WBS Application Guide For International MBA Program Sep2022

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Waseda Business School

(Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University)

Application Guide for International MBA Program

September 2022

This guide contains information for the following application categories:

A. Application with GMAT or GRE
B. Application for Family Business Successors


1. Outline of the Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University・・・・・・・・ 1

2. General Statement on Degree Requirements, Curriculum, and Admissions・・・・・・・・ 2
3. Program and Seminar Introduction ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3
4. Admissions Information
A) Application and Screening Methods・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4
B) Applicant Qualifications ・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4
C) Number of Students to be admitted・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 5
D) Application Procedure ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 6
E) Application Documents ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 9
F) Application Schedule ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 14
5. Enrollment Procedures・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・15
6. Entrance Fee, Tuition, and Other Fees・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16
7. Degrees and Completion Requirements・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16
8. Financial Aid and Scholarships・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 17
9. Student Visa・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 18
10. Contact Information for Applicable Testing Organizations ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 20
11. Screening Fee Waiver for Applicants from Specified Countries・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 21
12. Notes on Entrance Examination at Waseda University ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 22
Appendix: Convenience Store Easy-Pay System for Entrance Exam Fees・・・・・・・・・ 23
Appendix: Examination Fee Payment by Credit Card, Union Pay, and Alipay・・・・・・・・ 24

Application Procedure Summary

1. Create a Login ID on the WBS Online Application System first, and enter all necessary
information including essays, via the Online System. https://e-apply.jp/e/wbs/
2. Download the PDF file. Some forms will require additional information to be entered manually
for completion.
3. Prepare and assemble all necessary documents, including any required certificates and
recommendation letters.
4. Pay the screening fee.
5. Send all specified documents to the WBS Admissions Office by postal mail.
Your Application will be considered complete when all required documents are received by the WBS
Admissions Office no later than the deadline for each application round.
See Page 6 for the detailed instructions.
1. Outline of the Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University

The Graduate School of Business and Finance, also referred to as Waseda Business School (or WBS), as a
part of Waseda University’s overall professional degree curricula, seeks to integrate learning and practice,
and instill in its students an astute understanding of ethics as expected of professional business leaders.
This is in accordance with Waseda University’s founding ethos of “the Independence of Learning, the
Practical Utilization of Knowledge, and Fostering Good Citizens.” WBS also seeks to cultivate human
resources with advanced specialist knowledge in management and a broad range of applied skills for
business. In addition, its educational objectives are to (1) provide students with advanced and practical
education in business and finance; (2) have them acquire advanced knowledge in various related subject
areas; (3) provide them with recurrent educational opportunities designed for business and finance
professionals; and (4) ensure they can respond to global business environments.

Designated as a Major in Business Administration, WBS will provide students with advanced, specialized,
and practical education in business and finance. Students will choose from either the MBA Program,
which focuses on a business-centered curriculum, or the MSc in Finance Program, which offers a
finance-centered curriculum. The name of the degree for the MBA Program will be Master of Business
Administration (MBA), which is a degree widely conferred throughout the world to those who have
mastered all fields of business administration, while the name of the degree for the MSc in Finance
Program will be Master of Science in Finance, which is also widely conferred, particularly in Europe and
Asia, and provides students with the skills they will need for quantitative analysis and help them acquire
foundational knowledge in finance.

In order to reflect the various backgrounds and accommodate the diverse needs of students entering the
School from Japan and overseas, the following six programs are on offer at WBS, each characterized by
differences in course schedule (time/day), length of study, admission period, curriculum, and teaching

Program Duration Language Purposes

International 2 years/ English Designed to train students to become business leaders
1 April
MBA full-time with global perspectives in a global learning environment.
Designed to have students devote themselves to full-time,
1 year/
2 One-Year MBA Japanese intensive study for one year, forging them as general
managers and beyond.
Designed for fully-employed, working professionals to
2 years/
Evening MBA acquire knowledge and theory from a wide range of
3 evenings & Japanese
(General) business fields and develop into general managers and
Evening MBA Designed for fully-employed, working professionals to
2 years/
(Specialized) acquire highly specialized, professional knowledge in
4 evenings & Japanese
Management/ specific fields on top of a wide range of management
Finance Tracks knowledge.
Designed to develop financial specialists with a solid
MSc in 2 years/
5 English understanding of the quantitative methods and analysis
Finance full-time
which are vital in the financial industry.
Waseda- Designed to hone the management skills of international
14 months/
6 Nanyang English business persons. Courses take place at Nanyang Business
Double MBA School and at Waseda Business School.

2. General Statement on Degree Requirements, Curriculum, and Admissions

1. Diploma Policy (Requirements for Graduation and Earning a Degree)

Waseda University’s mission is to foster diverse learning and exchanges of culture, language, and values in
order to educate professionals able to contribute independently to global society. To achieve this mission, the
University's comprehensive and creative capacities must be brought to bear to provide such opportunities
through its systematic curriculum, and the educational and student environments provided university-wide.
The mission of WBS is to educate students to become business leaders who are able to contribute to
international society by applying their highly-developed skills and acumen in business and finance – the end
result of an educational philosophy which integrates advanced theory and cutting-edge practice.
WBS will confer, onto those persons who have completed a business education program that reflects the latest
research findings, based on appropriate standards of evaluation, and who have acquired high-level practical
expertise and decision-making skills as business leaders, the degree of Master of Business Administration
(MBA), and to those who have acquired advanced financial knowledge and theory based on international
standards, the degree of Master of Science in Finance (MSc in Finance).

2. Curriculum Policy (Organization and Implementation of Curriculum)

The goal of WBS is to educate students to become leading professionals in their fields, honing their specialized
skills and acumen to a level which earns their place in today’s global business society.
It is envisaged that people from a diverse range of backgrounds will enter WBS. Students who already possess
basic business knowledge will reaffirm this knowledge while learning foundational knowledge in disciplinary
subjects in which they had little exposure to prior to admission, enabling them to better understand new,
advanced concepts and theories. Conversely, those students who had not learned foundational business and
finance in their undergraduate curricula will be required to acquire this knowledge after admission, in order
for them to be able to fulfill their requirements related to the completion of specialized elective courses and in
writing their theses.
To accommodate a diverse range of students who are admitted, WBS has outlined an incremental learning
curriculum through course offerings comprised of “compulsory core courses,” “compulsory elective courses,”
and “elective courses.” Furthermore, with the goal of educating students in advanced problem-solving skills
and disciplinary specialization, the School requires all students to earn compulsory credits in specialized
research via the MBA Degree Thesis or Project Paper.
WBS is able to provide a well-balanced, educational curriculum through an extensive array of elective courses,
including the cultivation of global perspectives and professional ethics, in order that it can offer a wealth of
learning opportunities in theoretical and empirical approaches, as well as in the application thereof.

3. Admissions Policy (Enrollment of Students)

Based on Waseda University’s educational tenet of “independence of learning,” the University welcomes a
large number of students from Japan and from throughout the world who bring with them the high marks of
academic excellence, who brim with intellectual curiosity and enterprising spirit, and who are highly
motivated in their studies.
When students at WBS graduate, they are expected to become the business leaders, executives, as well as the
management and finance-sector professionals of the future, and they are expected to contribute widely to
international society through the highly specialized knowledge, skills, and ethics that they will acquire while
enrolled in their programs.
Regardless of their background, WBS admits applicants who agree with its curriculum policy, who have a
clearly drawn vision of the future, and who possess the desire and passion to realize this vision and will spare
no effort towards bringing it to fruition. Work experience is not an essential condition for admittance into the
two daytime programs, International MBA and MSc in Finance (but it is preferable for applicants to have at
least three years of work experience for the International MBA Program). However, applicants for the
One-Year MBA Program, the Evening MBA Program, and the Specialized Evening MBA Program must have at
least three years’ experience, while applicants to the Waseda-Nanyang Double MBA Program must have at
least two years’ experience. Applicants are expected as professionals to be able to understand the advanced
theories and cutting-edge research findings they will study, drawing upon the practical experiences from their
individual backgrounds.

