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Engineering Dynamics

MECH 221
Dr. Nicolas M. Saba

University of Balamand
Department of Mechanical

[email protected]
Chapter 14 - Outline

1. The Work of a Force

2. Principle of Work and Energy
3. Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

4. Power and Efficiency

5. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
6. Conservation of Energy

Chapter 14 - Objectives

 Develop and apply the principle of work and energy that

involve force, velocity, and displacement
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Study problems that involve power and efficiency

 Concept of a conservative force and apply the theorem of

conservation of energy to solve kinetic problems.

Section 14.1 - The Work of a Force

 A force F does work on a particle only when it undergoes a

displacement in the direction of the force
 The displacement is dr = r’ – r
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 If the angle between the tails of dr and F is θ, then the

work dU done by F is a scalar quantity
dU = F ds cos θ
dU = F·dr

|4 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.1 - The Work of a Force

Work of a Variable Force

 When particle undergoes a finite displacement along its
path from r1 to r2 or s1 to s2, the work is determined by
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 If F is expressed as a function of position,
F = F(s),
r2 s2
U1 2   F .dr   F cos ds
r1 s1

|5 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.1 - The Work of a Force

Work of a Weight
 Consider a particle which moves up along the path s from
s1 to position s2
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 At an intermediate point, the displacement dr = dxi +dyj +

 Since W = -Wj
r2 ~
U1 2   F .dr   (W~j ).(dx~
i  dy~j  dzk )
  Wdy  W ( y2  y1 )
U1 2  Wy

|6 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.1 - The Work of a Force

Work of a Spring Force

 Magnitude of force in a linear elastic spring when the spring
is displaced a distance s from its unstretched position is Fs
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

= ks
 When elongated or compressed from s1 to s2, the work
done on the spring by Fs is positive, since force and
displacement are in the same direction

s2 s2
U1 2   Fs ds   ks ds
s1 s1

1 2 1 2
 ks2  ks1
2 2

|7 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.1 - The Work of a Force

Work of a Spring Force

 If a particle (or body) is attached to spring, then the force Fs
exerted on the particle is opposite to that exerted on the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

spring. Therefore, the force will do negative work on the

particle when the particle is moving

1 2 1 2
U1 2  ( ks2  ks1 )
2 2

|8 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.1 - The Work of a Force

Work of a Spring Force

 The constant towing force T does positive work of
UT  T cos s
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 The weight does negative work of

UW   W sin   s

 Normal force N does no work

|9 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


The 10-kg block rest on a smooth incline. If the spring is

originally stretched 0.5 m, determine the total work done by all
forces acting on the block when a horizontal force P = 400 N
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

pushes the block up the plane s = 2 m.

|10 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Horizontal Force P
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Since force is constant, the work is

U P  400 N 2m cos 30 

 692.8 J
Spring Force Fs
Spring is stretched to its final position
s2 = 0.5 + 2 = 2.5 m
Work is negative as force Fs and displacement are in opposite

|11 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Spring Force Fs
The work of Fs is thus
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

1 1 
U s    (30 N / M )(2.5m)  (30 N / M )(0.5m) 2   90 J

2 2 
Weight W
Weight is in the opposite direction to its vertical displacement,
the work is negative

UW  98.1N (2m sin 30 )  98.1J

|12 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Normal Force NB
This force does no work since it is always perpendicular to the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


Total Work
The work of all the forces when the block is displaced 2 m is

UT  692.8  90  98.1  505J

|13 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.2 - Principle of Work and Energy

 Consider a particle P located on the path as measured from

an inertial coordinate system (at the instant considered)
 Eq. of motion for the particle in the tangential direction,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

∑Ft = mat (at = vdv/ds)

 s1 Ft ds  v1 mv dv
s2 v2

 s1
s2 1 1
Ft ds  mv22  mv12
2 2

 For principle of work and energy for the particle, the result
may be written (  Ft   F cos  )

1 2 1 2
 mv2  mv1
2 2
|14 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 14.2 - Principle of Work and Energy

 It is often also expressed as (T is the kinetic energy)

T1  U12  T2
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 The particle’s initial kinetic energy plus the work done by all
the forces acting on the particle as it moves from initial to
its final position is equal to the particle’s final kinetic energy

|15 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.2 - Principle of Work and Energy

Procedures for Analysis

Work (Free-Body Diagram)
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Establish the initial coordinate system and FBD

Principle of Work and Energy

 Apply the principle of work and energy

T1  U12  T2

 Kinetic energy at initial and final points is positive since it

involves the speed squared

T  mv 1

|16 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.2 - Principle of Work and Energy

Procedures for Analysis

Principle of Work and Energy
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Work is always positive when the force

component is in the same direction
 Forces that are functions of displacement must
be integrated to obtain the work
 The work of a weight is the product of the weight
magnitude and the vertical displacement
 The work of the spring is in the form of

