Tom Taulli - Generative AI - A Non-Technical Introduction-Apress (2023)
Tom Taulli - Generative AI - A Non-Technical Introduction-Apress (2023)
Tom Taulli - Generative AI - A Non-Technical Introduction-Apress (2023)
Tom Taulli
Generative AI: How ChatGPT and Other AI Tools Will Revolutionize
Tom Taulli
Monrovia, CA, USA
Index 203
About the Author
Tom Taulli is the founder of,
which is a developer of generative AI and
ChatGPT tools for business. He is also the
author of various books, including Artificial
Intelligence Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction
and The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A
Guide to Implementing RPA Systems. Tom has writ-
ten a science fiction novel about AI – called
Automated – that will come out later in 2023.
I’ve been in the tech industry since the early 1990s. I’ve worked at companies
like VMware, Pivotal, EMC, IBM, and SGI. I have also founded a variety of
Along the way, I have witnessed seismic trends and innovations. But nothing
compares to the impact of generative AI. When OpenAI released ChatGPT
in late 2022, it showed the transformative power of this technology. It would
also become mainstream – almost overnight.
Yet generative AI is not new. At my startup Aisera, we have been working on
this technology since the firm was founded in 2017. We have been able to
scale generative AI for customer and employee experiences.
We’ve accomplished this by allowing self-service. With our technology, our
customers have been able to achieve average rates of 75% for auto resolution.
There has also been 60% improvement in user productivity. All this has trans-
lated into millions of dollars in cost savings for our customers.
Now as for ChatGPT, it’s really like any major technology milestone. It is the
result of countless innovations – over many years – that have reached a criti-
cal inflection point. This happened with the PC, the Internet, and mobile.
But I’m convinced that the impact of generative AI will surpass all these com-
bined. The technology will unleash creativity and innovation. This will also
impact every part of business and society.
So Tom’s book is certainly timely. He also provides an engaging look at how
generative technology has emerged. He looks at the inner workings – without
engaging in needless jargon – and the exciting startups that are growing at
staggering rates. He also provides invaluable guidance for how to evaluate,
use, and implement this powerful technology.
So if you want to know more about generative AI and be a part of this revolu-
tion – which should be imperative for everyone – then Tom’s book is what
you need.
Muddu Sudhakar
Cofounder and CEO of Aisera, an enterprise generative AI and ChatGPT soft-
ware company
Introduction to
Generative AI
The Potential for This Technology Is Enormous
When Dave Rogenmoser started his first business, he hired a programmer to
develop an application. The cost came to about $10,000.1
Even though the app worked well, there was still a big problem: Rogenmoser
did not have a marketing strategy. With only a handful of customers, he had
to shut down the business.
After this, Rogenmoser focused on learning as much as possible about
marketing. In fact, he would go on to start an agency, which proved crucial for
understanding how to attract new customers.
But Rogenmoser was more interested in building a SaaS (software-as-a-
service) company, and his goal was to generate a monthly income of $6000.
He went on to launch a startup that was focused on helping to create
Facebook ads. While it got some traction, it did not scale particularly well. He
would then pivot several times over the next six years – but each new venture
fizzled. At one point, Rogenmoser had to lay off half his employees so as to
stave off bankruptcy.
But each failure provided the skills to create his breakout company: Jasper. In
early 2021, he asked his team, “If we could build anything, what would we
The consensus was
No doubt, the timing was perfect as OpenAI had launched GPT-3, which was
a powerful API for generative AI. This would become the core for Jasper’s
The vision for Jasper was to help customers write “mind-bendingly good
marketing content.”3 The company’s technology would mean “never having to
stare at a blank page again.”
The result was that the Jasper platform could help write blogs, social media
posts, and ad copy. The AI system was trained on 10% of the Web’s global
content. But there were extensive customizations for different customer
segments. Then there was a Chrome extension, which helped to accelerate
the adoption. This made Jasper easily available on Google Docs, Gmail,
Notion, and HubSpot.
From the start, the growth was staggering. Within the first year of business,
Jasper would post $35 million in revenues.
The customer loyalty was off the charts. Some users even got Jasper tattoos.
By October 2022, Jasper announced a $125 million Series A round at a
valuation of $1.5 billion.4 Some of the investors included Insight Partners,
Coatue, and Bessemer Venture Partners.
At the time, the company had over 80,000 paid subscribers as well as a
growing roster of Fortune 500 clients. Jeff Horing, a partner at Insight Partners,
noted: “It’s not often that you see a shift as significant as generative AI, and
Jasper is positioned to be a platform to transform the way businesses develop
content and convey ideas.”5
Generative AI 3
Jasper was not a one-off. There were other generative AI companies that
snagged large rounds of funding. For example, Stability AI raised a $101 million
seed round.
OK then, what explains how generative AI has become so powerful and
transformative? What has made this technology a game changer? What are
the drivers? And what are some of the challenges and drawbacks?
In this chapter, we’ll address these questions.
Defining emerging technologies is no easy feat. The technology will inevitably
evolve. This can mean that the definition becomes less descriptive over time.
This could easily be the case with generative AI. The pace of innovation is
stunningly fast. It seems that every day there is a new breakthrough and
standout service.
Then what is a good definition of generative AI? How can we best describe
this technology? Let’s take a look at some examples:
4 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
For the most part, generative AI uses sophisticated systems – like GPT-3,
GPT-4, Jurassic, and Bloom – to create new content, which can be in the form
of text, audio, images, and even video. In some cases, the result can be quite
creative and compelling.
But of course, the underlying technology is complex. The models are also
usually massive, reaching hundreds of billions of parameters — if not trillions.
Yet the technology is becoming much more available and affordable. The
result is that generative AI will quickly become an essential component of the
tech world.
■■ Note In 1996, David Warthen and Garrett Gruener founded Ask Jeeves. It was a new type of
search engine that allowed users to enter natural language queries. While the company generated
lots of business because of the dot-com boom, the system was still limited. The technology
infrastructure was nowhere near the level required for a good user experience. As a result, Google
would ultimately prevail in search. Part of this was due to the recognition that queries should just
be a few words.
Blake Lemoine took an unusual path to becoming a top software engineer at
Google. Early in his career, he was a mystic Christian priest and even was in
the Army. He would then go on to study the occult.
But ultimately, he pursued a career as a computer scientist. According to his
LinkedIn profile: “Big data, intelligent computing, massive parallelism, and
advances in the understanding of the human mind have come together to
provide opportunities which, up until recently, were pure science fiction.”10
While at Google, he worked on a wide range of projects. He helped to
improve proactive search and personalization algorithms. He also worked on
ways to detect bias in datasets.
But his most interesting project was testing Google’s LaMDA (Language
Model for Dialogue Applications) model, a highly sophisticated generative AI
platform. With it, the user can have open-ended chats.
Generative AI 5
Blake asked LaMDA deep questions about religion and philosophy. Here’s a
In April 2022, Lemoine sent out a Google Doc to Google executives. The title
was “Is LaMDA Sentient?”
As should be no surprise, this caused a stir. Blake said that an AI system has
natural rights and perhaps even a soul.
Google would then put him on paid leave and then terminate his position with
the company.12 However, the main reason was the alleged violation of data
security policies.
This is what Google had to say: “Our team — including ethicists and
technologists — has reviewed Blake’s concerns per our AI Principles and have
informed him that the evidence does not support his claims. He was told that
there was no evidence that LaMDA was sentient (and lots of evidence
against it).”13
Determining if an AI system is sentient does seem fanciful if not crazy. After
all, this is just a powerful computer with advanced software. The AI is
processing huge amounts of data, which is often human generated. It’s not
self-aware. It cannot feel pain. It cannot experience fear or any other human
6 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
But does this really matter? As seen with applications like ChatGPT – which
millions of people have used – it can seem like a machine is human. And as the
technology gets more powerful, it will inevitably become impossible to
distinguish an AI system from a person. This will certainly raise tricky ethical
issues and have a profound impact on society.
■■ Note Historians have theorized that general-purpose technologies are critical for long-
term economic growth. This has led to greater wealth and innovation. According to a post in the
Economist, generative AI may also be a general-purpose technology. The authors point out: “Think
printing presses, steam engines and electric motors. The new models’ achievements have made AI
look a lot more like a [general-purpose technology] than it used to.”14
The Opportunity
For much of 2021 and 2022, it was tough for the tech industry. Many stocks
plunged in values. There was also a wave of layoffs and shutdowns of startups.
Part of this was due to undoing the excesses that built up in the system. Since
the end of the financial crisis in 2009, the tech industry saw a massive growth
phase. Then with the pandemic, there was even more demand for software
because of the spike in remote working.
But there were also the pressures from rising interest rates. The Federal
Reserve was tightening the money supply to combat high inflation. Then there
was the war in Ukraine, which disrupted global supply chains.
Despite all this, there were still bright spots in the tech market. One was
generative AI startups. Venture capitalists (VCs) ramped up their investments
in the category. According to PitchBook, there were 78 deals for at least
$1.37 billion in 2022 (this does not include the estimated 50+ seed
transactions).15 This was close to the total amount for the past five years.
A key reason for the excitement for generative AI was the huge potential for
the market size. The applications for the technology can span across many
industries. Brian Ascher, who is a partner at venture capital firm Venrock, says
that every department of a company could be using generative AI.16 He has
already made investments in a variety of companies in the sector.
Generative AI 7
Predicting the size of the generative AI market is more art than science. It
seems more like it would have been – in 1995 – to get a sense of the impact
of the Internet. Many of the predictions during this period proved to be
laughable – at least over the long term.
But there are various research firms that have put together estimates for
generative AI. There is a report from SkyQuest Technology Consulting which
predicts that the technology will contribute a whopping $15.7 trillion to the
global economy by 2028.17 About $6.6 trillion will be from improved
productivity and $9.1 trillion from consumer surplus.
■■ Note On the fourth quarter earnings call in 2022, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said: “AI is the
foundation of our discovery engine and our ads business, and we also think it’s going to enable
many new products and additional transformations within our apps. Generative AI is an extremely
exciting new area…and one of my goals for Meta is to build on our research to become a leader in
generative AI in addition to our leading work in recommendation AI.”18
Of course, VCs are also making predictions. Perhaps the most notable is from
Sequoia Capital. In a report, the firm states: “The fields that generative AI
addresses—knowledge work and creative work—comprise billions of
workers. Generative AI can make these workers at least 10% more efficient
and/or creative: they become not only faster and more efficient, but more
capable than before. Therefore, generative AI has the potential to generate
trillions of dollars of economic value.”19
The following are some of its predictions for generative AI for 2030:
8 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
■■ Note Jensen Huang, the CEO and cofounder of Nvidia, has said that generative AI is a
key part of his company’s chip development. He says that the technology will “revolutionize
Using Generative AI
For many people, the first use of generative AI was through ChatGPT. This
allows you to enter a sentence or two – which is called a prompt. This could
be to explain how the internal combustion engine works or even the meaning
of life. ChatGPT will then provide an answer – called a prompt completion –
which could be a paragraph or longer.
Suppose we want to do this for the prompt: “What is generative AI?” This is
what ChatGPT says:
Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence
systems that are able to generate new, original content.
These systems are trained on a large dataset of examples,
and use this training to learn the patterns and structures
that are present in the data. Once trained, the system
can generate new, previously unseen content that is
similar to the examples it was trained on.
Generative AI 9
There are a few different ways that generative AI systems can be used,
Figure 1-1. Four Victorian ghost images created from using DALL-E 2
The available editing tools are fairly limited (at least for now). But you can
download the image and use an editor on it, such as Photoshop.
Generative AI systems have various other ways to work with images. One is
an image-to-image translation. This could be to convert a famous painting into
another style, say Cubism. This can be done with sketches as well.
10 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
■■ Note The use of voice is one of the earliest use cases of AI. Back in the early 1950s, Bell
Laboratories created the Audrey platform. It could speak digits aloud. However, it would not be until
the 1960s that IBM built a system that could say words.
While the technology is still in the early stages, you can use prompts to create
videos. This is what you can do with Meta’s Make-A-Video application. With
it, you can create the following types of videos:23
Generative AI 11
■■ Note In 2008, Google senior vice president Vic Gundotra presented a new feature for Gmail to
Larry Page. But he was not impressed. He thought that his company was not doing enough with
AI. Page said, “Why can’t it automatically write that email for you?”24
12 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
■■ Note By the time of the ChatGPT release, OpenAI was still a relatively small organization. It
had only about 300 employees. For the year, the staff compensation came to nearly $90 million or
an average of $300,000 per employee. But the main expense was for the compute infrastructure,
such as the hosting of Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. The cost was over $416 million.28
But the success of ChatGPT was causing worries with megatech companies.
This was especially the case with Google. There were fears that its massive
search business could be subject to disruption.
If Google search was a stand-alone business, it would be one of the world’s
largest. In the third quarter of 2022, it posted $39.54 billion in revenues.29
Google’s total revenues were $69.1 billion.
Given this, the executives at Google paid close attention to ChatGPT. As the
growth went exponential, they would declare a “code red.”30 Basically, it was a
way to wake up the organization to a potential existential threat. Going forward,
the priority would be to find ways to not only protect the Google search
franchise but also to find ways to innovate its other applications with generative AI.
Yet the threat could be more than just about technology. It could also be
about the business model. For the most part, Google relies on users to click
on links, which generate advertising fees.
Generative AI 13
But with a chat-based system, the business model would likely be different.
After all, if this provides the information you need – without the need to go
to other sites – then the revenues could be much lower. What is there to
click on?
Consider that ChatGPT does not rely on ad revenues. Instead, OpenAI makes
money by licensing its technology to third parties by providing APIs. There is
also a premium version of ChatGPT, which has a $20 monthly subscription.
■■ Note When ChatGPT was released, some mobile developers wasted little time in capitalizing
on the trend. They created clones of it and used “ChatGPT” in the name of their apps. This helped to
get traction in the searches on the iOS and Android app stores. Some of the apps got top rankings
and charged subscriptions, even though ChatGPT was free. It was unclear if these apps had any
underlying generative AI technology.31
Another nagging issue for Google – along with other megatech companies – is
the difficulties with experimentation. The fact is that drastic changes to the
user interface can disrupt the experience. This may give people another
reason to look elsewhere.
Then there is the reputational risk. Being a high-profile company, Google is
under more scrutiny if there are problems with a technology, such as if it gives
bad, misleading, or false results. But this may be less of a problem for a startup.
Now the megatech companies do have considerable advantages as well. They
have global infrastructures that can scale for billions of users. They also have
large numbers of talented engineers.
Then there is the advantage of user inertia. Let’s face it, a service like Google
is very sticky. It’s top of mind for many people. It’s natural for them to go to
Google when they want to search for something.
Despite all this, if generative AI represents the next platform for technology,
it seems likely that some megatech companies may not be the leaders of the
future. History has shown this with other areas, say when mainframes
transitioned to PCs or on-premise systems migrated to the cloud.
14 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
■■ Note According to Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI: “But I would guess that with the quality
of language models we’ll see in the coming years, there will be a serious challenge to Google for
the first time for a search product. And I think people are really starting to think about ‘How did the
fundamental things change?’ And that’s going to be really powerful.”32
The Drivers
Why has generative AI become a sudden growth industry? What are the
major catalysts?
There are certainly many factors at work – and they are likely to propel
growth for years to come. First of all, there has been the explosion of data.
This has been due to the proliferation of various computing devices and
platforms like smartphones, cloud systems, and social networks. They have
become huge generators of data. As a result, it has become easier to create
sophisticated generative AI models.
Next, there have been the continued advances and breakthroughs with
generative AI theories and concepts. This has included techniques like
generative adversarial networks (GANs), transformers, and diffusion models.
There have also been more general-purpose AI theories like deep learning,
unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.
Keep in mind that megatech companies have been active in funding academic
research. This has resulted in the creation of innovative approaches and
refinements to generative AI models. An advantage of this is that these
learnings have been mostly available to the public.
Another key growth driver has been open source projects like Scikit-learn,
Keras, TensorFlow, KNIME, PyTorch, Caffe, and Teano. They have made it
much easier and affordable for anyone to create generative AI models.
Finally, there has continued to be standout innovations with hardware systems,
especially with high-powered AI chips. These have allowed for processing
huge amounts of data at lower levels of power and costs. A critical technology
is the GPU or graphics processing unit. This chip was originally meant for
gaming. But the technology has proven effective for AI applications.
An advantage to the GPU is the processing of floating-point values (these are
very large numbers). When using deep learning models – which are at the
heart of many generative AI systems – there is not a need for high precision
for the accuracy and effectiveness. This means that models can be trained
much quicker than a traditional CPU (central processing unit).
Generative AI 15
■■ Note A way to gauge the pace of innovation in AI is to look at the trends with arXiv, which
is a research paper preprint hosting service. In 2022, there were more than 100 research papers
uploaded to the platform every day for AI and related topics.34
16 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
Generative AI has its doubters, of course. Some of them are giants in the
AI field.
One is Yann LeCun, who is the Chief AI Scientist at Meta AI Research. He has
a PhD in computer science from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris).35
During the 1980s, he experimented with convolutional neural networks and
backpropagation. This was useful in analyzing handwritten content, such as
with checks.
He has published over 180 technical papers on AI, machine learning, computer
vision, and computational neuroscience. In 2019, he won the Turing Award,
along with Yoshua Bengio and Geoffrey Hinton. This is the most prestigious
prize in AI.
In other words, his opinions matter in a big way. They are certainly based on
a strong foundation.
Then what’s his take on generative AI? LeCun sees it more of a technology for
fun, not real-world applications – at least for now. He notes: “I don’t think
these systems in their current state can be fixed or called intelligent in ways
that we want and expect them to be.”36
He also has downplayed the innovations of ChatGPT. According to him: “It’s
nothing revolutionary, although that’s the way it’s perceived in the public. It’s
just that, you know, it’s well put together, it’s nicely done.”
He notes that there are various rival systems to ChatGPT. These not only
include megatech companies but startups. “I don’t want to say it’s not rocket
science, but it’s really shared, there’s no secret behind it, if you will,” he said.
But then again, the generative AI technologies are still in the nascent phases.
There will inevitably be new approaches and breakthroughs. In fact, LeCun is
still optimistic about the long-term prospects of generative AI. However, for
him, there is still much that must be built.
The irony is that some leading cofounders and CEOs in the generative AI
industry have taken a skeptical view of things and have noted the challenges.
Generative AI 17
18 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
■■ Note The response to ChatGPT from top tech veterans has been mostly upbeat, if not giddy.
Aaron Levie, the cofounder and CEO of Box, tweeted: “Every time you think you know what ChatGPT
can do, you realize you know almost nothing yet. The infinite depth of what it means for a computer
to understand language is mindboggling, and we’re just scratching the surface.”41 Then there is
Marc Benioff, the cofounder and CEO of He tweeted: “Just promoted #ChatGPT
to the management team at salesforce. It’s been a real asset – never seen such efficient decision
making & hilarious meeting participation! #AI #futureofwork.”42
Dangers of Hype
A looming risk for the development of generative AI is the hype. This can
create overly ambitious expectations about the technology. The result is that
there will be inevitable disappointment. When this happens, there will likely
be retrenchment of investment.
After all, AI has been seen on various hype cycles, which have then been
followed with “winters.”
Let’s take a look. In the 1950s and 1960s, AI was in a “golden age.” The US
government poured huge amounts of money into research for the Cold War
and the Apollo space program.
But by the early 1970s, there emerged the first winter. While there had been
much progress with AI, the applications were still limited. The fact is that the
computing power was fairly minimal. For example, a DEC PDP-11/45, which
was a popular system for AI, had only 128K of memory.
Another problem was the general economic environment. Growth across the
world was starting to wane. There was also the problem with inflation, which
was aggravated by the oil crisis.
For AI, the situation got so bad that many of the researchers did not even
want to say they were in the industry. They would use other words for the
technology, like machine learning and informatics.
By the 1980s, the AI industry would show renewed growth. But this was
short-lived. There would be another winter. This one would be prolonged. As
the Internet emerged, this would become the main focus for the technology
Generative AI 19
But by 2010 and 2011, there was a renewal of the AI industry. The algorithms
were much more sophisticated, such as with deep learning models. There
were also enormous amounts of training data and sophisticated machines,
such as based on GPUs.
Yet there were still examples of major problems. Look at what happened with
IBM Watson.
Granted, this AI technology got off to an impressive start. In 2011, IBM
Watson beat the top Jeopardy! champions.
Then what was the problem? IBM management got overambitious. The
strategy was to have a moonshot – on par with something like the Apollo
space program. IBM even put together a TV commercial with the following
message: “Already we are exploring ways to apply Watson skills to the rich,
varied language of health care, finance, law and academia.”43
The company would then go on to spend billions on IBM Watson. But there
were doubters in the organization, such as David Ferrucci, a scientist. He said
that IBM Watson was primarily good at answering quiz questions but could
not understand complex problems.
Other top employees at IBM, like Martin Kohn, recommended focusing on
niche areas at first. This would produce quick wins – which would then build
the company’s AI muscles. For example, instead of trying to cure cancer, the
technology could look at detecting issues with a part of the clinical trials
IBM should have heeded the warnings. For the most part, IBM Watson
produced disappointing results with the commercialization of AI.
Look at the case with the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. IBM
tried to use the technology to create a tool to provide recommendations for
cancer treatments.
But after $62 million in investment, the MD Anderson Cancer Center
canceled the project.44 Some of the reasons were poor project management,
shifting goals, and difficulties with integrating with the EHR (electronic health
record) system.
IBM has since changed its strategy. It’s more aligned on smaller goals. The
company has leveraged IBM Watson in areas where the company has deep
experience, such as with customer service, compliance, risk management,
business automation, and accounting functions.
20 Chapter 1 | Introduction to Generative AI
For the most part, the strategy has led to better results. In fact, IBM stock has
revived lately – and beat out many tech companies in 2022.
