Improving Students Critical Thinking Skills and S

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Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills

and Self Efficacy Through Implementation

of Integrated Guided Inquiry Model
with Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM)

Suyatno Sutoyo1(B) , IGusti Made Sanjaya1 , Endang Susantini2 , Edy Cahyono4 ,

Nabilah Abdullah3 , and Sophia Allamin1
1 Department of Chemistry, Faculty Mathematics of Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
[email protected]
2 Department of Biology, Faculty Mathematics of Natural Sciences,
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
4 Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri

Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract. The purpose of the study is to ascertain whether students’ critical

thinking abilities and sense of self-worth have increased as a result of using a
guided inquiry methodology that incorporates STEM subjects (Science, Technol-
ogy, Engineering, and Mathematics) (STEM). The first step in this research is the
creation of chemistry learning materials for the topic of thermochemistry, includ-
ing lesson plans, student books, student activity sheets, and tests of critical thinking
abilities. 34 students from Senior High School 9 Surabaya’s class XI science par-
ticipated in the study. All learning tools that were produced were highly valid,
according to the experts’ evaluation. By achieving a gain value of 0.71, the sci-
ence, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) integrated guided inquiry
learning paradigm was successful in enhancing students’ critical thinking abilities
(high category). The findings of the self-efficacy survey revealed an improvement
in the self-efficacy scores of students in the medium group (0.46). Hence, the inte-
grated guided inquiry learning paradigm of STEM has been successful in raising
students’ levels of self-efficacy and critical thinking.

Keywords: Guided inquiry learning model · STEM · critical thinking skills ·

self efficacy · thermochemistry

1 Introduction
In order to create a generation of thinkers who are distinct from those of the past, the
extremely rapid development of science and technology demands substantial reforms
in the educational system around the world, especially in Indonesia [1, 2]. As a result,

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Mulyadi et al. (Eds.): LEWIS 2022, ASSEHR 758, pp. 65–74, 2023.
66 S. Sutoyo et al.

teachers must teach kids 21st century abilities, such as cooperation, communication,
critical thinking, and problem solving. These abilities must be included into educational
activities in order to prepare pupils for the globalized era. The goal of the educational
process is to increase students’ productivity, creativity, innovation, and effectiveness [3].
The results of the TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies)
and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) studies reveal that Indonesian
students’ thinking abilities are still subpar and require development. As many as 3% of
pupils can be classified as having high-level cognitive abilities, but none of them have
attained the advanced level. Moreover, 54% of children still fall into the low group for
science proficiency (low level). The majority of Indonesian students only know a few
basic facts and are unable to communicate or relate different science topics, let alone
use complicated and abstract ideas to solve problems in the actual world [4].
One of the 21st century abilities that kids need to learn in order to be competitive in
the globalization era is critical thinking. Critical thinking abilities are rational, reflective
thought processes that support students’ interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and infer-
ence processes. The learning process must be directed so that students actively think
critically, because the concept of activity is a very important pattern in building student
thinking and becomes one of the foundations of constructivist learning, namely students
actively build their knowledge, not just absorbing ideas from the teacher [5]. The devel-
opment of critical thinking abilities is essential for pupils’ success in school and is also
the primary method through which they can face and conquer future challenges. Con-
cept mastery and critical thinking abilities are positively correlated, making it possible
to enhance pupils’ concept mastery by developing their critical thinking abilities [6].
The guided inquiry learning model is a teaching strategy that can help students locate
a concept by using a variety of sources of knowledge and viewpoints to suggest solutions
to problems, subjects, or concerns [7]. Several student abilities can be developed through
the inquiry process, including critical thinking abilities like knowledge gathering, making
wise decisions, and problem-solving creativity [8]. Students’ critical thinking abilities
can also be developed through inquiry learning [9]. Yet, not all of the difficulties presented
in learning with the inquiry paradigm involve real-world situations. Students lack the
necessary training to relate and apply scientific concepts to real-world problems. By
including the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) approach in
the inquiry learning model, one of them can be overcome.
The STEM approach has benefits, including: 1) offering many opportunities to
develop thinking skills; 2) raising interest in learning about science; and 3) The engi-
neering component in STEM emphasizes process and product design/design and can use
engineering to explore, find, and solve problems. Students can also apply the concepts
they have learned to solve real-world problems. Students’ motivation, creativity, critical
thinking abilities, and idea mastery can all be improved by using the STEM method
[10, 11].
Also, the STEM approach is successful in honing pupils’ motor abilities so they can
create the products they require for daily life [12]. Students will engage in problem-
solving, investigations, and other meaningful activities as part of their learning with
the guided inquiry model integrated with STEM. These activities will present learning
Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills 67

