Heart Failure
Heart Failure
Heart Failure
PAGE 2| Introduction To The Current Guidelines For The January/February 2014
Guidelines: Heart Failure Volume 6, Number 1
Evaluation And Management Of Author
PAGE 3| Guest Editor Comment Heart Failure Trevor Lewis, MD, FACEP
Medical Director, Emergency Department, Cook County Hospital; Associate
Professor of Emergency Medicine, Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL
his issue of EM Practice Guidelines Update reviews 2
Guest Editor
recently updated guidelines on the evaluation and man-
PAGE 4| Assessment Of The Deborah B. Diercks, MD
Guideline Methodology agement of heart failure (HF). The European Society of Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine,
University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
Cardiology (ESC) guideline is an update of their 2008 issue and
provides practical, evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis Sigrid Hahn, MD, MPH
PAGE 5 | Selected Guideline and treatment of acute and chronic HF. The joint American Col- Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Department of Emergency
Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
Recommendations, lege of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF)/American Heart Associa-
Editorial Board
With Discussion tion (AHA) guideline is an update of their 2009 publication that Luke K. Hermann, MD
is primarily focused on chronic HF. The focus of this review is Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Director of Quality and Finance,
Department of Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
PAGE 12| References on the recommendations most relevant to emergency medicine New York, NY
practice—the assessment and treatment of acute HF. Andy Jagoda, MD, FACEP
Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
PAGE 13| CME Questions Practice Guideline Impact Eddy S. Lang, MDCM, CCFP (EM), CSPQ
Senior Researcher, Alberta Health Services; Associate Professor, University of
Calgary; Adjunct Professor, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
• B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal pro-B-type natri- Trevor Lewis, MD, FACEP
his issue of EM Practice Guidelines Update reviews 2 recently “heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction” (HFrEF), defined as an
published guidelines on the evaluation and management of HF: EF ≤ 40%.4 The ESC uses similar definitions, but considers a reduced
EF to be ≤ 35%.5 EFs of 35% to 50% encompass a gray area, and
1. “ESC Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and most likely represent patients with mild systolic dysfunction. There is
Chronic Heart Failure 2012,” published by the European Society of also no standardized terminology to describe acutely or subacutely
Cardiology (ESC), available at: worsened HF, and the terms “acute heart failure,” “acute heart failure
http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/33/14/1787.full.pdf syndromes,” and “acutely decompensated heart failure” have been
2. “2013 ACCF/AHA Guideline for the Management of Heart Failure: used by various authors and organizations. The ACCF/AHA suggests
a Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/Ameri- that the use of clinical descriptors can help subclassify patients with
can Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines,” pub- acute HF as congested or not (“wet” or “dry”) and/or as being well-
lished by the American Heart Association (AHA), available at: perfused or not (“warm” or “cold”).
CIR.0b013e31829e8776.full.pdf This issue of EM Practice Guidelines Update will inform the emergency
clinician of the new and updated guidelines in the diagnosis and care
HF is a common condition affecting approximately 1% to 2% of the of patients with HF. Faced with the pressures of managing patients
adult population, with a prevalence of ≥ 10% in patients aged > 70 with acute HF or HF as a comorbidity, reducing admission rates for
years.1 Survival for HF patients has improved, but absolute mortality acute HF, and determining the often subtle presentations of new-onset
rates remain at approximately 50% at 5 years for all-cause HF.2 There HF in the ED, the emergency clinician must be well-versed in the acute
is some evidence that the number of hospitalizations attributed pri- treatment guidelines, chronic treatment regimens, and approaches to
marily to HF is declining; however, there has been an increase in the diagnosis. Many of the recommendations in the full guidelines apply
number of hospitalizations of patients with a diagnosis of chronic HF.3 to the outpatient setting, and only those that are applicable to the care
of the ED patient will be reviewed here. The ACCF/AHA guidelines are
HF is a heterogeneous clinical syndrome caused by structural and more focused on the United States population and much broader in
functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood, result- their discussion of outpatient management and chronic congestive HF.
ing primarily in dyspnea and fatigue with or without symptoms of The ESC recommendations apply to a more global population, with a
volume overload.4 There is no definitive diagnostic test for HF. As a greater focus on acute care.
