FMS Agency

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Reference: FMS/e-Tender/03/2022


DELHI – 110007

Inviting online bids from Competent Agencies for online registration of candidates, processing
registration data and supporting selection process for admissions to different MBA Programmes
and Ph.D. Programme of the Faculty of Management Studies starting from the academic session
2023-24 (as per details given in the Tender Notice)


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DELHI - 110007
Room No: 1, Ground Floor, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi,
Tel-Fax: 011-27666382
Email:[email protected]

Reference: FMS/e-Tender/03/2022


Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi invites online bids as per Two Bids
System (Technical and Financial) from reputed & eligible agencies through e-procurement
to provide online registration by applicants to various programmes of FMS for the
admission to MBA (Full-Time), MBA – Executive, MBA – Executive (Health Care) and
Ph.D. Programme.

Critical Date Sheet

Details / Date
Bid Document Download /Starts Date 14/09/2022, 05:30 PM
Bid Submission Start Date and time 14/09/2022, 05:30 PM
Bid Submission End Date and time 05/10/2022, 05:30 PM
Technical bid Opening Date and Time 07/10/2022, 03:30 PM
To be announced later after
Technical presentation of eligible bidders in FMS Technical bid opening
To be announced later after
Finance Bid Opening Date and time technical evaluation
EMD Rs.10,000/-

1. All details regarding the subject tender are available on websites and Any change/ modification in the Tender
Enquiry/ Tender Document will be intimated through above websites only. Bidders
are therefore, requested to visit our websites regularly to keep themselves updated.

2. Bids shall be submitted online only at CPPP website: Manual bids shall not be accepted.

3. For submission of E-Bids, bidders are required to get themselves registered with

4. Tender document’s fee and EMD should reach the Section Officer, Accounts
Section, Room No: 1, Ground Floor, Faculty of Management Studies,
University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, before the end date and time of bid
submission, failing which offer will be liable for rejection. Bidders, however, have
to attach scanned copies of tender fee and EMD documents along with their e-

5. Clarifications/ queries, if any, can be addressed to the Section officer, Accounts

Section on telephone no. 011-27666382 and email: [email protected] ,
[email protected]

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Sr. No. Content Page No.
1. Scope/Description of Work 5

2. Conditions 6

3. Technical Bid-Eligibility and

Technical 6
Requirement of Bidders (Cover-I)

4. Financial Bid (Cover-II) 8

5. Demonstration of Technical Expertise 8

6. Earnest Money Deposit 8

7. Performance Bank Guarantee 9

8. The Penalty Clause 9

9. Proforma of Financial Bid 12

10. Financial Bid Undertaking 13

11. Proforma of Technical Bid 14-15

12. Proforma of Performance Bank 16-17


13. Acceptance Letter 18

14. Check List 19

15. Tender Document 19

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Scope/Description of Work

1. Development and operation of web-application for online registration by applicants to

various programs of FMS. The web-application apart from registering applicants should
(i) Registration process involving uploading of photographs and scanned
signatures and other required documents.
(ii) Checking and authentication of successfully registered applicants by FMS.
(iii) Online payment of application fees (payment gateway service provider to be
decided by FMS)
(iv) Facility to applicants for downloading and printing of (online) filled-in
application in standard formats
(v) Automated e-mails and SMS alerts to every registered applicant on successful
registration, receipt of application fee (online and offline with Demand Draft)
and dispatch of GD/PI letters (Short listed candidates), Dispatch of offer of
admission letters etc.
(vi) Augmentation of CAT scores (Full-Time/Ph.D. applicants) and application
evaluation scores MBA-Executive and MBA-Executive (HCA) programs in
the master data base as and when these scores become available.
(vii) Preparation of list of short-listed candidates and communicating to selected
candidates via E-mail/enabling the candidates to download the Interview call
letter from admission portal for interview/admission process, as and when
merit list is released.
(viii) Perform initial preliminary verification of the online forms and applicant’s
documents, and report discrepancies to FMS admission committee.
(ix) Manpower support (08 persons for Form verification, data entry, data
cleaning, etc.) for approximately 20 days during the personal interviews of
the shortlisted candidates (Tentatively in April 2023).
(x) The Agency shall be responsible for preparation and verification of reports,
communicating to the candidates the results till the completion of the
admission process (31st August, 2023).
(xi) Entry and compilation of data during GD/PI processes and preparation of
results for all the programmes namely MBA (Full-Time) and Doctoral
programme, MBA-Executive and MBA-Executive (HCA) evening
programmes, based on guidelines from FMS.
(xii) Agency should be required to arrange and conduct the online/offline
interviews for all the shortlisted applicants in all the programmes namely
MBA (Full-Time) and Doctoral programme, MBA-Executive and MBA-
Executive (HCA) evening programmes.

The web-application need to be developed, thoroughly tested and validated

for at least 3 days before going online.

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2. Running the web-application mentioned in (1) on dedicated server(s) with high reliability
and adequate capacity (should be able to handle large volume of online traffic) for a
period of approximately 6 weeks. Numbers of applicants for these programmes are
expected to be 18,000 and 2,000 in MBA Full-Time & Ph.D. and MBA-Executive &
MBA-Executive (Health Care Administration) Programmes respectively.
Company/Agency should provide proof of successfully running applications on web-
servers for works of similar scale and scope. It would need to guarantee availability and
overall service level of the online registration site to applicants during the registration
period for minimum 99% of duration.

3. Augmentation of data on payment of application fees through off-line modes for all those
registered applicants who do not opt for or could not exercise online payment. (However,
FMS may choose not to offer this option to applicants).

4. Digitization of data submitted in the offline model by applicants, especially from those
applying to the PhD program in support of their candidature.

5. Maintaining a master database of all applicants registered through (1), (2) and (3) above,
for use at any time during the admission process.

6. Company/Agency would answer queries made by applicants on the online registration

for tasks handled by it on real time basis (maximum within 24 hours). This facility needs
to be provided during the online registration process.

7. The company/agency should also provide at specified dates during the admission process
the following:

Consolidated reports (on both soft and hard copies) on data captured (formats to be
specified by FMS)

8. After the CAT 2022 conducted by IIM is held, the score obtained by applicants who
appeared in CAT would be entered into the database. The same task would be done for
short-listed candidates who appear for GD/PI during March/April 2023 (MBA Full-Time
and Ph.D. applicants).

9. For Executive evening programs, application evaluation scores assigned to applicants

under various criteria and the score obtained by them in Aptitude Test and PI have to be
added in preparation of final scores and subsequently, the results prepared based on
criteria as specified by FMS.

10. Generation of GD/PI schedules for shortlisted candidates for all programs.

11. Generation of lists based on selection criteria of FMS, of successful candidates from the
database, within four hours of receiving results of GD/PI (for all programs)
12. The admission registration process is expected to start during October, 2022 and the
online portal should be available for use before that.

Tenders to be submitted should strictly conform to the specifications as defined under the
scope of work (as defined in point 1-12 above) failing which it will be liable to be

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A. The bidders should satisfy following conditions as pre-requisites for submission of
1) The bidder must have independently handled at least four assignments for a
minimum of 50,000 applications covering the entire scope of work in the last 3
financial years. The bidders should be a Government Agency or an Agency
registered as private or public limited company and should have minimum
experience of 3 years of selection-processing jobs.
2) The bidder should have a minimum total gross turnover of at least Rs. 1 crore
each in last two years in computerized admissions/selection related job
processing environment.
3) The bidder must have minimum of 50 employees on its rolls presently.
4) The bidder must have net worth of at least Rs. 50 lakhs as on 31st March 2022.

The bidder has to furnish the following information along with the signed and
scanned copies of following supporting/required documents i.e. B-I and B-II as an
essential part of “Technical Bid” in Cover-I. (Original copies to be submitted at the
time of the presentation.)

