enter their details. Typically this will consist of:
■ their address
up you only need to enter a short code or select from a drop down list in
order that a lengthy narrative description can appear on the invoice.
You then select the Invoice routine and you will be greeted with an input
screen of the type shown in Figure 13. Choose which customer you are to
invoice and select the products sold to them. If you have entered standard
prices for your products these details will automatically appear on the
entry screen. When all of the product details have been entered click
print then save. Job done!
The name, ledger, derives from the fact that financial information used to
be recorded using pen and ink in paper books - hence 'bookkeeping' and
that these books were called journals and ledgers (hence sales ledger, etc.).
Even though the records may now be kept on a computer the traditional
name has remained to describe this collection of financial information.
Even though the information from the software is held within your
computer it may be easiest to think back to the paper origins of the ledgers
to visualise what is going on. In a paper record system the details of the
transactions for each separate customer are recorded on a separate page
of the book. The separate page records are each an account and together
they are contained within a ledger.
On each account (page in the book) is noted the details of the invoices sent
to the customer and also the amounts of money that have been received
from them. In this way it is easy to establish how much is owed to you (the
account balance) at any given time. We will look at the mechanics of the
entries in more detail in Chapter 5 on double entry bookkeeping.
On an aged debtors list not only is the total owed by each customer
shown, but it is then broken down to show how long the debt has
been outstanding. This is generally achieved by having extra columns
which show the debts up to 30 days old, those that are between 30 and
60 days old, those 60 to 90 days old and those that are over 90 days
old. This type of debtors list helps you to focus in on the bad payers
so that you can chase them to pay their bills. An example is shown at
Figure 14.
This aged debtors list could of course be achieved on a manual system but
it would take you much longer!
So far we have looked at the preparation of sales invoices and the recording
of the customer accounts. However in the same way as the computer
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 61
software was used to track the sales details, it can also be used to track the
purchase details. These transactions are recorded in the purchase ledger.
There are two more useful routines that are sometimes available
when using computerised bookkeeping software. One (particularly
incorporated into cloud systems) is a bank import tool. This downloads
the transaction details from your bank via online banking and presents
them to you for entry onto the system. At this stage the transactions have
not been incorporated into the actual bookkeeping records but with a
few clicks of the mouse to advise the software of the actual nature of
the transaction then the details are recorded. This has the advantage of
accuracy and speed of entry.
If you enter transactions directly from your bank statements, then the
bank account balance per the software should agree exactly with your
last bank statement. However, many businesses enter transactions into
the software as soon as they incur them. There may then be some delay
before they appear on a bank statement. This is especially true for cheques
sent to suppliers as there may be a delay before these cheques are banked.
Another time that the system gets out of line with the bank statement
is when items appear on the bank statement but they have not yet been
recorded in the accounting records. These may be BACs credit receipts that
have been paid directly into your bank account by customers or payments
out of the account such as bank changes. In these circumstances, you
should use the bank reconciliation procedure in the software to agree the
balance. Some reconciliation routines are better than others. Generally
they are fast and easy to use and provide you with a list of the entries you
have made in the application that have not yet gone through your bank
62 Chapters • Starting Your Record Keeping
Some of the reports that can be generated from the software will be:
■ A Profit & Loss Account - which shows how much money you have
made (or lost) in the accounting period.
■ A Balance Sheet - listing the assets and liabilities of the business at the
end of the period.
Don't worry if you do not understand all of these terms yet - they are
described more fully in Chapters 5 and 7.
Computers in accounting
Computers can be great when they work but there is nothing more
frustrating than a machine that has died in front of you. Modern computers
are far more reliable than their predecessors but from time to time events
can happen that render the data on your machine useless. This might be
due to a computer virus and perhaps a hard-disk failure in the machine.
Chapter 3 • Starting Your Record Keeping 63
It is now relatively easy to take a backup of your data. You can use:
If your system fails or the data file has become corrupted then it may be
necessary for you to reinstall your data from your backup copy. It may
then be necessary for you to re-enter your recent data but if you have taken
regular backups then you should not need to enter too much information.
There are a few points that should be mentioned about the backup. Firstly,
if you are using USB memory sticks for the backup you should not rely on
just one stick. Memory sticks can fail without warning. More concerning
is that when you have the memory stick plugged into the computer then
if the computer fails it may well cause the memory stick to fail also. This
means that you will not only have lost the data on the computer but also
the backup copy. It is much better to use two or three sticks in rotation so
there is always at least one copy of your data that is not actually attached
to your computer.
Secondly, from time to time, you should test that you can actually reinstate
the data from your backups. It is no good making backups of your data if
you cannot access them when it is needed.
for example you can enter some information at your place of business.
Then when you go home you can continue to do some more work on
your accounts. Your home computer will then send the updated file back
across the internet ready for you to use at work the following day. Once
installed the Dropbox software does all of the file synchronisation for
you. Of course if you are using a commercial bookkeeping package then
you will need to check on the licensing agreement to ensure that it is in
order for you to run two copies of the software.
■ For the smallest business you can just record your business receipts
and payments in a cash book.
■ You should keep an invoice register to track the sales that you make.
■ If you use a computer to keep the records make sure that you keep a
backup of your data.
VAT will affect many aspects of your trading, and you'll have to decide
whether to register the business for VAT purposes and, if so, how to
handle the extra information in your accounting records. This chapter
therefore gives a general introduction to VAT so that you can get an idea
of what's involved.
66 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
sales is called output tax. On the other hand, when a registered business
purchases goods (or services) from another registered supplier it must pay
to that other business the VAT which that business charges. This tax on
purchases coming into the business is called input tax.
A business registered for VAT has to pay to the HMRC the amount of
output tax minus the input tax. If the input tax is greater than the output
tax you can get the difference back from the HMRC.
Suppose a shop purchases a radio for £90 wholesale; it has to pay the
wholesaler an additional £18 input tax. When the shop sells the radio to
a consumer for £120 it charges a further £24 output tax and the customer
has to pay the shop £144:
Goods VAT
The shop must therefore pay to the HMRC the difference of £6.00. As you
can see, there has been an increase in the value of the radio at the shop
of £30. This is the Value added' bit. The net effect of paying tax (on the
difference between the output tax and the input tax) is to tax the value
added by the business - £30 x 20% = £6.00. It is this idea that gives the tax
its name.
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 67
(a) the value of your taxable turnover during the past 12 months has
exceeded £77,000, OR
(b) you have reasonable grounds for believing that the value of the tax
able supplies you will make in the next 30 days will exceed £77,000
You must notify the HMRC VAT Office that your business has exceeded
these limits within 30 days of the end of the month. The registration will
then take effect from the first day of the second month following that
date (e.g. if your taxable turnover in the last 12 months up to the end of
January is over the limit, your date of registration will be 1 March).
If you take over an existing business then you must take account of the
level of taxable turnover under the previous owner when calculating the
date that you need to register. If the previous business was registered
for VAT then the date of registration will be the day the business was
If your turnover is below the limit for compulsory registration you can still
apply to register for VAT if you think it will be an advantage. For example,
you may be selling to other businesses which are themselves registered
for VAT. By registering your own business you will be able to get the input
68 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
tax back on your purchases and although you'll have to charge VAT to
your customers they will, of course, be able to get it back, too. If you are
buying and selling only zero-rated goods you can still register, so as to
reclaim the input tax charged on your expenses (e.g. motor expenses,
telephone, professional fees, etc.)
The easiest way to notify HMRC is to use the online service available at: In order to register for VAT using this service you
must first register for the HMRC online services. You are going to need
to undertake this task as all VAT return details must now be submitted
If you are not confident with computers then a friend may be able to
attend to the registration (and the quarterly returns - see later) for you.
Alternatively your accountant may deal with this for you. They will
generally have an agents registration so they can skip the need for the
online service registration and process your application for you. However
you will have to authorise them to act as your agent once you are registered
before they can submit your quarterly returns for you.
Instead of registering online you can use the National VAT Helpline. The
number is tel: 0845 010 9000. They should then be able to issue you with
the relevant forms so that you can complete them and submit them by
You should note that it may take a little while to process your application.
If you have not received the registration documents by the date that your
registration is due to start you must nevertheless start to charge VAT.
the taxable turnover of all the businesses together exceeds the prescribed
limits then you must register for VAT. All the businesses are covered by
one registration; and you cannot register them separately.
Under the standard method of accounting for VAT the records must
enable you to show details of the following:
In order to spread the flow of work over the year, registered traders are
split into three groups. These are called stagger groups and each group
makes up returns to a different date.
70 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
■ Box 1 is for the VAT output tax on sales. You must also include VAT
on goods taken from the business for your own private use, the motor
fuel scale charge (see page 86), and on sales of assets (e.g. machinery
or office equipment).
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 71
The figures in boxes 6 to 9 are used by the VAT office to prepare statistics
and to check figures declared in the other boxes on the form.
■ Box 7 shows your total purchases for the business excluding VAT and
certain other expenses such as wages.
More details on the completion of the return form are given later in the
■ the information you need to put on your sales invoice (see page 82)
Generally you will need to keep a separate record of your sales so that
the VAT output tax can be calculated. An example of this is shown in
Figure 15. Once again, until your business outgrows the system, a simple
spreadsheet or even an exercise book should do to record the transactions.
Enter the details into it from your copy invoices on a regular basis. Points
to note:
■ Record the net, VAT, and gross amounts. These amounts should be
clearly stated on your invoice. The net amount is the value of the
goods before the addition of VAT; the gross value is the value inclusive
of VAT.
At the end of the VAT period add the columns up in order to get the
figures for your VAT return. Subject to any adjustments (page 86), the
total from the 'Net' column should be entered as the 'Value of Outputs' in
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 73
box 6 of the VAT return. The total of the VAT column should be entered as
'VAT Due' in box 1 of the VAT return form.
number Date Name Net VAT Gross
379 2 May I Rowley 390.00 78.00 468.00
380 5 May C Williams 458.72 91.74 550.46
381 6 May D R Duff 163.00 32.60 195.60
382 6 May 5 Hancock 279.50 55.90 335.40
383 7 May P Grainger Ltd 597.80 119.56 717.36
384 9 May C Hammond & Co 564.85 112.97 677.82
385 11 May P Whitaker 2.32 0.46 2.78
386 13 May C Hollins 298.25 59.65 357.90
387 14 May B Hunt 599.85 119.97 719.82
388 16 May C Ashmore 112.51 22.50 135.01
389 19 May P Whitaker 597.69 119.54 717.23
390 21 May C Hammond & Co 36.32 7.26 43.58
391 23 May I Rowley 301.77 60.35 362.12
392 26 May A Ardron 185.17 37.03 222.20
393 28 May C Hollins 452.23 90.45 542.68
394 30 May P Grainger Ltd 526.03 105.21 631.24
The total of the 'Net' column is used to complete box 7 (Value of Inputs)
on the VAT return. The total of the VAT column is then entered in box 4
(VAT Deductible) on the form.
■ taxation payments
What it means
On the tax point system the tax falls due at the time the goods or services
are provided. On the cash accounting basis tax is due at the time the cash
transaction takes place. This means that when you sell goods and give a
period of credit to your customers you won't have to account for VAT until
you are actually paid for the goods. But it also means that where you buy
goods on credit you cannot reclaim the VAT until you've actually paid for
You therefore need to work out if this will be advantageous to your cash
flow. It will be advantageous if:
■ you make sales on credit and your debtors (money owed to the
business) are likely to exceed the money owed to suppliers.