result, there is considerable variability in the definitions and terminol-
ogy used to describe HF. The AHA recommends against use of the —Trevor Lewis, MD
term “congestive heart failure,” as fluid overload need not be present,
and prefers the term “heart failure.” The ACCF/AHA guideline writ-
ing committee used the terms “heart failure with a preserved ejection
fraction” (HFpEF), defined as an ejection fraction (EF) ≥ 50%; and
Guest Editor Comment: Deborah Diercks, MD a randomized controlled trial (RCT) from 2008 did not show positive
For the emergency clinician, an ideal guideline on HF would provide results;6 however, readers should be reminded of the 2013 Cochrane
clear recommendations for decsions regarding ED-based diagnostics, review (which included this RCT) that showed a reduction in mortal-
treatment, and disposition. These 2 recently published guidelines by ity, a reduction in the need for endotracheal intubation, as well as a
the major American and European cardiology societies focus largely reduction in the number of days spent in the intensive care unit without
on the care of chronic HF, but they also provide guidance for patients increasing the risk of having a heart attack during or after treatment.7
presenting with acute HF. The ACCF/AHA HF guideline covers acute
care under the section entitled “The Hospitalized Patient." It does not Overall, the treatment guidelines are relatively consistent with current
explicitly address the ED setting (not surprising, perhaps, as no emer- practices in the ED, so they may provide reassurance to ED clinicians
gency physicians were included on the writing panel). that their current management plan is sufficient. However, these guide-
lines also highlight important regulatory benchmarks that are tracked
The ACCF/AHA continues to suggest categorization of acute HF pa- on HF patients, and these are relevant, as emergency clinicians are
tients by their hemodynamic status and degree of congestion. Diag- taking a more comprehensive role in the management of acute HF
nostic tests (eg, chest x-ray and natriuretic peptide levels) can be used patients. The outcome measures of admission rates and 30-day risk-
to assist in this assessment. For patients with congestion who are standardized HF readmission rates are clearly in the domain of the
hemodynamically stable, the Class I recommendation is to use loop emergency clinician. Currently, there are approximately 700,000 ED
diuretics as part of the initial management (“...to be given in the ED”). visits for acute HF per year in the United States, approximately 80%
Adjuncts to diuretics that are also suggested (with Class IIb recom- of which result in admission.8 Despite this (and perhaps because the
mendations) include low-dose dopamine, ultrafiltration, IV vasodila- ACCF/AHA writing committee did not focus on the ED setting), the
tors (nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, nesiritide), and vasopressin receptor question of risk stratification and potential discharge from the ED is not
antagonists (for patients with severe hyponatremia). Ultrafiltration may addressed.
not be relevant to emergency clinicians outside of specialized health-
care settings, as it requires resources that are limited in the ED setting. The recommendations in the ACCF/AHA guidelines for management of
Surprisingly, the ACCF/AHA guidelines do not address the use of non- acute HF are somewhat difficult to locate within the document; how-
invasive ventilation (NIV). Unlike ultrafiltration, NIV is widely available ever, the ESC guidelines present the information in a clear format. The
and in common use in the ED. best use of the ACCF/AHA guidelines is as a reference for specific is-
sues. For the emergency clinician seeking to practice guideline-based
In contrast to the ACCF/AHA guidelines, the ESC HF guidelines pres- therapy and utilize algorithms, the ESC guidelines are much more
ent more comprehensive and user-friendly recommendations for useful. ■
patients presenting with acute HF. These guidelines present algorithms
for diagnosis and management, and, unlike the ACCF/AHA guidelines
that suggest treatment based on assessment of perfusion and conges-
tion, these guidelines recommend treatment based on blood pressure
and oxygenation in patients with pulmonary congestion. The actual
treatment recommendations differ very little between the guidelines.
The ESC does address NIV, endorsing it with a IIB recommendation
based on class B evidence. In their discussion, they cite concern that
committee appointed by the ACCF/AHA Task Force on Practice Table 1. Definition Of Classes And Levels Of Evidence Used In American
Guidelines authored the ACCF/AHA guidelines. The definitions Heart Association Recommendations
and levels of recommendations are noted in Table 1. Members
of the ESC Task Force were selected by the ESC to write the guide- Level of Evidence
line in accordance with the ESC Committee for Guidelines Policy. The A Data derived from multiple sources
same definitions for the recommendations were utilized as noted in B Data derived from a single randomized trial or nonrandomized studies
Table 1. C Consensus opinion of experts
Classes of Recommendation
The authors of this issue of EM Practice Guidlines Update, Trevor
Class I Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence for and/or general
Lewis, MD and Editor-in-Chief Sigrid Hahn, MD, MPH graded this agreement that the procedure or treatment is useful and effective
guideline using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Educa- Class II Conditions for which there is conflicting evidence and/or a divergence of
tion (AGREE) II instrument (available at http://www.agreetrust.org/). opinion about the usefulness/efficacy of a procedure or treatment
This instrument is a checklist that allows users to grade a guideline on | PRINT | SUBSCRIBE | WEBSITE
Class IIa The weight of evidence or opinion is in favor of the procedure or treatment
23 items in 6 domains, reflecting the degree to which the guideline de-
Class IIb Usefulness/efficacy is less well established by evidence or opinion
velopers used unbiased, best-practice methodology in developing the
Class III Conditions for which there is evidence and/or general agreement that
guideline and writing the recommendations. The results of the AGREE
the procedure or treatment is not useful/effective and in some cases
instrument are presented in Figure 1, with a percentile calculated and may be harmful
assigned for each domain (maximum score of 100%). The score for
relevance to emergency medicine is not part of the AGREE instrument, Figure 1. AGREE Criteria For Heart Failure Guidelines
but reflects the judgment of the author and editor of this issue
Scope and purpose
—Trevor Lewis, MD; and Sigrid Hahn, MD, MPH Stakeholder involvement
Rigor of development
Clarity of presentation
Editorial independence
0 20 40 60 80 100
Abbreviation: AGREE, Appraisal of Percentile Score
Guidelines for Research and Education.
he recommendations excerpted here are presented as they ap- markers, including cardiac troponin testing, and treated optimally
pear in the original guidelines, including the strength of the as appropriate to the overall condition and prognosis of the patient.