Scanned copies of A/c Payee Bank Draft/Demand Draft of Earnest Money Deposit
of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand only) in the form of A/c Payee Bank Draft/Demand
Draft/FDR drawn in favour of “The Registrar, University of Delhi” payable at Delhi.
(Hard copies of EMD Drafts should reach the Section Officer, Accounts Section,
Room No: 1, Ground Floor, Faculty of Management Studies, University of
Delhi, Delhi-110007, before the end date and time of bid submission, failing which
offer will be liable for rejection).


a) Detailed business profile along with space and organizational structure

showing details of professional, technical and other manpower with their
qualifications and experience.

b) Audited balance sheet of the last two years along with certificate of
incorporation and also certificate of commencement of business in the case of
a Public Limited Company.

c) Satisfactory performance reports of handling at least four complete activities

of selection/examination data processing as detailed in scope of work for a
minimum of 50,000 candidates for a similar assignment in last 3 years.

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d) Certificates are to be enclosed from organizations which had employed the
firm for Development of software for processing admissions/selection related

e) Net worth certificate from Statutory Auditor of the firm/company.

f) The company should have admission portal hosted on a hosting server located
in India.
g) Portal should be SSL Certified (with at least 128 bit encryption). Portal
should preferably have had a security audit by one of the CERT-In Certified
Security auditor.

h) Firms/Companies shall also submit detailed note explaining the scope of work
understood by it/him and which shall be executed by it.

i) The Company/Firm shall furnish copy of Income Tax Returns of the company
for the last three years up to including financial year 2020-2021.

j) Detailed list of quality control exercise, which the firm proposes to conduct
during the execution of work.

k) Duly filled-in proforma for technical bid (given in Annexure II)

Technical bidders would be asked to give presentation on an appointed date and time at
FMS. Financial bids of only technically qualified bidders, who would be selected after
presentation, would be opened. FMS reserve the right of pre-qualification of a bidder based
on its technical bid and presentation depending on the work requirements of FMS.


The financial bid should be uploaded in following format:

Price Bid to be given in BoQ_XXXX.xls format along with Financial Bid


Single quoted rate each for Job Sl No. 1 and 2 should take into account the
following costs –

a) Development and running of web-application on a dedicated server for admission

test registration, automated e-mail acknowledgements, SMS Alert Service,
answering queries from applicants, generation and printing of reports etc. (as
under Scope/Description of work). Processing and publishing of results online
and generation of lists of successful candidates.

b) Cost of running the web-application to support the registration of candidates and

compilation of all scores and declaration of results after GD and PI for all

c) Cost for preparation and dispatch of intimation letters to candidates for GD/PI
(Through e-mail).

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required to demonstrate the technical capabilities at the place and time determined by
the FMS, University of Delhi, at their own expenses. If selected an Undertaking to
the effect that all necessary information reports needed by FMS, University of Delhi
at different stages in the desired formats (paper as well as computerized) shall be
provided by the company within 4 days of request at no additional costs.

5. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 10,000/- is to be

submitted along with the tender document in the form of A/c Payee Bank
Draft/Demand Draft/FDR drawn in favour of “The Registrar,” payable at University
of Delhi, Delhi. The Earnest Money Deposit of parties, whose rates are not approved,
will be returned within 45 days upon finalization of the tender.

6. PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE: The Performance Bank Guarantee of

Rs. 35,000 will be deposited by the successful bidder within the 15 days from the
date of issue of the Purchase Order. The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be
accepted in the following form and shall be in favour of “The Registrar, University of
Delhi”, payable at Delhi with a validity of months as under:-
i. Fixed deposit receipt (FDR) of a nationalized bank (15 months validity from
the date of issue of Purchase order) or,
ii. Bank Guarantee (15 months validity from the date of issue of Purchase
iii. The Performance Bank Guarantee will be refunded without any interest after
the successful completion of the work.
iv. In case of non-submission of Performance Bank Guarantee within specified
time, the earnest money will be forfeited, and the University may consider to
blacklist the bidder.
7. THE PENALTY CLAUSE: Company/Firm has to complete the work as per the
prescribed schedule and strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
Tender failing which the FMS, University of Delhi without prejudice to any other right
or remedy available may recover any such amount suffered as loss from the
Company/Firm as ascertained/assessed by this office as liquidation damages and not by
way of penalty to be imposed, separately at the rate of 5% per day of delay on the total
value of work order subject to a maximum of 25% of the total value of work order,
provided if any loss or delay has been caused due to any reasons beyond the control of
any of the parties (Force Majeure). The Registrar, University of Delhi shall have the sole
discretion to waive off such loss or penalty as he deems fit, provided further that the
Firms/Companies shall explain in writing the reasons which caused such delay or loss
within 5 days from the date of delay or incurrence of such loss.

