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Service Training

Instructor Module SEGV2683

December 2000



SEGV2683 Table of Contents








Component Locations
Modes of Operation




SEGV2683 Module Description


CONTENT This Technical Instruction Module is designed to provide students with

specific information on the Caterpillar Monitoring System installed on the
988G Wheel Loaders. It covers the System Components, Modes of
Operation, Warning Operation, and Testing and Adjusting.

This module prepares the students for the specific application of the
Caterpillar Monitoring System installed on the 988G Wheel Loaders.

AUDIENCE Level II - Field service personnel, resident mechanics, Technical

Communicators and shop technicians. All students should have a
working knowledge of basic electrical and electronic controls on
Caterpillar products.

REFERENCES Service Manuals Form No.

988G Wheel Loader RENR3086

Caterpillar Monitoring System--Systems Operation

Testing and Adjusting SENR1394

Electrical Schematic

988G Wheel Loader Electrical System RENR3092

Operation and Maintenance Manual

988G Wheel Loader Operation and Maintenance Manual SEBU7198

Parts Book

988G Wheel Loader SEBP2742


988G Wheel Loader AEHQ5388

Technical Instruction Modules

988G Wheel Loader--Steering and Brake Systems SEGV2681

988G Wheel Loader--Implement Hydraulic System SEGV2682
CD ROM verson of SEGV2681 SERV2681
CD ROM verson of SEGV2682 SERV2682
SEGV2683 Module Description


Supplementary Material

Interactive Video Course "Fundamentals of Electrical

Systems" TEMV9002
Programmed Instruction Course "Basic Electricity" SEBV0534
SEGV2683 Preparation Checklist


MODULE Gather the following materials before the training session:

Instructor Materials "988G Wheel Loader--Caterpillar Monitoring
System" [Form SEGV2683 (included in this package)]

Slide/Text Reference "988G Wheel Loader--Caterpillar

Monitoring System" [Form SEBV2683 (included in this package)]

Service Manual "988G Wheel Loader" (Form RENR3086)

A copy of the following for each student in the training session:

Service Manual Module "Caterpillar Monitoring System

--Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting" (Form SENR1394)

Electrical Schematic "988G Wheel Loader Electrical System"

(Form RENR3092)

Operation and Maintenance Manual "988G Wheel Loader"

(Form SEBU7198)

CLASSROOM Prior to delivering the classroom training session, perform the following
______ Review the Lesson Plan to become familiar with the flow of the
training session.

______ Review the Objectives to become familiar with the expected


______ Review the Slide/Text Reference to become familiar with the


______ Review the questions and answers in the Posttest.

______ Duplicate enough Student Materials (Form SEEV2683) at the

end of this module for each participant in the training session.

______ Check all Service Magazine articles, Service Letters and

Technical Information Bulletins related to the topic.
SEGV2683 Preparation Checklist


LABORATORY Prior to conducting the lab exercises, perform the following steps:

______ Select the machine to be used for the lab exercises.

______ Make tags for Laboratory Exercise A.

______ Review the lab exercises, and fill in any necessary answers and
information for the specific machine to be used in the training

Gather the following tools and material:

______ 1 - 6V7070 or 9U7330 Digital Multimeter

______ 1 - 4C8195 Control Service Tool

______ 1 - Mechanic's tool box with hand tools

SEGV2683 Module Prerequisites


PREREQUISITE TEST Prerequisite tests should be administered at least one or two weeks before
the participant takes the course.

Participants should pass the following pretest with a score of 90% or


Machine Electrical Pretest SEBV0558

If a participant does not accomplish 90% or better, identify the area of

deficiency and then recommend materials for the student to review. After
ample review time, the student should re-take the test.

PREREQUISITE The following prerequisite course should be completed prior to

COURSES participating in this course:

Interactive Video Course "Fundamentals

of Electrical Systems" TEMV9002

Caterpillar Machine Electronics Course (or equivalent)

SEGV2683 Lesson Plan


• Provide each student Introduction Time Estimates

with a copy of the
course description Introductions and Course Description 15 min.
and objectives Discuss Objectives and Class Schedule 15 min.

• Slides: 1 - 28 Slide Presentation

• Distribute Lab A
Worksheets Introduction 10 min.
Component Locations 60 min.

• Conduct Lab A Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component

Identification 60 min.