However it does make the record keeping very much easier and this may
have a value to you that only you can assess.
76 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
If you do not take credit on purchases and do not allow credit on sales
then it will make no difference since the tax point will be the same as the
cash transaction in each case.
Even if you use cash accounting, you must still account for VAT using
standard VAT accounting when you:
■ buy or sell goods using lease purchase, hire purchase, conditional sale
or credit sale
■ issue a VAT invoice that isn't due to be paid for six months or more
At the end of the VAT quarters the totals from the VAT columns are used
to arrive at the figures of VAT input and output tax.
Of course if you are using a computerised system then the software will
look after this for you. On most systems, you are required to match off
the payment (or receipt) against the relevant invoices. This allocation or
matching of the payment is useful for keeping track of which invoices are
still outstanding but it also advises the system of the VAT content of the
payment or receipt. These figures will then be automatically included in
your VAT Return details.
with the recording of the input VAT on each individual purchase. This
may be an administrative saving for some businesses although they will
still need to record the gross value of purchases for income tax purposes.
The trader still charges standard rate VAT (20%) to his customers but he
actually accounts for and pays over a lesser figure to the HMRC.
The difference in VAT between the two rates is kept by the trader. This is
in place of the input tax that would otherwise have been claimed under
the regular VAT schemes, and would have reduced the VAT payment to
The actual rate of VAT payable to HMRC is dependent upon the nature of
the trade. This recognises the fact that certain types of business will incur
more input tax than others. Examples of the rates are given in the table
on page 78:
78 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
Trade or Activity %
Management consultancy 14
Pubs 6.5
These are only a selection of the rates: for full details you should refer to
the HMRC VAT Notice 733 entitled 'Flat rate scheme for small businesses'
or go to the HMRC website.
Although these rates may at first look very attractive you should note that
they are applied to the gross turnover after VAT has been applied at the
standard rate. Thus the standard rate of VAT applied to a sale under this
system would be:
20% = 16.7%
Viewed in this way some of the rates look less favourable and you should
give careful consideration before you decide to apply for this scheme.
Care must also be taken if you are making zero-rated or reduced-rated
supplies. The Flat Rate VAT percentage is applied to your total turnover -
it does not exclude zero and reduced rated items. Thus if you are making
zero-rated supplies (perhaps on exports to the USA, for example) you
will in effect still have to pay VAT to HMRC even though you have not
collected the VAT from your customer.
Obviously from time to time your business may incur a large expense
on which, under the standard VAT scheme, you would have been able to
reclaim a substantial amount of input tax. Examples of this might be the
purchase of a new delivery van or some expensive production machinery.
To allow for such special circumstances under the flat rate scheme, you
are permitted to reclaim the VAT on the acquisition of capital assets that
cost over £2,000.
One final point to mention is that if you are using the flat rate scheme
then when you issue invoices to your customers you should show the full
standard rate of VAT (unless the sales are zero rated) and your customers
will be able to reclaim all of the VAT (if appropriate) even though you are
paying a lesser rate to the VAT Office.
80 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
If all your sales are at the standard rate of VAT (20%), then you must keep
a record of your daily takings. The VAT content can then be calculated
as l/6ths (20/120) of the total amount at the end of the VAT period. The
actual form of record can be quite simple being a list of the gross daily
takings. VAT input tax on purchases should then be worked out on the
'normal method' or cash accounting method outlined above.
If part of your sales are exempt, or zero-rated, for VAT purposes then
you'll have to work out the amount of output tax on sales in proportion to
your purchases of goods for resale. The exact calculation will depend on
which scheme you are using, but in all of them you'll have to identify the
value of goods purchased for resale which are chargeable at the different
rates of VAT.
All the retail schemes require you to record the value of your retail sales. In
most schemes you work out the VAT output tax on your sales by applying
the VAT fraction (see page 81) to the appropriate proportion of your sales.
■ The Point of Sales Scheme. The sales are analysed between the
different VAT rates at the time of sale using an electronic till. This is
the most accurate but requires a more expensive electronic till and
staff who know how to operate it. The main problem encountered
with this scheme is that inexperienced staff can 'ring in' sales at the
wrong VAT rate. This can be overcome if you are using bar codes on
an EPOS (electronic point of sale) system.
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 81
For more details of these schemes, you should contact the HMRC.
Using a 20% VAT rate, the cost of goods plus VAT will be 100% of the net
value (i.e. the cost of the goods) plus 20% of the net value for the VAT.
The total gross value will therefore be 120% of the net cost of the goods
excluding VAT.
If you are trying to find the VAT content it will be 20/120 of the total VAT-
inclusive amount of the goods. (Note: this is not the same as 20% of the
gross amount.)
■ the name and address of the person to whom you are supplying the
goods (or services)
■ the quantity of the goods or the extent of the services you are supplying
■ the rate of VAT (currently 20% for standard rated items) and the
However, if you are a retailer you only have to give invoices to those
customers who ask for a tax invoice. In addition, you can provide modified
tax invoices as follows;
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 83
■ Where the gross value (inclusive of VAT) doesn't exceed £250, then the
invoice need only show the following:
■ Also, if the supply includes items at different VAT rates then for each
different VAT rate, your simplified VAT invoice must also show:
If you accept credit cards, then you can create a less detailed invoice
by adapting the sales voucher you give the cardholder when you
make the sale but it must show the information described in the bullet
points shown above.
From time to time your accounting records will be checked by the VAT
Office to make sure all VAT has been correctly accounted for. To help
their work (and help you get rid of them quicker) it's recommended that
you identify the purchase invoices with your own sequence of numbers.
84 Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT
When the invoices come in, write a number on them corresponding to the
next number from the VAT Input Tax Book or spreadsheet. When you've
paid the invoice, file it away in your number order so that if you need to
refer to it later you can find it easily.
■ food
Except for the fact that no VAT is charged to the customer, the treatment
of these sales should be exactly the same as standard-rate sales.
■ business entertainment
■ goods sold to them under one of the second-hand schemes (see below).
2. When preparing your VAT return make a deduction from the total
input tax, disallowing for the private proportion of the tax that you
are not entitled to reclaim. Do keep a clear record of how you have
worked out the amount so that you can satisfy any enquiry from the
HMRC VAT department.
Motoring expenses
There is no need to restrict the input tax on repairs and maintenance of a
vehicle which you use partly for private and partly for business purposes;
nor do you have to restrict the input tax on road fuel purchased. But where
a vehicle is used partly for private purposes and the input tax on road
fuel is claimed, you'll have to apply a scale charge according to the CO 2
yourself the scale charge for that band. Effectively your business is treated
as if it has sold the fuel used privately by including the figures from the
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 87
table in the output tax and sales figures on your VAT return. The VAT fuel
scale charge tables change frequently and so for up-to-date figures you
should refer to the HMRC website.
The only way you can avoid the scale charge is by not reclaiming any VAT
input tax on fuel that you buy, regardless of whether it's used for business
or private motoring. If you decide not to reclaim you must tell your local
VAT office. Depending on how much fuel you buy it can actually work out
cheaper to forego the input tax on purchases and not to apply the scale
■ motor cars
■ aircraft
■ electric organs
■ firearms
■ boats
However, if the person from whom you purchased the goods was not
registered for VAT then there would be no input tax to deduct and the
amount of VAT payable by you to the HMRC would increase.
This is clearly not the intention of the tax because the amount of the VAT
payable would be related to the selling price of the goods and would have
no relationship with the value added.
Retention of records
From time to time VAT representatives will call on you to check your
records. You must by law keep all your business records (including
purchase and copy sales invoices, till rolls if applicable, as well as cash
books and ledgers) for at least six years. Where keeping all these records
creates a serious storage problem, you can sometimes get permission to
keep certain records for a shorter period. However, HMRC approval must
be obtained before you destroy any such records.
Chapter 4 • Accounting for VAT 89
■ The VAT system collects tax on the value added to the goods by each
registered person handling them (e.g. the wholesaler or retailer).
■ You must register for VAT purposes if your turnover exceeds prescribed
■ If you have several businesses then they must all be included within
one VAT registration.
■ You have a period of one month after the end of the quarter to complete
your VAT return.
■ Your sales invoices must set out certain information if you are
registered for VAT.
■ Where expenses are incurred for both business and private purposes
then the VAT input tax must be apportioned accordingly and part
■ If your turnover is less than £1,350,000 then you have the option of
using the cash accounting basis.
■ You must keep your VAT records for at least six years.
Double Entry Bookkeeping
As the name implies, there are two entries made to record each transaction.
So, for example, if your business buys a new machine for the workshop,
there will be one entry to record the increase in the worth of the business
machinery and another entry to reflect the reduction in the bank balance.
These days very few people will use double entry bookkeeping on a
handwritten system because if the records of the business are large
enough to justify full double entry, then the business will most probably
Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping 91
Double entry bookkeeping has been around for many years; in fact the
first known work on this subject was published in the reign of Henry VII
in 1494. The modern system of double entry bookkeeping was first put
into general use by Italian merchants at a time when Venice and other
cities of northern Italy were Europe's main trading centres.
For example, if at the beginning of the year £1,300 was owing for goods
delivered in the last month of the previous year, then the payments that
you make during the year will include this amount. Likewise if at the end
of the year £1,765 is owing for goods this will not have been included in
the payments made. To arrive at the correct figure of expenditure for the
year the figure of payment therefore has to be adjusted.
92 Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping
■ It can reduce the risk of, and help detect, any errors and even fraud.
Suppose you buy a photocopier for your business; the entries might be:
Credit Bank Account (the credit - payments - side of the cashbook, the
account giving the benefit in that money is flowing from it).
Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping 93
It's worth noting that the cash book is really one of the accounts of the
business: it has a debit and a credit just like any other account.
Confusion can sometimes arise from this. A person might say 'I'm in
credit at the bank' meaning that they have money in their account. So
they assume that the cash received by them should be entered on the
credit side of the cash book - but this is wrong! The reason is that when
you look at the bank statement you are looking at a copy of the account as
recorded in the books of the bank. When you have money invested in the
bank, then, from the bank's point of view, they owe money to you. So the
account has to record the fact that it has to give benefit and it is therefore a
credit in the accounts of the bank. On the other hand, in your own books
it is an account receiving benefit, and so the money received has to be
recorded on the debit (left) of your cash book.
Expenses Income
Assets Liabilities
When you have time, go back and see how this little table fits in with the
rule stated above. Here are some more examples to illustrate these rules:
The cheque is paid into the bank account which is receiving value and
the sales account is recording the giving of value (the shirt going to
the customer). So the entries are:
The payment is made from the bank account which is giving value
whilst the company is benefiting from the reduction in its liability to
pay the tax to HM Revenue & Customs (this reduction in liability is
therefore a receipt of value). So the entries are:
'T' Accounts
A useful tip whilst you are getting to grips with double entry is to
experiment with 'V accounts. You can jot these on a piece of scrap paper
and draft in the entries of debit and credit. Then you can metaphorically
step back and review the entries to make sure that they have followed the
rules and achieved the results that you intended.
When you are happy that the transactions are correct then you can
formally enter them into your records.
