Topik-6-KU1202 PRD - Supplementary Design Ideas

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Apa yang dapat anda pelajari dari para actor

biosystem ini?
Pekan ke-6

KU1202 Pengantar Rekayasa dan Desain

Supplementary Design Ideas

Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati - Institut Teknologi Bandung

Supplementary Design Ideas

Biomimicry is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies
found in nature to solve human design challenges — and find
hope along the way*

▪ Mimic Structure
▪ Mimic Process
▪ Mimic System

Innovation Inspired by Nature
1. Mimic Structure - Shinkanzen Story

▪ When Shinkanzen passes
through a narrow tunnel with
high speed (>350 km/h), it
causes a sonic boom noise within
400 m radius, as it reaches the
end of the tunnel

▪ Residents near the railway

complaint about the noise

▪ The company searching for

solution (keeping the speed fast
as well as not to produce noises)
Behind the Scene: Shinkanzen Story
▪ The company tries to find better design of Shinkanzen’s head by
mimicking nature → Kingfisher’s beak based design

Not causing a
sonic boom
Shinkanzen Story

“Maafkan aku yang dulu”

Shinkanzen Story : The Fastest Train on Earth

The fastest train on earth

The more streamlined Shinkanzen train not only travels more

quietly, it now travels 10% faster and uses 15% less electricity.
2.A Mimic Process - Solar Panel & Photosynthesis
▪ How to design a device that can harvest
energy from the sun

Plant’s leaf Solar panel

▪ Converting
electromagnetic energy
form the sun into another
form of energy.
▪ Photosynthesis:
to chemical energy
▪ Solar panel :
to electrical energy
2.B Mimic Process - Mycotech

How to design a sustainable material which is both eco-friendly and
strong at the same time

Mycotree: “Mycelial tree” made from agricultural waste

which being tightly bound by fungal mycelia.
Behind the Scene: Mycotech

Inspired by the process

of making tempe

Producing sustainable

▪ Eco-friendly
Made from agricultural
waste (rice straw, etc) –
recycling, and
▪ Strong
Resistant to certain
amount of pressure
and fire
Mylea (Myco-Leather) & Pala-watch
3. Mimic System – Biorefinery & Circular (Biobased) Economy

▪ How to design a sustainable economy
for human wellbeing as well as the
Erath’s (not too much exploitation and
harming the environment)
Behind the Scene: Biorefinery

▪ Optimize the use of resource ▪ Making a cycle:

▪ Minimize waste produced One output of certain process can
▪ Maximize profit & benefit be input for another
Inspired by Material Cycle in Ecosystem

▪ Carbon cycle in the ecosystem:

Carbon as one output of a certain process,
being input for another
More about Biomimicry
Thank You

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