• Slides: 29 - 37 Slide Presentation

• Distribute Lab B
Worksheets Modes of Operation 60 min.

• Conduct Lab B Lab B: Display and List Modes of Operation 60 min.

• Conduct Lab C Lab C: Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnosis 90 min.

• Distribute Case Study Case Study 30 min.

• Administer Posttest Posttest

Administer posttest 30 min.

Review correct answers with class 20 min.

Restore Machine 30 min.

Total Estimated Time 8 hours

SEGV2683 Module Objectives


Slides: 2 - 28 1. Given a 988G Wheel Loader and the Lab A Worksheets, locate and
Lab A identify the monitoring system components on the machine and on
the electrical schematic during a lab exercise.

Slides: 2 - 28 2. Given class notes and all reference material, identify the main display
Posttest module indicator lights and the associated warning categories during
a posttest.

Slides: 29 - 37 3. Given a 988G Wheel Loader, the appropriate service literature, and
Lab B the Lab B Worksheets, identify the operator modes during a lab

Slides: 29 - 37 4. Given a 988G Wheel Loader, the appropriate service literature, the
Lab B 4C8195 Control Service Tool and the Lab B Worksheets, access the
service modes during a lab exercise.

Slides: 2 - 37 5. Given a 988G Wheel Loader, the appropriate service literature and
Lab C tooling, diagnose and repair a reported operator complain during a
lab exercise.

Slides: 29 - 37 6. Given the appropriate service literature and a list of diagnostic codes,
Posttest identify the CID and FMI during a posttest.

Slides: 2 - 28 7. Given a list of 988G Wheel Loader Caterpillar Monitoring System

Posttest input components, match the component with the input connector
number during a posttest.
SEGV2683 Slide/Text


INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following text for this module is designed to familiarize the student
with the components, operation, testing and adjusting procedures of the
Caterpillar Monitoring System installed on the 988G Wheel Loaders.

The text is accompanied by instructor tips. The instructor tips provide

delivery directions such as "introduce a lab" or "identify components."

The instructor should become familiar with the material before presenting
the material to the class.

Distribute the Lab A and B Worksheets prior to the slide presentation.

The students may use the worksheets to take notes during the

For your convenience, additional copies of the Slide/Text Reference (text

only, slides not included) may be ordered separately as:

"988G Wheel Loader--Caterpillar Monitoring System"

Slide/Text Reference SEBV2683

NOTE: Insert "988G Wheel Loaders--Caterpillar Monitoring

System" Slide/Text Reference (Form SEBV2683) behind this page.
SEGV2683 Laboratory Exercises


INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following section provides directions to set up, facilitate and assist
during the student lab exercises.

Some lab exercises are the written type with worksheets, while other labs
are the traditional "on the iron" labs. Answers are provided for the
worksheet exercises.

The actual student lab sheets along with accompanying materials are
located in the Student Materials section.

At the beginning of each lab, review the lab description.

NOTE: Discuss safety procedures with the students for each shop lab
(i.e. safety glasses, clothing).
SEGV2683 -2- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component



Students will identify the Caterpillar Monitoring System components by

matching the lettered or numbered tags on the components on the class
machine with the names on Worksheet No. 1. Students will also identify
the schematic grid location for each component and write the grid
location on Worksheet No. 1.

NOTE: Tags containing letters or numbers should be attached to the

Caterpillar Monitoring System components in advance. Record the
tag information on the blank space next to the component name on
Worksheet No. 1.

Students will identify the Caterpillar Monitoring System Display

components and fill in the letter designation of each component on the
graphics on Worksheet No. 2.

INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE Explain the process for filling out the worksheets (distributed during the
slide presentation).

Inform students that they may refer to the Service Manual or class notes
while completing the worksheets but that they may not confer among

Proceed to the lab and have the student complete Worksheet No. 1. Have
the students complete Worksheet No. 2 in class or in the lab. Discuss
completed worksheets with class.

MATERIALS NEEDED Lettered or numbered tags

Lab A Worksheets

988G Wheel Loader

988G Wheel Loader Electrical Schematic (Form RENR3092)

SEGV2683 -3- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component Identification

Worksheet No. 1 Answers

Directions: Use this worksheet during the slide presentation to take notes on the location and function
of the Caterpillar Monitoring System components. During the lab exercise, write the letter
or number attached to the component next to the correct name. After locating the
components on the machine, locate and record the electrical schematic grid location for
each component.

