Vanilla Fxoptions
Vanilla Fxoptions
Vanilla Fxoptions
Uwe Wystup
Commerzbank Treasury and Financial Products
Neue Mainzer Strasse 32–36
60261 Frankfurt am Main
phone: +49 - 69 - 136 - 41067
fax: +49 - 69 - 136 - 48475
[email protected]
2 Wystup, U.
The parameters rd , rf and σ are called the domestic interest rate, the foreign
interest rate and the volatility respectively. Applying Ito’s rule to ln St yields
the following solution for the process St
St = S0 exp (rd − rf − σ 2 )t + σWt , (2)
1. There is no arbitrage
3. Any position can be taken at any time, short, long, arbitrary fraction, no
liquidity constraints
where the contractual parameters are strike K, expiration time T and type φ, a
binary varialbe which takes the value +1 in the case of a call and −1 in the case of
∆ ∆
a put. The symbol x+ denotes the positive part of x, i.e., x+ = max(0, x) = 0∨x.
2 value
In the Black-Scholes model the value of the payoff F at time t if the spot is
at x is denoted by v(t, x) and can be computed either as the solution of the
Black-Scholes partial differential equation
vt − rd v + (rd − rf )xvx + σ 2 x2 vxx = 0, (4)
v(T, x) = F, (5)
This is why basic financial engineering is mostly concerned with solving partial
differential equations or computing expectations (numerical integration). The
result is the Black–Scholes formula
2.1 abbreviations
• x: current price of the underlying
• τ =T −t
• f = IE[ST |St = x] = xe(rd −rf )τ : forward price of the underlying
∆ rd −rf σ
• θ± = σ ± 2
x f 2
∆ ln +σθ± τ ln ± σ2 τ
• d± = K √
σ τ
= K√
σ τ
∆ 1 2
• n(t) = √1 e− 2 t = n(−t)
∆ Rx
• N (x) = −∞
n(t) dt = 1 − N (−x)
v = e−rd τ IE[F ]
= e−rd τ IE[[φ(ST − K)]+ ]
Z +∞ h √ i+
1 2
−rd τ
= e φ xe(rd −rf − 2 σ )τ +σ τ y − K n(y) dy. (8)
Next one has to deal with the positive part and then complete the square to
get the Black-Scholes formula. A derivation based on the partial differential
equation can be done using results about the heat-equation, see, e.g., [9].
3 Greeks
Greeks are derivatives of the value function with respect to model and contract
parameters. They are an important information for traders and have become
4 Wystup, U.
(Spot) Delta.
= φe−rf τ N (φd+ ) (10)
Forward Delta.
= φe−rd τ N (φd+ ) (11)
Driftless Delta.
φN (φd+ ) (12)
∂2v n(d+ )
= e−rf τ √ (13)
∂x2 xσ τ
−rf τ n(d+ ) d+
= −e √ √ +1 (14)
∂x3 x2 σ τ σ τ
∂v n(d+ )xσ
= −e−rf τ √
∂t 2 τ
+ φ[rf xe−rf τ N (φd+ ) − rd Ke−rd τ N (φd− )] (15)
∂2v −rf τ −rf τ 2(rd − rf )τ − d− σ τ
= −φrf e N (φd+ ) + φe n(d+ ) √
∂x∂τ 2τ σ τ
n(d+ ) 2(rd − rf )τ − d− σ τ
= −e−rf τ √ 2rf τ + 1 + √ d+
∂x2 ∂τ 2xτ σ τ 2τ σ τ
∂v √
= xe−rf τ τ n(d+ ) (18)
Vanilla Options 5
∂2v √ d+ d−
= xe−rf τ τ n(d+ ) (19)
∂σ σ
∂2v d−
= −e−rf τ n(d+ ) (20)
∂σ∂x σ
= φKτ e−rd τ N (φd− ) (21)
= −φxτ e−rf τ N (φd+ ) (22)
Dual Delta.
= −φe−rd τ N (φd− ) (23)
Dual Gamma.
∂2v n(d− )
= e−rd τ √ (24)
∂K 2 Kσ τ
Dual Theta.
∂v ∂v
= − (25)
∂T ∂t
4 identities
∂d± d∓
= − (26)
∂σ √σ
∂d± τ
= (27)
∂rd σ
∂d± τ
= − (28)
∂rf σ
xe−rf τ n(d+ )= Ke−rd τ n(d− ). (29)
N (φd− ) = IP [φST ≥ φK] (30)
N (φd+ ) = IP φST ≤ φ (31)
4.4 space-homogeneity
We may wish to measure the value of the underlying in a different unit. This
will obviously affect the option pricing formula as follows.
av(x, K, T, t, σ, rd , rf , φ) = v(ax, aK, T, t, σ, rd , rf , φ) for all a > 0. (35)
Differentiating both sides with respect to a and then setting a = 1 yields
v = xvx + KvK . (36)
Comparing the coefficients of x and K in equations (7) and (36) leads to sugges-
tive results for the delta vx and dual delta vK . This homogeneity is the reason
behind the simplicity of the delta formulas, whose tedious computation can be
saved this way.
4.5 time-homogeneity
We can perform a similar computation for the time-affected parameters and
obtain the obvious equation
T t √
v(x, K, T, t, σ, rd , rf , φ) = v(x, K,
, , aσ, ard , arf , φ) for all a > 0. (37)
a a
Differentiating both sides with respect to a and then setting a = 1 yields
0 = τ vt + σvσ + rd vrd + rf vrf . (38)
Of course, this can also be verified by direct computation. The overall use
of such equations is to generate double checking benchmarks when computing
Greeks. These homogeneity methods can easily be extended to other more
complex options.
Vanilla Options 7
K f2
v(x, K, T, t, σ, rd , rf , +1) = v(x, , T, t, σ, rd , rf , −1). (39)
f K
The strike of the put and the strike of the call result in a geometric mean
equal to the forward f . The forward can be interpreted as a geometric mirror
reflecting a call into a certain number of puts. Note that for at-the-money
options (K = f ) the put-call symmetry coincides with the special case of the
put-call parity where the call and the put have the same value.
∂v ∂v
+ = −τ v (40)
∂rd ∂rf
holds for vanilla options. This relationship, in fact, holds for all European
options and a wide class of path-dependent options as shown in Chapter ??.
1 1 1
v(x, K, T, t, σ, rd , rf , φ) = Kv( , , T, t, σ, rf , rd , −φ). (41)
x x K
This equality can be viewed as one of the faces of put-call symmetry. The
reason is that the value of an option can be computed both in a domestic
as well as in a foreign scenario. We consider the example of St modelling
the exchange rate of EUR/USD. In New York, the call option (ST − K)+
costs v(x, K, T, t, σ, rusd , reur , 1) USD and hence v(x, K, T, t, σ, rusd , reur , 1)/x
EUR. This EUR-call option can also be viewed as a USD-put option with pay-
off K K − S1T . This option costs Kv( x1 , K 1
, T, t, σ, reur , rusd , −1) EUR in
Frankfurt, because St and S1t have the same volatility. Of course, the New York
value and the Frankfurt value must agree, which leads to (41).
Kx E E
v(x, K, T, t, σ, rd , rf , φ) = v( , , T, t, σ, rf , rd , −φ). (42)
E x K
8 Wystup, U.
This means that the leverages of a GBP call and an identical EUR put add
up to one. Note the the factor E could be cancelled on the right hand side to
produce a plain foreign-domestic leverage symmetry.
5 quotation
The value of vanilla option may be quoted in various ways, out of which the
four most used quotation methods are
d value in domestic currency (or in pips of the very same),
% d value in % measured in units of the strike,
f value in foreign currency (or in pips of the very same),
% f value in % of foreign currency.
The Black-Scholes formula quotes d. The others can be computed using the
following instruction.
× 100
x K × x
100x × 1
d −→ %f −→ %d −→ f −→ d (45)
Consequently, the process v(t, St )e−rd t = e−rd T IE[F |St ] is a martingale, whence
the dt-coefficient of its differential must vanish. Therefore v(x, K, T, t, σ, rd , rf , φ)
satisfies the Black-Scholes partial differential equation
vt − rd v + (rd − rf )xvx + σ 2 x2 vxx = 0. (47)
This can easily be remembered by noting that the derivatives have the same
Vanilla Options 9
−vT − rf v + (rf − rd )KvK + σ 2 K 2 vKK = 0 (48)
also holds. We note that the Black-Scholes equation holds for all options,
whereas its dual is a particularity of put and call options. More details on
this issue can be found in [1] and [10].
d+ = φN −1 (φerf τ ∆+ ), (58)
d− = φN −1 (−φerd τ ∆− ). (59)
v(x, K, τ, σ, rd , rf , φ) (60)
which means the dual delta is the delta from the foreign viewpoint. We will see
below that foreign rho, vega and gamma do not require to know the dual delta.