3.Program and Seminar Introduction
International MBA Program
This is a full-time, two-year program designed to provide an abundance of international exposure with
the objective of educating students to become global business leaders. The School provides a balanced
offering of courses in both English and Japanese languages. English-based students (students who will
mainly study in English) will be admitted in September and Japanese-based students (students who will
mainly study in Japanese) in April. It offers bilingual Japanese-English courses taken by both
Japanese-based and English-based students, intensive courses provided overseas, and abundant study
abroad opportunities. As part of the foreign language requirements, students are encouraged to take
core courses which are taught in their secondary language (i.e., English for Japanese-based students,
Japanese for English-based students), as well as language-learning courses.
The International MBA Program, upon admission, provides unique learning environment through Zemi
(Seminar). Unlike capstone courses and workshop-style seminars, the Zemi engages students
longitudinally. Supervised by a professor, students are enrolled in their Zemi courses for the length of
their enrollment, engaging in interactive, discussion-based class work with a small number of their peers
with similar research interests. In addition to the in-class work, this small unit goes out for field work and
extracurricular activities, developing a special bond as a cohort which often interacts with other zemi as
well as alumni. Students are expected to gain the skills and methodology to conduct their research,
deepen their academic/professional insights, and improve rational problem-solving techniques through
the overall Zemi activities. Their MBA Degree Thesis represents the capstone of their academic work at

Seminars scheduled to be open in the 2022 academic year (Subject to change)

Seminar Title Faculty in Charge

Business Strategy and General Management AIBA, Koji
Risk Management CHEUNG, Ming Yan William
Firm growth, innovation and industry dynamics COAD, Alex
Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Leadership HIGASHIDE, Hironori
Designing Incentives in Markets and Organizations ITOH, Hideshi
Strategy in Practice KANNO, Hiroshi
Marketing KAWAKAMI, Tomoko
Marketing Management KIMURA, Tatsuya
Power of Financial Numbers LAU, David
Innovation and Entrepreneurship MAKI, Kanetaka
Design & Brand Innovation Management NAGASAWA, Shinya
Enterprise Value NISHIYAMA, Shigeru
Globalization and Business Leadership OHTAKI, Reiji
Management of Technology OSANAI, Atsushi
Financial Law and Practice SHIBASAKI, Satoru
Strategy and Management Accounting in Japanese companies SHIMIZU, Nobumasa

*Some or all classes may be provided online according to circumstances,

including the influence of COVID-19. We will announce how we provide
classes through our websites (or by other means) when it is determined.

4. Admissions Information
A) Application and Screening Methods
1) Application with GMAT or GRE
This category is for applicants holding GMAT or GRE (General Test) scores. The admission screening will
be based on overall performance of GMAT or GRE scores, as well as a comprehensive evaluation of
educational background, academic record, work experience, extracurricular activities, essays,
recommendation letters (applicant evaluation forms), language proficiency scores, etc. A high GMAT or
GRE score does not necessarily guarantee enrollment. For some applicants, telephone interviews will be
required. Such candidates will be contacted individually by the WBS Admissions Office.

< Note about Conditional Offers >

Some applicants may receive a conditional offer at the time of result announcement. This should not be
interpreted as a guaranteed admittance. Such applicants are required to meet the conditions (e.g. GMAT
score) stated in the conditional offer letter and submit any required documentation as indicated to the
WBS Admissions Office by the due date listed in the letter. Note that if applicants fail to submit the
required documentation by the deadline, the conditional offer will be revoked.

2) Application for Family Business Successors

This category is for applicants whose family members run their own business* and who are scheduled to
succeed it in the future. The admission screening will be based on overall performance on the required
written exams, and in on-campus interviews, as well as evaluation of all application documents (GMAT
and GRE scores are optional). In addition, potential quality as a company successor will be evaluated
based on the Application Form for Family Business Successors [Form 5] and the recommendation letter
from the current representative of the company.
*must be a listed company on the stock exchange or of similar standing and scale

B) Applicant Qualifications
Qualifications for “Application with GMAT or GRE” and “Application for Family Business
Applicants must fulfill one of the following requirements.
1. Those who have graduated or are scheduled to graduate from a university in Japan by the
entrance period that applicants wish to matriculate.
2. Those who have received a Bachelor’s Degree from the National Institution for Academic
Degrees and University Evaluation or are scheduled to receive such a degree by the entrance
period that applicants wish to matriculate.
3. Those who have completed 16 years of standard school education outside Japan or are
scheduled to complete such education by the entrance period that applicants wish to
4. Those who have completed a more than 3 years program in a university outside Japan or are
scheduled to complete such education and hold a bachelor degree by the entrance period that
applicants wish to matriculate.
5. Those who are designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and
Technology by the entrance period that applicants wish to matriculate.
6. Those who have been enrolled at a university for more than three years (or have completed 15
years of school education overseas or are scheduled to complete such education by the entrance
period that applicants wish to matriculate) and have been recognized by the Graduate School of
Business and Finance as having earned a specified number of credits with an excellent
academic record.
7. Those who have been recognized by the Graduate School of Business and Finance as possessing
academic credentials superior to those of university graduates through an individual entrance
requirements screening process and are scheduled to reach 22 years of age by the entrance
period that applicants wish to matriculate.

* “University” mentioned in requirements 1 and 6 refers to a university which is approved by the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.
* Graduates from three-year specialized college (zhuanke) programs in China do not meet the
requirements 4 and 6. However, those who have graduated from a four-year (benke) program
after graduating from a three-year program, and completed 16 years of school education will be
considered to fulfill requirement 3.
* Prospective applicants who are unsure if they can fulfill the requirements 6 and 7, must confirm
their eligibility with the admission office via e-mail prior to the application for an individual
qualification screening. Those who have been recognized by WBS as possessing academic
credentials equal to or superior to university graduates are qualified to apply for admission. The
deadlines of individual qualification screening are below.

[Deadlines of Individual Qualification Screening under Qualifications 5 or 6]

A. Application with GMAT or GRE
1st Round: Oct 18 (Mon), 2021, 2nd Round: Jan 14 (Fri), 2022, 3rd Round: Mar 14 (Mon), 2022,
4th Round: Apr 28 (Thu), 2022
B. Application for Family Business Successors
Spring Round: Mar 14 (Mon), 2022

Applicants for Family Business Successors’ channel need to fulfill the requirement that their family
members run their own business* and they are scheduled to succeed it in the future.
*must be a listed company on the stock exchange or of similar standing and scale

For those with special needs

If you have special needs or if circumstances arise for which you require attention during the entrance examination
or after entering the university due to disabilities, serious medical condition, etc., please contact the WBS Admissions
Office no later than one month before the application period starts. In case special needs arise after the application,
please contact us as soon as possible.