_____ Main Display Module

Location: In the operator’s station at the right side of the dash

Function: Processes input signals received over the CAT Data Link and sends output signals to the
Caterpillar Monitoring System indicators.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Gauge Cluster Module

Location: In the operator’s station at the left side of the dash

Function: Displays engine coolant temperature, torque converter oil temperature, hydraulic oil
temperature and fuel level.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Speedometer/Tachometer Module

Location: In the operator’s station at the center of the dash

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating engine speed and rpm.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Action Lamp

Location: In the dash below the speedometer/tachometer module

Function: Illuminates when a fault is detected by the Caterpillar Monitoring System.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Action Alarm

Location: Behind the dash

Function: Sounds when a fault is detected by the Caterpillar Monitoring System.
Schematic Grid Location: _____
SEGV2683 -4- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component Identification

Worksheet No. 1 Answers (continued)

_____ Operator Mode Switch

Location: Left side of the dash below the gauge cluster module
Function: Used to select operator modes.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Engine Oil Pressure Sensor

Location: Next to the engine oil filter on the right side of the engine (left side of machine)
Function: Sends a signal to the engine ECM indicating engine oil pressure.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Parking Brake Pressure Switch

Location: On the parking brake control valve below the cab

Function: Sends a signal to the transmission ECM indicating parking brake pressure.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Brake Pressure Switch

Location: On the accumulator charging valve

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating brake pressure.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Alternator "R" Terminal

Location: On the back of the alternator

Function: Provides a frequency signal to the main display module.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Hydraulic Oil Filter Bypass Switch

Location: On the pilot oil filter on the front of the hydraulic tank
Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating a restricted pilot oil filter.
Schematic Grid Location: _____
SEGV2683 -5- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component Identification

Worksheet No. 1 Answers (continued)

_____ Power Train Filter Bypass Switch

Location: On the power train oil filter

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating a restricted transmission oil filter.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Steering Pressure Switch (secondary steering only)

Location: On the selector and pressure control valve below the cab
Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating steering pump pressure.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Front Axle Oil Temperature Sensor

Location: On the rear of the front axle

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating front axle oil temperature.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Rear Axle Oil Temperature Sensor

Location: On the front of the rear axle

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating rear axle oil temperature.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Engine Speed Timing Sensors

Location: On the flywheel housing on the left side of the engine (right side of machine)
Function: Sends a signal to the engine ECM indicating engine speed.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Fuel Level Sender

Location: On top of the fuel tank

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating fuel level.
Schematic Grid Location: _____
SEGV2683 -6- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component Identification

Worksheet No. 1 Answers (continued)

_____ Coolant Temperature Sensor

Location: Front of the engine on the right side (left side of machine)
Function: Sends a signal to the engine ECM indicating coolant temperature.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Torque Converter Oil Temperature Sensor

Location: On the torque converter outlet relief valve

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating torque converter oil temperature.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor

Location: On the front of the hydraulic tank

Function: Sends a signal to the main display module indicating hydraulic oil temperature.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Transmission Output Speed Sensors

Location: On the right side of the transmission at the rear (left side of machine)
Function: Send a signal to the transmission ECM indicating ground speed.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Transmission Gear Indicator

Location: On the STIC lever

Function: Sends a signal to the transmission ECM indicating transmission gear position.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Service Connector

Location: Behind an access panel at the rear of the cab

Function: Provides a connection for the 4C8195 Control Service Tool to the Caterpillar Monitoring
Schematic Grid Location: _____
SEGV2683 -7- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component Identification

Worksheet No. 1 Answers (continued)

_____ Harness Code Plug

Location: Behind the dash

Function: Tells the main display module the machine model.
Schematic Grid Location: _____

_____ Engine Coolant Flow Switch

Location: To the rear of the engine oil filter on the left side of the machine
Function: Sends a signal to the engine ECM indicating coolant flow status.
Schematic Grid Location: _____
SEGV2683 -8- Laboratory Exercises

Lab A: Caterpillar Monitoring System Component Identification

Worksheet No. 2 Answers

Directions: Use this worksheet during the slide presentation to take notes on the location and function
of the Caterpillar Monitoring System display components. During the lab exercise, fill in
the blanks with the correct letter for each component.