recommendation and the level of evidence. Recommendations (ACCF/AHA, Class I, Level C)
on the same clinical topic from the 2 guidelines are presented side-
by-side to facilitate comparison. However, when there is overlap and Electrocardiogram
no significant discrepancy, only 1 of the 2 guideline recommendations • A 12-lead ECG is recommended to determine heart rhythm, heart
are presented, in the interest of brevity. Disease prevention, nonsurgi- rate, QRS morphology, and QRS duration, and to detect other
cal device implantation, and surgical options are not reviewed, as they relevant abnormalities. This information also assists in planning
have limited relevance to the emergency clinician. treatment and is of prognostic importance. A completely normal
ECG makes systolic HF unlikely. (ESC, Class I, Level C)
Initial Assessment Of Suspected Acute Heart Failure
• Common precipitating factors for acute HF should be considered Chest X-Ray
during initial evaluation, as recognition of these conditions is critical • Patients with suspected or new-onset HF or patients presenting
to guide appropriate therapy. (ACCF/AHA, Class I, Level C) with acute decompensated HF, should undergo a chest x-ray to as-
• Common factors that precipitate acute decompensated HF include: sess heart size and pulmonary congestion and to detect alternative
◦◦ Nonadherence with medication regimen, sodium and/or fluid cardiac, pulmonary, and other diseases that may cause or contrib-
restriction ute to the patient’s symptoms. (ACCF/AHA, Class I, Level C)
◦◦ Acute myocardial ischemia
◦◦ Uncorrected high blood pressure Editorial Comment: Trevor Lewis, MD
◦◦ Atrial fibrillation and other arrhythmias Several points are worth highlighting: (1) Heart failure is very unlikely
◦◦ Recent addition of negative inotropic drugs (eg, verapamil, nife- in patients with a normal ECG; (2) A normal chest x-ray does not
dipine, diltiazem, beta blockers) exclude pulmonary edema and is better for identifying an alternative di-
◦◦ Pulmonary embolus agnosis than for ruling in acute HF; (3) Although ESC does not make a
◦◦ Initiation of drugs that increase salt retention (eg, steroids, thia- formal recommendation about the role of echocardiography in the ED
zolidinediones, NSAIDs) (the recommendations about echocardiography refer to the ambulatory
◦◦ Excessive alcohol or illicit drug use setting), they incorporate echocardiography in their diagnostic algo-
◦◦ Endocrine abnormalities (eg, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroid- rithm for acute HF. They endorse early echocardiography for patients
ism, hypothyroidism) presenting to the ED with suspected acute HF (immediate echocar-
◦◦ Concurrent infections (eg, pneumonia, viral illnesses) diography is recommended in shocked or severely hemodynamically
◦◦ Additional acute cardiovascular disorders (eg, valve disease compromised patients). Neither organization discusses the role of
endocarditis, myopericarditis, aortic dissection) bedside echocardiography. (See Figure 2, page 6.)
• Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) precipitating acute HF decom-
pensation should be promptly identified by ECG and serum bio-
Figure 2. European Society Of Cardiology Recommended Diagnostic Testing For Acute Heart Failure
• Chest x-ray
• BNP/NT-proBNP*
*In the acute setting, MR-proANP may also be used (cut-off point < 120 pmol/L; ie, < 120 pmol/L = heart failure unlikely).
Other causes of elevated natriuretic peptide levels in the acute setting are an acute coronary syndromes, atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, pulmonary embolism, and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with
elevated right heart pressure, renal failure, and sepsis. Other causes of an elevated natriuretic level in the nonacute setting are: old age (> 75 years), atrial arrhythmias, left ventricular hypertrophy, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, and chronic kidney disease.
Treatment may reduce natriuretic peptide concentration, and natriuretic concentrations may not be markedly elevated in patients with HF-PEF.
Abbreviations: BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; ECG, electrocardiogram; HF-pEF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; MR-proANP, midregional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide; NT-proBNP, N-terminal B-type
natriuretic peptide.
