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TYPE Review

PUBLISHED 25 October 2022

DOI 10.3389/fmed.2022.963956


drg Rikko Hudyono, Sp. Perio

Periodontal disease in
OPEN ACCESS pregnancy and adverse
Girish Suragimath,
Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences
pregnancy outcomes: Progress
Deemed to be University, India

in related mechanisms and
Vijay Kumar Chava,
NDC, India
Nadia Kawar,
management strategies
University of Illinois Chicago,
United States
Mi Nannan, Lin Xiaoping and Jin Ying*
Jin Ying Department of Stomatology, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, China
[email protected]

This article was submitted to
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Periodontal disease is an inflammatory and destructive disease of tissues
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Medicine supporting the tooth. A large number of studies have confirmed that
RECEIVED 21July 2022 periodontal pathogens and their metabolites can lead to adverse pregnancy
ACCEPTED 10 October 2022 outcomes in direct or indirect ways. Adverse pregnancy outcomes, such
PUBLISHED 25 October 2022
as preterm birth, low birth weight, and pre-eclampsia, have a serious
impact on human reproductive health. In recent years, although the level
Nannan M, Xiaoping L and Ying J
(2022) Periodontal disease of global medical technology has gradually improved, the incidence of
in pregnancy and adverse pregnancy adverse pregnancy outcomes has not declined and is still a global public
outcomes: Progress in related
mechanisms and management health problem. The purpose of this review is to summarize the current
strategies. data on periodontal disease in pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes,
Front. Med. 9:963956.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.963956 including the association between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy
outcomes, the pathogenic mechanism related to this association, the efficacy
© 2022 Nannan, Xiaoping and Ying. of different nutrition supplements for both periodontal disease and adverse
This is an open-access article
pregnancy outcomes and the effect of providing periodontal treatment on
distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License the occurrence of adverse pregnancy outcomes, to provide guidance for the
(CC BY). The use, distribution or prevention and treatment of adverse pregnancy outcomes in clinical practice.
reproduction in other forums is
permitted, provided the original
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) KEYWORDS
are credited and that the original
publication in this journal is cited, in periodontal disease, adverse pregnancy outcomes, antiphospholipid syndrome,
accordance with accepted academic genetic susceptibility, nutrition, periodontal therapy
practice. No use, distribution or
reproduction is permitted which does
not comply with these terms.
Periodontal disease, characterized by the destruction of soft and hard tissues
supporting the tooth, is a chronic infectious disease. According to data, the prevalence
of pregnancy gingivitis worldwide is 30–100% (1), and among Chinese women aged 37–
44, the calculus detection rate is 95.5% and the detection rate of gingival bleeding is
86.8% (2), indicating that the morbidity of periodontal disease is fairly high in women

