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Ex Day4

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Applied Statistics Bo Markussen

Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Exercises for Day 4

Exercise 4.1: Multilinear regression and multicollinearity.

Multilinear regression refers to the situation where several continuous

covariates are used together as explanatory variables in a regression analysis.
When doing a multilinear regression you should be aware of the potential
pitfalls that may arise if the covariates are multicollinear. The purpose of this
exercise is to exemplify these pitfalls. This exercise should be done without
opening RStudio, but if you want to try the R code yourselves you may find
the dataset and the R program in the files wage.txt and solution4 1.R.

We consider data taken from The Current Population Survey (CPS) made
in the US in 1985. The dataset contains observations of the following 6
variables for 532 persons:

edu: length of the persons total education in years.

sex: gender of the persons (1=female, 0=male).

exper: length of the persons working experience in years.

wage: wage in US dollars per hour.

age: age of the persons in years.

occup: profession (1=management, 2=trade, 3=office, 4=service, 5=craft, 6=other).

The following R code fits a multilinear regression of wage on length of

education, length of working experience, and age among women working with
craftsmanship1 :

> summary(lm(wage~edu+exper+age,data=subset(wage,(sex==1)&(occup==5))))

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-6.5109 -2.9453 -0.6629 2.0672 14.0105

Model validation would reveal that it is better to model the logarithm of the wage.
But in order not to give the impression that responses should always be log-transformed,
which indeed isn’t the case, and also to keep the interpretations of the parameters estimates
as simple as possible, we will not transform the response variable. This is ok since the
emphasis of this exercise is multicollinearity and not model validity.

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -15.4931 6.6457 -2.331 0.024 *
edu 0.7059 0.8524 0.828 0.412
exper -0.6247 0.8723 -0.716 0.477
age 0.6775 0.7964 0.851 0.399
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 4.593 on 48 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.3097,Adjusted R-squared: 0.2666
F-statistic: 7.179 on 3 and 48 DF, p-value: 0.0004461

From the model summary we see that neither of the 3 explanatory vari-
ables are close to significance. However, the multilinear regression still ex-
plains 30.97 pct (ie. the R2 ) of the variation in the wages, and taken together
the 3 explanatory variables are highly significant (p=0.0004461).

ˆ Compare the summary-output to the statements made above and con-

firm that the reporting of hypothesis tests and R2 is correct.

ˆ Is there an interpretation of the sign of the estimates for the 3 slopes?

E.g. do craftswomen earn more if they have more working experience?
Or is it impossible to make such an interpretation in this case? i think you cant see any of
these results in this file
ˆ An automated backward model reduction would proceed by removing
exper being the least significant variable. However, what are the ar-
guments for removing age instead?

The fit of the multilinear regression after removal of age is given on the
next page. Please consider the following questions:

ˆ What has happened to the p-values for edu and exper?

ˆ What has happened to the sign of the slope of exper? Do you think
that the positive sign makes more sense? Why/why not?

> summary(lm(wage~edu+exper,data=subset(wage,(sex==1)&(occup==5))))

lm(formula = wage ~ edu + exper, data = subset(wage, (sex ==
1) & (occup == 5)))

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-5.9828 -3.0854 -0.6495 1.7550 14.1748

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -11.85350 5.07118 -2.337 0.0235 *
edu 1.38007 0.31307 4.408 5.68e-05 ***
exper 0.11552 0.06237 1.852 0.0700 .
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 4.581 on 49 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.2993,Adjusted R-squared: 0.2707
F-statistic: 10.47 on 2 and 49 DF, p-value: 0.0001641

The following output from R shows that edu and exper may be considered
uncorrelated in the subpopulation of craftswomen. Does this have any impli-
cation for the interpretation of the slope estimates on edu and exper given
above? Why/why not? And what if edu and exper actually are negatively
correlated, i.e. if working experience in general is shorter for craftswomen
with a longer education?

> with(subset(wage,(sex==1)&(occup==5)),cor.test(edu,exper))

Pearson’s product-moment correlation

data: edu and exper

t = -1.0381, df = 50, p-value = 0.3042
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.4022055 0.1329212
sample estimates:

Multicollinearity means that some of the covariates explains the same

property in the experimental units. E.g. if you have a long education as well
as long working experience, then you necessarily also will have a comparably
high age. So we will only need two of the three variables edu, exper, age
in order to characterize these properties of a person. Right? To decide

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

which two of these variables provides the “correct” explanation can not be
done based on statistics, but relies on the interpretation of the variables.
When there is multicollinearity among the explanatory variables, the p-values
may change from non-significant to highly significant and the estimates may
change sign after model reduction. That there indeed is multicollinearity in
the present dataset may be seen from the following analysis2

> summary(lm(age~edu+exper,data=wage))

Call: lm(formula = age ~ edu + exper, data = wage)

Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-3.8507 -0.3801 -0.0122 0.4081 2.1230

Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.09160 0.19182 31.76 <2e-16 ***
edu 0.98494 0.01281 76.91 <2e-16 ***
exper 1.05558 0.00271 389.51 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.7235 on 529 degrees of freedom

Multiple R-squared: 0.9966,Adjusted R-squared: 0.9966
F-statistic: 7.793e+04 on 2 and 529 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16

Please do the following:

ˆ Comment on the R2 -value as well as the significance tests.

