Miniature Wargames May 2020
Miniature Wargames May 2020
Miniature Wargames May 2020
MAY 2020 – ISSUE 445
An asymmetrical WWII Scenario for 1-48TACTIC
9 772513 838012
With the latest news items.
ell, as they say: I called that wrong! In last months editorial I assumed we’d 07 SEND THREE
W all be looking forward to a spring full of gaming shows: Salute guides and
what have you. In retrospect, an easy mistake to make, I would suggest.
However, little did I realise that when I went to visit Hammerhead to make
a report (page 68), it would be the last show I’d be visiting for the foreseeable future.
I don’t anticipate – as I write this in late March – that things will be changing for
The Battle of the Boyne using
Commands & Colours rules.
the better for any of us for the next few weeks (or perhaps THE HANGMEN
months): for me that means no club or show visits and Rules and scenarios for the Hawkhurst Gang
lots of worries for us all, about loved ones especially. and the “Battle” of Goudhurst 1747.
So – trying hard to stay positive – we have a unique
hobby opportunity here to grasp by the horns: it 24 DEFENCE IN DEPTH
means spare time to paint, plan and build. So write With the latest figure and rules reviews.
articles and scenarios, reduce your lead mountain and
stay safe in these very trying times. Fortunately (as 28 COMMAND DECISION
you can see from my picture) modellers often It’s Essex 894AD but can you push the
have safety equipment in doors that we can Vikings back into the sea? It’s Command
exploit... Back to Mr Zimmerman for some Decision with Jon Sutherland.
final words: “There’s a battle outside, and it
is ragin’. It’ll soon shake your windows COVER 34 OPERATION
and rattle your walls for the times they FEATURE ARCHERY
are a-changin’.” An asymmetrical WWII scenario
set in Norway for 1-48TACTIC
Get in touch By Baueda Wargames.
It’s the Ardennes and the Battle for
MiniatureWargames Herrlisheim. Scenario for use with a
John Treadaway selection of popular rule sets.
The Editor balances an SF
scenario with logistics.
Outposts, Pickets, and Scouting: a
More info Kickstarter Gallery Zoom Panoramic 360˚ Sound Video YouTube Beginners Introduction to Napoleonic
Light Cavalry in Skirmish Wargames.
EDITOR John Treadaway Luke Hider Build a quaint, multi-period dwelling.
[email protected] 01778 395085 | [email protected]
DESIGNERS PUBLISHER Claire Ingram Books for the discerning wargamer.
Richard Hallam, Mike Edwards [email protected]
COVER: Operation Archery from Baueda Wargames. Warners Group Publications PLC The Maltings, West Street, 68 HAMMERHEAD
Bourne, Lincolnshire, PE10 9PH | 01778 391000 The Editor takes a final show
ADVERTISING trip before lock-down!
ACCOUNT MANAGER Warners Group Publications Plc 01778 391150
Murdo MacLeod 01778 391129 72 QUARTERMASTER
[email protected] The latest hobby accessories reviewed.
01778 392420 | [email protected] The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the
publishers. Every care is taken to ensure that the content of this magazine
is accurate, but we assume no responsibility for any effect from errors or With the Shrewsbury Wargames Society.
omissions. While every care is taken with unsolicited material submitted for
MARKETING MANAGER publication, we cannot be responsible for loss or damage. While every care is
Katherine Brown
01778 395092 | [email protected]
taken when accepting advertisements, we are not responsible for the quality
and/or the performance of goods and/or services advertised in this magazine.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) exists to regulate the content of
advertisements. Tel: 020 7429 2222 © Warners Group Publications PLC, 2020 Featuring Gav Thorpe.
we have discovered the way of the figures were a joy to paint – the sculpts and Infinity and the opportunity for
samurai from one Trevor Marshall, of casts are excellent. I used a combination of them to create new and exciting
Toronto, Canada. Citadel Colour Contrast paints and Vallejo worlds for the game to be played
This group is a selection of tea house with Army Painter Tones as required.” in, should produce some great
customers from the Unlikely Allies As with any set of miniatures, there looking scenery. They’ll be
expansion. They offer unique abilities are difficulties to overcome in their moving away from generic Sci-Fi
to your warband, such as the Ronin painting. “I find the ‘socks in sandals’ to put them squarely in the heart
Marksman for taking pot-shots, or the on feudal Japanese figures difficult to of the Infinity universe. Check
blacksmith who will sharpen everyone’s paint nicely, so I tend to hide their feet that out at
blade. While they are designed to be in grass and flowers from Gamer’s
a supplementary model to your force, Grass (which also makes
they can be used as an extremely varied the bases look THIS MONTH
rag-tag team of mavericks together. very colourful).” If you’d like to submit
something for Community IN HISTORY
Corner, contact
MiniatureWargames@ THE BATTLE OF
31 MAY TO 1 JUNE 1916
During the First World War, Jutland was
the largest naval battle fought between
Britain’s Royal Navy Grand Fleet, under
Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, and the Imperial
German Navy’s High Seas Fleet, under
Vice-Admiral Reinhard Scheer. The
battle unfolded in extensive manoeuvring
and three main engagements (the
battlecruiser action, the fleet action
and the night action) off the North Sea
coast of Denmark’s Jutland Peninsula. It
was the and the only full-scale clash of
battleships in that war and is often the
subject of large WWI naval wargames
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 7
The Hawkhurst Gang and the “Battle” of Goudhurst 1747
Words by Chris Swan | Pictures by John Treadaway
ipling’s poem The Smugglers song begins with educated only two miles from where I live and the
CLOCKWISE only to increase the spread of the shot but also make and expensive. Used for hunting by the rich they were
it easier to reload when on horseback or on a moving usually called Sporting Guns.
Ladies of the
town. carriage. Modern tests have shown that shot from a The Militia may well have carried some form
blunderbuss could spread out to a width of over 30” of bladed weapon with the most well off carrying
A band of
and could thus cause multiple wounds or hit more swords but more likely given the rural setting some
rogues. than one target. A blunderbuss was typically loaded of the Militia could have been armed with edged
with a number of balls but anecdotal stories often or tined farm implements such as scythes and pitch
The townsfolk
refer to such weapons being loaded with nails, tacks, forks. Both sides may also have made use of clubs,
try to flee the
fight. scrap metal and even broken glass or small stones and cudgels and axes.
pebbles. Firing such objects would have resulted in
damage to the gun’s bore but meant that ammunition THE PREVENTIVE SERVICES
for it would have been easy to find. The Kentish Post Riding Officers would have been armed with pistols,
also says the smugglers were armed with knives but usually carried in horse holsters and probably a
this was a catch-all phrase often used to mean any form sword. The Dragoons would have had carried one or
of bladed weapon used in combat, so would include two pistols in horse holsters, a musket and a hanger
swords and cutlasses as well. or sword, whilst any infantry would have carried a
musket and bayonet although any officers would have
THE MILITIA been armed with pistol and sword.