8. Printed terms and conditions of the bidder will not be considered as forming part of the
tenders. In case terms and conditions of the work order applicable to this invitation to
quotation are not acceptable to any tenderer, he should clearly specify deviation in his
tender. FMS, Delhi University reserves the right to accept or reject them and will not be
bound to give reasons for its refusal to consider the tender with such deviations.

9. Hypothetical and conditional e-quotes will not be entertained. In addition, firm/ company
shall strictly adhere to the quality of work to be carried out at specified in the tender
document failing which FMS, University of Delhi shall be authorized to cancel the work

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10. The estimated quantum of work would be around 20,000 application forms. This is only
indicative, however actual number of applications may vary as per actual.

11. Firm/Company should be able to integrate data received online through internet
registration into the database of candidates before final processing.

12. Firm/Company may also quote (Optional) for on-line registration of candidates on “per
candidate” basis. In this case, the Company needs to demonstrate its technical ability and
13. Firms/Companies shall be required to provide “zero error certificates” at different stages
in respect of data captured, reports, result etc.

Firms/Companies are required to quote charges for:

(a) Dispatch of GD/PI letters through e-mail to all candidates shortlisted in all
(b) Development and running of web application facilitating online registration (as
defined in scope of work). (RATES TO BE QUOTED ON ANNEXURE-I).

14. Successful Firm/Company will be required to provide and integrate the systems at FMS,
University of Delhi as and when required and start operation thereafter immediately. A
minimum notice of 5 days shall be given by FMS, University of Delhi for
commencement of given task/work order.

15. Firm/Company needs to process the data on daily basis at premises of FMS only with
adequate and competent staff. The processed data (in the required format) along with
reports/lists after every milestone (end of registrations, declaration of CAT results, short
listings of candidates for GD/PI, scores from GD/PI) need to be submitted to the Dean,
FMS within maximum 48 hours.
16. The Firm/Company will facilitate declaration of results within FOUR hours of getting
GD/PI (in hard copy) scores.

17. Firm/Company which is awarded the work order should not use the data base generated
for any other purposes other than those specified by the FMS, University of Delhi,
Delhi. The FMS, University of Delhi has the exclusive right to the database.

18. Firm/Company should ensure highest security of all online transactions and data
transfers that would happen through the web application developed on the web server
maintained by it. The firm/company need to have secured back up of all data captured
during the registration process and would be held responsible for loss of any data
handled by it.

19. FMS, University of Delhi will have exclusive right to the online application package
and other computer programs developed (including the source code) for sorting of data.

20. The Firm/Company SHALL NOT sub-contract or assign all or any part of the work to
any third party.
21. Rates quoted shall remain firm till the completion of work.
22. Firm/Company would be required to sign an agreement on a stamp paper of an
appropriate value.

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23. Period of Contract: The one-year period of contract will commence from the date of
signing of the contract.

24. The Firm/Company will be required to process the online forms of particular year as per
the total number authorized by the FMS, University of Delhi in the FMS premises.

25. The decision of this office in regard to the acceptance or otherwise of the bids will be
final and binding.

26. Firms/Companies short-listed by the FMS, University of Delhi should demonstrate their
ability to handle the tasks and are required to demonstrate through a presentation at their
own expense before the opening of financial bids.

27. Finally selected Firm/Company will have to demonstrate a trial run well before initiating
the work.

28. Technical & Financial bids should be uploaded as separate documents.

29. The financial bids of only those bidders will be opened who are found technically
eligible as per clause no.2.

30. Except as otherwise provided, all materials, i.e. Application packs containing Printed
Admission Forms, score sheets, results, Final Reports, etc. will have to be delivered at
the Office of The Dean, FMS, University of Delhi, Delhi – 110007.

