Safety and The Red Bead Experiment
Safety and The Red Bead Experiment
Safety and The Red Bead Experiment
The Red Beads: work adhering to the strict procedures. They dip
their paddles and then have the results recorded
They have more to do with which is passed up to management. When a
worker produces a higher number of red beads
safety than you might think than the other workers Deming chastises him. If
a worker produces a lower number Deming
By Thomas A. Smith heaps praise on them and tells the workers who
made a higher
For over 45 years Dr. W. Edwards Deming number of red beads
would teach some major points of his to do better or the
management theory doing what he called “a plant will be closed.
stupid experiment” but he promise it would be After each willing
one “you would never forget.” He carried his worker’s results are
Red Bead experiment out over four days. It was read aloud Deming
a simple yet powerful demonstration of just how praises or chastises
perverse the American management system is them based on
and how it prevents continual improvement by whether they have made more or fewer red
overemphasizing maintenance of the status quo. beads. At the end of each day’s work he talks to
the workers and reminds them they must
He sets up the audience for a role playing improve. At the end of the fourth day he
experience by asking for volunteers to explains he can’t see any improvement and the
participate. He calls for six willing workers and plant will have to be closed. He thanks the
two inspectors. He explains how in his willing workers and tells them to pick up their
imaginary company they do everything the checks on their way out.
wrong way by keeping over staffed and adds a Deming then reviews and reflects on the results.
chief inspector. He then adds a recorder whose Below are figures from an actual Red Bead
job is to make independent counts. Deming Experiment1:
played the role of the foremen since they have
Name Day Day Day Day All 4
nobody available who knows they job and then 1 2 3 4
explains to the willing workers their job is to Dick 14 10 9 10 43
make only white beads. The customer will Pat 17 5 8 5 35
accept only white beads. Bob 8 8 9 6 31
Steve 12 11 12 8 43
Deming then explains “the rules.” The first rule Horst 12 11 12 8 43
Dave 9 11 7 10 37
is, everyone must put forth their best effort. The All 6 71 51 50 48 220
workers agree to this. Then he tells them they Avg (x- 11.8 10.2 9.6 9.2 9.2
have procedures they must follow and shows bar)
them how to handle a paddle they will use to dip
into a container filled with both red and white Deming starts to analyze the results. He points
beads. He provides every worker with the exact out that some worker’s results are above
same instructions of how to dip their paddle into average and some are below. On the first day
a container that is filled with 3,200 white beads Steve was The Man of the Day. Much better
and 800 red beads. He selects one willing than the rest of the workers. On the first day Pat
worker to be “average.” He constantly reminds had 17 red beads but improved to be number
the workers their job is to “make white beads one with only 5 on day two. Deming says she
only.” If they can’t make only white beads went from the worst to the best in just one day.
management will close the plant down. He tells He wonders what happened to the other
the workers he made a red bead just to show workers. He feigns dismay with their effort. He
them what they look like. just can’t understand what went wrong.
Deming then explains there are no patterns in Paddle Number 1 gave 11.2. Paddle number 2
the data. It is a nearly perfect constant cause gave 9.6 and Paddle number 3 is at 9.2. Every
system displayed on the chart. This system paddle has variation in it. It may be too small to
allows you to compute the limits of variation be detected by just a quick look at it but it is still
into the future. A pattern may be 7 or 8 points in there.
a row. No such thing. Nobody exceeded the
upper control limit. Came close but it didn’t If you have moderately good statistical control
happen. With this system you can be confident then x-bar will settle down to something
no one will exceed the upper or lower control eventually that you can use to make a valid
limits. You have statistical stability in the sense prediction. To change x-bar you will have to fix
what happens in the future will be pretty close things that are in the system.
to what has happened in these twenty-four
points. There is no absolute guarantee since The moral of the red bead experiment is the
empirical evidence is never complete. following:
Then Deming lays a different scenario on the Variation exists in every process. You
audience. Given the fact there are 80% or 3,200 can never eliminate all of it.
white beads and 20% of 800 red beds what When you plan something you must
would have been their prediction for the average include making a prediction about how