The Militia is supposed to have been armed with
shoulder arms but it is possible that one or two SMUGGLING STORIES
smugglers might also have carried such a weapon. So smuggling in the 18th century was big business
Muskets were available and these would have been and a bloody one at that but our business is playing
supplemented by Fowling Pieces. These could be single games! With that in mind I have created a scenario
or double barrelled shoulder arms used for hunting which is inspired by the defence of Goudhurst but not
game or water fowl, hence the name. These fired small wholly based on it. It involves the fictional town of
shot or pellets and were in effect shot guns. During this Gillinghurst, which I have placed near to a river I have
period rifles did exist in Great Britain but were rare named the Meadway and its surrounding marshes. I
The side which gains the most objectives is the of the Dread Pirate Roberts. Once he found it he cheated one of his
winner – if no objectives are gained or both sides gain fellow treasure hunters, a one legged seafaring man known a Barbecue
the same number then the game ends in a draw. Bronze, out of his share. Bronze has now arrived at the Swan Inn and is
waiting for a chance for revenge. He wants to kill the Squire and escape
Time Limit from the table. His figure is placed in the Inn and can be played as a
The game should have limited playing time to reflect member of the gang or as a totally independent character.
the need for the smugglers to free the prisoner
McGowan before Dragoons from the neighbouring NAME TYPE DICE PERSONALITY SKILLS/TRAITS WEAPONS
town of Hoochester arrive. Thus after 6 moves roll Barbecue Bronze Secondary 2 cards Ruthless Expert shot 2 X Pistols – 8
A Sea Cook Character 1D10 Quick Witted paces
1D6, if a 1 is rolled the game stops at that point; if this Sword
does not happen, then on the next turn roll again with
the game stopping on a 1 or 2. On subsequent turns “Tunnel”
increase the score needed to end the game by 1 and so In Goudhurst there is legend that a tunnel stretches from the local
on until the game automatically stops after turn 11. pub to Church Yard but in Gillinghurst this tunnel is real and the
smugglers know of it. If they enter the Inn roll 1D6
If you want to make the game more challenging then DICE SCORE EFFECT
you can add in one or more of the following options. 1 Can’t Find It – look for the tunnel entrance again next turn
Chose those which take your fancy or otherwise select 2 Found It - They have found the tunnel entrance but need to open it - roll again
next turn adding + 1 to the roll
them randomly with each player rolling 1d6 to see
3 or 4 Along the Tunnel –the smugglers take 2 moves to travel along the tunnel, and
which ones are in play. Reroll any duplicate results. they will appear in a random area of the church yard.
5 or 6 Along the Tunnel Quickly –the smugglers take 1 move to travel along the tunnel
DICE SCORE COMPLICATION and they will appear in a random area of the church yard.
1 Mist rolling in from the Sea
2 A One legged Seafaring Man Up to 2 smugglers can travel along the tunnel at any one time.
3 Tunnel Note: You could allow the defenders to use the tunnel instead thus moving
4 The Hooded Man unseen between the Church and the Inn.
5 Grenade!
6 The farmers’ wives and daughters “The Hooded Man”
The recently arrived Reverend Bliss is not what he seems. He is also The
“Mist rolling in from the Sea” Hooded Man, leader of the smugglers called The Wild Hunt who use
Goudhurst is actually far inland but I have chosen to supernatural scare tactics to disguise their activities. He wants Septimus
locate my town of Gillinghurst within a few miles of Gallows and his brother dead so he can take over all smuggling in this
the Kent coast. This option allows for a sea mist to roll area but must not be seen to perform an act of violence so must kill the
in and obscure visibility. Gallows in secret. His figure is placed in the Church and can be played as
◗ Anyone in the Open and in clear visibility is a member of the Militia or as a totally independent character.
automatically seen
◗ Anyone in the open but in the Mist or in clear NAME TYPE DICE PERSONALITY SKILLS/TRAITS WEAPONS
visibility but in some form of cover needs to be Reverend Bliss Secondary 2 cards Ruthless Expert shot Pistol – 8
“The Hooded Man” Character 1D10 Quick Witted paces
located by a visibility test. Dagger
◗ Anyone in the Mist and in some form of cover needs
to be located by a reduced visibility test.
◗ Any character who fires has their chance of being
spotted improved by 1 category
◗ At the start of the game roll 1d6 and check the
weather chart. Unless a 6 is rolled test again each
turn to see if the mist thickens or clears.
1 Thick Mist – the range for clear visibility is 12 paces.
2 or 3 Mist - the range for clear visibility is 24 paces.
4 or 5 Slightly Misty - the range for clear visibility is 36 paces.
The one legged sea faring man appears. Shiver those timbers!
SCENARIO 2: THE FIGHT ON THE SHORE scenario begins. Their objective is to escape off of the
Fiction to the contrary, fights on the beach between table via the countryside. If they can do so with some
Smugglers and Revenue men aided by the military were of the contraband they will score a major victory.
rare occurrences. One example did take place in Botany The last zone is 4’ wide x 24” deep and is the
Bay near to Broadstairs in Kent in 1769 when a military beginning of the countryside, covered in scrub and
patrol accompanied by revenue officers surprised a band stunted trees. This could also include a cliff edge with a
of smugglers in the early hours of the morning whilst path leading up or through it.
they were offloading contraband on the shore. In the As the game is set in the early hours of the morning
ensuing fight 10 smugglers were killed, 8 captured but 4 clear visibility is set at 12”- anyone beyond this has
escaped killing a riding officer whilst doing so. to be spotted although any one firing or using a light
This scenario is set on the Kent coast at Flora Bay a to illuminate the area will be seen automatically. For
few miles from Gillinghurst. It should be played on a 4’ this game use the Hangmen for the Smugglers and the
x 4’ table divided into three zones. The first of these is following for the patrol:
along one table edge is 4’ wide and 6” deep and is the
sea/water’s edge: all movement in this area counts as NAME TYPE DICE PERSONALITY SKILLS/TRAITS WEAPONS
bad going especially for those in riding boots! Jonathan Crane Main 3 cards Natural Leader Brave Pistol – 8
Revenue Officer Character 2D10 Quick Witted paces
Adjoining this is an area 4’ wide by 18” deep High Fighter Sword
which is the shore – made up of shingle or sand – Lieutenant D’Vere a Secondary 2 cards Rash Brave Pistol – 8
again players may want to reduce movement rates Foppish Officer Character 1D10 Bladesman paces
in some areas due to deep sand or shifting shingle.
In the middle of this near to the water are several 5 dismounted Minor 1 card Disciplined Brawlers or Musket – 24
Dragoons or Infantry Characters each Fighters paces &
barrels, small chests and packages all containing Corporal Adams & 1D10 Sword if
Privates Beamish, Dragoons or
smuggled goods plus 3 or more pack horses/ponies Culpepper, Dodds & Bayonet if
Eaves Infantry
– the Smugglers are grouped around these when the
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One of the most infamous and decisive Last month I reviewed the White Out rules
battles of the Second World War, Stalingrad by Sally 4th and I mentioned that they had
was a turning point of the Eastern Front, released an accompanying figure range to
showing that the German juggernaut was go with the rule set. In the review, there was
not invincible. This new Campaign Book for even a picture of the Cargo Quad Trax, not
Bolt Action is effectively a reworked one that that I’d seen one in the flesh but I now have
was previously published for the Bolt Action my hands on a few of the actual miniatures
rule set. I haven’t got one of those original for use in the game or, indeed, any other
versions to hand so it’s hard to compare game that needs figures in winter clothing.
what’s changed but I can say a few things. I have three packs: the Skidoo, the
The scenario allows players to refight the Gyrocopter and a pack of the Ski Pursuit
fierce Battle of Stalingrad, from the actions Infantry. Dealing with the transportation
of the surrounding area and within the city first, the Skidoo is a resin and white metal
itself, to the encirclement, concerted relief kit with the resin body as a one piece, 55mm
efforts, and the final attempted breakout. long casting (complete with the rear track
New linked scenarios, rules, troop types, and assembly) and the front skid, handlebars
Theatre Selectors provide plenty of options and rider as white metal. The ‘60s looking
for both novice and veteran players alike. vehicle has a saddle big enough for an
The book is in the usual soft backed ‘Osprey’ additional passenger, and is a very pleasing.
style and is sumptuously illustrated by Peter That is £12.50 whereas – for a fiver more
Dennis with lots of terrific photographic – your guys can take to the skies (for a
illustration of the sort that few can equal and better vantage point for shooting the shape
no one beats them at. It’s 176 pages or so changing huskies, no doubt...). The resin
and – along with the scenarios – has lots of and metal Gyrocopter is 70mm long plus and
scenario specific special rules like Constant 90mm across the rotor. It features a pilot and
Bombardment; Snow; Digging in; Fuel and tricycle undercarriage in white metal.