31. Firm/Company should keep the execution of the entire project confidential till its

32. The entire work is of a time bound nature, and the company will have to execute work as
per the following schedules.
a. Development, testing and validation of web-application: 07 days
b. Hosting web application on web server and simultaneous digitization of offline
forms: online basis
c. Authentication of all registered applicants with the help of FMS administration:
within 5 days of last date for candidates’ registration.
d. Augmenting with the CAT scores (within 48 hours of getting scores from
organizing IIM) and the application evaluation scores (provided by FMS) in the
master data base (within 72 hours).
e. Generation and compilation of scores and results at all stages i.e. (i) CAT results
and application evaluation scores (for Executive programmes) (ii) GD/PI.
Compilation of all scores for lists of successful candidates. (within 4 hours)
f. Delivery of other reports etc. within 48 hours of requisition.

33. All the generated reports and software (required for leading to the finalization of lists for
the admissions to various programmes of FMS, Delhi University) have to be submitted in
Hard Copy and Soft Copy on CD-ROM and USB Drive or otherwise as specified.
34. Any clarification/doubt may be addressed or personally discussed, if need be, at the
office of the Dean, FMS, University of Delhi, Delhi, before submitting the bids.

Faculty of Management Studies
University of Delhi
Delhi – 110007
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Proforma for Financial Bid

The financial bid should be uploaded in following format:

Price Bid to be given in BoQ_XXXX.xls format

16. The above mentioned Financial bid format is provided as BoQ_XXXX.xls along with this
tender document at Bidders are advised to download
this BoQ_XXXX.xls as it is and quote their offer/rates in the permitted column and upload
the same in the commercial bid. Bidder shall not tamper/modify downloaded price bid
template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be tempered/modified in any
manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be forfeited and tenderer is
liable to be banned from doing business with Faculty of Management Studies, University of
Delhi. Expected number of registrations is only indicative, however actual number of
applications may vary.

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From: (Full name and address of the Bidder) ______________________



Dear Sir/Madam,

1. I submit the Price Bid for_____________________________ and related activities as

envisaged in the Bid document.
2. I have thoroughly examined and understood all the terms and conditions as contained in the
tender document, and agree to abide by them.

3. I offer to work at the rates as indicated in the price Bid, Annexure I, inclusive of all
applicable taxes.

Yours Faithfully,

Signature of
with Company

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Proforma for Technical Bid

NAME OF AGENCY: ………………………………..
ADDRESS: ……………………………………………..
E-mail: ……………. Tel: …………………..Fax: ……………………..
Mobile: …………………………………………

Criteria Give details (with proof)

1. Have you independently handled at least four
assignments for a minimum of 50,000 applications
covering the entire scope of work during last three
financial years?
2. Are you a Government Agency or an Agency
registered as private or public limited company having
minimum experience of 3 years of selection-
processing jobs?
3. Is your minimum total gross turnover at least Rs. 1
crore each in last two years in computerized
processing job or related activities?
4. Do you have a minimum of 50 employees?
5. Detailed business profile along with space and
organizational structure showing details of
professional, technical and other manpower with their
qualifications and experience.
6. Firms/Agencies are required to give evidence of
having successfully undertaken similar projects.
7. Audited balance sheet of the last two years along
with certificate of incorporation and also certificate of
commencement of business in the case of Public
Limited Company.
8. Details of selection agencies whose jobs completed
in the last three years along with satisfactory
performance report
9. Proof of handling at least four complete activities
of selection/examination data processing as detailed in
scope of work for a minimum of 50,000 candidates for
a single assignment in last 3 years
10. Net worth certificate (of at least Rs. 50 lakh as on
31st March 2022) from Statutory Auditor of the
11. Firms/Companies shall also submit detailed note
explaining the scope of work understood by it/him and
which shall be executed by it
12. Income Tax Return of the company for the
last three years up to including financial year 2020-
13. Detailed lists/procedures of quality control,
which the company proposes to conduct during the
execution of work
Page 13 of 21
14. Have you ever been indicted in any legal issue? If
yes, please specify.
15. Have you ever been disqualified by any public/
private sector company/ Government Department
including University of Delhi.

