U.S. Department of Education Response To IHL - October 31, 2023
U.S. Department of Education Response To IHL - October 31, 2023
U.S. Department of Education Response To IHL - October 31, 2023
Institutions participating in the Title IV, Higher Education Act programs are required to have
annual compliance and financial statements audits (34 C.F.R. § 668.23(a)(2)). The regulations
provide that the U.S. Department of Education (Department) will accept audits performed under
the Single Audit Act meeting the Department’s audit requirements that are also submitted to the
Department within the timeframe established for Single Audits (34 C.F.R. § 668.23(a)(4) and
(5)). The regulations at 2 C.F.R. § 200.512(a)(1) establish the deadline for the submission of
Single Audits as no later than nine months after the end of the audit period.
Citation for failure to submit acceptable compliance and financial statement audits timely is a
past performance violation under 34 C.F.R. § 668.174(a)(3), resulting in, among other things,
provisional certification, and placement on a heightened cash monitoring payment method, for a
minimum of five years. Further, 34 C.F.R. § 668.171(i) provides that an institution’s failure to
submit compliance and financial statement audits by the date and in the manner required under
34 C.F.R. § 668.23 may result in the Department initiating adverse action against the institution,
including terminating or revoking the institution’s program participation agreement. In addition,
if the institution has an application pending for renewal of its certification, the Department may
deny that application for continued participation.
The State of Mississippi and the public institutions making up the School Group subject to audit
as part of the state-wide Single Audit have an audit period ending June 30 of each year.1 The
June 30, 2022 annual audit submission was due no later than March 31, 2023. However, the audit
was not submitted until June 14, 2023. As a result, a letter dated August 4, 2023 was sent to you
When more than one institution is subject to audit in a given Single Audit, the Department refers to those institutions as a “School Group.” The
Department identifies one institution within a School Group as the Department’s contact for issues concerning the School Group. This institution
is the “Locator Institution” for the School Group. The attached listing of institutions is a listing of the public institutions in the state of
Mississippi that the Department’s records show as being subject to audit on an annual basis as part of the Mississippi state-wide Single Audit as a
School Group. Alcorn State University is the Locator Institution for this School Group .
citing the State of Mississippi’s Institutions of Higher Learning for a past performance violation
due to late audit submission.
The Department received a letter from the Mississippi State Commissioner of Higher Education,
dated September 26, 2023, with a detailed explanation for the circumstances leading to the late
audit submission. The Mississippi State Commissioner of Higher Education explained a
compounding effect on the amount of audit work required as a result of significant additional
federal dollars approved by congress for state and local governments through the CARES Act,
GBLA requirements, the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund, and other
legislation. Many of these programs were identified as high risk, meaning that the programs
required audit coverage in addition to the Federal programs that were to be covered as part of the
annual Single Audit without any additional audit resources.
The Department has taken into consideration the underlying factors associated with this late
audit submission. The Department accepts Mississippi’s explanation of why the 2022 audit
submission was late and has determined that the circumstances around the 2022 late audit
submission meet the criteria to be considered unusual in that they are unique to the impact on the
overall audit requirements resulting from the Coronavirus Pandemic and the compressed time
span available to perform the audit work. Therefore, although all of the institutions in the School
Group subject to audit as part of the state of Mississippi state-wide Single Audit for the audit
period ending June 30, 2022, are hereby cited for violation of the past performance requirements
at 34 C.F.R. § 668.174(a)(3) for failure to submit acceptable compliance and financial statement
audits timely, the Department will not impose certain additional conditions on the Title IV
participation of those institutions due to the late submission. The impacted Institutions of Higher
Learning have been removed from Heightened Cash Monitoring 1 and returned to advance
funding. The impacted institutions may contact our office at [email protected] for further
information regarding the provisional certification status.
The Department expects that the audit for the audit period ending June 30, 2023 will be
submitted in a timely manner as required by the regulations. Please note that any future late
submissions may result in the imposition of the citation requirements under 34 C.F.R. §
If you have questions or concerns, please contact Vinita Simpson Miller at 202-552-0062 or
[email protected].
State of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning
OPE ID: 00239600
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State of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning
OPE ID: 00239600
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State of Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning Emailed to: [email protected]
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
MS Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning
Department of Veteran Affairs
Department of Defense
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau