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EB/EC/CS/EE/EI/IT 701 Industrial Organization and Management Module I Organisation :- Introduction, definition of organization, system approach applied to organization,

necessity of organization, elements of organization, process of organization, principles of organization, formal and informal organization, organization structure, types of organization structure . Forms of business organization: - concept of ownership organization, types of ownership. Individual ownership, partnership, joint stock Company, private and public limited company, co-operative organizations, state ownership, public corporation Module II Basic concept of management: - introduction, definitions of management, characteristics of management, levels of management, management skills Management theory: - Scientific management, contribution of Gilbreth. Gantt, Neo-classical theory, modern management theories Functions of management: - planning, forecasting, organizing, staffing, directing, motivating, controlling, cocoordinating, communicating, decision making. Module III Personnel management: - Introduction, definition, objectives, characteristics, functions, principles and organization of personnel management Markets and marketing: - Introduction, the market, marketing information, market segmentation, consumer and indusial markets, pricing, sales, physical distribution, consumer behaviour and advertisement. Financial management:- the basics , financial accounts, inflation, profitability, budgets and controls, cost accounting, valuation of stock, allocation of overheads, standard costing ,marginal costing Module IV Productivity and production, measurement of productivity, productivity index productivity improvement procedure Materials management and purchasing: - objectives, functions, importance of materials management. Stores and storekeeping Inventory control: - classification, functions, inventory models, inventory costs, EOQ, Materials requirement planning

EB 702 THERAPEUTIC EQUIPMENTS Module I Cardiac Pacemakers & Defibrillators: Effects of electric field on cardiac muscles and laws of stimulation. External and internal pacemakers - programmable pacemakers - power sources - defibrillators - basic principle and comparison of output wave forms of different DC defibrillators - energy requirements - synchronous operation implantable defibrillators - defibrillator analyzers - RF ablation treatment for arrhythmia.

Module II Ventilators: Basic principles - Different generators, Inspiratory phase, Different cycling mechanism - Expiratory phase - Different ventillatory adjuncts - study of typical ventilator - Anesthetic machines. Module III Surgical diathermy principles, burn and shock hazards - electro surgical analyzers - Principles of short wave and microwave diathermy. Lithotripsy principles of percutaneous, ultrasonic & extracorporeal shock wave lithotripters.

Module IV Principle of endoscopy-Types of endoscopes , cystoscopes , laproscopes - Fiber optic endoscopes and endoscopes with integral TV cameras - Infusion pumps, peristaltic pumps Dialysis equipments - Pulmonary function analysers spirometers Heart lung machines. EB 703 PRINCIPLES OF RADIO DIAGNOSIS AND RADIOTHERAPY Module I Various components of radiographic systems Electrical circuit for X-ray unit Filament circuit and mA controlHT circuit & KV control Safety devices - X-ray tubes for various medical applications fixed anode, rotating anode, x-ray tubes for specialised applications - Rating charts of X-ray tubes.

Module II Exposure switching and control of exposure time Types of timer circuits - Automatic exposure control Photo electric and ionisation timers -limitations - performance - Guard timers. Scattered radiation effects & control in radiography collimators grids types and characteristics, bucky grids Absorbed dose and Rad - Basics of tables & arms.

Module III X-ray films and its processing, properties of X-ray films, intensifying & fluorescent screens -properties Fluoroscopy systems Direct and indirect fluoroscopy, Image intensifier & TV chain for fluoroscopy, Automatic brightness

control Camera tubes for x-ray TV chains. Serial film chargers types - radiographic considerations - film exposure time - Basics of digital radiography & digital subtraction angiography.

Module IV Physical principles of radiotherapy - Dosage data for clinical applications - kV & MV radiations output and percentage depth dose values Measurement of output and use of ISODOSE charts - Radiation therapy planningCollimators and beam direction devices Tele-therapy sources - Principles of linear accelerators for radiation therapy. Text books:

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Sybil M Stockley, A Manual of Radiographic Equipments, Churchill Livingstone, New York.,1986 Meredith & Massey, Fundamental Physics of Radiology, Varghese Publishing House, Bombay.1972

EB 704 MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNIQUES Module I Ultra Sound In Medicine - principles of image formation, capture and display - principles of A-mode - B-mode and M-mode display - Doppler Ultrasound and Colour flow mapping - Applications of diagnostic ultra sound. Introduction to 3D and 4D ultrasound systems and its applications

Module II X-Ray computed tomography - Principles of sectional imaging - scanner configuration - data acquisition system image formation principles - conversion of x-ray data into scan image - 2D image reconstruction techniques Iteration and Fourier methods. Types of CT scanners spiral CT, multi slice CT. Module III Magnetic Resonance Imaging - principles of image formation, pulse sequence- image acquisition and reconstruction techniques MRI instrumentation magnets gradient system RF coils- receiver system Functional MRI Application of MRI .

Module IV Radio isotope imaging - Rectilinear scanners, Linear scanners - SPECT - PET Gamma Camera Radio-nuclides for imaging, Emission Computed Tomography. Infra red Imaging - Physics of thermography imaging systems Pyroelectric vidicon camera clinical thermography


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S Webb , The Physics of Medical Imaging, IOP Publishing Ltd., 1988. Peter Fish, The Physics of Diagnostic Ultrasound, John Wiley & sons, England, 1990.

EB 705 (E) EMBEDDED SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Module I Overview of Embedded System: Embedded System, Categories of Embedded System ,Requirements of Embedded Systems, Challenges and Issues in Embedded Software Development, Applications of Embedded Systems in Consumer Electronics, Control System, Biomedical Systems, Handheld computers, Communication devices.

Module II Embedded Hardware & Software Development Environment :- Hardware Architecture, Micro- Controller Architecture, Communication Interface Standards, Embedded System Development Process, Embedded Operating systems, Types of Embedded Operating systems. Module III Real Time & Database Applications :- Real-Time Embedded Software Development, Sending a Message over a Serial Link, Simulation of a Process Control System, Controlling an Appliance from the RT Linux System, Embedded Database Applications using examples like Salary Survey, Energy Meter Readings. Module IV Microchip PIC16 family PIC16F873 processor features architecture memory organization register file map I/O ports PORTA - PORTB PORTC Data EEPROM and flash program memory Asynchronous serial port SPI mode I2C mode. TEXT : 1. 2. 3. Dreamtech Software Team , Programming for Embedded Systems-, Wiley Dreamtech 2002 Rajkamal, Microcontrollers- Architecture, programming, Interfacing and system Design, Pearson Education, 2005 John B Peatman Design with PIC micro-controllers:, Pearson Education

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