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of childbearing age. Moreover, periodontal pathogens initiate had an evident association with multiple adverse pregnancy
chronic damage to tooth-supporting tissues, and periodontal outcomes (10).
pathogens and their metabolites can also lead to adverse It is noteworthy that most of the research, in the last
pregnancy outcomes through direct or indirect pathways. 2 years, also supported a significant association between
Adverse pregnancy outcomes include preterm birth, low periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Several
birth weight, pre-eclampsia, fetal growth restriction, etc. studies suggested that periodontal disease during pregnancy
Preterm birth is the main cause of perinatal morbidity and was related to mothers giving birth to premature babies, and
mortality, accounting for approximately 75% of perinatal this correlation became more obvious with the aggravation
mortality and more than 50% of long-term morbidity (3, 4). of maternal periodontal inflammation (11–13). Both a meta-
The number of preterm births has increased to approximately analysis and a cohort study showed that, compared with
15 million cases per year, and the incidence of preterm birth is pregnant women without periodontitis, pregnant women
5–9% in Europe, 12% in USA and up to 15% in the developing with periodontitis had a doubled risk of preterm birth (14,
world (5). Low birth weight, defined as a baby born with a weight 15). Similarly, a retrospective case-control study enrolling
less than 2,500 g, impacts more than 20 million babies in the 555 postpartum women found that pregnant women with
world every year, and its incidence rate is approximately 14.6%, periodontitis were six times more likely to deliver premature
of which 91% are from low- and middle-income countries, babies than women without periodontitis (16). Likewise, a
mainly Southern Asia and sub-Saharan African countries hospital-based cross-sectional case-control study suggested
(6). Pre-eclampsia is an idiopathic multisystem disease of that the presence of postpartum maternal periodontitis and
pregnancy, featuring new-onset hypertension with proteinuria its severity remained independent risk factors for preterm
after 20 weeks of gestation in women and affecting 5–8% of birth in the presence of antepartum smoking habits and
pregnant women (7). According to the WHO, pre-eclampsia is routes of delivery (17). A cross-sectional study recording
the third cause of maternal death and is responsible for 76,000 clinical periodontal parameters and assessing serum C-reactive
maternal deaths each year, accounting for 16% of the global protein levels confirmed that poor maternal periodontal status,
maternal mortality rate (8). Additionally, in USA, pre-eclampsia increased oral inflammatory burden and increased systemic
is associated with 20% of pregnancy-related maternal deaths inflammation had an adverse effect on infant birth weight (18).
and more than one-third of iatrogenic preterm births (7). In In addition, it was suggested that periodontal infection could
recent years, although the level of global medical technology exacerbate the progression of pre-eclampsia, and periodontal
has gradually improved, the incidence of adverse pregnancy disease was considered to be one of the risk factors for pre-
outcomes has not consequently decreased and has had a serious eclampsia (19, 20).
influence on human reproductive health, which results in a Otherwise, there are a small number of studies that do
huge economic burden on society and families, thus it is not support a significant correlation between periodontal
still a global public health problem that urgently needs to disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes. A case-control
be solved today. study, performed by collecting subgingival biofilm samples
This review summarizes the relevant data on periodontal of pregnant women from four sites up to 48 h postpartum
disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes and further explores and processing by polymerase chain reaction for the presence
the potential association mechanism between them to offer of periodontal pathogens, showed that most periodontal
some assistance for the prevention and treatment of adverse pathogens in the oral cavity were not apparently connected
pregnancy outcomes in clinical practice. with the development of preterm birth or low birth weight
(21). A cohort study that was made on 159 Caucasian
Spanish pregnant women also indicated no statistical
association between periodontal disease and preterm
The association between birth (22).
periodontal disease and adverse At present, the association between periodontal disease and
pregnancy outcomes adverse pregnancy outcomes remains controversial, may be
due to the following factors: the different sample sizes, races,
Offenbacher et al. (9) first pointed out that periodontal ages, living habits and socioeconomic statuses, the different
disease was one of the risk factors for premature low birth definitions of periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy
weight through a case-control study of 124 pregnant women outcomes in the studies.
since 1996, which has initiated a series of relevant studies Therefore, future studies should expand the sample size and
to explore the association between periodontal disease and exclude the influence of other factors on adverse pregnancy
adverse pregnancy outcomes. A review analyzed 232 relevant outcomes, and more uniform and clear diagnostic criteria
clinical research studies from 1996 to April 2020 and found for periodontal disease with adverse pregnancy outcomes
that most of the studies demonstrated that periodontal disease should be established.

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Mechanisms related to periodontal In maternal-fetal immunity research, P. gingivalis has the

ability to regulate the imbalances between different immune
disease leading to adverse
cells, which allows P. gingivalis to reinforce its persistence and
pregnancy outcomes survival time in maternal and fetal tissues, it also improves the
ability of P. gingivalis to evade immune responses. P. gingivalis
It is generally accepted that periodontal pathogens and can also cause increased production of proinflammatory
their metabolites can affect progressive and inflammatory cytokines and activation of acute-phase responses, resulting
lesions of tooth-supporting tissues by regulating the release in a shift in the maternal-fetal immune response and the
of inflammatory mediators, and periodontal pathogens and development of adverse pregnancy outcomes (29, 30). In
inflammatory mediators are capable of spreading to the addition, it is noted that P. gingivalis also increases oxidative
placenta and contributing to various adverse pregnancy stress (OS) by activating phagocytosis mediated by neutrophils
outcomes (3). However, the underlying mechanism is not yet and macrophages and releasing a large amount of reactive
clear, scholars have attempted to explain the mechanisms of oxygen species in the systemic circulation. In turn, the increased
periodontal disease causing adverse pregnancy outcomes from OS induces hypoxia and initiates the apoptotic process in
the following aspects. maternal-fetal tissue (25). Although some degree of hypoxia
and OS are required for the normal labor process, excessive
hypoxia of extrachorionic trophoblastic cells, uterine epithelial
The influence of periodontal pathogen cells, and endothelial cells can lead to uterine inflammation,
infection malformed remodeling of uterine spiral arteries, and increased
risk of endothelial cell damage (31).
As the pathogenesis of adverse pregnancy outcomes,
intrauterine infection can lead to 25–40% of preterm birth Fusobacterium nucleatum and adverse
incidence, which is closely related to periodontal pathogens pregnancy outcomes
(4). Periodontal pathogens invade the uterus via hematogenous Fusobacterium nucleatum, isolated from the vaginal
dissemination, causing adverse pregnancy outcomes. Currently, microbiome, is a gram-negative anaerobic bacterium and is
the periodontal pathogens found in the fetal-placenta unit one of the periodontal pathogens. F. nucleatum is recognized
include Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Prevotella to colonize the placenta with the help of outer membrane
intermedia, Campylobacter rectus, Tannerella forsythia, proteins such as Fusobacterium Adhesion A (FadA), fibroblast
Treponema denticola, Fusobacterium nucleatum, and activation protein 2 (Fap2), and radiation genes (RadD) (32).
Porphyromonas gingivalis, and the most common species Among them, Fad A helps F. nucleatum to weaken the binding
are P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum (23, 24). ability between endothelial cells and invades the placenta;
thus, it can easily cross the vascular endothelial cell gap and
Porphyromonas gingivalis and adverse enter the blood circulation, finally diffusing into the amniotic
pregnancy outcomes fluid, placenta and fetus and playing an invasive pathogenic
Porphyromonas gingivalis is one of the most important role in the mother and fetus (33). At the same time, Fap2 and
periodontal pathogens in the oral cavity and is associated RadD can enhance the interspecific co-aggregation and cell
with many adverse pregnancy outcomes. On the one hand, adhesion of F. nucleatum, while the Fap2 mutant significantly
its unique virulence factors, surface adhesions and enzymes attenuates the ability of F. nucleatum to colonize the mouse
elicit direct or indirect damage in different ways to fetal placenta. The RadD mutant has the opposite effect, and can
and maternal tissue, resulting in dysfunction of the maternal reinforce the ability of F. nucleatum to colonize the mouse
endothelium and eventually leading to the occurrence of placenta and reduce the fetal survival rate (34, 35). In addition,
systemic inflammatory responses (25). In addition, it has been F. nucleatum induces placental inflammation by activating Toll-
proposed that P. gingivalis could be detected in the placental like receptors (TLRs), leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes.
villus stroma of premature women and in the umbilical cord In vitro studies have shown that F. nucleatum activates both
of premature infants, and P. gingivalis in the umbilical cord TLR2 and TLR4, but it induces the inflammatory response in
was closely related to pre-eclampsia (26). On the other hand, the mouse placenta merely by activating TLR4, accompanied
P. gingivalis, by activating the JNK and P38 signaling pathways by neutrophil infiltration into the decidua, whereas TLR2
and inhibiting the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway, stimulates plays an insignificant role in the incidence of fetal loss or the
apoptosis and the inhibition of invasiveness of extrachorionic inflammatory response (36).
trophoblast cells and results in insufficient remodeling of the Therefore, P. gingivalis and F. nucleatum, in the
uterine spiral artery, which can lead to fetal insufficiency development of periodontal disease causing adverse pregnancy
of blood supply, finally causing fetal malnutrition and even outcomes, play an important role in different ways. It is hoped
death (27, 28). that more studies will further explore the mechanism between