Ammo shortages; Supply Drops; City Fighting Detail on both vehicles is good although
and Rubble; Messengers; Demolition Charges the crew figures are quite stylised, as are the
and Rifle Grenade Adaptors. Those new Theatre Skiers. It’s sometimes difficult to judge this
Selectors cover Soviet and German forces plus sort of stuff well, especially when they are all
Romanians as well (with some details for the wearing full winter parkas. The Ski Pursuit
latter on things like Tankettes and Armoured Infantry pack I mentioned is £12 and comes
Cars). The German and Rooskies Selectors with four chaps with slot base tabs and skis
are even delineated by the month of the year (if you chose to mount them, though they
(so from August to December ’45). can be stuck scenically into the snow as
I’ll say what I always say at this point well). Armed with a selection of M16 type
with the Bolt Action material: even if you weapons plus one with a pistol, these four
don’t use the rule system it’s an excellent figures come with black plastic bases though
and inspirational potted history and I’d have thought they would ideally suit
scenario book. Sally 4th’s excellent clear plastic offerings.
Caliver sent a supplement for the Cold Osprey have released The Abyss, a Lancashire Games, have some new releases
War Era rule set called The Zone by Wayne supplement for their Ragnarok ‘Norse in their popular 18mm range and all should
Bolland that I reviewed in issue 432 of meets Heavy Metal’ gaming system. Set in be available by the time you read this. The
Miniature Wargames. That rule set is a large Ginnungagap (the eponymous – but rather first releases are some from Napoleon’s
skirmish system (30 to 60 figures) and uses harder to pronounce – Gaping Abyss), it campaign into Egypt in the very late 1800’s.
polyhedral dice and I rather liked the system was once what separated the realms of I have a large selection of infantry and
when I looked it over, particularly with its Ice and Fire, keeping them in balance and cavalry. There’s foot figures advancing and
use of the dice mechanics. sparing the other realms from their ravages. skirmishing (ten figures to a pack). These
This new supplement is called Red Star, Ginnungagap has been left unguarded and come as Flank or Infantry in a Bicorn. For the
Burning Streets: the Allied Defense of West unspeakable horrors now await those who latter there’s also a marching pose as well,
Berlin, 1983 and follows a similar physical wish to cross it. Well, that’s the back story... plus there’s command and firing packs.
format as the rules with a soft back and The very splendid-to-handle, 110 page Then there’s a mounted and dismounted
glossy card cover, A4, 60 page book with hardback includes new scenarios for Dromedary Pack (ten if dismounted but –
useful illustration throughout including Ragnarok as well as new monsters to work like most of the cavalry – four if saddled
maps and lots of photographic references through on your cold wind to Valhalla. up). Finally there’s the cavalry ‘proper’ –
that show uniform details and so forth. New mechanics (including ‘Fear’) and new Dragoons and Hussars – plus some artillery
The author (Jason Weiser) starts off with challenges to overcome that emotion give crew (eight figures to that pack and I assume
a good potted history of the (postulated) your characters grist for their mill while you use guns from other ranges. These packs
conflict in late November of 1963. He recounting their own personal sagas. There’s are generally £3.10 although some of the six
provides maps, Orders of Battle for the likes also some new warriors types with all sorts figure command packs are £2.40 and the
of the Nationale Volksarmee (NVA), some of special abilities (including ‘Rune Carving’: over all command pack featuring Napoleon
special rules for the specific environment who’d of thought the ability to write would on his Camel with his Divisional Generals is
and then the scenarios themselves. Finally be so valued...?). There are new spells, new £3.50 for the four models.
there are some suggestions for table sizes, magic or legendary items (from stones and The Samurai all appear to be classic
miniatures and some vehicle charts and arrows right down to a fragment of the subjects in full armour. The foot figures tend
so forth. Along with the West and East Rainbow Bridge itself) plus lots more. to come eight to a pack with the same price
Germans the rules cover Soviet, US and On top of all of that there’s six new (£3.10) but they also have the back banners
British action and are best played with scenarios (World Serpent Fall; Surtr’s Wrath; as separate castings (bear in mind that
15mm or 20mm figures (or a bigger table...). The Abyssal Tear; Pit of the Dead; Taming pretty much all of the infantry and cavalry
The special rules include movement in and Sleipnir; and Anvil of the Dwarf Smiths) plus castings are single piece items). There are
around buildings, ‘mouse-holing’ through Wild Hunt and Tournament rules. lots of weapon options, both mounted and
walls, booby traps, sewer movement and Presentation wise, it’s all easy to read, well unmounted, plus other packs. For example
more. Over ten scenarios cover all phases of laid out and has – along with some good there’s General Diorama (£9.50) with screens,
the week long battle with a Crisis Phase, a miniatures shots – a collection of superb banners, three generals plus a table of head
Second Battle and a Mopping Up phase. artwork (by ‘Ru-Mor’): the Berserker in trophies, a frame drum and more. Detail is
The reality is that – while these are aimed the wolf skin jumping the shield wall is good for all of these: quite chunky and very
at Bolland’s The Zone they would provide stunning but there’s lot’s more besides that paintable, I would say. They are around
useful material for (and are compatible gem. If Viking ‘Eavy Metal Mahem is your 22mm tall so I’m not sure why they are
with) any ‘cold war gone hot’ type of thing (and you already own Ragnarok), this described as 18mm... Oh and you can get a
skirmish rules. is a good investment. lot of army pack deals on the website too!
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 25
North Star have been steadily releasing a Caliver books have just released The Two issues ago, Chris Swan wrote a
figure range for the increasingly popular Ancient War Game. This is, of course, a splendid piece on the Mexican Revolution
Gaslands game system, especially the latest reprint of the original written by Charles and it included some uniform illustrations
incarnation Gaslands Refuelled. There are a Grant (senior) and has a foreword written by Mike Blake. Caliver published Armies
lot of car add-ons, drivers and bikes released by his son Charles S Grant. The rules were of the Mexican Revolution: Uniforms,
so far. But from the talented sculpting hands first written in 1974 (after Grant wrote The Equipment & weapons of the Armed forces
of Mark Copplestone the latest sets are the War Game in 1971) and the original volume, of Mehico 1910-20 and this work supports
Highway Patrol and the Wasteland Warriors. in decent condition second hand, is scarce that article very well. The book is in
Looking firstly at the Patrol (above) you not inexpensive. Moreover this new reprint hardback A4 and is 240 pages. It is a detailed
can see that some of these figures are in contains seven additional wargames articles study of the weapons carried and the dress
almost ‘50s looking, US police style peaked culled from the pages of the now long extinct worn by all sides in the conflict.