Examples of‘T accounts are given in Figures 19 and 20. The first of these
illustrates the entries that would be made to record a sale through the
sales ledger whilst the second example details the recording of entries
relating to the purchase and depreciation of fixed assets.
Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping 95
Fixed Assets
Cash Book
790.00 790.00
1. Purchase of drilling machine
Depreciation (PAL) and payment.
2. Depreciation of machine.
You then list your balances. If all is correct the total of all your debit
balances will equal the total of all your credit balances. Such a listing is
known as a trial balance (see Figure 28 on page 133). The trial balance is a
vital part of a handwritten system to ensure that everything is in balance.
Note - it still might not be correct - you may have made entries to the
wrong accounts!
■ Personal accounts — The first type are personal accounts - those relating
to dealings with customers or suppliers, collected in the form of the
sales ledger and the purchase ledger respectively.
As mentioned, the sales ledger together with the purchase ledger are
sometimes referred to as the personal ledgers. This is because they deal
with persons rather than inanimate things such as the bank account
or motor cars. The ledger itself may take many forms. You could use a
bound book, or it might be incorporated into the computer software of
98 Chapters • Double Entry Bookkeeping
your accounting package. It doesn't matter too much; the main thing is
that each page or account is divided into debit (Dr) and credit (Cr) sides.
On the sales ledger the debit entry will record the value of invoices sent
to customers whilst the credit entry will show the money being received
from them to settle their accounts. Of course in your computer software
you will not see it in quite the same form but if you print out a report it
will often have debit and credit columns.
This system has one great advantage: it gives all the information for each
customer on one page. You can easily tot up how much each owes you at
any date. Also, by adding all the balances in the ledger you can work out
how much your customers owe you as a grand total. This totalling is of
course done for you if you are using computerised bookkeeping software.
The first thing to understand is that there are two main sections of the
nominal ledger:
■ Profit and Loss Accounts - these show the trading transactions that
have taken place during the year.
Subdivision of the Ledger Examples of Accounts
Income accounts less cost of sales accounts will show you the Gross Profit.
Gross Profit less Overhead Expenses will show the profit for the year
■ Balance Sheet Accounts - these show the values of assets and liabilities
of the business.
The importance of this division and the way in which the accounts are
handled is explained in more detail in Chapter 7 concerning the year end
accounts and year end adjustments. However it is worth noting that within
each of these sections the accounts are further grouped as illustrated in
Figure 21. For example the Profit and Loss Accounts are grouped into
income, cost of sales, and overhead expenses. By deducting the sum of the
balances on the cost of sales accounts from those on the income section
you can establish the gross profit. This is one of the key ratios of your
business. The gross profit ratio shows how much profit you have earned
from each pound of sales before you take off the cost of the overheads.
The actual accounts you need to enter up in the nominal ledger will
depend upon the nature of your business. In summary:
You may wish to distinguish between different types of sale, and so would
need several 'sales accounts'. Examples:
You may want to keep track of odd items of income such as:
■ commissions received
■ wages
■ motor expenses
■ telephone charges
■ bank account
■ cash account
6. Fixed assets
■ buildings
■ motor vehicles
7. Capital
Limited companies:
■ share capital
In a computerised system you will not have separate books but nevertheless
these names are often retained to indicate the reports containing that
form of information.
As we have seen, the cash book is really only one of the nominal ledger
accounts, kept as a separate book for convenience.
Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping 103
Strictly speaking, the purchase day book and the sales day book don't form
part of the double entry. They are a memorandum of entries to be made
into the accounting records. In a handwritten system they will probably
take the form of separate books but in a computerised accounting system
they will take the form of reports generated by the software having
already entered the invoice details onto the system.
■ They form the initial entry where all the transactions of a certain
type (either purchases or sales) can be summarised, or provide that
summary of invoices entered onto a computerised bookkeeping
system, and
The journal
Like the purchase and sales day books, the journal does not form part
of the double entry system as such. But it's only found in double entry
bookkeeping systems - it has no place within a single entry system. The
journal is rather like the two day books, but whereas the day books are
used to record all your day-to-day purchases or sales, the journal is used
to record any other odd transactions and adjustments for which no other
book of prime entry is available.
104 Chapter 5 ■ Double Entry Bookkeeping
Suppose you are unlucky enough to incur a bad debt. Your sales ledger
account might look like this:
201X Dr Cr
There is a ledger balance of £644.77 that will remain on the ledger for evermore
unless you do something about it. That something is to transfer the balance to a
'Bad Debts' account in the nominal ledger. This is how you do it:
Bad Debts Account 644.77
Broke Engineering Ltd 644. 77
Note: A brief memo is added to record why you made the transfer.
2. You then debit the bad debts account in the nominal ledger with the same
amount of £644.77.
3. Next, you credit the unfortunate customer's account in the sales ledger with the
same amount so that it no longer shows a balance outstanding.
Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping 105
We shall hope that you don't have to post too many entries like this!
Note: The journal is just a memorandum. You are just using its debit and
credit columns to record where the item is to be posted on the various
accounts proper.
So you have got to the end of extracting your trial balance and it doesn't -
balance that is! What do you do?
Well, after making a fresh cup of coffee, consider the following ideas
which may help you find the error.
Balance 260
340 340
106 Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping
The payment should of course be posted to the debit of the nominal ledger
account but has been posted to the credit in error. Had the posting been
made correctly, the balance would be £420: a difference of £160 from the
true figure. By dividing by 2 it is possible to isolate the true figure so that
you can double check to make sure that all the postings of £80 are correct.
This type of error will not occur within a computerised system.
63 minus
It is not possible to forecast all the possible ways that errors can be made
and the above suggestions can only be a general guide. Unfortunately if
there are several errors they can be very difficult to find.
Chapter 5 • Double Entry Bookkeeping 107
Console yourself with the thought that even qualified accountants don't
always balance first time but with practice your accuracy will improve
and there will be fewer errors to look for.
At the end of the accounting year you may want to prepare or draft some
annual accounts, and we'll see how to do this in Chapter 7.
If you employ any staff at all, you will need some system to record wages
payments. You must by law deduct income tax and National Insurance
contributions from payments made to your employees where appropriate.
You should contact HM Revenue & Customs New Employer Helpline, tel:
0845 60 70 143 or register online at:
register-email.htm. This will then enable you to make the appropriate
deductions and pay the tax and national insurance contributions to the
Revenue as necessary. For 2012/13, if your employee earns more than
£107 per week from you, then you must record his/her pay for national
insurance purposes. However it is not until the wage exceeds £144 per
week that contributions actually have to be paid over to the Revenue.
For a single person with no other employment, tax is payable when
the earnings exceed approximately £156.00 per week. (The exact figure
will depend upon his/her entitlement to personal taxation allowances.)
Consideration should also be given to the National Minimum Wage
regulations (see page 122.)
Online filing
When a member of staff leaves your business you are obliged to prepare
a form P45. It's a record of the pay and the tax that's been deducted from
them so far in the tax year. It shows:
Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages 109
■ the tax code and PAYE (Pay As You Earn) reference number
A paper copy of the form is given to the employee but the employer must
file the details with HM Revenue & Customs online.
Likewise when a member of staff joins your employment they should give
you a copy of their P45 form and you must register those details online
with HM Revenue & Customs.
Additionally at the end of the tax year (5 April) you must file the details
of the gross pay, tax deductions and National Insurance deductions for
each of your members of staff. This must now be achieved online via the
■ arrange for someone else to prepare your payroll on your behalf. This
may be a computer savvy friend, your accountant or a payroll bureau.
You should bear in mind that the Pll Calculator isn't a fully integrated
payroll software product. For example, the Pll Calculator doesn't:
■ produce payslips
■ you enter a leaving date for an employee and subsequently want either
to change the leaving date or re-start the employment
■ an employee reaches the age of 16 and becomes liable for NICs (in
order to be able to switch to category 'A' mid-year you need to have
already set them up in the calculator with an 'X' against their NICs
■ you are unable to confirm that you have verified the date of birth
when one of your employees reaches pension age
Most commercial payroll software is far more flexible and will produce
the reports that you need for your records without further work from
Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages 111
yourself. The investment in the software will probably pay for itself in
the saving of your time. For these reasons using commercial software is
probably a better option.
Gross pay
The gross pay of an employee can be worked out in one of several ways.
The most common methods are:
in a garment factory. The employee might be paid 25p for each sleeve
that they sew into a garment during a week. Normally the system works
by using a numbered slip, consisting of a number of perforated tickets.
Each ticket relates to a specific task; for example, cutting the fabric or
sewing the garment. The slip is attached to the cloth as it is laid out for
cutting; as it passes through the various processes each worker collects
the appropriate ticket. At the end of the week the tickets held by each
employee are counted and the wages calculated accordingly.
Having calculated the gross pay entitlement, you next need to work out
the deductions (stoppages) from each employee's wage. There are two
main deductions:
■ income tax
You may also need to deduct sums for childcare costs, attachments to
earnings orders from the court, pension scheme contributions, and so
Income tax
Income tax is collected from employees through the PAYE system, or Pay
As You Earn. The employee's liability to income tax is collected as it is
earned instead of by tax assessment at some later date.
■ Keep a suitable record of the amounts paid to your staff and the
amounts deducted.
■ Account to the Revenue for the amounts of tax that have been deducted
at the end of each month or quarter.
■ Prepare the returns at the end of the tax year, detailing the payments
made to each of your staff and showing the amounts deducted.
As mentioned above you will most probably use some computer software
or employ someone to work out the payroll for you so that you do not
need to involve yourself in the exact method of calculation. However,
in essence what is generally happening is that the employee's tax code
advises the employer of the amount of freepay that can be paid without
charging tax and then tax is calculated (at 20% or higher rates) on the
balance of the gross pay.
There are a few documents and forms that you will require from time to
time throughout the year: payslips.
• gross pay
• net pay
• any deductions (stating the amounts of each item and the reason
why the deductions are made).
Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages 115
■ You may receive form P6 which is the notice advising you of the tax
codes to be used for your staff. The form is now sometimes issued
electronically rather than on paper.
■ At the end of the year you will need to issue a form P60 to each of your
employees. This is a certificate of gross pay and tax for the year. You
can either get blank forms for overprinting with the details or many
payroll packages will print the certificates onto blank paper.
You may also come across references to three other forms, Plls, P14s and
P35s. None of these forms actually exist under the modern online system
but their references have been retained to describe the data that they used
to contain.
The Pll was an employee pay summary on which to record the weekly
amounts of pay, tax and National Insurance deduction. Under the original
manual system the sheet was totalled at the end of the tax year to arrive at
the annual figures. The Pll was retained by the employer for their records.
P14s contained the same information as the year end P60, that is they
showed the total gross pay for the year (taken from the Pll), the total tax
for the year and details of the National Insurance deductions for the year.
These forms were sent to the Inland Revenue at the end of the tax year.
The form P35 was the employer's year end return and it summarised the
totals from the forms P14.
116 Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages
The Pll has of course now been replaced by a computerised version. The
P14s and P35 need to be submitted annually to HMRC but this is now
done online via the internet.
■ Those with a suffix D - used for some higher rate tax payers.
■ Those which are BR - all income is taxed at basic rate (currently 20%).