°C kPa Miles KM RPM Liter SERV
B . ..
X10 12 km/h 3F

F Main Display Area B Hydraulic Oil Temperature Gauge

H Speedometer I Transmission Gear

A Coolant Temperature Gauge E Alert Indicator Lights

D Fuel Level Gauge C Torque Converter Oil Temperature

G Tachometer
SEGV2683 -9 Laboratory Exercises

Lab B: Display and List Modes of Operation


Students will display the operator modes of operation and the service
modes of operation and list the information shown in the display area of
the main display panel on the worksheets.

GROUP EXERCISE Explain the process for filling out the worksheets (distributed during the
slide presentation).

Inform students that they may refer to the Service Manual or class notes
while completing the worksheets.

Following the procedures in the Caterpillar Monitoring Systems

Operation, Testing and Adjusting Module (Form SENR1394), perform the
following tasks:

1. Using the operator mode switch, display the operator modes on

the Caterpillar Monitoring System main display module and
complete Worksheet No. 1.

2. Using the 4C8195 Control Service Tool, display the service modes
on the Caterpillar Monitoring System main display module and
complete Worksheet No. 2.

Discuss completed worksheets with class.


988G Wheel Loader

Caterpillar Monitoring Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting Module

(Form SENR1394)

4C8195 Control Service Tool

Mechanic's tool box with hand tools

SEGV2683 - 10 - Laboratory Exercises

Lab B: Display and List Modes of Operation

Worksheet No. 1 Answers

Directions: Using the operator mode switch, display the operator modes on the Caterpillar Monitoring
System main display module and record the information shown in the display window of the Main
Display Module on Worksheet No. 1. Using the 4C8195 Control Service Tool, display the service
modes on the Caterpillar Monitoring System main display module and record the information shown in
the display window of the Main Display Module on Worksheet No. 2.


Mode: Service Meter

Display: Engine hours

Mode: Odometer

Display: Miles or kilometers

Mode: Tachometer

Display: Engine rpm

Mode: Scrolling

Display: Diagnostic service codes

SEGV2683 - 11 - Laboratory Exercises

Lab B: Display and List Modes of Operation

Worksheet No. 2 Answers (continued)


Mode 1: Harness Code

Display: Machine code number

Mode 2: Numeric Readout

Display: Numeric readout of gauges

Mode 3: Service Mode

Display: Diagnostic codes

Mode 4: Tattletale

Display: Extreme value for each condition of the machine that is monitored

Mode 5: Units mode

Display: Toggles the displays between US and metric units of measure

Mode 6: Power Train Calibration

Display: Power train calibration submode, step number, and error codes

Mode 7: Implement System Calibration

Display: Implement system calibration submode, step number, and error codes
SEGV2616 - 12 - Module Description

Lab C: Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnosis

Shop Lab Exercise:

INSTRUCTOR NOTE Install a "bug" in the 988G Monitoring System before the exercise. Use
the bugs provided on the following page or develop your own bugs.

Have the students perform the following tasks:

Create a list of potential problems or symptoms.

List the tests to perform.

Troubleshoot the 988G Wheel Loader Monitoring System

Discuss the troubleshooting results at the end of the exercise by asking

these questions:

What symptoms were identified?

What tests were made?

What was the problem?

MATERIALS NEEDED ______ Lab C Worksheets

______ Caterpillar Monitoring Systems Operation, Testing and

Adjusting Service Manual module (Form SENR1394)

______ 988G Wheel Loader Electrical Schematic (Form RENR3092)

______ 988G Wheel Loader

______ Digital multimeter

______ 4C8195 Control Service Tool

______ Mechanic's tool box with hand tools

SEGV2683 - 13 - Laboratory Exercises

Lab Exercise C: Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnosis

Directions: Install/create a machine "bug" to measure the students understanding of the monitoring
system. Not all bugs need to be installed for each class. Select the bug(s)
appropriate for the class or develop your own bugs.

1: Fuel Level reads an abnormally low level.

2: Brake Oil Temperature Sensor Abnormal.

1: Fuel Level reads an abnormally low level

Setup Procedure:

1. The gauge on the main display module indicates very low fuel level, even after the tank has been

2. Open the fuel level sender circuit wire (201-BK-18) between the sender and frame ground.

Operator Observation:

The fuel level gauge displays a very low fuel level and the alert indicator is flashing.