EM Practice
EM Practice Guidelines
Guidelines Update
Update ©
© 2011
2014 2 6 www.ebmedicine.net • January/February
ebmedicine.net 2014
• April 2012
| print | SUBSCRIBE | WEBSITE Current Guidelines For The Evaluation And Management Of Heart Failure
Treatment Of Acute Heart Failure Without Shock (Continued) • An IV infusion of an inotrope (eg, dobutamine) should be consid-
Inotropes And Vasopressors ered in patients with hypotension (SBP < 85 mm Hg) and/or hy-
• Inotropic agents are NOT recommended unless the patient is hy- poperfusion to increase cardiac output, increase blood pressure,
potensive (SBP < 85 mm Hg), hypoperfused, or shocked because and improve peripheral perfusion. The ECG should be monitored
of safety concerns (atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, myocardial continuously because inotropic agents can cause arrhythmias and
ischemia, and death). (ESC, Class III, Level C) myocardial ischemia. (ESC, Class IIa, Level C)
• Use of parenteral inotropic agents in hospitalized patients without • A vasopressor (eg, dopamine or norepinephrine) may be consid-
documented severe systolic dysfunction, low blood pressure, or ered in patients who have cardiogenic shock, despite treatment
impaired perfusion and evidence of significantly depressed cardiac with an inotrope, to increase blood pressure and vital organ perfu-
output, with or without congestion, is potentially harmful. (ACCF/ sion. The ECG should be monitored, as these agents can cause
AHA, Class III, Level B) arrhythmias and/or myocardial ischemia. Intra-arterial blood pres-
sure measurement should be considered. (ESC, Class IIb, Level C)
Editorial Comment: Trevor Lewis, MD • An IV infusion of levosimendan (or a phosphodiesterase inhibitor)
Inotropes or vasopressors are only potentially appropriate in patients may be considered to reverse the effect of beta blockade if beta
with significant hypoperfusion or cardiogenic shock. (See discussion blockade is thought to be contributing to hypoperfusion. The ECG
following.) should be monitored continuously because inotropic agents can
cause arrhythmias and myocardial ischemia, and, as these agents
Treatment Of Acute Heart Failure With Hypotension, are also vasodilators, blood pressure should be monitored care-
Hypoperfusion, Or Shock fully. (ESC, Class IIb, Level C)
• Electrical cardioversion is recommended if an atrial or ventricular Editorial Comment: Trevor Lewis, MD
arrhythmia is thought to be contributing to the patient’s hemody- Patients with acute HF and shock have severely compromised cir-
namic compromise in order to restore sinus rhythm and improve culatory status, and the use of inotropes and vasopressors requires
the patient’s clinical condition. (ESC, Class I, Level C) an assessment of the tradeoff between potential benefits and risks
(including myocardial ischemia and arrhythmias) in these critically ill
Inotropes And Vasopressors patients. Despite improving hemodynamic status, inotropes have not
• Short-term, continuous IV inotropic support may be reasonable in been shown to improve patient outcomes. Of note, many of the studies
hospitalized patients presenting with documented severe systolic focus on end-stage chronic HF patients, which may not be applicable
dysfunction who present with low blood pressure and significantly to the acute presentation of the ED patient.
depressed cardiac output to maintain systemic perfusion and
preserve end-organ performance (ACCF/AHA, Class IIb, Level B;
revised from previous guideline)9
• Until definitive therapy (eg, coronary revascularization, mechani-
cal circulatory support, heart transplantation) or resolution of the
acute precipitating problem, patients with cardiogenic shock should
receive temporary IV inotropic support to maintain systemic perfu-
sion and preserve end-organ performance. (ACCF/AHA, Class I,
Level C)
Treatment Of Acute Heart Failure With Hypotension, ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) is complicated
Hypoperfusion, Or Shock (Continued) by the fact that patients both with and without coronary artery disease
Mechanical Circulatory Support often have elevated troponin levels in the setting of acute HF.
• Short-term mechanical circulatory support should be considered
(as a “bridge to recovery”) in patients remaining severely hypoper- Treatment Of Acute Heart Failure With An Arrhythmia
fused despite inotropic therapy and with a potentially reversible • Electrical cardioversion is recommended in patients hemodynami-
cause (eg viral myocarditis) or a potentially surgically correctable cally compromised by atrial fibrillation and in whom urgent resto-
cause (eg acute interventricular septal rupture). (ESC, Class IIa, ration of sinus rhythm is required to improve the patient’s clinical
Level C) condition rapidly. (ESC, Class I, Level C)
• Short-term mechanical circulatory support may be considered (as • Patients should be fully anticoagulated (eg, with IV heparin), if not
a ‘bridge to decision’) in patients deteriorating rapidly before a full already anticoagulated and with no contraindication to anticoagula-
diagnostic and clinical evaluation can be made. (ESC, Class IIb, tion, as soon as atrial fibrillation is detected to reduce the risk of
Level C) systemic arterial embolism and stroke. (ESC, Class I, Level A)
• Electrical cardioversion or pharmacological cardioversion with
Treatment Of Acute Heart Failure Due To Acute Coronary amiodarone should be considered in patients when a decision is
Syndromes made to restore sinus rhythm nonurgently (“rhythm control” strat-
• Immediate primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) (or egy). This strategy should only be employed in patients with a first
coronary artery bypass graft [CABG] in selected cases) is recom- episode of atrial fibrillation of < 48 hours’ duration (or in patients
mended if there is an ST elevation or a new left bundle branch with no evidence of left atrial appendage thrombus on transesoph-
block ACS in order to reduce the extent of myocyte necrosis and ageal echocardiogram). (ESC, Class I, Level C)
reduce the risk of premature death. (ESC, Class I, Level A; revised
from previous guideline)10 Editorial Comment: Trevor Lewis, MD
• Alternative to PCI or CABG: IV thrombolytic therapy is recommend- The ACCF/AHA guideline defers to the 2011 ACCF/AHA/HRS Focused
ed if PCI/CABG cannot be performed, or if there is ST-segment Update on the Management of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation guide-
elevation or new left bundle branch block, to reduce the extent of line (available at http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/123/1/104.extract)
myocyte necrosis and reduce the risk of premature death. (ESC, for treatment of patients with HF and arrhythmia. The ESC guideline
Class I, Level A; revised from previous guideline)10 comments on the use of urgent heparin for patients who are not cur-
• Early PCI (or CABG in selected patients) is recommended if there rently anticoagulated. In addition, the guidelines mirror the current
is non-ST elevation ACS in order to reduce the risk of recurrent Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) recommendations to cardio-
ACS. Urgent revascularization is recommended if the patient is vert the unstable patient. Care must be employed in interpreting what
hemodynamically unstable. (ESC, Class I, Level A; revised from constitutes an "unstable" patient, especially in the setting of unknown
previous guideline)10 duration of AF with the potential for atrial clot. A fully revised atrial
fibrillation guideline, which will include updated recommendations on
Editorial Comment: Trevor Lewis, MD HF with atrial fibrillation, is in development by the ACCF/AHA, with
Management of patients with ST-segment elevated myocardial infarction publication expected in 2014.
