SFT Business Plan 2022 2023 PDF Version

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Introduction 2
Corporate Priorities 4
Improving Outcomes 5
Our Organisation 10
Leadership Team 10
Our People 11
Board and Governance 11
Vision and Values 11
Our Workstreams 12
Our Budget 29
Summary 30
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 2

I am pleased to present the Scottish Corporate Plan which are linked to

Futures Trust’s 2022-23 Business Plan in Scotland’s National Performance
which we set out how we will work with our Framework and the UN Sustainable
partners to improve economic, Development Goals. These outcomes
environmental and social outcomes from require action across all infrastructure
infrastructure across Scotland. sectors, asset owners and lifecycle stages.
We report progress annually in our
We are an infrastructure centre of Outcomes Report which includes
expertise which does all of its work through quantitative indicators and a range of
collaboration with partners across the case studies.
private and public sectors. Our industry
partners range from investors, To make progress we must organise our
infrastructure operators and property activities to align with those sectors,
developers, through to designers, owners and stages but with a relentless
constructors and those involved in focus on recognising interconnectedness
maintaining and enhancing Scotland’s and joining up activities to improve
public sector buildings and assets. We outcomes. Our expert teams are organised
want these businesses to be successful into 14 workstreams, each with its own
and profitable, committed to Scotland and focus of activities as set out in this Business
well equipped for the future, offering Plan, and with a shared underlying culture
rewarding jobs to a diverse workforce that of collaboration both within and outside
deliver quality products and services to the organisation.
their customers.
Each team progresses its work with
Our public sector partners include Scottish partners to deliver activities aligned with
Government along with its agencies and our agreed outcomes, making sure that
central bodies as well as local authorities they address each of our three corporate
and regional organisations. We want them priorities, shared with the Scottish
to have long-term plans and effective Government’s Infrastructure Investment
delivery mechanisms for innovative and Plan, of delivering inclusive economic
sustainable investment in new and existing growth, enabling the transition to net zero
infrastructure assets which underpin their emissions and environmental sustainability
wider organisational aims and create and building resilient and sustainable
vibrant places across Scotland. places.

Our activities are targeted towards It is the individual infrastructure expertise

progressing the ten infrastructure-related of our team members, drawn from across
outcomes agreed in our 2019-24 professional backgrounds and with
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 3

experience from across the public and I’d like to recognise and celebrate their
private sectors, together with our unique collective contributions as we move into
organisational structure and positioning, this new year of opportunity, and to thank
that enable us to deliver the outcomes we our many partners who fund our activity
were established to pursue for Scotland. and who choose to work with us.

As individuals and organisations, we are Together, we work towards our vision of

emerging from two years of necessary World Class Infrastructure for the People
focus on the pandemic to a time where of Scotland.
despite geopolitical uncertainties there are
opportunities for economic and net-zero
transformation. Our talented team
members have shown great flexibility and
resilience throughout, as have those
working across the many organisations we
work. Peter Reekie
Chief Executive
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 4
Corporate Priorities

Taking into account the long-term trends

of climate emergency, digitalisation and
demographic change, as Scottish
Government’s independent centre of
infrastructure expertise, we have the
following three corporate priorities:

> Enabling the transition to net zero

emissions (focus on leading the way
with coordinated decarbonisation of
public sector assets to catalyse
necessary industry transition)

> Driving inclusive economic growth

(focus on delivering additionality of
investment and accelerating
appropriate development activity in
current economic context)

> Building resilient and sustainable

places (focus on showing leadership
in the shift to collaborative and
place-based ways of working)
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 5
Improving Outcomes

International Outcomes Infrastructure Priorities

The United Nations Member States’ 17 In its 2021-26 Infrastructure Investment

Sustainable Development Goals were Plan, Scottish Government highlighted
adopted in 2015. Those Goals recognise three infrastructure themes and outlined
that ending poverty and other that future infrastructure investment would
deprivations must go hand-in-hand with be prioritised where positive outcomes
strategies that improve health and would be created over more than one
education, reduce inequality, and spur theme.
economic growth. They explicitly seek to
balance social, economic and We have embraced those themes shown in
environmental stability and prioritise bold below, and taken them as our
progress for those wo are furthest behind. corporate priorities with a specific
organisational focus shown in italics:

> Enable the transition to net zero

National Outcomes emissions (focus on leading the way
with coordinated decarbonisation of
In support of the 17 Goals, Scottish public sector assets to catalyse
Government developed its National necessary industry transition)
Performance Framework (NPF) to describe
the kind of Scotland it wanted to create. > Drive inclusive economic growth (focus
The NPF contains 11 national outcomes on delivering additionality of
which underpin Scottish Government’s investment and accelerating
purpose and are tracked through 81 appropriate development activity in
indicators. current economic context)

Infrastructure has a key role in > Build resilient and sustainable places
underpinning these outcomes, in particular (focus on showing leadership in the
by addressing the climate emergency shift to collaborative and place-based
which Scotland acknowledged in 2019 and ways of working)
more recently, supporting the post
pandemic economic recovery.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 6

The need to transition urgently to net zero

emissions is a global challenge which is
increasingly joined in the energy sector by
the other challenges of security and
affordability. Scotland shows great
leadership in the transition to net zero and
driving alignment between the energy
challenges brings an opportunity for
economic growth across the country with
new technologies and industries, and
through the jobs created by adapting our
existing built environment to a net zero

Increasingly we are seeing climate change

drivers bring all our three corporate
priorities together to do what is necessary
for the environment, whilst maximising the
opportunities for Scotland’s economy and
finding solutions which work fairly across
our diverse nation of people and places.
Scottish Futures Trust
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Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 8

Infrastructure Outcomes

Our work is underpinned by a strong and 5. Programme and project procurement

aspirational vision which is shared among and delivery is effective, with highly
everyone across the organisation: skilled teams deployed where they are
‘World-class 6. We have a vibrant, innovative
infrastructure for the construction industry with increased
productivity delivering well designed,
people of Scotland’ high-quality products and fair work

7. Public asset condition and

To expand on what success would look like, performance is improved through more
and in support of Scottish Government’s effective whole-estate management
NPF ambition, when we published our and maintenance
2019/24 Corporate Plan we highlighted ten
infrastructure outcomes where our work 8. The public asset portfolio is effective
would be focused: and place-based, driving collaborative
service transformation with
1. We have a clear picture of Scotland’s underutilised public assets re-
future economic and social deployed to meet other policy
infrastructure needs Activities or divested to stimulate
economic activity
2. There is improved coherence, pace
and placemaking across major private 9. We have innovative technology-
commercial, industrial and housing enabled construction, asset
development management and usage optimisation
at a place, portfolio, and network level
3. Infrastructure investment is sustainable
as well as for individual assets
and affordable with an increased use
of innovative funding and financing 10. Infrastructure-related carbon dioxide
approaches and other greenhouse gas emissions
are reduced, supporting Scotland’s
4. Internationally mobile capital is drawn
transition to a low carbon economy
in to invest in projects and places
across Scotland
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 9

These outcomes help guide our long-term

thinking. They are aligned with the three
themes and the infrastructure hierarchy
promoted by the Infrastructure
Commission for Scotland which are also at
the heart of Scottish Government’s 2021-26
Infrastructure Investment Plan and form our
own three corporate priorities.

To help demonstrate the progress we and

our partners are making towards our ten
outcomes we created an Outcomes
website holding over 70 individual case
studies. They showcase the difference
infrastructure is making to communities
across Scotland and will be updated
annually for the duration of this 2019/24
Corporate Plan period.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 10
Our Organisation


Operationally, we are led and managed by Colin Proctor

our Leadership Team, each of whom is a Director, Construction Industry and
recognised expert in their own field. The Delivery
team provides collective leadership and Colin’s areas of responsibility include
strategic oversight across the organisation improving project delivery and
to drive forward our work and deliver our infrastructure technology and is
outcomes. responsible for the following workstreams:
> Improving Delivery
> hub
Peter Reekie > Infrastructure Technology
Chief Executive
Peter was previously deputy chief
Tony Rose
executive and director of investments at
Director, Strategy, Place and Economy
SFT before being appointed chief
executive in December 2017. Peter sits on Tony is responsible for SFT’s activity across
SFT’s Board. infrastructure strategy, place and
economy, covering the following
> Asset Strategy
Kerry Alexander > Land
Director, Infrastructure Finance and > Place, Housing and Economic
Programmes Investment
Kerry is responsible for SFT’s work on the > Infrastructure Strategy
design and delivery of programmes of
financed infrastructure investment and
covers the following workstreams: Caroline Whyteside
> Innovative Finance Director, Corporate Services and
> Net Zero Buildings Investments
> Net Zero Transport Caroline is responsible for corporate
> Learning Estate services and finance that includes SFT’s
> Digital Infrastructure investment company, SFTi.
> Operational Contract Management
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 11


Developing the right teams of people is In working towards our vision of world class
critical to the success of any business and infrastructure for the people of Scotland
over the years we have attracted and collaborating with organisations and
specialists drawn from public and private individuals across industry, central and
sector backgrounds, who have a wide local government, to improve infrastructure
range of technical, commercial and outcomes, everyone at SFT shares four
financial skills. strong values:

The organisation is supported by our > Bold - Believing in what we do, with
Corporate Services team providing commitment and courage to enable
support and expertise to the rest of the successful outcomes
organisation to facilitate our work and
> Collaborative - Sharing knowledge,
operations on matters of finance, human
experience and working in partnerships
resources, information technology,
to achieve more for Scotland’s
communications as well as office
management and administration.
> Dynamic - Accelerating positive
outcomes by promoting innovation
and being a catalyst for change
SFT is a limited company, operating as a
> Ambitious - Striving to excel and
non-departmental public body owned by
inspire by raising expectations
Scottish Government with our activities
overseen by the Minister for Business, These values can be clearly seen
Trade, Tourism and Enterprise. throughout this Business Plan where each
workstream has outlined their priorities for
We are directed by an experienced Board
the year ahead together with their specific
made up of a non-executive chairman,
business activities.
four non-executive directors and SFT’s
chief executive.

The Board also oversees SFT investments

(SFTi) which is a subsidiary of SFT and is our
investment company that manages the
financial interests we have in our five hub
companies, associated project companies
and affordable housing partnerships.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 12
Our Workstreams

We are a compact and tight-knit To make it as easy as possible to find the

organisation with a first-class team of over information you are looking for, we have
70, spread across 14 distinct but interlinked listed all our workstreams alphabetically,
infrastructure workstreams. The benefit of as follows:
this scale allows for greater co-operation
and collaboration, not only within our > Asset Strategy
teams, but across multiple workstreams > Digital Infrastructure
and just as importantly, with our numerous > hub
external partners. > Improving Delivery
> Infrastructure Strategy
This truly collaborative working approach > Infrastructure Technology
not only helps provide greater certainty of > Innovative Finance
project success, but also ensures our > Land
corporate priorities flow through all of our > Learning Estate
work. > Net Zero Buildings
> Net Zero Transport
> Operational Contract Management
> Place, Housing and Economic
> SFT Investments
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 13
Asset Strategy

Our Asset Strategy team is supporting choices supported by a more joined-up,

Scottish Government deliver its asset more enabling, and efficient public sector
strategy ambitions as set out in its 2021/26 estate.
Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP).

In particular, the team is working with

public sector organisations on the Workstream Activities:
developmentof their asset strategies with
> Take forward a programme of work
an emphasis on the practical application
with the Scottish Government to
of the IIP’s investment hierachy to guide
support the public sector in
future decision making.
embedding Infrastructure Investment
The Asset Strategy team’s recent focus on Plan guidance on best practice in
the promotion of smarter working practices asset strategy and use of its
for more effective and efficient estates has ‘investment hierarchy’.
meant many more organisations have
> New Frontiers for Smarter Working
been able to respond well to the
(NFSW) programme will continue with
pandemic. Looking forward and working in
its guidance and co-ordination role of
collaboration across numerous public
engagement across the wider public
bodies, we are setting out a route-map
sector as the public sector looks to re-
towards a blended, future-focussed hybrid
establish its workplace post-pandemic.
office estate which builds on learning from
the impact of COVID-19 on distributed > Support the delivery of a range of
working. transformational change initiatives
including estate asset plan and
The team works in rural, town, and city
business cases development across a
locations across Scotland on programmes,
range of Scottish Government and
projects, and initiatives to progress the
public body organisations.
culture, practice, and benefits of place-
based and the collaborative use of public > Maximise the collaborative use of
buildings. public sector property assets at rural,
town and city contexts by providing
We seek leadership commitment to
strategic guidance, assurance and
change with a clear governance
support to change programmes and
framework to support change in practice.
Success is where communities are stronger,
agile and more resilient with greater
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 14
Digital Infrastructure