caps, three quarter length military style Battle magazine. This magnificent seven The book is very well illustrated in
jackets, sunglasses and jackboots (and comprise The Hoplite (1975); The Alexandrian colour and with black and white period
probably jodhpurs: it’s hard to see in this Phalanx (1976); Carrhae (1976); A Wargame photography. The colour plates by the
scale!). Armed with pump shotguns and Report (1977: Archaemenid Persian and author (Mike Blake) and Bruno Mugnai are
assault rifles plus a leader in a trench coat Roman); Bodiccas Battle (1978); An Ancient very useful however, let me not give the
and a big pistol, they are stylistically similar Wargames Report (1978: Seleucid and Indian); impression that the book is all just pictures:
to Copplestone’s 28mm work of a couple of and Chaeronea (1978). the accompanying text covers the Mexican
decades ago and are all the better for it. This For those readers who eschew full colour Federal Forces (the Federales) in various
five figure set looks splendidly cinematic. photography and illustration but just want incarnations and time slots (the Porfirista,
The Wasteland Warriors are rather more the hard detail and experience that an author Maderista, Huertista and Carrancist Armies);
‘Mad Max’ and are blokes dressed in old can provide, this could well be the book for plus the Mexican Navy and Air Power;
scrappy clothing, combat trousers and you. Hard backed, slightly larger than A5 Revolutionary and Counter- Revolutionary
so forth, plus an abundance of goggles, and 235 pages, it’s a sturdy tome and – ‘in armies and Soldiers of fortune along with
bandanas and similar fetching outfits. They period’ colour cover aside – is very much US forces and specifically those at the
are again armed with assorted weaponry: a product of the monochromatic period in 1914 Vera Cruz Occupation. There’s also
shotguns and assault rifles plus what which is was written. It also speaks a fair separate sections on Zapatistas, Villistas
looks like some sort of enormous grenade amount about the rules choice (4th Edition (with painting guides to their illustrious and
launcher and there’s – again – a leader type Wargames Research Group with House eponymous leaders), Soldaderas (effectively
with a big pistol. rules by Grant’s local gamers: aka the “Dover a semi-official, female quartermaster corps)
The figures are described as ‘20mm’ and Coven”) but that sort of rules choice does and Women Soldiers.
– from the small mounted on base to the top not restrict the value of the written material In addition to all of that there’s a specific
of a policeman’s hat they are almost 25mm. one jot . section on flags, with both mono and colour
I’d estimate that the actual ‘sole of feet to top The reality is you just can’t get this illustrations, plus an extensive annotated
of head’ height is around 1mm short of that material all together in one place and Dave bibliography. This is a well thought out, and
and they strike an excellent balance between Ryan at Caliver is to be applauded for extensive, book and – if the article that Chris
paint-ability and proportion much as you’d making it available to both old diehards and wrote in issue 443 tickled your fancy – this
expect from all of Copplestone’s work in a new generation. Buy a copy but leave the would be a good place to carry that forward
whatever scale. Recommended. polyhedral dice in the back of the troop box! onto the wargames table.
Essex 894AD. Can you push the Vikings back into the sea?
Words by Jon Sutherland | Pictures by Joe Dever
Each Command
Decision aims to
offer a series of Successive waves of Scandinavian invaders have taken You are Edward the Elder, son of King Alfred the Great
playable options in advantage of the Thames and the other waterways on of Wessex. You have an excellent opportunity to cement
timeless military
scenarios. You
the east coast of England to strike inland. What had your claim to the throne by striking hard at the Viking
can read the initially been a series of protracted raids has become base of operations on the Essex coast. Your force is
situation and a process of gradual colonisation. As the east coast of superior to what has been left behind by Hastein to
figure out your
own command
England gradually falls under Viking control pressure protect the two stockades. The trouble is that the objective
decisions if you mounts against Saxon kingdoms further west. The lies deep within Danelaw and a visible overt move on
were leading Danes have attempted to conquer Wessex from 870, but your part will warn the enemy that you are coming.
the troops on
the ground.
by 872 the two sides are exhausted. Hostilities reopen
You can either in 876, but the Danes are starved out of Exeter and find COMMAND DECISIONS
work through themselves forced to withdraw once again. Your choices are straightforward and are outlined
the various
options or use
In 878, the Danes are beaten by Alfred at Edington; below. Your Options are:
the mechanics to but with the Viking failures on the continent, the influx Option One: Move as one single force from London to
create the precise of new Scandinavian settlers means that the boundaries Benfleet.
of the table top
have come under pressure. The Danes are trying to Option Two: Move in scattered groups towards
engagement. The make a concerted effort to suppress and conquer Wessex Benfleet.
scenarios may with the advantage of well-established settlements Option Three: Move slowly towards Benfleet sending
have particular
historical themes
in England. Wessex has had peace until 892, but the peace emissaries ahead.
and settings, Vikings will discover that Wessex was prepared to be Option Four: Move at speed towards Benfleet
but you can more proactive and aggressive than ever before. Whilst demanding immediate surrender.
easily adapt the
mechanics to
Hastein and his army are raiding inland, he has left his
suit your own fleet protected by a fraction of his forces. Consider your options before continuing to read the narrative.
preferences and
Option Two: Move in scattered groups towards Benfleet. Option Four: Move at speed towards Benfleet demanding
This is the historical choice that Edward took and immediate surrender. This will warn the Vikings that you
his men mustered at Thundersley before making the are coming, but they will have very little time to react.
attack. Bowl a d6 and use the following table: Roll a dice to see what they do:
1 On turn eight four units of Viking warriors may appear on any 1 Half of the ships have been evacuated.
table edge no closer than 12” from any of Edward’s troops.
ABOVE 2 All Viking skirmishers must be deployed at least two normal
Edward's men 2 Half of the ships have been evacuated. moves from a fortification.
assault the 3 All Viking skirmishers must be deployed at least four normal 3 All Viking skirmishers must be deployed at least four normal
inland stockade. moves from a fortification. moves from a fortification.
4 The skirmishers and warriors must deploy within two normal 4 The skirmishers and warriors must deploy within two normal
OPPOSITE moves of Thundersley. moves of Thundersley.
The fortified 5 The Vikings may freely deploy but they may not move until turn 3. 5 The Vikings are in panic and have fired one fortification.
Viking port at
Benfleet. 6 None of the Vikings may begin the game in fortifications. 6 The Vikings are terrified and have fired both fortifications
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 29
Edward’s assault on the fort protecting the dwellings The game table should comfortably fit onto an 8 x ABOVE
took place before sunrise. The intention was for them 5 foot for 20-28mm figures. A 6 x 4 or slightly smaller Edward
breaches the
to get close enough to the camp before any alarm could would suit a 10-15mm game. There are several rule sets defences of
be raised. The battle should therefore start at around that can be used for this battle including Hail Caesar, the landside
0500 and be played out in turns representing an hour. To The Strongest and Field of Glory. stockade.
Note the siege
If the two fortifications have not been overrun by the equipment
end of turn 15 then Edward’s force will fall back to BENFLEET – FACT CHECK moving up.
Thundersley, anticipating Hastein’s return. Benfleet had operated as a repair and resupply base for
The Vikings should not be given the option to be some years. It was a prime location, as it gave the Danes
able to abandon both fortifications and withdraw by access to their ships and ultimately to the open sea. The
ship (unless stipulated). Edward’s troops should be fort consisted of a rampart, stockade and ditch, with
allowed to target the Viking ships with flaming arrows a smaller inner fort inside and was protected on three
once they get within range of the shipyard. It could sides by water and tidal marshes. Unfortunately we
be considered as a tactical victory if Edward fails to know very little about the actual battle and the Anglo
take the shipyard but has destroyed the ships that are Saxon Chronicle does not suggest that Edward faced
beached there. stubborn opposition. We know that the fort was stormed
Since the assault took place under the cover of and that around eighty Viking ships that were still there
the pre-dawn darkness, withdrawal from either were burned. We also know that amongst the many
fortification should not be allowed until the first shots prisoners taken back to London were Hastein’s wife and
have been fired, or a Saxon unit is within charge range sons. Paradoxically both Alfred the Great and Ethelred
of one of the fortifications. Optionally, the fortifications were godfathers to Hastein’s sons. The two men would
should be given a rampart stockade and ditch. The eventually come to terms and Hastein vowed never to
latter was studded with sharpened timbers to break up attack Wessex again.
massed attacks.
