The Complexity of Coffee by Ernesto Illy
The Complexity of Coffee by Ernesto Illy
The Complexity of Coffee by Ernesto Illy
The complexity of
Processing Coffee
coffee cherries must be processed
immediately after harvest to prevent
spoilage. Producers employ two process-
ing methods: sun-drying and washing.
Effective sun-drying is accomplished by
spreading the cherries out on a patio and
stirring the desiccating fruit frequently to
evenly heat and aerate it. The dried cher- percent water content of the coffee cher- electric cells detect duds, signaling for
ries are run through a machine that ry is reduced to the 10 to 12 percent them to be rejected individually with a
crushes the hulls and then removes both moisture level of a prime raw, or green, puff from an air nozzle. The sorting op-
the hulls and the surrounding parchment coffee bean. eration is accomplished at a speed that no
membrane layer, thus freeing the beans One of the greatest challenges in pro- human hand can match (400 beans a sec-
for sorting and bagging. In the alternative ducing superior coffee is ensuring that ond) and with a precision that even the
approach, the fruit is mechanically one starts with exceptional green beans. most highly trained eye is incapable of.
pulped, washed, and finally dried and lib- Premium producers, such as illycaffè, A perfect mature green coffee bean is
erated from the parchment covering. The based in Trieste, Italy, use many sophis- composed of cells with uncommonly
goal of either route is the same: the 65 ticated process-control techniques to min- thick walls: as much as five to seven mi-
imize the percentage of defective coffee crons, an exception in the vegetal king-
ERNESTO ILLY is chairman of illycaffè, a beans, including ultraviolet fluorescence dom. During roasting, these 30- to 40-mi-
family business based in Trieste, Italy, analysis to spot moldy beans and trichro- cron-diameter cells serve as tiny reactors
that his father founded in 1933. Over matic mapping to generate a color finger- in which all the key heat-driven chemical
two million illy espressos are served print (yellow-green, red and infrared) of reactions occur that generate coffee’s se-
every day in Italy alone. Illy holds a doc- each lot of beans. At illycaffè, a dichro- ductive taste and fragrance. The cells of
torate in chemistry and has completed matic sorting system developed in collab- immature beans feature thinner walls.
advanced studies in molecular biology. oration with the English company Sortex Unripe beans also lack the important aro-
His goal is to harness science to create is applied as a final control right before matic precursor proteins that develop in
the truly perfect cup of espresso. roasting. As beans fall into bins, photo- the last stages of the ripening process.
UNDEREXTRACTION OVEREXTRACTION ethylgujacol SMOKE coffee grounds must be slightly less than
2.5 2-ethyl-3,5- the pressure of the steaming-hot extrac-
dimethylpyrazine CHOCOLATE tion water, allowing it to flow through at
2 2-ethyl-3,6- a rate of around a milliliter a second.
dimethylpyrazine CHOCOLATE Using the recommended 30 seconds
1.5 2,4-nonadienal RANCID of percolation, a skilled barista (coffee bar
methylsalicilate CINNAMON technician) produces about 30 milliliters
b-damascenone TEA of dense coffee liquor covered by the all-
DMTS SULFUR important crema. If the color of the foam
isovaleraldehyde SWEET topping is light, it means that the espres-
a-ionone FLOWERS so has been underextracted, probably be-
linalool FLOWERS cause the grind was too coarse, the water
10 20 30 40 50 60 temperature too low or the time too
Extraction Time (seconds) short. If the crema is very dark in hue and
has a “hole” in the middle, it is likely that
ILLYCAFFÈ (micrograph); NINA FINKEL (illustrations)
Chemical Composition of Raw and Roasted Arabica Coffee the consistency of the coffee grounds was
(percentage of dry matter) too fine or the quantity of grounds was
Caffeine too large. An overextracted espresso ex-
Trigonelline hibits either a white froth with large bub-
Proteins and Amino Acids bles if the water was too hot or just a
Sugars (mostly white spot in the center of the cup if the
brewing time was too long.
Acids The percolation process also washes
Lipids out components present on the surface of
Carmelization and the coffee grounds, including aroma-filled
Condensation Products
oil and bits of the cellular structure. The
Green Beans Roasted Beans Volatile Aromas
high pressure generated by the espresso
(average water content (average water content Minerals (as oxide ash)
8%–12%) 0%–5%)
JUNE 2002
FILTER DRIP METHODS (automatic drip, Melitta, Chemex pots). the infusion, segregating the grounds at the bottom of the pot.
These popular techniques employ finely ground coffee in Turkish method. Unlike other brewing processes, gentle boiling
receptacles lined with filter paper. A medium grind should be used of the coffee is desirable when using this method. Mix equal
with a reusable gold filter. There are two keys to making superior amounts of pulverized coffee, water and sugar in a special pot
coffee using these processes: first, rinse the paper filter with called an ibrik, which sits directly over the heat. Stir the mixture as
boiling water to remove the papery smell; second, ensure that the it comes to a slow boil. Stop stirring when the powdered coffee no
near-boiling-hot brewing water takes no more than four to six longer sticks to a spoon. As the brew just begins to boil and foam
minutes to pass through the grounds, thereby producing optimal up, remove the ibrik from the heat. Tap the ibrik to reduce the foam
extraction levels. The brewing time of an automatic drip machine somewhat. Repeat the process at least two additional times. The
can be controlled by tailoring the quantity of water so that it flows result is a uniquely thick, sweet brew.
for the recommended four to six minutes.
French press or plunger pot. This apparatus steeps the coffee Adapted from The Great Coffee Book, by Timothy J. Castle and
in the hot water before the grounds are filtered out. Combine Joan Nielsen (Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, Calif., 1999).
heated water and coarsely ground coffee in the pot and allow it
to infuse from two to five minutes, depending on the desired
strength. Then press the wire-mesh filter/plunger slowly through
machine emulsifies a small amount of the aromatic volatiles dissolved in the emul-
oils, about 0.1 gram a cup. Intact cells in sified oils as long as it remains there. These A broadcast version
of this article
the grounds create a fine effervescence, oily flavor/fragrance carriers mean that the
will air May 28
which is derived from gases (especially great taste and aroma of a good espresso on National
carbon dioxide) passing through tiny can be savored for as long as 20 minutes Geographic Today,
pores in the cell walls. Some very fine after it has been drunk. Luckily, the a program on the National Geographic
grounds can also find their way into the drinker need not know anything about the Channel. Please check your local listings.
beverage, along with cell wall fragments, complex chemistry of coffee to enjoy it. SA
which endow the foamy crema with what
is called the tiger-skin look. MORE TO E XPLORE
The final result is a polyphasic col- Coffee, Vols. 1–6. R. J. Clarke and R. Macrae. Elsevier Applied Science, 1985.
loidal system, in which water molecules Coffee: Botany, Biochemistry and Production of Beans and Beverage. M. N. Clifford and
are bound to the dispersed gas bubbles, oil K. C. Willson. Croom Helm, London, 1985.
droplets and solid fragments, all of which Caffeine, Coffee and Health. Edited by S. Garattini. Raven Press, 1993.
are less than five microns in size. The col- Espresso Coffee: The Chemistry of Quality. A. Illy and R. Viani. Academic Press, 1995.
loidal character of the dispersion gives the Coffee: Recent Developments. R. J. Clarke and O. Vitzthum. Blackwell Science, 2001.
drink high body, high viscosity and low International Coffee Organization:
surface tension. Espresso thus visibly coats International Scientific Association of Coffee:
our tongues and continues to release the Coffee industry–supplied information on coffee, caffeine and health: