SFT Business Plan 2022 2023 PDF Version
SFT Business Plan 2022 2023 PDF Version
SFT Business Plan 2022 2023 PDF Version
Introduction 2
Corporate Priorities 4
Improving Outcomes 5
Our Organisation 10
Leadership Team 10
Our People 11
Board and Governance 11
Vision and Values 11
Our Workstreams 12
Our Budget 29
Summary 30
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 2
experience from across the public and I’d like to recognise and celebrate their
private sectors, together with our unique collective contributions as we move into
organisational structure and positioning, this new year of opportunity, and to thank
that enable us to deliver the outcomes we our many partners who fund our activity
were established to pursue for Scotland. and who choose to work with us.
Infrastructure has a key role in > Build resilient and sustainable places
underpinning these outcomes, in particular (focus on showing leadership in the
by addressing the climate emergency shift to collaborative and place-based
which Scotland acknowledged in 2019 and ways of working)
more recently, supporting the post
pandemic economic recovery.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 6
Infrastructure Outcomes
Developing the right teams of people is In working towards our vision of world class
critical to the success of any business and infrastructure for the people of Scotland
over the years we have attracted and collaborating with organisations and
specialists drawn from public and private individuals across industry, central and
sector backgrounds, who have a wide local government, to improve infrastructure
range of technical, commercial and outcomes, everyone at SFT shares four
financial skills. strong values:
The organisation is supported by our > Bold - Believing in what we do, with
Corporate Services team providing commitment and courage to enable
support and expertise to the rest of the successful outcomes
organisation to facilitate our work and
> Collaborative - Sharing knowledge,
operations on matters of finance, human
experience and working in partnerships
resources, information technology,
to achieve more for Scotland’s
communications as well as office
management and administration.
> Dynamic - Accelerating positive
outcomes by promoting innovation
and being a catalyst for change
SFT is a limited company, operating as a
> Ambitious - Striving to excel and
non-departmental public body owned by
inspire by raising expectations
Scottish Government with our activities
overseen by the Minister for Business, These values can be clearly seen
Trade, Tourism and Enterprise. throughout this Business Plan where each
workstream has outlined their priorities for
We are directed by an experienced Board
the year ahead together with their specific
made up of a non-executive chairman,
business activities.
four non-executive directors and SFT’s
chief executive.
The hub programme is an established While the team managing the hub
route for delivering community Programme will continue to grow its
infrastructure projects. output, there will be a key focus this year
on enhancing performance improvement
Given its reach and maturity it is also a which will impact through the project life
natural vehicle for developing and growing cycle; for example, on improving briefing -
approaches to good practice and towards service-led, community-wide,
innovation to raise sector performance. placed-based approaches, cost
management, construction quality,
70% of public sector organisations in the
payment through the supply chain and fair
programme are active participants. The
work practices.
programme has delivered over 120
education and 80 healthcare facilities, 20
housing projects and numerous other civic
facilities. One Territory will soon reach 500 Workstream Activities:
new affordable homes. Supply chains
serving hub are extensive with nearly all > Continue to support the operation of
major Tier 1 contractors active in Scotland the hub Programme, enhancing
involved. 80% of hub work is delivered by programme assurance activities, and
Scottish SMEs. dissemination of shared learning and
The opportunity exists to grow the impact
of the programme at project level within > Encourage and provide support across
the five hub territories covering the whole the programme on delivering
of Scotland and across sectors. Adopting a performance improvement, focussing
strategic approach to change across the on briefing, cost management,
programme can reach a large proportion construction quality and payment
of the construction sector – both client through the supply chain.
side and supply side.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 16
Improving Delivery
Our Infrastructure Technology team acts With a focus on the operational and
as a centre of expertise in digital and data management stages of our public sector
management working across the public estate, we will lead the development of
sector and industry sectors in the built capabilities in digital twin technologies to
environment. enable better use of our existing
infrastructure, improved usage
For the year ahead, within the planning optimisation and meet our net zero targets
and construction phase of developing through digital and data-led insights.
assets, we will continue to focus on a
national approach to the information And we will continue to facilitate shared
management and modelling of our built learning across the public sector to enable
environment. This will create the platform a new digital and data capability within
for digital change across Scotland’s the built environment, to deliver improved
construction sector, supporting a range of performance and outcomes.
improvements in programme and project
delivery. We will develop a new standard
for digital information at building handover
Workstream Activities:
that aims to create the right conditions for
successful future operation and > Maintain leadership and continue to
maintenance. We will also work with provide support to implementation
partners to develop enhanced and scaling of digital and data led
approaches to 3D visualisation within the strategies and solutions within the
planning process, supporting the planning, design, and construction
development of a world class digital stages of projects.
planning system.
> Maintain leadership and continue to
provide support to implementation
and scaling of digital and data led
strategies and solutions within the
operational and maintenance phase of
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 19
Innovative Finance
The Innovative Finance team seeks to draw Working in conjunction with the Net Zero
in additional private sector capital into teams, some will require the team to work
infrastructure to drive higher inclusive with public and private sector stakeholders
economic growth, to accelerate the to identify reliable commercial income
transition to a net zero carbon economy, streams such that more investible
and to help meet Scottish Government’s propositions can be brought forward in
National Infrastructure Mission of an extra emerging sectors of the economy such as
1% of GDP invested into infrastructure per decarbonised heat and transport.
annum by 2025.
It may also be possible to drive additional
Government policies, especially those investment through existing, well
driving decarbonisation and digitalisation understood, financing models with
will require new classes of infrastructure, established user income streams such as
and substantial interventions in privately the Regulatory Asset Base both in existing
owned infrastructure and buildings as well sectors such as electricity, gas, and
as spending on public assets. Our work telecoms and potentially in new sectors for
looks across infrastructure sectors and the energy system of the future consistent
seeks to create investable propositions for with net zero.
public, private and blended investment
into Scotland’s future infrastructure needs
with the necessary revenue streams, which
Workstream Activities:
will be required by investors to deliver
repayments, identified and allocated. > Develop and support long term
innovative funding and financing
Some of this will be delivered by our team
models to mobilise greater private
working with public sector bodies to
capital towards priority areas of future
consider Mutual Investment Model (MIM)
infrastructure especially those to
projects should government decide to use
support the transition to net zero and
this delivery route for publicly funded
where appropriate, MIM.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 20
We will focus on the existing pipeline of > Provide commercial and real estate
surplus assets as well as work with public support particularly to public sector
sector bodies (in particular NHS Boards, partners to enable the delivery of
the College sector and Police Scotland) to strategic projects or sites linked to
encourage planning for longer term Scottish Government initiatives or
disposals through estate strategies linked funded programmes.
to rationalisation and modernisation plans.
This will cover a wide range of asset types,
geographies and potential end uses.
Our Learning Estate team works with Over the last number of years, the
Scottish Government, local authorities, and importance of healthy learning
industry to support investment in environments has never been in such sharp
Scotland’s vital learning estate and focus whether for users or for the
promote the 2019 Learning Estate Strategy: environment. The year ahead will allow
Connecting People, Places and Learning. time for reflection as we collectively
harness learning from the COVID-19
In recent years, our focus has been on the
pandemic, build upon the momentum from
development and delivery of the £2bn
COP26, and look ahead to the future
Learning Estate Investment Programme
design and development of Scotland’s
(LEIP) which is providing new and
learning estate.
redeveloped learning environments for
50,000 pupils across Scotland. Supported
by an innovative outcomes-based funding
approach, the programme is enabling the Workstream Activities:
transition to net zero emissions and
> Manage the delivery of the Learning
environmental sustainability, driving
Estate Investment Programme through
inclusive economic growth, and building
programme level support across both
resilient sustainable places which maximise
the announced projects and the
benefits for communities. The year ahead
development of the next phase of the
will bring a continued focus on LEIP as
more projects start construction, and the
first project opens. The programme will > Support the development of the
take a big step forward in realising its Learning Estate Investment Programme
ambitions and achieving those critical projects in line with the principles of the
outcomes. 2019 Learning Estate Strategy and
Alongside LEIP, the early learning and international best practice in the
childcare (ELC) expansion programme has development and design of learning
been delivering new and improved environments.