opportunities, allow students to work independently, construct student knowledge, and

result in tangible products that aid in conceptual understanding [13, 14].
Self-efficacy is a mindset that, together with critical thinking abilities, is crucial
for student success in the future. Because self-efficacy is directly related to motivation,
learning behavior, expectations for the future in general, and student achievement, it is
included in the PISA exam [4]. Self-efficacy can affect a person’s cognition, affective
processes, and behavior [15]. Students’ scientific attitudes about chemistry are positively
impacted by self-efficacy as well. Thinking abilities, problem-solving abilities, idea
mastery, and student self-efficacy can all be enhanced by inquiry learning [16]. Thus,
the adoption of a guided inquiry learning methodology combined with STEM on the
topic of thermochemistry in senior high school will be used in this study to examine
students’ critical thinking abilities and sense of self-efficacy.

2 Methods
Pre-experimental research of this kind uses a one-group pretest-posttest design [17]. It
was necessary to prepare lesson plans, student books, worksheets, tests of critical think-
ing abilities, and self-efficacy questionnaires for the thermochemical themes included
in this study. Before being used in the teaching process, all instructional materials were
evaluated by three chemical education professionals. In September 2022, this study was
carried out at Senior High School 9 in Surabaya. 34 science students in class XI were
the study’s intended audience. The learning process took place over the course of three
meetings and covered the topics of exothermic and endothermic reactions, calculat-
ing the enthalpy of a reaction using a calorimeter, Hess’s equation, data on formation
enthalpy, and bond energy. Three methods, namely validation, test, and questionnaire,
are used to collect data. Data on the applicability of learning materials on themes related
to thermochemistry were obtained using the validation technique. In the meantime, data
on pupils’ critical thinking abilities will be gathered via test methodologies. Through
the use of a self-efficacy questionnaire, information about students’ self-efficacy was
gathered. Using descriptive quantitative analysis, all data were examined [6]. The n-
gain was used to measure how much the students’ critical thinking abilities and sense of
self-worth had improved [18].

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Validity of Learning Materials
Four different types of learning resources were created for the study: lesson plans, student
books, student worksheets, and tests of critical thinking abilities. Three professionals
who served as validators evaluated the learning tool’s validity. In Table 1, the validation
findings were displayed.
The data in Table 1 showed that the four research tools developed showed validation
scores above 3.25, namely 3.69 (Lesson plan), 3.63 (Student worksheet), 3.53 (Student
books), and 3.60 (Critical thinking skills test) so that it was categorized as very valid
[19, 20, 21]. The reliability of the validator’s assessment of all research tools was greater
68 S. Sutoyo et al.

Table 1. The Validation results of learning materials on thermochemistry topic

Type of learning materials Validation score Average Category

V1 V2 V3
Lesson plan 3.89 3.43 3.84 3.69 Very valid
Student worksheet 4.00 3.52 3.71 3.63 Very valid
Student’s book 3.26 3.59 3.71 3.53 Very valid
Critical thinking skills test 3.25 3.75 4.00 3.60 Very valid

than 75% so that it was categorized as reliable [22]. Thus the device is suitable for use
in chemistry learning activities using a guided inquiry model integrated with STEM on
the thermochemistry topic at senior high school.

3.2 Student’s Critical Thinking Skills

Interpretation, inference, explanation, analysis, and evaluation were measured as critical

thinking indicators in the study [23]. Five essay questions make up the designed test of
critical thinking aptitude. Students were subjected to the test both before and after the
learning process (pre test) (post test). Also, n-gain analysis was used to examine whether
students’ critical thinking abilities have improved as a result of using the integrated
STEM guided inquiry paradigm for learning. The information in Table 2 is based on a
test of critical thinking abilities given to 34 students in class XI science at Senior High
School 9 in Surabaya.
The value of n-gain for each indicator of critical thinking skills was presented in
Table 3.
Table 2 demonstrated how the STEM integrated guided inquiry methodology can
help students develop their critical thinking abilities, with an average pretest score of
40.5 rising to 81.3 at the end of the course. As a consequence of the n-gain analysis, the
high category n-gain value is determined (0.71). This rise can be attributed to the guided
inquiry model’s integration of STEM and training in critical thinking skills in each of
its phases.
Phase 1: Initiation. At this stage, students are given phenomena that contain problems
in everyday life related to thermochemistry topics. Students are asked to examine and
interpret these phenomena to find the formulation of the problem to be solved through
scientific investigation. Therefore, through the initiation stage, students are trained in

Table 2. The results of critical thinking skills test of students of class XI science Senior High
School 9 Surabaya

Number of students Average score of pre test Average score of post n-gain Category
34 40.5 81.3 0.71 High
Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills 69

Table 3. N-gain value of critical thinking skills indicator

No. Critical thinking Average score of pre Average score of post n-gain Category
skills indicator test test
1 Interpretation 38.24 92.65 0.85 High
2 Analysis 31.62 78.68 0.71 High
3 Inference 31.62 69.85 0.59 Medium
4 Explanation 34.56 92.65 0.89 High
5 Evaluation 37.50 72.79 0.60 Medium

critical thinking skills for interpretation indicators [23]. Phenomena that contain scien-
tific problems are a manifestation of the science component in STEM [12]. Through the
use of everyday phenomena, it will be able to arouse student motivation in the learn-
ing process so that according to information process theory it will affect the storage of
information in long-term memory thereby increasing mastery of concepts and critical
thinking skills [24, 25].
Phase 2: Selection. The selection stage is carried out after students are able to formu-
late problems related to thermochemistry. At this stage, students in groups are encouraged
to discuss seeking information from a variety of accurate sources, both from textbooks
or other sources, including the internet in order to formulate temporary answers to prob-
lems (hypotheses). Through these activities students will also be motivated to carry out
further processes, namely scientific investigations to solve problems [7, 25]. The indica-
tors of critical thinking skills that are trained at this stage are interpretation and analysis
because students are required to be able to interpret and analyze sources of information
in order to find temporary answers to problems [23]. The process of finding accurate
scientific information to formulate hypotheses and research variables is a manifestation
of the science component of STEM which is studied at the selection stage [12].
Phase 3: Formulation. At the formulation stage, the teacher guides students to formu-
late hypotheses to answer the problems that have been formulated based on the results
of a study of information that has been collected from various sources. In addition, stu-
dents are also asked to determine research variables that will be solved through scientific
investigation. The process of formulating hypotheses and determining research variables
is a manifestation of the science component in STEM [12]. In this third stage, indicators
of critical thinking skills that are trained include interpretation, analysis and inference.
Students are required to carry out these three indicators to formulate hypotheses and
determine scientific investigation variables [23].
Phase 4: Collection. At this stage students carry out experiments within the frame-
work of scientific investigation to test the truth of the hypotheses that have been formu-
lated related to the topic of thermochemistry. All STEM components are applied at this
stage both science, technology, engineering and mathematics [12]. Through experimen-
tal activities students are trained in critical thinking skills for indicators of interpretation,
analysis, inference and evaluation [23]. It makes students more actively participate to
gain mastery of the concept. In addition, students will gain experience that is useful
70 S. Sutoyo et al.

