Professuonal Business Skill

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Chapter 5

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing of products and services through electronic devices, mobile phones, display
marketing that uses electronic devices and can be used by marketing specialists to convey
promotional messaging and measure its impact through your customer journey.

Difference between digital marketing and traditional

Digital marketing and 4 Ps
1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion

Features of digital marketing

Digital marketing provides grate opportunity to build a image.

The possibilities to disseminate information through links offer consumers the chance to
approach the organisation in a wider and customised way.
It offer simple and user friendly platform

Organisation build long term relationship with their audience. Internet offer the possibility of having a
conversation and therefore of generating a positive experience.

5.Visual communication

6.Community connections
Internet is a unique opportunity to connect organisation with their audience and users among
Need for digital marketing
1. Provide equal opportunity for every business
2. Wider reach
3. Digital consumers
4. Increase brand reputation
5. Increase revenue
6. Cost effective from marketing
Advantages digital marketing

1. Better Growth Options For Small business

The importance of digital marketing for business lies in the option to select your
method of marketing as per your budget and reach a wider audience at a lesser
cost. Even a decade back getting your product marketed especially for a small
business was a task in itself. They had to resort to small level methods where the
guarantee of success was close to negligible.
2. Establishing Brand Reputation
For any business to survive the one thing that they really need to work upon is
establishing a reputation that is impeccable. In the past few years, it has become
evident that customers will always prefer a company that does not have any
scandals associated with it. The importance of Digital marketing today lies in
offering you multiple ways to establish a personal rapport with your customer
3. Solving Customers Problems
Be it email marketing or social media you can always offer the customer solutions to their
problems and make them relate to your product by even providing live chat access. Your
website and social media page can easily be converted into a place where the consumer can
ask queries, give suggestions and hence take the association with you on a positive level.
4. Digital marketing is Cost-Effective
A small business needs to save up on its resources before it finally goes into the green zone
and starts making profits. Digital marketing gives you the scope to reach out to many
customers at the same time and that too within your budget. You can plan your marketing
strategy such that you only use modes that lie in your budget. If there is a budget constraint
then you should always target your niche audiences.

. 5.Targeted Audience Approach

Digital marketing benefits you to target your audience farther. There are higher chances that
your audience is spending time on social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.
where you can publish an advertisement to gain more engagement with your audience.

Disadvantages of Digital Marketing

While digital marketing is a dream come true for most businesses, it does have its cons.
On that note, here are five disadvantages of digital marketing you should be aware of.

1. Global Competition: While digital marketing does help businesses reach a

global audience, it also means increased competition on a global scale.
2. Time Consuming: Another disadvantage of digital marketing is that it can be
time consuming. This is because additional effort is needed to analyse data and
customer interactions to produce better ads.
3. Reliance on Technology: As you can imagine, digital marketing, as the name
implies relies heavily on technology. This means one must invest in digital
assets and staff that can produce and analyse them.
4. It may not be appropriate for some People: Sadly, some brands and services
with unique audiences may be difficult to reach with online adverts. For
example, products and services for the elderly, disabled or those without
internet access may require more traditional marketing methods.
5. Complaints and Feedbacks: This is another case of an advantage that could
backfire. For example, because of a wider reach, negative customer complaints
could affect product sales significantly or destroy one’s online reputation.

Trends in digital marketing

1. Voice search (one of the voice searches is that are implemented by smart
speakers such as Amazone’s Alexa, Apple home pod etc which give
searchers immediate voice answers to their questions)
2. Smarter chat (many customers prefer to use chatbots as a major means of
communication in customers service)
3. Micro moments (micro moments occurs when people turn to a device like a
smart phone to act on a need to learn something, discover something, watch
something or buy something)
4. Augmented and virtual reality marketing (virtual and augmented reality of
offer significant opportunities for brand promotion and the sale of product
and services but also to engage and retain customers.)
5. Live videos more stories (internet video traffic due to the remarkable
developments in recent years through Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc)
6. AI machine learning (Artificial Intelligence) (AI) refers to the simulation of
human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and act like
humans. It involves the development of algorithms and computer programs
that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence such as visual
perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.)
7. Engagement based email marketing
1.Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing utilizes the ever-growing popularity of industry experts and social media
influencers. In working with these third-party influencers, your organization will collaborate to
promote your products or services for compensation. In collaboration, influencers will engage their
audience with posts, blogs or videos to bring in more business for your organization and create new
2.content marketing
Content marketing works in symbiosis with other types of digital marketing: It is a way to
incorporate search engine optimization (SEO) into fresh website content, and the content created can
be shared as social media posts and in email marketing publications. Looking at the analytics for your
content marketing can tell you a lot about your customers:
3.E mail marketing
Even with the emergence of social media, mobile applications and other channels, email is still one of
the most effective marketing techniques, Rogers said. It can be part of a content marketing strategy,
providing value to consumers and, over time, converting an audience into customers.
4.Marketing analytics
One of the major advantages of digital marketing is that it is highly trackable and measurable. Once,
the only trackable marketing pieces were coupons and similar direct mail offers. If a customer used
the coupon, you knew the message resonated.
5.Mobile marketing
This digital marketing type is focused on reaching your target audience on their smartphone or tablet.
Mobile marketing reaches people through text messages, social media, websites, email and mobile
applications. Marketers can tailor offers or special content to a geographic location or time, such as
when a customer walks into a store or enters an event.
6.Pay-Per-Advertising (PPC)

Pay-per-click refers to paid advertisements and promoted search engine results. This is a short-term
form of digital marketing, meaning that once you are no longer paying, the ad no longer exists. Like
SEO, PPC is a way to increase search traffic to a business online.
7.Search engine optimization

The goal of SEO is to get a business to rank higher in Google search results, ultimately
increasing search engine traffic to the business’s website.
To accomplish this, SEO marketers research words and phrases consumers are using to
search for information online and use those terms in their own content.
8. Social media marketing
This includes everything a business does via social media channels. Just about everyone is
familiar with social media, but marketers must approach social with an integrated and
strategic approach. Social media marketing goes far beyond simply creating posts for social
channels and responding to comments.
Digital Marketing Models
1. Business to business(B2B)
2. Business to Consumer(B2C)
3. Consumer to Consumer(C2C)
4. Business to government(B2G)
Business to business (B2B)
B2B stands for “business-to-business,” which refers to a business model where businesses
sell products and services to other companies as opposed to consumers.
Business to consumer (B2C)
B2C digital marketing is the use of online channels to market a business to consumers.
Business to consumer digital marketing consist of sale of product or services from a business to
the general public
Consumer to consumer (C2C)
Consumer to consumer digital marketing consist of individual using the internet
to sell products and services directly to the individuals.

Business to government(B2G)
B2G marketing, also known as business-to-government marketing, refers to the
strategies and tactics used to promote products or services from businesses to
government entities.

Emerging business models

 Consumer to consumer(C2C)
 Peer to peer (P2P)
 M-commerce

Online advertising
Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital advertising

or web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the Internet to promote

products and services to audiences and platform users.

Types of online advertising

1.Banner advertisement

 CPC (Cost per Click)

 CPI (Cost per Impression)

 CPA (Cost Per Action)

 CPL (Cost per Lead)

2.Floating Advertisement

3. Unicast advertisement

4.Pop-Up Advertisement

6.Contextual Advertisement

7.Newes letters

8. Spam e-mail

9.Targeted e-mail

Online Market Research

1.Define the Problem

2.Determine research design

3.Design and prepare Research instrument

4.Collect the data

5.Analyse the data

6.Visualize data and communication result.

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