Review 4
Review 4
Review 4
Received: 29 May 2021 / Accepted: 6 October 2021 / Published online: 25 October 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2021
This paper reviews recent progress and applications of usage of cutting fluids in conventional machining processes. In addition
to reviewing the various conventional and advanced cooling techniques during machining, the paper also discusses the use
of minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) in several types on metals such as steel, aluminum, alloy, and titanium alloys. Due
to the toxicity of conventional cutting fluid resulting in ecological problems, the demand for environmentally friendly cut-
ting fluid is rising. Therefore, natural vegetable oil is chosen as potential replacement as an environmentally friendly cutting
fluid which fulfills the important aspects of biodegradability and sustainability. Application of vegetable oil-based cutting
fluids under MQL techniques are also discussed. Moreover, the potential of palm oil as biodegradable and environmentally
friendly natural vegetable oil-based metal-working fluids in MQL are reviewed.
4 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
total costs of manufacturing industries [7]. Hence, minimum shown in Fig. 2, pioneering period can be seen in the first
quantity lubrication (MQL) are introduced as an alternative years between year 1998 and year 2008 where the published
cutting fluid delivery method during machining processes to papers are very low, followed by a steady increase in pub-
minimize the amount of cutting fluid used to achieve “green” lished research papers from year 2009 all the way up to year
machining [12]. 2020. There is a slight reduction of publication numbers
In the past several years, an effort has been made to per- between 2020 and 2021 which might be due to the COVID-
form more research on to study and improve machining with 19 pandemic that limited the experimental research across
major focuses on the applications of MQL, and usage of the world. Based on the geographic distribution of the pub-
vegetable oil-based cutting fluids in machining of difficult- lished research papers, researchers from India respond with
to-machine materials such as titanium alloys. Based on the the most publications at more than 264, followed by China at
graphical representation of research published by year as 81, Brazil at 71, and Malaysia at 60 as seen in Fig. 3.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 5
6 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 5 Machining performance comparison of a thrust force and b tool life between dry and wet machining of CFRP [22]
Fig. 6 Tool wear analysis on flank face of cutting inserts under a dry milling compared to wet milling in b and c [23]
2.2 Machining under flooded cooling cooling machining has the advantage over dry machin-
ing of producing better surface finish and maintain better
Flood cooling and MQL are two prominent fluid delivery tool life [25]. Though there are some advantages of using
techniques that can be applied to most machining processes. flooded coolant, it has also various disadvantages. One of
In flood cooling delivery, metal-working fluids are delivered the disadvantages is to find sustainable ways of disposing
out of a nozzle in the form of liquid jet to immerse the entire contaminated cutting fluids with metal chips. The overall
cutting zone which can be seen in Fig. 7. cost for this and its exposure to the machine operators need
Large volume of cutting fluids is dispersed at high to be addressed to improve the sustainability of flood cooling
flow rate at the cutting zone which completely covers the methods in machining.
tool–workpiece interface [26–28]. Generally, in flooded An experimental study and modeling is carried out by
cooling, the flow rates range from 10 to 225 L/min based Sankar and Choudhury [30] on machining of microalloyed
on the type of machining operations[29]. The large quan- steel under dry, flooded, and MQL cutting fluid delivery
tity of cutting fluids applied to the machining zone are able methods. The authors found that the machining performance
to remove the excess heat and provide lubrication. Flooded of flooded cooling in terms of surface roughness, tool wear,
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 7
8 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 9 Machining performance comparison between dry, cryogenic, cryogenic MQL, flooded, and MQL methods for a thrust force, b surface
roughness, c microhardness, and d tool flank wear [33]
observed in terms of surface roughness and tool life even at lattice structures arranged in layers for improvement in
critical pressure as shown in Fig. 14. terms of friction and minimizing tool wear under extreme
Nasr et al. [40] used high-pressure jet cooling in nickel- machining operations [42–44]. Solid lubricants were able to
based superalloy turning at different level of cutting speeds withstand extreme temperature due to their high chemical
and feed rates and found that 70 bar of coolant delivery pres- inertness and low volatility. Moreover, as shown in Fig. 15,
sure was the optimum pressure to produce best tool life, tool solid lubricant consisting of dry powder contains lamellar
wear, and material removal rates along with selected cutting structures which are parallel to the direction of the motion
parameters. causing the lamella layers to shear resulting in lower fric-
tion [45].
2.4 Machining under solid coolant/lubricant In related study, machining performance of molybde-
num disulfide ( MoS2) nanolubricant during CNC milling
Solid lubricant is an attempt of lubrication and cooling using operation of aerospace grade aluminum was investigated by
solid materials in machining which consisted of organic and Rahmati et al. [46]. They found that using 1 wt% of MoS2
inorganic compounds or metal flakes. There are variety of nanolubricant at a pressure of 4 bar and 30° nozzle orienta-
materials with the inherent lubricating capability which can tion resulted in the best machining force, while at 0.5 wt%
be used as solid lubricant such as molybdenum disulfide of MoS2 nanolubricant at 4 bar of pressure and 60° nozzle
(MoS2), graphite, and polytetrafluoroethylene [41]. Solid orientation yields best surface quality. Zalaznik et al. [47]
lubricant is usually delivered in dry powder form which performed an investigation on the effect of type, size, and
contains lubricant additives due to the nature of their crystal concentration of solid lubricants using MoS2 and tungsten
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 9
10 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 13 Tool wear performance of internal cooled tools at various coolant pressure [39]
of cryogenic cooling during any machining process is able to machining, the overall machining performance was signifi-
significantly improve machining quality and reduces manu- cantly improved in terms of surface roughness, tool wear,
facturing costs. and chip thickness with better health and environmental
Many researchers investigated the effectiveness of cryo- benefits as shown in Fig. 18.