ˆ What is the interpretation of the estimate of the intercept?

ˆ What is the interpretation of the null hypothesis that the slopes on edu
and exper both equal 1?

ˆ What is the interpretation of the error term, and the RMSE=0.7235?

A few more suggestions for the identification of multicollinearity may be found in
solution4 1.R.

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Exercise 4.2: ANCOVA, statistical modeling, and more.

In this exercise we investigate the world records for outdoor running dis-
tances. The records were taken from the website http://www.iaaf.org of
the International Association of Athletics Federation on May 7, 2011. We
want to examine the dependence of the record (time) on the distance, and to
examine the difference between men and women. The purpose of this exercise
is to give a non-trivial example of the choices needed in making simple sta-
tistical models with good interpretations. Reference: Based on exercise 8.2
from Anders Tolver & Helle Sørensen: Lecture notes for Applied Statistics.

The following items guide you through such an analysis step-by-step:

ˆ Read the dataset available in the text file WR2011.txt into R (in a data
frame called wr ), and have a look at the variables:

– Please note, that the distances are more or less doubled between
consecutive running disciplines. Thus, the running distances are
almost equidistant on a logarithmic scale.
– The variable DOB contains the data-of-birth of the record holder.
The variables Place and Date contain the place and date of the
record. These variables will not be used in this exercise.
– The variable bend I made myself, and it will be used later. This
variable quantifies how many times longer than 1500 meters the
running distance in question is, and it is set to 1 if the distance is
shorter than 1500 meters.
– Make sure that the variables time, distance and bend are numeri-
cal, and that sex is a categorical factor.

ˆ Make a plot of time against distance using the code:

ggplot(wr) + geom_point(aes(x=distance,y=time,col=sex))

This plot corresponds to the relationship:

time = α + β ∗ distance

The parameter β describes the running velocity. Thus, in this model

the running velocity is the same no matter the distance. This is clearly
unrealistic. Do you agree?

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

ˆ Make a plot of log(time) against log(distance). This plot corresponds

to the relationship:

log(time) = α + β ∗ log(distance)

Taking the exponential function on both sides we find:

time = exp(α) ∗ distanceβ

It is not obvious that this is a good model. But what do you think
looking at the plot?

ˆ Make the following linear regression:

m1 <- lm(log(time)~sex+log(distance)+sex:log(distance),data=wr)

In this model both the alpha and the beta parameter depend on the

log(timei ) = α(sexi ) + β(sexi ) ∗ log(distancei ) + errori

Such a model is called an ANCOVA (ANalysis of COVAriance). The

ANCOVA will allow us to compare the records for men and women.

ˆ Is this ANCOVA model valid?

ˆ Look in particular at the residual plot (called “Residuals vs Fitted”

if you use plot(m1)). In my opinion there is a bend at observations
number 6 and 22. One way to identify these observation numbers is to
use the identify() function. To use this the residual plot should fill
the entire graphics window, so we will make it again. Try the R code3


and use the mouse to click on the points where you think the bend is
positioned. After you are done finish the identifier as signified in the
graphics window (in Windows you should press the Esc-key).
Remark: If identity() does not work inside RStudio, then a solution
might be to open a separate graphical device using the function x11()
before making the plot.
The line par(mfrow=c(1,1)) is only necessary if you did par(mfrow=c(2,2)) before.

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

ˆ Check that observations number 6 and 22 correspond to the 1500 meter

distance for men and women, respectively. Thus, there appears to be a
difference between short running distances (less than 1500 meters) and
long running distances (more than 1500 meters).
ˆ In order to allow the regression lines to bend at 1500 meters we include
the variable bend in the ANCOVA model:
log(timei ) = α(sexi )+β(sexi )∗log(distancei )+γ(sexi )∗log(bendi )+errori
Fit this model!
ˆ Is the extended ANCOVA model valid? No not really. . .
ˆ Refit the extended ANCOVA without using observations number 1, 11,
12, 14, 15, 17, 27, 28, 30, and 31. This may be done using the option
in the call to lm(). Does this improve the model validity?
ˆ Which distances does the removed observations represent? Do you
think it is fair to remove the world records for these running distances
from the present analysis? Why/why not?
Hint: This may require some knowledge about athletics.
Remark: In any case, in the remaining of this exercise you should
remove these observations from the analysis!
ˆ Use the function step() to do model selection based on the Akaike
Information Criterion.
ˆ The AIC based selection should result in the model, where the interac-
tions between sex and log(distance), log(bend) are removed:
log(timei ) = α(sexi ) + β ∗ log(distancei ) + γ ∗ log(bendi ) + errori
Thus, the difference between men and women is only via the alpha
parameter. Realize that the number

exp α(woman) − α(man)
quantifies how much slower the women run than the men.
ˆ Give a 95% confidence interval for the relative running speed of women
compared to men.
Hint: The contrast α(woman) − α(man) is called sexwoman in the
parametrization used by R.

