STUDENT CODE_____________________________
Fate apparently dealt a low blow to the Romero family when on the
evening of November 30, 1970, the daughter, Rita, not even fifteen
then, alone in the rented room in a house at Aliw Beach,
Zamboanga City, where she was living with her mother, who was
then away for the night, was, according to her complaint for rape,
compelled to submit twice because of force to the sexual advances
of the accused Hector Galos, also a boarder in the same house.
There was no denial of the acts of intercourse having taken place,
but the accused would insist that complainant did so willingly, the
explanation, according to him, being that she was his sweetheart.
He would stress likewise his continued presence in the room until
the dawn of the next day and the absence of any outcry on her
part, which could have been heard by those staying in the adjoining
rooms. His testimony as to the absence of force being employed
was corroborated by another boarder, who occupied the adjacent
room, and the owner of the house itself. The lower court preferred
to believe the girl's version and sentenced him to reclusion
perpetua. The severity of the penalty inflicted under the
circumstances where, as is not unusual in rape cases, there is a
conflict of testimony as to what actually did transpire, led us to
peruse with greater care the records of the proceeding. xxx As will
be more fully explained, a careful scrutiny of testimony coming
from the complainant and the accused fails to yield the conclusion
that a finding of guilt is warranted. We have to reverse.