Annual Performance Analysis of Different Maximum P
Annual Performance Analysis of Different Maximum P
Annual Performance Analysis of Different Maximum P
69 551
4 authors, including:
Mohamed Salhi
Université Moulay Ismail
All content following this page was uploaded by Chaibi Yassine on 05 May 2020.
This paper presents an annual performance evaluation of three maximum power point tracking (MPPT) methods.
The used MPPT techniques (Perturb and Observe, Incremental Inductance and Sliding mode) are evaluated under
an annual data of atmospheric conditions of the target site. The main contribution of this work is to consider real
fluctuation conditions of solar irradiations, ambient temperatures and wind velocities. It was found that the Sliding
mode provides higher energy yields independently of the period. Compared to the basic P&O and the IC
techniques, sliding mode has the potential of generating up to 8.18% more electrical energy than other techniques.
Keywords: Photovoltaic systems, Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), Annual performance
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Chaibi et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:15 Page 2 of 10
point area. As reported in [21], Kullimalla et al. adjusted problem caused by external uncertainties, this improved
the step size to raise the tracking speed and to reduce the method shown a very high performance of tracking even
oscillating, this adaptive method shown an operating point with fast climate variations [38]. Hence, most of MPPT
closer to the MPP and presented a fast response compared based on sliding mode show a very high performance
to conventional algorithms, furthermore, other researchers and stability with fast atmospheric changes.
such as Hong et al. has developed an adaptive step size ac- In this paper, the effect of MPPT algorithm on the net
cording to the error [22], this solution presented a high energy output of solar PV modules is investigated. For
tracking performance with low power losses compared to this end, three different MPPT algorithms are tested on
other P&O algorithms. Although, these improved versions the PV system in Fig. 1. The innovative aspect met in
of the P&O have arrived to ameliorate the tracking per- this paper is the utilization of real climatic conditions
formance but the oscillating around MPP stills the principal evaluated for duration of one complete year (8760 run-
cause of energy losses, especially in fast irradiance change. ning hours). A strong calculation effort has been made,
To overcome this issue, other techniques such as the incre- as it was essential to fit hourly data to comply well with
mental conductance (IC) are required [23, 24]. The IC the time step used in the simulation process. To the best
tracks the MPP by comparing instantly the conductance of knowledge of authors, although there are many pub-
with the incremental conductance of the PV module [25]. lished papers comparing various MMPT control tech-
To perform at the MPP, both quantities must be equal. For niques, a realistic approach to quantify the differences
this reason, the IC method presented the conventional ver- induced in the associated energy yields is missed. The
sion with a fixed step adapted to the operating zone [26]. conclusions outlined in this paper can offer guidelines
Unfortunately, the fixed step IC shown a low response about the development and cost-effectiveness of MPPT
under fast irradiance change. Then, Incremental Conduct- techniques in their design phase.
ance with variable step corrected partially this problem and
becomes widely used. Lui et al. [27], Emad et al. [28] used
the variable step, where the slope of the P-V characteristic 2 Methods
is multiplied with the fixed step, which enhanced the track- 2.1 PV system modeling
ing speed and shown a superiority compared to the con- 2.1.1 PV module
ventional fixed step algorithms. As a result, most of PV module is a group of cells connected in series or in
improved version of this technique corrected partially the parallel with the main objective to convert sunlight into
problem of oscillation and shown a remarkable perform- electricity via the photodiode operation, the latter is
ance under fast change of atmospheric conditions. explained by the p-n junction phenomenon and the pro-
In order to improve the sensitivity of the PV module duced current depends on the received irradiance and
at the optimal point, artificial intelligence as fuzzy temperature [39]. The PV cell is represented electrically
logic [29, 30]; and neuron network algorithms are used by several equivalent circuit models [40, 41]. Fig. 2
[31, 32]. However, the complexity of these methods shows one of the most used models, which is called the
makes them hard to implement in real life since they one diode model and composed of a diode in parallel
need high-performance calculator to ensure the max- with a courant source, shunt and series resistances [39].
imum power tracking operation. Accordingly, to have By using Kirchhoff’s law, the output generated current
a good compromise between efficiency and cost, by the PV module is given by:
numerical theories such as Backstepping and Sliding
mode are employed to build an improved MPPT that
satisfy the conditions of both good performance and
low-cost [33].
The sliding mode MPPT (SM-MPPT) is a nonlinear
control technique based on the design of a control law
that forces the system trajectory to reach the sliding sur-
face. Thanks to its advantages such as a robust behavior
in the presence of external variation and the simplicity
of implementation. In literature, various controllers have
been proposed [34–36]. Dahech et al. proposed a robust
controller using both the Backstepping and the sliding
mode and this hybrid method offered a MPPT controller
with high efficiency and low error of tracking [37].