C) Number of Students to be admitted

Enrollment Period Language Type of Application Admission Quota
Application with GMAT or GRE 45 students/
September English
Application for Family Business Successors Academic Year

D) Application Procedure
1) Screening Schedule
(a) “Application with GMAT or GRE” For September 2022 Enrollment
Screening Result
Application Round Application Deadline Conditional Offer
1st Round Nov 1 (Mon), 2021 Dec 9 (Thu), 2021 Yes
2nd Round Jan 28 (Fri), 2022 Mar 3 (Thu), 2022 Yes
3rd Round Mar 28 (Mon), 2022 May 12 (Thu), 2022 No
4th Round May 13 (Fri), 2022 June 9 (Thu), 2022 No
1. Each “round” represents a distinct period in which you may apply, not a succession of steps for your
application. Repeat applications for later round are accepted.
2. Please refer to Page 4 if you would like to know about “Conditional Offers”.
3. The application number will be announced by e-mail two weeks before the screening result

1. Applicants may not apply to different programs (IMBA/MSc in Finance) in the same Application
2. Applicants may not apply to both the 3rd Round of “Application with GMAT or GRE” and Spring
Round of “Application for Family Business Successors.”
3. Repeated applications are acceptable for those who were unsuccessful at an earlier round. However,
the applicants who wish to apply again need to substantially improve the quality of their applications,
such as GMAT (or GRE) score, TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS, or other significant academic/professional

The WBS Admissions Office recommends you to apply for earlier rounds for the following reasons.
1. Since scholarship awards will be distributed to competitive students starting from 1st Round, your
chances of receiving scholarship may decrease if applying for later rounds. In addition, you need to
apply for the 1st Round if you would like to apply for Japanese Government Scholarship (Full
tuition covered scholarship).
2. For international applicants, obtaining visa may take more time than you expect (about two months
or more).

(b)”Application for Family Business Successors” For September 2022 Enrollment

Screening Result
Application Round Application Deadline Examination Date
Spring Round Mar 28 (Mon), 2022 May 8 (Sun), 2022 May 12 (Thu), 2022
1. Written exam and an interview (both in English) will take place on the same day at Waseda
University along with the application material screening.
2. The application number will be announced by e-mail two weeks before the examination date.
Applicants may not apply to both the Spring Round of “Application for Family Business Successors”
and the 3rd Round of “Application with GMAT or GRE.”

2) Instructions for sending application documents
All application documents must be sent by post and received by the WBS Admissions Office no later
than the application deadline of each round.

>> For residents of Japan

Enclose all the required application documents in an envelope (square-sized #2 type) and paste the
designated address label* for application on the recipient address side. Send it to the WBS Admissions
Office stated below by registered mail (簡易書留郵便).
*The address label for application can be downloaded from the Online System.

>> For residents of countries other than Japan

Enclose all the required application documents in an envelope and send it to the following address by
an international courier service for which you can track the delivery status such as EMS.


Waseda Business School Admissions Office

Please indicate the type of the admission here:

Application with GMAT or GRE
Application for Family Business Successors

3rd Floor, Bldg.11, Waseda Campus, Waseda University,

1- 6 - 1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3 -5286 -8719

3) Screening Fee
Type of Application Applicant’s Domicile Screening Fee
Those who live outside of Japan 5,000 JPY
Application with GMAT or GRE
Those who live in Japan 35,000 JPY
Application for Family Business Successors - 35,000 JPY

Payment must be completed before application and the payment proof must be attached to the application
documents. Those who have not paid the fee are not eligible to apply. Follow the directions below and pay the
screening fee by credit card, Union Pay, Alipay or convenience store in Japan.

Screening fee waiver and Reimbursement

For non-degree Waseda University students who are MEXT Scholarship recipients, screening fees will be
reimbursed if an admission offer is accepted.
Depending on one’s nationality AND domicile at the time of application, applicants may be eligible for the
Screening Fee Waiver described on page 21.

a) Payment at a Convenience Store in Japan

- To make a payment at a convenience store, you must complete the designated application procedure
in advance by accessing the “screening fee convenience store payment site” (http://e-shiharai.net/)
[Japanese only] on the Internet.

- The payment can be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, please note that application
via the website will end at 11:00pm on the last day of the payment period. Similarly, you will not be
able to make a payment at a convenience store after 11:30pm on the last day of the payment period.
- If a family member or acquaintance of an applicant conducts the procedure on behalf of the applicant,
he/she must enter the applicant’s information.
- After making the payment, detach the “Certificate of Payment of the Screening Fee” on the Screening
Fee Handling Description and paste it to the designated space on the Form2 for submission.
- If you are unable to make the payment at a convenience store for some reasons, contact the WBS
Admissions office ([email protected]) .
Refer to Page 23 for the detailed instruction of the payment at a convenience store.

b) Payment by Credit card, Union Pay, or Alipay

- To make a payment by credit card or online payment system (Union Pay or Alipay), access the online
screening fee payment website (https://e-shiharai.net/ecard/) and complete the required
- The payment can be made 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- The payment can be made with a credit card held in the name of a person other than the applicant.
However, the applicant’s information must be entered in the “Basic Information” page of the
screening fee payment website.
- After completing the transaction, print out the “Result” page and attach it to the Form2.
Refer to Page 24 for the detailed instruction of the credit card or payment and online payment

4) Other notes on application

- You may not change the program of your choice after application documents are submitted.
- If any of your application documents are incomplete, your application may not be accepted. If you
are contacted by the WBS Admissions Office, please respond promptly and follow the instructions.
- As a general rule, application documents and screening fees are not returned. However, you may
qualify for a refund of your screening fee in any of the exceptional cases listed below.
1) You paid the screening fee but failed to submit the required application documents.
2) You paid the screening fee but the application documents arrived at the WBS Admissions Office
after the application deadline.
3) You paid the screening fee and submitted the application documents, but your application was
rejected before screening due to the following reasons:
 The submitted application materials were incomplete.
 You did not meet the eligibility criteria.
Contact the WBS Admissions Office ([email protected]) if you fall into one of the
categories above.
*Handling fees which may be incurred for refund must be paid by the applicant.
- You may be deemed to have committed a dishonest act if you falsified, fabricated, or plagiarized a
document, material, or information submitted in your application. In such a case, any decision taken
regarding your application may later be invalidated, without the application documents and
screening fee being returned.
- If you submitted a certificate indicating that you are expected to meet the qualifications required to
enter Waseda University in order to meet the eligibility requirements stated in the application
guidelines at the time of application, you must submit a certificate indicating that you have indeed
met the requirement prior to enrollment. You will not be permitted to enter Waseda University, even
if you pass the screening, unless you submit the relevant certificate.
- Change of your address must be reported to the WBS Admissions Office
([email protected]) immediately.

E) Application Documents
The application documents are composed of:
1. Prescribed forms you complete via the Online System
2. Certificates and Recommendation Letters
An application packet containing all the specified documents should be received by the WBS Admission
Office by postal mail by the deadline of each application round. Make sure to include your proof of
screening fee payment.
Read the list below carefully and pay particular attention to the following detailed instructions given for each
line item as you prepare for your application.

List of Application Documents

Form Online/
Document title Note
Number PDF Form
1-1 Application Forms (Form 1-1〜1-6)
(Applicant Information, Educational Background, Online Paste a color photo (4cm x 3cm)
~ Employment History, Language Proficiency) System Sign on the bottom of Form 1-12
1-12 Essay (Forms 1-7〜1-12)
Proof of Screening Fee Payment and Picture
2 PDF Form Paste a color photo (4cm x 3cm)
3 WBS Marketing Survey For all applicants
Not necessary for IMBA September
4 Letter of Consent from Employer PDF Form
Application Form for Family Business
Online For Application for Family Business
5 Successors attached with the company
System Successors only
representative’s recommendation letter
6 Request for Return of Submitted Documents PDF Form If applicable
7 Application for Screening Fee Waiver PDF Form If applicable
8 Statement of Financial Resources PDF Form For International applicants only
Application for Scholarships Offered Prior to Online
9 If applicable
Matriculation System
Two Applicant Evaluation (Recommendation)
10 PDF Form Compulsory for all applicants
Certificate of (Expected) Graduation ― All certificates & transcripts of
Official Transcript ― university (undergrad and above)
GMAT or/and GRE Score Report OR Optional for applicants under
GMAT Test Taker Copy/GRE Examinee Score ― “Application for Family Business
Report if sent directly from the test center Successor”
Proof of License or Certification ― If applicable
Proof of English Proficiency Compulsory for non-native English

Prepare (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS) Speakers
by Proof of Japanese Proficiency
― If applicable
yourself JLPT Level 1 or N1 Score report
Compulsory for applicants who have
Online Verification Report of Higher
graduated from a university or college in
Education Qualification Certificate
Compulsory for international applicants
Photocopy of Passport ―
who currently possess a passport
Compulsory if you have a visa status at
Photocopy of Residence Card in Japan ―
the time of application
Form 4 -10 are part of the PDF file that you are required to download from the Online System after filling in the
required information. Should you require any of the included forms to be separated into individual PDF files, you
can download them from the WBS website (https://www.waseda.jp/fcom/wbs/en/applicants/admission).