Possible Causes:

1. Fuel tank empty.

2. Sender ground is open.
3. Sender signal shorted to +Battery.
4. Sender signal open.
5. Main display module is faulty.


The serviceman must place the operator mode select switch in the "Diagnostic Scrolling" position and
observe that SERV CODE is displayed along with the following diagnostic information: MID 30,
CID 096, FMI 03. Using the 4C8195 Control Service Tool, the serviceman must place the main display
module in the "Service Mode" and place the above diagnostic codes on HOLD.

Using the appropriate service manual, electrical schematic and diagnostic service tools, the serviceman
must diagnose the problem, locate the open sender ground wire, repair the fault, and use the 4C8195
Control Service Tool to clear the diagnostic codes from main display module.

INSTRUCTOR NOTE: The students must troubleshoot the fuel sender circuit using the sender
test procedures in the service manual.
SEGV2683 - 14 - Laboratory Exercises

Lab Exercise C: Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnosis (continued)

2: Front Axle Oil Temperature Sensor--Abnormal Signal

Setup Procedure:

1. Locate the connector where the cab wiring harness and machine wiring harness are connected to
the bulkhead. This connector is usually found in the access panel directly below the cab window on
the right side.

2. Locate the front axle oil temperature signal wire number 983-BU and, using the Deutsch contact
removal tool (blue), slide the wire and contact out of the connector shell just far enough to break
electrical contact. Repeat the process on the other side of the bulkhead (isolates the connector from
both wiring harnesses).

Operator Observation:

The brake oil temperature alert indicator flashes continuously through all throttle settings.

Possible Causes:

1. Front oil temperature sensor faulty (no voltage output at the sensor connector).
2. Wire open between the sensor and bulkhead connector.
3. Wire open between bulkhead connector and main display module.
4. Open bulkhead connector (internal).
5. Faulty main display module.


Opening the bulkhead connector contact (No. 6 or 24) requires the serviceman to check voltage on both
sides of the connector with a digital multimeter. The easiest place to start the process is at the front oil
temperature sensor connector. Then, continue to the bulkhead connector and then to the main display
module connector.

NOTE: Use accessibility of troubleshooting points to determine a logical sequence.

SEGV2683 - 18 - Laboratory Exercises

Lab C: Troubleshooting Analysis Worksheet

STEP 1: Verify problem

STEP 2: State the problem

STEP 3: Visual inspection

STEP 4: List all possible causes





STEP 5: Devise and run checks/record data









STEP 6: Isolate and eliminate

STEP 7: Repair machine or hydraulic hammer

STEP 8: Verify fix

SEGV2683 Case Study


INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following section provides a case study with a suggested
troubleshooting process. You may want to work through the case study
and make your own notes. The actual student case study, without the
answers, is located in the Student Materials Section.

This case study is designed to promote logical troubleshooting

procedures. To do this, the students can complete the exercise in either of
the following ways:

A. Each student may complete the exercise individually and then

discuss the solution as a class.

B. Students may complete the exercise in small groups and then

discuss the solution as a class.

Summarize the results for each step using flipcharts or the blackboard.

You may want to provide students with the provided possible answers
after the discussion.

Students should use their class notes and other reference materials to
complete the exercise.

Extra space has been provided for your additional responses or

SEGV2683 -2- Case Study

988G Wheel Loader Monitoring System Case Study

DIRECTIONS Students should use any appropriate service literature and class notes to
complete this case study. Have the students answer the questions on the
Troubleshooting Exercise Worksheet. Discuss the exercise with the
students after they have had time to answer the exercise questions.
SITUATION The following case study is based on a possible field problem.

A 988G Wheel loader was operating on the jobsite when the operator
complained that the engine coolant temperature gauge was reading in the
red zone and the action lamp was flashing. The operator reported that the
engine did not appear to be overheating.
SEGV2683 -3- Case Study

Monitoring System Troubleshooting Worksheet

ISOLATE PROBLEM The first step in in a troubleshooting process is to gather information
before starting any work on the machine. If possible talk to the operator.
Gather Information
Also, check the repair history of the machine and the Caterpillar Service
Information Retrieval System (SIRS). List at list three questions you
would ask an operator to help in identifying that a problem exists?
Possible answers:
What are the exact symptoms?
When did the problem occur and under what conditions?
Is the problem intermittent?