Check the PAYE literature for guidance in these cases. There is one other
case where some modification is necessary. This is where the code number
is suffixed 'Week V. In this instance each week is calculated as if it was
the first week of the tax year. In each of these cases the payroll software
should calculate the correct value once the appropriate code has been
National Insurance
As well as deducting income tax you must also deduct National Insurance
(NI) contributions. There are three main rates of contribution for NI
■ Table A - The most common rate, used in all cases except those
mentioned below.
■ Table B - used for certain married women who can produce to you a
certificate for payment at reduced rate.
■ Table C - used for employees who are over state pension age.
Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages 117
For Tables A and B there are two aspects to the contributions: the
employee's contribution and the employer's contribution. For Table C there
is no employee's contribution. Your payroll software will automatically
calculate the deductions.
■ childcare costs
You may also have to make additions to the pay for various reasons, for
■ Christmas bonuses.
118 Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages
Employer Totals:
Tax 259.40
Total Tax Due 259.40
Employee NIC 114.73
Employer NIC 190.81
Total NIC Due 305.54
OUTLAY 2,293.38
When you pay out wages and salaries to your staff you need to keep a
record of the details of their remuneration. If you are using a commercial
software package then it should provide you with a payroll summary of
a similar style to the one shown in Figure 23. This show the gross pay for
each employee and also the amount of tax and NI deductions. If there are
other forms of deduction or addition, then these will also be recorded on
the summary.
If you are using the free HMRC software then it will not produce this
type of summary. In this case you should prepare your own either as
a handwritten document or as a spreadsheet page. You will also need
to do the extra maths to make adjustments for any other additions or
deductions - the software will not do that task for you.
You will also need to provide your employees with payslips to advise
them how their pay has been calculated. An example of a payslip is
shown at Figure 24. Most commercial software should produce payslips
at the touch of a button. However, once again if you are using the HMRC
software then you will need to prepare each of the payslips separately.
This might be handwritten or you might set up a spreadsheet template to
take some of the work out of this task.
The Income Tax year starts on 6 April and the tax months run to the
5th of the month. Thus the first month of the tax year is from 6 April to
5 May. The tax and NI has to be accounted for (included in the records)
on the date that the payment is made to the employee. Thus any payment
(weekly or monthly) made between 6 April and 5 May would be regarded
as belonging to month 1 of the tax year. The payments of the PAYE
deductions to the HMRC have to be made by 19th of the month, that is to
say 14 days after the end of the tax month.
If you are on quarterly payments the first quarter runs from 6 April to 5
July and the tax payment has to be made by 19 July.
The Revenue now encourage all employers to pay the PAYE monies to
them by electronic means (BACs or internet banking) although it is still
possible to get bank giro slips for you to pay over the counter at your bank.
When SSP is paid to the employee, tax and NI are both applied in the
usual way to the gross SSP amount that you have established from the
website. Because of the relatively low level of sick pay this will often give
rise to a tax refund due to the employee.
As an employer you may be able to recover some or all of the SSP that
you have paid out. The rule is that you can only recover any SSP you've
paid in a tax month that's over and above 13% of your gross Class 1 NICs
liability for that month. Unless you qualify under this rule then you are
not entitled to recover any SSP.
122 Chapter 6 • Doing the Wages
If the business is carried on by a limited company then the directors of
the company are employees. PAYE must be operated on all salaries and
bonuses paid to them although dividend payments fall outside the PAYE
For more details contact the National Minimum Wage Helpline on tel: 0800
917 2368 or look at the website at:
■ You must deduct tax and NI from your employees. There are severe
penalties if you fail to make the deductions.
■ You must then account for the sums deducted to the HMRC each
month or quarter - full instructions on this are given in the PAYE
■ If you have several employees then you should keep a wages book to
record the wages that you pay to your employees.
■ Make sure you pay at least the National Minimum Wage rates.
How will the new RTI system differ from the current system?
The current PAYE system relies on the employer calculating tax, N1 and
other deductions for their employees during the year and then submitting
this information at the end of each year via the online P35 and P14.
Under the new RTI system employers will still calculate the tax and NIC
deductions for each employee (probably using their payroll software) but
instead of submitting this data once a year to HMRC, they will be required
to submit the details at the same time as their payroll run, be that weekly,
fortnightly or monthly. The RTI data will be sent to HMRC either via the
Government Gateway (as now) or via the BAGS system, depending on
how a company pays its employees. End of year returns (P35 and P14) will
become a thing of the past.
This is one of the most radical changes since PAYE was first introduced
in 1944. Full details of just how it will work are yet to be established but
it will almost certainly require that payroll software of some type is used
for the preparation of the payroll.
Preparing Your Annual
As you can see, these accounts consist of two main pages (plus a further
page of notes which give more details). There can be some variations on
the way that non-corporate businesses present their accounts but the
example shows a typical layout.
The adjustments at the year end can be considered to fall into three main
■ Adjustments to allow for matters that are entered into the records on
an annual basis - for example, the depreciation charge, changes in
closing stock levels or writing off bad debts.
126 Chapter 7 • Preparing Your Annual Accounts
The way in which these adjustments are recorded in the records of the
business are via the journal (see page 103) or the journal routine of a
computerised bookkeeping application.
For accruals you are recording additional expense and showing a liability
that the business must pay in the future. The entries are therefore debit
the relevant expense account (staff wages in the example above) and credit
the accruals (or creditors) account in the liabilities section of the balance
sheet codes of the ledger.
Page 1
Sales 71,911 70,980
Opening work in progress (3,800) (3,574)
Closing work in progress 2,200 3,800
70,311 71,206
Opening stocks 250 500
Purchases 41,025 39,721
Direct wages 3,582 2,999
44,857 43,220
Less closing stocks 275 250
44,582 42,970
Repairs and maintenance 267 396
Motor expenses 3,824 3,450
Telephone 1,236 1,238
Insurance 737 689
Printing, stationery and postage 242 80
Advertising 1,224 1,347
Accountancy fees 613 600
Depreciation 2,365 958
Loss on disposal of fixed assets 1,873 -
Bank charges 414 342
Loan interest 399 —•
13,194 9,100
Stocks 275 250
Trade debtors 3,963 5,093
Work in progress 2,200 3,800
Prepayments 758 -
Cash at bank 9,548 15,530
16,744 24,673
Bank borrowing 10,562
Trade creditors 5,859 11,364
VAT 2,833 3,637
19,255 15,001
Chartered Accountants
36 Church Street
Brought Carried
forward Dep’n for forward
1 May IX Additions Disposals the year 30 Apr IX
£ £ £ £ £
Equipment &
Machinery 1,131 271 (211) 1,191
Office Equipment 921 - - (138) 783
Motor Vehicles 3,373 13,446 (3,373) (2,016) 11,430
27,632 27,107
Less: Drawings 16,739 12,010
Without a stock adjustment you might conclude that it was a £10 loss
(that is £150 of income but £160 of purchases). But clearly this is wrong
because the business should make £2 on each widget sold.
This is where the stock adjustment comes in. The business bought 20
items but only sold 15 and so has 5 left. These should be valued at 'the
lower of cost or net realisable value' - in this case 5 at £8 which is £40.
So if we now adjust the purchases for the remaining stock we have
£160 less £40 equals a cost of sales of £120. If this figure is used in the
calculation we have sales of £150 less cost of sales of £120 which equals
a profit of £30 (or £2 per item for the 15 sold).
So how do we enter this into the records? Well the closing stock is an
asset to be shown on the balance sheet so this is debited to the stock
account in the current assets section of the ledger. The other end of
the double entry is a credit to a closing stock account in the cost of
sales expenses account.
■ Bad debts - at the year end it is a good idea to review who owes money
to your business. If there is doubt that some of this will be recoverable
then adjustments should be made to cancel the debt. This would be
recorded as a debit to the bad debt expense account and a credit to
the debtor account on the sales ledger to cancel the debt showing up
You will also recall from Chapter 5 that there are two main divisions of
the nominal ledger - the profit and loss items and the balance sheet items.
The profit and loss accounts record the trading activities during the year
- the sales, the purchases and the overhead expenses. In contrast the
balance sheet accounts record the assets and liabilities of the business. If
you total up how much is in each account and then list those balances you
will have created a trial balance.
The trial balance gets its name from the fact that on a handwritten system
the balances would be extracted in this manner and the trial balance
prepared. Of course the sum of the debit balances should equal the sum
of the credit balances and so this exercise was a trial to make sure that it
did. If it did not balance then you knew you had an error somewhere that
you would need to find.
If you look at the trail balance at Figure 28 this has been artificially split
at the end of the profit and loss account balances. Normally the trial
balance would list all of the balances without a break. However if we
are just considering the profit and loss account balances (income, cost
of sales, overheads etc) then the difference between the credit balances
(mainly income accounts) and the debit balances (mainly cost of sales and
overheads) will be the profit.
There may be some confusion with regard to revenue items such as stock
and debtors: although these items are not of a capital nature, the values are
included on the balance sheet as they represent assets held at the end of
the accounting period. (Stock also appears on the profit and loss account
but in this case it is to reflect the change in the level of stock during the
year - opening stock less closing stock.)
In the example the credits total £74,386.21 whilst the debits are £61,851.36
meaning that the profit for the financial year is £12,534.85.
The balance sheet values (the lower part of the trial balance) represent the
assets and liabilities of the business at the year end which will of course
continue into the following year. The final couple of balances on the trial
Swanhampton Plumbing and Heating Engineers
Trial Balance
At 30 April 201X
Memo Profit
Difference = Profit 12,534.85 61,851.36 74,386.21
balance (the capital account section) record the owner's investment in the
business at the start of the year and also any movements in the owner's
interest in the business during the year.
At the year end there needs to be a resetting of the accounts ready for the
following year. If we come back to our pots on the mantelpiece analogy
then all of the profit and loss account pots are emptied into the owners
pot, the one on the right, so that they start afresh for the new financial
year. Likewise the little pots which are subdivisions of the owner's capital
are tipped into the main (opening balance) pot.
In terms of debit and credit this is achieved by debiting all of the profit
and loss accounts that had a credit balance and crediting all of the relevant
accounts that had a debit balance and putting the resultant net balance to
the owner's capital account. In a similar manner there is a tidying up of
the owner's accounts.
If you are using a computer bookkeeping package then the software will
look after these transfers for you. On some systems you will need to run
an 'end of year' routine whilst other will undertake these adjustments
seamlessly in the background without requiring your intervention.
Capital expenditure
Capital expenditure relates to the purchase of fixed assets used by the
business and having a lasting effect over several years.
Revenue expenditure
Revenue expenditure, on the other hand, only contributes once to the
earning of profits; except for what may remain as stock, it is wholly used
up in the period the expenditure is incurred. For example, expenditure
Chapter? • Preparing Your Annual Accounts 135
The first page, the profit and loss account (Figure 25) is a summary of
trading income and expenditure for the period. Is the gross profit margin
bigger, or smaller, as a percentage of its sales? Why is the net profit less
when sales seem to be up? Are the overheads under control?
The profit and loss account summarises the revenue income and
expenditure for the year. After allowing for timing differences (debtors,
creditors and stock) it shows the profits and losses of the business. At
the end of the accounting period the various balances on the nominal
ledger revenue account (sales, purchases and overheads, e.g. wages, motor
expenses) are transferred from their respective accounts to the year end
profit and loss account summary.
It's usual to dispense with pence and just to show 'round pound' figures.
