11 Articulo
11 Articulo
11 Articulo
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Medication errors are a great concern to health care organisations as they are costly and pose a sig-
Received 28 May 2021 nificant risk to patients. Children are three times more likely to be affected by medication errors than adults with
Revised 26 August 2021 medication administration error rates reported to be over 70%.
Accepted 27 August 2021 Objective: To identify nursing interventions to reduce medication administration errors and perform a meta-
Available online xxxx
Methods: Online databases; British Nursing Index (BNI), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cumulative
Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE and MEDLINE were searched for relevant stud-
Neonates ies published between January 2000 to 2020. Studies with clear primary or secondary aims focusing on interven-
Medication tions to reduce medication administration errors in paediatrics, children and or neonates were included in the
Errors review.
Results: 442 studies were screened and18 studies met the inclusion criteria. Seven interventions were identified
from included studies; education programmes, medication information services, clinical pharmacist involve-
ment, double checking, barriers to reduce interruptions during drug calculation and preparation, implementation
of smart pumps and improvement strategies. Educational interventional aspects were the most common identi-
fied in 13 out of 18 included studies. Meta-analysis demonstrated an associated 64% reduction in medicine ad-
ministration errors post intervention (pooled OR 0.36 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.21–0.63) P = 0.0003).
Conclusion: Medication safety education is an important element of interventions to reduce administration er-
rors. Medication errors are multifaceted that require a bundle interventional approach to address the complex-
ities and dynamics relevant to the local context. It is imperative that causes of errors need to be identified
prior to implementation of appropriate interventions.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Introduction medication errors can occur in the absence of injury to the patient. The
National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Pre-
Medication errors, be it prescribing, preparation and dispensing, ad- vention (NCC MERP, 2020) described medication errors as ‘any prevent-
ministration or monitoring are key patient safety concerns and a quality able event that may cause or lead inappropriate medication use or patient
measure of healthcare medication process management. When they harm while medication is in the control of healthcare professional, patient
occur, medication errors produce a variety of problems for patients, or consumer’, demonstrating that medication errors occur as a result of
ranging from minor discomfort to substantial morbidity that may lead human mistakes or system flaws (Stucky, 2003). For these reasons
to increased length of hospital stay or death under certain circum- and more, in 2017 the World Health Organisation launched a global ini-
stances (Stucky, 2003). An estimated 18.7% - 56% of all adverse events tiative aiming at reducing medication errors by 50% within a 5 year time
among hospitalised patients result from preventable medication errors span (Bonner, 2017).
(von Laue et al., 2003), however even more significant to realise is that The paediatric and neonatal patient population are three times more
likely to be affected by medication errors than adults (Kaushal et al.,
2001; Simpson et al., 2004), and significantly higher error rates have
⁎ Corresponding author at: Clinical Academic Lead Nursing Research, Nottingham
Children's Hospital and Neonatology, Queens Medical Centre, C Floor South Block,
been reported during prescribing and administration in comparison to
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, NG7 2UH, UK. dispensing and monitoring (Kaushal et al., 2001; Krähenbühl-Melcher
E-mail address: [email protected] (T.C. Marufu). et al., 2007; Ross et al., 2000). Medication prescribing and administration
0882-5963/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron, et al., Nursing interventions to reduce medication errors in paediatrics and neonates:
Systematic review and..., Journal of Pediatric Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2021.08.024
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
error rates have been reported in various studies ranging from 3 to 37% Statistical analysis
and 72–78% respectively (Bannan & Tully, 2016; Elliott et al., 2018).
Implementation of drug therapy in children and infants can be com- Most included studies presented the results in percentages and error
plex due to one or more of the following; (i) treatment of rare and life- rates. Using pre and post intervention total drug administration error
threatening conditions requiring continuous adjustment of dosing and numbers, odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for
drug therapy, (ii) narrow therapeutic range of some drugs, and (iii) the likelihood of medication error reduction after the intervention (ex-
individualised dosing based on factors such as age, weight, renal func- posure) was calculated. A meta-analysis was performed in Rev. Man5
tions and maturation of enzyme systems (Bannan & Tully, 2016; (Higgins & Green, 2019) using the random effect method for a pooled
Niemann et al., 2014). Literature highlights that children are at greater size effect of implementing any error reduction intervention. For the
risk of harm than adults when medication errors occur (Chedoe et al., studies where OR could not be calculated, a qualitative synthesis is
2012; Lindell-Osuagwu et al., 2009). given.