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other periodontal pathogens and adverse pregnancy outcomes than in low-risk preterm women (37). In addition, in animal
to provide more information to reduce the number and function studies, it was also shown that the serum levels of IFN-γ,
of periodontal pathogens, thereby lowering the incidence of IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 in premature mice with oral infection
adverse pregnancy outcomes. were significantly increased (41, 42). Equally, serum C-reactive
protein concentrations were significantly increased to pregnant
women with periodontal disease and were positively associated
The influence of changes in the levels with the occurrence of low birth weight and pre-eclampsia
of inflammatory mediators (18, 43). In summary, all of the above studies showed that,
periodontal disease can increase the levels of inflammatory
During the development of periodontitis, changes in the mediators both in the oral cavity and throughout the body,
levels of different inflammatory mediators play an important causing the systemic inflammatory response during pregnancy,
role, and the levels of inflammatory mediators in saliva are and eventually leading to preterm birth, low birth weight
positively correlated with the severity of periodontal disease. and pre-eclampsia.
The increased levels of different inflammatory mediators, Therefore, inflammatory mediators have a certain role in
including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin- the development of adverse pregnancy outcomes caused by
1β (IL-1β), and interleukin-6 (IL-6), in maternal serum, periodontal disease, but further research is required to propose
myometrium, amniotic fluid and fetal membranes are one of the clear and specific inflammatory markers that can be used as
characteristics of normal physiological pregnancy, which will predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes to achieve the goal
cause prostaglandin 2 (PGE2) to rise to a certain level and lead of early intervention and ultimately reduce the incidence of
to the initiation of delivery. Advanced elevation of inflammatory adverse pregnancy outcomes.
mediators in the fetal-placental unit causes premature rupture
of membranes and uterine contractions, which will result in
premature birth or spontaneous abortion (37). The influence of host immune
Thus, it is speculated that inflammatory mediators response
may work as a bridge between periodontal disease and
adverse pregnancy outcomes. Regarding the pathological The imbalance between host defense capabilities and
mechanism of inflammatory mediators between them, the microbes and their virulence factors can aggravate the
consensus of the European Periodontal Union and the progression of diseases, which in turn initiates the host
American Periodontal Society has pointed out that the immune response. Similarly, when periodontal pathogens
inflammatory mediators produced by the periodontal local enter the maternal placenta, they can activate the maternal
tissue could directly affect the fetal-placental system or reach adaptive immune response and prompt mother to produce
the liver through blood circulation and increase the systemic bacterial-specific antibodies, bacterial-IgM antibodies are
inflammation state through acute phase protein responses, such formed firstly, and with the stimulation of inflammatory
as C−reactive protein, exerting an impact on the fetal-placental cytokines, IgM antibodies are converted into immunoglobulin
unit (38). G (IgG) antibodies.
To explore the relevant mechanism of the association Elevated IgM antibodies in fetal umbilical cord blood may
between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes be a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Concentrations
and the predictors of adverse pregnancy outcomes, most studies of IgM antibodies against red and orange complex bacteria
have examined the levels of inflammatory mediators in different were significantly increased in cord blood of preterm infants
body fluids, such as gingival crevicular fluid and serum in compared with term infants (44). Meanwhile, anti-C. rectus
pregnant women. A case-control study of pregnant women IgM titers in fetal umbilical cord blood were the best
with periodontal disease showed that, compared with women predictor of adverse pregnancy outcomes (38). Compared
who received periodontal therapy postpartum, pregnant women with women who received periodontal non-surgical treatment
receiving periodontal system therapy during pregnancy had during pregnancy, the fetuses, delivered by the mothers in the
significantly decreased levels of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, and IL- control group, presented the significantly higher risk of adverse
12p70 in gingival crevicular fluid (39). A cross-sectional study pregnancy outcomes and higher levels of anti-periodontal
showed that the levels of IL-1β, IL-6, and PGE2 in the pathogenic bacteria IgM antibodies in the umbilical cord
gingival crevicular fluid of preterm women were significantly blood (45).
higher than those of women with full-term pregnancy (40). Immunoglobulin G is the main bacterial antibody product
Similarly, a study showed that higher levels of IL-2, IL-6, IL- when tooth-supporting tissues are infected, but the effect
10, TNF-α, and PGE2 were detected in the serum of preterm of elevated IgG antibodies against periodontal pathogens
women with periodontal disease, while the serum levels of IL- in maternal serum on adverse pregnancy outcomes is still
2, IL-6, and IL-10 were higher in high-risk preterm women controversial. Some scholars have pointed out that IgG