Generally, comparative figures for the previous year are shown alongside
the figures for the current year. The layout for the profit and loss account
is split into three sections:
136 Chapter 7 • Preparing Your Annual Accounts
■ The top section is the income or turnover. Often this will only be one
line - sales.
■ The middle section deals with the cost of making those sales. It will
include the purchases of goods and the adjustment for the differing
level of stock at the beginning and end of the year. It may also include
direct wages where wages are directly related to achieving those
sales. Taking the cost of sales from the turnover will reveal the figure
of gross profit.
Together these two sections are referred to as the trading account.
■ The final section deals with the overheads of the business. Deducting
the overheads from the gross profit will give you the net profit
(sometimes referred to as The bottom line').
Gross profit
The gross profit is the figure of profit directly from the purchase and
sale of the goods. For example, suppose you run a shop and purchase an
article for £10 and sell it for £15; you will have made a gross profit of £5
on the transaction. This would represent a gross profit margin of 33% on
The expression 'cost of sales' has been used, rather than 'purchases'. This
is because some of the goods which have been purchased may still be in
stock. They have not yet earned any profit and we have to allow for this
when working out the gross profit. Take the following example:
John starts up in business running a shoe shop. He buys 120 pairs of shoes
at £10 per pair. During the financial year he sells 83 pairs of shoes at £15
per pair and still has 37 pairs in the shop year end. His trading account
would look like this:
Sales 1,245
Purchases 1,200
Closing stock (370)
■ financial costs (bank interest and charges, hire purchase charges, etc.)
After deducting overheads from the gross profit you arrive at the net
trading profit. This is the amount that the business has earned from its
trade during the year after paying all its expenses.
After adjusting for non-trading income you finally arrive at the net profit
of the business for the year. In many cases there will be no non-trading
income; if so you don't have to state both the net trading profit and the net
profit, since the figure would be the same.
The second page, the balance sheet (Figure 26), is a 'snapshot' of the assets
and liabilities of the business at a certain point in time. At the year end,
in this example, the business owned the assets and owed the liabilities as
Chapter 7 • Preparing Your Annual Accounts 139
shown on the balance sheet. You can tell a lot from the balance sheet. In
this one, why has the business taken out a bank loan? Does the business
owe more or less to its trade creditors?
As we have seen the balance sheet sets out the assets and liabilities of
a business at a fixed point in time. However, it does more than just list
them. It arranges them into a suitable order so that the financial position
of the business can be clearly seen.
Except for companies, there is no 'legal' order for the entry of the items
on the balance sheet. However, it is usual to bring out certain figures to
highlight the strengths or weaknesses of the business. In particular:
Net assets
The net total of fixed plus current assets minus liabilities is referred to as
the net assets of the business. This shows the net worth of the business
(subject to a few matters discussed below).
Proprietor's investment
The net assets are matched by an equal and opposite figure - the
proprietor's investments in the business. This is the amount owed by the
business to its owner. It may include money actually invested into the
business, and profits of the business left in to accumulate.
We have dealt with the balance sheet and with the profit and loss
accounts but some of the figures (particularly on the balance sheet) have
been summarised and shown as one figure for clarity. The 'Notes to the
Accounts' give extra detail to explain the summarised figures. Let's look
again at Figures 26 and 27. The fixed assets (equipment and property
having a long-term benefit to the business) have been shown as a single
figure on the balance sheet. The details of how this is made up are shown
Chapter 7 • Preparing Your Annual Accounts 141
in a note. From the note you can see that the fixed assets include equipment
and machinery, office equipment and motor vehicles used in the business.
The note also shows how these figures have changed from a year ago.
The notes also describe the movement on the capital account for the year.
The capital account shows the proprietor's investment in the business.
When the business makes a profit this is credited to the capital account
and increases the balance on that account (the business now owes more
to the proprietor). On the other hand, throughout the year the proprietor
will withdraw money from the business (drawings) and this reduces the
sum that the business owes to him. The drawings are debited to the capital
account, so reducing its balance.
Accounting concepts
There are four accounting concepts in business today;
Thus after two years there will still be an asset of £3,000 representing the
balance of the lease premium: although it may have no resaleable value, it
does have a value to the business as a going concern.
To 'accrue' means to charge an amount in the accounts for the period
to which it relates which may not actually be when it is due to be paid.
Take the case of a business which pays rent of £12,000 pa for its premises,
six monthly in arrears on 31 March and 30 September. If the business
makes up its accounts to 31 December it will have to make an accrual of
£3,000, being three months' rent (October-December) which has not yet
actually become due for payment, though the business has had the use of
the premises.
times of low inflation this may not matter much but when inflation rises it
can lead to their real value being understated in the balance sheet.
Dr Cr
£ £
Yr. 1: Bank- Yr. 4: Bank -
Purchase of van 8,000 Sale of van 2,400
Yr. 4: P & L a/c
Loss on sale of van 5,600
8,000 8,000
144 Chapter 7 • Preparing Your Annual Accounts
We have had to transfer the balance on the account (£5,600) to the profit
and loss account; there we will write it off with the other expenses of the
business. However, the above example charges the whole of the loss of
value of the van in the year that it was sold even though it was actually
losing value throughout the whole of the period of ownership.
Either can be used but once started you should not change from one
system to the other (consistency - see above).
This method will result in a higher depreciation charge in the early years
and less in the later years but this is often more in line with the way in
which an asset diminishes in value.
■ The balance sheet is a 'snapshot' of the assets and liabilities of a
business at a point in time.
■ A profit and loss account shows how the change in the net worth of
the business has occurred since the last accounts were prepared.
146 Chapter? • Preparing Your Annual Accounts
■ There are the four accounting concepts to keep in mind during the
preparation of the accounts: going concern, accruals, consistency and
■ Some fixed assets will have lost value during the year as their useful
life is slowly used up. Such assets need to be depreciated.
■ The way in which accounts are presented will depend partly on the
nature of the business.
Company accounts
From time to time the Acts are also amended by Statutory Instruments and
this legislation combines to make the statutory regulation of companies
into a complex topic. Added to this are various rules and regulations set
by the UK and international accountancy bodies and agreed with HM
Revenue & Customs about the content and presentation of accounts.
However, despite this, at their heart the accounts of companies follow
the general layout of accounts for non-incorporated businesses as set out
earlier in this chapter, with a profit and loss account, balance sheet and
notes albeit presented in a more complex form.
Small companies
Before you prepare the accounts for your company it is important to
consider its size as this has a bearing on the information that you need to
include within the accounts.
Some companies will be required to appoint an auditor and have their
accounts audited (see below for exemptions). It is the job of the auditor to
report to the members (shareholders) of the company as to whether the
accounts have been properly prepared taking notice of the appropriate
accounting rules. The auditor must also report as to whether the accounts
give a true and fair view of the state of the company's affairs.
Most small companies are not required to have an audit. To qualify for
total audit exemption, a company must:
PLCs are required to have an audit even if they would qualify as small
Financial statements
To avoid confusion with everyday management accounts, the financial
information in a company's annual accounts is generally referred to as the
financial statements.
■ A profit and loss account, showing the trading performance over the
accounting period (usually 12 months). It summarises sales, costs and
expenses, profits (or losses), and any tax provisions.
Where the company is not exempted from audit there must additionally
be a report by the auditor stating that the accounts do give a true and fair
view or alternatively a qualified report stating the matter that they are not
happy with.
The Companies Act sets out how the accounts will be presented for a
limited company, with headings and subheadings. The format should
also comply with UK accounting standards, which dictate how certain
transactions should be treated in the financial statements. For small
companies this will include the disclosures and exemptions set out in the
FRSSE (Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities). It is a director's
duty that the financial statements must give a 'true and fair view' of the
company's financial position.
■ the shareholders of the company (who may or may not also be the
■ HM Revenue & Customs so that they can review the figures as part of
their acceptance of the taxation situation
150 Chapter 7 • Preparing Your Annual Accounts
Abbreviated accounts
In addition to the full financial statements which are prepared for the
members (shareholders) of the company and the Revenue, small companies
are permitted to prepare abbreviated accounts.
• accounting policies
• creditors due after more than five years (or for which security has
been given)
importantly the profit and loss account. This means that the accounts that
are on public record do not disclose the company's profit.
Although the basic profit and loss account and balance sheet are
comparatively straight forward, it is the presentation of the final financial
statements and the claiming of appropriate exemptions that is the
hard task. It is therefore recommended that you consult a professional
accountant to undertake the final accounts preparation. If you have
prepared the basic accounts to a good standard then this will cut down
on their work and should reduce the fees that they charge.
There are notes to help you find a suitable accountant in Chapter 11.
■ Limited companies are obliged by law to maintain proper accounting
As we have seen, the books and records allow the preparation of annual
financial accounts for a business. However, by the time they are prepared
it is often too late for crucial management decisions to be taken. There are
therefore several things that the small business (or indeed any business)
should do to monitor trade throughout the year.
154 Chapters • How to Use Management Information
■ Decide on the length of time that the forecast is to cover; for example,
one year. The nature of the business may mean using a shorter or
longer period, particularly if it is highly seasonal.
■ Then forecast the cash receipts for each of the periods. Remember,
if you sell goods on credit the cash may not come in for one, two or
even three months after the date of the sale. Thus if you sell goods in
the first month of the cash flow statement you should enter the cash
received for those goods in the month of probable receipt (e.g. in the
Chapter 8 ■ How to Use Management Information 155
Trade debtors 22,000 24,000 23,000 21,000 20,000 21,000
Sales of assets 1,500 - . - 200
Others 60 - 120 50 - 100
Trade creditors 4,000 3,500 3,000 3,200 2,800 3,000
Other creditors 500 800 400 1,000 700 800
Wages & salaries 11,000 11,000 11,100 11,200 11,200 11,200
Heat light & power 500 200 200 500 200 200
Advertising - 2,000 - - 2,000 -
Rates 2,000 - - - - -
Tax 10,000 - - - - -
■ Next enter the formulas onto your spreadsheet. If you are preparing a
handwritten statement then you need to get your calculator to hand
to help you with the maths. Arrange to:
(c) Deduct the total payments from the total receipts to arrive at the
cash increase or decrease for the period.
(d) Add the cash increase (or deduct the decrease) from the opening
balance to arrive at the new cash balance at the end of the period.
If the figure becomes minus you need to get an overdraft, or cut
(e) The closing cash balance becomes the opening cash balance for
the next period.
By reviewing the closing balance each month you will be able to estimate
the cash needs of the business. If, for example, your business has a seasonal
Christmas trade you might need overdraft facilities to help you to buy
stock in October and November before the cash comes in from the sales
in December.
You can also add the actual expenditure to this statement each month in
order to monitor the trading results. You might be surprised (or horrified)
at how the actuals compare with your estimates. But you should get more
accurate with experience.
Suppose you are owed £1,000 by one of your customers who helps
themselves to an extra four months beyond the agreed credit period. The
Chapter 8 • How to Use Management Information 157
cost to your firm in interest charges will be £27 (based on an interest rate
of 8%). This is not only expensive, but lack of cash could jeopardise your
whole business if you are already stretched to the limit on your borrowing
facilities. And problems, like the proverbial number 7 bus, have a nasty
habit of showing up all at once!
You can keep bad debts and the level of accounts receivable to a minimum
by careful credit control procedures. Always check the credit-worthiness
of major new customers, either through a banker's reference or by using
a credit-rating agency.
