VOCABULARY Daily Routine

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Acostarse to go to bed (or to lie down)
Despertarse to wake up
Dormirse to fall asleep
Hacer la cama to make the bed
Irse a la cama to go to bed
Levantarse to get up
Poner una alarma to set up an alarm
Bañarse to take a bath
Ducharse to shower
Lavarse la cara to wash one’s face
Lavarse las manos to wash one’s hands
Lavarse los dientes to brush one’s teeth
Afeitarse to shave
Desvestirse to get undressed
Maquillarse to put makeup
Peinarse to comb one’s hair
Perfumarse to put perfume on
Ponerse el sombrero to put on the hat
Ponerse la ropa to put on the clothes
Quitarse la chaqueta to take out the jacket
Quitarse la ropa to take out the clothes
Vestirse to get dressed
Almorzar to have lunch
Cenar to have dinner
Cocinar to cook
Comer to eat (in general)
Desayunar to have breakfast
Merendar to have an afternoon snack
Preparar el desayuno to prepare breakfast

Hacer la compra to do the shopping
Irse a casa to go home
Ir a la escuela / Ir al colegio to go to school
Irse al trabajo to go to work
Salir de casa to leave home
Salir del trabajo to get off work


Dar una vuelta / Dar un paseo to go for a stroll

Escuchar la radio to listen to the radio
Escuchar música to listen to music
Ir a tomar algo to go out for a drink
Ir de compras to go shopping
Quedar con los amigos to meet friends
Salir to go out
Ver la tele to watch TV

to brush teeth cepillarse los dientes

to brush your hair cepillarse el pelo
to comb your hair peinarse, peinar el cabello
to dry your hair secarse el pelo
to floss usar hilo dental
to get dressed vestirse
to get ready alistarse
to get up early madrugar, levantarse temprano, despertarse temprano
to go to the gym ir al gimnasio
to go, to head out irse, salir
to have a bath bañarse
to make the bed hacer la cama
to put on makeup maquillarse
to shave afeitarse
to shower ducharse
to use the restroom ir al baño, usar el baño
to wake up, to get up despertarse, levantarse
to wake up late despertarse tarde, levantarse tarde
to wash your face lavarse la cara
to wash your hair lavarse el pelo
to work out ejercitarse, hacer ejercicio

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