Due to the nature of errors, many studies have looked broadly at
interventions that looked at reducing errors across all healthcare pro- Results
fessionals' practice. There is a place for such interventions; however
nurses are at the forefront of medication administration where errors Search process
are highest (reported to range from 72 to 78%) (Bannan & Tully, 2016;
Elliott et al., 2018), and it has been realised that administration errors Online searches identified 512 studies. After removal of duplicates
are the hardest to intercept causing direct harmful consequences for 442 articles were screened at title and abstract stages. Nineteen studies
patients (Buckley et al., 2007). Therefore the purpose of this review were assessed at full-text and 18 studies met the inclusion criteria and
was to comprehensively compile specific nursing interventions to were included for data extraction (Table 1 Characteristics of included
reduce drug administration errors and where applicable outline size studies). Fig. 1 provides an overview of the search process.
of effect. Studies were conducted in seven countries. The majority of studies
(six) were from the USA (Colligan et al., 2012; Hebbar et al., 2018;
Methods Kanjia et al., 2019; McSweeney et al., 2019; Subramanyam et al., 2016;
Yamamoto & Kanemori, 2010), three from Spain (Campino et al.,
Data sources 2009; Campino et al., 2016; Manrique-Rodríguez et al., 2013), two
from Germany (Bertsche et al., 2010; Niemann et al., 2014) and one
Five electronic databases were searched; British Nursing Index from each of the following nations; Argentina, Canada, Malaysia,
(BNI), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cumulative Index to Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Scotland (UK) and Saudi Arabia;
Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE and MEDLINE. (Abuelsoud, 2019; Chedoe et al., 2012; Guérin et al., 2015; Otero et al.,
To maximise search sensitivity, a combination of various free text key 2008; Raja Lope et al., 2009; Simpson et al., 2004; Stewart et al., 2010).
words and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH terms) were used. Search
terms included; paediatric, neonates, infants, babies, medication, drug, Methodology quality assessment
error. Databases were searched from January 2000 to February 2020.
All included studies in this paper clearly stated study objectives,
study population and the interventions. All studies were before and
Study selection
after intervention studies. Sixteen studies were prospective cohort stud-
ies and one was a retrospective cohort (Guérin et al., 2015) and another
The review considered peer reviewed published studies involved in
cross-sectional (Otero et al., 2008). Two studies (Colligan et al., 2012;
implementation of an intervention aimed at reducing medication ad-
Stewart et al., 2010) rated moderate on risk of bias (25–75%) while
ministration errors among nurses in in-patient paediatric clinical set-
the rest rated low risk of bias. Randomisation and blinding of the asses-
tings. Children were defined as individuals between 0 and 18 years of
sors was not possible due to the nature of the studies.
age. Papers published in other languages were considered if an English
translation was available. Excluded studies included case studies, epide-
miological studies, reviews, editorials and opinion papers.
Search strategy was performed by the hospital librarian with exten-
The studies looked at implementation of interventions to reduce
sive experience in literature searches. Two authors independently iden-
medication administration errors (MAEs) in specific individual paediat-
tified studies at abstract and full text stages. Disagreements on potential
ric clinical areas or across the children's hospital as a whole. Six studies
studies for inclusion were resolved by discussion to reach consensus or
were conducted in all specialties across children's hospitals (Colligan
involvement of the third author.