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antibodies against periodontal pathogens had a protective effect trophoblast cells and decidual cells, contributing to thrombosis
on adverse pregnancy outcomes, lower serum concentrations of and adverse pregnancy outcomes (54). By searching the Swiss-
anti-A. actinomycetemcomitans, F. nucleatum, and P. gingivalis Prot database, it was found that the periodontal pathogens
IgG antibodies increased the risk of preterm birth and low P. gingivalis, T. denticola, and A. actinomycetemcomitans had
birth weight (46, 47). Women had periodontal disease with peptide chains that are highly similar to TLRVYK, the marker
low titers of anti-P. gingivalis IgG in serum demonstrated peptide chain of β2GPI; thus, there was a possibility of
a 7-fold higher risk of preterm birth than those with molecular mimicry between periodontal pathogens and β2GPI
high titers (48). Nevertheless, others have also shown that (55). Animal experiments have confirmed that after inoculation
IgG antibodies against periodontal pathogens might be a with P. gingivalis, which has a peptide chain structure similar to
risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Compared with that of TLRVYK, the antibodies produced in mice cross-react
term mothers, higher levels of anti-P. gingivalis antibodies with β2GPI to form a β2GPI complex, which could give rise to
could be detected in the serum of mothers who delivered thrombosis, abortion and premature birth (56).
premature low birth weight infants (49, 50). Furthermore, It was noted that aCL could also influence adverse pregnancy
FcγRIIB gene polymorphism may be related to this debate, outcomes by causing competition between annexin V and
FcγRIIB is the sole inhibitory receptor in IgG-Fc receptors periodontal pathogens. Annexin V is a phospholipid-binding
and is able to inhibit periodontal bacteria by expressing
protein that binds to the cell membrane with exposed anionic
serum IgG and peripheral blood bone marrow-dependent
phospholipids and forms a protective barrier on the surface
lymphocytes. In people with chronic periodontitis, carriers of
of cells such as trophoblast cells and endothelial cells, exerting
the FcγRIIB-nt645 + 25AA genotype showed a remarkably
the ability to inhibit fibrin clot formation and promote cell
higher level of clinical attachment loss than carriers of the
membrane repair and resealing. However, in patients with
FcγRIIIB-nt645 + 25GG genotype and a significantly lower
periodontal disease, periodontal pathogens can compete with
IgG response to P. gingivalis (51). Studies suggested that
annexin V for the binding site of aCL in serum because they have
the FcγRIIB-nt645 + 25A/G gene polymorphism was also
a structure similar to the marker peptide chain of β2GPI, thus
associated with pre-eclampsia and gestational hypertension, and
destroying the protective function of annexin V on trophoblast
compared to the FcγRIIB-nt645 + 25AG and/or GG genotype
cells and endothelial cells and increasing the risk of adverse
or the G allele, the FcγRIIB-nt645 + 25A genotype or A
pregnancy outcomes (57).
allele demonstrated a higher frequency in women with pre-
eclampsia (52). Additionally, IgG aCL was regarded as having a relationship
In brief, different host immune responses to periodontal with increased serum markers of vascular inflammation. IgG
pathogens have diverse effects on the incidence of adverse was purified from the serum of periodontal disease patients
pregnancy outcomes. Future studies should verify the specific with elevated aCL levels and used to stimulate endothelial
role of host immune response in this process. cells and trophoblast cells. On the one hand, IgG aCL
contributes to the inflammatory response by activating TLR4.
When aCL was removed by immunoabsorption, the ability
The influence of antiphospholipid of serum IgG to activate TLR4 was significantly reduced
syndrome with elevated anticardiolipin (53). There is some disagreement regarding the interaction
between aCL and TLR4, and it was suggested that aCL could
improve the binding ability of β2GPI with cell surface TLR4
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) that is mediated by through a cross-linking reaction with β2GPI (58). However,
antiphospholipid antibodies can lead to adverse pregnancy P. gingivalis was also hypothesized to have homology to the
outcomes. Anticardiolipin antibodies (aCLs) are one of the peptide sequences of both β 2GP1 and TLR4, so aCL in the
characteristic antibodies of APS and can also be found serum of patients with periodontal disease could directly bind
in the serum of 15–20% of patients with periodontitis at and activate TLR4 (59). On the other hand, IgG aCL could
concentrations exceeding those presented in 95% of the healthy lead to increased production of the inflammatory cytokine
population (53). It has been proposed that periodontal disease IL-8, and the production of IL-8 demonstrated a significant
with elevated aCL levels could result in adverse pregnancy reduction when aCL was removed by immunoabsorption or
outcomes through the following pathways. when early trophoblast cells were blocked with anti-TLR4
It is well known that the target antigen of aCL is protein antibody (53).
β2 glycoprotein-I (β2GPI), which has a positive effect on However, there are still few studies on the adverse pregnancy
inhibiting blood coagulation in APS patients. The combination outcomes affected by gestational periodontal disease associated
of aCL and β2GPI can not only promote the activation with APS; thus, future studies are needed to further explore the
of complement, endothelial cells, inflammatory cells, and specific role of APS in the course and provide more explicit ideas
platelets but can also interfere with the normal function of for its prevention and treatment.