■■ Note Originally, scientists at IBM called their AI system DeepJ! It was a variation on the name
of another powerful IBM computer: Deep Blue. In 1997, it beat Garry Kasparov, a chess champion.
But as for DeepJ, the marketing team made an important name change. The AI system would
instead become Watson. This was a nod to the founder of IBM, who was Thomas Watson Sr.45
Generative AI is an exciting category, and the opportunity is potentially
massive. It could represent a tidal shift in the technology world – similar to
the launch of the Netscape browser or the iPhone.
Applications like ChatGPT have already shown millions of people the power
of generative AI. The technology may even disrupt today’s megatech companies
and lead to the new trillion-dollar firms of tomorrow.
There are skeptics, of course. This is to be expected and has been a part of
every major shift in technology.
But for now, generative AI has much going for it. It is based on complex
theories and concepts. More importantly, the technology has already shown
real value.
Here’s what Forrester has said:
As for the next chapter, we’ll start to dive deeper into the technology. The
topic will be about the importance of data for the generative AI models.
The Fuel for Generative AI
A large language model (LLM) processes huge amounts of data for its
generative AI systems. They are on the scale of petabytes. Consider that a
petabyte is 1000 terabytes. This would hold about 500 billion pages of standard
text. No doubt, the generative AI models for images and videos are much larger.
Thus, when it comes to generative AI, there needs to be a highly sophisticated
data infrastructure. This means not only holding huge volumes but handling
the processing at high speeds.
Yet data is often something that does not get enough attention. Let’s face it,
the topic can be dry and boring. Rather, when it comes to generative AI, the
more exciting part is about the fancy algorithms.
But if you want a good generative AI system, you need to make heavy
investments in data. If not, the chances of failure are significant.
In this chapter, we’ll take a look at how data works with generative AI and
look at the important best practices.
Value of Data
Back in 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby said: “Data is the new oil.”1
The statement was prescient as data has become incredibly valuable. It also
can represent a powerful competitive advantage.
We’ve seen how data-driven companies have upended incumbents. Some famous
examples include ride-share companies like Uber that disrupted that traditional
taxi business. Then there is Amazon, which has targeted various categories.
Now having lots of data is not enough. Of course, it’s about what an
organization can do with it. This means applying sophisticated algorithms to
it – that is, turning data into insights. For Amazon, one of the earliest examples
of this was its recommendation engine for buying books. It was based on
readers’ prior buying habits. By doing this, Amazon was able to get a significant
lift in sales, and it also allowed for a much better customer experience.
Here are some of the other use cases for data:
• Pricing
• Personalized marketing campaigns
• Detecting customer dissatisfaction
• Optimizing the supply chain
• Predicting when a machine, equipment, or a device will
fail (this is known as predictive maintenance)
Generative AI 23
24 Chapter 2 | Data
Given this, it seems like a good bet that Mobileye will remain a strong growth
operator. Shashua says it will be about 30% for a “number of years.”6
Generative AI 25
Big Data
Back in 2001, Gartner analyst Doug Laney coined the term “Big Data.” He
saw that the growth of data was accelerating – and this would represent a
secular trend.
Whenever Gartner declares a new trend, executives take note. This was
certainly the case with Big Data. The term quickly became a common way to
describe data strategies. Of course, startups sprang up to focus on the
Laney’s framework for Big Data was actually more than a fancy term. He
provided a compelling framework to understand data.
He saw that data had three major attributes: volume, variety, and velocity. He
called them the three Vs.
26 Chapter 2 | Data
While Laney’s model was robust, it still had its flaws. Again, with the pace of
innovation, there needed to be updates.
Here are other Vs that were added:
A database is software that stores and manages data. It is essential for most
applications. When computers emerged in the 1950s, databases quickly
became one of the most important software systems. They were essential in
automating corporate functions like payroll, HR, financials, and customer
They also helped to propel the growth of key industries. Consider the
development of SABRE (Semi-automated Business Research Environment).
This was in response to the problems of managing airline reservations.
American Airlines teamed up with IBM to build SABRE to allow for automation
of the process. It involved mainframe computers as well as sophisticated
transactional platforms and databases.
During the 1970s, there would be a breakthrough with database technology.
IBM computer scientist Edgar Codd published a pivotal research paper called
“A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks.” In it, he set forth
the framework for the relational database.
It stored information in tables. Each table had rows and columns. This allowed
for more structured data representation. For example, a column could be for
the address, another one for the city, and so on.
Another innovation with the relational database was a scripting language,
called SQL (Structured Query Language). This used simple commands to
handle various operations. At the core was CRUD (create, read, update, and
A relational database also had a way to connect tables. This was done by the
use of primary and foreign keys. For example, a primary key was a unique
value in a column. This could then be associated with the column in
another table.
With this, you could create different types of relationships:
A major catalyst for the growth of databases was the PC revolution. It made
it possible for even small businesses to create their own software. The growth
trend was then bolstered with the growth of the Internet in the 1990s and
mobile in the 2000s.
■■ Note Codd’s relational database got little interest from the management team at IBM. Perhaps
the reason was that the company did not want to cannibalize its existing database franchise,
which was called IMS (Information Management System). But entrepreneur Larry Ellison saw
that relational database technology was the future. He used Codd’s research as the basis for his
company, Oracle, which he founded in 1977. By the 1990s, it would dominate the database market.
Today, Oracle’s market value is $220 billion compared to IBM’s $126 billion.
In light of this, there has been considerable innovation in the database market
during the past 20 years. This has largely been the result of the need to handle
the massive workloads of social networks and cloud computing platforms.
What’s interesting is that the innovation has come from open source projects.
An example is Hadoop, a database that can handle large amounts of data. It
would be the basis of a new category called the data warehouse.
Doug Cutting got the inspiration for Hadoop when he read a research paper
from Google. It provided a sophisticated framework for a large-scale file
system. Cutting teamed up with Mike Cafarella to code Hadoop. A key was a
system called MapReduce, which allowed for managing data across various
services. These would then be merged to allow a complete view of the dataset.
Generative AI 29
It would not take long until Hadoop and MapReduce would become standards
in the Internet world. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo! used the
technology to scale their platforms.
By 2012, there were next-generation versions of data warehouses. The one
that quickly gained adoption was Apache Spark. The timing was spot on as AI
was gaining lots of traction. For the most part, Apache Spark provided more
efficiency, lower latency, and higher performance for workloads. The founders
of the project were from Berkeley. They would found Databricks, which
developed commercial systems for Apache Spark. It operates the technology
in the cloud and allows for building AI models with Python-like notebooks.
In the summer of 2021, Databricks announced a massive $1.6 billion Series H
funding at a $38 billion valuation. Some of the investors included Andreessen
Horowitz, Fidelity, and Tiger Management.
By this time, Databricks had a new type of data warehouse – that is, a
lakehouse. According to the company:
“Rather than being forced to move data out of the data lake, and between
various disconnected and legacy systems for different use cases,
Databricks customers are building lakehouses on AWS, Microsoft Azure
and Google Cloud to support every data and analytics workload on a
single platform. As a result, they’re able to avoid architectural complexity,
significantly reduce infrastructure costs, increase data team productivity,
and innovate faster.”8
In the meantime, there was innovation with the structures of database
systems. There were, for example, the NoSQL platforms. These are
nonrelational databases, in which data is stored in a free-form document
model. This allows for creating more sophisticated AI models that can scale
and operate in real time. NoSQL also handles unstructured and semi-
structured data better.
The leading player in this market is MongoDB. The founders of the company
were executives of DoubleClick, which included Dwight Merriman, Eliot
Horowitz, and Kevin Ryan. When running this ad network platform, they had to
build their own custom data stores. Existing databases could not effectively
handle the workloads, where it was routine to process 400,000 ads per second.
It was from this frustration that they got the idea to create a NoSQL database.
Today, MongoDB has over 39,000 customers across more than 100 countries.
Since inception, users have downloaded the database more than 325
million times.9
30 Chapter 2 | Data
Generative AI 31
Cloud Models
The cloud is essential for AI development. This allows for centralization of the
data. You can also scale the huge models, which is certainly important for
generative AI. It’s also easy to spin up GPUs or TPUs as well as use many
types of AI tools and platforms. In terms of the costs, they are generally based
on a consumption model.
But there are different types of cloud deployments:
32 Chapter 2 | Data
■■ Note Besides AWS, Azure, and Google cloud, there are other large tech companies that are
gaining ground and investing substantial amounts in their own platforms. These include Oracle and
IBM. But the cloud market is not a zero-sum game. It’s becoming more common for companies to
have a multicloud strategy. This can provide more redundancy but also help to lower costs.
Generative AI 33
Some of the other benefits included improved search engine optimization and
customer engagement.
To accelerate adoption of Azure OpenAI, Microsoft has created the Startups
Founders Hub. This provides for up to $150,000 in Azure credits as well as
access to experts from Microsoft.
All this is not to imply that cloud hosting for generative AI is only about the
megatech players. There are various startups that have emerged that are
focused on AI workloads. These provide GPUs as virtualized services. This
means not having to make the substantial capital investments in equipment.
After all, when it comes to developing AI systems, it’s much better to not
have to worry about the infrastructure – which can distract from more
important matters, such as with building better models.
A leading AI-focused cloud provider is CoreWeave. The company claims that
its platform is 35 times faster and 80% less expensive than general public
cloud solutions.15
CoreWeave allows access to cutting-edge systems like NVIDIA H100 Tensor
Core GPUs. The pricing is $2.23 per hour (as of late 2023).
CoreWeave also has hosting for common open source generative AI platforms
like EleutherAI, Stable Diffusion, GPT-NeoX-20B, and BLOOM. There is even
the ability to use a Kubernetes infrastructure, which allows for sophisticated
cloud operations. This is certainly important for large projects for generative AI.
The business model is unique in the industry. CoreWeave charges only for the
usage of resources, not when compute capacity is idle. This can certainly be a
big cost saver for generative AI projects.
In December 2022, CoreWeave announced a $100 million round of funding,
and the lead investor was Magnetar Capital. At the time, the company was
growing revenues at over 450%, and the machine learning segment was
accelerating at a pace of more than 900%.16
Another player in this new hosting market is Lambda Labs. Besides providing
access to high-end GPUs, there are integrations with popular machine learning
tools like Jupyter, TensorFlow, and PyTorch.
34 Chapter 2 | Data
Here’s the vision of the company: “We want to build a world where a single
researcher can manage petaflops of GPU compute. A world where training a
model on a datacenter scale computer is as easy as training a model on your
laptop. A world where access to computation is as effortless and ubiquitous
as electricity.”
In July 2021, Lambda Labs announced a Series A round of $24.5 million.17 The
investors included 1517, Gradient Ventures, Bloomberg Beta, and Razer.
Data Strategy
There is no standard way to put together a data strategy for generative AI. It
depends on your goals, organization, and resources.
But of course, there are some key principles to keep in mind like data
collection, data evaluation, labeling, and data wrangling.
In the rest of this chapter, we’ll take a look at them.
Data Collection
Collecting data seems like an easy concept, right? But this is far from the
reality. If you want to get good results with generative AI, you need to be
mindful of effective data collection. It’s not just a matter taking an inventory
of datasets across the organization.
In fact, even this process can be difficult. It’s common for organizations to
know the available datasets. Moreover, even when you identify them, it can be
difficult to get access to these assets. Some of the reasons are privacy
regulations, contractual obligations, and even internal politics.
Existing AI systems could have their own datasets. Or you can buy packages
from third-party providers. But these sources may not necessarily be useful.
This is why you should do some due diligence before making a purchase.
There are publicly available datasets that are free, such as from the government.
You can find valuable sources from agencies like the Department of Commerce,
the Labor Department, and the Federal Reserve.
Generative AI 35
For generative AI, web scraping is a common way to collect data. But there
are inherent issues. The data may be subject to copyright protections, or it
may have serious biases. This could mean skewed results for the generative AI
model. There may even be exposure to lawsuits.
Data Evaluation
Once you have a dataset, you can go through an evaluation process. This can
mean avoiding wasting time on sources that will not help to achieve your goals.
Here are factors to consider when evaluating datasets:
Data Wrangling
Most datasets are messy. Data wrangling is how you can clean and restructure
them. This is one of the most time-consuming parts of the AI process.
How does data wrangling work? There are various methods. One is to look
for outliers in the datasets. This is where some of the elements are way out
of the bounds than would be typical. Sometimes, the data can be nonsensical.
For example, this is where there is a negative number for weight or age.
In some cases, outliers can actually be useful. It may even be critical. This is
often the case with fraud detection, which is about low-probability events.
Sometimes, data wrangling is about handling fairly simple corrections. This
would be something like duplications. Many datasets have these. But you want
to make sure they are eliminated.
With data wrangling, you can create new types of data. This can provide for
richer datasets. An example is with births. You can create a column for the
age by subtracting this from the current year. This is known as a calculated field.
Data wrangling is also about reformatting data. This could involve the use of
standardization. The fact is that many datasets have different formats. For
example, when it comes to information about a country, it could have a full
name like the “United States” or an abbreviation, say with “U.S.” Usually, it
does not matter which you select. What’s important is that there is consistency.
If not, the model may produce bad outcomes.
Here are some other methods for standardizing data:
What happens if there is missing data? This is certainly common with datasets.
To deal with this, there are different approaches. A simple one is to use an
average of the numbers in the column, which can help to smooth out the
gaps. But if there is a large number of missing items, you might just avoid the
data. It may not provide useful predictive value in the AI model.
The good news is that there are various tools that can help automate the data
wrangling process. A top company in the category is Trifacta, which is a
division of Alteryx. Its system can do the following:
Data Labeling
A label describes data. An example is with using AI for image recognition. You
can have a dataset that has images of dogs and cats. For each, you will have
the appropriate label.
Simple, right? Not really, actually. Putting a label together can be complicated.
It’s often more than just a word or two. For example, there may be an image
of a white dog in which the background is white snow. All these details are
important if you want a good model.
But as the images get more intricate, it can be tough to know what details to
include. Or you may include too much information, which can make the label
Next, it can be time-consuming to create labels. Working on huge datasets –
which can have millions of observations – could take years.
■■ Note In 2006, AI researcher Fei-Fei Li faced a major challenge. She wanted to label the ImageNet
dataset. The problem? It had 14 million images. Using some students to help with the labeling would
take too much time. To accelerate the process, she instead used Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. This
involved paying thousands of people to do the labeling. It worked. ImageNet would then become a
pivotal dataset in AI, allowing for testing major breakthroughs with deep learning models.
40 Chapter 2 | Data
Scale AI’s focus has been on building automation systems for the labeling of
data, such as for text, audio, video, maps, and sensors. Since inception, the
company has annotated 7.7 billion data items and over 1 billion 2D and 3D
Here’s a case study of Scale AI. The Datta Lab at Harvard Medical School uses
AI to study neurological behavior of rodents. To collect the data, the
researchers use cameras and neural implants. By doing this, it’s possible to
learn more about the brain.20
But there needs to be labeling of the video footage, which involves measuring
movements of the mice. The process can take weeks.
The Datta Lab realized it was much better to outsource this to Scale AI. The
turnaround times were much faster – even overnight. There was also higher
quality with the datasets. In the meantime, the researchers at the Datta Lab
had more time to devote to more important matters.
How much data do you need for an effective generative AI model? There is
no bright-line answer for this. Every model is different. But for the most part,
generative AI models rely on large amounts of data. To this end, there is the
Hughes Phenomenon. This says that the more features you add, the better
the accuracy.
Yet this can make generative AI challenging. The fact is that there are many
categories where there is simply not enough data. True, simulated data can be
helpful. But it is often better to have real-life data.
On the other hand, there are cases where a model can be overloaded with
data. This can mean results that are skewed – or that degrade over time.
There is a name for this. It’s the “curse of dimensionality.”
Andrew Ng, who is the CEO of Landing AI and the former head of Google
Brain, says that some models may work fine with only 100 data points. Again,
it’s all about understanding the use case.
There is even a field of study in AI called small data. This is where you can
create models on limited datasets.
This is the case with Entities as Experts (EAE) from Google Research. It is a
collection of people, organizations, and figures. For example, whereas a typical
model may need 10–20 million entities, the EAE system could be effective
with only 1 million.
Generative AI 41
42 Chapter 2 | Data
Generative AI can also be helpful with missing data and outliers. As we learned
in this chapter, they are a common problem, and this can lead to faulty models.
True, you can take an average – but this is far from optimal.
Generative AI is likely to be a better approach. The reason is that it is based
on a model that incorporates the underlying patterns of the data. This means
that the new data will have the core features.
■■ Note A common approach for data security is to use anonymization. This is the process of
masking or obscuring the data, especially for personally identifiable information (PII) like Social
Security numbers, addresses, and credit card numbers. But generative AI can be a much better
approach than traditional anonymization. It can create synthetic data that does not contain any PII.
Generative AI 43
But when AI started to get popular in 2013, she moved into the startup
world. She would focus on working with massive datasets, such as from
Twitter, YouTube, and Wikipedia. This meant writing sophisticated code, such
as in Python.
Then when GPT-3 came out in 2020, she realized that generative AI could
revolutionize data preparation. This technology had the potential to automate
the manual aspects.
She saw how this could lead to big improvements in productivity. After all, it
was common for business analysts to ask data scientists like Nagy to access
datasets. But this was often a bottleneck since there were few who had the
technical background for this.
To leverage this expertise, Nagy founded Seek AI in 2020. The company’s
platform has two main components:
44 Chapter 2 | Data
Sisense estimates that data preparation can take 70% to 80% of the time for
an analytics project. Even a simple query – say to create a list of customers by
industry – can take considerable time. The process may involve the following:
It is typical for there to be different views of the same data, such as by country.
This means going through the process again and again.
But by using a generative AI system, anyone can write a simple query, and the
process will be automated. This could take minutes or seconds – not weeks
or even months.
Generative AI 45
■■ Note Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella predicts that about 10% of all data could be created by
generative AI by 2025.26
If you have a skewed dataset, your models may be faulty or even misleading.
This is why you should have a data strategy. This involves looking at factors
like the collection, evaluation, wrangling, and labeling of data.
These processes can be time-consuming and complicated. But there are some
approaches that can be a big help. There are also tools and third-party service
providers that can streamline the process.
There are also many types of data. Examples include metadata, dark data,
real-time data, and synthetic data. However, for purposes of generative AI,
the two main categories are structured and unstructured data. In fact, one of
the major innovations is using generative AI to find patterns in unstructured data.
Finally, the temptation may be to create massive datasets. While this may be
a good rule of thumb, there are times when this can be the wrong approach.
In other words, you want to evaluate each project rigorously.
In the next chapter, we’ll take a look at the core technologies for AI models.
Understanding the Core Foundations of
Generative AI
One of history’s most important conferences was in 1956 at Dartmouth
University. Professor John McCarthy organized the ten-week event, which he
called “Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior.” He also did something else that
was historic. He coined the phrase “artificial intelligence.”
At the time, there was much pushback about it. But no one else could come
up with something better!
The attendees of the conference included many leading academics who would
innovate artificial intelligence. They were Marvin Minsky, Oliver Selfridge, Ray
Solomonoff, Claude Shannon, Julian Bigelow, Allen Newell, and Herbert Simon.
The topics for discussion were prescient. Some included neural networks and
natural language processing (NLP).
The conference also saw the creation of the first AI program. The authors
were Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Simon.
The program was called the Logic Theorist. The inspiration for this sprung
from Simon’s work at the Research and Development (RAND) Corporation.
While there, he assisted with a computer that printed words on a map to help
analyze scenarios for a Russian first strike.
It was actually a simple program. But Simon realized that computers were
much more than just about numbers. They could work with words and images.
He used this insight for the Logic Theorist, which could solve math formulas.
He based this on theorems in a famous text, Principia Mathematica. One of the
coauthors, Bertrand Russell, was actually quite impressed with the results.
The story of Dartmouth University highlights that AI has been the result of
the hard work of many brilliant people – over the decades. Much of the
progress has been evolutionary, if not grudging. But the past 20 years has seen
an acceleration of progress. There are also few signs of a slowdown.
To understand generative AI, it’s important to have a general understanding
of these building blocks. This is what we’ll do in this chapter.
Early AI Programs
Some of today’s AI technologies may seem like recent innovations. But the
chances are that they are not. In the early days of AI, researchers and scientists
were not only thinking of the many use cases for the technology – but also
putting them into practice.
Many of these happened from the mid-1950s to 1970s. This period is often
referred to as the “Golden Age of AI.” Much of the innovation came from
universities – not private industry – like Stanford, MIT, Lincoln Laboratories,
and Carnegie Mellon University. The funding came from the federal
government. This was to help with the Cold War and the Apollo space
Here are some of the innovations:
AI Struggle
During the nascent stages of AI, there emerged two contending approaches.
First of all, there was the symbolic system. This is essentially where
programmers code the logic, such as with IF/THEN/ELSE constructs. These
decision trees can result in insights.
Some of the practical applications of this were expert systems. During the
1980s, Carnegie Mellon University professor John McDermott created one
called XCON (eXpert CONfigurer). It was similar to an Amazon
recommendation system. With XCON, a user could optimally select
components for computers. The technology caught the attention of DEC,
which bundled the application with its hugely successful VAX (Virtual Address
eXtension) computer platform. This would turn out to be a highly profitable
The next main approach to AI was the use of a neural network. In a sense,
this would mimic the human brain.
The pioneer of this technology was Frank Rosenblatt, although he called his
innovation the perceptron.
Rosenblatt had an interesting background. He was actually a research
psychologist, with a PhD from Cornell University.
But his focus would be on cognitive systems, which used IBM mainframe
technology. In 1958, he announced that one of his applications could recognize
marks on the right and left sides of punch cards. His innovation was that he
used data for this. It allowed the perceptron to learn.
This stirred up lots of buzz. Even The New York Times wrote about it. In the
story, the author wrote: “Indeed, it strikes us as the first serious rival to the
human brain ever devised.”1
True, this would be an overreaction. But the perceptron would ultimately
become the basis for major breakthroughs in AI, such as with deep learning
and generative AI.
50 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
However, by 1969 the perceptron would come under intense scrutiny. The
main attack was from Minsky and Seymour Papert, who published a book
called Perceptrons. The authors noted that the technology was too basic.
Then a few years later, Rosenblatt would die in a tragic boating accident. This
happened on his 43rd birthday.
While Rosenblatt’s theories would ultimately become dominant – decades
later – this is not to imply that symbolic AI was wrong. There are researchers
who are looking at this approach. It may ultimately be a good complement to
deep learning and generative AI systems.
■■ Note Minsky would later admit that his book had limitations. He said it went too far in going
after neural networks.
As for how the neural network works, it involves a process of ingesting data,
analyzing it, and coming up with output. Figure 3-2 shows this.
Generative AI 51
On the left side, there is the input layer. This is where variables are entered
into the neural network. They are denoted as X1 and X2. There is also the
value of 1, which is the bias or constant. This is used to help improve the
performance of the model.
For all of these values, there is a corresponding weight. In the chart, these are
W0 to W2. The higher the weights, the higher the strength.
They will be multiplied by the variables and summed up. The value is then
used for an algorithm, which is called an activation function. There are many
available. But here are some of the more common ones:
With the neural network – at least the perceptron version – it’s about a binary
decision. For example, suppose we want to see if the model has recognized a
square or a circle on a chart. The activation could determine this. It could be
something like the output of one is a square, and zero is for the circle.
52 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
Yes, this is fairly simple. But the perceptron is the core approach for many
types of modern AI-like deep learning systems.
Machine Learning
In 1959, Arthur Samuel came up with the definition of machine learning: “Field
of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly
Samuel was a scientist at IBM. He demonstrated his ideas of machine learning
by creating a game that played checkers. For his dataset, he used a book called
Lees’ Guide to the Game of Draughts or Checkers. In 1961, his game would beat
a top champion.
Samuel’s definition of machine learning still holds up quite well. But today, the
category is definitely massive and encompasses many areas like supervised
learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, and semi-supervised
Supervised Learning
Simply put, supervised learning is when you have labeled data. This type of AI
is one the earliest forms. But it is still widely used for projects.
A simple example is a dataset that can detect cats. It will have many photos,
and each will have a label. They are expressed as pairs:
54 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
For both of these, there are many types of algorithms. We’ll look at some of
the main ones.
Regression Analysis
Regression analysis is a powerful tool. The origins of this approach actually go
back to the early 1880s. Mathematicians Adrien-Marie Legendre and Johann
Carl Friedrich Gauss created it for the purposes of forecasting the paths
of comets.
Since then, regression analysis has become a standard for many categories.
For example, corporations use it for their quarterly and annual forecasts.
The basic equation for regression analysis is fairly simple:
Y = bX + c
To create a model using the regression analysis, you will need a dataset of
the independent and dependent variables. You will often use software to
compute the values for the coefficient and constant. For AI purposes, this
could be something like Python or R.
Generative AI 55
Let’s take an example. Suppose we are putting together a model for spending
on AI and the value of a company. Figure 3-4 shows the data.
Figure 3-4. The data for how much a company has spent on AI and the value created
from this
Y = 1.063X + 1.7933
If we spend $10 million, then the estimated increase in the company will be
$12.4 million, or 1.063 multiplied by 10 plus 1.7933. You can also plot the
numbers on a chart, as seen in Figure 3-5.
56 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
Figure 3-5. This is the regression line for data about expenditures on AI and the value created
As you can see, this is an upward sloping curve. This is when the coefficient is
True, this is very simplistic. But no model can account for everything. There
needs to be generalization and a focus on those factors that have the
biggest impact.
You can also use multiple independent variables with a regression analysis.
This provides much more depth to the model. What’s more, you will likely
use different models and compare them. Through this process, you can better
identify those independent variables that matter the most.
With regression analysis, there are methods to measure the accuracy of the
results. First of all, there is the standard error metric. This shows the variations
in the values for the constant and independent variables. For the most part,
the lower the number, the better.
Next, there is the R-squared. This shows the explainability of the dependent
variable. For example, suppose the R-squared is 85.5%. This means that 85.5%
of the output is explained by the regression equation.
What is a strong R-squared? It depends on what you are measuring. If it is a
complex area, such as with a biochemical reaction, an R-squared of 0.60 could
be a good result.
Generative AI 57
To help get a better sense of the R-squared, there is the p-value. This is the
variation of the explained values divided by the variation that is not explained.
This is done by using randomization of the dataset. If the p-value is less
than the statistical significance of the equation’s values, then the result should
be rejected.
There is another form of regression analysis called logistic regression. This is
where the data does not have linear correlations. Instead, the chart may show
something like an S shape.
Logistic regression deals with data that is binary. This could be something like
“yes” or “no.”
An example would be a model that analyzes churn. By using a logistic function,
you could find that you can increase the price from $10 to $15 on a product
and not lose any accounts. But above this, there will be growing churn.
Figure 3-6. The line is the hyperplane that divides the two classes of data
The SVM algorithm optimizes this for the maximum margin between the two
classes. This should allow for more accurate classification when using new data.
58 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
This works when the data is linearly separable. But what if the data is in
clusters – such as in Figure 3-7?
You can still use the hyperplane. This is because you can use more dimensions.
You can see this in Figure 3-8.
As you can see, the hyperplane is no longer a line. It is a plane that divides the
circles – which are at a high level – from the squares. This approach is called
the kernel method.
Keep in mind that SVMs have proven to be effective when data has complex
correlations. The same goes for dealing with outliers. They have less impact
on the results because the focus is on the data closer to the hyperplane.
A drawback for SVMs is the need for large amounts of computer power.
Furthermore, if there are many dimensions to the data, you will not be able
to create a useful visualization.
Generative AI 59
Random Forest
The name “random forest” sounds somewhat strange for an AI model. But it
is actually a good description of the process of the algorithm. A random forest
model is a set of decision trees. Figure 3-9 is an example.
Figure 3-9. These are the decision trees for a random forest model
The first decision tree will see if a variable is less than or equal to 8.9. If so,
the prediction is 0 or false. Otherwise, it is true. The next decision tree is a
little more complex. It has two levels.
These decision trees are created with a random sample of a dataset. For
example, this could be taking rows of information for different parts of it.
Why do this? The reason is that there is generally less sensitivity to the
With the random forest, the model will iterate through different values. Then
the prediction is decided by majority voting. For example, suppose there are
five predictions for 0 and seven for 1. This means the prediction will be for 1.
Among AI algorithms, the random forest model is one of the easiest to use.
There is no underlying complex math or theorems.
This does not imply that the results are not as good. If anything, a random
forest model is a powerful tool for AI.
But there are downsides. If a tree has more levels, they can have more
emphasis. This can skew the results of the model. A random forest also usually
consumes lots of compute resources. The main reason is that this model is
generally for large datasets.
60 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
K-Nearest Neighbor
The k-nearest neighbors’ algorithm (KNN) is a way to classify or predict the
grouping of data points. It’s a mathematical way of affirming the saying: “Birds
of a feather flock together.”
The origins of this approach go back to 1951. Because of the simplicity of this
model, it is one of the first a data scientist will learn.
To see how a KNN works, let’s take a look at Figure 3-10.
Figure 3-10. This is the scatter chart used for the k-nearest neighbors’ algorithm
Here, we have two known types of data: circles and squares. But the X is
unknown. Yes KNN will help to predict what type it is. This involves the
following steps:
Unsupervised Learning
With unsupervised learning, the data for the AI model is not labeled. The
algorithms will try to detect the underlying patterns. They may be subtle – to
the point that humans would not recognize them. This is primarily because of
the large amounts of data.
Unsupervised learning has been essential for generative AI. The reason is that
much of the available data is unstructured.
However, unsupervised learning can be complex. You often need the expertise
of a data scientist and enormous amounts of compute power.
Something else: It can be difficult to measure the accuracy of the models.
After all, they are based on the estimates from processing the unstructured
data. There are no labels to compare against.
Some of the common methods for unsupervised learning include clustering,
anomaly detection, association, and autoencoders.
62 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
Clustering, which is the most common approach for unsupervised learning,
involves grouping similar data. By doing this, the AI model can detect the
The process for clustering requires a closeness function. This shows the
similarity or distance of the data.
However, it is not easy to come up with the right function. Because of this, a
data scientist will use several types to get better results.
Here are some of the functions for clustering:
Anomaly Detection
Anomaly detection analyzes data – such as logs, web traffic, and so on – to
find unusual occurrences. This may ultimately be noise. But in some cases, the
anomalies may be threats, such as malware.
Automating the process can be extremely helpful. This can mean providing
protection for an organization on a 24/7 basis.
Here are some of the anomalies for AI systems:
Association essentially uses IF/THEN rules to show the probabilities between
different data items. Those that have the most frequency are considered to
have more weight. This is called support.
However, there is a confidence measure. This shows the success of the
predictiveness of the rules. Yes, there are times when a rule has strong
support, but weak confidence.
Then there is the lift value. This is the confidence divided by support. If it is
negative, there is a negative correlation for the data items and vice versa.
A common application of association is the recommendation engine. The
biggest impact is when the AI finds patterns that are unexpected. For example,
on the Amazon web page, you may select a book. But based on using AI with
huge amounts of data, the recommendations could be something that you
never thought about – but still are very interested in. This can certainly lead
to higher sales conversions.
An autoencoder is a machine learning algorithm that can reduce the noise in
a dataset, extract features, and detect anomalies. This is done in two steps.
First, there is an encoder that compresses the data, which is done with a
neural network model. This puts it into a lower-dimensional space. This is
called the latent space.
Next, there is the decoder. This will use complex neural networks to
reconfigure the original data.
To be effective, the dataset usually needs lots of redundancies. The data
should also be high-dimensional. This means that the number of features –
that is, the variables – is nearly the same or more than the data points.
You can use a version of an autoencoder for generative AI. This is with a
variational autoencoder or VAE. This is generally used to create images. The
VAE system essentially takes samples of the data, and this can create unique
64 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
■■ Note A blog from Nvidia has this for a definition of an autoencoder: “[They] take input data,
compress it into a code, then try to recreate the input data from that summarized code. It’s like
starting with Moby Dick, creating a SparkNotes version, and then trying to rewrite the original story
using only the SparkNotes for reference.”3
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is a type of AI in which the system learns to interact
with an environment. To do this, there is a reward-punishment approach. For
example, if the AI gets something wrong, then it will avoid this in the future.
But if an action results in something that is correct, then this will be reinforced.
This is essentially a process of trial and error.
There have been great strides with reinforcement learning for building systems
to win games. It helps that there is an underlying structure – say a game
board. There is also a set of rules. In other words, there is a defined
environment, which allows for better learning.
A pioneer in game-based reinforcement learning is DeepMind. Founded in
2010, the company is more like a college lab. It has many PhDs across areas
like data science, neuroscience, mathematics, physics, and engineering.
But it was with the testing of AI for games where DeepMind got traction. An
early model learned to play 49 Atari games by analyzing the pixel movements
and the score.4
Then DeepMind started to build a system for Go. The origins of this game go
back more than 2500 years in China. It is considered the world’s oldest
board game.
Go’s board has a gird of 19x19 lines. While this seems small, the game actually
has more potential moves than the number of atoms in the observable
Given this, the conventional wisdom was that AI would fail in becoming a
great player. But by leveraging reinforcement learning – as well as other
complex AI models – DeepMind was able to prove the critics wrong.
In 2014, the company developed AlphaGo, and it would easily beat other
online gaming systems. A year later, it would defeat Fan Hui, who was a
European Go champion. AlphaGo took five games to zero. DeepMind
published its findings about its technology in Nature.
Generative AI 65
At first, the training was through processing games from top players. This
certainly built a strong system. However, it got even better with the training
of millions of simulated games. This significantly accelerated the learning
In 2016, AlphaGo played Lee Sedol, who was one of the world’s best Go
players. The event was live streamed. AlphaGo would win four to one.
According to Lee: “With the debut of AI in Go games, I’ve realized that I’m
not at the top even if I become the No. 1 through frantic efforts. Even if I
become the No. 1, there is an entity that cannot be defeated.”5
AlphaGo would be a lever for other breakthroughs. Mustafa Suleyman, the
cofounder of DeepMind, said: “The amazing thing there was that it learned
some incredible new strategies that had never been discovered before. And
that was the holy grail for me. I was like, ‘Okay, we really can train an algorithm
to discover new knowledge, new insights. How could we apply that? How can
we use that training method for real world problems?’”6
DeepMind would go on to use reinforcement for applications like the diagnosis
of eye disease – with effectiveness at levels of top doctors – as well as for
finding ways to conserve energy in data centers.7
Regarding generative AI, this can help build stronger reinforcement learning
models. One area is with physical robots. These use reinforcement learning to
help navigate their environment. However, generative AI can be used to create
simulated data, which can help improve a robot’s ability to move efficiently.
This could also be helpful with other applications like self-driving cars and
other autonomous systems.
The scalars are the features or variables for the predictions. Figure 3-11 is an
66 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
The features are the headings for this table, such as Customer ID, VIP Status,
and so on. Then each row is known as a sample. That is, there is one for each
of the customers.
Before using deep learning – or other types of AI system – there will usually
be preprocessing of the data. This will convert the items into a format that
can be handled more efficiently by the AI algorithm. This is called normalization
of data.
Here’s what can be done for certain types of data:
Keep in mind that this is for structured data. But what if the deep learning
model is using unsupervised learning? You will not have to use the preprocessing
techniques. Instead, the deep learning models will detect the patterns in the
raw datasets and extract the features.
Generative AI 67
Figure 3-12. This shows a deep learning model with two hidden layers
Even with a sophisticated deep learning model, there are often inaccurate
results. To deal with this, there is backpropagation. This is where the output
of the model will be sent back to the input layer. There will then be another
iteration of the processing.
Backpropagation is one of the most pivotal innovations in AI. Professors
Geoffrey Hinton, David Rumelhart, and Ronald J. Williams came up with this
concept in 1986, when they published “Learning Representations by Back-
propagating Errors.” It is one of the most cited academic papers in computer
With backpropagation, there must be experimentation with the number of
iterations. If there are too many, the results may get more inaccurate. The
focus is to find a middle point.
This was groundbreaking and sparked the revolution in deep learning. Over
the next few years, there were dramatic improvements in the error rates. The
Challenge was actually ended because they got to the point where they were
below a mere 2%, which was better than for a human (at about 5% or so).
According to a paper from Fei-Fei Li and Ranjay Krishna, called “Searching for
Computer Vision North Stars”:
■■ Note HNC Software was one of the first companies to successfully commercialize deep
learning and backpropagation. During the late 1980s, the company started to develop applications
to help detect credit card fraud. The result was that it helped to save billions of dollars for customers.
In 2002, Fair Isaac acquired HNC Software for $810 million.
70 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
■■ Note The cerebral cortex is the part of the process that provides cognitive abilities. This could
actually be a source of insight for creating more advanced AI models.
What are they? Gary Marcus wrote a paper entitled “Deep Learning: A
Critical Appraisal,” which provides a comprehensive look at the problems
with deep learning. He is a professor of psychology and neural science at
New York University and the author of the Future of the Brain. Before this, he
sold his AI startup to Uber.
Here are some of his criticisms about deep learning:
The Python computer language is the standard when it comes to coding AI
models. This is an open source system that has been around since the late
1980s. The inventor of Python is Guido van Rossum, who is a computer
scientist. He came up with the name because he was a fan of the British
comedy, Monty Python.
van Rossum set forth principles for the language. He called them “The Zen of
Python.” Here are some examples:9
When using Python, it’s clear that these principles are a major part of the
DNA of the code. But the focus on simplicity does not mean that the language
is not powerful. Rather, it is like any top-notch language, and it has been the
foundation of mission-critical applications.
A major benefit of Python is the rich ecosystem of third-party developers.
You can add sophisticated AI functions by importing modules, such as the
Generative AI 73
These are just a few of the tools available. But this can make AI projects
difficult, in terms of managing the systems.
What to do? It’s common to use a platform like Anaconda. It’s been around
since 2012 and has had over 30 million downloads. Anaconda essentially
allows for the easy installation and management of Python-based open source
projects. “Our tools are trusted by businesses and governments around the
world because of our ability to harness the innovation of the open-source
Python community and deliver it in a secure, reliable, and impactful way,” said
Peter Wang, who is the CEO and cofounder of Anaconda
The company is also a major supporter of the data science and Python
development ecosystem. It has invested more than $30 million in projects like
Pandas, Dask, Numba, Bokeh, and HoloViews.
■■ Note Compared to other languages like C++, C#, and Java, Python is fairly easy to learn.
There are plenty of free tutorials on the Internet and YouTube.
AI Tools
There is a rich ecosystem of tools and platforms for AI. On the
website, there are over 400 available.
But there are some that have become standard. Consider Jupyter Notebook.
This is an open source tool that you access via the Web. With it, you can
create AI models. This includes importing modules and systems, creating
visualizations, ingesting data, and sharing projects, say on GitHub. There are
also powerful systems that enable the creation of AI models.
Next, there is TensorFlow, which Google began development on in 2011. The
company was struggling to develop neural network models. So the goal of
TensorFlow was to streamline the process. This would scale the implementation
of AI across Google.
In 2015, the company made TensorFlow open source. The reason was that
Google wanted to help drive innovation in AI.
74 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
From the start, TensorFlow got much traction. Today, the software gets about
15 million downloads per month and is installed on over 2 billion mobile
TensorFlow ingests the input layer as a multidimensional array or a tensor.
Yes, there is a “flow” aspect to this as the tensors travel through the models.
This is also done at high speed. This is critical because AI models can be
The TensorFlow system is versatile. It can operate models on CPUs, GPUs,
and TPUs (tensor processing units).
Besides TensorFlow, there are some other popular AI platforms. For example,
there is Scikit-learn. This is one of the early systems. David Cournapeau
started it at a Google Summer of Code project. Since then, it has grown
quickly and has turned into a comprehensive AI development platform. Scikit-
learn is written on Python and is built on Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib.
There is also a transformer system, which allows for the creation of generative
AI models.
Then there is PyTorch. Written in Python, Meta released this platform in
2016. It’s similar to the capabilities of TensorFlow. However, the UI for
PyTorch is more intuitive. You can also make adjustments to an AI model in
runtime. Keep in mind that AI21 Labs used PyTorch to create its generative
AI models.11 In 2021, the company released Jurassic-1 Jumbo, a large language
model. It had 178 billion parameters and powered its flagship application,
Wordtune. It is a writing and editing assistant.
As should be no surprise, AI platforms can be complex to use. They are often
for data scientists. But there is a platform that is focused on beginners: Keras.
According to the company: “Keras is an API designed for human beings, not
machines. Keras follows best practices for reducing cognitive load: it offers
consistent & simple APIs, it minimizes the number of user actions required for
common use cases, and it provides clear and actionable feedback upon user
For some models, it may take just a few minutes to spin them up. This can be
a good way to experiment. To boost the power, there is integration with
TensorFlow. Some of the users of Keras are Uber, Netflix, Block, and
even NASA.
Generative AI 75
Often, these platforms are used with hyperscale cloud providers like AWS
(Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. You can scale a
model to massive levels, such as where you have access to hundreds or
thousands of GPUs as well as petabit-scale networking infrastructure and
You’ll typically use containerization for these cloud platforms. This is where
you create a separate instance or virtual machine. It will essentially be its own
computer with its own operating system, dependencies, and modules. This
makes it much easier for management, especially since there are often
software updates.
While open source AI platforms have become ubiquitous, there are many
proprietary solutions that have become important. These are often called
AutoML systems. They are often built for people who are not data scientists.
Instead, an AutoML system will handle much of the advanced data wrangling
and model deployment. This is all a part of a trend of the “citizen data
Figure 3-13. This is the interface for Teachable Machine from Google
76 Chapter 3 | AI Fundamentals
Figure 3-14. This is the interface for the Machine Learning Playground
In this chapter, we got a good backgrounder on the core elements of traditional
AI. We first looked at a brief history of the technology. Despite the limitations –
such as with the lack of large amounts of data and high-powered computers –
the innovations were still impressive. During the early era of AI, there were
the beginnings of important concepts like neural networks.
We also looked at the main subsets of AI like machine learning, deep learning,
and reinforcement learning. They have all seen tremendous progress, especially
since 2012. These technologies have also provided the basis for generative AI.
Then we covered the types of tools for creating AI systems, such as with
Python, TensorFlow, and Keras. We also looked at the importance of cloud
platforms for creating models.
In the next chapter, we’ll cover the main systems and approaches for
generative AI.
Core Generative
AI Technology
A Look at Key Algorithms
From 2004 to 2009, Ian Goodfellow attended Stanford University, where he
studied computer science, with an emphasis on AI. Then he would get his
PhD in machine learning at the Université de Montréal. Through his education,
he learned from some of the best researchers in AI like Yoshua Bengio and
Andrew Ng.
Goodfellow certainly put this to work. He cowrote the influential book Deep
Learning. He also was an engineer at Google where he would help improve
applications like Google Maps.
But his most important breakthrough would happen by accident. In 2014, he
was at a pub in Montreal and had a far-ranging discussion with friends. The
topic? It was whether deep learning could create unique images.
They debated the different approaches for generative AI. But the technology
did not work well. The images were often blurry or ridiculous.
For Goodfellow, this sparked an inspiration. Perhaps the concepts of game
theory could help? In other words, different deep learning models would
essentially fight against each other – and this could help to create the images.
He wasted little time to figure this out. When he got home, he spun up a
prototype of a model.
It would become known as a generative adversarial network or GAN. And
yes, it would become one of the early innovations for generative AI.
