This document contains the responses of a student named UKO, DATU AL-ANSARI G. to questions about art for a class. In response to being asked to define art, the student provides 5 definitions including that art is creative works produced by human imagination and creative activity that results in paintings or sculpture. When asked about the subjects of art, the student explains that the subject matter is the main idea presented, usually an idea from the artist's mind translated visually to represent a thought, feeling or emotion. Regarding the functions of art, the student notes that art can have physical, social and personal functions and that considering context is important to understand an artist's intention. Finally, the student describes the scope of art as
This document contains the responses of a student named UKO, DATU AL-ANSARI G. to questions about art for a class. In response to being asked to define art, the student provides 5 definitions including that art is creative works produced by human imagination and creative activity that results in paintings or sculpture. When asked about the subjects of art, the student explains that the subject matter is the main idea presented, usually an idea from the artist's mind translated visually to represent a thought, feeling or emotion. Regarding the functions of art, the student notes that art can have physical, social and personal functions and that considering context is important to understand an artist's intention. Finally, the student describes the scope of art as
This document contains the responses of a student named UKO, DATU AL-ANSARI G. to questions about art for a class. In response to being asked to define art, the student provides 5 definitions including that art is creative works produced by human imagination and creative activity that results in paintings or sculpture. When asked about the subjects of art, the student explains that the subject matter is the main idea presented, usually an idea from the artist's mind translated visually to represent a thought, feeling or emotion. Regarding the functions of art, the student notes that art can have physical, social and personal functions and that considering context is important to understand an artist's intention. Finally, the student describes the scope of art as
This document contains the responses of a student named UKO, DATU AL-ANSARI G. to questions about art for a class. In response to being asked to define art, the student provides 5 definitions including that art is creative works produced by human imagination and creative activity that results in paintings or sculpture. When asked about the subjects of art, the student explains that the subject matter is the main idea presented, usually an idea from the artist's mind translated visually to represent a thought, feeling or emotion. Regarding the functions of art, the student notes that art can have physical, social and personal functions and that considering context is important to understand an artist's intention. Finally, the student describes the scope of art as
Fine arts Works produce by human creative and imagination. Creative activity resulting in the production of paintings or sculpture. Art quality Production, Expression or Realm. Especially in the production or aesthetic object the art of painting landscape. 2.WHAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF ART? -The subject matter is the main idea presented in a place of art. Usually, an idea that was take from the mind of the artist and translated into a visual representation of a thought, felling, emotion, etc. what is important to understand if your are an artist is connecting with your audience. As with any mode of media great art has an emotional connection to the audience such as the pieta for example. When one artist looks at another work they see the process used to be create the art and appreciate the skill that went into the production of the piece when anyone else looks at an artists work they see the pieces subject matter which is often layered with an emotional focus; an idea and historically the human figure. 3.WHAT ARE THE FUNCTION OF ART? -Ideally one can look at a piece of art and guess with some accuracy where it come from and when. The best-case scenario also includes identifying the artist because they are in no small way part of the contextual equation. You might wonder, “What was the artist thinking when they created this?” when you are see a piece of art you the viewer, are the other half of this equation; you might ask your self how that name piece of art make you feel as you look at it. This in addiction to the time period, location of creation, cultural influences, etc. are all factors that should be considered before trying to assign function to art, taking anything out of context cam lead misunderstanding an artists intention, which is never something you want to do. The function of art normally fall into three categories; physical, social, and personal. These categories can and often do overlap in any given piece of art. When you're ready to start thinking about these function, here's how. 4.WHAT ARE THE SCOPE OF ART? -What the form of art that art that we see, its main characteristics is to please our senses, art expresses the feeling of the artist that can be interpreted by us in various ways. There are different form of art. The scope of art. We considered two classes; visual art and performing art. Visual art includes paintings, sculpture, literature, calligraphy, photography and architecture. Performing arts, are all forms of dance, music, theater and films. Art can also be classified as fire art, commercial art, and applied art innovativeness, creative mind and craftsmanship are what make people outstanding also. A fine arts degree is one that consolidates this load of variables to assemble fruitful vocations. Have you at any point been entranced by a specific piece of craftsmanship. A dance execution, a figure, or any film? On the off chance that you have, it was likely made by somebody who was prepared in the field of fine arts.