Sunnyvale BrandGuidelines
Sunnyvale BrandGuidelines
Sunnyvale BrandGuidelines
V1 03.14.17
Table of Contents
These guidelines have been Section I: Our Brand Section III: Brand Usage
specifically created to help
visually preserve, convey and The City of Sunnyvale 1 Light Backgrounds 16
enhance the City’s brand and Our Brand Mirror 2 Dark Backgrounds 17
its value and commitment
Our Brand as a System 3 Facilities & Locations 18
to Sunnyvale. If you have
questions about the guidelines, Departments & Divisons 19–21
contact: communications@ Section II: Brand Identity Toolkit Campaigns & Programs 22 Special Events 23
Sunnyvale Logo 4
Logo Symbol 5 Partnerships 24
Logo Wordmark 6 Sponsorships 25
Logo Lockups 7 Social Media Icons 26
Minimum Size & Clear Space 8 Symbol Stories 27–28
Positioning 9 Line Pattern 29
Positive Reproduction 10 Incorrect Usage 30
Reverse Reproduction 11
Color Palette 12–13 Section IV: Design Principles
Typefaces 14 Designing with Purpose 31
Artwork File Naming 15 Creative Checklist 32
Using Color 33
Using Typography 34
Using Imagery 35–37
Example 38
Image Credit Index 39
Section I Our Brand
to high tech
Our Brand Mirror
Our Vision Simply put, our brand is the intersection of what we say about ourselves,
A thriving community that how we act and what people think of us. Being good stewards of our brand
innovates our world
aligns these elements and ensures that our contributions to the community
are understood and valued.
Our Mission Through our actions and communications, we must uphold our reputation
We will inspire innovative as a dedicated and engaged City; support and inspire our community; and
and collaborative build on our rich history and unfolding story.
solutions and leverage
opportunities to address
Our brand is the benchmark by which all decisions are assessed—do they
the changing needs of our
diverse community. uphold our brand essence and values?
Our Brand Essence Our Brand Attributes Our Core Values Our Aspirational Values
Bold, sustainable Visionary Professional Innovative
innovation Can do Responsive Inspiring
Bold Stewardship Collaborative
Our Brand as a System
Services Media
Apparel Signage Events Ads Facilities
Brand Touchpoints
Section II Brand Identity Toolkit
Logo: Symbol
Logo: Wordmark
Logo: Lockups
lockups—horizontal and
vertical—which are the
graphical arrangements for the
logo symbol and wordmark.
These provide maximum
flexibility across portrait and
landscape formats, cobranding
needs, etc.
Minimum Size & Clear Space
To preserve the integrity of our Print and Electronic: Minimum Size Web: Minimum Size
Clear Space
1/4x 1/4x
1/4x 1/4x
1/4x x
1/4x 1/4x
Bottom X X Bottom
left corner right corner
Positive Reproduction
Reverse Reproduction
1-color (all-white)
Color Palette
energy, richness and vibrancy
one of our core brand colors, it should
to a layout. be used with discretion so it does not
become tired or overused. Surrounded
by the breadth of the palette, the
Our color palette features a Sunnyvale Green will stand out.
range of colors, both neutral
and bright, warm and cool. In
Accent Palette
total, this contemporary range White
The accent palette consists of six colors.
White is to be used as a key color, which
of palette colors reflects our Accent colors should be used sparingly
helps to unify designs across a wide variety
to add visual interest to a layout. The
brand attributes and values. range of accent colors reflects the
of applications. It is fresh, clean and acts as
a foil to the range of colors chosen. It can
energy and boldness of the City of
also be used to help highlight the detail
Sunnyvale and its communities. Not a lot
and beauty of imagery as well as to give
is needed to make a strong statement.
key messages prominence and clarity.