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The effect of nutritional intake on Omega-3 fatty acids are a class of essential polyunsaturated
fatty acids that regulate the body’s inflammatory response and
periodontal disease and adverse immune function. On the one hand, omega-3 fatty acids can
pregnancy outcomes during reduce the level of clinical attachment loss, probing depth,
pregnancy and the number of inflammatory mediators in the periodontal
tissue of patients with periodontitis, promoting the healing of
Exploration of related mechanisms provides potential periodontal wounds (66, 67), and they also have the ability
directions for inhibiting bacterial colonization and to inhibit osteoclast cell differentiation and alveolar bone
inflammatory responses in the fetal-placental unit. Balanced resorption induced by periodontal diseases (68). On the other
nutritional intake plays an indispensable role in heightening the hand, pregnant women with lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids
immunity of pregnant women and promoting safer pregnancy tend to have a higher possibility of preterm birth and pre-
and childbirth; however, the world is facing the dual challenge eclampsia. In addition, moderate supplementation with omega-
of malnutrition, including over- and undernutrition, which 3 fatty acids reduces this risk, but excessive supplementation
has a huge impact on human health (60). Consumption of with omega-3 fatty acids also increases this risk (69, 70). In
foods in high-sugar, low-fiber, high-saturated fat, and low- animal studies, omega-3 fatty acids inhibited inflammatory
polyunsaturated fat diets increases the tendency of periodontal responses mediated by TLR2 and TLR4 in endothelial cells
disease (61). It was found that compared to normal-weight and reduced F. nucleatum-induced adverse pregnancy outcomes
gestational periodontitis patients, pregnant women with in mice, while supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids
both periodontitis and obesity were more likely to deliver derived from fish oil for pregnant mice inhibited F. nucleatum
preterm infants with pre-eclampsia (62). Due to changes in proliferation and placental inflammation, which increased fetal
the body’s metabolic function, pregnant women have increased and neonatal survival (71).
requirements for some nutrients, so a better understanding
of the effect of diet on periodontal disease and adverse
pregnancy outcomes, especially a reasonable intake of a variety The effect of micronutrients on
of nutrition is needed. periodontal disease and adverse
pregnancy outcomes