et al., 2012; Guérin et al., 2015; Hebbar et al., 2018; McSweeney et al.,
2019; Otero et al., 2008), seven in NICU or PCCU only (Campino et al.,
Data extraction 2009; Campino et al., 2016; Chedoe et al., 2012; Manrique-Rodríguez
et al., 2013; Niemann et al., 2014; Raja Lope et al., 2009), two in paedi-
Data extraction was performed independently by two authors using atric theatres (Kanjia et al., 2019; Subramanyam et al., 2016) and one in
a pre-piloted standardised form. The form sections included; author and an emergency department (Yamamoto & Kanemori, 2010) and one in a
date of publication, study design, country of study, clinical setting type, paediatric neurological ward (Bertsche et al., 2010). One that looked at
sample size, intervention implemented, pre and post- intervention out- interprofessional approach to improving paediatric medication safety
comes. through interprofessional workshops to facilitate learning of knowledge
was conducted on fourth year medical students and third year nursing
Methodology quality assessment students (Stewart et al., 2010).
The quality Assessment Tool for Before and After (Pre-Post) studies Interventions
with No Control Group (BAQA) was used to assess the risk of bias of in-
cluded studies (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 2018). This was Seven individual interventions were identified from the included
calculated independently by two authors, any inconsistencies in scoring studies (Appendix 1 Table 1 Summary of Interventions). These in-
of items were resolved through consensus. cluded; education programs, drug information services (posters,
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1
Characteristics of included studies.
Author and year Country Type of study Participants Sample size (N) Interventions Results
Yamamoto & USA Prospective Nurses (Paediatric 38 computer-assisted vs conventional Mean conventional drug
Kanemori, 2010 cohort Emergency paediatric drug dosing and administration and dosing time
Department) administration 1243s vs mean computer program
total time of 879 s (P < 0.001),
Mean error 1.8 conventional method
vs 0.7 computer programme
(P < 0.001). OR 0.55 95% CI
Hebbar et al., 2018 USA Prospective Children's Hospital 1434 simulation training program Serious MAEs rates decreased from
cohort Nurses (general implementing MAE bundle (The 2.5 events per month during the
care units, Five Rights, Med-Zone, and 12-month pre-intervention period
emergency Independent Double Check) to 1.4 events per month during the
departments, and 20-month intervention rollout
intensive care (RR = 1.78, 95% CI = 1.03–3.1,
units) P = 0.029). MAEs further decreased
to 0.86 events per month during the
7-month post-intervention period
(RR = 2.9, 95% CI = 1.2–8.5,
P = 0.014) (63% decrease in MAEs
from the baseline period, with a 45%
drop in higher classified errors).
Colligan et al., 2012 USA Prospective Paediatric Specialty Single ward (20 Barriers to reduce interruptions Frequency of interruption: mean
observational (nurses) nurses) during drug calculation and interruption rate per minute of
preparation occurrence was significantly
reduced from 1.4 pre-intervention
to 0.27 post-intervention (paired
t-test = 5.7, df = 98, p < 0.01).
The length of time spent from
beginning to end of each occurrence
was not significantly reduced (120 s
vs 117 s pre-intervention and
post-intervention, respectively).
McSweeney et al., USA Prospective Paediatric Specialty 19 errors were improvement strategy included The number of therapy errors per
2019 cohort (nurses) analysed and several initiative(policy change, 1000 patient days fell from 19.28 in
deemed preventable change of process, education 2009 to 5.95 in 2016 (The CIPT error
by the SERS reporter programme, and hospital-wide rate decreased by 69% from 2009 to
safety initiatives) 2016). Chi2 analysis was used to
compare the result for 2009 with
that for each subsequent year, with
P values of 0.66, 0.35, 0.16, 0.09,
0.03, 0.12, and 0.25 found for 2010
through 2016, respectively.
Subramanyam et al., USA Prospective Children's Hospital 129 2-person verification system for During the intervention 4 errors
2016 study (anaesthetists and infusion pump programming before were rectified before the medication
nurses) medication administration was administered to the patient.
There was no delay in case starts
(>90% before and during the
project).The rate of 2-person
verification of infusion pump
programming increased from 0% to
90% and was sustained.
Kanjia et al., 2019 USA Prospective Paediatric 633 checklists and Education and Checklist tool The percentage of compliance with
cohort anaesthesia electronic medical the safe administration checklist for
(anaesthetists, records acetaminophen in the preoperative
physicians and period increased to 97%. Use of the
nurses) paper checklist likely prompted the
appropriate increase in compliance
with safe administration.