Verify Verify the problem exists. Operate the machine to duplicate the problem,
preferably under similar operating conditions. Compare the operation to a
known good machine. Perform sensory checks such as looking, listening,
touching, smelling to verify a problem exists.
Perform Visual When troubleshooting always perform a visual inspection first. Look for
Inspection the obvious. List at least three typical items that should be inspected
during a visual inspection. Possible answers:
Check for loose or corroded electrical connections
Check for damaged wiring

Check for a flashing alert indicator

State Problem After verifying a problem exists, state in your own words what the
problem is. Caution: Do not identify the solution. Possible answer:
The engine coolant gauge is in the red zone, the action lamp is
flashing but the engine is not overheating.
SEGV2683 -4- Case Study

Monitoring System Troubleshooting Worksheet (continued)

LIST POSSIBLE The next step in the process is to list all of the possible causes of the
FAULTS problem. Identify all systems and components that could be causing the
problem, including the least obvious. List at least three things that could
be causing the problem. Possible answers:
Faulty engine coolant temperature sensor
Machine harness signal circuit shorted to ground
Faulty main display module

Devise tests and Now, create a list of tests that should be performed. Prioritize the tests as
determine root cause to which sequence they should be performed in. As a general rule, always
do the easiest tests first. Identify at least three tests to perform. (NOTE:
the rankings are only suggested.)

4 Perform the sensor signal voltage test.

1 Check the monitoring system for diagnostic codes.
5 Check the main display module and the harness.
3 Check the signal wire for a short to ground.
2 Check the engine coolant gauge in the numerical readout mode.

REPAIR FAULT After isolating the component, which you suspect from your test results is
causing the problem, either adjust or replace the component.

Circle the best response:

If during your tests you discovered service code "036 110 04" and the
signal wire to ground voltage measured 5.8 VDC, which one of the
following steps would you perform first?
1. Repair the wiring harness
2. Verify the diagnostic code is still present
3. Replace the main display module
4. Replace the temperature sensor
SEGV2683 -5- Case Study

Monitoring System Troubleshooting Worksheet (continued)

VERIFY REPAIR After completing the repair, always verify the machine is operating
correctly. List at least three things you would do to make sure the repair
was done correctly.
1. Recheck the Caterpillar Monitoring System for diagnostic codes.

2. Perform a System Self Test

3. Operate the machine under the same conditions that produced the
problem and verify that the coolant gauge is reading correctly.

4. Clear all logged codes and ensure no active codes are present.


Complete the service report after finishing the job.

SEGV2683 Posttest


INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following posttest is a paper test designed to measure the student's
understanding of the 988G Wheel Loader Caterpillar Monitoring System.
The answers are provided on the following pages. The actual student
posttests are provided in the Student Materials section.

The module posttest may be used as a pretest.

This posttest only addresses Objectives 2, 6 and 7. Objective 1 was

accomplished by Lab A, Objectives 3 and 4 were accomplished by Lab B
and Objective 5 was accomplished by Lab C. However, all labs may be
used to supplement the posttest.
SEGV2683 -2- Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring System Warning Categories


INSTRUCTOR NOTE Classroom Posttest

Students may refer to their course materials and class notes when taking
the posttest.

Students may not consult with others during the posttest.

Students will write the warning category associated with each indicator


Give students a copy of the "Caterpillar Monitoring System Warning

Categories Posttest."

Explain the process for filling out the posttest.

Inform students that they may refer to class notes or any other materials
while taking the test.

Inform students that they may not confer among themselves.

Discuss completed test with class.

MATERIALS NEEDED Caterpillar Monitoring System Warning Categories Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting module

(Form SENR1394)

988G Wheel Loader Operation and Maintenance Manual

Pen or pencil
SEGV2683 -3- Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring System Warning Categories Posttest

Directions: Match the letter designation on the graphics with the correct indicator light or gauge listed
on the following page. Write the warning category number(s) associated with each indicator light or




SEGV2683 -4- Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring System Warning Categories Posttest (continued)

