Poster Design Lesson Plan
Poster Design Lesson Plan
Poster Design Lesson Plan
Lesson Summary
Students will first learn about the history of poster design, discussing how the use of
combined images, words, and other materials show specific meaning. They will then learn
how to compose a poster for the Fall Theatre Show: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, focusing on a
specific target audience. Afterwards, students will choose their materials from cut paper, pen
& ink, or colored pencils. Once students have made their artwork, making sure to leave space
for the text, they will then scan their work and use the program Canva to finalize a digital
version of the poster with the title and all important information. The purpose of this lesson is
to show how combined images, text, and other materials can create meaning and target a
specific audience. Students will also make connections between their project and the career
of poster design for film, music shows, and theatre.
Prior to this lesson, students learned about collage, and how combined images can create a
carefully composed image that shows meaning. Students have also studied the elements of
art and how they can be employed to create artwork, they have specifically focused on the
element of line and created a final composition using contour line with pen & ink. Throughout
the school-year so far, students have also focused on their craftsmanship and attention to
detail in the creation of art.
This poster project will require students to synthesize their knowledge of combined images
showing meaning, craftsmanship, and the elements of art to create a poster for the fall theatre
show that reveals something important about the story Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
Assessment Strategies:
Entry Level Progress Monitoring Summative
Students will discuss the I will walk the room to ask Students will create a theatre
poster art as whole-class - questions and review student poster that uses imagery and
and share their knowledge of work in progress to check for typography to reveal
how combined images, with understanding. Students will something important about
words, can reveal a message also engage in an early the story Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
or idea - and target a specific critique/feedback activity Hyde.
audience. focused on the message of
their artwork and
Body of Lesson
● Introduction to Poster Design PPT (15-20 min)
● Theatre Poster Research Activity (20+ min)
○ Review expectations
○ Discuss Thumbnails and how they help composition
Day 2
● Review of Poster Expectations (5 min)
○ Discuss project options
■ Construction paper (black, white, grey)
■ Pen & Ink
■ Colored Pencils (Black, White, and Grey Only)
● Feedback Activity:
○ In small table groups, share out thumbnails and describe ideas
■ What important part of the story are you trying to show?
● Continue finalizing brainstorming using feedback received.
Day 3
● Receive final 8.5”x11.5” paper
● Demonstration
○ How to get started on final paper using
■ Construction paper
■ Pen & ink
■ Or Colored Pencils
● Begin lightly sketching out your composition
Day 4
● Demo: Building your images with construction paper using negative & positive space.
● Continue working on your imagery
○ Individual check-ins to see how work is progressing
Day 5
● Demo: Using pen and ink techniques for your final image
○ Discuss how line can be used (activating prior knowledge)
● Continue working on poster imagery
○ Individual check-ins to see how work is progressing
Day 6
● Continue building imagery through chosen technique (56 min)
○ Individual check-ins to see how work is progressing
Day 7
● Mid-point critique (56 min)
○ Gallery walk to see how work is progressing
○ Whole-class discussion of student work focusing on whether message of
student work is clear
Day 8
● Last studio day in class to complete visual imagery for cover (56 min)
● Turn in your imagery to Mrs. Coleman for scanning!
Day 9
● Demo: using scanned image in Canva (15-20 min)
○ Using typography discussion
● Discuss and review important information that must be included
● Discuss hierarchy with examples
Day 10
● Continue building final poster in Canva
● Individual check-ins to see how work is progressing
Day 11
● Final studio day to complete poster
● Demo: how to download final file in correct sizing
Day 12
● Final critique (56 min)
● Discussion on how combined images/words/and etc. can show specific meaning.
○ Additional focus on craftsmanship & target audience
● Class vote on top 3 posters