Additionally, provider-specific
feedback produced a significant
increase in compliance with use of
the checklist.
Campino et al., 2009 Spain Prospective NICU (doctors, 94 Education strategy Post-intervention prescription error
cohort nurses, nurses' aids rate and the percentage of registers
and pharmacists) with one or more incident decreased
significantly from 20.7 to 3%
(p < 0.001) and from 19.2 to 2.9%
(p < 0.001), respectively. OR 0.12
95% CI (0.09–0.16)⁎
Manrique-Rodríguez Spain Prospective PICU (nurses) 97 alarms associated implementing smart infusion pumps 92 programming errors with
et al., 2013 observational with real potentially harm to the patient were
interventional programming errors intercepted (84% of errors involved
analgesics, anti-infectives,
inotropes, and sedatives, 97% of the
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1 (continued)
Author and year Country Type of study Participants Sample size (N) Interventions Results
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 1 (continued)
Author and year Country Type of study Participants Sample size (N) Interventions Results
Abbreviations: PCCU, Paediatric Critical Care Unit, ARR, absolute rate ratio, OR, odds ratio, RR, rate ratio, MAEs, medical administration errors.
⁎ Highlihgt OR calculated from baseline data presented in the respective study.
reference books), involvement of clinical pharmacists, double checking, is as follows; the staff nurse reads the drug chart, identifies the correct
smart pumps, barriers to reduce interruptions during drug calculation drug from storage, correct dose calculation counter checked by a col-
and preparation and improvement strategies (checklists, policy and league, prepares medication aseptically, labels prepared drug, check
process change). patient's identification, check drug prescription/medication label
Some of the studies implemented single interventions only while again, administer medication to the patient ensuring the right time,
others used a bundle of interventions. Education program interventions rate, route, colleague counterchecks administration (Raja Lope et al.,
were the most common, observed in thirteen studies. Five studies im- 2009). Sessions were delivered by various staff groups with additional
plemented the specific education programs only (Campino et al., support from pharmacy staff until competency is achieved.
2009; Campino et al., 2016; I. Chedoe et al., 2012; Raja Lope et al., Clinical pharmacy service interventions were not limited to educa-
2009; Stewart et al., 2010), while the other eight studies included tion only. Clinical pharmacist led daily bedside medications reviews fo-
other interventions with education program (Abuelsoud, 2019; cusing on issues relating to prescribing, documentation and
Bertsche et al., 2010; Hebbar et al., 2018; Kanjia et al., 2019; administration were implemented (Simpson et al., 2004). Senior phar-
McSweeney et al., 2019; Niemann et al., 2014; Otero et al., 2008; macists were included in the daily medical team ward rounds with spe-
Simpson et al., 2004). cific intravenous medications mixtures prepared in pharmacy
The following three intervention; education, drug information ser- (Abuelsoud, 2019).
vices and clinical pharmacy involvement programmes are closely asso- The use of smart pumps were evaluated in three studies (Guérin
ciated and in some context interdependent, depending on the delivery et al., 2015; Manrique-Rodríguez et al., 2013; Subramanyam et al.,
strategy. Education intervention sessions were delivered periodically 2016), computer assisted drug calculations, barriers to reduce interrup-
through lectures, workshops with scenarios, drug administration simu- tions during drug calculations and double checking before intravenous
lations and specific practical training for staff involved in intravenous administration were used in one study each (Colligan et al., 2012;
administration. Staff competency was assessed via a series of practical Subramanyam et al., 2016; Yamamoto & Kanemori, 2010).