Our focus is to facilitate opportunities to Workstream Activities:

enhance digital infrastructure investment
and its delivery throughout Scotland and > Project manage Scottish Government’s
use our programme management skills to S4GI programme to completion in
support delivery. March 2023. Continue to use the
delivery of this programme as a
This requires a high degree of catalyst to engage with industry, local
collaboration across industry, academia authorities, academia, UK and
and local authorities to identify business devolved governments to promote and
and ‘use cases’ to enable future digital evolve the deployment of future
infrastructure initiatives. proofed mobile infrastructure including
maximising links to the UK government
During this financial year, the team will Shared Rural Network programme.
build on the ongoing success of the
Scottish 4G infill programme to provide 4G > Support, and where appropriate lead,
coverage to many more rural communities. the delivery of an agreed set of actions
underpinning Scottish Government’s
The team will also deliver the Infralink Green datacentres and digital
Exchange project to demonstrate an connectivity: vision and action plan for
operational Digital Connectivity Scotland to encourage new investment
Infrastructure Accelerator data platform in green sustainable Scottish data
that promotes an approach to hosting facilities and fibre connectivity.
productising public sector assets. This will
be developed in collaboration with > Support innovation and knowledge
Dundee, Angus, Fife and Perth & Kinross sharing in respect of future 5G
local authorities to focus on improving deployment and application
digital connectivity together with mobile development via continued support
network operators who can deliver it. and promotion of the Scotland 5G
Centre coupled with the delivery of the
In addition, the team will continue to lead UK grant funded Infralink-Exchange
and support the delivery of the actions project.
underpinning Scottish Government’s Green
Datacentres and Terrestrial International
Connectivity Vision and Action Plan,
collaborate with the Scotland 5G Centre
and support Scottish Government’s Digital
Connectivity Division to continue to
develop future-proofed policy ambition.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 15

The hub programme is an established While the team managing the hub
route for delivering community Programme will continue to grow its
infrastructure projects. output, there will be a key focus this year
on enhancing performance improvement
Given its reach and maturity it is also a which will impact through the project life
natural vehicle for developing and growing cycle; for example, on improving briefing -
approaches to good practice and towards service-led, community-wide,
innovation to raise sector performance. placed-based approaches, cost
management, construction quality,
70% of public sector organisations in the
payment through the supply chain and fair
programme are active participants. The
work practices.
programme has delivered over 120
education and 80 healthcare facilities, 20
housing projects and numerous other civic
facilities. One Territory will soon reach 500 Workstream Activities:
new affordable homes. Supply chains
serving hub are extensive with nearly all > Continue to support the operation of
major Tier 1 contractors active in Scotland the hub Programme, enhancing
involved. 80% of hub work is delivered by programme assurance activities, and
Scottish SMEs. dissemination of shared learning and
The opportunity exists to grow the impact
of the programme at project level within > Encourage and provide support across
the five hub territories covering the whole the programme on delivering
of Scotland and across sectors. Adopting a performance improvement, focussing
strategic approach to change across the on briefing, cost management,
programme can reach a large proportion construction quality and payment
of the construction sector – both client through the supply chain.
side and supply side.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 16
Improving Delivery

Our Improving Delivery team is focused on Scotland’s Construction Accord will

supporting the delivery of improved establish a new dynamic framework for
outcomes for the construction industry and collaboration for all the Scottish public
delivery of improved infrastructure that sector and the construction industry and
contributes to resilient sustainable places, we look forward to playing our part in
and an inclusive net zero carbon economy. making that a success.
We are developing and delivering
innovative industry initiatives that support
the public sector and industry to operate
Workstream Activities:
effectively and efficiently and improve
asset performance. > Progress with partners the work on
developing and implementing national
There is a renewed level of activity in the
construction sector change initiatives.
construction marketplace as we recover
from the impact of the pandemic. The > Work with partners to support the
sector is also preparing itself for the establishment of multi-organisation
opportunities ahead on climate change construction quality improvement
and is adopting a positive and organised initiatives.
approach to tackling the barriers to
delivering a more resilient and productive > Continue the development of work to
sector. support partners with setting up
projects for success.
As a centre of expertise, we are playing a
key role in this arena at a national, > Support and enable partners in the
organisational, thematic, sector, Southeast regional housing
programme, and at project level with a collaborative to develop new
focus on improving delivery and asset approaches for the delivery of new
performance. affordable homes focussing on the
increased use of off-site construction
Our team is scaling up initiatives that will and continue to support the
improve approaches to setting up projects development of a national approach.
for success; in areas such as construction
quality and procurement, and work on
developing the market in Scotland for
offsite manufacturing for new housing.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 17
Infrastructure Strategy

Our Infrastructure Strategy team is With our focus on Scotland’s long-term

providing Scotland’s public sector with strategic infrastructure needs, our
support and expert advice to help shape Infrastructure Strategy team is engaged in
Scotland’s long-term strategic supporting the ambition of creating an
infrastructure needs. improved decision-making framework for
future infrastructure investment. The
Following the completion of the framework will be strongly based on
Infrastructure Commission for Scotland’s evidence of impact and reflect Scottish
(ICS) work, which we provided dedicated Government’s and our own infrastructure
support to, we have turned our efforts to priorities of, driving inclusive economic
implementing many of the growth, enabling the transition to net zero
recommendations that were published by and building resilient and sustainable
the ICS in its two reports. places.
A response to those key recommendations
is included in Scottish Government’s 2021-
26 Infrastructure Investment Plan, with their Workstream Activities:
implementation involving a number of our
workstreams. > Support the establishment of a
systematic evidence-based approach
to national infrastructure investment
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 18
Infrastructure Technology

Our Infrastructure Technology team acts With a focus on the operational and
as a centre of expertise in digital and data management stages of our public sector
management working across the public estate, we will lead the development of
sector and industry sectors in the built capabilities in digital twin technologies to
environment. enable better use of our existing
infrastructure, improved usage
For the year ahead, within the planning optimisation and meet our net zero targets
and construction phase of developing through digital and data-led insights.
assets, we will continue to focus on a
national approach to the information And we will continue to facilitate shared
management and modelling of our built learning across the public sector to enable
environment. This will create the platform a new digital and data capability within
for digital change across Scotland’s the built environment, to deliver improved
construction sector, supporting a range of performance and outcomes.
improvements in programme and project
delivery. We will develop a new standard
for digital information at building handover
Workstream Activities:
that aims to create the right conditions for
successful future operation and > Maintain leadership and continue to
maintenance. We will also work with provide support to implementation
partners to develop enhanced and scaling of digital and data led
approaches to 3D visualisation within the strategies and solutions within the
planning process, supporting the planning, design, and construction
development of a world class digital stages of projects.
planning system.
> Maintain leadership and continue to
provide support to implementation
and scaling of digital and data led
strategies and solutions within the
operational and maintenance phase of
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 19
Innovative Finance

The Innovative Finance team seeks to draw Working in conjunction with the Net Zero
in additional private sector capital into teams, some will require the team to work
infrastructure to drive higher inclusive with public and private sector stakeholders
economic growth, to accelerate the to identify reliable commercial income
transition to a net zero carbon economy, streams such that more investible
and to help meet Scottish Government’s propositions can be brought forward in
National Infrastructure Mission of an extra emerging sectors of the economy such as
1% of GDP invested into infrastructure per decarbonised heat and transport.
annum by 2025.
It may also be possible to drive additional
Government policies, especially those investment through existing, well
driving decarbonisation and digitalisation understood, financing models with
will require new classes of infrastructure, established user income streams such as
and substantial interventions in privately the Regulatory Asset Base both in existing
owned infrastructure and buildings as well sectors such as electricity, gas, and
as spending on public assets. Our work telecoms and potentially in new sectors for
looks across infrastructure sectors and the energy system of the future consistent
seeks to create investable propositions for with net zero.
public, private and blended investment
into Scotland’s future infrastructure needs
with the necessary revenue streams, which
Workstream Activities:
will be required by investors to deliver
repayments, identified and allocated. > Develop and support long term
innovative funding and financing
Some of this will be delivered by our team
models to mobilise greater private
working with public sector bodies to
capital towards priority areas of future
consider Mutual Investment Model (MIM)
infrastructure especially those to
projects should government decide to use
support the transition to net zero and
this delivery route for publicly funded
where appropriate, MIM.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 20

The Land Team will continue to work with Workstream Activities:

public bodies on strategies for the sale
and reuse of surplus assets providing > Progress opportunities and establish
financial returns to the public sector whilst strategies for the public sector to
also helping deliver priority agendas secure value in the form of capital
around place, inclusive economic growth, receipts and wider outcomes from the
housing and Scottish Government’s current pipeline of surplus assets and
investment hierarchy as set out in its 2021- support strategies for longer term
26 Infrastructure Investment Plan. disposals.