You should also monitor the time taken by your customers to pay. You can
do this by preparing an aged debtors list (see Figure 14 on page 60). Most
computer bookkeeping packages will do this for you. From the debtors
list you can see at a glance which customers are taking ages to pay.
Remember, the longer an account is outstanding, the less chance there is
that you'll ever get paid.
Don't be afraid of taking legal action to recover debts that are becoming old.
Often, the threat of legal action against a financially unsound customer
(who doesn't want his other creditors to be aware of his situation) will
bring a positive response and your account will jump to the head of the
queue for payment.
Don't worry about upsetting customers who are bad payers. They tend
to be thick-skinned and know full well that you are only trying to run
your business. If you do manage to upset them remember that, with the
additional problems they are causing, you are probably better off without
Managing a budget
He will plan his budget for the afternoon and make his decisions
accordingly. If when he gets to the ice-cream van he finds that the ice¬
cream is on special offer and is only £1.00 then there will be a variation
from the budget resulting in a budget surplus of 50p.
The cornerstone for the budget will be your anticipated sales volume
and revenue for the forecast period. This is not always easy to forecast:
you will have to take into account such factors as past performances,
new products, advertising campaigns, competition, and seasonal factors.
And remember that when you split it into 12 months it may not just be a
question of dividing all the figures by 12. You know the pattern of your
trading best.
As well as sales income your budget should forecast all the expenses of
the business.
the efficient management of your business, and know what level of profit
(and liquidity) to expect.
Monitoring progress
The budget statement can also be used to monitor the progress of your
business. If you work out a simple monthly operating summary, like
that in Figure 31, you can see how your actual results compare with the
budget you set. A monthly management profit and loss account such as
this will differ from the cash flow forecast because it takes no account
of the timing differences on making payments; it will also make the
necessary adjustments for changes in stock levels and depreciation (non¬
cash expenses).
Factory 6,840 6,600 21,162 20,250
Selling 2,250 2,400 7,206 7,020
Technical 1,848 1,800 5,778 5,490
Accounting 1,470 1,440 4,542 4,410
Administrative 2,010 2,070 6,480 6,300
If you find that actual results differ markedly from your budget, you
should be able to identify the reasons and think about what action to take.
You may, of course, need to modify your budget, but either way it will give
you a better insight into the way your business finances actually work.
Performance ratios
There are several key ratios which you can use to measure and monitor
the financial health of your business. Unfortunately, because there are so
many different types of business one can't give any general guidance on
what ratios to expect: they vary so much from one trade to another.
Some of the key ratios to look for are given below and you may wish to
monitor these figures for your business. You could check them monthly,
quarterly, and certainly at the end of each year when you have your
annual accounts, and you'll be able to tell (as will your bank manager!)
where you are going right and where you may be going wrong.
sales turnover
sales turnover
capital employed
credit sales
■ Monitor the actual progress of the business against the budgeted profit
and loss account and the cash flow statement and make necessary
amendments to your trading plan.
■ Operate a good system of credit control and chase up the old debts.
You can blame Napoleon for the existence of this chapter. Income tax as we
know it today was introduced to pay for a war against the said gentleman.
That was in 1799. It was so hated that when it was withdrawn in 1816
all the records were destroyed. However, Sir Robert Peel re-introduced
the tax in 1842 and it has been with us ever since. The lowest standard
rate ever charged was 2d in the £ (0.83%) between 1874 and 1876 and the
highest was 10/- in the £ (50%) between 1941 and 1946.
Employees pay their tax by deduction from their wages under the PAYE
scheme. However, self-employed people don't come within the scope of
the PAYE system. Instead they are taxed in arrears on the basis of their
previous earnings.
How your business is taxed will depend upon the entity carrying on the
■ limited companies.
We'll deal first with the taxation of sole traders and partnerships. The
taxation of limited companies is discussed at the end of the chapter.
The method of working out the tax liability of sole traders and partnerships
is practically the same, except that in the case of a partnership it's necessary
to work out each partner's share of the total liability.
Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business 163
■ inheritance tax.
The last two taxes don't normally occur each year. Inheritance tax might
occur on death or occasionally on certain gifts. It can be complicated to
work out the correct allowances and liability and the reader should get
specialist advice if needed.
Capital gains arise on the sale of business (and other) assets. It taxes
the increase in the value of the asset during the period of ownership.
There are several allowances which relieve the effect of the tax. The main
reasons why capital gains could affect a person in business are:
income tax
The accounting concepts (Chapter 7) go part way to defining the profit
of the business, but there are some matters still left to the discretion
of the accounts producer which affect the profit disclosed. The rate of
depreciation, for example, is left to the individual. In addition accounts
often include the full cost of running the proprietor's motor car or other
expense, where in practice part of these costs is for his own personal
164 Chapter 9 ■ Taxation and Your Business
benefit. So that the Revenue can apply the taxes on a standardised basis,
a computation is needed to adjust the profit disclosed by the accounts to
that required by the Inspector of Taxes.
Figure 32 illustrates the way in which the adjustments are made to the
accounting profit to arrive at the profit for taxation purposes.
■ telephone charges (if, for example, the home telephone bills are paid
through the business)
■ heating and lighting where the business is run from the proprietor's
This is not an exhaustive list: each case must be considered on its merits.
Where the proprietor uses goods from the business for his own purposes
then an adjustment for this should also be made. If, for example, the
business is a newsagents and the proprietor takes cigarettes for his own
use the appropriate entries should be made. The removal of the cigarettes
without payment changes the profit margin revealed by the accounts, and
so the adjustment should ideally be made on the face of the accounts by
adding those goods to sales (the other balancing entry of the double entry
being included as drawings). However, if the adjustment is not made in the
accounts it should be included as an 'add-back' in the tax computations.
The reasons for this should be clear for expenditure that is of a private
nature. Less clear will be the reason for adding back depreciation: it is
done to standardise the depreciation allowance.
Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business 165
Capital Allowances
AIA Claim Pool Allowances
WDA@ 18% (242) 242
Carried forward 1,103
Total allowances 13,959
Having arrived at the adjusted taxable profit there are various allowances
that can be claimed in respect of depreciation.
166 Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business
Capital allowances
■ vans
■ cars
■ tools
■ furniture
■ computers
■ machinery
■ equipment.
■ writing-down allowance
■ first-year allowance
Please note that the limit changed with effect from April 2012 - if your
accounting period was before that date or spanned the change then there
are transitional rules to calculate how much you can claim. Additionally
if your accounting period is more or less than 12 months then the limit is
scaled accordingly.
Writing-down allowance
Writing-down allowance (WDA) is an annual allowance that reduces, or
'writes down' any balance of capital expenditure on plant and machinery
that you haven't been able to claim under the annual investment allowance
and on the residual balance of expenditure that you have carried forward
from the previous accounting period.
There are two rates of writing-down allowances for plant and machinery.
To calculate them, you first group your expenditure into different pools:
■ the main pool - this includes expenditure on most items - the rate is
currently 18%.
■ the special rate pool - this includes special rate expenditure including
long-life assets, integral features, certain thermal insulation and some
cars - the rate is currently 8%.
Note that before April 2012 the rates were higher and there are special
rules for the transitional period.
AIA Claim Pool Allowances
First-year allowance
Currently, there are 100% first-year allowances available for expenditure
on certain specific types of asset. This means you can claim the full
expenditure on these assets as a deduction when calculating your taxable
profit or loss for the accounting period. The types of assets that qualify for
first-year allowances include;
■ new cars with CO^ emissions of not more than 110 grams per kilometre
This means that vans and lorries are not considered to be cars, whereas
motor homes are. However, certain vehicles such as driving school vehicles
with dual control are not treated as cars for capital allowance purposes
although they may be classed as cars for other tax rules. If a vehicle is not
a car, the special rules for cars do not apply to it and the other allowances
may be available.
qualify for a 100% first-year allowance and do not fall within the special
car rules.
Time of purchase
The rules for claiming capital allowances on cars changed for cars that
were purchased either new or secondhand from April 2009.
For vehicles purchased prior to that date there was no first-year allowance
or initial allowance available but the vehicle was introduced into the main
pool and writing down allowance claimed. The exceptions to this were;
■ that if the vehicle had private use it was kept separate from the
main pool so that a restriction could be applied to the writing down
■ if the vehicle had cost more than £12,000 the car was kept in a separate
pool. There was then a restriction on the amount of WDA that could
be claimed which was limited to £3,000.
For cars purchased since April 2009 (either new or secondhand) the capital
allowances you can claim are based on CO emissions, which are shown
on your car's V5 certificate. If your car does not have an emissions figure
because it was first registered before 1 March 2001 then the expenditure
is allocated to the main pool, or a single asset pool if there is some private
use - see below.
The table at Figure 34 sets out the allowances that can be claimed on cars.
Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business 171
llOg/km or less * You can claim up to 100% You can claim up to 100% allowance
allowance in year of purchase. in year of purchase restricted for
Any balance goes into main pool. private use. Any balance kept in
separate pool with 18% WDA.
On Disposal Proceeds reduce pool value but Proceeds are deducted from
there is generally no balancing relevant pool. Remaining difference
allowance or balancing charge is balancing ailowance or balancing
* note that the first-year allowance for cars in this category will cease from 31 March 2013.
Fig. 34. Capital allowances treatment for cars according to emissions levels.
Thus if the total allowance available was £1,560 and you used the car
for one third of the time for private journeys then you would need to
restrict your claim by £520 (£1,560 -f- 3) and you would claim £1,040 as an
allowance against your taxable profit.
■ Disposals
When assets are sold the proceeds are deducted from the appropriate
written down value. This may then exhaust the particular pool and
a negative value be obtained. In this case you will already have
obtained more allowances than the loss in the value of the asset since
acquisition. Accordingly the excess is clawed back by giving rise to a
balancing charge. What if the sale is of the last of the assets within
that particular pool? If there is any remaining unallowed positive
value in the pool after deducting the proceeds, it shows that the
annual allowances were not enough to grant relief for the loss in value
since acquisition. Accordingly an additional allowance is given, the
balancing allowance.
■ Private use
In some cases, where profits are low, it is not beneficial to claim capital
allowances. This is because the tax on the profit will already have been
relieved by personal allowances. If capital allowances are claimed
then no further relief may be obtained but the value of the pool will
be reduced and will therefore restrict allowances available in future
years. In such circumstances it is possible to waive the claim to capital
allowances for the year.
Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business 173
As you may well have gathered capital allowances can be complicated and
confusing. If in doubt you should seek professional help.
Unless your turnover (sales) is less than £70,000 then you will need to
complete a detailed tax return for the Revenue. This form asks for your
accounts to be summarised to reveal the turnover, gross profit and the
overheads analysed under 14 headings. There is also provision on the
form to enter the expenses that have been disallowed in the calculation of
the taxable profit. The actual accounts for your business are no longer sent
to the Inspector of Taxes unless he/she specifically requests them.
The personal allowances available to the individual are deducted from the
taxable profit and the tax calculated at the current rates on the resulting
total. In addition. Class 4 National Insurance contributions are payable
on the taxable profits between £7,605 and £42,475 at a rate of 9% (2012/13
rates). On profits over £42,475 Class 4 National Insurance is charged at
2%. This is paid in addition to the flat rate Class 2 contributions of £2.65
per week.
