Wall Design
Wall Design
Wall Design
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PP18 - Ent. 2 ST14 W all 1
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FAM 23/10/2023 KKL 23/10/2023
Compression steel
Horizontal steel
Tension steel
(Ast) 1000 mm
(assumed symmetric)
; W all thickness; h = 200 mm
= 1.00
; le = lo = 5.200 m; le /h = 26.00
Provide 20 dia bars @ 150 centres; in each face
Area of "tension" steel; A st = A svert = 2094 mm 2 /m
; A Hmin = If(fy>=(460 N/mm 2),if(p vwall>2 %,0.13 %,0.25%),if(p vwall>2 %,0.24 %, 0.30 %)) h/2
Additional moment
;; a = le 2 / (2000 h 2 ) = 0.338
a u = a K h = 67.6 mm
Project Job no.
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PP18 - Ent. 2 ST14 W all 3
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FAM 23/10/2023 KKL 23/10/2023
Design moments
m design = max (abs(m 2 ) , abs(m i)+ m add, abs(m 1 ) + m add/2 , m min ) = 38.4 kNm/m
; h is the wall thickness
; h' is the depth from the more highly compressed face to the "tension" steel.
n w = 36.0 kN/m
Vertical steel
A st_max = 4 % A c = 8000 mm 2 /m
; A Hmin = If(fy>=(460 N/mm 2),if(p vwall>2 %,0.13 %,0.25%),if(p vwall>2 %,0.24,0.30 %)) h/2
Allowable stress; v allowable = min ((0.8 N 1/2 /mm) (f cu ), 5 N/mm 2 ) = 4.733 N/mm 2
;; v c = 0.79 N/mm 2 min(3,100 A st / h')1/3 max(1,(400 mm) / h') 1/4 / 1.25 * fcu_ratio1/3
; v c = 0.991 N/mm 2
Shear reinforcement
not necessarily
required in wall
Shear stress - OK
Project Job no.
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PP18 - Ent. 2 ST14 W all 5
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FAM 23/10/2023 KKL 23/10/2023
For a conservative assessment of crack widths, the axial compression and the compression reinforcement in the wall will
be ignored.
h' = 155.0 mm
Modulus of elasticity for reinforcement; E s = 200 kN/mm 2
BS8110:Pt 1:Cl 2.5.4
Solving for x gives the position of the neutral axis in the section:-
x = h' [ -1E sA st/(E ch') + ( E s A st/(E ch') (2+E sA st/(E ch')))] = 71.8 mm
x = 71.8 mm
s = fst / E s = 455.410 -6
Strain in the concrete at the level at which crack width is required adjusted for stiffening of the concrete tension zone
factor = if(Crack Allowable == (0.2 mm), (1.0 N/mm 2 ), (1.5 N/mm 2)) = 1 N/mm 2
Distance from tension bar to crack in tension face between tension bars