(STEMI) and HF is straightforward, as these patients need immediate
cardiac intervention. In contrast, the diagnosis and management of non-
Treatments That May Cause Harm Summary Of Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy For The
• Drugs known to adversely affect the clinical status of patients with Emergency Physician: Trevor White, MD
current or prior symptoms of HFrEF are potentially harmful and The ACCF/AHA guideline emphasizes the importance of “guideline-di-
should be avoided or withdrawn whenever possible (eg, most rected medical therapy," and both they and the ESC spend much time
antiarrhythmic drugs, most calcium-channel-blocking drugs [except discussing the appropriate outpatient regimen for the management of
amlodipine], NSAIDs, or thiazolidinediones). (ACCF/AHA, Class III, chronic HF. An understanding of these medications is useful for the
Level B) emergency clinician when managing HF patients in the ED, whether
• Thiazolidinediones (glitazones) should not be used, as they cause they have an acute decompensation or not.
worsening HF and increase the risk of HF hospitalization. (ESC,
Class III, Level A) Both angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and beta block-
• Most calcium-channel blockers (with the exception of amlodipine ers have been cornerstones of HFrEF treatment for years. Key trials
and felodipine) should not be used, as they have a negative inotro- have included the Cooperative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival
pic effect and can cause worsening HF. (ESC, Class III, Level B) Study (CONSENSUS) and Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction
• NSAIDs and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors should be (SOLVD), which have shown reductions in mortality of 27% and 16%,
avoided, if possible, as they may cause sodium and water reten- respectively, with the use of these drugs.11-13 The primary role of angio-
tion, worsening renal function, and worsening HF. (ESC, Class III, tensin-receptor blockers (ARBs) still appears to be as a substitute for
Level B) patients who are intolerant to ACE inhibitors. The expansion of the role
of mineralocorticoid/aldosterone-receptor antagonists has come from
Editorial Comment: Trevor Lewis, MD recent RCTs, including the Eplerenone in Mild Patients Hospitalization
These recommendations are new in the current guidelines. They pro- and Survival Study in Heart Failure (EMPHASIS-HF), which found that
vide a useful summary of drugs for emergency clinicians to avoid when patients already taking ACE inhibitors and beta blockers had a de-
managing HF. Reviewing a patient’s medication list can provide clues crease in hospitalizations and death.14,15 The bottom line is that the use
to reasons for their decompensation. Commonly prescribed diabetes of ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, and mineralocorticoid/aldosterone-re-
medications, such as pioglitazone (Actos®) and rosiglitazone (Avan- ceptor antagonists is fundamentally important in improving the course
dia®) should be avoided in HF patients. More important for emergency of systolic HF and should, at least, be considered in every patient. The
medicine practice is the avoidance of NSAIDs and COX-2 selective utility of digoxin still remains more of an additive medication after the
inhibitor medications in HF. These are commonly prescribed medica- implementation of other first-line therapies. ■
tions in the ED and often given to this subset of patients.
References 9. Hunt SA, Abraham WT, Chin MH, et al. 2009 focused update incorpo-
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2. Roger VL, Weston SA, Redfield MM, et al. Trends in heart failure of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force
incidence and survival in a community-based population. JAMA. on Practice Guidelines developed in collaboration with the Interna-
2004;292(3):344-350. (Population-based cohort study; 4537 pa- tional Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. J Am Coll Cardiol.
tients) 2009;53(15):e1-e90. (Guidelines)
3. Blecker S, Paul M, Taksler G, et al. Heart failure-associated hospital- 10. Dickstein K, Cohen-Solal A, Filippatos G, et al. ESC guidelines for
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Heart Failure 2008 of the European Society of Cardiology. Developed
4. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, et al. 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA)
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Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on (ESICM). Eur J Heart Fail. 2008;10(10):933-989. (Guidelines)
Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2013;128(16):e240-e319. (Guide-
lines) 11. Effects of enalapril on mortality in severe congestive heart failure. Re-
sults of the Cooperative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival Study
5. McMurray JJ, Adamopoulos S, Anker SD, et al. ESC guidelines for (CONSENSUS). The CONSENSUS Trial Study Group. N Engl J Med.
the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure 2012: 1987;316(23):1429-1435. (Randomized double-blind study; 253
The Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute and Chronic patients)
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in collaboration with the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the ESC. 12. Effect of enalapril on mortality and the development of heart failure in
Eur J Heart Fail. 2012;14(8):803-869. (Guidelines) asymptomatic patients with reduced left ventricular ejection fractions.
The SOLVD Investigators. N Engl J Med. 1992;327(10):685-691.
