Assistant Director

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'aol 'a unn 0qn'.o


• (Parionoci Brnnch.t)
• fOTfl.tdATt0N
NOW tSnIhI, the t8th ()ccomtr, 2015
pettici rs'odt9ceuon of the Nitetteetoit dott 06-01-1890 olnond.,d ode nattileetloe, ,nO
Published In the Cxeor.ilyj Ooxetn of India Port-LI, Sector 2, (I) the emonredcrw4IioC
R Ij,tni (Or the post otAssitet Director (Mud, nell or. Iven cc order:

RECI-tUITtet.JLNT IECULATIOt4S fOR I'os-r OF seI0tut Dircewr (Motortol),

tDELt'IL Ott VtLt.Ot'MttNT A(JTtjpLl4Ty
['fiderdrornoiicoI p0ij eiitjr, PJt, of, DIDA Proposed o'cliftcc:, gn In the Rt)o

Number of Foot 204' -- 261 (3ubiect to variation ciepentthnr or,

SuLJoct to vttrlttttoo dependent on sro,ktoat

Grcup-13 No etetit 1.
4. Pay Baird & I. Its. 2000. 60 .2300-EB--200-100- I PB-! 1,. Re. 9300-3411'C wrt'
1 Scum 3500 (pro-rcvincd) . cnd rcoisod to green puy or mt.1 4300
Rs. 6$00. 200.10,500 12, Nor (uctionul ecair m Fey bn.d -3
2. Rs. 0000 . 12500 (ott Completion of a.c. Re. 15600-39100 wrh Oro!r
4 years) Pay or P.s. 5400 (On cocris,
of 4 years cpproouf I rcu.r
tory ion In the ttrudu iuejec: o
.Vjilonco Cl.ccncc)
Wt1eutOr OOtectou u-Ott or Selection / ' ' No clisirCO
Non-Sc! tiort PpM
Whether bctfit -of eddod Not AppliçobI.o No clwig:
ycess of sorvico admissible
under rule 30 or the Centrist
Civil Services Ocrtslon)
Rules. 1972
7. Ago Limit for direct tecruiti Not nppcoble Not cncecdtng (' years. Recauttioti
scco'd orcc wit', Vic irrErr:tts 0
I orders ittoed t'y iev Cn'rr.

8. Educatiotn I and o ther ottrc: .,nlIs equivalent from a go 3u rrrne At1,ti:rtho

Qualifications toqulted for recognized Urtiocrilty ' .quiV(t0Ii.

direct recruits
9, ' Whether ago end eduu1ottul Age: No Age "0
queliflctttiona prc.tctibed for lclucoLiotrol Qutiiiftcatiot 'ice, b't
the du'ct recruits will apply Eiti ti catio ijal Qumllfmcetion 'es, but I ohly br 2504 OuMS !o' irti:n
it Ito cuse of protlotas & only (or 25% limited promotion dc1 r:'t',en cot',tpcttt:vc cIttnin
deputetiottlsts for weticlt ittc cdtccto'rnt ouiltCnt,c
-- I
• is trttduc 01 equi'uulcn' rtr
recotund L'nis'orsity.

10. Period otprobation, if any J Two yetts • '• tttnge


'1 9:

Method or rezrul-,nt,
it"' I. 25% prc.,nntio:r through lImited 1.25% of the pools rIwOugit limited
Whether by dIrect -2d
.doperljvontei oxoinitretlon '(trout I doporrnrental CowpetIt'eO I
or by Pr0rno'ton Oc by ItttOfl gduotee
or wlid I Examination.
ItiO I
of the
c-trirrpIbted yen-i regular service 2.65% nih. po3t,.y promotion.
in 0r6 codr p of Ant.iint end 3.10% of the - posts by direct
rtC COnOloO to. be Oiled by
Stnnornpho4 (oçnlvnlent iO I r.crlimnot. .
"allow method. I A.eetdrtti)
2. 75 1/6.b promotion frOnt Aeei,tsne -. I
who hvo putln4 yceve In roguler
ierviu) In the
I hi
In - -i
two of rectrjjejt byI. Limited Dcpemenr Conipo)itive I
onJdcpureticnJo b.orp1
grode fromwhich .
E I i'get Ailtt1t
.tid StenogophoreGrodo C/PA Mitt Mitt
iOn /etepotetlort/ hoveciopiothd 1 yecie o ieguhin
T ab3orption Is to bomede, iervieo in tirenoopeotivo grodemd
pusGioduet. quelifleolloir ;r
CttUl V11tiI tilt thOrn C rcn14vhzdd I
Unlvcrnity. .
2. By promotion front emongt I
Asilito it with 6 years of regulfti
service Inthe gra de.
If I OPC oxIolo,: what is Is Sr. Level DPC for Group A Oflicors I Senior Lun gi DJ'C 'foirn Group D
t Principal Oomleoioner
. I
OPAccri as notified by DOA front time
- to time (for promotion only)
• Chlrmon
- 2. Chief . iy t gllsnco Offleor
- Member. .•. I
- 3. Coirteriusloiror (F). Moniloor I
Secretary - j
4. Chief Account,
fvterirber -
Ol(leer - I - . I
5. HOD - - Mc .npi 1
6. &ep, of-SC/ST to be nominated . .
- . by VC. '. ;' . . . -. - ••
• . -.
.. No.F.2(65Y20t2/?.1/DDA1434, .
- . . D. SAIU(Alt, Coittnrioslortr:-ouiti.Scc

• ...'.

- PrInted by the Manger, Government of Indlo Pratt. Ring ll.oed, Mayipud. Now Dcihl.t 10064 -
and by this Crtmmtrohtoa of PubiIclLlonx Delhi -I 1005'.

........ -

I)Euu DIvLo1rwHr AunLourv

(Ptio1i uiel Ii enuI.J


Niw I.)IhI, 11hz Cih Juinunry, 2015

CS.R. 2 4 (E).—ln.siiztl il'LIlz puwz vuriVermt.1 bySub-S tiuti (1)
SCLIlUll 51 vf I/ic k/hi
19 7 h I L i/hz Duilti vch.ipnhzni AuLhii'(ty hIci-by with lIi' vflu ip uy-m Liriii, Cnl 1v uuuuu1t iuk. i/i
r(i il modirlicatimi in pir. 12 or Ut Ri uhziiL 1 uliiii rir ilhz ,ç $li.iii l)i fee 101 (M
which Wt n liAcjvhk QS,IUS5() &l:iicd I thh 1) eilpr 201.1.

12. In czwc of rceiuitrcnt by prornuhii/ - • Fur prunju1jutj liuni iuii A.,.4141:101 Iii
dip (On/lb ucpzIoi jiIc Froni w1lcti Ailiiii l.)bf,.cILir (h/hid Wi iI) syilli IWO
PC0il\UtflJdCpuI;ItiOl/ubi.i1ptitiii Is to b ycirs al' I eguhir Lit i/in Cink
2. For Uuiiid UcpriiiirL Cu uil1hzI live
En iniiicuion (LDCc( I Frciil I uIniiia
Lidil Stcii icphieiu ((OhiO C/IA Who hive
eilUpJi.IW(L in or rcguin uiz V We (ii i/ic.
rcupceIivcldc iiiii punueou ii Criidtiiiie
C1I1hLh i (ICitiIii or qui vnhcill roil it iizceiii,7OCh
UniVcruiy. -

(No. 05 (11)201 2/Ii&C (I ii

D SARKAR. Cornrnicsith.Llvi-c'y.

IiiiiiJ hy the iui i1jer, (IiiVccilnKili ill Inijizi hid0. Ring I/mid. Mi.u-iri (ij uw IX-liml I
unil PuiiiinIiii Iiy i/ic Ciiiiin..iidr 1irPubIlinIonV. l)IIi . ii Ut)34.

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