genic cooling in machining [53–59]. Sivaiah and Chakradhar The characterization of machinability and environmental
[60] investigated the effect of cryogenic coolant on turning impact of cryogenic turning of titanium alloy conducted by
of 17–4 PH stainless steel and compared the performance Damir et al. [61] found that cryogenic coolant performed
of cryogenic coolant to that of MQL, flooded, and dry better than flooded coolant by decreasing 15% cutting forces,
machining. They found that under cryogenic coolant-assisted and better surface finish and tool life were also obtained.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 11
12 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 17 Cryogenic nozzle layout and cryogenic machining cooling setup [52]
allow the surface to be lubricated, reducing temperature lack of coolant or lubrication on the surface of machining
at tool surface, thus improving tool life and surface finish tool and workpiece, more friction, heat, and adhesion were
of the final product [67–73]. Dry machining was the first generated which results in high level of abrasion, diffu-
alternative method in manufacturing which eliminates cut- sion, and lower surface finish and tool life [74, 75]. Thus,
ting fluids during machining process. However, due to the many researchers have been conducting studies on using
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 13
Fig. 20 a, b Effect of cryogenic and dry machining on microhardness improvement of magnesium alloy [62]
alternative methods of conventional cutting fluids applica- The reduction of coolant allows for minimizing the total
tions such as flooded and minimum quantity lubrication energy consumption and manufacturing costs [91–93].
techniques [76,77,78,79,80]. Conventional application of Machining fluid accounts to about 20% of the total man-
cutting fluids such as flooded machining and dry machin- ufacturing cost; therefore, optimum use of cutting fluids
ing have been questioned for their sustainability in the became the top priority to maximize the profit in any manu-
machining industries which caused numerous environmen- facturing industries [8]. Two types of MQL were identified,
tal issues and health and safety concerns [81–86]. Hence, namely internal and external mist supply as shown in Fig. 21.
throughout the years, there are increasing number of stud- External application involves spraying lubricant directed at
ies of MQL fluid delivery method for optimum supply of the tool–workpiece interface which requires manual adjust-
cutting fluids during machining to effectively reduce man- ment of spray nozzle angle and positions. However, inter-
ufacturing costs and improve the machinability [87–90]. nal application requires specialized tool pieces that allows
The MQL cutting fluid delivery technique, which can also lubricant to be delivered through the cutting tool itself via
be referred as microlubrications or near-dry lubrications, internal through channels integrated in the tool [91].
involves significantly reduced lubricant/coolant which are Internal MQL application during drilling process can
hybrid coolant or water-based coolant delivered from the improve the chip removal efficiency for conventional
nozzle of a spray to the cutting zone via compressed air as mass production applications [94]. A comparative study
delivering medium. Cutting fluids are usually sprayed at between internal spray cooling and conventional external
the cutting zone in mist form which function as both cool- cooling in the drilling of Inconel 718 was conducted by
ant and lubrication at the tool–workpiece interface [7–9]. Qin et al. [95]. They found that internal spray cooling
14 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 21 a, b External and internal supply of MQL configurations for drilling [91]
is able to significantly reduce thrust force and improve 3.1 MQL machining on steel
tool life by two times over conventional external cooling.
As a result, more stable surface roughness and accuracy Steel has been the most popular metal used in industries for
of hole diameter were achieved. The MQL technique decades. Thus, MQL techniques has been widely applied in
evolved and improved throughout the years of studies. machining of steel for manufacturing and research. A sum-
These includes but not limited to usages of cutting fluids, mary of the MQL machining of steel under different machin-
search of optimum machining parameters suitable for the ing operation is presented in Table 1.
MQL method in various types of machining, and the suit- Many researchers (Choudhury and Dhar [106], Dhar
ability of MQL techniques in different types of metals and et al. [96], Saha et al. [107], Uysal et al. [108], Garcia
alloys which are presented in Figs. 22, 23, and 24. et al. [68], and Gupta et al. [109]) conducted experimen-
tal studies and concluded that the application of MQL
in machining of steel were able to improve final surface
roughness effectively. Dhar et al. [53] investigated the
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 15
16 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
their performance evaluation on aluminum drilling under The MQL technique was also able to reduce the formation
the influence of MQL where the nanofluid MQL technique of built-up edges (BUE) and decreased chip thickness as
showed best results in terms of surface roughness, cutting compared to wet and dry machining. Shukla et al. [97] con-
forces, and tool wear compared to dry and flooded machin- ducted experiments to study the characterization of vegeta-
ing. Sumaiya Islam et al. [115] carried out experimental ble oil as lubricant on CNC milling of aluminum 6061 under
studies on the development of low-cost MQL setup for dry, flood, and MQL cutting fluid delivery methods. In the
the turning operations of aluminum alloy 6061. Different research, they found that surface roughness and tool wear
variations of depth of cut and cutting speed along with cut- were significantly improved under MQL-assisted cooling
ting environments such as dry, flooded, and MQL condi- techniques on aluminum milling at lower cutting speeds.
tions were used to evaluate the cutting performance of each Another study completed by Zhu et al. [117] investigated the
parameter. The authors concluded that the performance of temperature distribution on the tools during MQL-assisted
the MQL technique provided lower surface roughness and aluminum drilling using different cutting parameters. The
tool wear values at lower cutting temperature due to the study showed that the MQL coolant delivery system was
improvement of lubrication penetration and chip flushing. able to better reduce cutting temperature when compared to
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 17
Table 1 Process parameters used during steel MQL machining using various machining operations
Ref Material Machining Lubrication Cutting speed Feed (mm/min) Depth of cut Responses
process (m/min) (mm)
[53] (2006) C60 steel Turning MQL 110 0.20 2.0 Surface roughness,
tool wear
[99] (2014) AISI 4340 steel Turning MQL 100, 125, 150 0.088 0.3 Tool wear, tool life
[98 (2014) 15 HRC mild Milling MQL 160, 225, 300 – 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 Surface rough-
steel ness, machining
[12] (2018) EN 353 steel Turning MQL 73.3, 115.19, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 Cutting tempera-
157.08 ture
[100] (2019) AISI 304 steel Turning MQL 100, 150 300, 400, 500 n/a Surface roughness,
tool wear, chip
[101] (2019) AISI D6 steel Turning MQL 160, 190, 250, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.05 Tool life, tool wear
310, 340 0.20, 0.25 mechanisms, sur-
face roughness
[102] (2019) AISI 4340 steel Milling MQL 251.37, 376.99 0.05, 0.066 0.5 Surface roughness,
resultant force
[103] (2019) 300 steel Milling MQL 100, 200 0.02, 0.1 1.0, 2.0 Machining force,
surface rough-
[104] (2020) EN24 steel Turning MQL 80, 160, 240 0.04, 0.08, 0.12 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 Surface roughness
[105] (2021) EN47 steel Turning MQL 256, 399, 625 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2 Surface roughness
dry and air-cooling conditions. Kannan et al. [116] reported better surface finish and longer tool life. Cagan et al. [119]
that the MQL techniques improved cutting forces, surface investigated the surface roughness and chip morphology of
roughness, and tool wears in comparison to dry and flooded aluminum alloy in dry and MQL machining. They found
machining in turning of unreinforced aluminum alloy as from their experimental results that the surface quality was
shown in Figs. 27, 28, and 29. improved by 15% under MQL conditions in comparison to
Abas et al. [118] studied the optimization of machining dry machining as shown in Fig. 30, and MQL techniques
parameters such as depth of cut, feed rate, cutting speed, were more environmentally friendly and provided better
and positive rake angle which affect surface roughness, tool machining quality than dry machining.
