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Sodru SR 092017 T Neumann KH 80 ENG

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Near-field monitor



Near-field monitor

Neumann.Berlin has added a further model to its monitor range: the KH 80 DSP, first presented at the NAMM Show in January 2017. A typical
near-field monitor, the KH 80 is designed for short monitoring distances in small studios, at PC workstations, in broadcasting vans and on the meter
bridge of a mixing console or as a rear or height loudspeaker for multi-channel installations. We examined this studio monitor in the laboratory.

Neumann KH 80 DSP
Ultra-compact near-field studio monitor

The KH 80 is the smallest monitor in the waveguide obligatory in the KH series. The the KH 80, all signal processing stages such
Neumann monitor range: its housing has a integrated signal processor indicated by the as filters, crossovers and protection circuits
gross volume of just seven liters and a weight letters “DSP” in the type designation is totally have been realized digitally.
of 3.4 kg. This two-way monitor is equipped new for the KH series. All previous models The advantages are obvious: the DSP not
with an extremely long-throw 4" woofer and had a completely analog design with the ex- only combines many more functions in a
the 25 mm (1") aluminum dome with a large ception of the digital input versions. Now, in very small space – you can configure it much


more easily and rapidly too. The fully auto- Dispersion) method. Here, the waveguide is 4.5 dB at 280 Hz. The effect of the filters is
mated individual calibration of each individ- first optimized in a computer simulation and shown in Fig. 1. Another switch marked
ual monitor to a linear target frequency re- then produced as a prototype and measured. “Output Level” has the four settings 94, 100,
sponse can be completed in seconds, in con- Finally, if the measurement results are satis- 108 and 114 dB for the sound pressure level
trast to the considerable manual work this factory, it undergoes a listening test. The ad- achieved at a distance of 1 m and an input
used to require. The network capability in- vantage of this procedure? It is the quickest voltage of 0 dBu. Next to it is a trimmer with
cluding the software for central setting and way to achieve the aim as it is no longer nec- an adjustable range of 0 to –15 dB in case
alignment, already a must in many monitors, essary to laboriously build a large number of you want to set intermediate values.
makes it necessary to have a DSP in the loud- prototypes in the optimization phase, and the Another switch concerns the Auto Standby
speakers too. The state of the art with regard results can be analyzed beforehand in the function and the activation of the future net-
to A-D and D-A converters as well as DSPs simulation. work control, for which there is an RJ45 net-
themselves means there are no longer any The electronics is located inside the housing work socket that is not in use at present. This
serious reasons not to use digital signal pro- at the rear and is partially visible through the allows you to integrate the monitor into a
cessing, so it was only logical for Neumann cooling vents. Besides the DSP, two newly de- normal Ethernet network and then control
to develop a studio monitor with integrated veloped in-house Class D amplifiers with an and align it remotely using an app on a tablet
DSP. output of 120 W and 70 W are to be found or computer. A delay, eight fully parametric
Independently of this, no effort was spared in here. The crossover between tweeter and bell filters and one high-shelf and low-shelf
the rest of the development either. The less woofer is achieved using a steep 8th order filter each are internally available for align-
you have to correct electronically, the better phase-corrected filter (48 dB/Oct) at 1.8 kHz. ment purposes. The matching app has been
is the overall result, and it is only natural for In spite of the FIR filtering, the overall latency announced for early 2018. If you are still
this to apply in times of digital corrections of of the electronics amounts to negligible 2 ms. missing the obligatory ground lift switch on
all kinds too. In this regard, the woofer of the
KH 80 was produced in a painstaking devel-
opment process that also covered all the new
tools necessary for production. The driver
unit and the diaphragm suspension were op-
timized for maximum linear excursion. Of
course, what initially sounds like a typical
marketing phrase has its own very special
background at Neumann. Markus Wolff,
Manager of Development Neumann Studio
Monitors at Sennheiser, explained the many
individual phases of development in detail
and pointed out the measurement results
with pride.
Bedienelemente auf der Rückseite mit den Neumann-typischen Funktionen für definierte Pegelwerte
COMPONENTS AND ELECTRONICS und einem in vier Stufen schaltbaren Desktop-Filter
The housing of the KH 80 is made of compos-
ite polycarbonate and is generously rounded
on all sides. When examined independently The operating elements at the rear have the the KH 80, there’s no need to worry about
of its acoustic function, this small monitor functions typical for Neumann: defined level any ground loop hum occurring. The elec-
comes in anthracite and makes a solid but values and a desktop filter which can be tronics has protective insulation and does
unspectacular and serious impression. The switched in four steps. not need a protective earth conductor. The
extensive range of accessories includes vari- power supply is also a wide-range power sup-
ous tripod stand adapters, mounting plates ALIGNMENT AND OPERATION ply for voltages between 100 and 240 V.
and brackets allowing you to set up the KH Great care was taken when developing the
80 in any position imaginable. Alternatively, limiters as there is a thermal limiter with a MEASURED VALUES
the KH 80 is available in white, for example long time constant for each driver as well as In the measuring laboratory, the KH 80
for use by design-conscious home recorders a peak and excursion limiter for the woofer. showed what is possible today using modern
or at lecterns. The tweeter is equipped with a As soon as one of the limiters is activated, development tools and DSP technology and
generously dimensioned waveguide built into the Neumann logo at the front lights up red. combining it with the highest possible de-
the front panel which controls the directivity All operating elements are securely engaging mands on one’s own product. One look at the
while also providing an increase in sensitivi- easy-to-operate slide switches and are locat- frequency response shows you just what’s
ty, thus combining two advantages. The ed at the rear. Once you know the functions going on here: an absolutely linear behavior
slight bulges surrounding the waveguide and of the switches, you can identify the current from 60 Hz to just over 20 kHz within a ±0.6
the woofer prevent annoying reflections from setting without looking by putting your hand dB tolerance band combined with a diver-
affecting the respective other driver. behind the box. The “Acoustical Control” gence of 0.23 dB between the monitors. As
Neumann developed the waveguides accord- switch activates a low-mid desktop filter with each monitor is individually calibrated to this
ing to the MMD (Mathematically Modeled four settings and an attenuation of 1.5, 3 or curve, you can swap any KH 80 for any other