VICTORY CONDITIONS Edward was crowned king at Kingston-upon-Thames in
In order for Wessex to claim a significant victory they June 900. In the following year his brother Aethelwold,
need to capture both fortifications and burn the Viking in collaboration with the Danes launched attacks on
boats. The Vikings need to hold at least one of the Mercia and Wessex. Edward struck hard and fast. The
fortifications, preferably the shipyard. This would be two sides met at the battle of Holme, Huntingdonshire.
seen as a chance for the Vikings to withdraw from the Aethelwold and the Danish East Anglian king, Oehric,
area once Hastein has returned. Any other outcome were both killed. Edward died on campaign against
would see them stranded in this part of Essex. rebel Welsh and Mercians in 924. ■
Subscribe to
Miniature Wargames OPERATION
MAY 2020 – ISSUE 445
9 77251 3 83801 2
Light Cavalry in the age BENFLEET
of Napoleon An Ardennes encounter in
the 894AD: can the Vikings
We thought you’d like THE HISTORICAL disable a German stronghold Eastern Front happened to be
a game to go with BACKGROUND there. The 2nd group landed just there on leave. Some of them
the free cards on the Operation Archery (also known south of the town pf Måløy itself, were armed with scoped semi-
front cover! Ed.
as the Måløy Raid) was a British while the 3rd group landed on automatic rifles and had quickly
Combined Operations raid during Måløy Island to mop up after taken up position on the hillside
World War II against German the naval bombardment. The west of the town. These troops
positions on the Norwegian 4th group was held as a floating experience in sniping and street
islands of Vågsøy and Måløy, on reserve and the 5th group was to fighting caused the operation
27 December 1941. pass by Måløy on the destroyer to develop into a bitter house-
The raid was conducted by HMS Oribi accompanied by HMS to-house battle. The 1st and 4th
British Commandos and a Royal Onslow, and land to the north groups were soon called up to
Norwegian Army detachment of the town to prevent German reinforce the attack.
under the command of Captain reinforcements getting through The 3rd group was led by no
Martin Linge. The action was from the North. others than Major John “Mad
supported by Royal Navy gunfire The 1st group soon Jack” Churchill. The group very
and Royal Air Force bombers and accomplished its task and was quickly gained control of Måløy
fighter-bombers providing air ordered to act as a reserve. The Island, where those enemy troops
cover. The objective of the raid was 2nd group quickly silenced a who had not been killed by the
to harass the German defences machine-gun post then started Naval bombardment were so
destroying a number of military advancing into the town itself, but demoralized and dazed by its
objectives, and, by doing so, they were immediately met by effect that quickly surrendered. At
force the enemy to deploy larger strong opposition. The Germans 0920 all guns on the Island were
numbers of troops in Norway than were fully alerted at this point under control.
they would have otherwise. and defended every buildings The Norwegian troops under
The Commandos were formed with extreme resolution. To make Captain Linge were tasked with
up into 5 groups. The 1st group matter worst a Gebirgsjäger rounding up collaborators and
The almost legendary landed at Hollevik, about 2 (mountain rangers) unit of seizing documents from the
Major Churchill. kilometres west of Måløy, to experienced troops from the German HQ in the Ulversund
Minimum Scenario force (Victory Minimum Scenario force Force total: 16 Characters, 110 VP
Point value between brackets): (Victory Point value between
Fighting Troop section: 1 officer + brackets): DEPLOYMENT
3NCOs + 12 men divided in 3 groups Set up the table according to the
Rifle Gruppe (squad): 1 NCO map. Commandos deploy first, all
Rifle Group + 9 men together anywhere on the southern
1 x Lieutenant with Sten smg (12) table edge, as close as possible to
1 x Radio operator with Wireless Set Rifle team the coast or on it, if at all possible.
No. 18 and No. 4 Mk. I rifle (7) 1 x OstGefr. with Mp38 smg (9) Mark the place: this will also
1 x Sgt with Sten smg (10) 3 x rifleman with Kar98k be the re-embarkation point.
1 x sniper with No. 4 Mk. I-T (8) Rifle (6) Next, the German player Must
5 x rifleman with No. 4 Mk. I Lee– 2 x rifleman with Kar98k deploy at least half of
Enfield b.a. rifle (6) Rifle (5) his figures, anywhere
1 x attached demolition specialist (see 1 x Gefreiter with Kar98k he likes on the map.
note below) with Webley revolver (8) Rifle (6) The other half can be deployed
1 x attached medic with No. 4 Mk. later, at the beginning of any of the
I rifle (9) MG team German player’s turns, anywhere
1 x gunner with MG34 lmg and he likes on the map provided it
Gun group 1 Luger P08 pistol (8) is at least 20u from the nearest
1 x Cpl with Sten smg (9) 1 x assistant gunner with Luger Commando figure or it is in a
1 x gunner with Bren lmg (8) P08 pistol (5) place where there is no line of
2 x assistant gunners with No. 4 Mk. 1 x MG ammo carrier with sight to any of the Commandos
I Lee–Enfield b.a. rifle (6) Kar98k Rifle (6) (for example, behind a building)
If you want to play it at
a larger size simply add
multiple sections as the one
detailed below, and increase
the number of objectives
accordingly. If you go for a
very large game you may want
to include the possibility to
embark to reach the Mortenes
Herring oil factory and/or to
bypass the German lines and
land further North along the
coast. There was a terrible
confusion, fairly rough sea,
incessant air attacks and
several encounters with other
ships, so to simulate that
simply declare which troops
ABOVE Action and does not require nearby, capture it alive if you wish to embark and start
Taking casualties back to
spending AT). A German possible. (5) rolling 2 x D6 every turn:
the landing craft.
Character can remove a set ◗ Opportunity Task 5: Search ◗ A double six score will get
BELOW charge in the same way it was and Destroy a German armed your troops landed where you
Winter clothing for a
set. When it explode a charge trawler that has been forced want them.
German infantryman from
the 1-48TACTIC 28mm will attack any figure (friend ashore by HMS destroyers Offa ◗ A double one score will get
range. or foe) within 10u rolling eight and Chiddingfold. (5) your ship strafed by a German
D6 (4+ to hit and wound). ◗ Opportunity Task 6: 4 German fighter, roll another two D6 to
◗ “Blow up” is the same as soldiers surrender, they could see how many of your men
“Destroy” except that sufficient provide valuable intelligence, will not be available for the
flammable and/or explosive escort them back to the landing mission, take turn with the
material is already available place (you will need at least opposite player to pick which
on site so it does not require one Character as escort for one of them (German starts).
to use one of the demolition every two prisoners. If the ◗ A double two score will
charge tokens carried by the escorts are killed or wounded get your ship showered by
Commandos. The procedure their prisoners will run away. German snipers fire, roll one
however remains identical. (2VP for every prisoner D6 to see how many of your
embarked) men will not be available for
OPPORTUNITY OBJECTIVES ◗ If more opportunity tasks are the mission, take turn with the
Every time a Commandos figure required repeat Task 6 as many opposite player to pick which
reach an objective and get in times as needed. one of them (German starts).
base to base contact with it, ◗ Any other double score
roll one D6: on a score of six TIME’S UP LADS! means you encountered a
an opportunity objective is After 6 rounds signals are target of opportunity, roll one
discovered within 10u. The made to begin withdrawal. D6: on a score of 4 or more
German player will You have 3 more rounds to you get an additional 10 VP,
choose which get everyone back to the re- otherwise you just wasted a
one from the list embarkation point (max 5u from little more time!
below and where exactly place it the marker). The total VP worth
on the table. of all Commandos that are not So – out with the ironmongery!