life, and material removal rate of aluminum alloy under In a more recent study, Javidikia et al. [120] reported the
MQL-assisted turning process. They found that MQL was effect of turning environments and machining parameters
more efficient in comparison to dry machining in terms of on the surface finish of aluminum alloy at low-speed and
18 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
[112] (2008) 6061 aluminum Turning MQL 400 0.15 1.0 Surface roughness,
tool wear, cutting
[113] (2012) EN AC46000 Drilling MQL 140, 170, 200 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 250 Machining tem-
aluminum perature
[114] (2016) 6063 aluminum Drilling MQL 30, 53.7 60 20 Drilling thrust
force, drilling
torque, surface
roughness, tool
[115] (2017) 6061 aluminum Turning MQL 300, 420, 700 0.15 1.0, 1.5 Surface roughness,
tool wear
[97] (2020) 6061 aluminum Drilling MQL 100, 200, 300 0.045, 0.0675, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 Surface roughness,
0.09 tool wear
[116] (2020) 7075 aluminum Turning MQL 150, 250 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 n/a Cutting force, sur-
face roughness,
tool wear
[117] (2020) AA2024 alu- Drilling MQL 60, 80, 100, 120 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 n/a Drilling thrust
minum force, drilling
torque, machin-
ing temperature,
tool wear
[118] (2020) 6026 aluminum Turning MQL 400, 500, 600, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 Surface roughness,
700 tool life, material
removal rate
[119] (2020) AL7075-T6 Turning MQL 400, 450, 500 0.1 1 Surface roughness,
aluminum chip morphology
[120] (2020) 6061-T6 alu- Turning MQL 145, 350, 650, 0.07, 0.12, 0.19, 0.66, 1.0, 1.5, Surface roughness,
minum 950, 1155 0.26, 0.31 2.0, 2.34 residual stress,
high-speed turning. The machining was carried out under feed rates had significant effects in MQL turning environ-
dry, wet, and minimum quantity lubrication environments ments especially at high cutting speed. The MQL cooling
combined with various cutting speed, feed rate, and depth
of cut. They found that changing of cutting speeds and
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 19
Fig. 28 Surface roughness comparison between dry and MQL-assisted aluminum alloy turning at cutting speed of 150 m/min (a) and 250 m/min
(b) [116]
method also produced lower surface roughness value on 3.3 MQL machining on alloys and hybrid
the aluminum workpieces; thus, it is recommended as the composites
most eco-friendly cooling methods in machining.
The MQL technique is also applicable in the case of metal
alloys which has prompted several researches summarized
in Table 3 over the years by various authors [123, 130–134].
20 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 30 Surface roughness performance of dry and MQL-assisted aluminum alloy machining [119]
Table 3 Process parameters used during MQL machining of alloys using various operations
Ref Material Machining Lubrication Cutting speed Feed rate (mm/ Depth of cut Responses
process (m/min) min) (mm)
[121] (2002) A356 alloy Drilling MQL 300 0.1, 0.2 – Tool wear, cutting
forces, power
surface rough-
[122] (2009) AISI 9310 alloy Turning MQL 223, 246, 348, 0.10, 0.13, 0.16, 1.0 Chip formation,
483 0.18 tool wear, surface
[123] (2018) Incoloy 800 Turning MQL 40, 50, 60 0.033, 0.066, 0.50, 0.75, 1.0 Surface roughness,
0.132 tool wear
[124] (2018) Inconel 718 alloy Turning MQL 40, 50, 60 0.08, 0.125, 0.16 0.3 Cutting force, tool
wear, surface
[125] (2020) Inconel 718 alloy Milling MQL 25.1 0.05 0.4 Surface roughness
[126] (2020) CFRP Drilling MQL 90 0.2-8 1.0, 4.0, 7.0, Drilling thrust
12.0 force, drilling
torque, delami-
nation, hole
[127] (2020) Inconel 625 alloy Turning MQL 50, 75, 100 0.12 0.5 Tool wear, machin-
ing temperature,
surface rough-
ness, chip mor-
[128] (2020) TC4 alloy Milling MQL 600, 1200, 1800, n/a 0.2 Cutting force,
2400 surface rough-
ness, surface
[129] (2020) Inconel 718 alloy Milling MQL 65, 80, 95 0.1, 0.15, 0.20 0.4 Surface roughness,
surface topogra-
phy, microhard-
ness, residual
Braga et al. [121] studied the use of diamond-coated tools decreased cutting temperature, reduced tool flank wear
on drilling of aluminum–silicon alloy (A356) with MQL which results in better tool life, and provided better end sur-
and flooded cooling techniques. It was concluded that MQL face finishes compared to dry and flooded machining. More-
produced better performance in terms of surface roughness over, Gutnichenko et al. [124] studied the effect of MQL-
and tool life. Khan et al. [122] concluded in their experi- assisted machining performance on Alloy 718 turning. They
ment of the MQL lubrication technique on AISI 9310 alloy noticed effective improvement in tool life, surface finish, and
steel turning where MQL improved overall machinability, machining stability under MQL machining. Joshi et al. [123]
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 21
conducted experiment involving performance comparison of impacts on surface roughness, surface topography, residual
dry, flooded, and MQL turning operations on Incoloy 800. stress, microhardness, and microstructures. They con-
The results showed in Fig. 31 that in MQL cooling condition cluded that the biodegradable oil-based MQL approach on
provided minimal surface roughness value and noticeable nickel-based alloys had improvements in surface integrity
gain in tool life of the uncoated tungsten carbide tool. and microhardness over dry milling and mineral oil-based
Moreover, Nagaraj et al. [126] established that the MQL milling.
