Risk Assessment: CCTV Inspection - Al Merif
Risk Assessment: CCTV Inspection - Al Merif
Risk Assessment: CCTV Inspection - Al Merif
Risk Assessment
Rev No: 01
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Work Description: CCTV Survey for Sewer Water Network for the Rehabilitation Works in Al Merief Abu Dhabi
Date: 11-09-2023
Risk Classification Risk Revised Risk Classification
Level Residual
Risk Low/ Action to be Taken to Reduce Risk Risk risk Responsible
S/N Activity Element Significant Potential Hazards Rating Rating persons
Probabilit Severity Mediu Probability Low/
Severity (S)
y (p) (S) (R) m/ (p) (R) Medium/
PXS High PXS High
1 Site Mobilization 2 3 6 M Only trained and competent 1 3 3 L
driver/operators are to be assigned,
Banks man/Flagman to control the
vehicle movement, exposed service will
be protected, competent supervision.
Job specific PPE, proper material
management, select an adequate area
for material stacking,
Area will be barricaded with safety mesh,
or plastic barrier,
Provide warning sign and flash lights.
Conveyed the hazards to the workforce.
Manual handling, Mechanical handling, Asses the working environment and
Loading& Unloading, material management. identify working method condition and
put control measures like job rotation to Site
Workplace physical violence, harassment,
prevent, reduce and eliminate work engineer
intimidation, or other threatening disruptive
place stress & strain, and Area
behaviour. Lack of shaded area, drinking Training shall be provided to work force supervisor
water, toilets. Inadequate waste management, regarding work place violence.
Ensure all wastes are stored on site
correctly to minimize impact to
environment, Waste management
service provider shall have a valid permit
/ license from the CWM AD, spill
prevention control measures shall be in
place at work site.
Risk assessment & Method Statement
briefing, comply with the requirements of
OSHAD –SF-CoP 34.0 safe use of lifting
equipment and lifting accessories.
Comply with the requirements of OSHAD
–SF-CoP 13.0 violence in the work
place, OSHAD –SF-CoP 54.0.
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Risk Assessment Ref:
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Heat stress, injury due to overheating, Fire switched on all access points.
Risk of injury due to trapped personal, Poor Workers entering the confined space will be
communication, Lone working, Emergency equipped with suitable portable lightning with
capacity to last duration of the task.
response ,Risk of injury due to inadequate
Workers are trained to be aware of debris
emergency response plan while working with the confined space
Workers awareness of trip hazards due to
nature of the confined space (lose
cables ,wires and debris)
Iidentify trip hazards present and minimise
the risk of these hazards in an appropriate
All new cables are installed to minmise the
risk of tripping
Running is prohibtted within the confine
Gas testing and monitoring is carried out
before entry and during operations top man
is present to raise any alarm necessary.
Workers awareness of the dangers of
exposure to gas in confined spaces
Workers always use tripod along with
harness in order for rescue
Workers are aware of the need to exit
immediately if they feel uncomfortable
nauseous or dizzy.
Workers are physically and mentally fit for
the work being carried out.
Workers awareness of degrees of heat
Readily available supply of drinking water
Well planned break periods outside the In
the event of a fire within the confined space
the confine space should be immediately
evacuated and emergency services should
be notified immediately
Smoking and naked flames prohibited with in
the confined space
Waste and rubbish to be immediately
removed from the confined space.confined
Communication between the workers
working within the confined space and the
top man is to be maintained at all times and
a regular intervals.
Two way radio communication units (walkie
talkies) are to be utilised by all workers
working in or outside the confine space
Mobile phones should not be relied upon as
stable means of communication.
Lone working is prohibited on all confine
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Risk Assessment Ref:
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Rev No: 01
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space project.
All confined space projects will required
minimum of two confined space workers.
Workers should be given proper HSE
training on lone working and all
All relevant personal are trained in
emergency response procedures
The method of evacuating causalities has
been identified and associated equipment is
present and personal trained
The relevant emergency services are
notified in case of emergency
Prior to initial entry a permit to work will be
obtained from the client
Temporariy acess ladders will be provided to
enter or exit the confined space
Ladders used on all projects will be class 1
(industrial applications )
Workers are trained and experienced in use
of ladders and step ladders.
While climbing ladders harness must be
attached with tripod and winch
All leaks onto walkways are identified before
placing of any CCTV inspection devices and Site
Falls from height, Slippery surfaces and reported immediately engineer,
walkways,exposed wires,damaged insulation, Workers awareness of the need to report
Cctv survey 3 2 6 M 1 2 2 L HSE and
leaks immediately
Faulty electrical equipments Area
Due care and attention paid to slippery
surfaces supervisor
All equpement including CCTV inspection
vehicle with contol box must be inpected
there should be no exposed wire and
damged insulations devices.
While the commencement of work all the
device should be checked CCTV inpection
decvies and all should be monitored and
cheked if any faulure of devices before
commencement of work should be rejected
and new one should be used on priority.
9 2 2 4 M All power tools to be inspected as per 1 2 2 L
schedule and recorded.
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Risk Assessment Ref:
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Nominate duty emergency contacts for
night works on a rota basis-post contact
details for all duty personnel of issue
dedicated duty mobile phones.
Instruct all personnel to assembly area in
calmly manner. Wait for final instruction
before returning to work areas by
assembly point coordinator.
Works carried out adjacent to live traffic
should be clearly signposted including
Warning signs. and cones using flashing
lights should be used.
Flagman to control personnel and
Foremen to monitor.
If temporary traffic lights are used check
that they are times correctly keeping in
mind traffic flow on the road.
If flagmen are used ensure that they
receive instructions regarding their
duties for each work area daily before Site
Works Adjacent they start work engineer,
to live Pedestrians coming into contact with site HSE and
33.0 - Working On of Adjacent to a Road
road( Internal plant or vehicles. Area
Access and Site workers coming into contact with site supervisor
11 2 4 8 H Adequate hard barriers to be provided 1 4 4 L
plant or vehicles on live road Dust
egress ) where people work near to live traffic
Loose chippings on and night-time works Segregation of pedestrian access from
moving vehicles/equipment and
provision of adequate traffic signs,
warning signs and information signs.
Noc’s to be obtained if required
Hard barrier to place around workplace
No parking or stocking on live roads not
AD OSHAD SF, CoP 34.0 Safe Use of
Lifting Equipment and Lifting
Accessories v3.0
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Rev No: 01
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Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent/Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25
Acceptable but must be managed at “As Low As Reasonably Practicable” (ALARP) Activity or process can operate subject to management
4–6 Moderate Risk and / or modification
Acceptable without required further action
1 -3 Low Risk No action required unless escalation of risk is possible
Hierarchy of Control (Controls identified may be a mixture of the hierarchy in order to provide minimum operator exposure):
Elimination Eliminate the hazard.
Substitution Provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task and is safer to use.
Personal Protective Equipment Personal equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard.
Prepared By: Site Engineer Reviewed By: HSE Approved By: Project Manager
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