25+ Creative Arduino Projects and Ideas For Engineers
25+ Creative Arduino Projects and Ideas For Engineers
25+ Creative Arduino Projects and Ideas For Engineers
So, let your imagination run wild and bring your ideas to life with these
Arduino projects!
You can check the step-by-step guide to make this project here:
Arduino-based Automated Washroom Light Using IR Sensors
Check the step-by-step guide to make this DIY Arduino clock: Arduino-
Based Real-Time Clock With Temperature Display
In this project, we build a smart tracker that can keep track of a child.
Besides this, the device can also be used to track your vehicle location
and other objects.
You can find all the details related to this project here: Arduino-based
GPS Tracker
5. Flash Twenty LEDs Using Arduino
Here you can check the complete project details: Alarm Clock with
Radio Using Arduino
The IoT using Arduino microcontroller (MCU) is easy and fun for those
who are new to the field. Presented here is humidity and temperature
monitoring using Arduino. In this article, humidity and temperature
information from DHT-11 Humidity and Temperature sensor is analyzed
graphically on the ThingSpeak platform using Arduino MCU and
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.
This project is based on the Android app and Arduino Uno using
Bluetooth as the wireless communication medium. It is a simple and
flexible home automation system with only a few electronic
components, without complex soldering. This project is designed to
control three appliances but can be extended to six or more using an
Android Phone.
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