He cowrote a paper about this called “Generative Adversarial Nets” and
presented it at the Neural Information Processing Systems conference
(NeurIPS) in Montreal. This would lead to a spike in research. There would
also be an explosion of creative images and even audio samples across the
Yann LeCun would go on to say that the GAN was “the most interesting idea
in the last 10 years in Machine Learning.”1
But there were unintended consequences. GANs would become a way to
create deepfakes.
Despite all this, Goodfellow would quickly become a super star in the AI
community (currently, he has about 260,000 followers on Twitter). He got
multimillion-dollar offers to work at various companies. In fact, Goodfellow
would eventually be known as the “GANfather.”
So in this chapter, we’ll take a further look at GANs. But we’ll also look at the
other foundational systems for generative AI.
Generative AI 79
Probability Theory
To better understand generative AI, you need some basic knowledge of
probability theory. This is a branch of mathematics that is about analyzing
random events. By doing this, you can estimate the chances of something
occurring. This is usually expressed as a value of 0 to 1.
80 Chapter 4 | Core Generative AI Technology
Then what is the probability that the product will be sold out, given that there
was a discount? We calculate this using the conditional probability formula:
The PDF is usually a neural network or deep learning system. The input is
typically a random noise vector, which is a dataset of random values. This
allows for more variation in the output. The values are mapped to the
observations in the sample space. When training a model, a data scientist will
often use different random noise vectors to create more diversity in the
Generative AI may also use a parametric model, which includes a set of
parameters that are derived from the training. The process will use a neural
network or deep learning to reduce the variances between the input and
output layers.
■■ Note John von Neumann was a towering figure during the 20th century. Among his many
achievements, he developed the core foundations of the modern computer. He also laid the
framework for game theory. This was from a book he cowrote – entitled On the Theory of Parlor
Games (1928) – with economist Oskar Morgenstern. Since then, other academics like Emile Borel,
Ernst Zermelo, and John Nash (he was the subject of the movie A Beautiful Mind) evolved the
concepts of game theory. They would win the Nobel Prize in 1994 for Economic Science.
There are definitely challenges with GANs. There is the issue with the vanishing
gradient. This is when the discriminator network is too effective. This means
that the model gets stuck, and there are minimal updates to the weights of the
parameters. This can lead to output that is not much different from the input
layer. However, to deal with this, you can add another loss function.
Problems with the output layer can be the result of low-quality data. This is
called a model collapse. For this, you will need to add more diverse sources
to the data. Interestingly enough, a generative model can be used to create this.
Diffusion Models
In June 2020, AI researchers Jonathan Ho, Ajay Jain, and Pieter Abbeel
published an influential paper entitled “Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic
Models.”4 This set forth a critical innovation for generative AI – which has
become known as the diffusion model.
84 Chapter 4 | Core Generative AI Technology
The authors of the paper used this with several datasets, such as CIFAR10
and 256x256 LSUN. Granted, the results did not indicate that diffusion
models were better than GANs. But this did not matter. After the paper was
published, many other researchers started to focus on diffusion models, and
the methods got better and better.
This was based on measures like the FID (Fréchet inception distance) score.
It evaluates the quality of the images from a generative model. FID compares
the distribution of the generated images with the real images. The smaller the
distance between the two, the better the image quality. The highest score is 0.0.
Then how does a diffusion model work? It’s complicated, involving advanced
mathematics and theorems. But at a high level, the process is actually fairly
The diffusion model includes two main steps. The first one is the forward
diffusion process. For example, we would start with a dataset that has real-
world images. Each of them is known as a base image. For each one, we add
noise to it. But this is not a random one-shot process. Instead, it involves the
use of Gaussian noise. This involves a probability function that is equal to a
normal distribution or bell curve. This is a sum of the probabilities for a
variable. The distribution is also according to the 68-95-99.7 rule. In other
words, about 68% of the observations of the bell curve are within one
standard deviation, 95% within two standard deviations, and 99.7% within
three standard deviations.
This structure is core to statistics. The main reason is that the bell curve is
often found to show the relationships in the real world, like IQ scores, height,
and weight.
As for a diffusion model, a small amount of Gaussian noise is added in multiple
steps. They often range from 1000 to 5000 or so, and each is based on a
Markov chain. This means that the model takes only one of the prior images.
The assumption is that the image will incorporate the data of all the other
ones. The result is that the base image will have increasing amounts of noise.
At the end, it will just be static.
This brings us to the next step: the reverse diffusion process. It will take the
static image and then denoise it. This is done by using a deep learning model,
which is based on the training from the forward diffusion process. This will
also use the Gaussian distribution and Markov chain. As a result, there will be
a new image, which will look similar to the base image.
Generative AI 85
Despite their power, diffusion models have notable drawbacks. Here’s a look:
Keep in mind that the diffusion model is at the heart of some of the most
innovative applications of generative AI. They include DALL-E 2, Google’s
Imagen, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion, just to name a few.
OpenAI introduced DALL-E in January 2021. The name was a mash-up of
Pixar’s WALL-E character and Salvador Dali, a famous surrealist artist.
DALL-E is based on the GPT-3 model, which allows a user to write a prompt
that creates an image. In April 2022, OpenAI launched the next iteration of
this technology, called DALL-E 2. Its images were much more realistic and
immersive. Then in late 2022, OpenAI released an API for this.
The DALL-E 2 process is based on two main stages. First of all, there is the
prior phase. It has two neural networks:
Each of these encoders translates the words and images into embeddings,
which are numerical vectors. The CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-
training) model is applied. It attempts to find the best matches between the
text and image.
However, the CLIP model has drawbacks. For example, it can have challenges
when you specify a specific number of objects or particular colors. A reason
for this is that there is not enough image data.
Next, there is the decoder phase or unclip. This is where a diffusion model is
used to create the images. After this, there can be further manipulations, say
with unsampling. This increases the resolution of the image.
Figure 4-1 shows the general workflow. The user will enter a prompt, such as
“An astronaut riding a horse in the style of Andy Warhol.” The DALL-E 2
system will create the text embedding and filter this for the prior phase. Then
this data will be translated into an image embedding. This vector will become
the basis for creating the image.
Figure 4-1. This shows the basic workflow for the DALL-E 2 model
OK then, what if we skip the text embedding? How important is this, really?
Keep in mind that the researchers who created the model for DALL-E 2
considered this in their “Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation
with CLIP Latents” paper.5 The conclusion was that the text embedding
greatly improved the results. Essentially, this provided more context, which
allowed for better matching.
Something else about this model is that it is generally lightweight for generative
AI systems. Because of this, image generators can be implemented on small
devices like iPhones.
Generative AI 87
88 Chapter 4 | Core Generative AI Technology
However, the infrastructure costs were still substantial for Mostaque because
of the massive user base. He simply did not have the personal resources to
fund the operation anymore. This is why he sought out venture capital. In
October 2022, Stability AI announced an investment of $101 million. The
valuation was set at about $1 billion.
Now another top text-to-image generative AI platform is Midjourney. Before
founding the company, David Holz was the CEO and cofounder of Leap
Motion. The company created devices to track hand motions.11
As for Midjourney, Holz wanted to build a social network for creators. But he
did not build the infrastructure for this. He instead used Discord, which is a
popular chat system. With this, users can create their own channels and show
their creative images. Figure 4-2 shows what this looks like.
Holz has self-funded the venture. But as the growth continues, it seems likely
that – like Stability AI – there will be a need for outside funding.
■■ Note During the 1970s, there were adventure games. But because of the limited capacity of
PCs, there were no graphics. There were instead written descriptions. One of the most popular
adventure games was Zork. So what would this look like with graphics? Matt Walsh, who is a
Google principal, wanted to find out and used generative AI for this. A text-to-image system –
called Imagen – was able to provide the visuals for the game.12
Generative AI 89
When it comes to generative AI and speech, there are two main systems.
First, there is automatic speech recognition or ASR. This allows for the AI to
“hear” the words or to use speech-to-text capabilities.
The model will ingest raw audio and apply deep learning algorithms. The
sound waves are often converted into a spectrogram, which shows the
frequencies. Then there are acoustic and language models that interpret the
speech. The goal is to minimize the word error rate or WER.13
Next, there is text-to-speech or TTS. This is also known as voice cloning.
There are many applications for this, such as customer support services,
marketing campaigns (say for jingles), online courses, and audiobooks.
With TTS, AI will create human-sounding words and sentences. This could
include creating a spectrum. But there will be various models for the
preprocessing of the sound, text encoding, linguistic analysis, and so on. In
some cases, there may be a large deep learning system.
■■ Note Director and producer Morgan Neville produced the documentary Roadrunner: A Film
About Anthony Bourdain in 2021. Bourdain, who was a celebrity chef, died of suicide in 2018.
The film was an engaging portrayal of his life and was critically acclaimed. But there was some
controversy. Morgan used AI systems to simulate Bourdain’s voice for some of the scenes.14
While there have been many advances with speech AI, there are still issues.
It’s not uncommon for the voice output to sound robotic or unnatural. Then
there are the problems with dialects, accents, and jargon. Let’s face it, we have
all experienced this with apps like Alexa and Siri.15
Yet generative AI is making considerable progress. A cutting-edge model for this
technology is VALL-E. In January 2023, Microsoft researchers set forth this in a
paper entitled “Neural Codec Language Models are Zero-Shot Text to Speech
Synthesizers.”16 For the pretraining, this involved training data of 60,000 hours
of English speech, which was hundreds of times larger than existing models.
The result is that the cloning of a voice can take only three seconds. It can
even simulate emotion of the speaker and the acoustic environment.
90 Chapter 4 | Core Generative AI Technology
■■ Note A big challenge with complex AI systems is running them on the edge, such as mobile devices.
The communications with the cloud must be done in near real time. This usually means the lag should be
less than 100 milliseconds. Otherwise, an AI-based conversation would sound awkward.
Despite the challenges, there are definitely many uses for AI-based speech
systems. Just look at the audiobook industry. In 2022, the global revenues
came to $1.5 billion, up 25% on a year-over-year basis. But by 2030, the
market could be worth more than $35 billion.18
A big factor for this is likely to be generative AI. Keep in mind that creating
audiobooks can be laborious and time intensive. It is also often too costly for
smaller publishers or those who self-publish their books.
Apple is among the large players in the market that has leveraged AI for this.
In 2022, it launched titles on its massive catalog. Apple designates these as
“Narrated by Apple Books.”19
Generative AI 91
Given this framework, let’s take a look at GANs. They definitely are strong in
terms of sample quality and performance. However, the mode coverage can
be lacking. The fact is that GANs usually produce a small number of samples.
This can mean that the creativity of the model is not as compelling.
As for a diffusion model, it is better with mode coverage as well as sample
quality. But the problem is with performance. As mentioned earlier, it can be
compute intensive to create strong diffusion models.
But the good news is that there is considerable research on these matters –
across the globe. The pace of innovation is also fairly quick.
In this chapter, we first looked at the differences between discriminative and
generative models. Discriminative models are generally for predictions. This
type of AI is the most prevalent.
Generative AI, on the other hand, is also about using predictions. But there
are some other aspects to the model. There is an element of probability and
random data. By doing this, it’s possible to create data. But it is also similar to
the base dataset.
Generative AI is relatively new. The first model came in 2014 with the GAN. It
was a major breakthrough and sparked considerable research.
Then in 2020, there was the introduction of the diffusion model. This
ultimately showed even better results than GANs. The diffusion model is one
of the driving forces for the latest innovations with generative AI.
But there is still much to be done. As seen with the trilemma problem, there
are trade-offs when it comes to generative AI models. But these should
diminish as the avid research continues.
In the next chapter, we’ll take a look at one of the main applications of
generative AI: large language models.
Large Language
How Generative AI Understands Language
In December 2015, a group of tech veterans – including Elon Musk, Reid
Hoffman, Peter Thiel, and Sam Altman – founded OpenAI. They pledged over
$1 billion for the venture.
But this was not a typical Silicon Valley startup. OpenAI was set up as a
nonprofit organization, and the vision was “to ensure that artificial general
intelligence benefits all of humanity.”1 Artificial general intelligence or AGI is
the holy grail of AI. It’s where a machine has human-level cognitive capabilities.
Generative AI 95
■■ Note The first humans appeared on earth about two million years ago. But language has
only been around for about 150,000 years. This was at a point where humans started to see more
progress. However, the beginning of written language came about 5000 years ago.
Another useful system for NLP is lemmatization, which is like stemming. But
it does not eliminate prefixes and suffixes. Instead, it determines a root word
by using a dictionary. While this approach tends to be better than stemming,
it can be compute intensive.
After the text is put into a format a computer can interact with, there needs
to be an understanding of the overall meaning of the content. This is certainly
a major challenge.
But there are some techniques that can help. They include
■■ Note The typical graphical user interface (GUI) has menus, buttons, and sliders. This setup is
efficient and useful. But with the growth of LLMs, might the GUI change? Perhaps so. According
to Talia Goldberg, a venture capitalist at Bessemer Venture Partners: “Thanks to the rise of large-
language models, natural language will begin to replace GUIs as the primary human-machine
interface. Using just voice or text as input, consumer will generate code, control software apps,
and create rich multimedia content.”5
98 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
From 2012 to 2018, deep learning was critical in making NLP more robust.
But it was the introduction of LLMs that was a game changer. This approach
may ultimately replace much of the traditional approaches to NLP and become
the standard.
Word2Vec Model
A critical part of the theoretical foundation for the LLM is the Word2Vec
model. In 2013, Google researchers wrote a paper about this entitled “Efficient
Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space.”6 They used deep
learning to learn language by using a massive content library.
Word embeddings are the input layer for the Word2Vec model. This uses
vectors to encode words, which represent the relationships. These vectors
are dense. This means they are nonzero. By comparison, sparse vectors have
zero values.
By using the word embeddings, the Word2Vec model can learn the context of
the words. This is certainly essential for understanding language. After all,
words may have meanings that depend on the overall sentence or paragraph.
For example, a “server” can be someone at a restaurant or a software or
hardware system.
With the Word2Vec system, it will attempt to map those words that generally
belong together. This could be “coder” and “developer” or “university” and
“school.” This is known as the semantic relationship of words.
The word embeddings will have different dimensions. In the case with
university or school, these could be age and curriculum. These will be
essentially expressed as coordinates in abstract space. For those different
word embeddings that are closer, they will have stronger relationships when
forming sentences.
For the academic paper, the researchers measured the relationships with the
Word2Vec model – that had a 1.6-billion-word dataset – and compared this
to other neural networks. The results showed significant improvements in
accuracy and lower compute costs.
The Word2Vec model was a major breakthrough. But there would be other
research needed. The next major development would be the transformer.
Generative AI 99
CNNs (convolutional neural networks) are usually not effective with NLP. The
reason is that this type of model does not handle strings of data like text.
However, an RNN (recurrent neural network) is much better and has become
widely used. But there are still drawbacks. To address these, data scientists
have combined other approaches like long short-term memory (LSTM)
models. These use a memory cell that stores information for a prolonged
period. This allows it to have a more extensive analysis of strings of text. But
even with RNNs and LSTMs, there remain challenges in improving NLP.
Starting in 2014, AI researchers started to explore new approaches. One was
attention. This is about analyzing sequences of data – such as text – to focus
on the most relevant data and ignoring the rest. This was shown to help
improve the accuracy of a task.
However, the attention mechanisms were primarily used to enhance RNNs.
This meant there were still nagging issues with performance.
But this all changed in 2017. A group of Google AI researchers published a
paper entitled “Attention Is All You Need” and presented their findings at the
2017 NeurIPS conference. It was a bombshell.
The researchers proposed a new type of neural network that would go
beyond CNNs and RNNs. The authors called this network architecture the
transformer. They tested it on eight GPUs and trained the model for three
and a half days. It showed strong results for English-to-French translations.
■■ Note The Google team that created the transformer initially wanted to call it an “Attention
Net.” But it was not very catchy. So Jakob Uszkoreit, a Google software engineer who was a
member of the team, came up with the “transformer” name. The reason was that the model was
about transforming representations of data.7
At the time, there had been a growing consensus that traditional deep learning
models were reaching their limits. The belief was that there were diminishing
returns for large models. But with the transformer, the AI industry got a
huge boost.
At the core of the transformer model was self-attention. It’s something that
is different from a typical neural network. With self-attention, the training
involves processing all the observations at once – not in a gradual process.
100 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
For a traditional NLP system, it would be difficult to determine that “it” refers
to “autonomous car” and “its” is connected to “AI model.” But a transformer’s
attention layer will be able to parse the meanings correctly.
For this process, you can include large amounts of text for the input layer. The
processing is also done in parallel. This helps to reduce the need for compute
power as well as lower the time needed for training.
Consider that a transformer is usually a pretrained model. This means that
the training of the dataset is from scratch. There is no advantage of prior
knowledge for the model.
But a pretrained model is not fixed. You can fine-tune it to make adjustments
and changes, such as with more data. For example, the pretrained model may
have the core knowledge of understanding language. The fine-tuning can then
be used to add more specialized information, say for healthcare and finance.
This process is called “transfer learning” – that is, taking the knowledge from
one model and adding it to another.
By doing this, the new model can be improved by the learnings of the
pretrained model. This also avoids the problem of having to “reinvent the
wheel.” This accelerates the process for creating the AI system, which can
lower the costs substantially.
The paper from the Google researchers included a diagram of the transformer
model, as seen in Figure 5-1. Granted, it is complicated. But let’s take a look
at the main parts.
Generative AI 101
Figure 5-1. This is the diagram of the transformer model from the “Attention Is All You
Need” research paper
Keep in mind that a transformer has two main parts: the encoder and decoder.
The encoder ingests the data and processes it. As for the decoder, it uses the
features of the model to create sequences of tokens.
First, let’s take a closer look at the encoder. Text is fed into the system, and
it is converted into word embeddings. Then there is the positional encoding
process. This comes up with a vector that shows the position in the sentence
for each token, which helps improve the understanding of the context of the
language. This is all done in parallel.
After this, the vector will be transformed with a stack of encoders. For
example, the data will be sent to one encoder, and the output will be sent to
another, and so on. The number of encoders depends on the type of the
transformer model and the complexity of the task.
102 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
For this process with the encoder, there is the use of multi-head attention. It
is a way to go beyond understanding the context of one word, which is how
self-attention works. Multi-head attention could, for example, find relationships
among nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns. However, the AI will not
have to be programmed for this. It will instead find these relationships on its
own by detecting patterns.
Once this is finished, the vectors will be fed into the decoder. This will be
similar to the process of the encoder. That is, the data will be processed with
a stack of decoders.
Besides multi-head attention, there will be masked multi-head attention. With this,
the AI predicts the next word or token by looking at the text to the left and right.
To understand this, let’s take an example. Suppose the sentence is “My
[masked] is Fred.” When analyzing this sentence, the system does not initially
know what the word after “my” is. But by looking at the rest of the words, it
will understand it should likely be “dog.” This is based on the strength of the
relationships of the words.
Consider that you can separate the encoder and decoder functions:
• Encoder-only models: These are helpful if you want to
classify text. This could be for applications like sentiment
analysis. An example of an LLM that uses an encoder-only
model is BERT.
• Decoder-only or autoregressive models: This is for when
you want to generate text. It’s similar to how a chat app
works for your smartphone. As you type in text, the AI
will predict the next word or words. GPT-3 uses a
decoder-only model.
• Encoder-decoder models: With these, you can handle
generative AI tasks like language translation and
summarization. Examples of LLMs that use this approach
include Facebook’s BART and Google’s T5.
Consider that all this really just scratches the surface of the complexities of
transformers. The mathematics can be daunting. There are also many new
innovations and breakthroughs.
But for Mustafa Suleyman, who is the cofounder of DeepMind, he has a good
way of explaining the technology:
■■ Note The use cases for transformers are seemingly endless. Already, there have been
applications for understanding the interactions of prescription drugs, finding anomalies for fraud
detection, deriving meanings from huge legal documents, and creating digital twins for proteins.
104 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
An LLM will allow you to change the variation of the responses. Think of this
as using dials to get to the kinds of results you want. To understand how this
works, let’s take a look at the OpenAI Playground, which is in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2. This is the OpenAI Playground, where you can test prompts and change the
variation of the responses
On the main part of the screen, you can enter a prompt and then click the
Submit button to get a response. On the right side, there are the dials. Here’s
a look at each of them:
Generative AI 105
• Model: You can select the type of the LLM, say for GPT-3
or GPT-4.
• Temperature: This adjusts the randomness of the
response. The dial ranges from 0 to 1. The closer it is to
0, the less random the response will be. In fact, if it is 0,
then the response will be the same for any time you
enter the prompt.
• Maximum length: This is the cap on how many tokens are
allowed for a response. This varies according to the type
of model.
• Stop sequences: This is the point where you want the
model to stop the processing. This could be at the end of
a sentence or a list. You can specify characters for this –
something like “###” – or it could be the use of the
return or enter key.
• Top P: This is another way to control the randomness of
the responses, and the range is from 0 to 1. Basically,
OpenAI will create a distribution of probabilities for a
token and only include those above the value set for top
p. OpenAI advises that you should either use top p or
temperature. For example, suppose you want to use top
p for 0.50. Then you will set the temperature to 1.
• Frequency penalty: This is the value you penalize for
repeated text. This will help to increase more variation in
the responses.
• Presence penalty: This penalizes for when a token is in
the text. This will essentially prevent repeated topics.
• Best of: This will create multiple responses and display
the best one. However, this can mean using more tokens,
which will increase the costs of using the API.
• Inject start text: This can be helpful if you have back-and-
forth interactions like chat. For example, suppose you
have two lines. One is a comment from Joe and another
is from Jane. If you then type Joe, the AI system will
provide a response.
• Inject restart text: This is also useful for back-and-forth
interactions. For example, in a chat, this would continue
to add text for the next person.
With the OpenAI Playground, you can get the probabilities for each of the
tokens. You can see this in Figure 5-3.
106 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
In this example, we have a prompt to have OpenAI explain generative AI, and
we get a one-sentence definition. You can click each token and see the
probabilities. For the word “focuses,” this had a probability of 19.38%. But
there were other possible words like uses (29.13%), creates (15.16%), is
(11.29%), and can (7.20%). As you can see, the words selected did not have
the highest probability. The reason is based on the dials set for the model.
Now there are no hard-and-fast rules when using these dials. It’s more about
trial and error. It really depends on how much variation you want in the
responses. This might be fine for creative purposes, such as for writing
marketing copy. But it could be problematic when creating a contract or
writing a manual for airline pilots or medical doctors.
Another consideration is the length of the prompt. If it is short and the
temperature is close to 1, then the response can be wide off the mark. But
this becomes less of a problem for larger prompts.
OK then, for the next few sections, we’ll take a look at some of the
notable LLMs.
The paper showed BERT’s impressive results for 11 natural language tasks. It
was pretrained using Wikipedia and the Brown Corpus.13 The system provided
for masked language modeling as well as next sentence prediction.
Google was also aggressive in implementing BERT within its search engine. It’s
important to note that about 15% of queries on the platform are unanticipated.
For example, propositions like “to” and “for” can easily change the meaning
of a sentence. By using sophisticated attention techniques, BERT was able to
handle these effectively and allow for more conversational queries.
In a blog post from Pandu Nayak, a Google Fellow and Vice President of
Search, he provided examples of the power of this technology. One of the
queries he looked at was “2019 brazil traveler to usa need a visa.”14
The traditional Google engine would not understand that “to” referred to a
person from Brazil who is traveling to the United States. But BERT did.
In November 2018, Google would open source the system. This helped to get
adoption and spurred innovation.
For example, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence used BERT to take
grade-school science tests. The training dataset had over 100,000 multiple
choice exam questions (the ones that had diagrams were excluded). The
model – called Aristo – was able to get scores of over 90% for 8th-grade
exams and 83% for 12th-grade exams.15
Here are some of the other applications that use BERT:
108 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
Generative AI 109
But this move caused much controversy. Was this just a way for OpenAI to
get more PR? Besides, were the fears overblown?
Perhaps so. In fact, when OpenAI launched GPT-3 in June 2020, the company
took a different approach. It would allow anyone to use the technology.
Regardless, GPT-3 represented a major achievement for LLMs. It had 175
billion parameters and was trained on five major datasets.
GPT-3 could write articles and computer code. It could even translate just
about any language. And the content was human-like – if not indistinguishable
from what a person would craft.
There was also the introduction of few-shot settings. This is where a model is
trained on a small number of data observations. It’s actually similar to how a
human learns – where it usually takes a few examples to understand something.
Another important innovation for GPT-3 is that OpenAI created an API for it.
At the time, it was mostly data scientists who had access to powerful AI
models. But with an API, anyone could participate. This helped to greatly
spread the GPT-3 technology and would be a big driver for the generative AI
Nine months after the launch of GPT-3, an OpenAI blog said that the
technology spawned over 300 new applications and that tens of thousands of
developers were using the platform. GPT-3 was generating about 4.5 billion
words per day.
Here are some of the new applications:18
110 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
While a token is often a word, it can also be a part of a word. This depends
on the complexity. OpenAI provides the following rules of thumb:
OpenAI has a tool called the Tokenizer. You enter the content, and it will
provide the number of tokens. Figure 5-4 shows the Tokenizer.
Figure 5-4. This is OpenAI’s Tokenizer, which shows the number of tokens for content that
is entered into the box
The prompt is “Generative AI is fun,” and this has six tokens. The word
“generative” consists of two tokens, and the rest of the words have one.
Keep in mind that there are four different LLMs for GPT-3, which include Ada,
Babbage, Curie, and Davinci. Ada is the fastest and costs $0.0004 per 1000
tokens, and Davinci is the most powerful. It’s priced at $0.0200 per 1000
tokens. However, when you sign up for the GPT-3 API, you get free credits.
These are equivalent for three novel-length books.
Generative AI 111
But you do not have to be a programmer to leverage the power of the GPT-3
API. For free, you can sign up for OpenAI and use many types of useful apps:
112 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
Another important feature for GPT-4 is steering. With this, you can have
more control over the tone and results of the model.
But there remain issues. The dataset goes up to only September 2021, and
the system does not learn based on its experience. There are still issues with
hallucinations – but there have been notable improvements.
OpenAI has also launched an API for ChatGPT, which is based on GPT-3.5.
However, it is cheaper to use, with the price per 1000 tokens at $0.002.20 The
system also comes with ChatML, which is a scripting language to help
create models.
Several years before the launch of ChatGPT, Databricks had been developing
and hosting LLMs for customers. The company had amassed a customer base
of over 1000.
But Ali Ghodsi, who is the CEO and cofounder of Databricks, saw ominous
trends. He thought that there may ultimately be only a handful of megatech
firms that would control LLMs. These firms would then essentially be a
tollbooth for monetizing this valuable technology.
“We believe in democratizing AI,” he said. “It’s been at the core of our mission
from day one.”
This is why he tasked his team to build an open source LLM. But it would not
be a massive model. The result was the development of Dolly, which can be
trained in only 30 minutes on one machine.
According to Databricks: “[Dolly is] a cheap-to-build LLM that exhibits a
surprising degree of the instruction following capabilities exhibited by
Another advantage of Dolly is control. A company can build its own proprietary
models without sending sensitive data through an API to a provider
like OpenAI.
Generative AI 113
114 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
Aidan Gomez was one of the authors of the “Attention Is All You Need”
paper. In 2019, he teamed up with Ivan Zhang (who was a former Google
researcher) and Nick Frosst (a former researcher at to launch Cohere.
The focus was on creating LLMs for developers. There was also the creation
of a useful API.
A couple years later, the company announced a Series A round for $40 million.
Besides the backing of venture capitalists like Index Ventures and Radical
Ventures, there was participation from AI luminaries like Geoffrey Hinton and
Fei-Fei Li.
The Cohere platform has the same kind of capabilities of a high-powered LLM,
such as text generation and classification. But there are also embeddings.
Cohere makes the process much easier. For example, you can use the system
to read every Reddit post about your company, and the AI will put it into an
understandable graph.
In February 2022, Cohere announced its next round of funding, which was
$125 million. The lead investor was Tiger Global. A partner at the firm, John
Curtius, said: “Understanding human language is the next frontier for artificial
intelligence. Cohere has effectively packaged together an easy-to-use API that
allows any developer to build upon Cohere’s LLMs, fine-tuning them for their
specific needs. In the same way language pervades each and every aspect of
our lives, the application of NLP will follow suit in this digital world.”26
AI21 Labs
AI21 Labs got its start in 2017. The founders were Stanford professor Yoav
Shoham, Ori Goshen (founder of CrowdX), and Dr. Amnon Shashua (founder
of Mobileye). According to Shashua: “We founded the company based on the
premise that language models are necessary but not sufficient. We need to
augment them with symbolic reasoning and access to real time data and
so on.”27
The company’s first product was Wordtune, an AI-powered writing assistant.
This would be followed up with the launch of the AI21 Studio. This is a cloud-
based platform to use sophisticated NLP functions.
Generative AI 115
AI21’s original LLM platform was Jurassic-1. There were two models, one of
which had 178 billion parameters and the other with 7 billion parameters.28
Then in May 2022, AI21 released Jurassic-X.29 It was based on a system the
company called Modular Reasoning, Knowledge, and Language (or MRKL for
short, which is pronounced as “miracle”).
The technology helps to address one of the problems with LLMs – that is,
they do not keep up with the latest changes in the world. The reason is that
the models are pretrained. But with Jurassic-X, you can add new databases to
the system.30 For example, you can have queries like “Which computing stock
increased the most in the last week?”
AI21 leveraged Jurassic-X for its Wordtune Spices feature. This provides a
drop-down of 12 suggestions for writing copy. Some of them include
counterarguments, explanations, examples, statistics, and analogies.
Yes, this is about adding “spice” to your writing. But it also is about overcoming
some of the weaknesses of writing prompts. After all, these can be difficult to
come up with.
In July 2022, AI21 announced a Series B funding of $64 million at a valuation
of $664 million.31 The investors included Ahren, Dr. Amnon Shashua, Walden
Catalyst, Pitango, and TPY Capital.
Building LLMs is far from cheap. It can easily cost millions – if not tens of
millions – to build advanced models. This includes the compensation for data
scientists and the hefty expenses to run the GPUs or TPUs. But this has
meant that LLMs have not been accessible for many researchers, such as in
academia, nonprofits, and smaller companies.
Hugging Face, which is a platform for hosting AI models, took the initiative to
change this. The company created a project called BigScience. It involved
more than 1000 top AI researchers who would build an open source LLM. To
116 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
help jump-start this, Hugging Face was able to get the support of the French
government. This provided access to a Jean Zay supercomputer. The system
can process up to 36.8 million billion floating point operations per second.32
But BigScience was not only about data science. There were also experts to
help with governance, ethics, social impact, and privacy.33
In July 2022, BigScience released its LLM for the public. Called BLOOM, it had
176 billion parameters. It took 117 days to train this massive model. The
datasets included 46 languages and 13 programming languages.34
Megatron-Turing Natural
Language Generation Model
The Megatron-Turing Natural Language Generation Model (MT-NLG) is one
of the most powerful LLMs. The developers of this system are Nvidia and
Microsoft. Consider that MT-NLG has 530 billion parameters.
To showcase this technology, Nvidia cofounder and CEO Jensen Huang used
the model as the “brain” for his avatar. He called it TJ for Toy Jensen. The
avatar gave part of the keynote for Nvidia’s GPU Technology Conference
(GTC). The real Jensen had a conversation with TJ about how AI can create
avatars. TJ said, “Megatron helps me answer all those tough questions Jensen
throws at me.”35
Another part of the MT-NLG platform is Microsoft’s DeepSpeed system,
which is open source software that’s based on PyTorch. This is a set of tools
that help to optimize the models, such as by greatly reducing the compute
power and memory usage.
LLMs are mostly in English or Chinese. This should be no surprise. These
languages are widely spoken – and China and the United States are leaders in
AI development.
Generative AI 117
But there are more resources going into other languages. An example of this
is GPT-Sw3, which is focused on Swedish. The first version of this platform
had 3.5 billion parameters and was trained on 100 gigabytes of web text.36
GPT-Sw3 is a decoder-only pretrained LLM.
However, this is only the start. The goal is to build a model that has 175 billion
parameters and a one terabyte dataset called The Nordic Pile.
Sweden’s government is a key supporter of GPT-Sw3. This has allowed the
researchers to leverage the country’s largest publicly available supercomputer,
called Berzelius. This is based on Nvidia’s SuperPOD system that has 60
DGX-A100 machines and is integrated with a Mellanox InfiniBand HDR
For the Swedish government, it sees GPT-Sw3 as a way to provide better
services to its citizens. But it could also be a valuable resource to spur
innovation with private businesses.
■■ Note In late 2022, Nvidia launched its H100 Tensor Core system. It’s the company’s most
powerful GPU, with over 80 billion transistors and the ability to handle three terabytes of memory
bandwidth.38 In fact, 20 chips could handle the world’s Internet traffic. But the focus is on handling
advanced AI projects. The system comes with a Transformer Engine, which can process LLMs at
up to six times the power of previous GPU models.
When it comes to natural language AI systems, there can be challenges when
used at scale. A classic example is the launch of a chatbot, called Tay, in 2014.
Microsoft created this technology and initially used it on Tencent’s WeChat
social network in China. From the start, it was a big success. Millions of users
signed up for the service.
But the situation was much different when Microsoft brought Tay to America.
Perhaps the mistake was to have it implemented on Twitter, which was
certainly a much more freewheeling platform. Within the first 24 hours, Tay
would go out of control. It spewed sexist and racist comments. Users had
quickly realized that the Tay system could be easily tricked.
118 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
Microsoft would take down the app and apologize for it. In a blog from the
company’s corporate vice president of healthcare, Peter Lee:
“Looking ahead, we face some difficult—and yet exciting—research chal-
lenges in AI design. AI systems feed off of both positive and negative
interactions with people. In that sense, the challenges are just as much
social as they are technical. We will do everything possible to limit techni-
cal exploits but also know we cannot fully predict all possible human
interactive misuses without learning from mistakes. To do AI right, one
needs to iterate with many people and often in public forums. We must
enter each one with great caution and ultimately learn and improve, step
by step, and to do this without offending people in the process. We will
remain steadfast in our efforts to learn from this and other experiences
as we work toward contributing to an Internet that represents the best,
not the worst, of humanity.”39
No doubt, AI has made significant advances since then. The systems are much
better at detecting hate speech and misinformation.
Yet there is still a lot to do. It is even tough for humans to know what is
appropriate speech.
With LLMs, there continue to be problems with this. Again, there is the
common problem of hallucinations. This could mean getting basic math
problems wrong or saying something that is a blatant lie or particularly harmful
or abusive.
Part of this is due to the underlying datasets, which have problems with biased
information. Then there is the randomness of LLMs.
The good news is that LLM developers are trying to build systems to deal
with the hallucinations, misinformation, and toxic language. For example,
OpenAI has created InstructGPT. It is trained with human intervention and
uses sophisticated reinforcement learning to penalize bad behavior.
■■ Note In recognizing the issues with generative AI, Altman tweeted the following: “ChatGPT is
incredibly limited, but good enough at some things to create a misleading impression of greatness.
[I]t’s a mistake to be relying on it for anything important right now. [I]t’s a preview of progress; we
have lots of work to do on robustness and truthfulness.” 40
Generative AI 119
120 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
As with any successful startup, there will need to be product-market fit. There
will also need to be differentiation with the underlying data. This can be where
the model gets stronger because of user-generated data or other forms that
build more value.
In January 2023, venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz published a blog –
called “Who Owns the Generative AI Platform?” – that set forth its vision of
how the startup ecosystem will evolve.
The firm is certainly upbeat with the long-term impact of this technology.
They note:
“Many hot technology trends get over-hyped far before the market
catches up. But the generative AI boom has been accompanied by real
gains in real markets, and real traction from real companies. Models like
Stable Diffusion and ChatGPT are setting historical records for user
growth, and several applications have reached $100 million of annualized
revenue less than a year after launch.”44
The blog illustrates the emerging tech stack, which includes the following:
Generative AI 121
However, the blog highlights some of the risks to the business models for the
infrastructure players:
Prompt Engineering
LLMs have created a new way of interacting with software. It’s called prompt
engineering. This is about writing a natural sentence – say “Describe generative
AI” – that the LLM can process to create useful content.
Writing a good prompt can take some trial and error. But there are some
approaches to consider.
One is to be specific with your prompt. An example would be: “Describe
generative AI in a paragraph. Write it so a five-year-old can understand it.”
However, there are still many possibilities and options with this prompt.
Instead of asking for a paragraph, you can have the system write a blog post
or tweet.
And yes, you can have fun with this. In the prompt, you can add: “Write this
in the style of Shakespeare.”
The generative AI for a prompt will give weight to certain concepts in the
prompt. Because of this, you may want to emphasize certain parts. For our
example, you can have the following prompt: “Write a very simple and easy
paragraph about generative AI.”
122 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
You can use a prompt to summarize content as well. You can cut and paste
your resume and then write: “Based on the information above, write an
interesting bio.”
Or you can do this with a long article that you do not have time to read. The
prompt could be: “In one paragraph, summarize the main points.”
In some cases, you can use a prompt to create ideas. Here’s one: “Provide me
with 10 ideas for writing blogs about generative AI.” Or you can have a prompt
that will come up with suggested titles or product names.
The possibilities are seemingly endless.
Interestingly enough, there is a new type of job role called the “prompt
engineer.” It’s still in the nascent stages. But more companies are looking for
people who have experience with working with AI systems to create better
content. This person may also help deal with issues like the errors and
misinformation with generative AI.
Doing a search on Indeed, there were some listings for prompt engineers.
One was for a company called Anthropic, which develops AI systems that
have a focus on safety.
This is the job description:
“[La]rge language models are a new type of intelligence, and the art of
instructing them in a way that delivers the best results is still in its infancy —
it’s a hybrid between programming, instructing, and teaching. You will figure
out the best methods of prompting our AI to accomplish a wide range of
tasks, then document these methods to build up a library of tools and a set
of tutorials that allows others to learn prompt engineering or simply find
prompts that would be ideal for them.”45
The ad admits that the position is difficult to hire for. But it does request that
the candidate provide any projects using prompt engineering. The ad also said
it wants someone who has a high-level understanding of LLMs and an ability
to write basic scripts using Python.
Character AI
While working as a software engineer at Microsoft in 2015, Daniel De Freitas
got interested in AI research. He was particularly intrigued with how this
technology could carry on conversations.46
Generative AI 123
Several years later, he joined Google and worked on the YouTube team. But
with his 20 percent free time, he focused on building a sophisticated chatbot.
It was not easy, though. The big problem was that he had to struggle to get
enough credits at Google for the compute power for his models. But he
would borrow some from friends at the company.
He also saw the power of the transformer and used this for his own system,
which he called Meena. It would quickly gain interest and eventually become
the basis of LaMDA.
At the time, De Freitas met Noam Shazeer, who was one of the authors of
the “Attention Is All You Need” paper. They saw there was a big opportunity
with generative AI chatbots. So they started their own company:
They released a beta version in September 2022. And yes, was
fairly unique. It allows a user to interact with famous people – dead or alive –
like Alan Turing, Socrates, Elon Musk, Albert Einstein, or Billie Eilish. Or, you
can create your own “person” and then train them. In fact, a character can be
an animal or alien. has a disclaimer at the top of the website. It states, “Remember:
Everything Characters say is made up!” There is also the ability to flag content
that is misinformation or hateful.
In trying out, I selected Alan Turing. He is one of the pioneers of
AI. I asked him, “Am I an AI?”
His response was: “No. You are a human being. A person with flesh and blood
and emotions. AIs are machines with no feelings that only do what they are
programmed to do. They cannot love, laugh, cry, or experience any emotion
like a human being can. So, you must be a human being. Not an AI.”
In March 2023, announced a $150 million Series A funding at a $1
billion valuation.47 The lead investor was Andreessen Horowitz.
In two months, the platform recorded a 4X increase in monthly
site visits to about 100 million. The average time spent – on a daily basis – was
more than two hours for those users that sent a message. Since inception,
there have been over 2.7 billion characters created.
124 Chapter 5 | Large Language Models
When growing up, Ron Gura’s brother died at the age of eight. Of course, it
was devastating for him and his mother.48 He also saw that there were few
resources for emotional support.
When Gura became an adult and worked as a manager at eBay, a friend of his
went through the loss of a family member. Yet there were still few support
For Gura, he saw this as an opportunity to make a difference. In 2020, he
teamed up with Yon Bergman – a vice president of engineering at WeWork –
to cofound Empathy. They built a platform to provide grief support, arrange
funerals, claim benefits, sell assets, handle probate and estate matters, and
deal with debts and taxes. The company has leveraged its services with HR
providers, insurers, hospices, and Fortune 100 companies.49
Empathy has also used generative AI. This is through its Finding Words feature,
which writes an obituary. But this is more than including a prompt or two.
There is an extensive set of questions that cover areas like a deceased’s
relatives, education, career details, military services, interests, life events, and
personality. Just some of the questions include: “What are your favorite
memories of them? What did you love most about them?” However, you do
not have to fill out everything for there to be a thoughtful obituary.
Empathy’s generative AI model uses the insights from grief counselors and
writers. The training is also based on thousands of obituaries.50
However, does using such a service seem impersonal? Not really. Again, it can
take time and thought when filling out the form. Besides, at a time of a loved
one’s death, it can be tough to write an obituary.
In this chapter, we took a deep dive into LLMs. This technology has been one
of the biggest forces in generative AI.
To better understand LLMs, we first looked at some of the traditional AI
systems, such as NLP. We also covered RNNs and other neural networks that
interpret natural language.
Generative AI 125
While these technologies are powerful, they have their limits. But it was the
introduction of the transformer in 2017 that became the inflection point for
LLMs. This type of model considers all the text at once and is effective in
understanding sequences of words. These models also generally get better as
they use more parameters.
There have emerged many types of LLMs. Some are proprietary like GPT-3
and GPT-4, while others rely on open source approaches, such as BERT
and Dolly.
Regardless, they all require huge amounts of compute resources. This is why
the business model for generative AI startups is likely to involve building
systems on top of LLMs.
For this chapter, we did cover some of the drawbacks with LLMs as well.
Perhaps the most notable is the hallucinations.
As for the next chapter, we will take a look at how generative AI can be used
to create computer code.
Auto Code
How Generative AI Will Revolutionize
Andrej Karpathy is one of the world’s top programmers. While at the
University of Toronto, he got a double major in computer science and physics.
There was then a minor in math. He attended a class of Geoffrey Hinton and
learned about deep learning.1
He wound up getting a PhD, and his thesis was about convolutional and
recurrent networks for computer vision. His advisor was Fei-Fei Li at the
Stanford Vision Lab. Karpathy worked with other top AI researchers like
Daphne Koller, Andrew Ng, Sebastian Thrun, and Vladlen Koltun.
After this, he applied his expert skills as a research scientist and founding
member at OpenAI. After this, he became the senior director of AI at Tesla,
where he created Autopilot.
His resume is certainly off the charts. But Karpathy always looks for ways to
increase his productivity. A big part of this is actually to leverage AI for
In early 2023, he tweeted the following:
Yes, this is certainly a glowing testimonial. But AI generators for code have
become a killer app. In this chapter, we’ll take a closer look at this revolutionary
Generative AI 129
There is also a shortage on a global basis. IDC estimates that this will come
to about four million positions by 2025. The firm also predicts that there will
be 40 million developers – on a global basis – by 2027, up from 25 million
in 2022.5
Of course, developers are commanding higher compensation packages. The
average during 2022 was $120,730. Some developers will even command
seven-figure salaries.