We will focus on the existing pipeline of > Provide commercial and real estate
surplus assets as well as work with public support particularly to public sector
sector bodies (in particular NHS Boards, partners to enable the delivery of
the College sector and Police Scotland) to strategic projects or sites linked to
encourage planning for longer term Scottish Government initiatives or
disposals through estate strategies linked funded programmes.
to rationalisation and modernisation plans.
This will cover a wide range of asset types,
geographies and potential end uses.

In addition, our work to provide

commercial and real estate support on
strategic projects will align with Scottish
Government initiatives or funded
programmes such as the Pipeline Delivery
and Place Based Investment Programmes.
This will focus on collaboration between
partners in the public and private sectors,
helping to develop projects capable of
attracting capital investment and
ultimately deliver economic growth and
sustainable places.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 21
Learning Estate

Our Learning Estate team works with Over the last number of years, the
Scottish Government, local authorities, and importance of healthy learning
industry to support investment in environments has never been in such sharp
Scotland’s vital learning estate and focus whether for users or for the
promote the 2019 Learning Estate Strategy: environment. The year ahead will allow
Connecting People, Places and Learning. time for reflection as we collectively
harness learning from the COVID-19
In recent years, our focus has been on the
pandemic, build upon the momentum from
development and delivery of the £2bn
COP26, and look ahead to the future
Learning Estate Investment Programme
design and development of Scotland’s
(LEIP) which is providing new and
learning estate.
redeveloped learning environments for
50,000 pupils across Scotland. Supported
by an innovative outcomes-based funding
approach, the programme is enabling the Workstream Activities:
transition to net zero emissions and
> Manage the delivery of the Learning
environmental sustainability, driving
Estate Investment Programme through
inclusive economic growth, and building
programme level support across both
resilient sustainable places which maximise
the announced projects and the
benefits for communities. The year ahead
development of the next phase of the
will bring a continued focus on LEIP as
more projects start construction, and the
first project opens. The programme will > Support the development of the
take a big step forward in realising its Learning Estate Investment Programme
ambitions and achieving those critical projects in line with the principles of the
outcomes. 2019 Learning Estate Strategy and
Alongside LEIP, the early learning and international best practice in the
childcare (ELC) expansion programme has development and design of learning
been delivering new and improved environments.
environments for early learners across
Scotland. This year, most of the remaining > Monitoring the delivery of the
projects planned to support the expanded remaining infrastructure aspects of the
service, will open. Alongside partners, our early learning and childcare expansion
work aims to support positive outcomes for programme and provide broader
children, families, and their communities. support across the learning estate.
Scottish Futures Trust
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> Provide infrastructure expertise to

support the development of the wider
learning estate in areas such as
ventilation and decarbonisation. This
will include incorporating lessons
learned and harnessing opportunities
from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing
on wellbeing, and designing healthy
learning environments for both users
and the environment.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 23
Net Zero Buildings

The focus of our Net Zero Buildings team is buildings. However, it is also vital that we
to work with partners on the tackle our existing estate and therefore we
decarbonisation of the built environment. will deliver new tools to allow estate
This work is underpinned by Scottish managers to utilise their on-going
Government’s Heat in Buildings Strategy, maintenance and lifecycle budgets in a
which is a key driver for both decarbonising way that transitions their buildings to net
heat and ensuring our buildings use less zero.
To deliver this work, our team will work
Working towards that goal, we will seek to closely with our other workstreams as well
create an environment where Scotland as other organisations by leading by
can attract the scale of investment that is example, and demonstrate what can be
needed from the private sector. In doing achieved when we collaborate on these
so, we believe it is important it creates shared goals.
green jobs, improves the environment and
supports increased wellbeing.