Micronutrients are composed of vitamins, minerals, and

The effect of macronutrients on
trace elements. It is demonstrated that the vitamins A–E and
periodontal disease and adverse the minerals calcium and zinc are related to both periodontal
pregnancy outcomes disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Vitamin A is considered to influence the body’s gene
Macronutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. transcription, bone metabolism, immune function, and
The more well-documented macronutrients associated with antioxidant activity. Vitamin A deficiency is found to increase
periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes are the significant risk of periodontal disease; in contrast, a higher
carbohydrates and omega-3 fatty acids. intake of beta-carotene is connected with a decrease in the
Carbohydrates consist of sugars, starches and fibers, which number of sites with a periodontal probing depth >3 mm (72,
have different effects on the body. Excessive intake of sugary 73). Additionally, some additional vitamin A is required during
foods is positively associated with systemic microbial dysbiosis pregnancy to assist the mother’s metabolism and support fetal
and increased levels of inflammatory mediators, thus leading growth and development (74). Vitamin A is thought to be a risk
to different inflammatory responses in the body. In addition, factor for pre-eclampsia, and vitamin A deficiency increases the
glucose also promotes the apoptosis of periodontal ligament incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes (75).
cells and inhibits their proliferation (63). Nevertheless, fiber Vitamin B complexes, including vitamins B1, B2, B3,
foods are rich in antioxidants and other health-promoting B6, B9, and B12, have the ability to adjust the production
compounds that can reduce OS and inflammatory responses and release of intracellular energy, and they also impact
in the body. In addition, they can slow the body’s absorption the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (61).
of carbohydrates, thereby lowering and controlling blood sugar On the one hand, vitamin B complex deficiency leads to a
levels. A prospective cohort study of Chinese women showed clearly lower resistance to bacterial infection. In addition, a
that women who consumed fewer vegetables during pregnancy prospective cohort study showed that increased serum vitamin
had a higher risk of preterm birth (64). Similarly, it has been B12 was negatively associated with periodontal probing depth,
shown that a high-sugar diet during pregnancy was connected clinical attachment loss and the number of missing teeth in
with the occurrence of pre-eclampsia, while daily dietary fiber patients with periodontal disease (76). On the other hand, the
intake could reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia (65). lower vitamin B complex levels can affect cell growth and

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neural tissue development; thus, most prenatal supplements are can elicit and aggravate the development of periodontal diseases
recommended to include vitamin B complexes due to their high (88). In addition, a lower degree of zinc is responsible for
energy requirements. Some studies indicated that a low content approximately 500,000 maternal and child deaths each year,
of vitamins B2, B3, and B9 would enhance the probability of and zinc deficiency during pregnancy has a positive relation to
low birth weight and pre-eclampsia (77). Similarly, vitamin B12 preterm birth, intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight,
deficiency was associated with an increased risk of placental prolonged delivery, and gestational hypertension (89).
rupture, stillbirth, preterm birth, and low birth weight, which
affected 25% of pregnant women worldwide (78).
Vitamin C, acting as enzymatic cofactor in a range The effect of probiotics on periodontal
of essential metabolic reactions that include hydroxylation disease and adverse pregnancy
of proline and lysine needed to stabilize collagen structure outcomes
during its manufacture, exerts a vital role in maintaining the
integrity of connective tissues such as the periodontium (79). Probiotics are exogenous active microorganisms that can
Vitamin C is also involved in inducing the differentiation of effectively regulate the balance of the organism flora and
periodontal ligament stem cells, which plays a crucial role control the reproduction of harmful flora. In tissues supporting
in preventing and slowing the progression of periodontal the tooth, probiotics are capable of inhibiting the growth
disease (80). Furthermore, Vitamins C and E have a synergistic of periodontal pathogens and maintaining the periodontal
effect to improve antioxidant defenses and inhibit free radical microecological balance, at the same time, probiotics play a vital
formation, thus exerting an essential role in OS inhibition (81). part in regulating the host’s immune response to periodontal
A case-control study showed that pregnant women with both pathogen infection (90, 91). In addition, probiotics that enter
periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia had significantly lower the gastrointestinal tract are also involved in the regulation of
levels of vitamin C in saliva and serum (82). Similarly, vitamin E the host’s systemic immune function. For example, bacterial
levels are inversely correlated with the severity of pre-eclampsia, vaginosis is a common form of vaginal dysbiosis that plays
and vitamin E deficiency is regarded as one of the risk factors for an important role in the development of spontaneous preterm
pre-eclampsia (75). Therefore, the combined supplementation birth, miscarriage and endometritis, and the supplementation
of vitamins C and E will suppress inflammatory reactions and of probiotics improves the treatment of bacterial vaginosis by
promote wound healing to improve periodontal status, reducing repairing the vaginal microbiota environment, thereby reducing
the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes accordingly. the occurrence of premature birth and miscarriage (92, 93).
Vitamin D regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism Given that both overnutrition and undernutrition
and the immune inflammatory response. A cross-sectional supplementation during pregnancy will adversely affect
study found that vitamin D and calcium levels were negatively the growth and development of pregnant women and fetuses,
related to random blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, probing besides, nutrient supplementation has the advantages of fewer
depth, and clinical attachment loss, indicating that lower levels visits, extremely small side effects, non-invasive treatment,
of vitamin D and calcium had aggravated the severity of and lower cost, we advocate appropriate supplementation of
periodontal disease (83). At the same time, the combined different nutrition during pregnancy, which not only lessens
supplementation of vitamin D and calcium significantly the course of periodontal disease during pregnancy and
reduced periodontal inflammation and C-reactive protein levels adverse pregnancy outcomes, but also serves as an adjunct to
compared with single supplementation of vitamin D or calcium non-surgical periodontal treatment during pregnancy (Table 1).
(84). It was also shown that compared with the control
group, vitamin D and calcium supplementation significantly
improved the effect of periodontal non-surgical treatment (85). The effect of periodontal therapy
In addition, the mean serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in on adverse pregnancy outcomes
pregnant women with periodontal diseases were significantly
lower than those in pregnant women with healthy periodontal Periodontal disease is considered to be one of the risk
tissues. Meanwhile, maternal vitamin D deficiency promotes the factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes. Whether periodontal
presence of preterm birth, low birth weight, gestational diabetes, treatment during pregnancy can reduce the prevalence of
and pre-eclampsia. It is conceivable that adequate vitamin D adverse pregnancy outcomes is still a common concern
and calcium supplementation can not only reduce the severity of stomatologists and obstetricians. A meta-analysis found
of periodontal disease during pregnancy but also decrease the that periodontal treatment during pregnancy decreased the
incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes (86, 87). incidence of preterm birth (RR = 0.78, 95% IC is 0.62–0.98,
Zinc, which inhibits the activation and expression of P = 0.03) and could significantly improve the birth weight of
inflammatory cells and neutralizes bacterial toxins, is an infants (94). Similarly, A meta-analysis evaluated 19 randomized
essential trace mineral for humans. Therefore, zinc deficiency controlled trials from 2000 to 2018 to explore the effect of