Signature: (with Seal)

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Form of Performance Guarantee

Bank Guarantee Bond
1. In consideration of the University of Delhi (hereinafter called “The University”) having
offered to accept the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement
between___________ and ______________ (hereinafter called “the said
Contractor (s)”) for the work _____________________ (hereinafter called “the
said agreement”) having agreed to production of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for
Rs. _______________ (Rupees ________________________ only) as a
security/guarantee from the contractor(s) for compliance of his obligations in accordance
with the terms and condition in the said agreement.

We, ____________ (indicate the name of the Bank) _____________(hereinafter

referred as “the Bank”) hereby undertake to pay to the University an amount not
exceeding Rs. ________ (Rupees ________________ only) on demand by the

2. We, ________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) ______________do hereby

undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demure,
merely on a demand from the University stating that the amount claimed is required to
meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the said contractor(s). Any such demand
made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the bank
under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an
amount not exceeding Rs.____________ (Rupees _______________________only).

3. We, the said bank further undertake to pay the University any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or
proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this
present being absolute and unequivocal.

The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment there under and the Contractor
(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.

4. We, ___________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the
guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that
would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be
enforceable till all the dues of the University under or by virtue of the said agreement
have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
Registrar, University of Delhi, on behalf of the University certified that the terms and
conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said
Contractor(s) and accordingly discharge this guarantee.

5. We, ____________________ (indicate the name of the Bank ) further agree with the
University that the University shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and
without affecting in any manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of terms and
conditions of the said agreement or to extent time of performance by the said
Contractor(s) from to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the
Page 15 of 21
powers exercisable by the University against the said contractor (s) and to forbear or
enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not
be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted
to the said Contractor (s) or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of the
University or any indulgence by the University to the said contractor(s) or by any such
matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this
provision, have effect or so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the

7. We, ________________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) lastly undertake not to
revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the University in writing.

8. This guarantee shall be valid upto _______________ unless extended on demand by the
University. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is
restricted to Rs._______________ (Rupees____________________ only) and unless a claim
in writing is lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the extended date of
expiry of this guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged.

Date the ---------day of -----------for---------- (indicate the name of the Bank)

Page 16 of 21
(To be given on Company Letter Head)


Sub: Acceptance of Terms & Condition of Tender.

Tender Reference No: FMS/e-Tender/03/2022

Name of Tender / Work:-


Dear Sir,
1. I/We have downloaded/obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
“Tender/Work” from the web site(s) namely:

As per your advertisement, given in the above-mentioned website(s).

2. I/We hereby certify that I/we have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender
documents from Page No. ____ to _____ (including all documents like annexure(s),
schedule(s), etc.,), which form part of the contract agreement and I/we shall abide hereby
by the terms / conditions/ clauses contained therein.

3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department / organization too have
also been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.

4. I/we hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender
document(s)/corrigendum(s) in its totality/entirely.

5. I/we do hereby declare that our firm has not been blacklisted/debarred by any Govt.
Department/Public Sector undertaking.

6. I/we certify that all information furnished by the our Firm is true & correct and in the
event that the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your
department/organization shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily
reject the bid or terminate the contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy
including the forfeiture of the full said earnest money deposit absolutely.

Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Bidder, with Official


Name of Contact Person:

Contact No of Contact Person:

Page 17 of 21
S. Description Yes/No Remarks, if any
1 EMD (Rs. 10,000/-)
2 Annexure – I (Proforma for Financial
Bid) (Cover II)
3 Financial Bid Undertaking
4 Annexure – II (Proforma for Technical
Bid) (Cover I)
5 Annexure – III (Form of Performance
Bank Guarantee Bond Only for
selected bidder to be submitted later)
6 Annexure-IV (Tender Acceptance

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Reference: FMS/e-Tender/03/2022
Dated: September 14, 2022

Sealed Techno-Commercial Quotations are invited from the eligible agencies/companies to
undertake the following work:

Sr. Scope/Description of Work Estimated Cost Expected Date

No. of Completion
1. Development of web-application for online Rs. 3,00,000/- 31 August 2023
registration by applicants to various programs Tentative
of FMS. The web-application apart from
registering applicants should facilitate:

(i) Online payment of application fees (payment

gateway service provider to be decided by FMS).