To deliver Scotland’s ambitious 2045 Workstream Activities:

climate change target, the public sector
> Provide support to progress the
must show leadership and demonstrate,
implementation of the provisions of the
through its own estate, what can be
Heat Networks (Scotland) Act 2021.
achieved. In essence, Scotland’s public
Specifically, mobilise, with Scottish
sector buildings must be greener and more
Government and partners, the Heat
energy efficient.
Networks Pre-Capital Support Unit to
We will help drive the change that is support the development of a pipeline
needed by both supporting project of heat network projects.
development and also, drawing upon the
> Support Scottish Government and
lessons from what has gone before to
wider public partners in their activities
provide the right tools and guidance. For
to develop phased targets to
example, we will continue to promote the
decarbonise the public sector estate
benefits from the Net Zero Public Sector
by 2038.
Building Standard which focuses on new
infrastructure and major retrofit of
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 24

> Implement the Net Zero Public Sector

Building Standards’ governance and
progress roll-out. To include the
development of supporting
documentation for the Net Zero Public
Sector Buildings Standard for Existing
Buildings (“the Transition Standard”)
and undertaking at least two
demonstration projects.

> For heat, develop long term innovative

models for the future funding and
financing of the built estate which
demonstrate possible routes to market.
Work closely with the Green Heat
Finance Taskforce, including providing
a co-secretariat role, and draw upon
the evidence coming out of their
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 25
Net Zero Transport

The transport sector is a significant source And finally, we are working to accelerate
of carbon dioxide emissions. the rate of transition towards zero emission
buses. This involves engaging with
Our Net Zero Transport team is working operators and financiers to understand the
across three key areas in helping to deliver barriers to financing the greater upfront
some of Transport Scotland’s policy costs compared to diesel vehicles, in order
objectives to reduce these emissions. This to realise the operational savings available
work aligns closely with our corporate from battery electric buses.
priority of accelerating the transition to a
net zero carbon economy.

Firstly, we are working with local authorities Workstream Activities:

to encourage the acceleration of provision
in electric vehicle chargepoints in locations > Work with Transport Scotland, public
where the private sector is not expected to bodies and the private sector to
already be investing directly. This work is accelerate the roll out of more EV
expected to culminate in partnerships with chargepoints to support public
the private sector for delivery and charging and public sector fleet
management. charging.

Secondly, we are working on public sector > Support Transport Scotland to engage
fleet decarbonisation – assisting public all stakeholders within the bus industry
sector bodies in addressing Scottish especially operators and financiers to
Government’s commitment to remove all accelerate the transition to zero
internal combustion engine cars from their emission buses.
fleet and purchase only new EV vans by
2025. Our work in this area is principally
around the charging infrastructure and
finding effective way of involving private
sector expertise and / or capital.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 26
Operational Contract Management

Our Operational Contract Management Workstream Activities:

team provides commercial and technical
support to the public sector in the > Progress the implementation of the
management of their Public Private programme approach to the hand-
Partnership (PPP) estate. back of Public Private Partnership (PPP)
projects including completing a further
The aim of the team is to support efficient three project surveys and assist
and effective management of PPP assets Authorities to implement a programme
to support service delivery. approach based on best practice and
previous survey recommendations.
This includes supporting seven
collaborative groups across Scotland and > Support two pilot projects on the basis
providing specific guidance on key issues of new SFT guidance to assist
with a focus during this year on supporting authorities managing PPP projects to
pilot projects in the transition of PPP assets transition those assets towards the net
towards net zero carbon; helping zero carbon requirement.
authorities manage the implications of end
of concession, carrying out strategic > Continue to operate and develop the
commercial reviews and briefing on PPP collaborative groups to provide
specialist technical and contractual strategic and individual project specific
matters and the continuing impact of support operational PPP projects.
> Implement two strategic commercial
The team delivers its support to health PPP reviews that focus on value creating
projects in a joint arrangement with Health opportunities and PPP/PFI operational
Facilities Scotland. risks.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 27
Place, Housing and
Economic Investment

As Scotland emerges from COVID and support Scotland’s ‘just transition’. This
continues its drive to a wellbeing, green includes focussing on the next stage of
economy, our Strategy, Place and Economy development for the Green Growth
team will utilise its skills to improve the Accelerator and supporting the delivery of
places and environments where we live and the five pathfinder projects announced in
work, strengthen our communities and October 2021.
businesses, as well as improve how we all
access the services we need locally.