How to apply through the Online System

(1) Create a Login ID

Access the URL below and input your personal information to acquire a login ID.
URL: https://e-apply.jp/e/wbs/

(2) Enter application information through the Online System and download the PDF file
Login to the Online System with your login ID and enter the information through the Online System.
Click “1. Personal Info A” button and confirm the information you registered when you created a login

Click “2. Personal Info B” button and enter the necessary information for each item. You can only
proceed to the next step when the status of all items is completed.

Click “3. Confirmation” button and confirm your information filled in.

If there is nothing to amend, click “4. Submit” button. After you click “Submit” button, your online
application is completed.

After you click “Submit” button, you CANNOT edit at all. If you would like to edit after you click
“Submit” button, you need to obtain a new login ID again.

Click “5. PDF Download” button, and download your application form in PDF format. Some forms will
require additional information to be entered manually for completion.

(3) Documents to be prepared by applicants themselves

Prepare and assemble all necessary documents, including any required certificates and
recommendation letters.

(4) Pay the screening fee

Pay the screening fee by Credit Card, Union Pay, Alipay, or Convenience Store in Japan. Please refer to
Page 23 and 24.

(5) Mail the application documents

Send all specified documents to the WBS Admissions Office by postal mail.
Your application will be considered complete when all required documents are received by the WBS
Admissions Office no later than the deadline for each application round.

<<Instruction on Application Documents>>

Prescribed Forms to be made via online

Some documents should be manually written after the format is downloaded. Use a black pen
(erasable pen not permitted).

[Form 1-1 to 1-12] Application Forms

- Paste a color photo (4 cm x 3cm, borderless, no hat or head covering, frontal view on a plain
background, taken within 3 months before application) to Form 1-1. Write your name on the
back of the photo before pasting.
- If additional space is required for your educational background and work experience, attach a
separate sheet.
- Sign on the bottom of Form 1-12.
- Staple the upper left corner of all forms in order with Form 1-1 coming on top and Form 1-12 on

[Form 2] Proof of Screening Fee Payment and Picture Card

>> For applicants making payment by Credit Card, Union Pay, or Alipay
Print out the ”Result” page (attach to Form 2).
>> For applicants making payment at a convenience store in Japan
Receipt of screening fee (attach to Form 2).

[Form 3] WBS Marketing Survey

We would appreciate your taking a few minutes to fill in the questionnaire for the WBS marketing
analysis purposes such as for student recruiting activities. The answers will not affect the
screening result in any way.

[Form 4] Letter of Consent from Employer

Not necessary for IMBA September Enrollment applicants

[Form 5] Application Form for Family Business Successors

* For“Family Business Successors” applicants only
- Fill in the information about the company* you are succeeding in the future.
- Recommendation letter from the representative or equivalent of the company is required (free
format, Signature of recommender is required)
*must be a listed company on the stock exchange or of similar standing and scale

[Form 6] Request for Return of Submitted Documents

- Submit only when you are requesting the WBS to return original copies of certificates that are
NOT re-issuable. Documents may not be returned without submission of this form.

[Form 7] Application for Screening Fee Waiver

- Applicants whose nationality AND the place of residence at the time of application are indicated
on page 21 are eligible to apply for a screening fee waiver.
- Applicants with dual nationality are eligible only if BOTH nationalities are included in the list of
eligible countries.

[Form 8] Statement of Financial Resources *International applicants only
- Indicate the source and amount of funding for studying at the WBS (standard period: 2 years).
Scholarship recipients must submit a scholarship award letter indicating its amount and
- The estimation of total expenses for two years including tuition fees and living costs in Tokyo
will be approximately 6,000,000 yen.
- Those who have Japanese VISA of Permanent Resident, Long Term Resident, Spouse or Child of
Japanese Citizen, Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident don’t need to submit this statement.

[Form 9] Application for Scholarship Offered Prior to Matriculation

- Check the details of the scholarship on page 17 and submit this form if you wish to apply for
scholarship prior to matriculation.

[Form 10] Applicant Evaluation (Recommendation) Form

- Two applicant evaluation forms must be prepared. Be sure to use the WBS designated forms
obtained via the Online System. They can also be downloaded from the WBS website below.
- You must ask two different evaluators (recommenders) to fill in the applicant evaluation forms.
- Two evaluators should be university professors who have supervised the academic work of the
applicant (excluding WBS faculty members), or superiors at the applicant’s current institution
or company.

Step-by-Step Directions
1. Applicant forwards the designated form (and an envelope) to the evaluators. The designated
forms can be downloaded from the WBS Website above.
2. After filling in the form, the evaluator must put it in an envelope, seal it, sign across the seal,
and return it to the applicant.
3. Applicant submits the evaluation forms to the WBS Admissions Office with the envelope
unopened, together with other application documents.
*Evaluators can also send it directly to the WBS Admissions Office.

Documents to be prepared by applicants themselves

1. Official College/University Certificate (Original Copy)

a) Certificate of (expected) graduation/degree
Not necessary if the (expected) graduation date and the degree are stated in the transcript.
b) Official transcript of courses

[NOTES for College/University Certificate]

- Submit the original copy written in Japanese or English.
- If universities or governments cannot provide Japanese or English certificates, please attach a
translated copy certified by the embassy or relevant public officials.
- Confirm that the date of admission and graduation are printed on a) or b).
- Master's degree/professional degree holders are required to turn in certificates of both the
undergraduate school and the graduate school. Details on educational background must be
provided in the specified area of the [Form 1-3].
- Applicants who have transferred from one institution to another must submit transcripts of both
the graduating institution and previously attended institution.
- When an Applicant’s name stated on the application form differs from what is indicated on the
certificates, the Applicant is required to attach an explanation (free format) .
In such cases, official documents which certify the change of legal name (e.g., copy of family
register) will have to be submitted as part of the application at the time of enrollment.
- If an Applicant has attended Waseda University at any time in the past (or is currently enrolled),
he/she must provide official documentation which serves as proof of enrollment.

[IMPORTANT: For graduates from universities or colleges in China]

Applicants who have graduated from a university or college in China must follow both of the
following two steps:
1) Submit the certificate of degree “学位取得証明書,” in addition to the certificate of
graduation “卒業証明書” and official transcript of courses “成績証明書”.
2) Arrange for an official English version of “Online Verification Report of Higher Education
Qualification Certificate” to be sent directly to WBS office ([email protected])
from CHESICC via e-mail. For more information and how to apply, please visit the CHESICC
website (https://www.chsi.com.cn/en/pvr/). The verification report must reach the office
before the deadline of each application period. Only report sent directly from CHESICC will
be considered valid.
Note: Those who have not yet graduated from a university or college in China do not need to
follow the steps above. Instead, please submit the certificate of expected graduation “卒業見込証
明書” and official transcript of courses “成績証明書”.