Warm brights reflect vitality; deeps
reflect history and stability.
e nt
A cc
Color Palette Matching Color
must be taken to maintain Sunnyvale Green 2294 C 2294 U 60c 10m 100y 0k 123-176-62 7BB03E
legibility. For example, do not
use pale colors for text on a
Sunnyvale Gray Cool Gray 10 C Cool Gray 11 U 58c 47m 42y 32k 100-101-105 646569
white background. or Grayscale 75k
Times New Roman Regular Times New Roman Regular Heavy Text
abcd ABCD 01234 @!#& abcd ABCD 01234 @!#& For longer reports or copy-dense
publications where a lot of reading is
Times New Roman Bold Times New Roman Bold required, Times New Roman should be
abcd ABCD 01234 @!#& abcd ABCD 01234 @!#& used for easier readability. This applies
to both professionally-printed collateral
and electronic business documents.
Artwork File Naming
A file nomenclature system has [ CoS ] - [ type ] - [ lockup ] - [ color ] - [ color 2 ] - [ reproduction ] . [ extension ]
been developed to help you
select the appropriate logo for CMYK = 4-color process
Logo PMSC = Pantone coated
your needs.
Symbol 2C = 2-color PMSU = Pantone uncoated
Wordmark 1C = 1-color RGB = red, green, blue
Refer to the rest of this guide to
ensure proper use of all artwork.
Section III Brand
Our Brand
Bold, sustainable
a positive, innovation
brand expression
Light Backgrounds
Visual Check:
20% or less
screen tint value
of black
Do not use the primary logo on any Do not use the primary logo on any Do not use the primary logo on any
light value palette colors that are darker light value palette colors that would light background colors that visually
than 20% black. visually clash or compromise legibility. clash or compromise legibility.
Dark Backgrounds
Visual Check:
50% or more
screen tint value
of black
Do not use the reverse1-color green Do not use the reverse 1-color green Do not use the reverse 1-color black logo on
logo on any light value palette colors logo on tints of Sunnyvale Green that dark backgrounds when printing full color.
that would compromise legibility. are less than 60%. Always use the reverse 1-color green logo.
Facilities & Locations
Departments & Divisions
To support a more unified view Sample City Badge Sample City Business Cards
Communications Officer
Public Works
603 All America Way
P.O. Box 3707
Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3707
[email protected]
t 408-730-7654
Incorporated 1912 f 408-730-7619
Departments & Divisions General City Apparel
Departments & Divisions Organizational Apparel
Department of Library
and Community Services
Campaigns & Programs
The City’s wide array of services Example: Campaign with City Endorsement Example: Program with City Branding Only
SafeUnsubscribe@ located at the bottom of every email.
Campaigns typically have Examples include: launching a citywide food waste collection
narrowly defined audiences and service; roadway safety reminders for drivers and cyclists; litter
communications objectives and cleanup around schools.
Special Events Apparel
When designing apparel for Dark Background Apparel Light Background Apparel
Limited usage reverse 1-color white logo only Primary 1-color gray logo
special events that may already
have promotional marks—
such as summer camps or
City sponsored arts festivals—
Sunnyvale branding takes an
endorsement position on the
sleeve or on the back of the
T-shirt, allowing the personality
of the special event to be
Social Media Icons
Symbol Stories
White Background
Colored Backgrounds
On a white background, the rays
should be in Sunnyvale Green or
convert to a light neutral (showing
Pantone 7527 C), allowing the
inset image to be the focal point.
Colored Background
Sunnyvale Green and colors
from the the accent palette can
be used as background colors.
The rays should be the same
color as the background with the
transparency set to “Multiply.”
It is important to select an appropriate Yellow is a bright and active palette color Do not reproduce the rays in a lighter or
background color that complements the that creates a strong background color for different color than the background. The
desired inset image. Sunnyvale Green is inset images. The rays are in Yellow with center “sun” portion of the symbol must
shown here as the background color, with the transparency set to “Multiply.” always be a lighter value than the rays.
the rays set to “Multiply.”
Symbol Stories Promotional Banners
Line Pattern
Incorrect Usage
Do not reposition or resize branding Do not alter the symbol in any way—via Do not reproduce the logo on a
elements to create new lockups. color, configuration or added elements. background that has insufficient contrast
or would compromise legibility.
Do not add any typographic effects (drop Do not change the logotype in any way or Do not reproduce the logo at sizes smaller
shadows, filters, outlines, etc.) to the logo. set the wordmark in a typeface. than those specified.