exercises including dose calculations. Staff education materials or med- Smart infusion pump interventions involved provision of training for
icines information were printed and made available (training course in- all nursing staff in programing medicine administration pumps. These
formation, handouts, and information providing clear medication smart pumps have safety software with built in drug libraries and
administration instruction and good administration practices). Simula- drug infusion guardrails or limits to reduce probability of error occur-
tions and workshop practicals consisted of high reliability principles rence. Training covered the expected and appropriate operation of the
consistent with error prevention such as closed loop communication, pumps as well as the expected change in practice. The process change
team member check in and STAR (Stop, Think, Act, Review) (Hebbar involved use of itemised checklist, for compliance to ensure all steps
et al., 2018), and double checking. An example of a simulation exercise of safe drug administration were followed to reduce drug errors. Pocket
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
(n = 442) (n = 423)
Studies included:
(n = 18)
cards with steps to prevent errors in the administration of medications Ten studies were included in a meta-analysis of interventions to re-
were given to all clinicians (Otero et al., 2008). duce MAEs (Fig. 2). Three studies (Bertsche et al., 2010; Chedoe et al.,
Meta-analysis of interventions to reduce MAEs. 2012; Otero et al., 2008) had their results presented in odds ratio (OR)
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
and for the other seven studies, we used pre and post intervention data reported an increase in their knowledge and awareness of paediatric
provided to calculate OR. Calculated OR for individual studies are pre- medication safety; with pre and post mean scores of 53.9 vs 69.8
sented in Table 1. The meta-analysis showed a pooled OR 0.36 (95% (mean difference 15.9, 95% CI 10.4–21.4 p < 0.001), and shared learning
Confidence Interval (CI) 0.21–0.63) P = 0.0003) for test of overall effect. experience on medication safety pre and post mean scores 67.9 vs 76.6
The analysis demonstrates an associated 64% reduction in medicines ad- (mean difference 8.9, 95% CI 4.3–13.1 p < 0.001).
ministration errors post intervention. However a high heterogeneity
(I2 = 98%) was observed demonstrating high variation in study out- Discussion
comes between included studies. No subgroup group analysis was per-
formed. The current review provides an update on intervention strategies to
reduce medication administration errors in paediatric and neonates.
Causes of medication errors during administration are multifactorial
Publication bias
sometimes requiring multi-faceted interventions to address the root
cause. This is reflected in our findings. The seven interventions identi-
Publication bias was visually assessed using funnel plot developed
fied included; education projects, medication information services, clin-
using Rev. Man5. The plot was asymmetric indicating a possible risk of
ical pharmacist involvement, double checking, barriers to reduce
publication bias (Fig. 3 Funnel Plot).
interruptions during drug calculation and preparation, implementation
of smart pumps (new technology) and improvement strategies. Most
Narrative synthesis studies performed bundle as opposite to single interventions. Similarly
to what has been observed in previous reviews, all included studies
Studies not included in the meta-analysis presented their results in were single arm, pre and post design without a comparative, concurrent
various forms. Four studies (Hebbar et al., 2018; Manrique-Rodríguez control group (Bannan & Tully, 2016; Nguyen et al., 2017). All interven-
et al., 2013; McSweeney et al., 2019; Simpson et al., 2004) showed a sig- tions demonstrated a reduction in medication errors.
nificant reduction in MAEs after interventions. Hebbar et al. (2018) re- In comparison to other similar recent reviews (Bannan & Tully,
ported a decrease in MAE events from 2.5 to 1.4 per month (risk ratio 2016; Nguyen et al., 2017; Rinke et al., 2014; Santesteban et al., 2015),
(RR) 1.78, 95% CI 1.03–3.1 p = 0.02) during the 20 months rollout of a in this review we performed a meta-analysis in ten studies with pooled
targeted simulation training to reduce serious medication events. A fur- size of effect OR showing a 64% associated reduction in MAEs after inter-
ther reduction of monthly error events to 0.86 at 7 months post inter- vention. Methodological and study results presentation heterogeneity
vention was reported demonstrating a 63% decrease in MAEs from was observed in included studies. This variation precluded meta-
baseline period (RR = 2.9, 95% CI = 1.2–8.5, P = 0.014). analysis for some of studies.
