MPA Internship
MPA Internship
MPA Internship
All students without significant work experience are required to complete a public service internship.
The MPA Committee will review each student’s work history at the time of admission to determine if an
internship will be required. The requirements of the internship are: 300 hours of work (for 3 semester
hours of credit) in a position approved by the Internship Coordinator, a written report and an oral
presentation (described below). Students who successfully complete the requirements of the internship
will be awarded three semester hours of academic credit. A student who accepts a full-time position
involving significant administrative or policy making responsibilities after admission to the MPA
program may petition for a review of the internship requirement.
Entering students who are required to complete the internship requirement should arrange to meet with
the Internship Coordinator as soon as possible after entering the MPA program. While it is ultimately
the student’s responsibility to secure an internship position with an acceptable employer, the Internship
Coordinator will assist students whenever possible, and maintains a file on potential employers.
Internships should be either with government agencies or not-for-profit organizations. Internships in the
private sector may be granted academic credit only after prior approval by the MPA core faculty.
Below are some important web sites listing various internship opportunities.
• site is a partnership between the US Office of
Personnel Management and the Partnership for Public Service.
• NC Carolina State Government Internship Program:
• Our accrediting body, NASPAA (National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and
Administration),, maintains a site on which various internships are posted.
Although compensation is not a required element of the internship program, students are strongly
encouraged to pursue paid internship positions. Compensated internships more closely replicate the true
workplace relationship. Where possible, the intern should be paid directly by the employer, without the
involvement of East Carolina University or the MPA program.
Some internship experiences (military, health or medical, etc.) can involve issues of access to
confidential materials and clients’ rights to privacy. Students should take every precaution not to invade
clients’ rights in the internship presentation, the internship report, and in their daily conversations with
friends, fellow students, and professors.
Students who have access to health and medical records are covered under provisions of the Federal
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This act requires those who have access to
certain patient health and medical information to undergo training before they can access these records.
The web site: has further information for ECU students
and staff on this requirement.
Internship Report
Each student must prepare an internship report which will describe how their internship experience has
enhanced their understanding of the knowledge and skills required in public sector management. The
internship report should be regarded as a major paper of an applied nature with quality and length
appropriate for graduate-level academic credit.
The internship report is designed so that the student intern can synthesize their practical experience with
theoretical learning. The outline of a typical report should take the following form:
Agency Setting:
• A description of the organization’s goals and objectives
• Major programs and activities of the organization
• Organizational chart of the agency showing the intern’s place in the organization
• List of names, titles, and addresses of administrative officials who are significantly related to the
student intern’s work
Annotated Bibliography:
List of books, government documents, articles, and other literature the student has read relating to his or
her internship projects, duties, and responsibilities with a brief summary of each.
Evaluation Summary:
• Assessment of the degree of personal growth experienced by the student as well as difficulties
• Discussion of the intern’s personal views, career goals, and perceptions of the public sector
• Suggestions on any aspect of the internship.
Any additional information that will help the evaluation process such as a sample of work produced
during the internship
Guidelines for Master of Public Administration Internship Paper
Purpose: The purpose of a public administration internship is to provide the student with experience in
a practical setting of a public or non-profit agency. The student is to experience the real-life, day-to-day
dynamics of the organization for which they are assigned.
Daily Journal: It is important that the student keep a journal of each day working within the agency. It
is significant to note the assignments given by supervisors and how you accomplished them. If you
develop a policy or other written product as part of your assignment is important to include this within
your internship paper. It is important to observe and note the management styles of superiors and other
supervisors and record your observations.
Objectives of Internship: When you were given permission to take an internship with a specific
agency, the permission form lists the projects and work assignments that the agency has agreed to
provide. Your paper should reflect and emphasize these projects and assignments. Once you are actively
involved in the internship, should these assignments or projects change, you should discuss this change
with the Graduate Internship Coordinator promptly!
Writing the Paper: As with any professional paper presented to the faculty, the paper should be typed
and bound in some manner. The initial section of the paper should describe the setting and structure of
the agency of which you have been assigned. The objectives you were assigned and how you went about
accomplishing them should be described. A typed version of your daily journal should be included (see
above for content). Finally, the paper should include an assessment of what you learned. What
management styles did you observe (positive or negative) and what did you learn from this observation?