6. Gray A, Goodacre S, Newby DE, et al. Noninvasive ventilation in (Randomized double-blind trial; 4228 patients)
acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. N Engl J Med. 2008;359(2):142-
151. (Multicenter open prospective randomized controlled trial; 13. Effect of enalapril on survival in patients with reduced left ventricular
1069 patients) ejection fractions and congestive heart failure. The SOLVD Investi-
gators. N Engl J Med. 1991;325(5):293-302. (Randomized double-
7. Vital FM, Ladeira MT, Atallah AN. Non-invasive positive pressure blind trial; 2569 patients)
ventilation (CPAP or bilevel NPPV) for cardiogenic pulmonary oe-
dema. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013;5:CD005351. (Systematic 14. Zannad F, McMurray JJ, Krum H, et al. Eplerenone in patients
review; 32 blinded or unblinded randomized or quasi-randomised with systolic heart failure and mild symptoms. N Engl J Med.
studies; 2916 participants) 2011;364(1):11-21. (Randomized double-blind trial; 2737 patients)
8. Collins SP, Storrow AB. Moving toward comprehensive acute heart 15. Pitt B, Remme W, Zannad F, et al. Eplerenone, a selective aldoste-
failure risk assessment in the emergency department: the impor- rone blocker, in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after myocar-
tance of self-care and shared decision making. JACC Heart Fail. dial infarction. N Engl J Med. 2003;348(14):1309-1321. (Randomized
2013;1(4):273-280. (Assessment) trial; 6632 patients)
CME Questions
To take the CME test, visit: www.ebmedicine.net/G0114 or scan the QR code below with a smartphone:
1. BNP may be helpful for all of the following clinical scenarios except to:
a. Support a clinical diagnosis in the setting of suspected acute HF
b. Provide prognostic information in patients with acute HF
c. Guide therapy for patients with acute HF
d. Establish disease severity in patients with acute HF
2. The ACCF/AHA guideline gives the strongest recommendation to which of the following treatments for acute HF?
a. IV vasodilators
b. IV diuretics
c. NIV
d. IV opiates
3. Which of the following treatment options is generally contraindicated in the severely hypotensive patient with acute HF?
a. NIV
b. Inotropes
c. Vasopressors
d. Mechanical circulatory support
4. Which of the following classes of medications is generally contraindicated in patients with HFrEF?
a. ACE inhibitors
b. Beta blockers
c. MRAs
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Email: [email protected] Website: www.ebmedicine.net Needs Assessment: The need for this educational activity was determined by a survey of practicing
emergency physicians and the editorial board of this publication; knowledge and competency surveys; and
evaluation of prior activities for emergency physicians.
Target Audience: This enduring material is designed for emergency medicine physicians, physician as-
CEO and Publisher: Stephanie Williford sistants, nurse practitioners, and residents.
Director of Editorial: Dorothy Whisenhunt Goals: Upon completion of this article, you should be able to: (1) demonstrate medical decision-making
Content Editors: Erica Carver, Lesley Wood based on the strongest clinical evidence, (2) cost-effectively diagnose and treat the most critical ED presen-
tations, and (3) describe the most common medicolegal pitfalls for each topic covered.
Editorial Projects Manager: Kay LeGree
Objectives: Upon completion of this article, you should be able to: (1) cite recommendations for the evalua-
Director of Member Services: Liz Alvarez tion of the patient with suspected acute HF in the ED; (2) describe recommendations for the treatment of the
Member Services Representatives: Kiana Collier, Paige Banks patient with suspected acute HF in the ED; (3) name medications that are contraindicated in patients with
Director of Marketing: Robin Williford acute HF; and (4) name medications used for the outpatient management of chronic HF.
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Mapro July 2009
eugn achment
you rysosi Volume 11,
maslAn SudbaMa
July 2009
Number 7
agysm hnemoident Lisa E. Thoma
s, MD
e InalThSu Authorsent of Emerge e 11, Number
e bar
Hospital & ncy Medicin
DeHe ergno
Massac e, Brigham
pamo enid
Lisa Thoma
Jonath husetts Genera & Women
rtmrrh cy an Edlow
receive all
all the
the benefits
benefits of
of Emergency
Emergency Medicine
Medicine Practice:
s, MD l Hospital, ’s
, MD
t In The
Vice Chair, Boston, MA
Beth Edlow, MDof Emergency Medicin
Medicin [_auth
ess Medica e
e, Harvard orname]
l Center;
You walk into Joshu
Peer Review l School, Medica Associate
a crowded a N. Golds
ers Boston, MA Professor of
Your first patien evening shift Instructor tein, MD,
in the emerg ADD in Surgery PhD, FAAEM
You walk into t is a middl School, (Emergency
her head, ency depart ADD Department of Medicine),
complaining a crowdede-aged woman lying Genera Emergency Harvard Medica
aboutYour first patien of the
a subara
evening shift
“wors with her handsment (ED). ADD l Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts l
chnoidt hemor t headain the Peer
•• A A chief-complaint
chief-complaint focus:
focus: Every
Every issue
issue starts
starts with
with aa patient
patient complaint
complaint — — just
just like
like your
your daily
daily practice.
practice. You’re
You’re guided
guided step-by-step
is a middle ency departclutching ADD Reviewers
noncoher head, compl -aged womache ofemerg her life.”