Moreover, an adaptive SM-MPPT has been proposed by
Koofigar et al. with the aim objective to overcome all the Fig. 1 The used configuration of the PV system
Chaibi et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:15 Page 3 of 10
VDC ¼ ð5Þ
ΔIpv I and
- If ΔVpv > − Vpvpv : operating point is on the left of the
MPP. ˙σ ¼ €y þ β˙y ð8Þ
ΔIpv I
- If ΔVpv < − Vpvpv : operating point is on the right of the where ˙y and €y are respectively the first and the second
MPP. time derivative of the output y and β is a positive con-
ΔI I stant. The time derivative of the sliding surface can be
- If ΔVpvpv ¼ − Vpvpv : the operating point is at the MPP.
written as:
Fig. 5 gives the flowchart of the incremental con-
ductance which respects previous conditions. As ˙σ ¼ f þ gu ð9Þ
Then, designing of the control law in order to ensure
the stability of the system, the Lyapunov function de-
fined by V ¼ 12 σ is adopted, only the ˙ V < 0 allows the
By choosing the dynamic function as: ˙σ ¼ ‐m sign
˙V ¼ −mjσj ð10Þ
From precedent equations, the control law is given by:
u ¼ − fþm: gsignðσÞ
with m > 0.
D ¼ 1 þ fþm: gsignðσÞ
temperature, the cell temperature calculations are based Fig. 6 Different daily atmospheric conditions for a March 21,
on the model given by Duffie et al. in Eq. (A.1) [45]. b June 21, c September 21, d December 21
Table 2 gives the maximum values of the used climate
conditions for each day. As shown from this table, for day of the winter because of the rapid fluctuations of cell
September 21, the maximum incident irradiance is about temperature and irradiance. As seen in the Fig. 7d, the
1043.4 W/m2. For the other atmospheric conditions, P&O technique shows high tracking performance com-
June 21 recorded the maximum values of the ambient pared the IC one.
temperature, cell temperature and the wind speed. The Another performance index to be assessed is the real
corresponding values are respectively, 36 °C for ambient electric efficiency which can be computed using Eq.
temperature, 62.27 °C for cell temperature and 9.8 m/s (A.2) formulated in the appendix.
for the wind speed. In addition, the coldest scenario, According to SAM software [46], the nominal module
presented by December 21 shows minimum values of efficiency of the Mono-Si SM55 is about 12.89%. In
ambient and cell temperatures as well as incident solar Fig. 8a,b,c,d, it is noticed that the SM-MPPT reaches
radiations. rapidly the steady-state of the efficiency and remains
In order to evaluate the proposed MPPT controllers, around the nominal value. For the P&O and the IC
the generated power from the Monocrystalline SM55 PV MPPT, the efficiencies are similar except for the winter
array is provided in Fig. 7a,b,c,d. This output corre- day because of the fast changes of temperature and
sponds to the climatic data previously presented. As can irradiance. Also, the P&O shows slightly better efficiency
be observed, the SM-MPPT presents a remarkable su- compared to IC method.
periority in terms of level of power tracking and this is With the same methodology used in the previous par-
true independently of the examined day. However, the agraphs, the Poly-Si MSX60 PV array with the technical
P&O MPPT and the IC-MPPT exhibit approximately specifications shown in Table 1 is simulated under the
the same profiles for all the seasons except for the first same conditions displayed in Fig. 6a,b,c,d. Fig. 9a,b,c,d
presents the daily generated power using the examined
Table 1 Evaluation data and result (portion) MPPT techniques. As can be seen in this illustration, the
Parameters Mono-Si SM55 Poly-Si MSX60 generated power using the SM-MPPT confirms the high
Pm [W] 55 60 tracking performance and stability of this technique even
Vm [V] 17.4 17.1 with the Poly-Si technology. In fact, the SM-MPPT is
Im [A] 3.15 3.5 known as a robust controller even with an external
Voc [V] 21.7 21.1
disturbance. On the other hand, and especially for the
Isc [A] 3.45 3.8
Table 2 Maximum values of atmospheric condition for the
Ki [%/K] 0.04 0.06 used days
Kv [%/K] −0.35 −0.37 March 21 June 21 September 21 December 21
Ncell 36 36 λmax[W/m ]2
686.03 971.96 1043.40 760.53
Ns 20 20 Ta max [°C] 19.20 36 29.6 12.2
Np 5 5 TC max [°C] 36.85 62.27 53.52 34.45
Am [m2] 0.42 0.55 vw max [m/s] 5.2 9.8 4.1 5.7
Chaibi et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:15 Page 6 of 10
Fig. 7 Daily generated power using different MPPT Fig. 9 Daily generated power using different MPPT
techniques on the Mono-Si PV array SM55 for a March 21, b techniques on the Poly-Si PV array MSX60 for a March 21, b
June 21, c September 21, d December 21 June 21, c September 21, d December 21
Poly-Si technology, the P&O and the IC methods fit per- good stability achieved by the SM-MPPT. Furthermore,
fectly because of its similar approach followed to pursuit this MPPT technique has a high tracking speed capabil-
the MPP. ity which allows transferring the PV energy with mini-
The module efficiency of the MSX 60 is plotted in mum losses.