1 2
U s  ks
|17 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 14.3 - Principle of Work and Energy for a
System of Particles
 Principle of work and energy can be extended to include a
system of n particles isolated within an enclosed region of
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 T  U
1 1 2   T2

|18 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.3 - Principle of Work and Energy for a
System of Particles
Work of Friction Caused by Sliding
 If the applied force P just balances the resultant frictional
force μkN, then due to equilibrium a constant velocity v is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


1 2 1
mv  Ps  k Ns  mv 2
2 2

 Sliding motion will generate heat and create vibration and

rough surface

|19 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


The 17.5-kN automobile is traveling down the 10° inclined road

at a speed of 6 m/s. if the driver jams on the brakes, causing
his wheels to lock, determine how far s his tires skid on the
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

road. The coefficient of the kinetic friction between the wheels

and the road is μk = 0.5

|20 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Spring Force Fs
NA does no work (no displacement) and the weight, 17.5-kN,
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

is displaced s sin 10°. Applying equation of equilibrium normal

to the road,

+  n
F  0; ; N A  17500 cos 10 
N  0  N A  17234 .1N
FA  0.5 N A  8617 .1N
17.5 kN

Principle of Work and Energy

T1  U1 2  T2
1  17500

2  9.81
 2
 
(6)  17500 ( s sin 10 )  (8617 .1) s  0  s  5.75 m

|21 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

The platform P is tied down so that the 0.4-m long cords keep
a 1-m long spring compressed 0.6-m when nothing is on the
platform. If a 2-kg block is placed on the platform and released
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

from rest after the platform is pushed down 0.1-m, determine

the max height h the block rises in the air, measure from the

|22 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Work (Free-Body Diagram)
Initial compression in the spring is s1=0.6m + 0.1m = 0.7m
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Principle of Work and Energy

We have

T1  U1 2  T2
1 2  1 2 1 2  1
mv1    ks2  ks1   Wy   mv 22
2  2 2   2
1 
0  {  (200 N / m)(0.6m) 2  (200 N / m)(0.7m)2   (19 .62 N )h  (0.3m)}  0
2 2 
 h  0.963 m
|23 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

The block A and B have a mass of 10-kg and 100-kg

respectively. Determine the distance B travels from the point
where it is released from rest to the point its speed become 2
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics


|24 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Work (Free-Body Diagram)
Cable force T and reactions R1 and R2 do no work, since they
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

do not move while the blocks are being displaced

Principle of Work and Energy

 T  U
1 1 2  T 2
1 2 1 
 A A1
m ( v ) 2

mB B 1
( v )  W A s A  WB s B    A A2
m ( v ) 2

mB (vB ) 22 
2 2  2 2 

0  0  98.1(sA )  981(sB )   1 (10)(vA )22  1 (100 )(2)22 

2 2 

|25 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

s A  4 sB  l

A change in position yields the displacement equation

s A  4sB  0
s A  4sB

Both of these displacements are positive downward, taking

time derivative yields

vA  4vB  4(2m / s)  8m / s sB  0.883m

|26 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Chapter 14 - Outline

1. The Work of a Force

2. Principle of Work and Energy
3. Principle of Work and Energy for a System of Particles
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

4. Power and Efficiency

5. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
6. Conservation of Energy

Section 14.4 - Power and Efficiency

 Defined as the amount of work performed per unit of time
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Power generated by a machine or engine that performs an

amount of work dU within a time interval dt is

 When dU is expressed by dU = F.dr, we have

P = F.v
 SI unit for power is watt (W) and defined as
1 W = 1 J/s = 1 N.m/s

|28 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.4 - Power and Efficiency

 Defined as the ratio of useful output power produced by the
machine to input of power supplied to the machine
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

power output
power input
 If energy applied to the machine
occurs during the same time
interval at which it is drawn

energy output
energy input

|29 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.4 - Power and Efficiency

Procedures for Analysis

The power supplied to a body can be computed using the
following procedure.
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Determine the external force F acting on the body which

causes motion
 If the body is accelerating, apply
∑F = ma to determine F
 Once F and v is found, power can
be find with P = F.V
 Power may also be found by

Pavg  U / t or P  dU / dt

|30 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


The motor M of the hoist operates with an efficiency of ε =

0.85. Determine the power that must be supplied to the motor
to lift the 375-N crate C at the instant point P on the cable has
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

an acceleration of 1.2m/s2, and a velocity of 0.6 m/s.

|31 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


From the FBD
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

   Fy  ma y ;  2T  375 
Since 2 sC  sP  l , taking time derivative of this
equation, and substituting aP = +1.2 m/s2