environments for early learners across
Scotland. This year, most of the remaining > Monitoring the delivery of the
projects planned to support the expanded remaining infrastructure aspects of the
service, will open. Alongside partners, our early learning and childcare expansion
work aims to support positive outcomes for programme and provide broader
children, families, and their communities. support across the learning estate.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 22
The focus of our Net Zero Buildings team is buildings. However, it is also vital that we
to work with partners on the tackle our existing estate and therefore we
decarbonisation of the built environment. will deliver new tools to allow estate
This work is underpinned by Scottish managers to utilise their on-going
Government’s Heat in Buildings Strategy, maintenance and lifecycle budgets in a
which is a key driver for both decarbonising way that transitions their buildings to net
heat and ensuring our buildings use less zero.
To deliver this work, our team will work
Working towards that goal, we will seek to closely with our other workstreams as well
create an environment where Scotland as other organisations by leading by
can attract the scale of investment that is example, and demonstrate what can be
needed from the private sector. In doing achieved when we collaborate on these
so, we believe it is important it creates shared goals.
green jobs, improves the environment and
supports increased wellbeing.
The transport sector is a significant source And finally, we are working to accelerate
of carbon dioxide emissions. the rate of transition towards zero emission
buses. This involves engaging with
Our Net Zero Transport team is working operators and financiers to understand the
across three key areas in helping to deliver barriers to financing the greater upfront
some of Transport Scotland’s policy costs compared to diesel vehicles, in order
objectives to reduce these emissions. This to realise the operational savings available
work aligns closely with our corporate from battery electric buses.
priority of accelerating the transition to a
net zero carbon economy.
Secondly, we are working on public sector > Support Transport Scotland to engage
fleet decarbonisation – assisting public all stakeholders within the bus industry
sector bodies in addressing Scottish especially operators and financiers to
Government’s commitment to remove all accelerate the transition to zero
internal combustion engine cars from their emission buses.
fleet and purchase only new EV vans by
2025. Our work in this area is principally
around the charging infrastructure and
finding effective way of involving private
sector expertise and / or capital.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 26
Operational Contract Management
As Scotland emerges from COVID and support Scotland’s ‘just transition’. This
continues its drive to a wellbeing, green includes focussing on the next stage of
economy, our Strategy, Place and Economy development for the Green Growth
team will utilise its skills to improve the Accelerator and supporting the delivery of
places and environments where we live and the five pathfinder projects announced in
work, strengthen our communities and October 2021.
businesses, as well as improve how we all
access the services we need locally.
SFT investments (SFTi) is our investment SFTi also holds investments in various
arm that manages our financial housing Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
investments in the five hub companies and while they are not expected to
(hubCos) and through them, our interests in generate investment returns, over the next
the 41 revenue-funded design, build, 12 months we will continue to manage
finance and maintain (DBFM) education these investments through their lifecycle in
and health projects developed by the the best interests of all the LLPs’
hubCos. stakeholders.
Scottish Government
core grant £3.8m
Scottish Government
programme grant £4.6m
TOTAL £10.1m
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 30
Our Business Plan for 2022/23 sets out the Each member of the team will be
range of activities on which the ambitious, seeking to maximise the
infrastructure experts in our 14 workstreams economic, environmental and social
will collaborate with partners from across outcomes from infrastructure across
industry, central and local government Scotland. They will take bold actions in
during the year. collaboration with our partners to pursue
the opportunities which this year of
They, and our Corporate Services team recovery and transformation will bring, and
which provides the organisation with a remain dynamic to respond to the
strong backbone, will seek to maximise the changing circumstances which will
progress which can be made against the inevitably occur.
10 infrastructure outcomes agreed with
Ministers using the £10.1m budget at our If anything in this Business Plan stimulates
disposal. your interest, please do get in touch via
[email protected]
Scottish Futures Trust
1st Floor
11-15 Thistle Street
Edinburgh EH2 1DF