In a study by Manrique-Rodríguez et al. (2013), the intervention One of the predominant reason children are at greater risk from
(use of smart infusion pumps) intercepted 92 user programming errors medication errors is the nature of drug dosages that are calculated
rated as potential harm to the patient. The authors concluded that using based on the child's weight or body surface (Wong et al., 2009). How-
smart infusion pump programming such as pump drug library, defined ever, weight can change during hospitalisation period and recalculation
hard limits for infusion rates is associated with a 49% potential reduction of drug dosages becomes a necessity particularly in neonates. As such, in
or intercepting drug errors of moderate, serious or catastrophically se- addressing this key element, all education program interventions ob-
vere cases. One study (Colligan et al., 2012) implemented the barriers served included elements of dose calculations, with some offering nurs-
to reduce interruptions during drug calculation and preparation. They ing staff further support until competency is achieved. Accurate
measured mean interruption rate per minute. They reported a signifi- medicine administration calculations is an essential part of patient
cant mean interruption reduction from 1.4 pre-intervention to 0.27 safety and nurses competency such that it has become part of the curric-
post-intervention, p < 0.01. ulum with nursing schools dedicating time and effort to teach their stu-
For studies that involved process and policy changes (Kanjia et al., dents how to calculate drug doses and subsequently test them for these
2019; Subramanyam et al., 2016) uptake of process change as part of skills (Rowe et al., 1998).
the interventions increased to 97% and from 0 to 90% respectively. The It has previously been hypothesised that a bundle interventional ap-
Northern Ireland study (Stewart et al., 2010) targeted fourth year med- proach, that is using more than one intervention with more than one
ical students and third year nursing students to deliver an education function has an additive advantage on reducing medication errors
programme through teaching and workshop training to raise awareness (Bannan & Tully, 2016). This is considerably plausible as individual in-
on paediatric medication safety. After the intervention, students terventions often target different aspects of the medication manage-
ment and administration process demonstrating that a combination of
interventions is most likely required to achieve a significant reduction
in MAEs (Nguyen et al., 2017). Therefore investigating and categorising
different types of medication errors in accordance to the local context is
a necessary step as part of designing and before implementing any pro-
posed intervention.
Several studies (Campino et al., 2009; Campino et al., 2016; Raja
Lope et al., 2009) have demonstrated that to reduce medication errors,
a change in the patient safety culture is of necessity coupled with spe-
cific training to promote effective sustainable change. To this effect,
the role of structured educational intervention component as part of a
MAE preventive strategy is worth noting. Thirteen studies (72%) out of
18 included studies in this review included an education component.
Two previous reviews on a similar topic reported 94% (Bannan &
Tully, 2016), and 30% (Nguyen et al., 2017) of included studies having
either a staff or medication education component as part of the inter-
vention strategy. Primarily the education aspects of the interventions
are focused on increasing and addressing medication knowledge and
Fig. 3. Funnel Plot. understanding. This is often delivered in form of simulations or lectures
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
addressing potential error prone points in the medication administra- considered most beneficial to practicing nurses. Education interventions
tion process (Campino et al., 2009; Campino et al., 2016). The use of (which include but not limited to lectures, workshops, simulations and
simulation techniques during teaching sessions has been reported to practical training) and provision of relevant drug information services
have a substantial effect in medication administration error reduction remain predominantly fundamental in reducing medicines administra-
(Ford et al., 2010). A systematic review of 15 studies on educational in- tion errors. Regular education sessions and updates on medicines ad-
terventions alone to improve prescribing quality provided no definitive ministration could also be used as part of nursing staff continuous
conclusion (Ross & Loke, 2009), which might suggest that education professional development (CPD) to enhance evidence based practice.
programmes are impactful only as part of bundle as opposed to stand The multidisciplinary nature of healthcare provision requires the in-
alone intervention. However studies included in this review using edu- volvement of clinical pharmacy services to ensure delivery of safe med-
cation interventions alone to address medication errors during adminis- ications care. This affords practising nurses easy access to pharmacists
tration (Campino et al., 2009; Campino et al., 2016; Raja Lope et al., during working hours and out of hours if further discussion is required
2009; Stewart et al., 2010) demonstrated reduction in drug errors post (Abuelsoud, 2019). The use of smart pumps with medicines library and
intervention, although one of the studies concluded that the reduction guard rails are now prevalent and part of standard care in most clinical
was insufficient to achieve an adequate level of medication safety areas with provision of equipment training a prerequisite.