(ii) Facility to applicants for download and printing

of (online) filled-in application in standard formats.

(iii) Automated e-mails and SMS alerts to every

registered applicants on successful registration,
receipt of online application fee and dispatch of
interview letters.

(iv) Registration process involving uploading of

photographs and scanned signatures and other
required documents.

(v) Checking and authentication of successfully

registered applicants by FMS.

(vi) Entry/ Augmentation of CAT score, interview

marks, application form evaluation marks MBA-
Executive and MBA-Executive (HCA) evening
Programmes during different phases into the data
base. Generation of reports/ results based on defined

(vii)Preliminary verification of the online forms and

applicant’s documents and report discrepancies to
FMS admission committee.

(vii) To arrange and conduct online interviews for

all the shortlisted applicants in all the programs.

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The web application need to be developed and
thoroughly tested and validated at least 3 days
before going online.
2. Running the web-application mentioned in (1) on
dedicated server(s) with high reliability and
adequate capacity (should be able to handle large
volume of online traffic) for period of
approximately 6 weeks for registration to various
programs of FMS. Numbers of applicants in these
tests are expected to be 18,000 for MBA and
doctoral programme and 2,000 for MBA-Executive
and MBA-Executive (HCA) evening programmes
respectively. Company/Agency should provide
proof of successfully running applications on web-
servers for works of similar scale and scope. It
would need to guarantee availability and overall
service level of the online registration site to
applicants during the registration period for 99% of
the duration.
3. Augmentation of data on payment of application
fees through offline modes for all those registered
applicants who do not opt for or could not exercise
online payment. (However, FMS may choose not to
offer this option to applicants).
4. Digitization of data for all those particularly Ph.D.
applicants who apply offline in a format developed
in point (1) stated above. (However, FMS may
choose not to offer this option to applicants).

5. Maintaining a master database of all applicants

registered through (1), (2) and (3) above, for use at
any time during the admission process.

6. Company/Agency would answer queries made by

applicants on the online registration for tasks
handled by it on real time basis (maximum within
24 hours).

7. The company/agency should also provide at

specified dates during the admission process the
Consolidated reports (on both soft and hard copies)
on data captured (formats to be specified by FMS)

8. After the CAT 2022 conducted by IIM is held, the

score obtained by applicants who appeared in CAT
would be entered into the database. The same task
would be done for short-listed candidates who
appear for GD/PI during March/April 2023 (MBA
Full-Time and Ph.D. applicants).
9. The company/agency will provide Manpower
support (08 persons for Form verification, data
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entry, data cleaning, etc.) for approximately 20 days
during the personal interviews of the shortlisted
candidates (Tentatively in April 2023)
10. For Executive evening programs, application
evaluation scores assigned to applicants under
various criteria and the score obtained by them in
Aptitude Test and PI have to be added in preparation
of final scores and subsequently, the results prepared
based on criteria as specified by FMS.
11. Generation of lists based on selection criteria of
FMS, of successful candidates from the database,
within four hours of receiving results of GD/PI (for
all programs)

The Tender document details can be accessed from the websites at and A/c Payee Bank Draft/Demand Draft of Earnest Money
Deposit of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten Thousand only) in the form of A/c Payee Bank Draft/Demand
Draft/FDR drawn in favour of “The Registrar, University of Delhi” payable at Delhi should
reach the Section Officer, Accounts Section, Room No: 1, Ground Floor, Faculty of
Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 from 14th September, 2022 to 5th
October, 2022 between 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m.

Online Quotations (Technical bid and financial bid) should be submitted online at website on or before the prescribed last date and time. Any
additional information can be obtained from the Section Officer, Accounts Section, Room No -
1, Ground Floor, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
between 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. The last date of receipt of completed tender shall be 5th
October, 2022 up to 05:00 p.m. through online mode only at Govt. of India e-procurement
system ( and Technical Bids will be opened on 7th
October, 2022 at 3.30 p.m. Technical presentation of eligible bidders would be done in
FMS/Online on a date to be notified later. Bidders or their representatives may attend the
opening of tenders online. FMS reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and change any of
the tender conditions depending on the requirement of FMS without prior notice.

Faculty of Management Studies
University of Delhi

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