technique was considered as an alternative cooling delivery
method for process performance in carbon fiber-reinforced 3.4 MQL machining of titanium alloys
polymer (CFRP) drilling besides dry and cryogenic environ-
ments. They concluded in the study that the MQL method In recent years, researchers had been investigating the appli-
was able to reduce the delamination factor at the drilled cations of MQL machining in titanium alloys to reduce
hole entrance and exit while producing higher accuracy hole cost, usage of coolant, and sustainability of the method
diameter compared to dry machining. Yıldırım et al. [127] [135–137]. Table 4 shows the summary of recent journals
compared the performance of MQL, cryogenic cooling, and published regarding the usage of the MQL cooling technique
cryoMQL cooling on tool life, surface roughness, and chip in the machining of titanium alloys.
morphology of nickel-based 625 alloy machining as shown A study on microdrilling performance with dry, wet,
in Fig. 32. It revealed that the significant reduction of surface and MQL cutting fluid delivery methods was performed by
roughness, cutting temperature, and tool degradation were Davis et al. [138]. They found in their research that ionic
recorded in the experiment performed under cryoMQL. liquid-based MQL successfully improved tool life by 60%
Ni and Zhu [128] investigated the machining characteris- when compared to dry machining during commercially
tic of TC4 alloy under ultrasonic vibration-assisted milling available grade 2 pure titanium turning. Qin et al. [140]
(UVAM) and economical–environmental MQL technology. found that MQL was able to improve tool life by up to 88%
The results showed that UVAM-MQL produced improved while obtaining low cutting temperature and good surface
surface roughness by 10 to 30% and reduction of cutting finish during turning of TC11 titanium alloy as shown in
force by 30 to 55% as compared to UVAM. De Oliveira et al. Fig. 34. MQL was opted for less cutting fluid utilization
[125] also studied the influence of cutting fluid applications while still being able to perform similarly to flood cooling.
under dry and pulsed MQL delivery on the surface quality of Venkata Ramana [139] performed a study on the effect
micromilled slots on Inconel 718 alloys. Conclusions were of cutting parameters on the surface roughness during tita-
made where surface roughness was significantly improved nium alloy turning under dry, flooded, and MQL condi-
from MQL coolant delivery compared to dry machining by tions. It was concluded that MQL showed superior results
approximately 60% which is shown in Fig. 33. in terms of cutting performance when compared to dry and
Zahoor et al. [129] studied the sustainability assess- flooded machining conditions. In another study, Niketh et al.
ment of cutting fluids under dry, flooded, and MQL cooling [98] concluded that the cutting thrust force was reduced
approaches through comparative surface integrity evalua- effectively by 15–19% in MQL machining as compared to
tion of Inconel 718 milling. Dry milling, mineral oil-based flooded machining. Both MQL and flood machining allowed
flooded lubrication, and synthetic vegetable ester biode- the reduction in tool–workpiece contact length and chip
gradable oil-flooded lubrication were deployed to find their removal and improved the lubrication effect at the cutting
22 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Fig. 32 Machining performance comparison between MQL, cryo, and cryoMQL for a surface roughness, b cutting temperature, and c tool wear
area. However, MQL was opted where energy consumption Khatri and Jahan [141] investigated the effect of dry, flood,
in terms of cutting fluids was minimized and sustainable and MQL conditions on tool wear in machining of titanium alloy
machining is achieved. Moreover, Sartori et al. [49] con- and stated that MQL performed the best in terms of tool wear.
cluded that solid lubricant-assisted MQL machining were A study by Shokrani et al. [52] on end milling machining of
able to effectively reduce crater wear and nose wear of cut- grade 5 titanium alloy using flooded, MQL, and hybrid cryo-
ting inserts and best surface roughness were achieved as genic MQL conditions with coated solid carbide tools showed
shown in Fig. 35. promising results in tool life improvement and surface finish due
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 23
Table 4 Process parameters used during MQL machining of titanium alloys using various operations
Ref Material Machining Lubrication Cutting speed (m/ Feed rate (mm/ Depth of cut Responses
process min) min) (mm)
[138] (2015) Grade 2 titanium Turning MQL 120 0.05 0.1 Cutting force, tool
alloy wear, surface
[139] (2016) Ti6Al4V alloy Turning MQL 63, 79, 99 0.206, 0.274, 0.6, 1.0, 1.6 Surface roughness,
[140] (2016) TC11 alloy Turning MQL 80 0.1 0.75 Cutting force,
machining tem-
perature, surface
[49] (2018) Ti6Al4V ELI Turning MQL 80 0.2 0.25 Tool wear, surface
alloy roughness
[98] (2018) Ti6Al4V alloy Drilling MQL 60 0.07 n/a Coefficient of fric-
tion, tool wear,
drilling thrust
force, drilling
[141] (2018) Ti6Al4V alloy Milling MQL 50 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 Tool wear
[142] (2019) Ti6Al4V ELI Turning MQL 55, 80, 105 0.1 1.0 Surface rough-
alloy ness, machining
temperature, chip
morphology, tool
[143] (2019) Ti6Al4V alloy Turning MQL 60, 120, 180, 240 0.05, 0.10 0.25 Tool wear
[144] (2020) CFRP/Ti6Al4V Drilling MQL 15, 30, 45, 60 0.025, 0.050, 1.5 Drilling force,
alloy 0.075, 0.100 drilling torque,
surface rough-
[145] (2020) Ti6Al4V alloy Milling MQL 23.6, 31.4, 39.3, 30, 60, 90 0.075 Tool wear, surface
47.1, 55.0 roughness,
residual stress
to sufficient lubrication which reduced friction wear and adhe- milling under dry, flooded, and MQL techniques and they con-
sion. Rahman et al. [142] reported that a nanofluid-aided MQL cluded that MQL lubrication significantly improved tool wear
technique reduced overall tool wear of the cutting inserts during and machinability. Flank wear, rake wear, formation of built-up
biomedical grade titanium alloy turning. An et al. [6] performed edges, and chip adhesion on the cutting tool were reduced under
a surface roughness and tool life analysis of titanium alloy side the MQL lubrication method as shown in Fig. 36.
24 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
On the other hand, Khaliq et al. [145] performed a lubrications were able to reduce the cutting tool radius incre-
tool wear, surface quality, and residual stress analysis on ment rate and improve flank wear by 26.2% compared to
micromachined additive manufactured titanium alloy dry machining with the increase in cutting speeds and con-
under dry and MQL conditions. They concluded that MQL stant feed rate. Improvement on surface roughness and tool
Fig. 36 Microscope view on tool wear comparison between dry and mql milling of Ti6Al4V [6]
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 25
Fig. 38 Flank wear (VBB) of cemented carbide (H13A) and PCD tools in function to the length of cut in dry condition (a, b)) and MQL condi-
tion (c, d)) with feed rates of 0.1 and 0.05 mm/rev [143]
26 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
parameters. On the other hand, high profitability can only Raina and Anand [147] with different concentration of nano-
be achieved by ideal use of resources and maintaining low particles in addition to PAO oil. The study revealed that
cost of production. Machining coolant accounts for around the addition of 0.2 wt% of diamond nanoparticles to PAO
10–17% of the total manufacturing cost which is shown in synthetic oil was able to substantially reduce coefficient of
pie chart of Fig. 39. Therefore, the optimum use of cutting friction and adhesion wear on machining tools due to the
fluids becomes priority to minimize the total cost in manu- reduction of sliding contacts between tool–workpiece inter-
facturing industries [91]. Generally, a water-soluble-based face and smoothening of sharp asperities. In another study
oil or chemically synthesized oil is used as a coolant to cool by Lopes et al. [148] on the application of wheel cleaning
and lubricate at the material–tool interface[146]. These system during alumina grinding under semi-synthetic oil
advantages make it widely usable in various industrial MQL delivered through air jet showed that flooded machin-
applications. Therefore, many researchers are continuously ing provided the optimal experimental results. However, the
investigating the use of coolants and lubricants to enhance delivery of the semi-synthetic oil under MQL at air jet angle
the machining performances under different coolant delivery of 30° showed similar results to flooded cooling, with the
methods. increase of grinding wheel diameter by 83% and improve-
Lubrication performance of diamond nanoparticles mixed ment of surface roughness and power consumption by 53%
with synthetic oil on steel machining were investigated by and 22% respectively. De Oliveira et al. [149] studied the
influence of graphene platelet concentration in semi-syn-
thetic oil on the grinding performance of Inconel 718 alloy
using dry, flooded, and MQL techniques. The addition of
graphene of 0.05% in the semi-synthetic emulsifiable Vasco
7000 oil performed the best in terms of surface roughness
under MQL condition compared to dry and flooded machin-
ing as shown in Fig. 40.
Rajeshkumar and Ramesh [150] performed an investiga-
tion on design and optimization of machining parameters of
MQL titanium alloy milling under dry, water-based MQL
(MQL-W), vegetable-castor oil-based MQL (MQL-V), and
synthetic ester oil-based MQL (MQL-S). The effect of feed
rate and cutting speed on surface roughness, tool wear, and
coefficient of frictions were also investigated with the com-
binations of the lubrication techniques. They found that the
combinations of MQL-S, 0.4 mm/rev feed rate, and cutting
speed of 25 mm/min were able to generate the optimum
Fig. 39 Numerical proportions of manufacturing costs [91] machining performance in terms of cutting force, surface
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 27
roughness, tool wear, and coefficient of friction. Moreo- problems are suffered by machine operators who frequently
ver, Liu et al. [146] studied a performance evaluation of expose to conventional cutting fluids [153]. According to
blended castor oil and ethanol under MQL delivery for AISI report by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
304 steel. Surface roughness, tool wear, and surface hard- (IARC), petroleum-based cutting fluids lead to occupational
ness analyses were performed under the comparison of dry, skin cancer as it contains carcinogenic heterocyclic and pol-
flooded, castor oil MQL (VMQL), ethanol MQL (EMQL), yaromatic rings [154]. Besides, the growth of bacteria in the
and blended coolant (BMQL) methods. They found that cutting fluids obviously lead to the presence of microbial
BMQL reduced overall surface roughness by more than populations, especially endotoxins in the workplace atmos-
4.5% in comparison to other cooling methods. It was also phere. Thus, proper disposal plan is needed for conventional
found that BMQL reduced the flank wear and crater wear of cutting fluid due to their toxicity and nonbiodegradability
the carbide tool by 7.72% as shown in Fig. 41. traits. Due to above reasons, disposal cost of conventional
De Moraes et al. [151] studied the performance of two cutting fluids is higher than the biodegradable cutting fluids.
types of commercially available cutting fluids in pure form In fact, additional space is also required for storing and pro-
and diluted form for the grinding process of SAE 52100 steel cessing of contaminated conventional cutting fluids [155].
under the MQL cutting fluid delivery technique. Different Moreover, for all the reasons mentioned, biodegradable flu-
ratios of fluid dilutions were used, namely 1:0 (pure oil), 1:1 ids that are capable of being broken down by bacteria or
(50% water), 1:3 (75% water), and 1:5 (83% water) for MQL microorganism without causing harm to the environment are
fluid system, while 1:32 (97% water) dilution of cutting fluid generally chosen [156]. One of the suitable candidates for
was used for flooded system as performance comparison. biodegradable cutting fluids is natural vegetable oil.
The authors concluded that the MQL system was viable as
an alternative method of coolant delivery to replace flood 4.2 Vegetable oil used as cutting fluid in machining
coolant system due to the factor of extremely low amount
of coolant required and ease of disposal of contaminated Due to rising awareness and concern of health and safety,
cutting fluids. The author also found that increase of water the demand for alternative replacement for conventional
content in the diluted oil (83% water content) improved the cutting lubricants for manufacturing industries has been
surface quality of the workpiece and reduced the tempera- ongoing for several years. Most of the oils used in MQL in
ture, wheel clogging, scratches, plowing, and rubbing during recent days consist of synthetic fatty alcohols obtained from
machining process. vegetables and mineral oils [157, 158]. However, research-
Conventional cutting fluids are effective ways to cool ers have been indulging in various possibilities of lubricant
and lubricate the cutting zone; however, they also result in types which contain biodegradable and stable characteristics
several ecological problems. One of which are they often under decent loads for longer service life of the lubricant.
generates airborne mists, smoke, and other particles in the Based on the law restriction, the harmful contents of cutting
workshop’s atmosphere. Due to the toxicity nature of the oil are required to be minimized or removed to an acceptable
mists, conventional cutting fluids create health problems for level to reduce the adverse environmental impact. Therefore,
the machining operators and lead to environmental pollu- sustainability and biodegradability of the cutting fluids are
tion. Exposure to conventional cutting fluid had resulted in important aspects to be considered in manufacturing indus-
80% of occupational infection among the contractors [152]. tries. One of the more viable options are natural oils, specifi-
The potential severe health problems including respiratory cally vegetable oils such as coconut, rapeseed, sunflower,
diseases, lung cancer, genetic disease, and dermatological castor, canola, and palm oils due to their properties of having
28 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
the ability to provide superior lubrications during metal and acid-aided palm kernel oil yielded better surface roughness
alloy machining while being biodegradable, non-toxic, and compared to conventional mineral-based oil in MQL turn-
easily obtainable anywhere in the world. Table 5 shows the ing of AISI 431 steel. They suggested that vegetable oil was
summary of works by various authors on the use of vegeta- able to reduce the environmental impact as well as the risk
ble oil in machining. of health and safety of operators. As shown in Fig. 42, Fer-
Agrawal and Patil [160] reported that vegetable oil was nando et al. [167] used coconut oil-based metal cutting fluids
a potential replacement of conventional cutting fluid on M2 as MQL coolant in AISI 304 stainless steel turning. They
steel machining under the MQL technique. Furthermore, determined that surface finish and tool wear were improved
they recommended that aloe vera oil was the most suitable using coconut oil-based cutting fluid in comparison to stand-
vegetable oil as it produced better surface roughness and ard emulsion mineral oil.
tool wear in steel machining while also being environmen- Moreover, Lal Virdi et al. [168] found that nanofluid veg-
tally friendly. Ghatge et al. [161] concluded that coconut etable oil MQL for Inconel 718 grinding performed the best
and neem oil demonstrated promising results in improving with reference to surface roughness, machining energy, and
machinability of stainless steel, producing better surface coefficient of friction when compared to dry and flooded
roughness and lower tool wear when compared to mineral machining. Khunt et al. [169] concluded that vegetable oil-
oil. Another study by Mahadi et al. [159] showed that boric based MQL (sunflower oil) were able to effectively improve
Table 5 Process parameter used during MQL machining using vegetable oil-based cutting fluids
Ref Material Machining Lubrication Cutting speed Feed rate (mm/ Depth of cut Responses
process (m/min) min) (mm)
[159] (2017) AISI 431 steel Turning MQL 150, 200 0.16, 0.24 0.5, 1.0 Surface roughness
[160] (2018) M2 steel Turning MQL 52.36, 83.78, 0.18, 0.27, 0.36 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 Surface rough-
130.90 ness, tool wear
[161] (2018) AISI 2205 stain- Turning MQL 100, 150, 200 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 Tool wear, surface
less steel roughness, cut-
ting temperature
[162] (2019) Ti-6Al-4V ELI Grinding Dry, MQL 22 3000 0.1 Specific grinding
alloy energy, coeffi-
cient of friction,
surface rough-
ness, grinding
[163] (2020) Ti-6Al-4V alloy EDM Dielectric Fluid – – – Surface roughness
[164] (2020) AISI H13 steel Grinding MQL 39.25 10 15 Surface rough-
ness, grinding
grinding force,
specific energy.
[165] (2020) SAE 1045 steel, AFM Abrasive Flow – – – Surface roughness
6061-T6 alu-
[166] (2020) 7050-T7451 Milling Wet 150 0.012 0.060 Cutting force, tool
aluminum wear, surface
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 29
thrust force, torque, and surface roughness at higher cutting steel SAE 1045 workpieces under abrasive flow machining
speed during drilling as shown in Fig. 43. Moreover, they process using oiticica vegetable oil with mixture of abrasive
reported that vegetable oil-based metal-working fluids have particles. They found that the developed paste based on the
the potential as an effective alternative metal-working fluid oiticica oil used on the machining of steel and aluminum was
over castor oil for flood cooling or MQL that can effectively able to reduce the surface roughness and chip accumulation.
enhance machining performance during drilling operations. In another research completed by Chanes De Souza et al.
In terms of vegetable oil application in titanium alloy [166], the authors studied the influence of fatty acid content
machining, there are several investigations performed by in vegetable oil-based (VO) MWFs on the lubrication film
various authors. For example, Deiab et al. [170] found that formation in micromilling process of aluminum alloy. High-
vegetable oil specifically rapeseed oil in both MQL and oleic fatty acid (HOFA) and mild-oleic fatty acid (MOFA)
MQCL setups was the most sustainable option over synthetic based sunflower oil were used in the micromilling process
coolants. Rao et al. [171] used coconut oil in the develop- with the combination of cutting parameters of 150 m/min
ment of novel cutting tool in titanium alloy turning where cutting speed, 0.012 mm/z feed per tooth, and 0.060 mm
positive results were obtained in terms of tool wear, cutting depth of cut. The authors concluded that HOFA produced
temperature, and surface roughness. Moreover, Singh et al. better lubricating film which resulted in improved protec-
[162] found that nanographene additive-aided canola oil tion compared to MOFA. They also found that VO-HOFA
reduced grinding energy and achieved green manufacturing and VO-MOFA showed similar tool wear performance and
due to its high content of fatty acids, high heat capacity, and improved surface finish of micromilled aluminum alloy in
decent fluid viscosity. The usage of jojoba oil with the addi- comparison to commercial emulsion as shown in Fig. 44.