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TABLE 1 The studies of the effect of nutritional intake on periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes during pregnancy.

Nutrient References Findings

Carbohydrates Liu et al. (63) Glucose had the effect of promoting the apoptosis of periodontal ligament cells and inhibiting their
Lu et al. (64) Women who consumed less vegetables during pregnancy had a higher risk of preterm birth
Sanjarimoghaddam et al. (65) A high-sugar diet during pregnancy was connected with the occurrence of pre-eclampsia, while daily
dietary fiber intake could reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia
Omega-3 fatty acids Azuma et al. (66) Omega-3 fatty acids decreased the number of inflammatory mediators in the periodontal tissue of patients
with gingivitis and periodontitis
Chatterjee et al. (67) Omega-3 fatty acids reduced the level of clinical attachment loss, probing depth, promoting the healing of
periodontal wounds
Ozaki et al. (68) Omega-3 fatty acids had the ability to inhibit osteoclasts cell differentiation and alveolar bone resorption
induced by periodontal diseases
Simmonds et al. (69) Women with lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in pregnancy tend to have a higher risk of preterm birth,
moderate supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids reduced this risk
Bakouei et al. (70) Pregnant women with higher total omega-3 fatty acids had an decreased possibility of pre-eclampsia
Garcia et al. (71) Omega-3 fatty acids inhibited inflammatory responses mediated by TLR2 and TLR4 in endothelial cells
and reduced F. nucleatum–induced adverse pregnancy outcomes in mice
Vitamin A Dodington et al. (72) The higher intake of beta-carotene was connected with a decrease in the number of sites with a periodontal
probing depth >3 mm
Duan et al. (75) Vitamin A was thought to be a risk factor for pre-eclampsia, and vitamin A deficiency increased the
incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes
Vitamin B Zong et al. (76) The increased serum vitamin B12 was negatively associated with periodontal probing depth, clinical
attachment and the number of missing teeth in patients with periodontal disease
Bulloch et al. (77) The low content of vitamins B2, B3 and B9 would enhance the probability of low birth weight and
Rogne et al. (78) Vitamin B12 deficiency was related to the increased risk of placental rupture, stillbirth, preterm birth, and
low birth weight
Vitamin C Varela et al. (79) Vitamin C exerted a vital role in maintaining the integrity of connective tissues such as the periodontium
Tada et al. (81) Vitamin C played a role in slowering the progression of periodontal disease
Shetty et al. (82) Vitamin C presented the lower levels in saliva and serum in pregnant women with both periodontal
disease and pre-eclampsia
Vitamin D Agrawal et al. (83) Vitamin D and calcium deficiency had aggravated the severity of periodontal disease
Ferrillo et al. (86) The lower levels vitamin D and poor oral health promoted the presence of preterm birth and low birth
Taneja et al. (87) Vitamin D deficiency increased the prevalence of pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus and preterm
Vitamin E Duan et al. (75) Vitamin E deficiency was correlated with a higher incidence of pre-eclampsia
Calcium Rodrigues et al. (84) The combined supplementation of calcium and vitamin D significantly reduced periodontal inflammation
and C -reactive protein levels compared with single supplementation of vitamin D or calcium
Rodrigues et al. (85) Calcium and vitamin D supplementation significantly improved the effect of periodontal non-surgical
Zinc Marshall et al. (89) Zinc deficiency during pregnancy had a positive relation to preterm birth, intrauterine growth retardation,
low birth weight, prolonged delivery, and gestational hypertension
Probiotics Bustamante et al. (91) Probiotics were capable of inhibiting the growth of periodontal pathogens and maintaining the
periodontal microecological balance
López et al. (92) The supplementation of probiotics improved the treatment of bacterial vaginosis by repairing the vaginal
microbiota environment, thereby reducing the occurrence of premature birth and miscarriage

periodontal treatment on adverse pregnancy outcomes, among treatment group, while in the control group, its range was 6.38–
which, 12 studies demonstrated a positive effect, while another 72%, the rate of low birth weight varied from 0 to 36% in the
seven studies showed no significant effect. It was found that treatment group, while it was 1.15–53.9% in the control group,
the incidence of preterm birth ranged from 0 to 53.5% in the thus indicating that periodontal non-surgical treatment during