Section IV Design Principles
From our identity to our Design should always The graphic toolkit Exercise your creativity—
communications materials to
our messaging, we celebrate
support the idea (i.e., (branding, typography, not individuality.
our strengths—we are vital, main theme or message) color, imagery) contains Design should be
we are current and we have that you are trying to the elements that an expression of the
an exceptionally talented
communicate. If design is comprise Sunnyvale’s Sunnyvale brand and its
team providing services to our
community and partners. not grounded in an idea visual vocabulary. attributes, not a personal
it will not resonate with These elements ensure expression. Always keep
Like the solutions we provide, your audience. a consistent look and the Sunnyvale brand
our identity and communications
materials are distinctive and
feel across all media— mirror in mind and use it
finely crafted. And to keep our print, PowerPoint, as a benchmark to assess
brand visually cohesive we web, correspondence whether the way you are
must use these guidelines as
and signage—such that communicating (design,
our foundation.
our materials are part message, distribution
of a family. vehicle) is targeting your
audience and is on-brand.
Remember to design—
not decorate. Extraneous
elements not only dilute
your message but they
create visual clutter.
Creative Checklist
Before you begin any design, Have I created a focal point, through message or image or the
define the idea—or concept— integration of both?
behind it. This idea should
come out of the creative brief
which includes the target
Have I presented information in a dynamic, engaging way?
audience and objective and
should give continuity to an Have I used the brand elements effectively and confidently?
individual piece or a collateral
system. Once the idea is Is my piece cohesive in message, voice, imagery and layout?
defined, the format, layout,
color, type, imagery and Can I remove anything extraneous in my design that is not
message should be used to
bring the idea to life.
necessary to make my point?
Have I created a piece that is distinctive to Sunnyvale?
If what I am designing is part of a system of materials, does it fit?
Is the content current, compelling and accurate? Is it written in
succinct, plain language?
Has my piece been proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammar?
Using Color
Using Typography
General Guidelines:
Be Clear
The preferred type alignment is left
aligned and ragged right. Fully justified
text should be avoided.
Clear and consistent use of typography is one of the most effective ways
Leading (Line Spacing)
to build and maintain a strong brand identity. Leading that is too tight or too open can
compromise readability. As a general rule,
leading should be set between 10–40%
higher than the type size. For example,
9 pt type could be set on 10–12 pt
with restraint and should have a minimum
of 20 points of letter-spacing added to aid
legibility. (Letter-spacing is called tracking
by typographers and refers to a consistent
degree of increase (or sometimes
Think Simplicity decrease) of space between letters to
affect density in a line or block of text.)
The use of different weights and sizes of typeface should be kept to a
minimum when differentiating body copy, captions, and headlines. Format
Underlining should never be used and
avoid using hyphenation.
Be Engaging
It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. Use typography in a graphic
way to create energy and messaging hierarchy in a layout.
Using Imagery
Using Imagery Photography
Crop in on an image to create a focal point Immerse the viewer in the action: select images
and greater viewer engagement. that have emotional appeal, feel contemporary
and celebrate the spirit of Sunnyvale.
Good lighting and thoughtful cropping Refrain from using canned, expected or
creates a professional image with a stronger artificially posed photographs that can come
viewer connection. across as dated and unnatural.
Using Imagery Illustration
Use illustrations when appropriate that are Don’t use illustrations that are clichéd, dated
bold, clever and captivating. or expected.
Select illustrations very thoughtfully. They are Don’t use clip art that imparts a generic or
especially helpful in conveying ideas that are unsophisticated feeling.
difficult to convey through photography.
Example Activity Guide
together to support the brand
and celebrate the diversity and
vitality of our City.
of the guide. The cover image
conveys the spirit of the season,
and targeted messaging creates
additional points of entry for
viewer engagement.
Trips for
Adults 50+ Spring
Summer Camps and
Spring Aquatics
Park and Facility Rentals Therapeutic Recreation
Department of Library
and Community Services
Community Services Division
Image Credit Index
Office of the City Manager
City of Sunnyvale
456 West Olive Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
[email protected]