(Chedoe et al., 2012).
In this review, another commonly observed intervention used as Conclusion
part of bundle is the collaboration of clinical pharmacists on medicine
activities with nurses. Involvement of clinical pharmacists has shown Administration of medicines to children via any route can sometime
to prevent 58% of medication errors and 72% of potentially high risk er- be a complex process requiring special attention and multifaceted inter-
rors (Fortescue et al., 2003). The presence of clinical pharmacists may ventions to reduce and or avoid potential errors. There is no ‘one size fit
help nurses to make informed clinical decisions at any point during all’ solution in reducing medication administration errors. Identifying
drug administration process. Pharmacokinetic monitoring, up-to-date causes of errors within the local context and understanding conditions
information on reconstitution and dilution of drugs, compatibility of in- and mechanisms that exacerbate such practice performances is neces-
travenous medication and collaboration with other healthcare profes- sary in designing or choosing potential effective interventions from
sionals to optimise therapeutic plans are roles a clinical pharmacist the list outlined in this review. Continuous monitoring and evaluation
can undertake (Campino et al., 2009; Prot-Labarthe et al., 2013). of interventions used in clinical practice is paramount for measuring ef-
Study limitations. fectiveness and ensuring patient safety.
There are various types of medicine errors; prescribing, preparation
and dispensing, monitoring and administration errors and these errors
often influence the outcome of each other. Also the type of errors
might be influenced more by one healthcare professional group, for ex-
ample medication prescription is mainly the medical team's responsi-
bility while drug administration is often done by the nursing staff. This
review focused on drug administration error reduction interventions Availability of data and material
only, which might not give a true picture of the challenges and complex-
ities to be considered when implementing such interventions. Some N/A
studies that predominantly looked at other drug error types with mini-
mum emphasis on medicines administration errors could have been Code availability
missed. However we performed a comprehensive search strategy to en-
sure inclusion of all possible studies. N/A
There are frameworks such as the Cochrane Effective Practice and
Organisation Care Group (EPOC) (2015) taxonomy of intervention and Authors' contributions
the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) approach (Michie et al., 2011),
which have categorised interventions to improve the quality of care or Marufu and Manning conceptualized and designed the study.
reduce errors (Maaskant et al., 2015; Smith et al., 2016). The EPOC tax- Hendron performed the search strategy, Marufu, Bower and Manning
onomy stratifies interventions into four groups; professional, performed data extraction. All the authors were involved in data analy-
organisational, financial and regulatory depending on the target. On sis and have contributed to the drafting, critical review and revision of
the other hand, the BCW classify interventions based on their function; the manuscript. All authors have approved the final manuscript.
environmental restructuring, education, persuasion, incentivisation, co-
ercion, training, restriction, modelling and enablement. While such
Conflicts of interest
frameworks have been used in previous reviews (Bannan & Tully,
2016; Nguyen et al., 2017) in this review we grouped identified inter-
Dr. Joseph C. Manning is a current recipient of an NIHR HEE funded
ventions from included studies together according to their similarity
ICA Clinical Lectureship [ICA-CL-2018-04-ST2-009]. The views
for clarity to the readers.
expressed in this article are those of the authors and not necessarily
those of the NIHR or Department of Health and Social Care, UK.
Implications for practice
T.C. Marufu, R. Bower, E. Hendron et al. Journal of Pediatric Nursing xxx (xxxx) xxx
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Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 41(3), 246–255. Manrique-Rodríguez, S., Sánchez-Galindo, A. C., López-Herce, J., Calleja-Hernández, M.,
Bertsche, T., Bertsche, A., Krieg, E. M., Kunz, N., Bergmann, K., Hanke, G., ... Haefeli, W. E. Martínez-Martínez, F., Iglesias-Peinado, I., ... Fernández-Llamazares, C. M. (2013). Im-
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