H Secondary Steering
Warning Category: 1 and 3

B Parking Brake
Warning Category: 1 and 3

M Hydraulic Oil Temperature

Warning Category: 2

F Hydraulic Oil Filter Bypass

Warning Category: 3

J Engine Overspeed
Warning Category: 3

C Brake Oil Pressure

Warning Category: 3

I Brake Oil Temperature

Warning Category: 2

A Engine Oil Pressure

Warning Category: 3

L Torque Converter Oil Temperature

Warning Category: 2

E Coolant Flow
Warning Category: 3

N Fuel Level
Warning Category: 1

D Electrical System
Warning Category: 1 and 3

K Coolant Temperature
Warning Category: 2

G Power Train Oil Filter Bypass

Warning Category: 3
SEGV2683 -5- Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnostic Code Posttest

INSTRUCTOR NOTE Classroom Posttest

Students may refer to their course materials and class notes when taking
the posttest.

Students may not consult with others during the posttest.

Students will identify the CID and FMI associated with each diagnostic
code listed on the posttest.


Give students a copy of the "Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnostic

Code Posttest."

Explain the process for filling out the posttest.

Inform students that they may refer to class notes or any other materials
while taking the test.

Inform students that they may not confer among themselves.

Discuss completed test with class.

MATERIALS NEEDED Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnostic Codes Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting module

(Form SENR1394)

Pen or pencil
SEGV2683 -6- Laboratory Exercises

Caterpillar Monitoring System Diagnostic Code Posttest

Directions: Write the Component Identification (CID) and Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) associated
with each diagnostic code listed below.





CID 0110: Engine coolant temperature sensor CID 0271: Action alarm
FMI 08: Signal is abnormal FMI 06: Current above normal or short to
CID 0177: Transmission oil temperature sensor
FMI 04: Voltage below normal or short to CID 0819: Display data link
ground FMI 02: Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect

CID 0263: Sensor power supply CID 0821: Display power supply
FMI 03: Signal voltage above normal or short to FMI 03: Signal voltage above normal or short to
+battery +battery
SEGV2683 -7- Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring System Input Components Posttest

INSTRUCTOR NOTE Classroom Posttest

Students may refer to their course materials and class notes when taking
the posttest.

Students may not consult with others during the posttest.

Students will match the correct Caterpillar Monitoring System input

component with the correct main display input.


Give students a copy of the "Caterpillar Monitoring System Input

Components Posttest."

Explain the process for filling out the posttest.

Inform students that they may refer to class notes or any other materials
while taking the test.

Inform students that they may not confer among themselves.

Discuss completed test with class.

MATERIALS NEEDED Caterpillar Monitoring System Input Components Posttest

988G Wheel Loader Electrical Schematic (Form RENR3092)

Pen or pencil
SEGV2683 -8- Posttest

Caterpillar Monitoring System Input Components Posttest

Directions: Match each input component to the correct main display module or ECM module input.

Input Component Input Connector

C Operator mode switch A. Engine ECM connector J1 contacts 12 and 18

G Engine oil pressure sensor B. Transmission ECM connector J1 contact 37

B Parking brake pressure switch C. Main display connector 18

Q Brake pressure switch D. Main display connector 10

K Alternator "R" terminal E. Main display connector 32

H Hydraulic filter bypass switch F. Main display connector 40

E Transmission filter bypass switch G. Engine ECM connector J2 contact 8

F Steering pressure switch (secondary) H. Main display connector 39

J Front axle oil temperature sensor I. Transmission ECM connector J1 contact 13

O Rear axle oil temperature sensor J. Main display connector 7

A Top engine speed sensor K. Main display connector 30

P Fuel level sender L. Transmission ECM connector J2 contacts 14

and 20
N Engine coolant temperature sensor
M. Main display connector 28
M Torque converter outlet oil temperature
sensor N. Engine ECM connector J2 contact 15

D Hydraulic oil temperature sensor O. Main display connector 17

L Ground speed sensor P. Main display connector 9

I Neutral direction switch Q. Main display connector 20

SEGV2683 Student Materials


INSTRUCTOR NOTE The following section contains all lab exercises, worksheets, case studies
and the posttest for students. Additional information may be added at the
instructor's discretion.

Materials may be distributed to the students at the beginning of class or at

the time when needed during the class.

For your convenience, additional copies of the "Student Materials" may

be ordered separately as:

988G Wheel Loader--Caterpillar Monitoring System

Student Materials SEEV2683

NOTE: Insert "988G Wheel Loader--Caterpillar Monitoring

System" Student Materials (Form SEEV2683) behind this page.

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