The following measurements of the frequency response, the dispersion behavior and the distortion values were performed in a measuring labora-
tory under anechoic conditions. The Class 1 measuring chamber allows measuring distances of up to 8 m and offers free-field conditions upwards
of 100 Hz. All measurements are made using a B&K 1/4" 4939 measuring microphone at a sampling rate of 96 kHz and a resolution of 24 bits
using the Monkey Forest audio measurement system. Measurements below 100 Hz are performed as combined near-field/far-field measurements.

01 02

03 04

01 Frequency response measured on the acoustical axis

at a distance of 2 m. The orange line shows the frequency
response (–6 dB) between 52 Hz and 20.8 kHz. The
dashed grey line shows the tolerance range of ±0.6 dB
between 100 Hz and 10 kHz. The three desktop filter
curves are offset by –10 dB.#

02 Phase response measured on the acoustical axis at a

05 06 distance of 2 m. With the exception of the bass range, FIR
filtering allows a linear phase response to be achieved.

03 Maximum level based on a distance of 1 m at a maxi-

mum distortion of 3 % (blue curve) and a maximum dis-
tortion of 10 % (red curve) for the low-frequency range
up to 250 Hz.

04 Spectrogram of the KH 80 with a perfect decay be-


05 Horizontal dispersion behavior shown as isobars. The

level fell by 6 dB in comparison with the acoustical axis
during the transition from yellow to light green. Above 2
kHz, the opening angle is 100°.

07 08 06 Vertical dispersion behavior. Above 2 kHz, the opening

angle is 80°.

07 Measurement of the intermodulation distortions using

a multitone signal with an EIA-426B spectrum and a crest
factor of 12 dB for a maximum distortion content of 10
%. At 1 m in the free field, the level achieved here is
94(91) dB(A) as Leq and 106 dB as Lpk.

08 Mean frequency response measurement with 30 posi-

tions each for the left and right loudspeaker around the
listening position (blue curve). The room EQ derived from
it is shown in green and the mean response with EQ is
shown in red.

KH 80 without having to ensure that both Regardless of this, and with the exception of with the phase response in Fig. 2, which
monitors are pair-matched. The lower corner some AMTs (Air Motion Transformers), not shows a largely constant behavior upwards of
frequency (–6 dB) of 52 Hz is gratifyingly low many tweeters are in a position to work in a approx. 300 Hz. The usual phase rotations
for a monitor as compact as this. At the controlled way above 20 kHz. This means are compensated for by a short FIR filter. This
upper end, the limit frequency is 20.8 kHz as that limitation is effective with regard to this explains the perfection shown by the KH 80
a result of the DSP sampling rate of 48 kHz. aspect too. Things really become interesting in the spectrogram in Fig. 4. Not a scrap of