174 Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business
If the venture incurs a taxation loss, the loss can be relieved against:
Finally, remember that the legal onus is on the individual to tell the
Revenue of all his sources of income. There are severe penalties for failing
to disclose information. If you start up in business you should notify the tax
authorities without delay. Don't wait for them to contact you. The easiest
way to advise them is online at
Alternatively you can contact the Self Assessment Helpline on tel: 0845
900 0444. There is a penalty of £100 if you fail to notify them within three
months of the end of the month in which your business started.
You must also ensure that the information you give is accurate. Under self
assessment the figures from the accounts are received and processed by
the Revenue without any form of review at that stage. The Revenue will
even calculate your tax for you based upon those figures but this does not
mean that they accept and agree them. They have until a year after the
filing deadline in order to review the accounts and raise any queries and
if errors are found (perhaps because you have claimed an expense that
should not have been allowed) penalties may be charged.
If you are in doubt about the taxation of your business then contact the
Self Assessment Helpline (tel: 0845 900 0444), or discuss things with a
qualified accountant. An accountant's fee will usually be money well
spent because they may be able to save you a substantial amount of tax.
Company taxation
In small companies, the owners of the business (the shareholders) are also
often the directors. What the directors get by way of salary or bonus is
taxable as a liability of them as individuals. In most cases the tax is collected
via the PAYE system in the company; the directors don't normally pay the
tax directly to the Collector of Taxes.
Clearly, for a limited company responsible for its own taxation liability, it
would not be right for it to suffer an extra liability on benefits provided to
directors. Accordingly the value of these benefits is not adjusted within
the company's taxation computation; instead each director is assessed for
income tax on the value of the benefits received.
Since 1965, the profits of companies have been taxed in two stages:
At first sight this seems to tax the profits twice, but the system is so
arranged that (with certain restrictions) the tax paid on company profits
is not charged again when the profits are distributed to shareholders. ,
Corporation tax
Corporation tax is charged on the company profits for the accounting
year. The rate of tax depends on the size of the profits and whether the
company has any associated companies.
Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business 177
For small companies which are not associated with others and do not
receive dividend income the corporation tax rates for the 2012 Financial
Year (year commencing on 1 April 2012) can be summarised as follows:
Band Rate(%)
Over £1,500,000 24
Corporation tax is payable nine months after the end of the accounting
period. So, for example, if the company's year end is 31 January the tax
will be payable on the following 1 November.
The rate of tax credit is 10% of the gross value of the dividend. For basic
rate taxpayers this income is assessed at an 'investment rate' of 10% so
there is no further tax due. For higher rate taxpayers the 'investment rate'
is 32.5% and so allowing for the 10% tax credit there is a further 22.5% of
tax to pay.
178 Chapter 9 • Taxation and Your Business
Note that the tax liability and tax credit are calculated at 10% of the
gross dividend. When the dividend is paid it is the net amount that is
actually paid over. But this sum is treated as if it has already had a 10%
tax deduction made. The gross value of the dividend can be found by the
Or more simply:
From time to time you may want to buy an expensive piece of equipment or
a motor vehicle for your business. Depending on the financial state of the
business you may need to raise extra finance. One method is to approach
your bank. If you only want short-term finance (up to a year) you will
probably do best to try and negotiate an overdraft facility. But if you need
finance over a longer period then your options are:
■ hire purchase
■ asset leasing.
There are many variations on these options. Your choice will depend
upon several factors:
If you are buying property then a loan from a bank or other financial
institution is probably the only real option. Of course, you may be able to
rent premises but you will never become the owner.
Chapter 10 • Accounting for Loans, Hire Purchase and Leasing 181
For other assets you may be able to use any of the methods of finance. Let's
examine them in turn.
Loan £6,000 over 5 years at 8% interest with monthly repayment of capital £100
£100 £100
£100 £100
Hire purchase
Under a hire purchase contract the HP company buys the asset on your
behalf. You can then use the asset but ownership does not pass to you
until the end of the repayment period. At that time you'll have to pay a
small option fee actually to exercise your option to buy the asset. A charge
is made for the finance and you'll usually have to pay this by monthly
instalments along with the repayment of the capital. For example:
New motor van - cost £8,000: £1,000 deposit and balance over 3 years
Cost 8,000
Hire charges (finance charge) 1,010
Deposit 1,000
36 monthly payments of £222.50 8,010
Total 9,010
The accounting treatment and taxation for HP are discussed below. You
should note that for both purposes you are treated as if you acquired the
asset at the start of the agreement, even though from a legal point of view
this is not the case.
Chapter 10 ■ Accounting for Loans, Hire Purchase and Leasing 183
Asset leasing
In a lease the goods never become your own property: they always belong
to the leasing company. The lease will normally be for a period between 2
and 5 years. During this period you pay a rent for the use of the asset. At
the end of the period you can normally continue to use the asset for which
you pay a peppercorn (nominal) rent. These periods are respectively called
the primary and secondary lease periods. For example:
When you eventually stop renting the asset it is sold by the leasing company
and the proceeds divided between the lessor (the leasing company) and the
lessee (you or your business). If, for example, you use the van for four years
(and so were in the secondary lease period), and the lease then ceased, the
position might be:
Proceeds of sale of van 1,000
The exact arrangements would depend upon the terms of the lease,
which you'd have to look at carefully.
184 Chapter 10 • Accounting for Loans, Hire Purchase and Leasing
Bank loans
How do we record a bank loan in a full double entry system? It's relatively
Dr Cr
Debit the bank account (main cash book)
with the amount of the loan received 6,000
At the end of each financial year you'll transfer the balance on your
Bank Interest account to your profit and loss account, and write it off.
Hire purchase
In order to enter hire purchase contracts in your accounts it's important to
keep two aspects in mind:
■ you need to account separately for the hire charges (finance cost).
Cp II c
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186 Chapter 10 • Accounting for Loans, Hire Purchase and Leasing
There are several ways of apportioning the HP charge for the accounting year
(Step 4). Here we have applied the fraction;
This is not particularly accurate but it does for most purposes. To reflect
the actual interest pattern accurately you'd have to take account of the fact
that the interest would be proportionately higher in the early months of the
agreement when most of the capital is still outstanding.
The accounting treatment of leases has changed in recent years. In the past
the accounting treatment followed the legal position and the monthly
rentals paid were written off as a charge in the profit and loss accounts each
However, it was felt that outsiders looking at accounts were getting a false
impression of a business; they couldn't tell the value of the assets used by
the business even though they were owned by an independent leasing
company. Accordingly Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 21 now
recommends leases should be treated like HP transactions. This is obligatory
for company accounts but optional for sole traders and partnerships.
Taxation treatment
The taxation treatment of assets acquired on HP or leasing is very
Hire purchase
When you acquire assets under an HP agreement, the Revenue treats you
as owning the assets from the outset. You can thus claim capital allowances
(see Chapter 9) on the cash value of the asset. You can also claim tax relief
for the hire charges (i.e. interest/finance costs) because you have to deduct
them from your profit and loss account. You can also get the whole of the
VAT back at the time of the acquisition (if appropriate).
188 Chapter 10 • Accounting for Loans, Hire Purchase and Leasing
The tax treatment for assets acquired under a lease has changed in
recent years. If you acquire an asset under a lease, you will not be able to
claim any capital allowances (since you don't own the asset and never
will). Instead you can deduct the whole of the amount that you pay to
the leasing company (except the VAT) from your business profits. This,
however, must be averaged over the life of the asset and not just over the
period of the lease as was the case previously.
It will be seen that the timing of the tax relief depends on whether the asset
is acquired by lease or HP.
The capital allowances system gives relief on plant and equipment over
a number of years, but the amount of the relief reduces each year. At 18%
writing down allowance the relief is actually as follows:
As you will appreciate, the amount allowed each year for an asset acquired
on lease will depend not only on its cost but also on its expected life.
Using the above example it is likely that there will be higher relief in the
early years by using the HP route but in the long term there will be no effect
on your overall tax liability.
■ There are three ways of financing the purchase of new assets: bank
loan, hire purchase and leasing.
■ The method you choose will depend on the period of the finance
required, the nature of the asset and interest rates.
There are several professional people, and potential allies, that you will
need to consult when running your business. These might include:
■ your accountant
■ your solicitor
Chapter 11 ■ Dealing with Your Professional Advisers 191
Choosing an accountant
When choosing an accountant it's a case of 'horses for courses'. The
following points should be considered:
1. Choose a firm of the right sort of size for your business. If your
business is small with only a few staff then a local accountancy
practice may be best. It will undoubtedly have plenty of experience
of dealing with businesses just like yours and appreciate local trading
conditions. On the other hand if your business is large, or if you need
advice on specialist areas (e.g. the taxation implications of setting up a
subsidiary company in Alaska) then it is probably better to consult one
of the larger national firms.
2. If you choose a small firm, it's best to find one whose partners belong
to one of the main recognised accountancy bodies. There is a list of
these bodies at Appendix 3.
4. Finally, the personal factor. Choose an accountant you can really talk
and discuss your problems with. Your association may last many years
and you need someone you feel 'right' with in the good times and the
facts. If they ask you questions about your finance, it's because they need
the details to help and advise you. They're not just being nosey!
Sometimes, for example when dealing with your tax, they might ask
questions that seem rather searching and even seem to question your
honesty. But it's far better that they ask the questions rather than the
Inland Revenue! If necessary the accountant can then give an explanation
to the HM Revenue & Customs on the Self Assessment Tax Return about
something that might otherwise arouse suspicions and perhaps give rise
to detailed enquiries.
Clearly, if you present your records to the accountant in a neat and tidy
condition they can keep their time to a minimum and that will reflect
in the fee. But if they have to spend many expensive hours sorting out a
'messy' set of records, their fee will certainly reflect the extra work.
Do make sure that your work on keeping the records will in fact help
your accountant. Some traders spend hours writing up records, but since
they are not in the right form for their accountant much of the time is
completely wasted. Discuss your records with your accountant early on,
so that you can agree the best way of doing things.
Chapter 11 • Dealing with Your Professional Advisers 193
It will also help your accountant (and save fees) if you provide them with
the following as at the year end:
It is also useful to your accountant for you to note any unusual matters
concerning the business that have occurred during the year. All these
matters will help your accountant prepare your annual accounts (and
thereby save you money)!
Almost every business needs a bank account to carry on its trade. You
will want a means to pay your suppliers, and need some way of receiving
payments and clearing cheques that you get from customers for sales. The
account will also allow you to make regular payments by standing order
or direct debit and you can receive BACs credits from your customers.
The high street banks all offer much the same services, although from
time to time they bring out new accounts or services, giving them an edge
(until their rivals copy the idea).
194 Chapter 11 • Dealing with Your Professional Advisers
■ regular statements
■ debit cards
■ cheque books
■ Fees - check with them how much it is likely to cost to bank with
them. Many banks offer free banking as an introductory offer but
unless you want to keep changing banks then you need to look at the
ongoing charges. Remember free banking is never really free!
As with choosing an accountant, you need to find a bank that you can
work with. Often this depends, at least to some extent, on the local branch
manager. If you get on well with them your financial path should be that
much smoother.
Chapter 11 • Dealing with Your Professional Advisers 195
Remember, the bank manager does not want to say 'no'. Banks make their
profits by lending money and if all propositions were turned down they
would make no profit! On the other hand, a bank must be satisfied that
it's a good lending proposition, and that they will get their money back.