This activity will be underpinned by ‘Place’ Workstream Activities:

and will build upon our Place Guide
> Explore and/or advance the
(effectively a ‘How to’ guide for Place) that
development of new approaches for
we published in November 2021. By taking
the delivery of homes of different types
this ‘Place’ approach, we will ensure that
and tenures, which will support
the decisions and investments we make
successful, sustainable Places across
deliver benefits for all. We will support a
series of Place Programmes and share our
wider Place knowledge. > Continue to advance the delivery of
the £200m Green Growth Accelerator
In relation to housing, we will continue to
pathfinder projects and wider
maximise the delivery and impact of the
programme development.
affordable homes that Scotland needs,
employing different approaches and > Support at least four strategic
innovation to do this. We will work with our initiatives that demonstrably
public and private sector partners to contribute to delivering sustainable,
strengthen Scotland’s cities and towns, using successful places and support
wider public sector investment, enhanced Scotland’s inclusive economy to
public service delivery and housing to build recover from the impacts of COVID.
strong communities that deliver an inclusive
economy and one that will contribute to the > Continue supporting Place based
delivery of a net zero Scotland. programmes and investment activity
with key delivery partners across the
We will focus on strategic and stalled sites public sector.
and support major investments and
programmes that boost local, regional and > Provide ongoing support to SFTi in
national economies and outcomes. A key relation to the operations of the
part of this will be a focus on the green existing National Housing Trust LLPs
economy and how this activity can and the related exit process.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 28
SFT Investments

SFT investments (SFTi) is our investment SFTi also holds investments in various
arm that manages our financial housing Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)
investments in the five hub companies and while they are not expected to
(hubCos) and through them, our interests in generate investment returns, over the next
the 41 revenue-funded design, build, 12 months we will continue to manage
finance and maintain (DBFM) education these investments through their lifecycle in
and health projects developed by the the best interests of all the LLPs’
hubCos. stakeholders.

The final revenue-funded project in the

hub DBFM programme – the Clydebank
Health Centre for NHS Greater Glasgow Workstream Activities:
and Clyde – successfully reached
> Support the continued development
construction completion in December 2021
and success of the hub companies, to
and opened in February 2022, meaning all
deliver improved community
projects are now fully operational and
infrastructure outcomes and protect
generating financial returns.
SFTi’s shareholdings.
As well as managing our DBFM
> Manage the portfolio of DBFM
investments, for the year ahead, SFTi’s
investments ensuring, where relevant,
representation on the five hubCo boards
that base case target returns are
will seek to ensure the companies and their
delivered to SFTi. In addition, develop
supply chain partners continue to develop
approaches which SFTi can utilise
and deliver best in class, high quality
across the DBFM investment portfolio,
community infrastructure across Scotland.
to encourage the move to net zero
Central to achieving that will be a focus on
desired outcomes from our public sector
participant partners as well as
concentrating on SFT’s three infrastructure
corporate priorities of, net zero, inclusive
economic growth and resilient and
sustainable places.
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 29
Our Budget

Our operational budget for 2022/23 is

£10.1m and comes from the following

Scottish Government
core grant £3.8m

Scottish Government
programme grant £4.6m

Net investment income £1.6m

Other income £0.1m

TOTAL £10.1m
Scottish Futures Trust
2022/23 Business Plan 30

Our Business Plan for 2022/23 sets out the Each member of the team will be
range of activities on which the ambitious, seeking to maximise the
infrastructure experts in our 14 workstreams economic, environmental and social
will collaborate with partners from across outcomes from infrastructure across
industry, central and local government Scotland. They will take bold actions in
during the year. collaboration with our partners to pursue
the opportunities which this year of
They, and our Corporate Services team recovery and transformation will bring, and
which provides the organisation with a remain dynamic to respond to the
strong backbone, will seek to maximise the changing circumstances which will
progress which can be made against the inevitably occur.
10 infrastructure outcomes agreed with
Ministers using the £10.1m budget at our If anything in this Business Plan stimulates
disposal. your interest, please do get in touch via
[email protected]
Scottish Futures Trust
1st Floor
11-15 Thistle Street
Edinburgh EH2 1DF

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