Frequency response: 50 Hz − 20,8 kHz (−6 dB)
Ripple: 1,2 dB (100 Hz − 10 kHz)
Horizontal opening angle:
110(100) degrees
(–6 dB isobar 1(2) kHz – 10 kHz)
Horizontal standard deviation:
Measured values
26 degrees (–6 dB isobar 1 kHz – 10 kHz)
Vertical opening angle:
90(80) degrees
Sound quality
(–6 dB isobar 1(2) kHz – 10 kHz)
Vertical standard deviation:
22 degrees (–6 dB isobar 1 kHz – 10 kHz)
Possible applications
Max. SPL:
103 dB (3 % THD 100 Hz – 10 kHz) +++
Bass capability: Workmanship and quality
97 dB (10 % THD 50 – 100 Hz)
Max. output level at 1 m (free field) with EIA- +++
426B signal at full-scale level: The network connection at the rear is Price-performance ratio
91 dBA Leq and 106 dB peak intended for future remote functions.

Pair deviation:
0.23 dB (max. value 100 Hz – 10 kHz)
KH 80 DSP Manufacturer/Sales Neumann.Berlin / Sennheiser Sales
Noise level (A-weighted): 20 dBA (10 cm)
Dimensions/Weight: Recommended retail price/street price per pair 1,187 euros / approx. 1,000 euros
15.4 x 23.3 x 19.4 cm (W x H x D) / 3.4 kg r www.neumann.com

resonance is in evidence here, which is of you should not forget the self-generated constant surprise. Contrary to the expecta-
course no coincidence – again, it has been noise level. For the KH 80, this is 20 dBA at a tions, thoughts of a subwoofer were far from
optimized in detail using meticulous BEM distance of 10 cm from the tweeter. Convert- our minds here.
simulations of the drivers, the housing and ed to 1 m, this equals 0 dBA, which is close to
even the circuit board for the electronics. The the hearing threshold, making it virtually im- CONCLUSION
isobars in Figs. 5 and 6 show an opening perceptible. With the KH 80 DSP, Neumann.Berlin has
angle of 100x80 degrees. To see the highly put another studio monitor of the KH series
uniform lines, you would think a large CD LISTENING TEST onto the market, and it truly lives up to the
horn was responsible for this value, rather A typical near-field configuration at a dis- great name of Neumann. In all respects, this
than a compact near-field monitor. The tance of approx. 1.5 m from the listening po- monitor offers a perfection and love for detail
crossover frequency at 1.8 kHz is almost im- sition was chosen for the listening test. Be- similar to those we know and have come to
perceptible. Where the vertical isobars usual- tween the monitors and the listening posi- appreciate in Neumann microphones.
ly show wild interference patterns in the tion, there was a work space with a desk, a In the course of an enormous amount of de-
range of the crossover frequency, the steep keyboard and several computer screens. Prior velopment work, everything was planned
separation causes nothing but a slight con- to the actual listening test, a measurement down to the last detail, simulated and meas-
striction in the KH 80. with 30 averaged positions per loudspeaker ured until the KH 80 was complete. The effort
Maximum level measurement using sine was performed and a room EQ set on the has certainly been more than worthwhile.
burst signals (Fig. 3) provides values in the basis of it. Fig. 8 shows the measurement and There is nothing more to add to the perfect
magnitude of 100 dB for the woofer and 110 the filter function derived from it. Besides the measuring results and the similarly convinc-
dB for the tweeter. Both values refer to a dis- typical desktop attenuation and a slight ing result of the listening test. Everything fits
tance of 1 m in the free field. The values for weakening of a room mode at 75 Hz, there and they’ve got their sums right – that goes
the tweeter, the same that is also used in the was not much to be done here. Two KH 310, for the price too, which is more than reason-
larger Neumann monitors, are not really sur- also from Neumann, were used as reference able at a recommended retail price of 1,187
prising, but the 100 dB for the 4" woofer is monitors. It didn’t take long for the surprise euros (RRP) for the pair. We can now wait
quite an achievement. Multitone measure- to come. The KH 80 was absolutely equiva- with much anticipation for the announced
ment with a spectrum according to EIA-426B lent to the considerably larger KH 310. In remote control and alignment app, which we
and a crest factor of 12 dB (Fig. 7) provides a terms of sound, no difference could be heard, will present here when the time comes. Front
mean level Leq of 94 dB / 91 dBA and a peak and with regard to spatial reproduction and and rear view of the compact KH 80 DSP. 
level of 106 dB for the KH 80. Both values source localization, there was a tendency to
match the information given by the manufac- prefer the KH 80. When the bass got louder
Go to r www.soundandrecording.de/
turer. Here, too, the values are impressive or more powerful, the KH 310 was of course
onlinestorys for information on how to
considering how compact the KH 80 is. In able to put its advantages to work, but the read test results.
the case of near-field monitors in particular, capabilities of the KH 80 were still a source of


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