4. No. of wards & % of wards practicing 100% door to door waste collection:
No of wards % of wards
25 100%
6. Secondary collection points/Transfer Stations (TS) (only if TS is/ are existing, otherwise
not applicable)
Projected Waste generation streams for year 2025: 158 TPD
Waste stream Fraction in MSW Projected waste % of
(indicative–can be generation in MSW
changed as per actuals in TPD
Wet Waste 55% 3.85 55%
Dry Waste 35% 3.39 35%
Domestic Hazardous waste Minor 0.006 0.05%
:-Waiting for EC
Waste sent to SLF restricted to 20% of total Municipal
SLF capacity for 5 years duly adding extra volume for daily cover, top 7978
cover etc. (as per Manual on MSWM) Tonnes/cum/day
Financing Planning of Fund Required for Addressing the GAPs (Rs. in Crore)
Waste management Item Total ACA State ULB Other
Prop under Govt. fund Fund
osed SBM-U Fund (PPP,
Cost 2.0 others)
1. For wet waste processing 9.987 Cr. 1.30 Cr. 2.20 Cr
2. For Dry waste processing 4.697 Cr 0.50 Cr. 1.03 Cr.
3. For C&D waste processing 1.05 Cr 0.15 Cr. 0.23 Cr.
4. For Dumpsite Remediation 5.62 Cr 0.65 Cr. 1.24 Cr.
5. For Sanitary Landfill 2.19 Cr 0.25 Cr. 0.49 Cr.
6. For Transfer Station NA - - -
7. For Mechanical Road Sweepers NA - - -
Grand Total 23.544 Cr. 2.85 Cr. 8.03 Cr.
Module 1: MSW Processing GAP analysis & Action Plan
M1.1 GAP Assessment for 100% Processing of MSW at ULB level
Many ULBs have installed composting plants receiving mass waste, without segregation at
source, but carry out segregation within the process. Such plants shall continue to be utilized
for either wet or dry waste, for full design capacity with segregation at source. It will result in
proposing plants for other waste stream only.
Additional process may be added down the line to process RDF if not already being done in such
After the GAP analysis, actions need to be taken for preparation of DPRs; Identifying &
earmarking land; documents for tenders etc.
M1.2 ULB level Action Plan for achieving 100% scientific MSW Processing
M1.3 ULB commitment timelines for Certification under Garbage-free Cities Star Rating
M1.4 State/ UT – Consolidated Financial Action Plan for MSW Processing:
Financials in Rs. Crore
Certification Before FY FY FY FY FY
SBM 2.O 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
No. of ULBs
rated 1-Star
No. of ULBs
rated 3-Star*
No. of
ULBs with
100% waste
* All ULBs to become 3-Star GFC Rated before 31.3.2026
Module 2: Legacy Waste Dumpsites Remediation Action Plan
M2.1 ULB’s Dumpsite Remediation Plan (applicable only if ULB has an existing dumpsite(s))
M2.2 State/ UT– Consolidated Financial Action Plan for Dumpsite Remediation:
Financials in Rs. Crore
FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23 TOTAL (equal to SBM 2.O allocation for
dumpsite remediation for the State / UT)
Action Plan
No. of ULBs All ULBs in the State/ UT
Action Plan approvals to be obtained by 31.3.2022 for all ULBs <10 Lakh and by 31.3.2023 for
all ULBs >10 lakh
* Detailed ULB-wise, dumpsite-wise Action Plan statement is to be furnished
No. of ULBs
completing All ULBs in the
remediation State/ UT to com-
plete remediation by
Module 3: C&D Waste Processing Action Plan (only for 154
non-complying (NCAP cities) and 5-lakh size ULBs)
M3.1 ULBs Gap Assessment for Processing of Construction and Demolition Waste
(Applicable for ULBs > 5 lakh population and/or 154 Non-attainment cities)
M3.2 State/ UT – Consolidated Financial Action Plan for C&D Waste Processing:
Financials in Rs. Crore
C&D Waste Processing FY 2021-22 TOTAL (equal to SBM 2.O allocation for C&D
Waste Plants)
M3.3 State/ UT– Consolidated C&D Waste Processing Plants Implementation Action Plan
Module 4: Mechanical Road Sweepers Action Plan
(only for 154non-complying (NCAP) and
5-lakh size ULBs)
M4.1 Mechanical Road Sweepers (Applicable only for ULBs > 5 lakh
population and/or 154Non-attainment cities) - Assessment for a ULB:
Length of road to be swept daily(Only those roads which are 4-lane 400
or more lanes)
Detailed calculation of mechanical sweeping required in Lane-KMs 400 Km/4 Zone = 100 Km
per Zone
Proposed no. of Machines required to sweep the length 4 (1 Machine for 100
No. of Machines currently operating /existing 1
Current requirement of machines (nos) 3