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Exercise 4.3: Incomplete block experiment.

The following experiment was carried out by H. Wolffhechel, KVL, in

1986. The purpose was to compare 12 sphagnum lots with respect to water
and air content. Each of these was applied to four pots with small cucumber
plants. The pots were placed in one of six watering troughs, each containing
eight pots. The experimental design and the volume (water and air con-
tent), in percent, is given in the following table (dataset available in file
sphagnum.txt) for each pot.
Watering trough
Sphagnum lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean
1 37.0 44.6 42.5 47.1 42.80
2 49.0 50.5 51.0 44.8 48.83
3 34.6 42.7 41.8 37.8 39.23
4 45.3 42.7 47.7 42.8 44.63
5 32.1 38.5 32.0 31.6 33.55
6 34.3 33.3 34.0 22.6 31.05
7 32.3 28.1 28.1 32.3 30.20
8 38.9 36.5 39.7 34.8 37.48
9 33.9 31.4 32.1 23.0 30.10
10 39.7 41.8 43.5 33.8 39.70
11 41.1 38.1 31.1 37.9 37.05
12 35.9 7.5 36.2 25.5 26.28
Make and validate the additive model for volume, i.e. the model including
only the main effects of the two explanatory variables lot and trough:
1. Remember that the variables lot and trough should be used as factors.
You can achieve this by using the factor() function in the call to lm().
However, in this exercise I recommend that you change the type of the
variables in the data frame at the beginning of your R code:

sphagnum <- read.delim("sphagnum.txt")

sphagnum$lot <- factor(sphagnum$lot)
sphagnum$trough <- factor(sphagnum$trough)

2. You probably would want to remove the “extreme” observation vol-

ume=7.5 for (lot,trough)=(12,2). Can you use the validation plots in
R to identify the number of this observation?
Find the estimated marginal means of volume for the 12 different sphag-
num lots using the additive model. Why are these em-means different from

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

the raw means listed in the above table? Do you prefer the raw means or the
em-means? And why?
Remark: The emmeans-package may be used to compute and compare the
em-means. The statistical computations done in the emmeans-package are
based on standard errors extracted from the model objects. Suppose e.g.
that your model is available in an lm-object called m2, and try the following
R code (and think about what the code does):
# load library

# make and plot em-means


# Tukey grouping of em-means

# Note: the p-values are adjusted for multiple testing,
# but the confidence intervals are not adjusted!
# Note: Also needs multcomp-package to be installed
# (but not necessarily loaded!)

# Remark: The author of the emmeans-package, Russell Lenth,

# does not like the "compact letter display".
# Earlier there was a CLD() in the emmeans-package, but
# this functionality has been removed from the package!
# I disagree on this. Luckily, you may use multcomp::cld()
# instead!

# As an replacement for the CLD() functionality Russell

# proposes the following plot. Personally, I find this
# display to be too busy. But what do you think?

# An alternative to pwpp() is to find and plot

# simultaneous confidence intervals.
# Note, however, that replacing hypothesis tests by
# looking for overlap between confidence intervals
# may be misleading.

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Remark: An alternative is to use the multcomp package. However, in my

opinion the syntax for that package is much more difficult to learn. So I
clearly recommend the emmeans package.

Exercise 4.4: Linear regression.

In a field experiment the concentration of phosphor available for plant

growth was measured for each of 18 plants. Furthermore, the concentration
of inorganic phosphor was chemically determined and the concentration of
an organic phosphor component was measured for each plant. The primary
interest is to describe the concentration of phosphor available as a function
of the concentrations of inorganic and organic phosphor. Thus, we have the
following Table of Variables:
Variable Type Usage
inorganic continuous fixed effect
organic continuous fixed effect
available continuous response

The dataset is shown below, and it is also available in the text file phosphor.txt:
inorganic organic available
0.4 53 64
0.4 23 60
3.1 19 71
0.6 34 61
4.7 24 54
1.7 65 77
9.4 44 81
10.1 31 93
11.6 29 93
12.6 58 51
10.9 37 76
23.1 46 96
23.1 50 77
21.6 44 93
23.1 56 95
1.9 36 54
26.8 58 168
29.9 51 99

Applied Statistics Bo Markussen
Statistical methods for the Biosciences December, 2021

Analyse the data, i.e. answer the generic questions:

ˆ Is there an association?

ˆ What is the association?

ˆ Can the conclusions be trusted?

Hints and suggestions: If you do a multilinear regression of available on

inorganic and organic, then one of the observations is not well-modelled.
You may either decide to remove this observation (what is the most easy way
to do this in R?). Alternatively, you may e.g. try a logaritmic transformation
of the response variable.

(Reference: Exercise 8.4 from Anders Tolver & Helle Sørensen: Lecture notes
for Applied Statistics.)

End of exercises.


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