2. GMAT or GRE (General Test) score report

- Submission of an original copy of the GMAT or GRE score is compulsory for “Application with
GMAT or GRE” applicants. It is optional for “Application for Family Business Successors”.
- If GMAT or GRE scores are to be mailed directly from the test center, it should reach WBS by the
application deadline. Also, make sure you enclose a “GMAT Test Taker Copy” or “GRE Examinee
Score Report” printed through GMAC/ETS websites in your application packet.
- Submit a valid score report of the test taken within 5 years of each application deadline.
*WBS institution code of GMAT is “3TX-GK”.
*WBS institution code of GRE is “2463”.

3. Proof of License or Certificate
Submit only if you enter the relevant information via the Online System .

4. Proof of English Proficiency *For non-native speakers of English only

Applicants must submit one of the following certified test score reports with the exception of
applicants whose native language is English or who have obtained a degree from an institute of higher
education (university or higher) using mainly English. Submitted score reports should have been
issued within 2 years of each application deadline.
2) IELTS(Academic)
*TOEIC SW, TOEIC IP and TOEIC Bridge scores are NOT acceptable.
*Those submitting TOEFL score reports need to register “Test Date Score” on the Online System, not
“My Best Score.” The office will only use “Test Date Score” for screening.

5. Proof of Japanese Proficiency *For non-native speakers of Japanese only

While submission is optional, scores of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (or JLPT) may be taken
into consideration as part of the overall application. Only score reports of JLPT Level 1 or N1 will
be considered.

6. Online Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate

Applicants who have graduated from a university or college in China must follow both of the following two steps:
1) Submit the certificate of degree “学位取得証明書,” in addition to the certificate of graduation “卒
業証明書” and official transcript of courses “成績証明書”.
2) Arrange for an official English version of “Online Verification Report of Higher Education
Qualification Certificate” to be sent directly to WBS office ([email protected]) from
CHESICC via e-mail. For more information and how to apply, please visit the CHESICC website
(https://www.chsi.com.cn/en/pvr/). The online verification report must reach the office before
the deadline of each application period. Only report sent directly from CHESICC will be
considered valid.
Note: Those who have not yet graduated from a university or college in China do not need to
follow the steps above. Instead, please submit the certificate of expected graduation “卒業見込証
明書” and official transcript of courses “成績証明書”.

7. Photocopy of Passport *For those who currently possess a passport

A photocopy of the photo page of your passport must be submitted.

8. Photocopy of Resident Card in Japan (Front and Back side)

All international applicants currently holding resident visa in Japan must submit its photocopy.

F) Application Schedule
1) “Application with GMAT or GRE” For September 2022 Enrollment
Screening Result Enrollment Procedure
Application Round Application Deadline
Announcement Deadline
1st Round Nov 1 (Mon), 2021 Dec 9 (Thu), 2021 Jan 14(Fri), 2022
2nd Round Jan 28 (Fri), 2022 Mar 3 (Thu), 2022 Mar 25 (Fri), 2022
3rd Round Mar 28 (Mon), 2022 May 12 (Thu), 2022 May 27 (Fri), 2022
4th Round May 13 (Fri), 2022 June 9 (Thu), 2022 June 24 (Fri), 2022

Screening Result Announcement
All applicants who have turned in all of their application documents will be notified of their application
number by e-mail two weeks before the screening result announcement. At 10:00am on the day of the
screening result announcement, successful applicants’ application numbers will be indicated on the WBS
website (https://www.waseda.jp/fcom/wbs/en). Successful applicants will also receive a letter of
acceptance enclosed with the enrollment procedure guideline and documents by courier. Contact the
WBS Admissions Office ([email protected]) if you do not receive such a packet one week
after the designated date. Refrain from making an individual inquiry regarding the screening result.
Applicants who received a conditional offer must submit the proof of satisfied conditions by the due date
stated in the letter of conditional offer. If they do not submit the proof by the due date, their conditional
offer will be revoked.

2) “Application for Family Business Successors” For September 2022 Enrollment

Application Screening Result Enrollment Procedure
Application Deadline Exam Date
Round Announcement Deadline
Mar 28 (Mon), 2022 May 8 (Sun), 2022 May 12 (Thu), 2022 May 27 (Fri), 2022

Screening Result Announcement

All applicants who have turned in all of their application documents will be notified of their application
number by e-mail two weeks before the exam date. At 10:00am on the day of the screening result
announcement, successful applicants’ application numbers will be indicatedon the WBS website
( https://www.waseda.jp/fcom/wbs/en). Successful applicants will also receive a letter of acceptance
enclosed with the enrollment procedure guideline and documents by courier. Contact the WBS
Admissions Office ([email protected]) if you do not receive such a packet one week after
the designated date. Refrain from making an individual inquiry regarding the screening result.

5. Enrollment Procedures
Once successful applicants have received an enrollment packet with an admission offer, they must
complete all necessary procedures to be enrolled at WBS by the due date. Those who have submitted
all required documents by the deadline, and have completed all required transactions (transferring of
admission fee, tuition and other fees) will be admitted. Further instructions related to admittance will
be sent to successful applicants. The list below is a sampling of what to expect.
[Required Documents]
(1) WBS Prescribed Forms
(2) Certificate of Residence
(3) Original Copy of "Certificate of Graduation" and "Transcript of Academic Records"
(Only for applicants who had not yet graduated at the time they submitted the application documents)
(4) Copy of the Receipt of the bank transfer of tuition and fees
(5) Application and related documents for Certificate of Eligibility. *For those require student visa
(6) Other documents designated by the WBS

As a rule, we do not return submitted documents or refund tuition and other fees (the entrance fee and
tuition and other fees for the first semester). However, if you do not enter Waseda University due to
unavoidable circumstances or fail to meet the entrance qualifications prior to enrollment, we may refund
the tuition and other fees for the first semester (but not the entrance fee). For more information about the
procedure for receiving such refund, refer to the enrollment procedure guideline mailed to successful

6. Entrance Fee, Tuition, and Other Fees
Fees for 2022 enrollment for International MBA Program (Unit: JPY)
Other Fees
Entrance Student Health
Year Academic Term Tuition Alumni Association Total
Fee* Promotion Mutual
Membership Fee
Aid Association Fee
Entrance and
200,000 820,000 1,500 - 1,021,500
1st Fall Semester
Year Spring
- 820,000 1,500 - 821,500
- 920,000 1,500 - 921,500
2nd Semester
Year Spring
- 920,000 1,500 40,000 961,500

Total 200,000 3,480,000 6,000 40,000 3,726,000

*The Entrance Fee is waived for those who are currently enrolled in, graduated from, completed, or
withdrew from an undergraduate, graduate, or specialized program of Waseda University.

[Note] Additional fees are required for taking language learning courses. Fees vary depending on course;
the cost of eight credits (four courses) in English learning is approximately 160,000 yen, while for
Japanese learning classes it costs approximately 40,000 yen.

7. Degrees and Completion Requirements

Degree: Master of Business Administration

Degree Requirements of the International MBA Program

To complete the program, students have been enrolled for more than two years, have acquired 50 credits,
and have completed their Professional Degree Thesis as the final product of their seminars and research
guidance. Students who pass the dissertation screening and exams will be awarded the degree of Master of
Business Administration (MBA).
Unit: Credit
Compulsory Compulsory Elective Courses Specialized Research
Core Courses Elective Specialized Courses General
Research Degree Total Courses
Courses (Bilingual Courses or Elective Seminars
Guidance Thesis (recommended)
Overseas Courses) Courses
14 6- 6- 8- 8 PASS (*) 4 50 8
(*) The grade is given by pass or fail.