◗ Opportunity Task 1: Destroy a back in time counts toward the As Major John “Mad
telephone-cable hut. (3) German player’s score as if they Jack” Churchill
◗ Opportunity Task 2: Blow up were eliminated. If you play the ‘s motto went: DOWNLOAD THE
a mines store. (3) scenario as several battles, one “Any officer EXTENDED HISTORICAL
◗ Opportunity Task 3: Blow up after the other in succession, to who goes into
a small fuel dump.(3) make it a mini campaign, this action without information/downloads
◗ Opportunity Task 4: A would obviously only apply to his sword is
prominent Quisling is hiding the last game. improperly dressed”. ■
Felt lined army and dice trays Objective markers and turn counters, many designs
Find us on eBay
and Facebook
Resin scenery and bases made in Scotland
The Battle for Herrlisheim January 1945
Words by Dave Tuck | Pictures and map by Malc Johnston
All American infantry and support squads can be mounted
in Half tracks.
Both sides have the potential to call in Artillery Support. At
the start of each turn before any order chits are spent. To do
this, the commanders each roll a d6. If the US forces win by
a score of 3 (e.g 6 to 3) or the Germans by a score of 4 (e.g 5
to 1) they can place one automatic hit and roll for two extra
hits on any enemy unit. This is obviously quite difficult
to achieve and reflects the poor visibility and poor radio
communications caused by the inclement weather and fog.
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 43
ABOVE ARMOUR going to struggle to cross the stream, other than by the
Dug in and
The statistics for the various AFV’s and Anti-tank guns are bridge, as the stream counts as Very rough terrain.
set out below The Germans can use this as a pinch point in their
defence, so infantry need to patrol ahead.
GERMAN FORCES The American tank advantage will reduce once
TYPE FRONT SIDE GUN HITS the Panthers arrive, so conserving them, is balanced
with the need to push on, and destroy the original
StuG III 15 10 9 5
Hetzer 16 10 10 5
Panther 17 13 10 6 HOW DID IT GAME?
Pak 40 9 3 We have played this scenario twice, with very different
Panzer IV 14 10 9 5 results. In the first game the US player was very
hesitant, spending a long time clearing the forest,
US FORCES against what turned out to be largely blanks. The
TYPE FRONT SIDE GUN HITS Germans had dug in on the hill line and in the town,
falling back through the forest to their dug in positions.
Sherman 105mm 13 11 8 5
Once these were flanked, it was the Germans who
Sherman 76mm 15 11 9 5
suffered, having to cross the barren area on the way
Sherman 75mm 13 11 8 5
back to the town. The arrival of the Panthers swung the
M5 Stuart 12 9 6 5
battle back in the Germans favour, and the US had to
57mm A/T gun 8 3
admit defeat as they had insufficient forces to capture
the town.
TACTICS The second game was very different, the fog cleared
Both sides have a lot to consider in this scenario. Once very early on. This made it easier for the Americans
the forest is cleared there is a very large, very empty to spot their foes, and some lucky rolls for artillery,
area that the Germans can turn into a killing field. If devastated the forests defenders. With far more US
it is no longer foggy when the American forces reach tanks clearing the forest, the Panthers had their work
this area, it can only be an advantage to the German cut out. The US entered the town, but we decided
side. The longer the Americans can be delayed in the they were a little too weak to hold it. We gave them
forest the better. Good use of blank cards, and fire and a marginal victory, much to the chagrin of the SS
retire tactics are recommended. The placing of the commander. He claimed the following day would see a
Anti-tank guns and Panzerfaust teams are also critical. return to the natural order, and he was proved correct
The arrival time of the reinforcements is in the lap of as the Americans withdrew in the darkness!
the Gods, but aggressive use of the best tanks on the This is a very good scenario and my thanks go to
battlefield, could pay dividends, so long as the US the Rapid Fire! Team for pointing me in the direction
artillery doesn’t get in on the act. of this battle. We hope you enjoy playing this scenario
For the Americans clearing the forest quickly, while which can be transported to the Eastern front, or back
the fog is still heavy is a must, but it can lead to German to late World War one or forward to Chechnya or a cold
forces being left in your rear or flanks. The tanks are war imagi-nation battle. ■
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Balancing inequality
Words and pictures by John Treadaway
ave you ever been faced to be about ‘20s gangsters in and excitment in the scene in
Arrival point
When any troops arrive, bowl
for the direction they arrive from
when this happens. Using a d6:
◗ On a roll of a: 1,2,3,4 pre
nominate what of the four sides
are numbered as per the map
(numbers on a yellow circle) with
1 being behind the Waldheim
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 49
ABOVE work to get onto the table. Although Dragoons opened fire (as with Much to the consternation of the
A Waldheim Dragoons there are some older vehicles in the all anti-aircraft style weapons, a Dragoons, however, it was turn four
heavy blower arrives on
the road and opens fire Waldheim force, The Cobras and multi barrelled calliope is harsh on before any of their support arrived.
with missiles (marked the rest of the Dragoons are all from mere infantry), killing some scouts Just as the Cobras had reached the
by green tokens) at the the Brigade range of resin models and triggering the dice rolling for supply truck with two main tanks,
Cobras' Anjalika heavy
tanks while they are in the in their 15mm range, although they reinforcement. four Waldheim heavy blower tanks
process of replenishing make them in 6mm as well. Over the next three turns the arrived to (via a dice roll) their rear
from the truck full of the I set the Waldheims up in hidden Brazilians moved forward with as flank and the Brazilians lost two
fluid they need to retaliate.
On the right - behind the spots or just behind cover. On much speed as they could muster, heavy tanks before they knew what
parked 4x4 - is a Brigada the map, the red triangles were knocking out the lighter Dragoon had hit them.
Independência Kijang APC. AFVs and the red squares were the AFVs when opportunity arose However, the wheel started to
OPPOSITE two anti-tank guns hidden in the with their secondary weapons. turn. First – having taken severe
An aerial view of the industrial sheds with a decent field Meanwhile the Waldheims sprung casualties (over 50%) the Waldheim
ambush as Waldheim of fire for the anticipated arrival an attack from the sheds into the infantry at the south end of the table
troops rush from the light
industrial buildings to the of their targets. Finally the sheds flank of infantry and armoured broke and withdrew, abandoning
west of the main road. half way up the road had some cars on the central road (with very their anti-tank guns. At the same
infantry hiding in them (the red little success) and took out some time the rest of their reinforcements
circles) including the only anti-tank main tanks on both flanks with – more infantry – arrived at the
specialists they had with them, their two, previously hidden, Anti- north end of the table and attacked
ready to leap out and strike fear tank guns although – by firing the rear echelon of the Cobras,
and cyan-death into their enemies them both so fast – they risked knocking out a light mortar that had
in the flanks. burning out their barrels and this been firing the length of the table
The three detachments of Cobras did indeed happen to one of them. (and had even taken out a medium
made their way down the road Smoke ‘em while you’ve gottem, as tank with a lucky shot: in through
(having won initiative) and the they say... the commander’s hatch, I suspect!).