Fig. 10a,b,c,d. According to SAM software [46], the
nominal module efficiency of the MSX60 is given by a 3.2 Annual analysis
value of 10.80%. As can be seen in Fig. 10a,b,c,d, both Because the daily analysis evaluates the performance of
the P&O and the IC method are identical in all cases of the PV system in a limited period, it is essential to
atmospheric variations, but the drawbacks of these quantify the net energy output of PV arrays generated in
methods is the low response to attain the steady-state single Typical Meteorological Year. Similarly, meteoro-
around the nominal efficiency, which causes a lot of logical data of Fez are used in the calculations. This
losses comparing to the sliding mode technique. location is known with high potential of solar energy
From this analysis, it was concluded that the sliding and a hot weather in the summer and a cold one in the
mode MPPT presents a very good solution to track the winter. Figs. 11, 12, 13 and 14 give respectively the
MPP comparing to the P&O and the IC methods. This annual values of ambient temperature, cell temperature,
superiority is proved from the reached efficiency and the global incident irradiance and wind velocity. The
Fig. 11 Annual database of the ambient temperature [°C] Fig. 13 Annual database of the irradiance [W/m2]
presented data were generated on an hourly basis and By using the output results of the annual generated
fitted using the MATLAB toolbox to comply with the power, the annual produced energy is calculated using
time step of 1 s used in the simulation processes. Eq. (A.3) in the Appendix.In Fig. 17, the calculated
As observed in Fig. 11, the annual ambient power is plotted for each technology using the selected
temperature varies between a maximum value of 44.5 °C MPPT technique; as shown in this figure, the annual
and a minimal one of − 1.5 °C, this database is charac- produced energy using the SM-MPPT shows a consider-
terized by the different profiles of daily weathers (sunny, able superiority for both technologies comparing to
cloudy and mixed days). Fig. 12 gives the annual cell other MPPT techniques, to prove that, the relative gain
temperature using the NOCT model [47]; the daily peak given by Eq. (A.4) is calculated. These relative gains are
of this temperature varies between 17.26 °C and presented in Table 3.
71.96 °C. Fig. 13 shows the annual irradiance in the As can be observed, the sliding mode MPPT offers
same region. The daily peak irradiance changes between more energy outputs than the other techniques. For the
a value of 281.1 W/m2 and 1156 W/m2. In Fig. 14, the Mono-Si technology, the relative gains generated by
annual wind velocity is presented; the wind speed inter- using the SM-MPPT compared to of the P&O and IC
val varies between 0 m/s and 16.5 m/s. techniques. More specifically, in terms of yearly energy
The simulation of the selected MPPT controllers (Slid- output, SM-MPPT could achieve up to 8.18% higher
ing mode MPPT, P&O and IC) using the previous data. energy productions if PO and the IC methods. More-
The annual generated power using the different MPPT over, the technology of PV modules seems to have a
techniques considering the two module technologies significant impact on the net relative energy gain in-
(Mono-Si SM55 and Poly-Si MSX60) are presented re- duced. Higher rates are observed for the Poly-Si mod-
spectively in Fig. 15a,b,c and Fig. 16a,b,c. ules. At this point, it is interesting to note that further
Fig. 12 Annual database of the cell temperature [°C] Fig. 14 Annual database of the wind velocity [m/s]
Chaibi et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:15 Page 8 of 10
(a) (b)
Fig. 15 Annual generated power using different MPPT PV technologies have been tested. The total installed
techniques on SM55 PV array a P&O MPPT, b IC MPPT, capacity is 6 kWp and 5.5 kWp, respectively. The main
c SM-MPPT findings of this work can be summarized as follows:
investigations should be undertaken to compare such SM-MPPT yields the highest energy outputs
techniques for other climate conditions and for other annually compared to the P&O and IC techniques.
PV technologies to gather more information about the In terms of yearly energy output, SM-MPPT could
choice of a MPPT control technique. achieve up to 8.18% higher energy productions if
compared to PO and the IC methods.
4 Conclusion Technology of PV modules has a significant impact
This paper examines to what extent the MPPT tech- on the net relative energy gain induced. Higher rates
nique could affect the yearly energy output of a solar are observed for the Poly-Si modules.
photovoltaic field. To draw useful conclusions about this
effect, running simulations based on real meteorological Further investigations should be undertaken to
and operating conditions is essential. Considering one compare such techniques for other climate conditions
Typical Meteorological Year for the Moroccan city (Fez), and for other PV technologies to gather more informa-
a comparison between three MPPT techniques has been tion about the appropriate choice of a MPPT control
made in terms of daily, annual energy outputs and con- technique.
version efficiencies of a solar field comprising 100 PV
modules. Poly-crystalline and Mono-crystalline silicon Nomenclatures
Am module surface [m2]
D duty cycle of the DC-DC converter
EGO band gap for silicon [=1.22 eV]
Ipv output current of the PV panel [A]
Im maximal current at MPP [A]
Ior saturation current of the PV panel [A]
Ios reverse saturation current of the PV panel [A]
Isc short-circuit current [A]
(a) (b)
Isol light photo-current [A]
k Boltzmann’s constant
Ki temperature coefficient of Isc [A/K]
Ncell number of cells in series
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