If the proposition is not financially sound the bank will not permit the
borrowing. This may seem hard at first, but in practice it often kills a
scheme at the outset that would in any case be doomed to failure. As well
as protecting their own investment the bank may also be saving yours.
Remember, they have lots of experience of small businesses; the failures
as well as the successes.
A = Assets - details of any assets that you can put up as security for the
If the manager is not familiar with your business (perhaps because you
have only just moved to the bank) you should provide him/her with a
brief typed review of the business and its history. You will be helping
them to help you.
From time to time you may need to consult a solicitor to deal with various
business matters, for example:
Many of the points about dealing with your accountant also apply to
dealing with your solicitor. Remember they are working for you, and you
will get the best from them if you give them all the necessary information.
Bear in mind, too, that they charge for many of their services on a time
basis, perhaps £100 to £250 an hour (probably more in London). Don't
be afraid to ask how much. Be clear in your own mind what you want
them to do for you when you contact them; you can then give them clear,
concise instructions about what is needed. This will save them time and
you money.
Most businesses need some sort of insurance to protect them when things
go wrong. For example:
Remember, it could only take one disaster to put all your plans - and
perhaps your whole business - at risk. Contact an independent insurance
broker and discuss your needs with them. Ask them for competitive
quotations and take out insurance accordingly. Many types of cover can
often be brought together in one 'business policy' with savings in the total
Along with your other professional advisers your broker may also be able
to help you on life assurance and pension plans.
A book such as this one can only introduce the main accounting topics,
and there will be times when you want further information.
Who you ask will depend upon what kind of information you need. The
following list may help you;
Taxation queries
For various tax queries including VAT and National Insurance, try
contacting HM Revenue & Customs or of course ask your accountant if
you have one. The HMRC telephone numbers are listed in Appendix 2.
The following may be able to help you. The high street banks - see under
'Banks' in Yellow Pages or on Google. Examples are, Barclays, Lloyds TSB,
HSBC, NatWest, Royal Bank of Scotland, Santander and others.
Hire purchase - see under 'Credit & Finance Companies' in Yellow Pages.
And finally:
Remember the other books published by How To Books, including:
Please send for a free copy of the latest catalogue for full details (see back
cover for address).
■ Build up a good relationship with your bankers. You don't know when
you might need their assistance.
■ Consult a solicitor as and when necessary. If you use the same solicitor
regularly they will come to know your business and its requirements
which will help to keep fees to a minimum.
Appendix 2
HM Revenue & Customs
Contact Details
For various tax queries including VAT and National Insurance, try
contacting HM Revenue & Customs or of course ask your accountant if
you have one. The HMRC telephone numbers are:
■ Business Payment Support Service (if you are having difficulty paying
your taxes) - 0845 302 1435
Appendix 3
List of Accountancy Bodies
In the UK, anyone can set up and practise as an accountant without having
any formal accountancy qualification (except for audit or insolvency
work). However, to use certain titles and designatory letters requires
membership of the appropriate professional body, thus:
Appendix 3 • List of Accountancy Bodies 203
Contact details
The contact details are:
• Website
• Website
• Website
• Website
• Website
Appendix 3 • List of Accountancy Bodies
• Website
• Website
Appendix 4
Details Required on the Self
Assessment Tax Return
■ Payment to subcontractors
■ Premises expenses
• rent
• rates
• insurance
206 Appendix 4 • Details Required on the Self Assessment Tax Return
■ Bank charges
■ Bad debts
■ Cash in hand
Capital account
Most businesses will only have entries under a selection of the headings
listed above. This is not an exhaustive list and if your business has some
special requirements - there may need to be additional headings added
to the list.
Appendix 5
Useful Computer Software
In keeping your books and records you may find some of the following
software to be useful to you. When choosing software it is a bit like
choosing a car - everyone has different priorities and likes and dislikes. If
it was not for that we would all drive the same model of car!
So it is with software. The things that one person considers 'a must' may
be insignificant to someone else. Most suppliers allow a trial period so
that you can try before you buy.
Bookkeeping software
Appendix 5 • Useful Computer Software 209
VT Cash Book
This is a cut down version of the above software. It does not support sales
and purchase ledgers but depending upon your business that may not
be a problem. It can handle VAT on a cash accounting basis. And it's free!
Sage is one of the best known accounting software suppliers although it
is not liked by everyone. They offer a range of products from Sage Instant
which is targeted at new and small businesses to Sage 50 which is intended
for small to medium businesses.
Telephone 0800 44 77 77
Like Sage there are a range of products from their SimpleStart to
QukkBooks Premier. You should check that the software will meet
your needs. For example, the SimpleStart product will only support cash
accounting for VAT and does not produce a list of outstanding payments
due to your business.
A fully featured online accounting/bookkeeping system that is
recommended by many accountants. The cost is dependant upon the
number of transactions and almost anyone in business will be beyond
the basic package. There is a limited free trial period on this software.
Sage offer online products aimed at the small business although as yet
these applications do not offer the same range of features that are available
on their desktop products.
Like the desktop products, QuickBooks offer a range of online products
from a basic package that will not handle VAT to a fully featured
Payroll software
Sage offer payroll products that can be integrated with some of their
bookkeeping applications.
There are a range of payroll products offered by Iris. Look at their website
for details.
212 Appendix 5 • Useful Computer Software
Spreadsheet software
This is probably the best known spreadsheet application and it comes as
part of the Microsoft Office suite.
LibreOffice is a free and open source office suite which is largely
compatible with other major office suites, including Microsoft Office, and
is available for a variety of platforms. LibreOffice Calc is the spreadsheet
part of the suite.
Like LibreOffice, OpenOffice is another free alternative to the Microsoft
Office suite.
Dropbox is a web-based file hosting service operated by Dropbox, Inc. that
uses cloud storage. It is easy to install and will run on many different
computer operating systems. Once installed the system looks after itself.
There are two advantages of using Dropbox. Firstly, your computer will
automatically back itself up as you are using it to cloud storage in the
internet. This means that if your computer breaks down or is stolen you
can still retrieve your files.
Appendix 5 ■ Useful Computer Software 213
Secondly, if you have more than one computer they can be linked to the
same Dropbox account and the files on one machine will automatically
appear on the other. This is useful if you are using a computer at work
and a different machine at home as your work will always be there and
up to date.
The first 2GB of storage is free but you can purchase more on a monthly
subscription if needed.
Appendix 6
Tax Rates
Note: there is a starting rate for savings income that may apply to the first
£2,710 of income from savings in certain cases.
Corporation tax
Note: these rates apply to companies that are not themselves in receipt of
dividend income.
For individuals
Standard rate of CGT 18%
Appendix 6 • Tax Rates 215
Glossary 217
basic rate of tax for the year 2012/2013 is 20% but the higher rate of 40% is
chargeable when the taxable income, net of allowances, exceeds £34,370.
There is also an additional rate of 50% charged on income over £150,000.
input tax. VAT incurred on purchases which is reclaimable by a VAT registered
trader (or at least set against output tax due to reduce payments made to
the HM Revenue & Customs).
insolvent. The financial state of a business meaning that it is unable to
pay its debts as they fall due. This can be defined in two ways. Firstly,
balance sheet insolvency where the overall liabilities of the company
exceed the value of the assets. Secondly, cash flow insolvency meaning
that there are insufficient liquid funds for the business to pay its debts.
Thus a business may have net assets but because they are tied up on
an illiquid form (perhaps invested in property) it has no cash to pay its
debts. Contrast solvent.
invoice. A document listing goods or services supplied and showing the
price, any VAT and the total amount due.
invoice register. A book or schedule used to summarise the issue of sales
invoices. The document will typically record the invoice number, date,
customer name and value of the transaction. Sometimes it may be
extended to record the date of payment of the invoices to help keep
tract of money owed to the business by customers.
journal. A book of prime entry used to record adjustments and other non¬
recurring accounting entries. It has debit and credit columns but it does
not form part of the double entry: it merely acts as a memo of the entries
to be made.
liabilities. Amounts owed by the business to suppliers, on hire purchase
arrangements, to bankers (loans or overdrafts) or to anyone else. Contrast
limited company. A business where the owners (the shareholders) have a
limited liability to contribute money to the business. The company is a
separate legal entity. Contrast partnership and sole trader.
National Insurance. A system of insurance run by the government into
which workers and employers make regular payments and which provides
money for people who are unemployed, old or ill.
220 Glossary
net profit. The profit of a business after taking account of all the
NIC. National Insurance contribution (see National Insurance).
output tax. VAT charged on sales by a registered business.
overheads. Money spent regularly to keep the business running. Overheads
include such charges as rent, heat and light, bank interest on overdrafts
and other expenses which are not directly related to the purchase of the
goods or services being sold by the business.
partnership. A business which is owned and run by a group of individuals
with a view to profit. Unlike a limited company the business is not a
separate legal entity from those that own it and the individual partners
are each responsible for the debts of the business. Contrast limited
company and sole trader.
PAYE. Standing for Pay As You Earn this is a means of tax collection from
employees - the tax is deducted at the time of payment of wages by
employers. The employer then pays the tax that has been deducted to
HM Revenue & Customs.
paying-in book. A book of credit slips for paying money into a bank account.
There is normally space to write the source of the money on the counterfoil
which is retained in the book.
Glossary 221
(the debit entry) and the double entry is made by posting the summarised
figures (for the month) to the credit of the nominal ledger. The book also
forms a useful summary of the information needed to complete the VAT
sales invoices. Documents issued by a business to its customers advising
them of the details of goods or services supplied and requesting
payment. The invoice will also detail VAT if appropriate.
scale charge. An adjustment made for VAT purposes by a sole trader
or partner in a partnership when a business vehicle has been used
privately. If the business has reclaimed the VAT on the purchase of
fuel then they must effectively sell themselves some of the fuel that has
been used for their private motoring. This is achieved by charging an
amount from a set scale published by HM Revenue & Customs. This
scale charge is added to the VAT output tax liability of the business for
the quarter.
self assessment. In accounting self assessment will generally be taken to
refer to the completion of tax returns and in particular the return of
income by the self employed (paying income tax) and by companies
(paying corporation tax).
sole trader. A person running a business on his/her own; that is without any
business partner. He/she is responsible for the debts of the business.
solvent. The financial state of a business which permits it to meet its debts as
they faU due. The current assets (stock, debtors and cash at bank) exceed
the current liabilities (creditors, bank overdrafts and loans etc.). Contrast
statement. A summary of a person's ledger account extracted from the books
of account and issued to that person. For example, a statement for a sales
ledger account would be issued to a customer and would summarise all
the invoices that they owed to the business at that time. A bank statement
details the transactions on a bank account and is issued to the customer
periodically so that they can confirm that the final balance shown is
takings. The receipt of money as a result of sales.
Glossary 223
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Accounts are just as important as any other aspect of a business, and can be crucial to
its prosperity and even survival. If you're 'doing the books' you will be at the very heart
of the business, with your hands firmly on the controls. You will be involved in the
management of its assets and liabilities, its expenses and its profit margins. The more
control you have over these, and the records and figurework on which they are based,
the better you will be able to control your business.
This thoroughly accessible book is suitable for sole traders, partnerships and limited
companies, and includes:
Peter Taylor is a f ellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and has many years'
practicaTexperjence of advising small businesses.
This book has been thoroughly revised and updated for its eighth edition.
Small Business