Hammers Slammers website:
Brigade Models:
Gaming mat by Geek Villain:
hat was the function forces would be marching and As has always been the case
of light cavalry in the fighting over, the dispositions of throughout history, the army Cavalry are always good
for flanking attacks:
period? What exactly the enemy, while also attempting with the best intelligence gains From the Cross of Iron
did they do and how to gauge their opponent’s morale a significant potentially battle- game by Border Rievers
should one use them on the tabletop? and readiness for battle. winning advantage as a result. at Derby World Team
Championships 2017
Mr Hiscocks offers us some analysis If they had the
and four scenarios for two popular opportunity they would THE ATTACK RIGHT
rules sets: Sharp Practice and attempt to intercept enemy The secondary roles of most light Light Cavalry
accompanying a supply
Black Powder. Ed communication and supply cavalry units would revolve wagon. 40mm miniatures
routes. Simultaneously they around the day of battle and from the Retreat from
ROLES would be working to shield its aftermath. During the battle Moscow game by the
Wessex Wargamers at
In the hours, days, and weeks friendly forces from the light cavalry would typically, Colours 2018
leading up to the battles of attentions of the enemy’s although not always, be used to
the Napoleonic Wars, the own light cavalry who support the attacks of the heavy
light cavalry troops of both would be operating with cavalry. Once the heavy cavalry
sides would be roaming the the same mission objectives. had launched their charge, their
countryside. As the primary These were critical activities, horses would become blown and
reconnaissance units of the the importance of which take time to recover. The light
period they would be gathering was underestimated by cavalry would be in a supporting
information on the terrain their commanders at their peril. position to either exploit
Thoughtful scenario design
can enable players to explore
the tactics and actions of
Napoleonic light cavalry.
Such games will not usually
be a typical “line up and
joust” game, but should pit
asymmetric forces against one
another, with objectives that
may be unusual in comparison
to many normal wargames. The
role of the light cavalryman
relied on their intelligence and
initiative while operating away
from the main body of the
army as much as their martial
prowess, and this should be
reflected in the scenario. There
are a plethora of rules to choose
from, but for the purposes of
this article I have selected two
popular games: Sharp Practice
by Too Fat Lardies, and Black
Powder by Warlord Games. In
contrast to Sharp Practice, Black
Powder is usually seen as a
game for large-scale battles, yet
– as it has no fixed unit scale –
it can be used to simulate small
actions as well.
“If the Cossacks attack during
the night, it is to keep you awake, 1: OUTPOST DUTY ABOVE one of the short table edges. A
to wear you out… you seldom (SHARP PRACTICE) Advancing infantry: prominent piece of terrain should
another shot from the
have to do anything more than Introduction: be placed in this area to act as the
Cross of Iron game
look alert. If the Prussian cavalry In this mission one force will be by Border Rievers at outpost’s location, such as a hill
attacks during the night, that is Derby World Team
more serious; you must not only the attacker and the other the or watchtower. A leader 1 and one
Championships 2017
be ready, but manoeuvre to meet defender. The attacker’s objective group of cavalry, or one group of
them. If the Austrian cavalry attack is to drive off the enemy’s outpost OPPOSITE skirmish/ light troops, must be
at night they probably have their force in preparation for an assault Cavalry advance from the deployed by the defender within 6”
infantry with them. If the English same Cross of Iron game
on the main body of the enemy’s of this point. The attacking force’s
cavalry understood war, they might
be…the most terrible in Europe…” army. The defender’s objective primary deployment point must be
– Fortune is to identify as many of their deployed anywhere on the board
opponent’s units as possible within 6” of a board edge and
before being driven off so that more than 36” from the defender’s
SCENARIOS: FOUR details of the impending attack primary deployment point.
SQUARE & FIRM can be accurately relayed to the
I’ll present four scenarios army commander to prepare a Force Support:
in this article, which can be counter-attack. The defender must spend at least
played as one-offs or could be 75% of their points on mounted
linked in a narrative campaign Deployment Points: units. The attacker may spend
to begin the character The defending force will set up up to 33% more on their army
development of your newly their primary deployment point list than the defender. Both sides
raised light cavalry formation. first. This must be within 12” of may take D3x3 support points.
In this mission two larger
reconnaissance forces have
bumped into each other. They
must now drive off their
opponents while also ensuring
their own troops remain
sufficiently intact to be able to
continue on to reconnoitre the
enemy position. Each “brigade”
represents a battalion sized force
(approximately 500-800 men).
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 55
Deployment Points:
Deployment: the second turn roll a D6 for each Deployment points to be set up
One table edge will be player brigade remaining, on a 4+ the as per scenario 5 of the main
one’s table edge. The opposite brigade enters the board. Add +1 rulebook, Sharp Practice II. The
will be player two’s. to this roll for each successive turn defender may not take any hard
One brigade from each side until all the brigades have arrived. obstacles or defences in their
will be the vanguard force. army list or as support choices.
Before the game begins the Opposing Armies:
players must secretly give Both sides’ orders of battles must Force Support:
their vanguard force orders include no less than 75% cavalry. The attacking force may spend
for the first turn, including 33% more on their order of battle
an instruction about where to Objective(s): than the defender. The attacking
deploy onto the board from. 1. Move at least one unbroken force must spend at least 75%
The player’s remaining brigades brigade off the enemy’s table edge. of its points on mounted units.
will enter the board behind the 2. Ensure that no enemy brigades Hussars waiting to be Both sides may also have D3 x 3
vanguard force. At the start of manage the same. deployed support points.
◗ To achieve victory the attacker
must capture the defender’s
primary deployment point, or
reduce their opponent’s force
morale to zero within 12 turns.
◗ Any other result will be a
victory for the defending force.
2 4
The Editor goes to the last
Warfare show in Reading
Words and pictures by John Treadaway
1 5 6
went to the two day event that once described as a ‘spit and fry’ – a MAIN IMAGE & 1
is Warfare at Reading to have a burger van – out side in the car park There was an interesting selection The Huntingdon and
District Gamers with their
look at the games and general for supplementary culinary diversity of demo and party games: one of splendid Lawkes Drift in
vibe. Warfare is one of the and support) and a packed car park the best I’ve seen at the show, to 54mm.
shrinking number of shows that is subject to flooding. But that’s all be honest. Interestingly, some of
2-4 Best in Show the Cold
spread over a weekend to allow for history now: more news later on! the games I enjoyed the most were War air and ground attack
competitions to be run. For those amongst the winners at the show game Cassinga Raid by
that haven’t been to the show I’ll TRADE and there were seven of these. Battlefront Wargames UK.
spend a little time talking about the There was an excellent trade mix The Sealed Knot put on an 5 Maidenhead Reapers
venue but not much. And with good at Warfare 2019: about seventy in ECW night raid called Moon over with their WWII 28mm
reason: this was the last show to attendance with a good balance Sedgemoor which was an interesting, game.
be held at the current venue, as the of periods, types and scales. blacked out ‘reveal the troops’ affair 6 A pretty To the
Rivermead Leisure Centre is being Although I said that they were and really rather clever in execution. Strongest game in 28mm
ARY 2020 – ISSUE 441 by the South Oxfordshire
| flattened and then redeveloped. mostly corralled into one main hall, It won Best Party but runners up
THE MAGAZINE FOR Some would say “not before time” there were a couple more traders in were the Maidenhead Reapers with
as it was always a fidgety space with the adjacent ‘Thames Suite’ along their ‘all in the snow’ Battle of the 7 The Chairman’s Award
games slotted into squash courts with a substantial Bring & Buy. It’s Bulge all-tank game in 28mm, and was given to a Wild West
game by the Combined
and other rooms away from the worth saying – at this point – that the Boscome Down and Amesbury Ops team. Good figures a
central area, with the traders mostly navigation to the show is aided by a team with a huge castle (built by train and great scenery.
centralised in one large room. It also useful twelve page booklet with floor many young hands!) for their fantasy
featured over-stretched cafe facilities plans, lists and some club details Duck and Dwarves to the Rescue game,
(requiring what a colleague of mine which is given out to the attendees. again in 28mm. 7
to read Miniature
Full sail ahead with
subscribing to the
tle Report
ck Powder Bat
A horror skirmish game
digital edition.