for proving the correctness of concepts. Scientific investigation activities carried out
in groups allow for scaffolding from students with higher abilities to students with less
abilities thereby increasing their potential ability to master the thermochemical concepts
being studied [24, 25].
As students create equipment for exothermic and endothermic reactions, such as ice
gel products manufactured from baby diapers, a simple thermos, a simple calorime-
ter constructed of styrofoam, and an emergency bottle lighter, science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics are used.
Phase 5: Presentation. At this stage, students are required to present the results of
scientific investigations that have been carried out. Reports on the results of scientific
investigations are a manifestation of the science component in STEM [12]. In the pre-
sentation stage students are trained to apply indicators of critical thinking in explanation,
interpretation, analysis, inference and evaluation [23]. Such skills are needed to know and
obtain the necessary factors to make reasonable conclusions. It is applied when research
results are concluded through scientific investigation and the results are communicated
in front of the class [26].
Phase 6: Assessment. In the last stage of the guided inquiry model that is integrated
with STEM, the teacher gives students the opportunity to evaluate the learning activities
that have been carried out so that information on the achievement of the goals can be
obtained. At this stage students are trained indicators of critical thinking skills namely
interpretation, analysis, inference, explanation and evaluation [23]. The STEM compo-
nent integrated at the assessment stage is science. Several questions given by the teacher
at this stage will be able to deepen students’ understanding of concepts and critical
thinking skills [24, 25].
According to the justification provided, using the STEM-integrated guided inquiry
learning paradigm to teach students about thermochemistry has a positive impact on
their ability to think critically. It can increase student motivation throughout the learning
process, resulting in better test results for students’ critical thinking abilities [26]. It
is feasible to produce pupils with higher-order thinking through preparation such as
through critical questions, questions with language, and in-depth concept development
[23]. The process of developing critical thinking skills in children is gradual and involves
The results of students’ critical thinking skills can also be linked to constructive
theory. It is explained that cognitive development is a process when students form a
meaningful system and an active interpretation of reality through their experiences and
interactions. By using critical thinking skills, students can form long-term memory
related to the material being studied so that students can achieve learning achievement
[24, 27].
Based on the data in Table 3, all indicators of critical thinking skills showed an
increased value of n-gain in the moderate and high category. Indicator of interpretation,
analysis and explanation showed n-gain value in high category. While indicators of
inference and evaluation showed n-gain value in the medium category. The explanation
indicator had the highest n-gain value (0.89), while the lowest n-gain was shown by the
evaluation indicator.
Improving Student’s Critical Thinking Skills 71

3.3 The Student’s Self Efficacy

In the study, measures of students’ self-efficacy were made before and after the adop-
tion of teaching using the STEM-integrated guided inquiry learning methodology on
the subject of thermochemistry in the classroom, in addition to their critical thinking
abilities. 20 statements make up the self-efficacy questionnaire, which was developed
using four indicators—mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion,
and physiological and affective states—to measure self-efficacy [28]. The information
in Table 4 was obtained from the answers to a self-efficacy questionnaire completed by
34 students in class XI at IPA SMAN 9 Surabaya.
N-gain value for each self-efficacy indicator was presented in Table 5.
Based on the data in Table 4, learning chemistry on the thermochemistry topic using
the guided inquiry model integrated STEM could increase students’ self-efficacy from
the average score before learning 0.51 to 0.73 after the learning process. From the
results of the n-gain analysis, the n-gain value was obtained in the medium category
(0.46). All indicators of self-efficacy have increased with the value of n-gain in the
moderate category. The vicarious experiences indicator showed the lowest n-gain value
(0.36), while the physiological and affective states indicator showed the highest n-gain
value. The increase in student self-efficacy has an impact on improving students’ critical
thinking skills because a person’s self-efficacy can affect cognition, motivation, affective
processes and ultimately the person’s behavior [15, 29, 30]. In addition, self-efficacy also
has a direct positive influence on students’ scientific attitudes towards chemistry which
will have an impact on their critical thinking [16]. The high value of n-gain indicators of
physiological and affective states indicates that the chemistry lesson on thermochemistry

Table 4. The results of self efficacy questionnaire for students of class XI science Senior High
School 9 Surabaya

Number of students Average score before Average score after n-gain Category
learning process learning process
34 0.51 0.73 0.46 Medium

Table 5. N-gain value of self efficacy indicator

No. Indicator of self Average score before Average score after n-gain Category
efficacy learning process learning process
1 Mastery 0.56 0.76 0.45 Medium
2 Vicarious 0.61 0.75 0.36 Medium
3 Verbal persuasion 0.42 0.69 0.47 Medium
4 Physiological and 0.45 0.73 0.51 Medium
affective states
72 S. Sutoyo et al.

topic being implemented is able to make students enjoy and not stressed during the
learning process. It will increase motivation and have an impact on student’s mastery of
concepts and critical thinking skills [24, 25, 28].

4 Conclusion
The guided inquiry learning model integrated with STEM is effective for improving stu-
dents’ critical thinking skills and self-efficacy on the subject matter of thermochemistry.
The application of the learning model is proven to be able to produce n-gain values in
the high category (0.71) for critical thinking skills, while for self-efficacy, the n-gain
value in the medium category (0.46) is obtained. Increasing students’ self-efficacy has
supported the improvement of students’ critical thinking skills.

Acknowledgments. We thank Universitas Negeri Surabaya for providing financial support

through a collaborative research grant. I also thanks the head of Senior High School 9 Surabaya
who has given permission to carry out research activities.

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