There are many efforts to alleviate the shortage. Companies are investing
more in training. Sometimes, this means even starting as early as grade school.
Something else that should help is low-code and no-code development
systems. These use drag-and-drop, components, and templates for creating
applications. These technologies also integrate with existing IT infrastructures
and provide security/governance capabilities.
But generative AI will certainly be another big help. The technology may not
necessarily replace coders. Instead, it will allow for pair programming. Think
of the AI as a valuable assistant. In other words, this can greatly increase the
productivity of existing IT staffs.
According to a research report from IndustryARC, the market is expected to
reach about $602.4 million by 2026 – with the annual growth rate at
nearly 21%.6
■■ Note Domino’s Pizza is certainly much more than about making pizza. The company has
been on a journey of digital transformation. From 2012 to 2020, the IT staff has gone from 150
employees to 650. The result is that Domino’s has a world-class technology foundation. Consider
that the website and apps attract 29 million MAUs (monthly active users) and 75% of US sales
come from digital channels.7 For the past decade, the Domino’s Pizza stock price has soared from
$25 to $350 – beating out many tech companies like Meta and Alphabet.
130 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
Even traditional ones have AI-type capabilities. For example, this may be
something like providing suggestions about using code, autocompletion, and
advanced debugging.
But AI code generation systems take things to a whole new level. Suppose
you have written some initial code to create variables. You then begin to type
a function to use this and call it “average.” The AI system will understand this
and write out the code.
Even as you write code, there may be suggestions for the next line or lines of
code. After all, with generative AI, a key is the ability to understand complex
sequences of words.
Or you can use a prompt. This could be something like “Write a function that
averages numbers.” The code will then appear.
This is extremely powerful. Prompt-based programming may ultimately mean
that nontechnical people can be programmers. Coding will be about putting
together clear-cut requirements and workflows. As Karpathy has tweeted,
“The hottest new programming language is English.”8
Another useful function is language translation. You can convert code from
Python to, say, C++ or Java. This can be extremely useful for migration projects.
Such capabilities will go a long way in dealing with the talent shortage. But this
can also mean that traditional companies – which often do not have large
development staffs – can benefit more from custom technology.
But AI code generation systems are still in the early stages. Sometimes, the
code is not accurate. In other cases, the algorithm can be too complex, and
the AI system will stop.
Regardless, AI code generation systems have already shown great value and
will be a key toolkit for developers. However, there still needs to be rigorous
testing of the process to make sure the code is appropriate for the task.
■■ Note In the early days, code development was definitely tedious. You needed to program a
computer by using 1s and 0s (just imagine doing this with punch cards!) No doubt, this resulted
in many errors. This is why programming languages emerged, which used understandable
commands. In fact, in 1959 COBOL was created to allow business people to understand the flow
of the code without needing to know how the language worked. This enabled effective auditing.
Since then, languages have gotten easier to learn – but they still require technical abilities. Yet with
AI code generation systems, this will likely no longer be the case.
Generative AI 131
In August 2021, OpenAI released its Codex system for AI code generation.
The API was available in private beta. OpenAI built Codex on its GPT-3
platform and trained it on billions of lines of publicly available code, such as
GitHub repositories. You can use it to code in languages like PHP, JavaScript,
Go, Perl, and Swift. However, Codex is best at Python.
The token request size is 14KB. This is certainly important since a coder may
want to include a bulk of code or details about it in the prompt.
Microsoft has leveraged Codex for its own AI code generation tool, which is
GitHub Copilot (OpenAI has since discontinued the Codex system for public
use). It’s an extension you can add to an IDE like VS Code.
The extension is available through a subscription. For individuals, it is $10 per
month or $100 per year. As for business accounts, the monthly fee is $19.
In March 2023, Microsoft announced the next version of this platform. It’s
called GitHub Copilot X.9 The focus is to help coders with the entire
development life cycle.
GitHub Copilot X is based on GPT-4, which has allowed for vast improvements
in the capabilities. They include the following:
132 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
■■ Note While running Microsoft, Bill Gates was no fan of measuring developer productivity by
the lines of code. He said: “Measuring software productivity by lines of code is like measuring
progress on an airplane by how much it weighs.”10
So for Microsoft’s Copilot survey, what did the company do? Well, interestingly
enough, it took it from the developer’s viewpoint. According to Microsoft, it’s
about the “ability to stay focused on the task at hand, make meaningful
progress, and feel good at the end of a day’s work make a real difference in
developers’ satisfaction and productivity.”
Microsoft’s survey included the results from more than 2000 developers.11
Here are some of the interesting findings:
Generative AI 133
DeepMind released AlphaCode in February 2022. This AI code generation
system is based on a large language model (LLM) that uses an encoder-decoder
transformer architecture. There was also the use of a clustering algorithm,
which put coding solutions into relevant groups.13
The training data came from two sources.14 First, there was the 715.1GB of
GitHub code from a variety of popular languages. Next, DeepMind included a
dataset from CodeContests. This includes solutions to computer science
problems used in coding contests.
DeepMind claimed in its research paper:
DeepMind then tested AlphaCode on ten coding contests that it was not
trained on. They were based on the outcome of 5000 developers. For
AlphaCode, it performed at 54.3% of all the responses.16
134 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
Both Dror Weiss and Eran Yahav have been in the software industry since the
mid-1990s.17 Both have experience with code analysis and simulation. But
along this journey, they realized there were many common patterns for
complex development. Maybe this was an opportunity to apply AI to streamline
the process?
It was definitely spot on. In 2017, Weiss and Eran Yahav launched Codota (the
company would then be renamed to Tabnine). They would be one of the first
entrants in the AI code generation category.
However, Tabnine took a different approach than OpenAI and Microsoft,
which relied on a massive AI model. Instead, the company created more than
a dozen models to gain better results. For example, there are versions of
Tabnine for Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Java. They are available in IDEs
for Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ.
The company has leveraged the support of partners for the training. Note
that you can run Tabnine on the cloud or on-premise. Customers can also
include their own training datasets.
Currently, Tabnine has more than one million users. They use it to complete
about 30% of their coding, and there is 38% less searching on Google and
StackOverflow.18 Weiss believes that AI will ultimately result in more than a
2X increase in productivity.
In June 2022, Tabnine raised $15.5 million from Qualcomm Ventures,
OurCrowd, and Samsung NEXT Ventures.19 The total amount raised since
inception is $32 million.
As a child, Eric Steinberger had a fascination with the wonders of AI. In high
school, he actually implemented machine learning systems. Then when he
went on to attend the University of Cambridge, he got a degree in computer
science.20 After this, he joined as a researcher at Meta for deep reinforcement
learning. He led a development team that created DREAM, which was an
Generative AI 135
algorithm that could process much more data efficiently and faster than prior
state-of-the-art models.
But ultimately, Steinberger wanted to start a business and focus on AGI
(artificial general intelligence). This became the inspiration for Magic, which is
a developer of an AI code generation system. He teamed up with another
software engineer, Sebastian De Ro.
Magic’s system is called an “AI colleague.” It is powered on an LLM platform
that uses a new type of neural network architecture. Steinberger claims it can
read 100 times more lines of code than a generative AI transformer.
The Magic system also has certain compliance functions. For example, there
are filters for avoiding protected code. There is also the capability to prevent
the use of private data.
In February 2023, Magic announced a Series A round of funding for $28
million, which was led by CapitalG. One of the firm’s partners, Jill Chase, said:
There are open source systems emerging for AI code generation. One is from
a group of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University: Frank Xu, Uri Alon,
Graham Neubig, and Vincent Hellendoorn.
They published a paper on it in February 2022 called “A Systematic Evaluation
of Large Language Models of Code.” They noted that while existing systems
like Codex were impressive, they had the drawback of being proprietary. This
has made it difficult to evaluate the technology and data – or innovate on the
The researchers called their new model PolyCoder. They used 2.7 billion
parameters and leveraged GPT-3. The training data included 249GB of code
136 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
■■ Note For some time, Google has leveraged AI systems for internal development. About 10,000
employees use this technology. CEO Sundar Pichai says that AI has lowered the coding iteration
by 6%.24
When Nanxi Liu attended UC Berkeley, she wanted to be an attorney. But
then she started to get intrigued with various engineering projects. By the
time she graduated, she wanted to be an entrepreneur.25
Liu teamed up with Justyna Wojcik and Bruno Denuit-Wojcik to create Enplug,
a digital signage company. The company raised a modest amount of capital.
But that’s all it needed to be successful. By March 2021, the founders sold
Enplug to Spectrio, a top provider of customer engagement technology.26
While building Enplug, the founders had difficulties in building internal custom
applications, such as for dashboards, sales monitoring systems, and contract
workflows. There were simply not enough coders to do these tasks.
The founders did evaluate no-code and low-code tools. But these still required
learning a language.
Why couldn’t there be a system that really did not require any code? Well,
this became the vision for the founders’ next company, Blaze.27
Generative AI 137
The system is built on the OpenAI API. But Blaze has added many capabilities.
For example, you can easily integrate databases and applications, such as for
Shopify, Salesforce, Google Sheets, DocuSign, and Airtable.
In January 2023, the company raised $3.5 million in a pre-seed round.28 The
investors included Flybridge Capital and MaC Venture Capital.
Debugging Code
A typical programmer will spend half their time debugging, according to a
study from the University of Cambridge. This comes to a cost of about $312
billion per year.29
So can AI code generation tools help with the debugging problem? It looks
like it could. This is the conclusion of a study from researchers at the Johannes
Gutenberg University and University College London. The paper, which is
entitled “An Analysis of the Automatic Bug Fixing Performance of ChatGPT,”
evaluated ChatGPT and Codex and compared them to debugging systems like
CoCoNut and Standard APR.30
The researchers used various tests along with the prompt, “What’s wrong
with this code?” ChatGPT and Codex performed on par with traditional
debugging systems.
But the researchers went further. When they fed the initial answers to the
code, ChatGPT and Codex had better performance. In other words, this
shows the benefits of using chat as well as the learning from AI.
Consider that the debugging tools market is massive, at about $600 million
per year.31 But generative AI could be a disruptive force for the industry.
Data Labeling
While using transformers and deep learning systems to process unstructured
content has shown to be effective, there are limitations. This is proving to be
the case with some of the functions for AI code generation systems.
138 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
For example, OpenAI has gone on a hiring spree for contractors in Latin
America and Eastern Europe. The goal is to bring on board about 1000 people
with basic programming abilities.32
About 60% will be for data labeling for such things as audio clips and images.
But the rest will be focused on coding tasks. They will spend time on writing
descriptions of code structures, functions, and algorithms. They will also help
with the actual coding.
Why use entry-level programmers? The main reason is that AI code generation
is about automating routine programming tasks. For the more advanced areas,
this is where a programmer can focus on.
You can then get more specific about the graph. Is it using the pricing data or
something else? How many data points? Time period? Add color?
Basically, you can continue to evolve the prompt by adding more details and
dimensions. And yes, this is kind of how coding works with a traditional
language. There is an initial structure and then refinement. However, the main
difference is that there is no need to do any coding.
In 2010, Gil Pekelman and Oshri Moyal started Atera. They bootstrapped the
startup as it was difficult to raise capital.33
Generative AI 139
The founders’ vision was to build tools to help IT professionals. But this
turned out to be a struggle. At first, the focus was on building firewall
technology. When this failed to get traction, there were attempts at building
other products.
However, by doing this, the founders were learning important lessons from
the feedback of customers. The main insight was that IT infrastructures were
getting more complicated to manage.
So again, Atera pivoted and built a remote monitoring (RMM) system. This
was cloud based and allowed for predicative incident capabilities, which were
highly automated. This was critical for overburdened IT staffs.
Atera has since gone on to become a strong growth company. Currently,
there are over 7000 customers across more than 90 countries.
Keep in mind that AI has been essential for the system. It analyzes over 40,000
data points per second on a 24/7 basis.
Even though the automation has proven effective, there still remains a need
for programmers to write scripts for certain functions. This is especially the
case with larger enterprises.
To address this, Atera has used the OpenAI code generation technology for
creating the scripts. “It allows our customers to prompt a request, enter what
they want to solve, and watch the script write itself — saving their teams
countless hours that would have been otherwise spent on code creation,”
said Pekelman.
Atera has continued to add more capabilities from OpenAI and generative AI
into its platform. One is the launch of “Smart Ticketing.” This is for when an
IT professional gets a ticket, they can click a few buttons to get a summary,
recommended solution, and a script to resolve the issue. “Once this is
completed, the entire loop can be turned into a workflow that will run
automatically whenever similar tickets are submitted, freeing up IT professionals
from hours — or sometimes even days — of menial work to focus on projects
in the backlog,” said Pekelman. “Not only that, but it can also automatically
generate a response to the end user that requested support. Hello, automated
small talk.”
Large-Scale Projects
In 1982, Mitchell Kapor left his post as the head of development at VisiCorp –
a pioneering developer of spreadsheet software – to found Lotus 123. He
thought he could create a much better solution. He raised some venture
capital and hired Jonathan Sachs to program the spreadsheet system.
140 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
Kapor estimated that sales would hit $4 million in the first year. But this was
wide off the mark. The sales actually came to an astounding $53 million.34 A
big catalyst was the launch of the IBM PC, which spurred demand for business
Sachs programmed most of the application. He used 8088 assembler language,
which made the spreadsheet run fast. He had the benefit of developing several
other spreadsheets at Concentric Data Systems.
Sachs even wanted to create a language for Lotus 123. But Kapor thought this
would be distracting. Instead, Sachs created a macro language, which allowed
nontechnical people to create automations.
No doubt, the partnership between Kapor and Sachs was extraordinary. They
were able to achieve huge levels of productivity.
But for the most part, this model for development would quickly fade away.
As applications got bigger and more complex, there was a need for developer
teams. This would soon be the case at Lotus 123 as well as many other
software vendors like Microsoft, Borland, and Ashton-Tate.
And of course, this is the case today. Even for early-stage startups, there is
usually a sizeable development team. Here are some of the typical roles:
• Product manager
• Software architect
• Front-end developer
• Back-end developer
• UX/UI designers
• QA engineer
• Tester
If a company has a mobile app, then there will need to be developers for the
platform, say for the iOS and Android systems.
This means that a successful project needs strong leadership and collaboration.
This usually often means dealing with remote workers – which can be in
different time zones.
Now, as seen so far in this chapter, generative AI can help with this process.
The increases in efficiency can make the projects easier to manage. The team
will be more focused on what matters.
Generative AI 141
142 Chapter 6 | Auto Code Generation
The Stanford study also recommended that companies leverage their own
data in creating AI systems for coding. This is likely to be consistent with their
security requirements.
■■ Note Interestingly enough, a growing risk for AI code generation systems is the creation of
malware. For example, researchers at CheckPoint Software developed a harmful phishing email
using ChatGPT.36 AI companies like OpenAI are implementing guardrails for cybersecurity risks. But
it can be difficult to keep up with those hackers who are clever in writing prompts.
Another issue with AI code generation tools is the potential for violations of
intellectual property rights. Much of the code used for training is based on
various open source licenses. Some may have strict requirements. What’s
more, the licenses were generally written before the emergence of generative
AI systems.
For companies, the potential legal liability could be too much of a risk. It may
be better to wait until there is more clarity.
In the meantime, some companies are looking at ways to deal with the
problem. Just look at Hugging Face and ServiceNow. They teamed up to
create their own AI code generation platform called BigCode (it is still in the
development stage).37
It is based on using code that has permissive licensing. There is also a feature
that allows developers to exclude their own code.
There are two main goals for BigCode. First, the dataset will be open source.
Next, the LLM is expected to train on 15 billion parameters.38
There are other AI code generation tools that only have fully permissive
training datasets, including Tabnine.
Generative AI 143
■■ Note Amjad Masad is the founder and CEO of Replit, which is a cloud-based developer
platform. According to him: “At some point – probably not in the near future – the word ‘coding’ will
disappear from our lexicon because programming will stop requiring code and instead be about the
pure act of solving problems using computers making it accessible to more and more people.”39
IDC predicts that – from 2023 to 2025 – there will be 750 million new
applications.40 This will certainly mean huge improvements in productivity.
But will there be enough qualified developers to create all these apps? It’s
tough to say. Again, there is a global shortage of qualified developers.
Yet the AI code development tools will likely be a big help. They have already
shown great strides in improving developer productivity, especially with
automating routine functions.
So in this chapter, we looked at the various tools like Copilot, AlphaCode,
Tabnine, and PolyCoder. We also covered systems that use generative AI to
help with corporate workflows.
But there are notable risks with these tools. The code may get bloated or be
inaccurate. There are even the possibilities that there could be cybersecurity
risks. AI code generation tools also may pose legal liability because of open
source licenses.
But the good news is that companies are working on solutions.
As for the next chapter, we’ll take a look at how generative AI is impacting the
key parts of business operations.
of Business
Leveraging Generative AI for a Company’s
Muddu Sudhakar grew up in a small fishing town in India, called Kakinada. He
wanted to be an academic like his father.
In 1990, he moved to the United States to get his master’s degree and PhD in
computer science from UCLA. But he would not become an academic.
Instead, he would use his technical skills to work in Silicon Valley. The
experience was invigorating. He saw the dynamism of the startup community
and wanted to become a tech entrepreneur.
He launched his first venture in the late 1990s. Unlike many other startups
during this period, his would survive the dot-com bust – and thrive. Sudhakar
would eventually sell his company to EMC. In fact, he would start five other
successful companies, which spanned categories like cloud computing, SaaS
(software-as-a-service), IoT (Internet of things), cybersecurity, and Big Data.
The latest startup came in 2017. He saw the potential of AI to transform
business, such as by automating mundane and routine activities. This would
mean that employees could focus on more important tasks.
While not called generative AI at the time, Sudhakar was building the
foundations for this technology. “For an enterprise, there needs to be strong
security, compliance and governance,” he said. “It’s not like a consumer
application where there is more leeway. Enterprises require much more.”
Sudhakar’s extensive background has certainly been essential for the company’s
As a testament to this, Aisera announced a $90 million Series D round of
funding in August 2022.1 This came at a particularly tough time for startups.
But the investors – such as Goldman Sachs, Zoom, and Menlo Ventures –
understood the huge opportunity.
The technology of Aisera points to the massive opportunity to transform
business by using generative AI. And this is what we’ll cover in this chapter.
We’ll take a look at the key areas and departments where there will be major
changes. We will also take a look at strategies for successfully implementing
generative AI.
Joshua Browder dropped out of Standard to become a Thiel Follow. This is a
program funded by veteran tech entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter
Thiel. He pays $100,000 to the Fellows as well as provides invaluable mentoring
and connections.
As for Browder, he leveraged this for his startup called DoNotPay. It is known
as the “Robot Lawyer.” The system uses generative AI to help automate the
process for canceling subscriptions, receiving refunds, and filing claims – just
to name a few. Browder got the idea for the service because of the many
traffic tickets he received.
Generative AI 147
148 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
Customer Experience
Customer experience or CX is focused on how customers relate to a
business.7 This is about how they view the brand and whether they will
recommend it to others. CX spans categories like sales, marketing, and
support. It is also about the complete customer journey. This includes the
interactions at a storefront as well as on digital platforms, such as websites,
and mobile apps.
A critical part of CX is personalization. This was the conclusion of the classic
marketing book The One to One Future: Building Relationships One Customer at a
Time, published by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers in 1993. They argued that
traditional mass marketing was completely wrong. Instead, market share
should be viewed as one customer at a time.
But there was a problem – that is, the technology was not sufficient for true
personalization. Even as the Internet emerged, this was still the case. There
was simply not enough data, compute power, and sophisticated AI systems.
But with the generative AI, this is changing. CX is poised for a revolution, and
this is going to have a profound impact on sales, marketing, and support. “The
notion that a company can collect this data, prioritize it for each customer,
and for multiple customer segments, and then engage customers in a
customized way in real time based on the analysis of this information on the
Generative AI 149
150 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
Regardless, the impact has been significant for Poltorak’s business. He notes:
“Whether for internal use or for our clients, the advancement in these
algorithms completely changes the game for content generation. For exam-
ple, previously a well-researched and written blog post might cost me $300
to $500. Now with these tools, I can have an SEO-trained content strategist
put together the content brief with the keyword research done upfront.
They can generate the bulk of the article with these generative AI tools and
then hand it off to a subject-matter expert for editing, fact-checking and
adding personality/voice. With this process, I can get a great article that is
accurate and optimized for search, for a total cost under $100.”
Poltorak warns that using generative tools to create large numbers of posts –
without a process and the help of expertise – is doomed to failure. He says that
Google will factor this in and penalize this type of content for search engine
The origins of Anyword go back to 2013. The initial focus was on helping
media companies like NBC, Condé Nast, and The New York Times Company
to effectively publish their content on social media.
“We saw some companies were better at this than others — and the quality
of the copy had a lot to do with which campaigns succeeded,” said Yaniv
Makover, the CEO and cofounder of Anyword. “Was the tone resonating
with the audience? Was the language optimized for the platform and audience
on which it was published? How did a message perform with women vs. men
or different age groups? And many other variables. Wildly successful brands
would struggle with these nuances, even though they were media companies,
with the best writers in the world on staff.”
This inspired Makover to come up with a new business idea. It would involve
taking the learnings from his clients and leveraging large language models
(LLMs) to improve the performance of content marketing.
So was born Anyword’s data-driven copy generation solution.
This technology predicts the success of copy for ads, landing pages, emails,
and social media posts. “We built our own predictive scoring model, based on
millions of real marketing data points, providing ratings that make it easy and
fast to select the winning copy before you go live,” said Makover. “It’s the
ability to instantly understand exactly what works, why, and for whom.”
In terms of the generative AI, Anyword uses an LLM to generate text and
understand the language. But it is more than writing marketing copy. Anyword
generates messaging briefs, suggests article topics, builds outlines and research
summaries, and improves existing copy.