In addition to the conditions for completing the International MBA Program, it is recommended that students
earn credits in language courses. Students are expected to acquire at least eight credits from language courses.
Although these credits are not included in the requirement for program completion, they are strongly
recommended to strengthen their global capabilities. Students studying mainly in Japanese are encouraged to
take English courses at the Global Education Center and students studying primarily in English are encouraged to
take Japanese courses at the Center for Japanese Language. Students may also take other WBS language courses
(i.e., English-taught classes for students admitted in April; Japanese-taught classes for students admitted in
September) as the recommended language courses. These courses are graded on “Pass/Fail.”

*English language courses are available in the Global Education Center. See website for details.
*Japanese language courses are available in the Center for Japanese Language. See website for details.

8. Financial Aid and Scholarships

The following is a list of the major scholarships offered at Waseda University. International students with
"student visa" are advised to refer to the AY2022 "International Students’ Handbook" or the Scholarship
Affairs Section website: https://www.waseda.jp/inst/scholarship/en/

For Japanese students (including those who have Japanese visa of permanent resident, long term resident,
spouse or child of Japanese citizen), refer to the handbook, Scholarship Guidelines “Challenge AY2022”
(available in Japanese only) or the Scholarship Affairs Section website above.

1. Scholarship Prior to Matriculation

Selection is based on the admission screening results. Nominated applicant will be notified by post.

(Data of AY2021)
Types of
Name of Scholarship Grants Eligibility***
- Privately funded international students*
Waseda University Partial 50% reduction in
- Turn in the Form 9 with other application
Tuition-Waiver Scholarship one-year tuition
Waseda materials
University - Privately funded international students* who live
Reserved Scholarship for outside Japan
Scholarships 500,000 JPY per year
Successful International - Application with GMAT or GRE are eligible
(for 1 or 2 years) - Turn in the Form 9 with other application

2. Scholarship After Matriculation

(Data of AY2021)
Types of
Name of Scholarship Award Amount (Value) Eligibility***
Azusa Ono Memorial - Privately funded international students*
Annual grant of
Scholarship - Students who are in the master’s program within the
400,000 JPY
(for International students) standard years for degree
Waseda - Privately funded international students* or
University Okuma Memorial Annual grant of Japanese Students**
Scholarships Scholarship 400,000 JPY - Students who are in their master’s program within
the standard years for a degree
Waseda University Partial - Privately funded international students*
50% reduction in
one-year tuition
- Privately funded international students*
Japanese Government 144,000 JPY/Month and
- Students who are successful applicants in the 1st
Government- (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Full-tuition coverage for 2
Round and complete all necessary enrollment
sponsored Scholarship years of tuition.
procedures by the deadline.
Scholarships Monbukagakusho - Privately-funded international students*
48,000 JPY/Month
Honors Scholarship
*”International Students” refers to those students who hold or expect to hold "student visa" status.
** Japanese students including those who have a Japanese “Permanent Resident, Long Term Resident, and “Spouse or Child of a
Japanese Citizen” visa.
*** Limits (such as income limit) may differ depending on scholarship.

9. Student Visa [Information by Waseda Center for International Education]
International students who are admitted to Waseda University are able to apply for a status of residence
“Student”. Those with the status of residence “Student” are eligible to apply for tuition reduction/exemptions
and scholarships for international students. Those with a status of residence other than “Student” are eligible
to enter Waseda University but please be aware that you cannot use various services and systems intended for
international students as stated above.
Please take note that students are not eligible to enroll in the university with a “Temporary Visitor” visa status.
Carefully read (1)-(6) below and take the necessary measures to extend your period of stay, change your status
of residence, request for application for COE by proxy, etc. In order to go through procedures concerning status
of residence, you will need a “certificate of admission” issued by Waseda University. The office of the
undergraduate/graduate school you are scheduled to join will issue the “certificate of admission” after you
have made your second deposit.

(1) If you have a status of residence “Student”

If you currently have a status of residence “Student”, please process the “application for extension of period of
stay” as necessary. You are able to apply for an extension of period of stay up to three months before your
status of residence expires. For details on procedures of applying for extension of period of stay, please refer to
the following website.


(2) If you have a status of residence “Temporary Visitor”

If you currently have a status of residence “Temporary Visitor,” as a general rule, you will need to temporarily
leave Japan and apply for status of residence “Student.” For details on how to apply for a status of resident
“Student,” please refer to “(4) If you do not have a status of residence.”

(3) If your status of residence is other than “Student” or “Temporary Visitor”

If you currently have a status of residence such as “Long Term Resident,” “Dependent,” etc., there is no need for
you to undertake any procedures. However, if you wish to change your status of residence to “Student,” you will
need to apply for a change of status of residence. For details on procedures of applying for a change of status of
residence, please refer to the following website.


【note】In order to apply for an extension or change of your status of residence, you need a completed
application form issued by Waseda University. Prior to making the application to the Immigration Bureau,
please visit the Center for International Education (located on the 4th floor, building No.22, Waseda Campus.)
with the application form and a certificate of admission, and other necessary documents.

*Due to the COVID-19, the procedure will be subject to change. Please check the latest information on the

(4) If you do not have a status of residence

In order to apply for a status of residence, you will first need to obtain a certificate of eligibility (COE) from the
Immigration Bureau of the Ministry of Justice of Japan, located in Japan. Limited to students with foreign
citizenship and living outside of Japan who have completed enrollment procedures, Waseda University will
apply for a COE to the Immigration Bureau on the student’s behalf. After the COE is issued, Waseda University
will send it to the student by mail along with the certificate of admission (COA). Upon receiving the COE, you
will need to take the COE, COA, and your passport to the Japanese embassy or consulate in your country of
citizenship/residence to apply for a “Student” visa. The COE expires in 3 months of issuance, so be sure to
acquire your visa within 3 months and enter Japan. Since it takes two to three months for the whole process of
receiving documents for proxy application, application by proxy to the Immigration Bureau, assessment, and
issuance of COE, please be careful not to start late with little time before enrollment.

- Waseda University will only carry out the application by proxy after you have made your second deposit.
If you wish to have Waseda University apply for COE for you, please complete your payment as soon as
possible, and start your procedures of requesting an application by proxy.
- Information on what documents are needed to request for application by proxy and where to send them
will be sent to successful applicants in enrollment documents.

【Sequence of Steps Involved in Obtaining a “Student” Visa (①→⑦)】

*Depending on the embassy/consulate, the duration before a “Student” visa is issued varies, and in some cases
it takes about 3 weeks. After submitting your application documents to WBS, please contact the Japanese
embassy/consulate which you intend to apply to and ask how long it will take for your visa to be issued.


Certificate of ① Admission procedures/

Admission sent Submission of necessary documents to apply
to CIE for COE
for COE by ⑤ Application for
proxy Student Visa
Immigration CIE, Waseda Applicant Embassy or
Bureau, University
Ministry of
General of
③ COE issued ④ COE and ⑥ Student visa issued
Certificate of ⑦Book flight
Admission sent
Arrive in Japan

(5) Acquisition/Change (applying on your own) of status of residence

[Visa waiver and Temporary Visitor visa holders]
If you enter Japan as a visa waiver or on a Temporary Visitor visa (within 90 days of stay in Japan, and no
activities involving the receipt of money such as sightseeing, making business contact, visiting relatives, etc.), in
principle, you will not be allowed to change your visa status while in Japan. However, if it is difficult for you to
return to your home country before the start of the new semester due to the entrance exam held at the end of
the academic year (end of February/March), you can go to the Immigration Bureau yourself, apply for a COE,
get authorization, and go through procedures of changing your status of residence upon issuance of COE.
However, please take note that this procedure is an exception, and you may not be allowed to acquire a status
of residence. In such a case, you will need to temporarily leave Japan, submit your COE to the Japanese
embassy/ consulate in your country of citizenship/residence, receive a “Student” visa, and return to Japan. The
Immigration Bureau is solely responsible for decisions regarding status of residence. Waseda University cannot
be held responsible for the duration of assessment and outcome.

