2022 NTaking (B1 &2)

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Chapter 3


S.J. & PC

- B. ………………. & grew up ………………. (later known ……………………………)

- 14yrs old, friend S. Wozniak ‘…………………………………’

- …………………, W designed …………………… à J’s ………………..brain

- …………………., J & W founded ……………………………. & started


- ……………, Apple II _ ………………… à world’s 1st …………….PC àJ (25) M.

S.J & new co.

- J, …………………. not always good ……………………à left A. & started ………..

- biz w/Pixar using CGI (………………………………………………… in animated films

- 1995, Toy Story à …………… à Pixar ………………………..co à J _ billionair

S.J & vision

- 1995 J ……………………, many changes w/ vision _ PC : ………….. + ………………

- 1998, iMac _ new …………………….

- …………………, iBook _ ………………………… à popular à …………for A again

- ………….., A’s “digital hub” strategy _ connecting comp. 2 cam. …………. using

“apps” iTunes,
- 2001, iPod _ …………………

- ………….., iPhone ( iPod+cam.+ phone)

- ………….., iPad _ small, light comp, just ………………………………………

- ………….. (b4 died) Apple iCloud _ A. users store & manage data +apps

………………… & ……………

Chapter 6

How Rs wrk?

- needs …………………… = brain à directs R’s …………………………………

- How Rs learn 2 wk?
+ w/ …………………………………………………………… àteach industrial Rs:
+ person uses ………………………………. à guide R’s “arm + hand”
+ comp ……………………………………… in comp memory
+ use …………………………………. gather info. à direct axns
• find box
• decide ………………………………..
• ~ force needed 2 ……………………………………..
• ………………………………… put box down
- repeats process over + over until ………………………………………
- does same job until given new job + program

Future Rs

- …………………………> today’s Rs
- > …………………………………………
- Even wrk & ……………………………………..

Industrial Rs vs autonomous Rs

- I. Rs = ……………………………………………
- + ……………………………… follow specific movmnts
+ parts move , Rs not
- …………………………………
+ ∆ in relations 2 ……………………………………….
+ whls = …………………………………….. + ∆ direction when obstacle in way
• ……………………… movmnt nearby
• ……………………………. coming twrds
• learn dance by following ………………………………………………..

Chapter 8



- found in …………… & ……………….

Ex: encyclopedia, ………….., ………………, sch. papers

- used 2 give ………………/ ……………/ conv. w/ strangers/……………………………


- used 2 talk w/ …………………………. & found in personal notes,


F. L I. L

More polite


Ex: 2 superior Ex: 2 …………………………….

“Would you mind closing the door?”/ “………………………………….”

“ Excuse me, ……………………..?”

“would”, “Could” à “please” not “would u”/

…………………… “……………….”

Use of …………………………………

Ex: ur like 4 soccer 2 ……./ parents’ Ex: ur like 4 soccer 2

fr. …………………….

“ …………………………”/ “ …………………………”


abt P. 2 ………………. abt P. 2 ……………….

“ ………………………..” “ ………………………..”

Distinction b/w F.L & I.L & nonnative speaker of E.

- line b/w F.L & I.L ……………………

- today ………………………………………past
- NSOE ……………………….

+ F.L : speech used …………………………………………………..

+ I.L: “ “ ……………………………………………………

Chapter 9


P. & Social psychologist

- def: “ the ability …………/ ………….. the axn of other people”

- need 4 ……………….. 1 of ……………………

- no P - ……………………àw/ P. ……………………

4 types of P.

1. ………………….

-1 of ……………………………….

+ #own sense of P. à ……………….. ppl w/o P.

Ex: ………………………………. esp int. may not accurate à ppl ………………

2. ……………………..

-U identify w/ per. à per. influence ……………………….

-ppl. imitate & ………………… by per. they identify w/

Ex: use of P. 4 …………………

Jonestown, G. > 900 ppl. …………………ß religious leader told them 2 do

-R.P. 4 …………. purposes à ur ………………..

3. ………………………………

- govt. ……………………..

Ex: #…………./ ……………….. à most ppl ………………..


Ex: exp. by psychologist

Psy. in everyday clothes asked ppl move away fr. bus stop à few ……………..

“ “ …………….. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ à ……… “


-skilled ………………._ sci/……………..

-knowledge abt …………… à impress ppl. à use skill & knowledge


-reward/……………..per’s ………………………………..

-R. ∆ axns/be. b/c giving ppl. chance ………………………………

-C P. may/may not cause what P. per. wants à careful in using C.P.

Chapter 12


- T: left ………… ,Apr………….. & sank @ ……………………… 4 dys later

- C.C “ …………., Jan ………….. & “ off ………………………, ……………….

Differences – Similarities Differences


-captain ………………. -
………....................... captain………………………….
+T: ………………..
+C.C.: ……………….
liner -……………………………..
……………………. à
…& ……………………. …………………………………
@sinking .&
sank ……………………
waters EX: sank
-cause: hit +T:
……………………. -cause: hit………………………
-# lives lost ………………… - # lives lost

+ …………………. died + ……………………… died

+ ………………… +……………………
survivors *cowardice: survivors
-lifeboats: …………………. -lifeboats: more than needed



Chapter 13


Disappearance D. _ WHY? WHAT?

2 theories

Theory 1: …………………………….. ß ………………………….

- M. yrs climate cooler à plants died à …………………………à ……………….

- Sci’con: …………….. C.C à D. ………………………….

Theory 2: …………………………….. à D.. …………………………….

- Huge A. hit earth …………………………. à …………………………………

- dust ……………………………… & blocked out …………………………..
- no sun ……………………….. à ………………………………. à D.’s food ………….

Evidence of A.

- late 20th cent. Iridium found ……………………………..

- in layers of E. 65 M.yrs ago _ same place bones ………………………....
- not common on E: unusually near ……………………….., often found

Scientists’ explanations

- larger amount …………………………………………..

- asteroid impact à food ……………………… à …………………………….

Possible new theory ……………………._ may be b/c ……………………………….

Chapter 15


Disappearance of animals & plants

- b/c ……………………, ex: ……………………. (past)

- endangered ………………………………………(today)

Causes of endangered species by ……………………………

1. ………………………………
a. …………………………

- an. & plts live in …………… env. _ ……………………..

- cannot ……………. w/o ……………………., ex: f. under H20


+ clearance of habitats 4 areas ppl. ………………………………..,ex: growing crops

+ ………………..fr. swamps

+ building dams 2 provide H20 4 …………………………………

b. …………………………..

- H. A. à ……………………… by ………………………………farming

- oil spills, ex: oil tankers w/ acc. à ………………….

- ………………., ex: by …………… coal & oil

2. …………………………..

despite E.S.-protecting laws, T.,E. R. hunted ………. 4 …………. /esp. ………………….:

+ T: 4 ……………..; ~ …………………… Left

+ E: “ …………… .: souvenirs & …………2 sell 2 ……………… & ……………….

+ R: “…………….: medicine (w/o med. benefits); ………….., 333 killed ………

3. …………………………..

-an. & pls compete w/ others 4 ………………………………. _naturally

-native S. “ “ …………… S by humans ……………./ ……………………….

+ ………………..

• E. rabbits brought 2 Oz 4 ……………& wild R.S. 4 …………….

• R. ……………. ………à native pls. ……………….. à Oz an. ……………….

+ …………….
• brown tree snakes brought 2 ……………………… in …………….

• S………………on milit. supply planes à large part of ……………………….


- Living things …………………. ea. other 2 survive

- Destruction 1 S à ……………………………. others
- H …………………………. à ………………à………………………….in future

Chapter 2


Colonial period

- settlers/ colonists: early Britons, ………………………………………….Afr. blacks (as


- …………….inde. fr. Britain

+ ………….. not British

+ majority spoke E. & ……………………………………

Great Immigration (..............................................)

- 1st stage (…………………………….)

+ b4 1830: …………………………………………

+ 1830s: ~ 600,000

+ ……………………………….

+ 1850s:………………, most fr. ……………………………

- 2nd stage (………………………….)

+ ………………………………..

+ most fr. Ger, Ireland, G.Bri. & smaller but significant fr. ……………………………..

- 3rd stage (1890 – 1930) _ …………………

+ ……………………..most fr. Gr, I, Port, Sp (S. Eu) & ……………………………..

Reasons for Great Immigration

- ………………….: Eu. Pop. doubled (most important)

- Industrial Revolution à ………………………….

- ………………………………. à land scarcity à available land in U.S.: great attraction

- Great attractions in U.S.

+ 1862, U.S govt. offered land free 2 ……………………..

+ ……………………….jobs

+ freedom fr. ………………&……………….persecution

- Direct results ……………………..à desperate sit.

Ex; frequent failure of potato crop in ………………………………..à widespread starvation

- ……………………………………in 1840s à regular trips across ocean carrying lots of

Remarks about the decline in immigration

- 1940 – 1970: 9mil – 10mil I.

- Reasons for decline

+ laws limited # I. fr. ………………_ Chinese Exclusion Act 1882_ & other parts of world

+ Economic & political events: ………………………………&……………………………

Current immigration situation

- ……………………………………………………………. eliminated à #I.

- 2010,………………….( ¾ legal) in U.S., 12.8% pop. à………………... in history

- ……………... fr. Latin Am.1st (Mexico w/ 12 M),


Reasons for current immigration (……………………………….)

1. ………………………………………….

2. …………………………… in home count.

3. Desire 2 join …………………………………………..

Immigration in future

- ………………………& ………………………..à #I.

- ………………………………………………..+ sanctions against employers hiring illegal

I.+ ………………………………………… in home à $I.

Chapter 4


Statistics on married ppl

- 1960: W, …..; His, …….; B, …….. (Y _..............................................)

- Today: W, …..; His, …….; B, …….. (~ _ ~ _ …………………..)

≠ social scientists’ views on marriage state in U.S.

- Negative: $ in marriage & ……………………………………….

- Positive : ∆ in culture à ………………………………………….
1. Economic & cultural elements interact w/ ea. other à ∆

Three periods by sociologist Barbara Dafoe Whitehead

1. Era of traditional family (…………………………………)

+ after W.W.II, very strong eco., rising standard of living & growing middle class

+ typical configuration of family: married couple w/ children, ………………, wife as housewife

+ low divorce rates + high birth rates

+ 3 outstanding characteristics:

• ……………………………………….

• ……………………………………………

• very clear gender (@ home & work)

2. ……………………………………… (mid-60s _ mid-80s)

+3 important social & political movements

• …………………………………. ( sex not always reserved for marriage)

• ……………………………… ß struggle from CRs: challenged discrimination against ♀

@ home, work & in society

• ……………………………………: political > social

ß nonconforming nature

+ Cultural ∆: 2 important social developments

• ………………………………………………

• drive for self expression & ………………………………..

à♀ could & should do > housewife ‘s work

àfeminist movement challenged ………………………………………

à♀ entered prof. closed to them _ ……………………………………

à♂ > active raising children

+ Economic ∆

• ……………………………………..

• single parents w/ children

• fam. w/ unmarried couples w/ 2 children

• divorce rates (2x) # + financial inde. à………………………………………….

< conformity 2 social norms à #cohabitation

3. Period of new family (present)

♀ unwilling give up

+ gender equality, freedom leave ………………………./ fulfillment of interesting jobs à

children paid high price

• spend long hrs away from parents &…………………………..

• …………………………………………………………………… b/c parents @work

• children live w/………………………………………

New family:

+ Y ………………………………… abt. marriage

• willing wait for right person

• ~ ……………………………………………..

+ statistics for marriage age

(present): ♂, ……………; ♀, …………… vs. (1960): ♂, ……………; ♀, …………..

+ ♀ make > $ hus. à …………………………

+ ideal fam. w/ 2 children _ ………………………………………………………..

+ upper & middle-class children w/ …………………………: music lessons & sports

Chapter 6


The birth event

1. Baby shower

Given by close friend /relative of ………………………………. shortly b4 ………………….

+ ………………………….. “showered” w/ gifts for baby

+ gifts (small/very expensive) w/ very ……………………………………………………….

+ a lot of advice fr. …………………………….. mothers.

+ ♂’s participation becoming common now

2. Spiritual ceremony - Baptism

Spiritual ceremony for baby ………………………………………………..

+ ………………………………………………………………….

The marriage event

1. Engagement

+ No longer necessary ♂ ……………………………………….. 2 marry

+ Traditionally, giving ………………………………….. for engagement

2. Wedding shower

+ bride-to-be …………………………………………..: electrical appliances, sheets, towels, pots

+ gifts fr. ppl……………………………………………….. & attending wedding

3. Wedding ceremony

+ bride’s fam. ……………………………………………………..

+ simple w/ only a few …………………………….. & close friends/elaborate w/ lots of ppl.

+ ……………………………………………………… ceremony: simple/ elaborate

Traditions (19th cent.)

+ bride should be wearing/carrying “………………………………………………………”

+ …………………….. if groom sees bride …………………………………. b4 wedding day

+ bouquet toss

+ wedding ceremonies held in …………………………………/@ official’s office/in park

+ ~ ~ conducted by ……………………………….., judge/ justice of peace

The death event

How to deal w/ the deceased person’s body

+ Judaism & Islam _ body quickly buried

+ Christian & various secular traditions _ WAKE : ppl close to deceased visit & say goodbye @
funeral home

+ Funeral service

• @ ……………………………………../………………………………………….

• religious leader speaks 2 …………………………………………. & family of deceased

• …………………_ speech abt. deceased person’s good things_ given by ……………


• After ceremony, body taken to ………… & buried /……………….., after brief rel. serv.

• Body cremated, ashes placed …………………………………./buried in cemetery

+ Memorial service

• held ………………………………………………..

• food & drink served, informal speeches given (memories of deceased)

Chapter 8

Topic: ……………………………………………………….

Statistics (FBI)

…………………….., violent crime rate $ WHY?

+ demographics: U.S. pop. older à ……………………………………………

+ ……………………………… recently in big cities & ……………………….. on repeat

+ (not involved) white-collar crime _ ………………………………………….. & corporate

ß hard 2 get & public not fear it cf. violent crime

1st theory: ppl. are good by nature

Person’s environment put violence / evil into heart à committing crime / behaving violently

- Society shortcomings

+ root causes : …………………………………………..

+ obvious causes: ………………………………………..& violence on TV

+ other causes: …………………………………………………..

1. Alienated from society ß w/o benefits like others

2. ……………………………………..vs society

+ underclass: …………………………………………………………….. & living in

older city neighborhoods _ gangs & drugs
- Opposition

+ Not all underclass à…………………………………….

+ ppl. from rich fam. too à violent criminals

2nd theory: ppl. are basically aggressive & sometimes violent

2. ways of deterring ……………………………………………………….

1. Socializing

+ giving values 2 prevent ………………………………………………

+ ~ ~ 4 …………………………………………………………

+ fam. role_ important à ………………………………….. à deterrent 2 violence & C.

2. Punishing

+ fear of punishment à …………………………………………………

Explanation on white-collar crime: white-collar criminals

+ not usually underclass _ …………………………………………………..

+ enjoying benefit: …………………………………………………………….

+ failure of fam. 2 properly socialize them à not well-developed conscience

+ …………………………………………….. à aggressiveness à crime

+ feeling not get caught à …………………………………………………………


- Fam. plays important role thru socialization à children

- Govt. plays role in $ crime

+ overcoming ……………………………… à U. enjoying good edu., healthcare &


- ……………………………….._ making punishment known 2 those who might become


Chapter 10


General look at U.S. public education

- Attending school _ compulsory _ until …………………………………..

- ………………………………………………… (5/6) – 12th grade (18) _ “K thru 12”
- 90% attend public school (secular)
- Small percentage ~ private ~ (………………………………….)
- Unusual feature

+ ……………………………, standardized exams by ……………………….., not by federal


+ federal govt. provides funds 2 special schools_ ………………………………………….edu.

Three levels of control within each state

1. 2 basic functions of state department of edu.

+ setting state’s ……………………………………………………… K – 12

+ ~ # credits of high school (………………………. &……………….. )

2. …………………………………….

+ # depending on …………………………………. (large metropolitan area w/ sev. sch. dist.)

+ run by sch. board elected by ……………………. / appointed by ……………………………..

+ ……………………………… specific content of courses taught in sch.

+ deciding electives available & responsible hiring…………………………………………….

3. School

+ teachers resp. how 2 teach ea. course & ……………………………………..

How U.S. public schools are funded

e.g; 2010

+ ………………………fr. federal govt.,

+ rest fr. ………………………(43%, states; …………………….. _ property taxes on

houses & biz)

Educational issues & efforts to solve

National issues

1. ………………………………………………………..

+ public sch. mainly funded by local taxes à children fr …………………….<good edu. those

in ………………………………..

2. Funding of private edu.

+ not funded ……………………………..

+ receiving ………………………….. fr. parents

1. P. wonder why to pay taxes 4 public schools but not use

State efforts to solve educational problems

1. Charter schools (type of public school)

+ funded fr. taxes, …………………………………………

+ …………………………………….. (contract) fr. state, local board/ another public org.

+ w/ ……………………………_ > independence selecting teachers, curriculum, resources …

+ 1st opened late …………………………

+ academic years 1999-2000 _ 2009- 2010, ……………. sts. 4X; 2009-2010, 5% of public


+ effectiveness _ mixed: fear C. S managed by privt sch., profit making > edu.