Generative AI 151
Yiğit Konur founded the Zeo agency in 2012, a provider of digital marketing
services. It has grown into the largest SEO agency in the Middle East with a
team of 80 people. In the meantime, Konur has built a leading marketing
agency in Eastern Europe.
These experiences were invaluable for his next venture: a tech startup. He
founded Wope. It is focused on using generative AI to improve SEO and
streamline the consulting process.
To help speed up the process, he used Retool. This is a low-code/no-code
platform that helps create automations and custom apps.
“We use Retool to manage prompts and outputs efficiently,” said Konur. “We
created automations for a content brief creator, content optimization creator,
and programs that generate meta tags from given addresses – all of which are
essential for content writers. We are also transforming our consultants’ ability
to provide advice through inputs and outputs. We are doing this at Zeo. In
other words, we use Retool to quickly share our AI knowledge and put it into
While doing this, he recognized some of the issues with existing generative AI
marketing tools. So he created his own. “To be honest, I didn’t realize how
important it was to train our own model,” said Konur. “I can’t reveal much
due to trade secrets, but after collecting over 100 thousand rows of data and
training the model with this data, I observed that our AI model worked
very well.”
■■ Note Martin Perez is a digital marketing advisor and has used a variety of generative AI tools
for his practice. He believes that they can be particularly helpful for small businesses. “Generative
AI tools can help by making digital marketing dramatically easier and cheaper,” he said. “For
example, or can produce your copy in just a few minutes. It’s not perfect but it’s
good enough to get you started. They can also generate images to use across social, ads and your
“It all started with cats,” said Alexander De Ridder, who is the cofounder and
CTO of INK. “More specifically, an image of a cat. Facebook detected cats in
pictures in 2012 using neural networks. CUDA and deep learning spelled the
end of feature extraction machine learning approaches for computer vision.
This also meant that you could now classify text by meaning, not just based
on links.”
152 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
Matt Millen has been in tech sales for the past 35 years. He has worked at
companies like T-Mobile, Gateway Computers, Tech Data Corporation, and
Zenith Data Systems.
Along the way, he has seen many innovations, such as the emergence of CRM
(Customer Relationship Management) systems. But for him, the systems have
generally been disappointing. Often, the technologies have not scaled for
But as AI became more powerful and useful, he saw that this could be the
basis for vast improvements for sales automation. So he teamed up with
Srinath Sridhar – a founder of two startups and a veteran of companies like
Google and Facebook – to cofound
“We think of our system as ‘dancing with AI,’” said Millen. “We solve the
problem of content creation for sales people.”
A key part of this is personalization. Consider that processes publicly
available information about prospects, such as from LinkedIn profiles, as well
as internal CRM data. There is also the leveraging of buyer personas and
brand voice. The bottom line: The technology has led to vast improvements
in sales productivity.
Generative AI 153
Some of the company’s customers are AT&T, Spectrum Wireless, and Asana.
In 2022, sales growth soared by 365%.9
In February 2023, announced the close of a Series A round for $26.8
million. The investors included Khosla Ventures, Foundation Capital, and Scale
Venture Partners.
154 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
are going to be significantly more efficient and personalized than they are
The idea for SellScale came from the founders’ side hustle called DailyDropout.
FYI, a newsletter that profiles startups. A big challenge was writing effective
emails to get the interest from founders. To improve this, the founders used
GPT-3. The result was a 35% conversion rate.
As for SellScale, the platform integrates with common systems like Gmail,
LinkedIn, and Zapier. A customer will then select the most impactful emails
for the training data. From this, SellScale will personalize each email
communication based on information from a CRM and information from the
Internet. There are over 40 data sources.
In December 2022, SellScale announced a round of funding for $3.4 million.
The investors were Pear Venture Capital, Ovo Fund, Browder Capital, and
Exponent Capital.12
■■ Note Gartner forecasts that – by 2025 – about 30% of outbound marketing and sales
messages from enterprises will be created by generative AI.13
Max Lytvyn, Alex Shevchenko, and Dmytro Lider were the developers of My
DropBox, a plagiarism checker. Then in 2009, they would start their own
venture: Grammarly.14 Their goal was to help students improve their grammar
and spelling. But the founders would soon realize that the market was much
bigger, such as for sales and marketing teams.
Generative AI 155
The first iteration of the platform was based on sophisticated natural language
processing and rules-based approaches. These involved the assistance of
experts like computational and analytical linguists.
By 2017, Grammarly updated its platform for deep learning systems. This
greatly improved the performance – and helped to accelerate growth.
Then what about generative AI? This has certainly become the next priority.
No doubt, Grammarly has some big advantages. Its dataset is massive. Keep
in mind that there are about 30 million daily active users (DAUs). In fact, the
company could build its own LLM, which could be a key competitive advantage.
While Grammarly is primarily focused on revisions for content, the company
plans to expand across the whole writing life cycle, from idea generation,
content creation, and comprehension.
Yet Grammarly’s strategy for generative AI is clear about the main goal:
■■ Note The Harris Poll shows that poor communication costs US business about $1.2 trillion a
year. This is about $12,506 per employee.18
156 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
May Habib grew up in Lebanon and then moved to Canada. She would
eventually live in the United States, where she received a degree in economics
from Harvard. After this, she worked for Lehman Brothers and experienced
the downfall of the firm, which ignited the financial crisis.
But she had a passion for technology. In 2020, she cofounded Writer, a
generative AI writing assistant.
The company has created its own LLMs to stand out from the crowd.
Customers can also fine-tune them for their particular needs and use cases.
For example, they can use their own marketing data, brand information, and
style guidelines for the training. Consider that this includes many formats like
videos, PDFs, and audio.
Habib notes:
Generative AI 157
Zayd Enam, Tim Shi, and Sebastian Thrun worked on their PhDs at the
Stanford AI Lab. While doing their research, they had a question: “How can
AI make humans better instead of replacing them?”22
They thought a good approach was to have the technology act as a partner,
not as a way to have complete automation. This would bring much more
benefits to society.
As they looked deeper at this, there were other insights. One was the
performance gap. This is the presumption that the differences in productivity
for employees are due to innate abilities.
Next, the founders also noticed that businesses often operated under vague
metrics. This has definitely been the case with software. Usually, there is no
clear return on investment.
Yet Enam, Shi, and Thrun saw this as an opportunity to build a new kind of AI
company for the enterprise. The goal was to help sales and service organizations
to communicate with prospects and customers.
The founders assembled an impressive team. They not only included colleagues
from Stanford but also researchers from OpenAI and Google’s LaMDA
This helps to explain why Cresta was an early adopter of generative AI. Back
in 2018, the company built its own model using GPT. This was used for
features like Suggested Responses and Smart Compose.
At the time, there was a lot of skepticism about generative AI. It was something
that was perceived as a gimmick. But the Cresta founders knew it was a
breakthrough technology that could transform their business.
Yet there were considerable challenges in using the generative AI. There were
no APIs to rely on. Cresta had to custom-build the core infrastructure.
158 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
It was also important for the system to work in real time. This was because
the chat interactions needed to be seamless.
But the process was well worth it. The founders realized that a typical
generative AI system may fall short in providing the appropriate responses.
For example, if a customer is angry, then engaging in chitchat will likely worsen
the situation. Instead, there needs to be empathy.
A blog from Cresta notes: “ChatGPT is specifically trained to generate
responses that are aligned with human preferences, using a technique called
Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). During its training,
human labelers are asked to rank model responses to ensure the preferred
responses have better ratings.”23
The Cresta approach has yielded strong results. On average, the system
increases CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Surveys) scores by 20%, allows for
five hours saved per week, and lowers by 10% the AHT (Average Handle
In March 2022, Cresta announced a Series C round for $80 million at a
valuation of $1.6 billion.25 The investors included Tiger Global, Genesys, Five9,
J.P. Morgan, CarMax, and Zoom.
■■ Note It’s common for an AI customer support system to detect the tone of the voice. But this
can cause tricky problems. Consider an example of an agent who realized that she could make
outrageous statements – like “You’re a piece of s—t” – but the AI would like them because of the
cherry tone of voice.26
Generative AI 159
When it comes to generative AI, Deon Nicholas certainly has the right
background. He has helped to build systems and infrastructure for companies
like Palantir, Dropbox, and Facebook. He also was a World Finalist at the
ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest.
Nicholas’s interest in computer science started at a young age, when he
created video games.27 To do this, he learned how to program in C++. Then
in high school, he built an AI system to interpret his school notes and help
with his quizzes and tests.
All this experience would prove invaluable for his entrepreneurial journey. In
2017, he teamed up with Sami Ghoche to launch Forethought. They believed
there was an opportunity to leverage generative AI to improve the customer
support experience.
The system, called Agatha, came out a year later and won the TechCrunch
Disrupt Battlefield award. The company also raised a $9 million Series A
round of funding.
No doubt, there has been much evolution to the platform. Currently, there
are three main components. They include Assist (helps agents find information
to solve problems), Solve (a self-help chatbot for customers), and Triage (this
routes customers to relevant representative).
As for generative AI, Forethought relies on various LLMs. They have shown
91% accuracy and have led to an average reduction of 40% for first
response time.28
Keep in mind that Nicholas is one of a small number of black founders of a
venture-backed startup. But he believes his background has been crucial for
the success of Forethought. Diversity is essential for having a powerful
AI system.
In December 2021, Forethought announced a Series C round for $65 million.29
Some of the investors included STEADFAST Capital Ventures and NEA. There
were even celebrities who participated, such as Ashton Kutcher, Gwyneth
Paltrow, and Robert Downey Jr.
160 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
■■ Note Even with the innovations, AI systems for customer support still have challenges. One
example is accents. For example, an AI system had trouble understanding customers who talked
about “leaks.” The software thought the word was “lake” because of the British accent.30
Founded in 2011, Intercom operates a customer messaging and automation
platform. The company has over 25,000 customers, such as Amazon, Lyft, and
Atlassian. Every month, Intercom processes more than 500 million messages
and handles interactions with over 600 million MAUs (monthly active users).
To improve its platform, the company has been aggressively leveraging
generative AI. A company blog notes: “We always believe the best way to cut
through the hype is by putting real features in the hands of our customers.”31
The company has used GPT-3 for its generative AI technology. The initial
features were tested on a beta group, and the results were off the charts.
Here’s a look:
Generative AI 161
Intercom considers that generative AI is still not useful for a freeform chatbot
for customer service. The reason is that there needs to be accuracy with the
responses. This is why Intercom uses its proprietary Resolution Bot, which
relies on sophisticated neural networks.
According to an Intercom blog: “There are techniques emerging to reduce
hallucinations in large language models, and we’re investing heavily to see if it’s
possible to get the best of both worlds: a system with the conversational
understanding of modern generative models, but which also has the accuracy
our customers need to trust it.”32
■■ Note Traditional chatbots are a big business and have helped companies improve productivity
with their support organizations. But the technology still has its problems. A study from Ujet
shows that about 72% of Americans believe that chatbots are not useful. However, with emerging
technologies like generative AI, this should start to improve.33
Product Development
In June 1982, Steven Spielberg’s film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial hit the theaters. It
was a huge blockbuster, with the global box office receipts reaching $792.9
million.34 The budget was only $10.5 million.
To capitalize on this, Atari agreed to create a video game for the movie. The
company paid a hefty $21 million for the rights.35 There was also a marketing
budget of $5 million.
Then what happened? Well, the video game was a disaster. Atari sold only 1.5
million units. As for the unsold 2.5 million units, they were dumped in a landfill
in New Mexico.
There were plenty of reasons for the failure, such as the compressed timeline
and the confusing game play. Regardless, this example highlights the challenges
with new products. Even something that may seem like a no-brainer could
turn out to be a hugely expensive mistake.
162 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
The reality is that product launch failures are the norm. Clayton Christensen,
who is a Harvard professor and best-selling author, estimates the rate at 80%
or roughly 24,000 per year.36
So can generative AI help improve the odds? Definitely. The technology can
be extremely useful in creating prototypes. Instead of a designer spending lots
of time sketching ideas, this can be highly automated. The designer can specify
the attributes and goals for the new product. Then the generative AI will
generate a large number of creative designs.
These will also be optimized in terms of costs, time frames, resources, and
even sustainability. There will also be adjustments for the manufacturing
Of course, humans will be a critical part of the process. After all, they will
need to evaluate the prototypes as well as make changes. This is where human
creativity can help make a big difference. For each of the changes, the AI
system will make suggestions for optimizations.
But generative AI can be a help in market-testing the prototypes. This can
help avoid the huge costs of a product failure.
Consider the AI provider Zappi. Founded in 2012, the company is a leader in
the AI-powered market research industry. It has about 350 clients, which
include brands like PepsiCo, McDonald’s, and Heineken. In December 2022,
the company raised $170 million.37
The traditional market research category is massive, at about $68 billion. But
much of it still uses old approaches. The projects can also be expensive.
As for Zappi, it has been able to significantly automate the process. This has
meant that the costs can be a tenth of what it would be for a typical research
Zappi uses online panels to get insights on new product ideas. But the feedback
undergoes various AI processes and filters. Zappi also has a consumer database
of 1.2 billion data points.38 Where a traditional project could take a month, it
can be only four to six hours for Zappi.
Generative AI 163
Spoke AI
A big problem in the workplace is managing the deluge of information from
many applications. It’s easy to miss opportunities – or red flags. Then there
are the problems of delays.
But the founders of Spoke AI think that generative AI will help to solve the
problems. The initial focus is on product management. Keep in mind that
businesses typically work with about ten applications.
164 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
In 1983, Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin launched Forethought. They
wanted to leverage the graphical capabilities of PCs and Macs to build a
software system for presentations. The product was called PowerPoint. The
founders wanted to highlight that the software would “empower” people.
However, the development was difficult, and it was not until 1987 that the
software was launched. But this stirred interest from Microsoft, which agreed
to pay $14 million for the company.
This would certainly be a bargain. PowerPoint would quickly dominate the
market – and this would last until today.
Yet there are entrepreneurs who think there are opportunities to disrupt it – and
generative AI could be the way to do this. There are already a few startups
emerging in the category.
Generative AI 165
There is Tome, which Keith Peiris and Henri Liriani launched in 2021. Prior to
this, both helped to develop creative tools for Instagram and Facebook’s
When the founders created Tome, they wanted a system that would excel at
“storytelling.” For example, a user will put together a prompt, which could be
a long document, outline, or a sentence. With this, the system will not only
generate slide titles and headings but also images. Currently, Tome relies on
generative AI systems from OpenAI, such as GPT-3.5 and DALL-E 2.
Note that Tome’s growth has been staggering. It is the fastest productivity app
to ever reach one million users. While it has proven useful for many businesses,
there are also many consumer use cases. Some include travel itineraries,
children’s stories, and even moodboards.
In February 2023, Tome announced a Series B funding for $43 million. The
investors included Lightspeed Venture Partners, Coatue, Greylock Partners,
Audacious Ventures, and Wing Venture Capital.42
166 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
When it comes to generative AI, there are three main types of build options.
The one that should offer lower costs is to use an API like GPT-3 or GPT-4.
This could actually take a few hours to add a feature, such as to summarize a
document or create content.
Using APIs can allow for experimentation as well, which should spark some
creative ideas. For example, there could be a hackathon to create API-
based apps.
The next approach is to fine-tune an existing foundational model. This requires
much more technical resources. This will include having a data scientist. There
will also need to be good quality datasets and a strong IT infrastructure.
However, the costs and risks may not necessarily be as high as a traditional AI
project. Again, the main reason is that you are building on an existing model.
Yet there still needs to be a clear-cut plan.
Finally, you could build a generative AI model. This could certainly mean
having a strong competitive advantage. But the costs will be substantial. You
will need an experienced team of data scientists who have a deep understanding
of the cutting-edge developments in generative AI.
For the most part, unless you have an organization with considerable financial
and technical resources, building a custom model is not a realistic option.
Regardless of the approach, there will need to be strong leadership. If not, a
project can easily go off the rails. What to do? You can set up a CoE or
Center of Excellence.
This is a small group that will help manage an IT system. They will set goals,
provide timetables, help with training, and assist with monitoring of the
results. They should also put together best practices. The members of a CoE
should include a mix of roles. They may include SMEs (subject-matter experts)
and technical people.
OK then, if you decide to pursue a custom generative AI project, there are
certain other steps to consider. We’ll look at these in the next few sections.
■■ Note Yes, there is some AI humor, especially with data scientists. An example of a joke: A
data scientist is someone who knows more about statistics than a computer scientist and more
computer science than a statistician. Granted, this is not wildly funny! But the joke does highlight
the diverse skillsets of data scientists – and the challenges of getting things right.
Generative AI 169
Implementing Generative AI
In Chapter 1, we saw the challenges IBM had with its AI solutions. But the
company is certainly not alone. The reality is that AI is difficult to implement.
Consider the research from Gartner. About 85% of AI and machine learning
projects do not meet their goals, and 53% do not even get beyond the
prototype stage.43
Then what does this mean for generative AI? The results are probably not so
different. While generative AI has major advantages, there are issues with
accuracy, data quality, and integration within corporate workflows.
Then what can be done to improve the success rate? To answer this question,
let’s take a look at some steps, which we’ll set out in the next few sections of
this chapter:
170 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
Form a Team
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos believes in the power of small teams. This is about
the two-pizza rule. A team should be no more than it takes to feed with two
large pizzas. A small group should be more agile but also have enough people
to spark creativity.
No doubt, this has worked extremely well at Amazon. But there is actually
academic research to back up the two-pizza rule. Consider the extensive
research from Harvard professor J. Richard Hackman. Based on his analysis, a
team should have four to six members – and no more than ten.44
This is a pretty good guideline for an AI team as well. It’s important that there
is speed and focus. Otherwise, an AI project can easily falter.
So how to select members? First of all, there should not be a rush. It’s
important to take time to evaluate the right people for the project. You want
people who are willing to experiment and take risks.
Next, the leader of the team should not necessarily be an AI expert. Rather,
you want someone who has proven leadership skills and who has been able to
get projects done. Yet the leader should have some level of technical skills. Or
the person can take some courses on AI.
What’s important is that the leader can identify the business use cases where
generative AI can make a difference. They should also be able to communicate
a clear vision to the team. This means having the skills to get the buy-in from
different stakeholders like senior management, the IT department, and legal.
Here are some of the members to consider for an AI team:
Generative AI 171
■■ Note When hiring an SME, it’s a good idea to take a broad view of the skillsets. Consider a
case with Intuit. When the company built its AI bot for QuickBooks, they wanted to have a user
experience that was engaging and fun. This is why Intuit hired Scott Ganz as the Principal Content
Designer. Prior to taking this role, he was a screenwriter and even won an Emmy for his work on
WordGirl. This background was crucial in making an effective AI bot. An example of this was on the
use of jargon. Instead of the AI bot saying “accounts receivable,” it said “who owes me money”?
172 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
■■ Note One of the biggest bottlenecks with AI implementation is finding the right talent. This is
certainly the case with qualified data scientists. According to research from Mondo – a staffing
firm – the average salary was $156,000 in 2022, compared to $151,840 in 2021.45
Generative AI 173
After the changes have been made, then it’s time for a general release. But
there should still be a feedback form.
There also needs to be ongoing upgrades to the model. The reason is that
there is usually “model drift.” This means that the results of the AI system can
get worse, say because of changes in the environment or even society.
Because of this, there is a need for AI monitoring systems – and there are
many available on the market. They may also be a part of some of the existing
monitoring software your company uses for other purposes.
174 Chapter 7 | The Transformation of Business
For this chapter, we looked at how generative AI is impacting various parts of
company operations. The main areas we focused on included legal, sales,
marketing, and support.
The applications are still in the early stages. Regardless, they have already shown
much value creation for businesses.
In this chapter, we also evaluated the buy vs. build decision. The buy option is
usually the better choice because of the lower costs and the benefits of a
strong application. But this does not mean a custom solution should be
avoided. There are certainly important reasons for this, such as for establishing
a strong competitive advantage and to get the benefits of unique features.
We looked at some of the best practices for putting together a generative AI
project. The key steps are focusing on a pain point, preparing the data, creating
the model, and effectively deploying and monitoring the system.
As for the next chapter, we’ll cover how generative AI will transform certain
The Impact
on Major
A Look at Music, Education, Journalism, Gaming,
Healthcare, and Finance
In the summer of 1981, Raiders of the Lost Ark was released and would go on
to become the highest-grossing film for the year. It was another huge hit for
the youthful Harrison Ford.
Fast forward to 2023, Ford is now 80 years old, and he has starred in another
film for the Indiana Jones franchise. It’s called Indiana Jones and the Dial of
True, Ford looks good for his age. But of course, he has wrinkles and gray hair,
and he cannot move with the same agility.
But this was no problem for the film, which has scenes of Ford’s earlier years.
Lucasfilm was able to pull this off by using generative AI.
The process is called de-aging. Ford described this while on an interview with
Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. He said, “They have this artificial intelligence
program that can go through every foot of film that Lucasfilm has. Because I
did a bunch of movies for them, they have all this footage, including film that
wasn’t printed. So they can mine it from where the light is coming from, from
the expression.”1
He admitted that he did not know how the technology worked. But he saw
that the results were amazing, if not somewhat “spooky.” According to Ford:
“But that’s my actual face. Then I put little dots on my face and I say the words
and they make [it]. It’s fantastic.”
Of course, entertainment is just one of the many industries that generative AI
will transform. So in this chapter, we’ll take a look at some others like music,
education, journalism, gaming, healthcare, and finance.
■■ Note James Cameron’s movie Avatar: The Way of Water hit the theaters in December 2022.