9 772513 838012
TEST OF HONO A classic Table Top Teas
Display until 09/01/20
Supplies: an exclusiv
Vital with a new spin
s new t campaign scenario
Practical Wargames Terrain PARTS LIST
To make a barn you will need:
Words and images by Tony Harwood
◗ Corrugated cardboard (for
the core).
his is the fourth instalment of my series Like the previous three creations, this one
◗ A large snap-off bladed (or
of scratch-built wargame buildings. This had some self-imposed constraints: the model box cutter) knife.
small cottage was inspired by a book had to fit into an imaginary 6 inch x 6 inch ◗ A hot glue gun.
illustration by Liliane and Fred Funchen, x 6 inch box although I have some further ◗ Old newspaper.
◗ PVA.
specifically a painting showing French Cavalry thoughts about that size constraint which I’ll ◗ Thin card. I use egg box card.
at rest. Some years ago I sketched a simple two get to later) and it must be robust. By that I UK egg boxes are made
view plan with the intention of modelling it mean that the model must be sturdy enough from a wood or paper-pulp
someday, as one does. and withstand the rigours of regular wargame material which is ideal for
club use and my own personal test: to allow modelling these details.
◗ DAS modelling clay .
my two grandsons to play with the finished ◗ lollipop sticks.
models without its destruction. Further more I ◗ Green pan scourers
want it painted to a ‘good’ gaming standard (I (purchased in a UK pound
think) and to be designed for generic in usage. store).
Oh, and it had to be built from cheap, readily ◗ Ground foam for detailing.
◗ Paint and varnish of your
available materials. The finished Thatched choice.
Cottage is 110mm x 110mm x 130mm tall. It is
build with the same techniques as the earlier
three buildings but I think it might benefit The finished item with a suitable
from being a little larger. figure for scale.
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 59
The walls were initially painted in
a pale cream but I felt the colour
was too close to the colour of
the thatch and just a little too
drab. I used a white acrylic wash
to lighten the upper portions of
the walls and a mid-brown (a
Snakebite Leather colour) to the
lower walls to darken the tone.
A light wash then highlighted
the individual stone blocks, as
featured in the Arms and Armour
book illustration, before I added
one final drybrush of off-white
to pick out any rough texture
modelled with the fine sand.
The Thatched Cottage was
varnished with Galleria Matt
Varnish and a couple of green
foam clumps were glued to the
lower wall areas just to add
some interest. On reflection,
however, I have two issues with
this particular model: firstly, I
think I should have added more
internal strengtheners and
secondly, if I were modelling
it again, I would make it a little
larger (Think outside the box,
Tony! Ed.). Even so, I think the
model has turned out well and
once again proves that good
wargame terrain does not need
to be complicated or expensive.
Website updated
for all your
Exclusive Armourfast
Grass & Mats & Scatters & Walls &
Foliage Sheets Chippings Fencing Scenery
The Editor goes to the 2020 show
took a trip to Hammerhead As ever the show was very slick and 1 Some excelent painting
2020. Despite it being on the very well run with almost 60 traders and scenery on Anchor
Line by The Boondock
edge of mass gatherings being and around the same number of Sayntes
cancelled, numbers seemed participation games spread over the
steady so the games and traders two halls (the main and the smaller 2 A tank battle in the snow
- Cold War era - Dave
seemed to be having a good time. gamers lounge). Malc and Friends make
good use of those snow
2 3
May 2020 Miniature Wargames 69
11 Isandlewana in 6mm:
Reveille Studios
8 11
◗ The latest gaming mat news ◗ Small scale 1/1000th scenery
◗ ◗
◗ €25.90 upwards ◗ £2 upwards
Deep Cut Studios have been cranking There are some new releases from Brigade
out some new mats recently and – Models aimed at small scale gaming,
from my perspective – they have been aimed at either naval, air or Aeronef styles,
excelling themselves. Two of the latest I guess. First off there’s a piece which
releases really caught my eye: one is the brigade titled “Shoreham by the Sea” a
latest Infinity mat to tie in with Corvus little something from the early age of
Belli’s game system. This is called commercial air travel: some Civilian Airfield
Combined Army and – although I haven’t Buildings. Shoreham is the oldest licensed
got one for review – it ties in well with civilian airfield in the UK, dating from
the one I have especially for the colour. 1910. It has a very distinctive ‘30s art deco
The Combined Army matt features a lot of terminal building which has starred in
purple in the colour scheme and it makes a number of films (both as a British and
for a very pretty mat and – for €54.90 – indeed an Axis structure). During WWII
you can have one in ‘mouse mat’ material the airfield was used by the RAF and
in the official 4’ x 4’ size. was home to various aircraft including
But, there are two other new ones that Lysanders, Spitfires, Hurricanes and
I really need to flag up. There’s a superb Defiants. The main hanger was badly
Asteroid Version 2 mat that is mostly grey damaged in one Luftwaffe attack, losing
with photo realistic craters and which the outer skin, but the framework survived
– as I’ve recently been involved with a and it was restored post-war. Since 1945 the
game over the surface of the moon – is airfield has expanded and has a number
something I find very appealing indeed. of additional hangars and light industrial
However – and finally – the mat I’ve units, but the original three buildings are
actually been sent for review is Alien still there and this is what this £4 resin kit
Planet. I do a lot of SF gaming and – I’ll represents. You could also add some 15mm
confess – it’s just too easy to chuck a sand (by 22mm diameter) round oil tanks to the
or a grass coloured mat on the table and set, to make it less specific to Shoreham
call it done. This latest offering has grey (the latter should be around £2).
rocks and some sort of low vegetation But if this all sounds a bit too modern,
printed on it but running over the whole how about stepping back to the age of
mat (and Deep Cut kindly sent me a Vauban with some modular Star Forts in
magnificent 6’ by 4’ rubber item) are veins the same scale? I’ve only got preliminary
of a purple, crystal sort of outcropping. examples of this but – like their medieval
It cuts a balance between being castle sets in the same range – Brigade
recognisably ‘realistic’ whilst – at the have released sets of triangular bastions,
same time – being just ‘off world’ enough walls, gates and gun platforms that will
to work and I’ve very impressed with it. enable a gamer to build – for between
For scale I’ve included a close-up shot of about £10-£20 – almost any configuration
an MSV (a Captain Scarlet Mars rover) from a small four pointed star to a big five
in about 1/300th and it looks very nice. pointer with exterior gun platforms which
Prices start at €25.90 for cloth in a smaller might be as large at 10 inches or so across
size, but they can be had on PVC or when complete. All pieces are cast in resin
mouse mat rubber like mine for €49.90. and suitably detailed and, of course, make
Each comes in a clear plastic sleeve/case splendid terrain for any period right up
for storage and carrying. Recommended. until the current day.
A Miniature Wargames exclusive Oathmark
The Multi-talented
Kevin Dallimore
Scenario by rules author Joseph A. McCullough builds and
paints the latest
Oathmark Elves
y 2020
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Long time Black Library publisher, freelance
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e live in a twenty-four every weekend between February “This is that games all the time, has perfectly