A2 Worksheet - L4

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People in space

Worked example . Weather

This is an example of a Python program that you developed earlier. It prompts the user
for the weather in a particular location and provides clothing advice accordingly.

1 print("What’s the weather like?")

2 weather = input()
3 if weather == "cloudy":
4 advice = "No sunglasses"
5 elif weather == "rainy":
6 advice = "Get an umbrella"
7 elif weather == "snowy":
8 advice = "Mittens and earmuffs"
9 else:
10 advice = "No particular advice"
11 print(advice)

Syntax checklist
If you encounter an error message, read it and try to fix the problem. Use the list below
to check for common errors (and tick ✓ if you find yours).

misspelt if or else (this includes using capitals)

forgot the colon : after the if condition or after else

forgot to indent statements in the if block or the else block

indented if or else by mistake

used = instead of == in the condition for if, to check if two values are equal
used quotes around the name of a variable

forgot to use quotes around a string literal (like "snowy")

Testing your program

Once you manage to run your program successfully, test it at least once for every
possible branch of the if, elif, else statement.

Task . People in space

Below is a short program that displays how many people are currently in space.

1 import random
2 people = random.randint(1,10)
3 print(people, "people in space right now")

Step 1
Open Copy this pice of code into REPLIT.COM and extend it, so that it asks the user to
guess the number of people currently in space.

Note: The number of people in space is retrieved from an online service through the people function. It
is not always the same and the numbers shown here are just an example.

The program displays a prompt How many people do you think are in
and waits for keyboard input. space right now?
The user types in a reply. 5

The program displays the correct 8 people in space right now


Don’t delete or modify any of the existing program statements, as you will need them.
Simply insert any additional instructions.

Introduce a variable called guess, to refer to the number entered by the user.


Don’t forget that the user’s guess should be an integer. You will need to use int.

Before you proceed to the next step, make sure that you run your program, to verify
that there are no errors.
Step 2
Extend the program so that it compares the number of people in space with the user’s
guess and displays an appropriate message.

Note: The number of people in space is retrieved from an online service through the people function. It
is not always the same and the numbers shown here are just an example.

The program displays a prompt How many people do you think are in
and waits for keyboard input. space right now?
The user types in a reply. 8

The program displays a message That's right!

that the user’s guess is correct. 8 people in space right now

Note: The number of people in space is retrieved from an online service through the people function. It
is not always the same and the numbers shown here are just an example.

The program displays a prompt How many people do you think are in
and waits for keyboard input. space right now?
The user types in a reply. 5

The program displays a message It's actually more than that

that the user’s guess is incorrect, 8 people in space right now
along with the correct number.

Note: The number of people in space is retrieved from an online service through the people function. It
is not always the same and the numbers shown here are just an example.

The program displays a prompt How many people do you think are in
and waits for keyboard input. space right now?
The user types in a reply. 9

The program displays a message It's actually fewer than that

that the user’s guess is incorrect, 8 people in space right now
along with the correct number.


There are three branches, so use multi-branch selection: if, elif, else.


Use == to compare if two values are equal.

Use < or > to compare if a value is less than or greater than another.
Explorer task . Temperature
Write this code into REPLIT.COM and check that it works.

import random
temperature = random.random int(5,30)
print("Where do you live?")
location = input()
temp = temperature(location)

Step 1
Extend the program so that it displays an appropriate message depending on the range
that the current temperature is in.

Note: The current temperature is retrieved from an online service. It is not always the same and the
numbers shown here are just an example.

The program displays a prompt Where do you live?

and waits for keyboard input.

The user types in a reply. Nuuk

The program displays the current Current temperature in Nuuk is -5.0

temperature and a message that It’s freezing cold
depends on the temperature.

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