(6) Other important points

- The Center for International Education, Waseda University acts on your behalf to apply for a “Student”
status of residence only. If you wish to apply for other types of status of residence, you need to make an
application by yourself at the Immigration Bureau.
- The Immigration Bureau may require you to submit additional documents if needed.
- If you decide not to enter Waseda University, please write a statement that explains your reason (free
format) and immediately send it to the Center for International Education along with your COE. Also, if
you are accepted by another university in Japan, please make sure that you do not apply for a COE at more
than one university. If there are multiple applications, the COE cannot be issued.
- If you have multiple citizenships that includes a Japanese citizenship, you are not eligible to apply for COE.
- The Immigration Bureau is solely responsible for decisions regarding status of residence. If issuance is
delayed or application is not approved, Waseda University cannot be held responsible for the cancellation
fee of your air ticket and other inconveniences. Please be careful when you book your flight.
- For application procedures concerning “Student” status of residence, contact Center for International
Education, Waseda University (e-mail:[email protected]).

10. Contact Information for Applicable Testing Organizations

◇ GMAT: Graduate Management Admission Test

by GMAC: Graduate Management Admission Council
Institution code: 3TX-GK

◇ GRE: Graduate Record Examination

by ETS: Educational Testing Service
Institution code: 2463

◇ TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language

by ETS: Education Testing Service
Institution code: 2463

◇ TOEIC : Test of English for International Communication

by the Institute for International Business Communication

◇ IELTS : International English Language Testing System

by the British Council

◇ Japanese Language Proficiency Test

by Japan Educational Exchanges and Services/Japan Foundation

11. Screening Fee Waiver for Applicants from Specified Countries

1. Outline
Applicants who wish to be admitted into an undergraduate or graduate school of Waseda University are
eligible to apply for a screening fee waiver if they reside in one of the countries designated by Waseda
University AND hold nationality of one of those countries.

2. Eligibility
The following conditions must be fulfilled:
1) The applicant must reside in one of the countries classified as "Least Developed Countries" or "Low
Income Countries which are not LDCs" in the list of ODA recipients as published by OECD/DAC AND hold
nationality of one of those countries (the applicant's country of residence and nationality do not
necessarily have to be identical).
* For the list of eligible countries, refer to “Eligible Countries” below.
*Applicants residing in Japan are not eligible.
2) Applicants with dual nationality are only eligible if both nationalities are included in the list of eligible
countries described in 1) above.

3. Procedures
When applying to an undergraduate or graduate school of Waseda University, please enclose the following
documents with the other application documents, instead of the certificate of payment for the screening
fee (copy of the remittance form etc.). The application for the screening fee waiver program must be
made along with the application for admission. Applications made afterward will not be accepted under
any circumstances.

1) Application Form for Screening Fee Waiver (Form7)

2) Photocopy of passport (including all details of the applicant)
* Applicants who apply for the screening fee waiver are not required to pay the screening fee. However,
if payment was made before the application for the screening fee waiver, the screening fee will not be
* In the event that the applicant is found to be ineligible for the screening fee waiver program or has
made a false claim, the application for admission to Waseda University itself might be revoked

[Eligible Countries]
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bhutan, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Central African Republic, Chad,
Comoros, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia,
Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Kiribati, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar,
Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra
Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Yemen,
Zambia , Zimbabwe

12. Notes on Entrance Examination at Waseda University
Dishonest Acts
Waseda University has provided the following guidelines so that all examinations can be properly administered and all
examinees have an opportunity to perform in a fair and equitable environment. Please read the guidelines carefully and
approach the examination in a serious manner.
1. You may be deemed to have committed a dishonest act if you falsified, fabricated, or plagiarized a document,
material, or information submitted in your application. In such a case, any decision taken regarding your
application may later be invalidated, without the application documents and screening fee being returned.
2. Your actions may be considered dishonest if you commit any of the following acts:
A) Cheating (concealing or glancing at a cheat sheet or reference book during the examination, glancing at
another examinee’s answer sheet, or gaining answers from others)
B) Answering questions using an instrument not allowed to be used during the written examination
C) Touching the exam booklet and answer sheet before the instruction to start the examination is given
(including opening up the exam booklet, beginning to answer questions, and writing on the back cover or
the margins of pages of the exam booklet) during the written examination
D) Continuing to hold your writing instrument or answer questions without following the instruction to cease
taking the examination during the written examination
E) Providing benefits to other examinees (providing them with answers etc.) during the examination
F) Keeping your mobile phone with you or using it during the examination
G) Letting your mobile phone or watch emit noise (incoming call alert, alarm, vibration, etc.) during the
H) Conducting acts that could be considered a nuisance to other examinees at the examination venue
I) Not following instructions from the examination supervisors at the examination venue
J) Pretending to be an applicant and taking the examination for the applicant
K) Conducting other acts impairing the fairness of the examination
3. The following responses may be taken if an applicant is suspected of committing a dishonest act.
- A supervisor may warn or question the applicant.
- The applicant may be requested to take the examination in another room.
4. In addition, the following responses may be taken if a dishonest act is identified.
- The applicant may not be allowed to continue taking the examination or allowed to take any other entrance
examination given by Waseda University during the year. (Screening fees will not be returned.)
- The results of all entrance examinations taken by the applicant at Waseda University during the year may
become invalid.

Environment for Entrance Examination

Please review the following material carefully so that you will know what to expect during the Waseda University
Admissions Exam.

1. The exam environment.

We will do our best to provide you with a quiet and equitable exam environment. However, please be aware of the
following unavoidable conditions that may occur.
A) Everyday noise (airplanes; motor vehicles; wind and rain; the sound of the air conditioner; coughs, sneezes
and sniffles from the other examinees; the distant noise of cell phones, etc.) is sometimes unavoidable. As a
general rule, no special treatment will be given to any examinee (or group of examinees) due to any
occurrence of "everyday noise."
B) In the event that a cell phone or wristwatch rings, vibrates, or otherwise causes a disturbance during the
exam, and an exam monitor can identify the particular device as the source of the disturbance, he/she will
remove the device from the exam site, with or without the consent of its owner. The item will be kept at
exam headquarters.
C) While desks, chairs, air conditioning, acoustic equipment, etc., may vary between classrooms used as test sites,
this will not be taken as a handicap to any examinee.
D) If, by the actions of a certain examinee, other examinees are disturbed, the examinee causing the problem may
be asked to take the exam in a different room.
2. Unforeseen problems that are beyond human control.
In cases of unforeseen circumstances that are beyond human control, such as a natural disaster (e.g., typhoons,
earthquakes, flooding, tsunamis) and/or accident, such as fire, power failure, and so on, measures including
delaying the start of the exam or postponing the exam, etc. may be taken. However, in such an event, we will bear
no responsibility for any resulting inconvenience, expense, or other personal loss that the examinee may incur.

Waseda University
Convenience Store Easy-Pay Systems for Entrance Exam Fees
Now you can transfer funds to pay for your entrance examination - 24 hours a day - from your nearest
Lawson, Ministop, FamilyMart, Seven-Eleven.

Before going to the convenience store, you will need to obtain an application number
1 which you can get from going online on either your cellphone or computer.
This number will be required when you make your payment.

To obtain your application number, please follow the instructions
on the screen and input all necessary information.
This number will be required when you make your payment.
If you input the wrong information when trying to obtain your application number, please start again
from the beginning and make your payment.
If you are not able to make the required payment before the due date you will receive this deadline
upon completing the online application, all the information you had input will be canceled automatically.