Were there political influences that you observed? Also assess from your perspective the efficiency or
effectiveness of your element of the agency and what you learned. Interject your value system and what
you have been taught by the faculty in this assessment. Detail how this internship experience will help
you become an effective and productive public or non-profit employee and how you believe it will
advance your career. Do not copy policies and procedure not developed by you for inclusion within the
paper unless they have some direct relevance to a theme you are using in your paper! An additional
copy of the final internship paper must be submitted to the Internship Coordinator in an
electronic format that will allow long term storage.
Internship Agreement
MPA Program
Department of Political Science
East Carolina University
The purpose of this agreement (the "Agreement") is to define the responsibilities of the parties in
connection with the Student's internship at the Agency (the "Internship"), in order to provide an
appropriate educational experience for the Student.
1. The Student agrees to report to the Supervisor for a total of _____clock hours between:
Fall Spring Summer I Summer II semester of ___ , for ____ hours of academic credit.
3. To perform the tasks designated by the Supervisor, as described in Appendix A for this
4. To perform the academic work described in Appendix A, and any other academic work
assigned by the Faculty Member.
6. That the student is not made an employee or agent of the Agency or of ECU by this Agreement.
2. To have the Supervisor confer with the Faculty Member during and after the Internship in
connection with the Student's progress.
3. At the end of the Internship, to submit to the Faculty Member a written evaluation of the
Student's performance.
Department agrees:
1. To assess the Student's work based on conferences between the Supervisor and the Faculty
member, and all written and other work to be submitted by the Student as described in
Appendix A of this agreement.
2. To submit a grade for the Student in the Internship Course that reflects the Student's
performance of the Internship and any other requirements of the Internship Course.
3. To assess the academic quality of the Internship, and to provide the Agency upon request with
a written evaluation of the assessment.
Student:______________________________________ Date:___________
Supervisor:___________________________________ Date:___________
Faculty:______________________________________ Date:___________
1. (To be completed by Supervisor). Tasks to be performed by the Student in connection with the
Internship include, but are not limited to:
2. (To be completed by the Faculty Member) other work to be submitted to the Faculty Member by
the Student.
Supervisor: ___________________________________________________
Faculty Member:_______________________________________________
Agency Supervisor:_________________________________________________
Communication Skills:
(both oral and written skills)
East Carolina University is a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina, an equal
opportunity/affirmative action university, which accommodates the needs of individuals with
Summer 2020
• City of Greenville, Greenville, NC
Spring 2020
• City of Greenville, Greenville, NC
Fall 2019
• City of Greenville, Greenville, NC
• Horton’s Kids, Washington, DC
Spring 2019
• Finance Office, Alexander County, NC
Fall 2018
• City of Greenville, Greenville, NC
Spring 2018
• Manager of a Campaign for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives
Fall 2017
• Campus Recreation and Wellness, ECU Greenville, NC
• Johnston County Manager’s Office, Smithfield NC
Summer 2017
• NC Medical Society, Raleigh, NC
Spring 2017
• Carolina Gateways Partnership, Rocky Mount, NC
Fall 2016
• NC Coordinated Campaign, Elizabeth City, NC
• City of Greenville Department of Planning, Greenville NC
• Office of Information and Communication Technology, United Nations
Summer 2016
• Susan G. Komen Foundation, Charlotte NC
• Office of Information and Communication Technology, United Nations, NY, NY
Spring 2016
• Urban Ministries of Wake County, Raleigh NC
Summer 2015
• Hope and Glory Mission, Greenville NC
Summer 2014
• Chamber of Commerce, New Bern, NC
• City of Rocky Mount, NC, Finance Office
• City of Fuqua-Varina, NC, Manager’s Office
• Greene County, NC, County Manager’s Office
• City of Greenville, NC, Office of Community Development and Manager’s Office Spring 2014
• Village of Frankfort, IL, Village Administrator’s Office
Fall 2013
• Congressional Sportsman Foundation, Washington, DC
Summer 2013