2aC  aP
aC  0.6m / s 2
 T  199.0 N

|32 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


The power output required to draw the cable in at a rate of 0.6
m/s is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

P  T  v  119.4W
This power output requires that the motor provide a power
input of
power input  ( power output )

 (119.4)  140.5W
|33 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 14.5 - Conservative Forces and Potential
Conservative Force
 Defined by the work done in moving a particle from one
point to another that is independent of the path followed by
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

the particle The weight of a particle and the force of an

elastic spring are two examples of conservative forces
 Energy is defined as the capacity for doing work
 Kinetic energy is associated with the motion of the particle
 When energy comes from the position of the particle, it is
called potential energy and it is a measure of the amount of
work a conservative force will do when it moves from a
given position to the datum

|34 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.5 - Conservative Forces and Potential
Gravitational Potential Energy
 If a particle is located a distance y above a
datum, the weight W has positive
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

gravitational potential energy Vg

 If a particle is located a distance y below a
datum, Vg is then negative

 In general, if y is positive upward,

gravitational potential energy
of the particle of weight W is

Vg  Wy
|35 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition
Section 14.5 - Conservative Forces and Potential
Elastic Potential Energy
 When an elastic spring is elongated or compressed from its
unstretched position, the elastic potential energy is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

1 2
Ve   ks
 Ve is always positive

|36 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.5 - Conservative Forces and Potential
Potential Function
 When particle subjected to both gravitational and elastic
forces, the potential energy is
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

V  Vg  Ve

 If particle moves from s1 to a lower position s2, the work

done is
U1 2  V1  V2  (Ws1 + 12 ks12 )  (Ws 2 + 12 ks22 )

 W s2  s1   12 ks22  12 ks12 

|37 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.6 - Conservation of Energy

 Work done by the conservative forces can be written in

terms of the difference in their potential energies
 If only conservative forces are applied to the body when
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

moving from state to state, we have

T1  V1  T2  V2
 This is called conservation of mechanical energy or
conservation of energy

|38 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.6 - Conservation of Energy

System of Particles
 If a system of particles is subjected only to conservative
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

T1  V1  T2  V2

 Sum of the particle’s initial kinetic and potential energies is
equal to the sum of the particle’s final kinetic and potential

T  V  const

|39 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.6 - Conservation of Energy

Procedures for Analysis

Potential Energy
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Draw 2 diagrams showing particle’s initial and final points

along the path
 When particle is in vertical displacement, establish the fixed
horizontal datum to measure the particle’s gravitational
potential energy
1 2
 Recall Vg = Wy and Ve  ks is always positive

|40 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Section 14.6 - Conservation of Energy

Procedures for Analysis

Conservation of Energy
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

 Apply the equation

T1  V1  T2  V2
 When determining the kinetic energy, speed v must be
measured from an inertial reference frame

1 2
T  mv

|41 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


The gantry structure is used to test the response of an airplane

during a clash. The plane of mass 8-Mg is hoisted back until θ
= 60°, and then pull-back cable AC is released when the plane
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

is at rest. Determine the speed of the plane just before

clashing into the ground, θ = 15°. Also, what is the maximum
tension developed in the supporting cable during the motion?

|42 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Potential Energy
The datum is assumed at the top of the gantry
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Conservation of Energy
TA  VA  TB  VB
0  8000 (9.81)(20 cos 60 )  (8000 )vB2  8000 (9.81)(20 cos 15  )

 vB  13 .5m / s

Equation of Motion
(13 .5) 2
 Fn  ma n ; T  8000 (9.81) N cos 15  (8000 ) 20 

|43  T  149 kN Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

A smooth 2-kg collar C, fits loosely on the vertical shaft. If the

spring is unstretched when the collar is in the position A,
determine the speed at which the collar is moving when y = 1
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

m if (a) it is released from rest at A, and (b) it is released at A

with an upward velocity vA = 2 m/s.

|44 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition


Part (a)
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Potential Energy
Datum is assumed at AB.
At C, gravitational potential energy is –(mg)y, elastic energy is
1 2
TA  VA  TC  VC

0  0  mvC   ksCB  mgy 

1 2 1 2
2 2 
0  0   (2)vC2    (3)(0.5) 2  2(9.81)(1)
1 1
2  2 
vC  4.39m / s 
|45 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Part (b)
Mech221: Engineering Dynamics

Conservation of Energy
If vA = 2 m/s, we have

TA  VA  TC  VC

mv A  0  mvC   ksCB  mgy 

1 2 1 2 1 2
2 2 2 
(2)(2) 2  0   (2)vC2    (3)(0.5) 2  2(9.81)(1)
1 1 1
2 2  2 
vC  4.82m / s 

|46 Source: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, by R.C. Hibbeler, 12th edition

Thank you for your attention

Dr. Nicolas M. Saba


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