ntrast head compu
about a subara aining of rhage (SAH). You
the “wors n lying with herYou arement (ED).
worrie E.
t headachetreat her pain haw Bunne
says that ted tomog hands clutch d
her headachnoid raphy of her life.” and order Associa y, MD, FACEP
kids. nonco
Does ntrast head
che is better
and (SAH (CT), which
). You is negatiYou are worrie aing Emerge
te Profess
Upon complet
ion ofor,this
article, cy
says thatshe really need ted tomog that she needstreat her pain ve. She nowd Describe Medicin
the e, Univers you should, be
Director Departm
to stay her headac a lumba raphy (CT), to go home and order Chicago , IL the classic
discuss presenta ity of ent of
able to:
for an LP,
kids. he is better r punct which is negati to pick up a Neal
2. Describe wide spectrum tionIllinois at Chicago
of an SAH
need any additiDoes shewhich really is also and thature she(LP)? She ve. her Little, MD,the FACEP
diagnos of presenta as well, as
onal worku
She eventu need a negati
lumbarve. Can she needs to goeventually She now Adjunct Clinical Assista tic approach to a
of having tion.
punctu go home home agrees 3. Identify SAH. patient suspect
go home you ally agreesp? to re (LP)? now?toDoes pick up her Medicin the major nt Professor, Departm
e, Univers ed
in reaching the diagnosis — often the most challenging part of your job.
migraine arrive are thinki
now? Does she ng need stay for an
LP, which she CME modalities. ity oflimitation
Michiga s nin interpret
Medical School,
ent of Emerge
While you aboutanythis, is also negati Objectives
4. Discuss ing the diagnos ncy
s compl anoth
additio er worku general principle Ann Arbor,
tic MI
in reaching the diagnosis — often the most challenging part of your job.
lastedgraine ainingngof sudde
are thinki nal patient with ve.
12 hours
arrive. Iss compl
this heada about this,
n-ons et, severe
p? a historyCan of
she Uponthe
1.5. Describ
comple tion of this
Identify common article,
s of acute
SAH manage
ment in
SAH? 12After
hours.furthe aining cheofher r patien
heada e the pitfalls in you should be
Is this r histor usual
sudden migra
-onset chea that
t with historyhasof mi- discuss the classic present the diagnos able to:
and you headacyheisher ine orheadac
, severe wide spectru ation of an is of SAH.
You obtain
are concer obtain
ed, couldhethis 2. Describ m of
SAH as well
someobtain a CT,nedwhich
after furthe you
migra are
ine concer
or could that be
hasanlasted e the
Date diagnos
of original
present ation. as
clearinagCT, is norma ned having an tic approac
of red r history
l. Youisperfor about
this be anan SAH.of most release: h to patient
which 3. Identify Date recent review: 1,a 2009
it may of have
red blood bloodis norma
cells (RBC obtainmedan about SAH
SAH? the Termina
major limitatio
beencells l. perfor
s) mfrom LP, which
an SAH modalit tion
ns July
ADD of
pondebeen a traum(RBCs atic
) from an LP,
1 to tube shows
and you ies. Medium date: in interpre
1, 2012
traum atic tap, tube
but how
1 to tube shows4,some
and you
4. Method participation:: Print and online ting the diagnostic
diagnthe the labtap, buttohow
calls can you
4, and clearin
g the ED. principle Print or online
s of acute answer
osislab calls
of SAH. to After say can
be is be you
Justitas evaluati SAH
•• AnAn evidence-based
evidence-based medicine
medicine approach:
approach: The
The degree
degree ofof acceptance
acceptance and
and scientific
scientific validity
validity of
of each
each recommendation
recommendation is is assessed
say there is sure?
xanthJust mayyouhave
5. Identifyto beginnin on manageand
ment in
youcalling callingxanthochrom as you
ochrom are common g this activity,
do for ED urgicafor neuro
ED to treatin the neuros ia. You make ia.are
surgic Youponde
tion” oninthe see “Physici
the diagnos
is ofan CME
al consuthe diagno
this patiento treat this l consultation Date of original back page. SAH.
t? patient? , what elseltation sis ofelse
, what SAH. Date of most release: July
should you do in the recent 1, 2009
Editor-in-Ch Termination review: April 27,
Andy Jagoda, date: July 2009
Chattano Medium:
Prior to beginni 1, 2012
Professo MD, FACEP f oga, TN Print and
r and
Chair,MD, Professor ng this activity, online
of Emergen Departm
FACEP Michael , UT College
and Vice-Chaent
cy Medicine A. Gibbs, of Medicine Charles V. Pollack, Information” see “Physic
Sinai School
Academic , Mountir of Chief,Chattano MD,
Departmoga, TN FACEP , FACEP
Charles V. Jr., MA, MD, on page 27. ian CME
•• Diagnosis
Diagnosis andand treatment
treatment recommendations
recommendations solidly
solidly based
based in
in the
the current
current literature.