tion of nanoparticles in Ti-6Al-4V alloy hard turning was
investigated by Gaurav et al. [172] where conclusions were 4.3 Palm oil as MQL cutting fluid in metal
made that jojoba oil showed promising results in cutting machining
force, surface roughness and tool wear improvements. Sin-
garavel et al. [163] investigated the use of vegetable oils such Palm oil, commercially known as Elaesis quineenis, is one
as sunflower, canola, and jatropha oils as dielectric machin- of the main agricultural crops produced in Malaysia which
ing fluids in titanium alloy EDM machining. Conclusion thrives in a hot tropical climate [173]. Therefore, due to the
was made that vegetable oil was suitable replacement for exquisite amount of oil palm crops, palm oil production has
conventional dielectric fluids with similar properties. More- become Malaysia’s largest export and production for dec-
over, vegetable oils were eco-friendly and biodegradable, ades. According to statistics, Malaysia exported a total of
showing sustainable machining. Furthermore, Awale et al. 17.3 million tonnes of the total world oil palm production
[164] used groundnut oil as MQL lubricant in AISI H13 in year 2020 and 18.4 million tonnes in the year 2019 as
steel grinding to determine its effect on grinding tempera- shown in Fig. 45. Therefore, Malaysia is known to be one
ture, surface roughness, specific energy, and grinding force. of the largest palm oil production and export countries in
At 4 bar of pressure, 200 ML/H flow rate and diameter of the Southeast Asia region together with Indonesia [174].
50 mm settings showed the best performance in the grinding Palm oil contains approximately 50% saturated fatty acids,
process. Munhoz et al. [165] analyzed the surface roughness 40% monosaturated fatty acids, and 10% polyunsaturated
(Ra, Rq, and Rz) of aluminum 6061-T6 and medium carbon fatty acids. Palm oil and its components are generally used
Fig. 43 a, b Resultant surface roughness and thrust force from dry, flooded, synthetic oil MQL, and vegetable oil MQL [169]
30 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
in production of daily living product and foods such as veg- cutting fluids in machining industries [177–180,181]. Palm
etable-based cooking oil, soaps, shortenings, and confec- oil is one of the recent choices from list of vegetable oils to
tionery products. The versatility and adaptability of palm be studied as potential low cost, efficient cutting fluids for
oil to different applications are the result of its chemical MQL-assisted machining. It is considered an environmen-
composition [175]. tally friendly vegetable-based oil with the high potential to
In previous research works performed by various authors, be used as cutting fluid due to its high content of triglycer-
palm oil had been proved to be a promising potential replace- ides and polarity which contribute to good heat absorption
ment to synthetic oils which is more superior to conventional film for heat removal from tool workpiece area [182]. Rahim
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 31
and Sasahara [135] reported that PO-MQL produced bet- flooded coolant, and pure palm oil (MPO) were used as
ter overall performance in terms of preserving tool life in metal-working fluid. They concluded that 0.9%-MAPO
Ti alloys machining compared to synthetic oil. The utiliza- were able to improve coated solid carbide tool wear by
tion of PO-MQL allowed for lower generated temperatures 19.35% over flooded cooling and 10.71% over MPO cool-
and thrust forces due to formation of thin lubrication film ing respectively.
from its triglyceride contents between the tool–workpiece
interfaces. It was concluded that PO was a viable candidate
for substitution of synthetic oil as MQL fluids due to its 5 Summary
biodegradability and excellent lubrication performance. In
another study done by Li et al. [183], it was concluded that As machining represents a major part of manufacturing
PO-MQL was able to generate the lowest temperature and industries in terms of producing quality products, it involves
cutting forces which lead to tool life improvements due to the machine parameters, lubricants, and the environment.
the presence of unsaturated fatty acid and viscosity proper- Due to the focus on ecological pollution and health and
ties compared to other vegetable oils. A recent study by Sen safety issues, manufacturing industries were required to
et al. [184] on synergistic effect of silica nanoparticles and implement environmentally friendly machining techniques
pure palm oil in the machining performance of Inconel 690 in their operations. Therefore, minimum quantity lubrica-
showed that 1% addition of silica deposits in palm oil (1%- tions have been gaining significant attention throughout the
MQNGL) was able to substantially improve surface rough- years due to its capability as a cooling delivery solution to
ness, reduce resultant cutting force and cutting tempera- enhance the heat transfer and lubrication performance for
ture, and enhance tool life due to the formation of tribo-film machining operations. This paper represents a comprehen-
between the tool–workpiece interface as shown in Fig. 46. sive review of published articles concerning on the recent
Sen et al. [185] investigated alumina-enriched palm oil- progresses on application of MQL in different metal machin-
based MQL lubrication condition on the wear behavior of ing techniques, the machining performance of MQL, and the
Ti-Al-N-coated solid carbide tools in end milling of Inconel sustainability characteristics of MQL lubrication delivery
690 where 0.9% alumina-deposited palm oil (0.9%-MAPO), using synthetic oil and vegetable oil in various machining
32 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
process such as drilling, milling, grinding, and turning. The enhance the effect of MQL delivery as a cost-saving and
summary is outlined as follows: eco-friendly method of lubrication and cooling. A sum-
marized view of usage of vegetable oil-based metal-
1. In terms of sustainable manufacturing, the MQL method working fluids in MQL machining is shown in Table 7.
shows significant improvements for manufacturing indus-
tries in terms of environmental friendliness and compliance
to health and safety regulations. It is a more cost-efficient
method of cooling and lubrication as a metal-working fluid, 3. Tool wears such as flank wear, crater wear, and built-up
and it generally reduces the usage of coolants by more than edges on cutting tools along with machining forces and
half the amount used in flooded cooling as shown in Table 6. coefficient of friction were significantly reduced by using
Due to excellent heat removal and dissipation capability of minimum quantity lubrication due to better penetration
the MQL method, similar or lower resultant surface rough- of machining fluid at the tool–chip interaction zone.
ness and cutting temperature can be achieved under MQL 4. The paper not only showed the potential advancements of
environment with the combination of optimum machining MQL methods but also focused on using cryogenic liq-
parameters such as cutting speeds, feed rates, and depth of uids and vegetable-based oils in MQL delivery to improve
cuts as compared to dry and flooded machining conditions. the performance of various machining operations.
5. Palm oil has good potentials to be an alternative cut-
ting fluid in MQL machining to the conventional and
commercially available metal-working fluids. Table 8
2. The natural properties of vegetable-based metal-work- summarizes the current usage of palm oil in machining
ing fluids provide similar or more superior lubrications processes as lubricant. However, it is noticed that there
during any metal, alloys, or hybrid composites machin- is a lack of research in using palm oil as cutting fluid
ing due to its biodegradable, non-toxic, and easily dis- which triggers the need of additional investigations to
posable natures. These vegetable oils can also further be done to further explore its capabilities.
Table 6 Benefits for using MQL cooling delivery methods in different machining operations
References Machined material Machining process Mode of lubrication Findings
Praveen et al. [105] EN 47 chrome-vanadium steel Turning Dry, MQL MQL improved surface roughness by 48%
in comparison to dry machining
Mishra et al. [104] EN 24 high tensile steel Turning MQL MQL provided significant cooling and
lubrications resulting in improvement of
surface roughness and reduced machining
Abas et al. [118] 6026-T9 aluminum Turning Dry, MQL Increase in tool life and better surface qual-
ity of machined workpiece under MQL
compared to dry machining
Javidikia et al. [120] 6061-T6 aluminum Turning Dry, wet, MQL Increased productivity and tool life and
improved surface roughness under MQL
coolant delivery
Gutnichenko et al. [124] Inconel 718 alloy Turning Dry, MQL Improvement of tool life, machining stabil-
ity, and surface finish of alloy
Ni et al. [128] TC4 alloy Milling MQL UVA-assisted MQL improved surface
roughness up to 30% and machining force
up to 55% while also reducing machining
Shukla et al. [97] 6061 aluminum Drilling Dry, wet, MQL Vegetable oil-based MQL improved surface
finish and tool wear over dry and wet
Khatri et al. [141] Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy Milling Dry, wet, MQL Significant improvement of edge chipping
and adhesion tool wear was observed
under MQL machining
Xu et al. [144] CFRP/Ti-6Al-4V Hybrid Drilling Dry, MQL MQL produced better geometrical accuracy
of drilled holes, while reducing energy
consumption, and better tool wear com-
pared to dry drilling
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40 33
Mahadi et al. [159] AISI 431 steel Turning MQL Improvement of surface roughness by
7.21% using boric acid powder-
aided palm kernel oil compared to
conventional mineral-based oil
Singh et al. [162] Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy Grinding MQL Machining performance under
nanoadditive-based canola oil
machining fluids was improved
over synthetic fluid-based MQL,
soybean, and olive oil-based MQL
Gaurav et al. [172] Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy Turning Dry, MQL Nanoparticle-enhanced jojoba
vegetable oil showed significant
improvement reduction of cutting
force, surface roughness, and tool
wear ranging from 35 to 47% in
comparison to commercially avail-
able mineral oil
Virdi et al. [168] Inconel 718 alloy Grinding Wet, MQL Nanofluid-aided sunflower oil MQL
lowered grinding energy, coefficient
of friction, and surface roughness
in Inconel 718 grinding while being
able to effectively clean the machin-
ing area over flooded cooling
Souza et al. [166] 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy Milling Wet Higher surface quality and lower
active mill force on micromilled
aluminum alloy was obtained under
HOFA vegetable-based oil due to
its superior lubrication performance
Munhoz et al. [165] 6061-T6 Aluminum, SAE 1045 steel AFM Abrasive Flow Vegetable oil-based paste reduce
overall surface roughness of
machined material over commercial
Fernando et al. [167] AISI 304 stainless steel Turning MQL Coconut oil improved overall surface
finish and cutting tool wear com-
pared to standard mineral oil
Khunt et al. [169] 6063 aluminum alloy Drilling Dry, Wet, MQL Lowest surface roughness, thrust
force, and torque were obtained
vegetable oil based at higher cutting
speed over commercially available
castor oil
34 The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) 119:3–40
Rahim and Sasahara Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy Drilling Dry, MQL Palm oil performed better in comparison to
[135] synthetic oil in terms of improving tool life and
cutting temperature.
Li et al. [183] GH4169 nickel-based alloy Grinding MQL Palm oil generated low grinding force and
machining temperature compared to several
other vegetable-based oil.
Sen et al. [184] Inconel 690 alloy Milling Dry, MQL Resultant cutting force, cutting temperature, tool
life, and surface roughness of milled 690 alloy
were improved substantially under palm oil–
silica-based MQL lubrication compared to dry
Bai et al. [80] Grade 45 steel Milling MQL Palm oil showed lowest milling force and the best
surface finish in the milling of grade 45 steel
over synthetic, cottonseed, castor, peanut and
soybean oil.
Abdollah et al. [181] Carbon chromium steel Tribological test Wet HBN-palm oil-blended lubricant showed lower
coefficient of friction compared to commercially
available mineral oil-based lubricants, resulting
in reduced wear rate and smooth steel ball’s
Availability of data and materials Not applicable as it is a review paper. hard steel. Int J Heat Mass Transf 114:380–394.
Author contribution Gary Wong: formal analysis, investigation, writ- 3. Salimi-Yasar H, Zeinali Heris S, Shanbedi M (2017) Influence of
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supervision, writing—review and editing, project administration, fund- triboint.2017.04.004
ing acquisition. 4. Padmini R, Vamsi Krishna P, Krishna Mohana Rao G (2016)
Effectiveness of vegetable oil based nanofluids as potential cut-
ting fluids in turning AISI 1040 steel. Tribol Int 94:490–501.
Funding This work was proudly supported by the Malaysian Govern-
ment through Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) grant no.
5. Sharma VS, Dogra M, Suri NM (2009) Cooling techniques
FRGS/ 1/2018/TK03/CURTIN/03/2.
for improved productivity in turning. Int J Mach Tools Manuf
Declarations 010
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Ethics approval Not applicable as it is a review paper. machined surface characteristics in side milling Ti6Al4V under
dry and supercritical CO2 with MQL conditions. Tribol Int
Consent to participate On behalf of all authors, the corresponding 151:106511.
author agrees to participate as required. 7. Sharma AK, Tiwari AK, Dixit AR (2016) Effects of minimum
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author agrees to publish. review. J Clean Prod 127:1–18.
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