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The left side of the picture shows the mechanisms related to periodontal disease leading to adverse pregnancy outcomes, including periodontal
pathogen infection, the changes in the level of inflammatory mediators, host immune response, gene polymorphism, and APS with elevated
anticardiolipin antibodies. The right side of the picture shows the effect of periodontal treatment on adverse pregnancy outcomes, the
intervention methods include plaque control, application of drugs, supragingival scaling, subgingival scaling and root planning. Reasonable
intervention of periodontal diseases during pregnancy is beneficial to the physical and mental health of patients and can reduce the
mother-to-child transmission of periodontal pathogens. The ideal time for periodontal treatment is the second trimester (14–27 weeks), if
intervention for infection is absolutely necessary, emergency treatment can be performed throughout pregnancy. Created with

pregnancy was safe (95). Although it did not completely avert treatment did not significantly reduce the odds of adverse
the rate of adverse pregnancy outcomes, it can be recommended pregnancy outcomes (97).
as a part of antenatal care. Moreover, it was shown that the odds The diverse intervention methods used in these studies
ratios for both preterm and low birth weight were 3.86 times may be one of the reasons for the difference. In the above
and 2.96, respectively (96). Therefore, periodontal disease could studies suggesting a positive effect, the intervention types
mainly included: scaling and root planning with chlorhexidine;
be deemed to be one of the risk factors for adverse pregnancy
scaling and root planning with plaque control; scaling and
outcomes, and the elimination of periodontal infection lessened
root planning, and oral hygiene instruction with chlorhexidine;
the adverse pregnancy outcomes. However, there is a case-
scaling and root planning with maintenance every 3 weeks
control study showing a different result, in the periodontal
until delivery. Nevertheless, among the studies showing no
treatment group, a statistically apparent reduction was observed significant effect, the majority of interventions were scaling and
in all clinical and microbiological parameters, but there were root planning only, scaling and root planning and oral hygiene
no evident differences in the incidence of preterm birth and instruction. It is suggested that a single intervention type may
low birth weight, it was indicated that in Spanish Caucasian be insufficient to address periodontal inflammation or control
pregnant women with periodontitis, periodontal non-surgical oral bacterial load, and performing a combination of multiple

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approaches is more effective. At the same time, maintenance risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes, periodontal
of health oral status throughout the gestation is recommended, disease can be preventable and manageable. Preventive and
rather than the “one-time deal” (98, 99). restorative periodontal treatment during pregnancy is safe. It is
Currently, it has been universally acknowledged that recommended to finish routine oral examinations and deal with
non-surgical periodontal treatment during pregnancy is safe, the oral infections before conceiving, so as to prevent women
although oral anti-inflammatory treatment during pregnancy to suffer from periodontal disease during gestation. Meanwhlie,
did not significantly lessen adverse pregnancy outcomes (100). the management of periodontal infection during pregnancy
Furthermore, as a vital part of pregnancy health, reasonable should follow relevant treatment principles, and the ideal time
intervention of oral diseases during pregnancy is beneficial to for periodontal treatment is the second trimester (14–27 weeks).
the physical and mental health of patients and can reduce the If intervention for infection is absolutely necessary, emergency
mother-to-child transmission of oral pathogens. Therefore, it treatment can be performed throughout pregnancy.
is recommended to choose the right time under the premise
of following the principles of safety, necessity, comfort and
multidisciplinary cooperation and to carry out scientific and Author contributions
standardized management of oral infectious diseases according
to the particularity of the physiology of pregnant patients JY: study design, manuscript research and preparation,
(Figure 1). and manuscript review. MN: original manuscript writing. LX:
language modification. All authors contributed to the article and
approved the submitted version.
There is still some controversy about the relationship Conflict of interest
between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes,
but numerous studies have shown a significant association The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
between periodontal disease and preterm birth or low birth absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
weight. Taken together, periodontal pathogen infection, the be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
changes in the level of inflammatory mediators, host immune
response, gene polymorphism, and APS have been recognized
as common pathogenesis of periodontal disease and adverse Publisher’s note
pregnancy outcomes. Further exploration of the underlying
mechanisms can provide more potential directions for their All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
prevention and treatment. Appropriate supplementation of a authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
variety of nutrition during pregnancy has become an effective organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
way to prevent periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
outcomes and can assist in improving the effect of periodontal claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed
non-surgical treatment. Meanwhile, as an independent or endorsed by the publisher.

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