of Emergen
cy Medicine Howell, MD, , Ann Arbor, University Maryland Maryland School
Universit y yofof Medical School,
School, Boston,
Boston, Harvard Lebanon
Lebanon University y, Beirut,
, Beirut,
, Universi Center; Clinical
John FACEPMI Baltimor
Baltimore ofofMedicine
Medicine Scott MA
Orleans, of Emergen
ty Hospital Professo
M. Howell, r of MD, e, MD
, MD , , Scott Weingar
Weingart, Hugo Peralta,
LA , Universit
cy ,Medicine
New Medicine
Clinical Emergen
FACEP Assistan t, MD
MD Peralta, MD MD
, George cy Alfred Assistantt Professo
y Hospital, Professor Washing AlfredSacchet
Sacchett Professo r of Chairofof Emergen
Wyatt W.Orleans, LA NewUniversit
y, Washing
, George
of Emergen
ton cy Assistan ti, MD,
i, MD, FACEP Medicine
Medicine, r of Emergen
Emergen Emergency cy
Hospital Italiano, Services,
Decker, MD of Academi ton,Washington Assistant
t Clinical
FACEP , Elmhurs
Elmhurstt Hospital cy
cy Hospital Services,
Italiano, Buenos
Chair Wyatt
and Associat
W. Decker, , WashingtDC;Direc
c Affairs, tor Departm
Departmeent nt
Professor r, ,
Center, Mount
Mount Sinai Hospital Argentina
Argentina Buenos Aires,
Emergen Chair and e Professo MD Inc, Inova
of Academic Beston, DC;Director Thomas
Practices of of
Emergency Medicine
Medicine Sinai School
cy MedicineAssociate r of Fairfax Affairs,
Hospital, , Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson University cy Medicine
Medicine, ,, New
New York, Maarten
CollegeEmergen , MayoProfessor Inc, Inova
Church, Best Practices Philadelp
Falls University, , , Resea York, NY
NY Maarten Simons,
of Medicine
cy Medicine
, Rocheste
Clinic of
, Mayo Clinic
Fairfax Hospital,
, Philadelp
Research rch Editor
Editorss Emergen
Simons, MD,
Francis M. of Medicine r, MN Keith A. Marill,VA
, Rocheste Scott Silvers,
Scott Director,
Medicine Residenc
Francis r, MN Assistant MD
Keith A. Marill, Silvers, MD, MD, FACEP Nicholas
Nicholas OLVG
OLVG Hospital, y y
Director, MD, FACEP
M. Fesmire, Professor,MD Medical Director,
Medical FACEP Genes, MD,
Genes, Amsterda
Amsterdm, Hospital,
Heart-St MD, FACEP Emergen Assistant Department Director, Departm Chief Resident, MD, PhD am,The
ErlangerDirector, roke Center,
cy Medicine Emergen
Departme Chief Resident, MountPhD Netherlan
The Netherla
Erlanger Center;oke Center, GeneralEmergenc , Departmeof
, Massach nt cy cy Medicine, entntofof
Medicine Emergency Mount Sinai dsnds
Professo Medical Assistant Hospital,y Medicine usetts of Jacksonv
Jacksonv ille, FL , Mayo Clinic, Mayo Clinic, Emergen Medicine Sinai
cy Medicine Residenc
r, UT College Center; Assistant School, General Hospital, Harvard, Massach ille, FL New York,
of Medicine Boston, MA Harvard
School, Medical usetts New York, NY NY Residency,
, Boston, MA Medical Corey Corey M.
Accredi Accreditation: Slovis, MD,
M. Slovis, Lisa Jacobso
Professo FACP, FACEP Lisa Jacobso n, MD
tation: This This activity
(ACCME Professor r andMD, FACP, FACEP Mount Sinai n, MD
•• Abundant
Abundant clinical
clinical pathways,
pathways, figures,
figures, and
and tables:
activity has has been planned
) through of Emergenand Chair, Chair, Departme Chief Resident
(ACCME) the sponsors been planned of Emergen cy Medicine Departmentnt Emergency School of Medicine
Thomas, Thomas, Dr. the sponsor hip and impleme cy Medicine , Vanderbi of Medicine,Medicine, Mount ,
Sinai School
Dr. Edlow, and ship of EBof EB and implementednted in accordan
Medicine , Vanderb lt Residenc New York, NYEmergenResidenc
discussed Edlow, Dr. Bunney, their related parties e. EB. EB Medicine
Medicin in accorda ce with the ilt y, New York, cy Medicine
in this educatio educatio Dr. Little, nce with
is accredite Essentials
nal presenta and their report no
nal presenta Medicin
e isntaccredit d by the
the Essentia and Standard NY
tion.related financialed ACCME to ls and
tion. Dr. Goldste Comme parties
rcial Support
report no by the ACCME
interest or other relations provide Standardss of the Accredit
in has received significa
: This issuent to provide continuin ofg the Accreditation
medical Council
consulti of financia
Emergen l interest
hip withcontinui ng medical educatio
the manufac ation Councilfor Continuing
cy n for physiciafor Continu Medical Educatio
Practice did ng fees from GenenteMedicine or other
relations educatio
for physicians. Faculty
of any ncommer ing Medical n
not receive ch did nothip with the ns. FacultyDisclosuEducatio
any commer and CSL Behring. receive anymanufac cial product( re:
Disclos Dr. n
cial support Commercial commerturer(s) s) discusse
of any commer d inure:
cial support.
. Suppor thisDr.
t: This issue cial
of Emergen product(s)
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Guidelines Update ©© 2009
2009 11 16 EBMedicine.net
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• January/February 2014