2 Convenience Store Payment ●The application fee cannot be paid through an ATM. Be sure to make your payment at the cash register.

Paying at
LAWSON or MINISTOP Paying at FamilyMart
Paying at SEVEN-ELEVEN [11-digit Customer Number ] お客様番号
[13-digit Payment Slip Number] [11-digit Customer Number ] お客様番号
[4-digit Verification Code ] 確認番号
払込票番号 [4-digit Verification Code ] 確認番号

Use the Lawson

information terminal Use the FamilyMart
Tell the counter staff information terminal
that you want to Touch the "各種サービスメニュー" option
Various Service Menus
make an Select the "代金支払い" button
"Internet shiharai." Select the "各種代金・インターネット受付" button All Payments
All Payments
on the touch screen
Then provide your Payment on the touch screen
【払込票番号】 Touch the "各種代金お支払い" option
Payment Slip Number All Payments Touch the "各種代金お支払い" option
All Payments
※If a payment slip is not printed out,
just tell your number to the counter staff. Touch "マルチペイメントサービス"
Multi-Payment Service

A multifunction copier can not Enter your【お客様番号】

【確認番号】 Enter your【お客様番号】
be used to make payment. Customer Number Verification Code
Customer Number Verification Code

●Make the payment at the register. ●Loppi, FamiPort issues a funds transfer receipt.
●Receive an Application Fee Statement. You will need to take this to the cash register within 30 minutes and make the actual payment.
Detach the Certificate of Payment ●Receive an Application Fee Statement. Detach the Certificate of Payment (receipt) portion.
(receipt) portion. * Design and layout of the touch screen buttons is subject to change without notice.

3 Application
Affix the receipt portion to "Form for Submission of the Certificate of Payment of Application Fee" in the designated location.
●Seven-Eleven ●Family Mart ●Lawson ●Ministop
Detach the receipt portion of the Exam Fee Detach the receipt portion(Certificate of Payment) of the
Statement and affix it to the application Application Fee Statement and affix it to the application packet in 入学志願票
packet in the designated location. the designated location. Hold onto the remainder of the Fee
Hold onto the proof of bank transfer for Statement ("Applicant's Copy" portion) for your records.
your records.
入学検定料・選考料 取扱明細書
入学検定料・選考料 取扱明細書 チケット等
払込領収証 納証
書 料収
納証明 検定
料収 大学
検定 ○○

取扱明細書兼領収書 ○○大学

The appearance of the ticket you receive

may differ from the illustration above.

※When paying at a convenience store,

proof of payment via bank stamp is
Attach Your Receipt (Certificate of Payment) to the Application not necessary.

※When attaching the certificate of payment, be sure to use glue which is suitable for use with thermal paper and pressure-sensitive paper. Please check the glue label.

●Be sure to complete your convenience store payment before the time limit expires. ■Payment Commission (transfer fee charged by all
participating stores)
All the payment information you entered will be deleted automatically if the payment is not
There is a fee for this payment transfer service, which applicants must
completed before the deadline.
pay in addition to the entrance exam fee.
●Please note: After application fee payment has been made at any of the above shops, refund The payment commission is as the same at all participating stores.
is not possible.
●Please double-check the application deadline in your application guide. convenience stores: Entrance exam fee \49,999 or less 500 yen
Post your payment early enough to be sure it is received in time. Entrance exam fee \50,000 or more 720 yen

Questions about paying your entrance exam fees at convenience stores? Please visit:

Note: Convenience store staff cannot answer questions about the service.
早稲田大学 card/ 英

Waseda University
Examination Fee Payment by Credit Card, Union Pay, and Alipay
24 hours a day, 365 days a year, you can pay anytime! Easy, Convenient and Simple!
You can pay the Examination Fee by using
Credit Card, Union Pay, and Alipay.

Access the site below with your PC http://www.shiharai.net/info

You can access
from our
https://e-shiharai.net/ecard/ website too !
Web Application - Online Transaction

1. Top Page Click "Examination Fee".

2. Terms of Use and Please read the Terms of use an Personal Information Management.
Personal Information Click "Agree" button located in the lower part of this page if you agree with these terms.
Management Click "Not agree" button located in lower part of this page if you do not agree with these terms.

3. School Selection Click "Waseda University".

4. School Information Read the information carefully and click "Next".

5. Category Selection Choose First to Fourth Selection and click "Add to Basket".

6. Basket Contents Check the contents and if it is OK, click "Next".

7. Basic Information Input the applicant's basic information.

Choose your credit card and click "Next".

Paying with Credit Card Paying with Union Pay, Alipay

Input Credit Card Number (15 or 16-digits), Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the card payment.
expiration date and security code.
Please click the “Application Results” button in the upper
part of this site (e-shiharai.net).
All of your application information is displayed. ↓
Click "Confirm" to verify. Please write down the “Receipt Number” given when you
complete your application, and enter your
“Payment Method”, “Receipt Number” and “Birth Date”.
Please make sure your printer is ready.
Click "Print this page" button and print out ↓
"Result" page. Please print out the “Payment Inquiry - Inquiry result” page.

Enclose the printed "Result" page in an application envelope with

other necessary application documents.

Necessary application documents


Mail it from Post office
Print this Page

[NOTICE/FAQ] ■Payment Commission

●During the payment periods and application periods specified in the application
There is a fee for this payment transfer service, which applicants
guidelines, you can make payment anytime. Please consult the application guidelines and must pay in addition to the entrance exam fee.
complete payment in time for the application period.
●On the last date of the payment period, please complete the transaction by 11:00pm Entrance exam fee Payment Commission

Japan time. ∼ 29,999 yen 565 yen

●It is possible to use a card which carries a name different from that of the applicant. 30,000 yen ∼ 49,999 yen 1,005 yen
However, please make sure that the information entered in the Basic Information page is 50,000 yen ∼ 69,999 yen 1,446 yen
the applicant's information. 70,000 yen ∼ 99,999 yen 1,833 yen
●If you did not print out the "Result" page, you can display it later on the Application 100,000 yen ∼ 199,999 yen 2,074 yen
Result page. Please enter "Receipt Number" and "Birth Date" to redisplay. 200,000 yen ∼ 299,999 yen 2,618 yen

●Please contact the credit card company if your card is not accepted. 300,000 yen ∼ 4,400 yen

For questions or problems not mentioned here, please contact :

E-Service Support Center Tel : +81-3-5952-9052 (24 hours everyday)

Handling of Personal Information

Waseda University uses the applicant information (address, name, date of birth etc.)
to carry out operations such as the entrance examinations, screening result
announcements, and enrollment procedures. They will be used as the means of
communication to provide guidance, services and career support for students while in
school and after graduation. We will take the necessary and proper measures to
protect such information from leakage, disclosure, or unauthorized uses. All or part of
the above operations may be outsourced to agencies. In such cases, the agencies are
obliged to maintain necessary and proper management by contract. Please note that
the personal information may be used as materials for studies and researches to
improve our entrance examinations. The information will be statistically processed to
prevent any individuals from being identified.

For the purpose of administering entrance exams in an efficient manner and carrying
out admission procedures, Waseda University collects information regarding your
gender on legal documents. The information is collected only when the reason is
deemed reasonable, and these cases are limited to a minimum.

Waseda Business School

(Graduate School of Business and Finance, Waseda University)

3rd Floor, Building 11, Waseda Campus, Waseda University,

1-6-1, Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-8050 JAPAN

TEL +81-(0)3-5286-8719
FAX +81-(0)3-5273-4371
E-mail [email protected]
HP https://www.waseda.jp/fcom/wbs/en/

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