7 VI June 2019
7 VI June 2019
7 VI June 2019
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.177
Volume 7 Issue VI, June 2019- Available at www.ijraset.com
Abstract: Authentication is a process of validating who are you, to whom you claimed to be or a process of identifying an
individual, usually based on a username and password. It is one of the most important security service provided to system by
the different authentication schemes or algorithms. To protect any system, authentication must be provided, so that only
authorized persons can have right to use or handle that system & secure but having some drawback. Many authentication
algorithms are available some are effective & secure but having some drawback. The 3-D password is a multifactor
authentication scheme. It can combine all existing authentication schemes into a single 3-D virtual environment. This 3-D
virtual environment contains several objects or items with which the user can interact. The type of interaction varies from
one item to another. The 3-D password is constructed by observing the actions and interactions of the user and by observing the
sequences of such actions. In other words. The 3D Password scheme is a new authentication scheme that combine
RECOGNITION + RECALL in one authentication system. 3D passwords are flexible and they provide unlimited passwords
possibility. They are easy to Memorize and can be remembered in the form of short story.
The authentication system which we are using is mainly very light or very strict. Since many years it has become an interesting
approach. With the development in means of technology, it has become very easy for others to hack someone’s password.
Therefore many algorithms have come up each with an interesting approach toward calculation of a secret key. The algorithms are
such based to pick a random number in the range of 10^6 and therefore the possibilities of the same number coming is rare. We
are provided with many password types such as textual passwords, biometric scanning, tokens or cards (such as an ATM)
etc. But there are many weaknesses in current authentication systems.
A. Ideally There Are Two Types Of Authentication Schemes Are Available According To Nature Of Scheme & Techniques
Used, Those Are
1) Recall based: In this authentication technology. user need to recall or remember his/her password which is created
before [1]. Knowledge based authentication is a part of this technique, E.g. Textual password, graphical password etc. This
technique is commonly used all over the world where security needed.
2) Recognition based: In this user need to identify, recognize password created before.
Recognition based authentication can be used in graphical password. Generally, this technique is not use much more as Recall
based is used.
When a person uses textual passwords, he likely chooses meaningful words from dictionary or their nick names, girlfriends etc
which can be cracked easily. And if a password is hard to guess then it is hard to remember also. Users face difficulty in
remembering a long and random appearing password and because of that they create small, simple, and insecure passwords that
are easy to attack. Graphical passwords can also be used. Their strength comes from the fact that users can recall and recognize
pictures more than words. Token based systems can also be used as way of authentication in banking systems and for entrance in
laboratories. But smart cards or tokens are susceptible to loss or theft. Biometric scanning is your "natural" signature and Cards or
Tokens prove your validity. Many years back Klein performed tests and he could crack almost
15 passwords per day. As the technology has changed many fast processors and tools are available on internet it has
become very easy. So in this project, we have introduced 3-d password scheme.
The proposed system is a multi-factor authentication scheme. It can combine all existing authentication schemes into a
single 3D virtual environment .This 3D virtual environment contains several objects or items with which the user can interact.
The user is presented with this 3D virtual environment where the user navigates and interacts with various objects. The
sequence of actions and interactions toward the objects inside the 3D environment constructs the user’s 3D password [1]. The 3D
password can combine most existing authentication schemes such as textual passwords, graphical passwords, and various types
of biometrics into a 3D virtual environment. The choice of what authentication schemes will be part of the user's 3D password
reflects the user's preferences and requirements. A user who prefers to remember and recall a password might choose textual and
graphical password as part of their 3D password. On the other hand users who have more difficulty with memory or recall
might prefer to choose smart cards or biometrics as part of their 3D password. Moreover user who prefers to keep any kind of
biometric data private might not interact with object that requires biometric information. Therefore it is the user's choice and
decision to construct the desired and preferred 3D password.
A. Textual Passwords
The most commonly used password now a days is textual password, these are the passwords that appear in the form of the text,
the meaning full words taken from the dictionary, user names etc forms the text.
On the other hand, if a password is hard to guess, then it is often hard to remember. Users have difficulty remembering a password
that is long and random appearing. So, they create short, simple, and insecure passwords that are susceptible to attack,
which make textual passwords easy to break, can be copied easily by the hacker and vulnerable to dictionary or brute force
C. Graphical Passwords
These are the passwords that comes from the fact that users can recall and recognize pictures more than words.
Most graphical passwords are vulnerable for shoulder surfing attacks, where an attacker can observe or record the
legitimate users graphical password by camera. [3]-[2]. The drawbacks of the textual password, token-based passwords and
graphical passwords leads to new authentication called Biometrics.
D. Biometrics
Biometrics means what you are. These are the passwords that appear in the form of thumb impressions, natural signatures etc.
Biometric scanning is your "natural" signature and Cards or Tokens prove your validity.
On the other hand, hackers may use some chemicals and they can easily hack the thumb impression of the user, also some
people hate the fact to carry around their cards, some refuse to undergo strong IR exposure to their retinas (Biometric
scanning), as the age goes on, the biometrics may slightly vary.[3]-[2]
2) Login Phase: If the user has already registered, he selects login phase. Once he logs in he does the same which he had done
during registration phase If the user selects the same image which he had selected during registration, the password matches
else the system shows invalid password as shown in Fig 4.
In this phase the new user need to register first by giving both Textual password and 3D password. To register, Name,
Email-id and Password fields are mandatory. It Generates the unique Id to the particular users which used in the time of login. After
clicking the NEXT button it will move on to the phase where we need to SET the 3D password other words it will move
on to the phase where we get the 3D virtual environment to set the password as shown in Fig 5.
[1] S Alsulaiman, F.A.; El Saddik, A., "Three- for Secure," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and measurement, vol.57, no.9, pp 1929-1938.Sept. 2008.
[2] Tejal Kognule and Yugandhara Thumbre and Snehal Kognule, 3D password, International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), 2012
[3] V.Sindhuja, S.Shiyamaladevi, S.Vinitha-“A Review of 3D Protected Password” International Journal of Innovative Research in
Computer and Communication Engineering, ISSN: 2320-9801, pp3995-4001, 2016.
[4] Ms. Swati Bilapatte, Prof. Sumit Bhattacharjee “3D Password: A novel approach for more secure authentication” International Journal of Computer Science
& Engineering Technology, ISSN: 2229 -3345, pp150-156, 2014.