Disadvantages of Open Tender
Disadvantages of Open Tender
Disadvantages of Open Tender
b) Selective tendering
Selective tendering is an option that has been created to address the limitations of the open tender
system. This tender seeks to improve the quality of proposals received by ensuring that
contractors with the necessary experience can submit bids.
There are two types; -
single stage selective tendering
Initially, a limited number of contractors will be selected by the owner. If the employer
builds regularly, he will also have a short and approved list of contractors unless he can use
ad hoc lists where the names of the contractors who have proved their abilities and
competency are mentioned.
two stage selective tendering
This is also known as, ‘negotiated tendering’. In this procedure, the employer takes the
contractor’s service as advice instead of giving him the responsibility for the design. Two-
stage selective tendering consists of two stages.
The first stage: This step includes the process of selecting a suitable contractor and
establishing the price levels using the collected information. Those details should be strong
enough to make such decisions.
The second stage: The selected contractors start the production drawings. As a result of this
stage, they complete the documentation of the contract after making bills to include in it.
c) Negotiation tender
This type of tendering is common in the engineering and construction industry where pre-
contract and post-contract negotiations take place.
Negotiation tenders starts with the employer selecting only one contractor due to his reputation
and ability to perform. The contractor shall then proceed to directly price the Bill of Quantities.
Upon completing the pricing of the materials, the contractor will enter a negotiation stage with
the quantity surveyor for the best value for money possible. After the negotiation process,
consultants will prepare the contract documents and send it to all the parties involved in the
project. At this point construction can commence.
A typical tender process on Kenya involves:
1. Project definition and scoping
2. Selection of the method of tendering to be used
3. Tender documentation
4. Development of a criteria for selection
5. Call for tender
6. Tender briefing meeting
7. Amendments to the tender document
8. Submission and closing of tender
9. Tender analysis
10. Tender clarification
11. Tender selection and award
The procurement method selection procedure is determined by means of the case project based
on typical criteria.
It is determined in the following process:
1. Identification of project objectives and constrains to project objectives
2. Identify procurement selection criteria
3. Weightless of client criteria and procurement method
4. Procurement appropriateness
5. Procurement review session
Factors influencing the selection of procurement systems in the construction industry
External environment
Factors from the external environment consist of variables like market competition, information
technology, regulatory environment, natural causes and globalization, politics, finance etc.
Internal environment:
This can be divided under three main factors such as project characteristics, client’s
characteristics and client’s requirements which can be sub-divided into cost related factors, time
related factors and quality related factors.
Socio–economic thought:
It is derived from the four factors: political thought, government (public) or private segment
venture, market or monetary condition and developing innovation.
Client requirements:
This factor incorporates: customer's particular prerequisites, political obstructions, globalization
and customer's level of information.
Capital cost/cash flow:
This factor clarifies the total variation. It is hard to clarify this component, since just a single
variable impacts upon it - customer and fee related variable. If this component measures capital
cost, it is identified with factors of customer necessities variables.
Project characteristics:
This factor is obtained from variance that clarifies the total fluctuation. In particular, impact of
the life cycle on venture, range and technical complexity of the venture.
Price competition:
In the construction markets there exists different types of competition.
This develops the context of the marketing role by examining different market types.
This has a direct bearing on the tactics used in the marketplace and helps to show the likely
reaction of competitors to any moves a firm may make.
In order to understand the precise relationship between output, revenue and price, a firm has to
know the structure of the market or industry into which it is selling its product.
a) Perfect Competition
The perfectly competitive market acts as a benchmark from which other market situations can be
Here both buyers and sellers correctly assume that they cannot affect market price.
Characteristics of a Perfect competition
1. The product sold by firms in the industry is homogeneous. - This means that the product sold
by each firm in the industry is a perfect substitute for the product sold by every other firm. In
other words, buyers are able to choose a product from a large number of sellers in the knowledge
that it is essentially the same.
2. Any firm can enter or exit the industry without serious impediments. - Resources must also be
able to move in and out of the industry without, for example, government legislation preventing
any resource mobility.
3. There must be a large number of buyers and sellers. - When this is the case, no single buyer or
seller has any significant influence on price. Large numbers of buyers and sellers also means that
they will be acting independently.
b) Imperfect Competition
The clients and contractors have to take into account how their individual actions will affect the
market price.