We will now state the Greeks in terms of x, ∆+ , ∆− , rd , rf , τ, φ.
Vanilla Options 11
(Spot) Delta.
= ∆+ (64)
Forward Delta.
= e(rf −rd )τ ∆+ (65)
∂2v n(d+ )
= e−rf τ (66)
∂x2 x(d+ − d− )
x ∂2v n(d+ )
Γtrader = = e−rf τ (67)
100 ∂x2 100(d+ − d− )
∂3v n(d+ )
= −e−rf τ (2d+ − d− ) (68)
∂x3 x2 (d
+ − d− )
1 ∂v n(d+ )(d+ − d− )
= −e−rf τ
x ∂t 2τ
e−rf τ n(d+ )
+ rf ∆+ + rd ∆− −r τ (69)
e d n(d− )
∂2v 2(rd − rf )τ − d− (d+ − d− )
= −φrf e−rf τ N (φd+ ) + φe−rf τ n(d+ )
∂x∂τ 2τ (d+ − d− )
∂3v e−rf τ n(d+ )
2(rd − rf )τ − d− (d+ − d− )
= − 2rf τ + 1 + d+
∂x2 ∂τ 2xτ (d+ − d− ) 2τ (d+ − d− )
12 Wystup, U.
∂v √
= xe−rf τ τ n(d+ ) (72)
∂2v d+ d−
= xe−rf τ τ n(d+ ) (73)
∂σ d+ − d−
∂2v τ d−
= −e−rf τ n(d+ ) (74)
∂σ∂x d+ − d−
∂v e−rf τ n(d+ )
= −xτ ∆− (75)
∂rd e−rd τ n(d− )
= −xτ ∆+ (76)
Dual Delta.
= ∆− (77)
Dual Gamma.
∂2v ∂2v
= (78)
∂K 2 ∂x2
Dual Theta.
= −vt (79)
Mat/∆ 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%
1D 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
1W 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
1W 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 3 2
1M 11 11 11 11 10 9 8 7 5 3
2M 16 16 16 15 14 13 11 9 7 4
3M 20 20 19 18 17 16 14 12 9 5
6M 28 28 27 26 24 22 20 16 12 7
9M 34 34 33 32 30 27 24 20 15 9
1Y 39 39 38 36 34 31 28 23 17 10
2Y 53 53 52 50 48 44 39 32 24 14
3Y 63 63 62 60 57 53 47 39 30 18
[1] ANDERSEN, L. and BROTHERTON-RATCLIFFE, R. (1997). The Equity
Option Volatility Smile: An Implicit Finite-Difference Approach. Journal
of Computational Finance, 2, 5-37.
[3] BATES, D. (1991). The Crash of ’87 – Was It Expected? The Evidence
from Options Markets. The Journal of Finance. 46:3. July 1991, 1009-1044.
[4] BLACK, F. and SCHOLES, M. (1973). The Pricing of Options and Cor-
porate Liabilities. J. Political Economy 81 637-659.
[5] BOWIE, J. and CARR, P. (1994). Static Simplicity. Risk. (8) 1994.
[6] CARR, P. (1994). European Put Call Symmetry. Cornell University Work-
ing Paper.
[7] CHRISS, N.A. (1997). Black-Scholes and Beyond. Irwin Professional Pub-
lishing, Chicago.
[10] DUPIRE, B. (1994). Pricing with a Smile, Risk. (1) 1994, 18-20.
[11] HULL, J.C. (1997). Options, Futures and Other Derivative Securities,
Third Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
14 Wystup, U.
contango, 3
foreign-domestic symmetry, 7
forward contract, 3
forward price, 3
futures contract, 3
margin accounts, 3
put-call symmetry, 7
put-call-parity, 5
rates symmetry, 7
trader’s gamma, 11
vanilla option, 2
vega matrix, 12
volatility, implied, 9
16 Wystup, U.
1 Model and Payoff 2
2 value 2
2.1 abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 a note on the forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Greeks 3
4 identities 5
4.1 put-call parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.2 put-call delta parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.3 delta-symmetric strike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.4 space-homogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.5 time-homogeneity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.6 put-call symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.7 rates symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.8 foreign-domestic symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.9 Euro related symmetries of value, delta and leverage . . . . . . . 7
5 quotation 8