2. Voucher schools
+ concept _ …………………………………

+ parents ……………………… (P. / Pr) à Sch. receives set amount $/st. fr.……………………

+ privt. sch. affiliated w/ ………………………………… à ≠ opinions

• supporting: …………………………………………

• opposing: * robbing public sch. of needed funds

*not really providing……………………. _ admissions standards on

academic ……...

*using $ 4 privt, reli-affiliated sch. violates ………………………………of

church & state

Federal efforts to solve educational problems

Concerns same issues & ……………………………………………… of states receiving

federal $

NCLB (…………………………………………….)

+ Aim: to require ea. state develop & ……………………………… & other systems à

adequate, yearly

st. progress

+ Criticism

• standardized testing à T. “…………………………………” ,not what st. need

• not …………………………………….. of ≠ in standards among states

CCSS (………………………………………………………………)

+ Attempt (by governors & senior state school officials) ……………. clear goals à sts.

prepared 4

success after high school

+ Standards 4 E. & M à easier moving 2 new sch. (same / ≠ parts) keep up

+ Aim: to provide sts. w/ ……………………….. 2 succeed+ allow …………………

HOW info.will be taught

Chapter 10

Topic: U.S. public schools

General look at U.S. public education

- Attending school _ compulsory _ until 16 (9th grade)

- Kindergarten/ 1st grade (5/6) – 12th grade (18) _ “K thru 12”
- 90% attend public school (secular)
- Small percentage ~ private ~ (religious / secular)
- Unusual feature

+ nationwide curriculum standardized exams by individual states, not by federal govt.

+ federal govt. provides funds 2 special schools_ handicapped & bilingual edu.

+ controlled by individual state

Three levels of control within each state

1. 2 basic functions of state department of edu.

+ setting state’s minimum curriculum requirements K – 12

+ ~ # credits 2 graduate high school (required courses & electives)

2. School district

+ depending on size of state & pop. (large metropolitan area w/ sev. school districts)

+ run by school board elected by district citizens / appointed by local officials

+ responsible 4 specific content of courses taught in schools

+ deciding electives available 2 sts. & responsible 4 hiring teachers & administrators

3. School

+ teachers w/ primary responsibility how 2 teach ea. course & prepare + give classroom exams

How U.S. public schools are funded

e.g; 2010

+ 12% $ from federal govt.,

+ rest from state & local taxes (43%, states; 44%, local com. _ property taxes on
houses & biz)

Educational issues & efforts to solve

National issues

1. Inequality of educational opportunity

+ public schools mainly funded by local taxes à children from poorer areas receive <good edu.

those in wealthier areas

2. Funding of private education

+ not funded from taxes

+ receiving tuition from parents

2. P. wonder why to pay taxes 4 public schools but not use

State efforts to solve educational problems

1. Charter schools (type of public school)

+ funded from taxes, competing w/ regular schools 4 sts

+ operating under charter (contract) from state, local board/ another public org.

+ w/ greater autonomy _ > independence selecting teachers, curriculum, resources …

+ 1st opened late 1980s

+ academic years 1999-2000 _ 2009- 2010, sts 0.3mil – 1.6mil 4X; 2009-2010, 5% of public


+ effectiveness _ mixed: fear C. S will be managed by private schools, profit making > edu.

2. Voucher schools

+ school voucher concept _ controversial

+ parents choose school (P. / Pr) à Sch. Receives set amount $/st. from public school funds

+ usu. private sch. affiliated w/ religious org. à ≠ opinions

• supporting: private sch. offer better edu.

• opposing: * V. sch. rob public sch. of needed funds

*not really provide sch. choice _ admissions standards excluding sts based on
academic performance, religion/ gender

*using $ 4 private, religious-affiliated sch. violates constitutional separation

of church & state

Federal efforts to solve educational problems

Concerns same issues & standards + accountability of states receiving federal $

NCLB (No Child Left Behind)

+ Aim: to require ea. state develop & other systems à adequate, yearly

st. progress

+ Criticism

• standardized testing à T. “teach to the test” ,not what st. need

• not addressing problems of ≠ in standards among states

CCSS (Common Core State Standard)

+ Attempt (by governors & senior state school officials) to establish clear goals à sts.

prepared 4 success after high school

+ Standards 4 E. & M à easier sts moving 2 new sch. (same / ≠ parts) keep up

+ Aim: to provide sts. w/ skills & knowledge 2 succeed+ allow T. decide HOW info.

will be taught

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