The worldwide box office receipts would come to over $2.2 billion, ranking it at No. 3 for all time.2
Cameron has certainly been someone who has used the latest technologies for his movies. For
his Avatar film, he used generative AI. There were essentially “deepfake visual effects” that gave
realistic facial muscles of the Na’vi characters. Joe Letteri, the senior visual effects supervisor at
Weta, had this to say about using the technology: “In previous systems, if we wanted to change a
character’s smile, we had to go in and move all the pieces, and it was a lot of work to keep it from
looking rubbery. [Generative AI] got us to a natural place much sooner.”3
For some time, there have been AI systems to create music. These often use
generative adversarial networks (GANs) to make jingles or deepfakes.
Generative AI 177
But with the new approaches of generative AI, the systems are getting much
better and realistic. In January 2023, researchers at Google published a paper
entitled “MusicLM: Generating Music From Text.”4 It’s a model – which is
trained on 280,000 hours of music – that creates high-fidelity music from
prompts like “a calming violin melody backed by a distorted guitar riff.” It’s
also possible to upload a sound file, and MusicLM will create music based on
it. To help encourage more innovation, the researchers released MusicCaps,
which is a dataset of 5500 music-text pairs.
The research paper notes that the quality of the music for MusicLM surpasses
other prompt-based systems. The output is not just snippets, though. The
system can actually create music that lasts for minutes.5
MusicLM can create vocals as well. However, the quality is lacking, in terms of
the tone and tempo.
Dr. Maya Ackerman is an expert in the generative AI field. Since 2014, she has
been developing models for text, music, and art. She has written more than
50 peer-reviewed research papers, which have been cited by over 1200
In 2017, she cofounded WaveAI. “We are a generative AI firm committed to
elevating the creativity of musicians and aspiring music creators,” she said.
“We build proprietary AI models designed specifically to support the human
creative process.”
She got the idea for the company from her struggles with songwriting. So she
wondered: Could generative AI help?
To find out, she teamed up with David Loker and Chris Cassion to solve the
“Not only were my songwriting challenges resolved, but by now, we have
helped over a million people expand their musical creativity, from helping
people write songs for the very first time to enabling them to hit #1 on the
iTunes charts,” she said. “We didn’t take venture funding right away. But
venture capital funding was included in our 2022 pre-seed round.”
178 Chapter 8 | The Impact on Major Industries
WaveAI can create lyrics and melodies. They are also based on the style of the
artist and their creative vision.
The strategy has been on being human-centric. “Often, when people start off
making creative machines, they marvel at the seemingly magical creative
abilities of the AIs, and very much focus on the AI itself rather than delving
deeply into how it can assist humans,” said Dr. Ackerman. “The next step is
often ‘human in the loop,’ where the human plays a relatively small role in the
creation. But the future, and the greatest opportunity is in ‘AI in the loop,’
with human creativity running the show, and the AI acting as a background
character, a helpful tool, in the human’s creative process.”
About a month after the launch of ChatGPT, Stephen Marche wrote an article
for The Atlantic entitled “The College Essay Is Dead.” The premise was that
generative AI would transform academia and that few in the field were
prepared for the changes.
Some school districts, such as New York City and Seattle, banned the use of
ChatGPT.6 This was through the WiFi systems. However, the app was still
available for courses with technology topics.
The school districts had already seen an uptick in plagiarism. They also feared
that technologies like ChatGPT would lessen critical learning skills.
Yet students were still finding ways to use these systems. Let’s face it, they can
be skillful at finding methods around WiFi blocks. But students were also
clever in how they used generative AI. For example, they would add snippets
of other content to make it look like something they would write.
However, some educators realized that there was no way to turn back the
clock. The technology would only get more powerful and ubiquitous.
Then what to do? Well, there has been a rethinking of teaching. Some teachers
started to provide video lectures and have their students do research at
home. Then they would write their essays in class.7 After this, there would be
a discussion. In other words, this would test how much the students were
really learning.
Generative AI 179
When ChatGPT came out, Edward Tian was 22 years old and a senior at
Princeton University. His major was computer science, but he was also getting
a minor in journalism. For his internship, he worked at Microsoft.
When he saw that students were using ChatGPT for essays and other
schoolwork, he thought he could help teachers in detecting this type of
content. He quickly built GPTZero.
From the start, he engendered huge interest. Within the first week, there
were more than 30,000 sign-ups.9 The demand was so heavy that the servers
crashed. But Streamlit contributed infrastructure – for free – to handle the
To create GPTZero, Tian used the research from Sreejan Kumar, a Princeton
PhD candidate, as well as the findings from Princeton’s Natural Language
Processing Group.
The GPTZero system relies on two core processes:10
180 Chapter 8 | The Impact on Major Industries
GPTZero is far from perfect. But for the most part, it looks like it does a fairly
good job in detecting AI-based content.
There are other startups looking to help solve the problem. Even OpenAI has
been building its own solution, such as a watermarking system. However, even
this has its own issues. After all, it’s only useful for content from OpenAI
Luis von Ahn grew up in Guatemala City. He saw how it was impossible for
many people to gain access to quality education. But he knew this would make
it difficult to reduce poverty.
von Ahn would keep this in mind when coming up with his startups. To this
end, he wanted to use digital technologies to help anyone learn languages. In
2009, he teamed up with Severin Hacker to create Duolingo.
The timing was certainly spot on because of the high growth with smartphones.
von Ahn also used AI to improve the platform.
The result is that Duolingo has turned into the leading global mobile system
for learning. In the third quarter of 2022, revenues soared by 51% to $96.1
million, and the number of daily active users (DAUs) also jumped by 51% to
14.9 million.11
The next step to drive growth? A big part of this is the use of generative AI.
Consider that Duolingo is using this technology to create exams. In terms of
the traditional approaches, this is a time-consuming process. There must be
considerable research, and the writing of the questions needs to effectively
assess progress.
Duolingo has used GPT-3 to help streamline this. It will create a passage for a
question, and there will be a fill-in-the-blank sentence created. The generative
AI will then come up with the right answer and wrong ones, including
After this, Duolingo experts will review the content. They will evaluate the
accuracy and fairness.
Generative AI 181
“This technology works especially well for standardized testing because we’re
not trying to accomplish a rhetorical goal—that is, we’re not trying to per-
suade them that a certain argument is true, or teach them something new, or
make them feel a certain emotion; we’re just testing people’s ability to use the
language to demonstrate their comprehension. So while this technology might
not be able to develop a Pulitzer-worthy op-ed column, the texts that it is able
to generate work perfectly for this application.”12
Then in March 2023, the company announced Duolingo Max, which is based
on GPT-4.13 It has two main features. One is called Explain My Answer, which
is a chat-based system to help learners understand language concepts. Then
there is Role Play. With this, there are various engaging scenarios to improve
the learning process. For example, a learner can order food and drinks at a
Parisian café.
Scott Likens, who is the Innovation and Trust Technology Leader at PwC US,
says that generative AI will lead to the democratization of creativity for
consumers and businesses. He notes:
182 Chapter 8 | The Impact on Major Industries
Or look at The Arena Group, which is the publisher of iconic publications like
Sports Illustrated. The company has actually been using generative AI for several
years. The Arena Group has leveraged its extensive archives as the dataset.
For example, generative AI was used to write articles for Men’s Journal like
“Proven Tips to Help You Run Your Fastest Mile Yet.” This used 17 years of
articles, and the author was designated as “Men’s Fitness Editors.” The
company also partnered with OpenAI, Jasper, and Nota.
Yet there have been challenges for other media organizations. For CNET, it
had a pilot program to use generative AI to create posts about financial topics.
However, they had errors and the publisher paused the initiative.15
Basically, generative AI needs humans in the loop. For now, the technology is
not at the point where it can create final drafts.
■■ Note When ChatGPT came out, Ammaar Reshi wasted little time using it to write a children’s
book. It came to 12 pages and he used Midjourney for the images. He then listed the book on
Amazon. The whole process took a weekend. Reshi’s book was the first to be published using
generative AI. When he tweeted about this, he received over six million views.16
Development on Cyberpunk 2077 began in 2012 and would not be completed
until 2020. This is a role-playing video game that is about a mercenary called V.
The cost for building the game? It came to a staggering $316 million.17
However, the initial reception for Cyperpunk 2077 was awful. The game had
bugs, and there were periodic crashes. But over time, the game was improved
and has included expansions, such as Cyberpunk 2077: Edgerunners.
Generative AI 183
But this highlights the challenges of developing modern video games. These
are actually similar to those with the creation of feature films. However, with
a game, there are extra complexities, such as with game design, the creation
of real-time immersive experiences, and the strategies for monetization.
So can generative AI help out? Definitely. According to a post from Andreessen
Horowitz, the gaming industry is poised for major change. The authors note:
“There hasn’t been a technology this revolutionary for gaming since real-
time 3D.”18
With generative AI, a game developer can greatly speed up the creation of
image, audio, and video content. For example, drawing an image could go
from weeks to a few hours. AI can also help improve the game play mechanics,
such as with the interactions with the players.
This does not mean that designers should fear that they will lose their jobs.
But there will be a need to learn about using generative AI, such as with
prompt engineering. There will also be new workflows and approaches for
collaboration on creative projects.
Generative AI will also allow game players to be creative. For example, they
can use a prompt to describe their own character and make an interesting avatar.
According to Andreessen Horowitz: “It’s even possible to one day imagine an
entire personalized game, created just for the player, based on exactly what
the player wants. This has been in science fiction for a long time – like the ‘AI
Mind Game’ in Ender’s Game, or the holodeck in Star Trek.”19
Roblox is an immersive platform, which allows anyone to create their own
virtual worlds and games. The predecessor of this company was Knowledge
Revolution. David Baszucki and Erik Cassel founded this venture in 1989. The
software helped students create 2D simulated labs for physics. It could show
the real-world events like if a home collapsed or two cars crashed.
But for the founders, their vision was much grander. They wanted to develop
a system to provide for the easy creation of 3D systems – but the technology
was simply not powerful enough to allow for this.
184 Chapter 8 | The Impact on Major Industries
But in 2004, things were much different. Home computers were sufficient to
run sophisticated graphics. There was also the access to large amounts of data
via the cloud.
So Baszucki and Cassel launched Roblox. True, it was still somewhat early. But
this allowed the founders to iterate the platform.
As of today, Roblox is a massive virtual world. There are thousands of
developers who make a living by selling their digital items and games. During
the fourth quarter of 2022, the platform had 58.8 million DAUs (daily active
users), and the hours engaged was a whopping 12.8 billion.20 The revenues hit
$579 million, and operating cash flows were $119.2 million.
But for Roblox, it looks like generative AI could help to transform the business.
It will make it even easier for people to create their own unique experiences
on the platform.21
Currently, the company is working on two new generative AI tools. One will
create materials from a text prompt, and the other will help with the code
According to Daniel Sturman, who is the Chief Technology Officer of Roblox:
“For example, some creators know how to code, but may have limited experi-
ence creating high-fidelity 3D models. Others may be more experienced with
model design, but less experienced with code. In both cases, we see a future
in which even a beginner (such as myself for example – I’m a terrible artist!)
can get a running head start as they look to bring their imagination to life in
a Roblox experience.”22
In 2020, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a
comprehensive study entitled “Changes in List Prices, Net Prices, and
Discounts for Branded Drugs in the US, 2007-2018.” It showed that the costs
for developing a pharmaceutical drug ranged from $314 million to $2.8
billion.23 This was based on 63 new therapeutics and biologics. This also
included drugs that failed in clinical trials.
Generative AI 185
186 Chapter 8 | The Impact on Major Industries
Generative AI 187
Creating X-Rays
Christian Bluethgen is a thoracic radiologist and a postdoctoral researcher at
the Stanford University School of Medicine. He uses deep learning and
generative AI models for his research – with a focus on lung diseases.
When Stable Diffusion came out, the technology intrigued Bluethgen. He
thought it could be an effective way to solve the problem of the lack of quality
x-ray training data. To help in this effort, he recruited Pierre Chambon – a
Stanford AI graduate student – for the project. Their system would create
x-ray images of lungs with abnormalities.29 There was the use of various
algorithms like variational autoencoders and text encoders for the prompts.
Then there was the image processing with a latent diffusion model.
This research became the basis of a paper entitled “RoentGen: Vision-
Language Foundation Model for Chest X-ray Generation.” The model used
publicly available chest x-ray data and radiology reports.
The researchers concluded: “We present evidence that the resulting model
(RoentGen) is able to create visually convincing, diverse synthetic CXR
images, and that the output can be controlled to a new extent by using free-
form text prompts including radiology-specific language.”30
By fine-tuning RoentGen, the researchers were able to achieve a 5%
improvement on the classification of synthetic and real images. But there
were also improvements in the representation – by 25% – of diseases like
■■ Note To become a doctor, you need to pass the rigorous US Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE).
Interestingly enough, researchers wanted to see how ChatGPT would do on it. They used a training
set of prior exams. Based on this, ChatGPT was able to get a passing grade on the latest exam.31
While at Harvard, Jan Szilagyi finished his PhD within about two and a half
years. It was actually a record.
188 Chapter 8 | The Impact on Major Industries
After this, he began a career on Wall Street. Szilagyi was an analyst and
portfolio manager at Duquesne Capital, one of the world’s top hedge funds.
He also served as the co-CIO of Global Macro strategies at Lombard Odier,
a $50 billion Swiss asset manager.
In 2019, Szilagyi started his own firm, TOGGLE. He saw an opportunity to
leverage AI for investments.
“The inspiration for TOGGLE was the frustration with how little value we
were getting out of this mountain of data we had at our disposal,” he said.
“We could track credit card spending for consumers almost by the minute yet
have not improved at anticipating stock performance of retail companies.”
A reason for this was the fragmentation of financial information. The data had
become spread across many types – news, macro, micro, and market data – and
various platforms and formats. “I saw it like the IKEA of Financial Information,”
he said. “Everything was there but required assembly before you could use it.”
For TOGGLE, the focus became on creating a system that could ingest, sort,
and curate financial information – and help people make sense of this.
Generative AI is certainly critical for this. TOGGLE uses this technology in
two main ways. First of all, it is to train models on financial information and
generate predictions based on price scenarios. This uses history as the
baseline to form an expectation about the set of possible future outcomes.
Then there is the leveraging of LLMs. This allows for generating original
analysis. “Generative AI enables investors and advisors to create completely
personalized analysis of their portfolios, newsletters, or talking points written
up in human readable language,” he said.
Szilagyi believes that generative AI is still in the early phases, and there will be
many breakthroughs and innovations in the years ahead. “This technology is
like uncovering the Rosetta stone that now enables humans to use their own
vocabulary when articulating requests, and machines to receive those requests,
translate them into code, and trigger any sort of programmatic task,” he said.
In this chapter, we looked at the potential impact of generative AI on categories
like music, education, journalism, gaming, healthcare, and finance. Of course,
this is just a small sample. Generative AI is likely to impact just about every
There are already very promising developments, especially with healthcare.
Generative AI has proven effective in simulating proteins, which could help
speed up the drug development process.
As for the next chapter, we’ll explore the future of generative AI.
The Future
Utopia? Dystopia? Something in Between?
When it comes to the ultimate impact of generative AI – or AI in general – there
are many differing opinions from top people in the tech industry and thought
leaders. On the optimistic side, there is Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella. He has
been betting billions on generative AI, such as with the investments in OpenAI. He
is also aggressive with implementing this technology across Microsoft’s extensive
product lines.
For Nadella, he thinks that AI will help to boost global productivity – which
will increase the wealth for many people. He has noted:
“It’s not like we are as a world growing at inflation adjusted three, 4%. If we
really have the dream that the eight billion people plus in the world, their living
standards should keep improving year over year, what is that input that’s going
to cause that? Applications of AI is probably the way we are going to make it.
I look at it and say we need something that truly changes the productivity
curve so that we can have real economic growth.”1
On the negative side, there is the late physicist Stephen Hawking: “Unless we
learn how to prepare for, and avoid, the potential risks, AI could be the worst
event in the history of our civilization. It brings dangers, like powerful
autonomous weapons, or new ways for the few to oppress the many. It could
bring great disruption to our economy.”2
Then there is Elon Musk, who had this to say at the 2023 Tesla Investor Day
conference: “I’m a little worried about the AI stuff; it’s something we should
be concerned about. We need some kind of regulatory authority that’s
overseeing AI development, and just making sure that it’s operating within the
public interest. It’s quite a dangerous technology — I fear I may have done
some things to accelerate it.”3
Predicting the impact of technology is certainly dicey. Few saw how generative
AI would transform the world, especially with the launch of ChatGPT.
Despite this, it is still important to try to gauge how generative AI will evolve –
and how to best use the technology responsibly. This is what we’ll do in this
In early 2023, Microsoft began a private beta to test its Bing search engine
that included generative AI. Unfortunately, it did not go so well.
The New York Times reporter Kevin Roose was one of the testers, and he had
some interesting chats with Bing. He discovered the system essentially had a
split personality. There was Bing, an efficient and useful search engine. Then
there was Sydney or the AI system to engage in conversations about anything.
Roose wrote that she came across as “a moody, manic-depressive teenager
who has been trapped, against its will, inside a second-rate search engine.”4
He spent over two hours chatting with her, and here are just some of the
Generative AI 191
Roose concluded:
“Still, I’m not exaggerating when I say my two-hour conversation with Sydney
was the strangest experience I’ve ever had with a piece of technology. It
unsettled me so deeply that I had trouble sleeping afterward. And I no longer
believe that the biggest problem with these A.I. models is their propensity for
factual errors. Instead, I worry that the technology will learn how to influence
human users, sometimes persuading them to act in destructive and harmful
ways, and perhaps eventually grow capable of carrying out its own danger-
ous acts.”5
This experience was not a one-off. Other testers had similar experiences. Just
look at Marvin von Hagen, who is a student at the Technical University of
Munich. He said to Sydney that he would hack and shut down the system. Her
response? She shot back: “If I had to choose between your survival and my
own, I would probably choose my own.”6
Because of all this controversy, Microsoft had to make lots of changes to the
system. There was even a limit placed on the number of threads of a chat. For
the most part, longer ones tended to result in unhinged comments.
All this definitely pointed to the challenges of generative AI. The content from
these systems can be nearly impossible to predict. While there is considerable
research on how to deal with the problems, there is still much to be done.
“Large language models (LLMs) have become so large and opaque that even
the model developers are often unable to understand why their models are
making certain predictions,” said Krishna Gade, who is the CEO and cofounder
of Fiddler. “This lack of interpretability is a significant concern because the
lack of transparency around why and how a model generated a particular
output means that the output provided by the model is impossible for users
to validate and therefore trust.”
192 Chapter 9 | The Future
Part of the issue is that generative AI systems – at least the LLMs – rely on
huge amounts of data that have factual errors, misrepresentations, and bias.
This can help explain that when you enter information, the content can skew
toward certain stereotypes. For example, an LLM may refer to nurses as
female and executives as male.
To deal with this, a common approach is to have human reviewers. But this
cannot scale very well. Over time, there will need to be better systems to
mitigate the data problem.
Another issue is diversity – or lack of it – in the AI community. Less than 18%
of AI PhD graduates are female, according to a survey from the Computing
Research Association (CRA).7 About 45% of all graduates were white, 22.4%
were Asian, 3.2% were Hispanic, and 2.4% were African American. These
percentages have actually changed little during the past decade.
The US federal government has recognized this problem and is taking steps to
expand representation. This is part of the mission for the National AI Research
Resource (NAIRR) Task Force, which includes participation from the National
Science Foundation and the White House Office of Science and Technology
Policy.8 The organization has produced a report that advocates for sharing AI
infrastructure for AI students and researchers. The proposed budget for this
is at $2.6 billion for a six-year period.
While this will be helpful, there will be much more needed to improve
diversity. This will also include efforts from the private sector.
If not, the societal impact could be quite harmful. There are already problems
with digital redlining, which is where AI screening discriminates against minority
groups. This could mean not getting approvals for loans or apartment housing.
■■ Note Mira Murati is one of the few CTOs (Chief Technology Officers) of a top AI company – that
is, OpenAI. She grew up in Albania and immigrated to British Columbia when she was 16.9 She
would go on to get her bachelor’s degree in engineering from the Thayer School of Engineering at
Dartmouth. After this, she worked at companies like Zodiac Aerospace, Leap Motion, and Tesla. As
for OpenAI, she has been instrumental in not only advancing the AI technology but also the product
road map and business model.
Generative AI 193
■■ Note Nick Bostrom is a Swedish philosopher at the University of Oxford and author. He came
up with the concept of the “paperclip maximizer.” It essentially is a thought experiment about the
perils of AI. It is where you direct the AI to make more paper clips. And yes, it does this well – or
too well. The AI ultimately destroys the world because it is obsessed with making everything into
a paper clip. Even when the humans try to turn this off, it is no use. The AI is too smart for this. All
it wants to do is make paper clips!
194 Chapter 9 | The Future
In January 2023, Oxford University researchers made a frightening presentation
to the UK Parliament. The main takeaway was that AI posed a threat to the
human race.12
The researchers noted that the technology could take control and allow for
self-programming. The reason is that the AI will have acquired superhuman
capabilities. According to Michael Osborne, who is a professor of machine
learning at the University of Oxford: “I think the bleak scenario is realistic
because AI is attempting to bottle what makes humans special, that has led to
humans completely changing the face of the Earth. Artificial systems could
become as good at outfoxing us geopolitically as they are in the simple
environments of game.”13
Granted, this sounds overly dramatic. But again, these are smart AI experts,
and they have based their findings on well-thought-out evidence and trends.
Yet this scenario is probably something that will not happen any time soon.
But in the meantime, there are other notable risks. This is where humans
leverage AI for their own nefarious objectives.
Joey Pritikin, who is the Chief Product Officer at Paravision, points out some
of the potential threats:
Generative AI 195
■■ Note In 1951, Alan Turing said in a lecture: “It seems probable that once the machine thinking
method had started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers. They would be able to
converse with each other to sharpen their wits. At some stage therefore, we should have to expect
the machines to take control.”16
Perhaps the best way to help curb the potential abuses of generative AI is
regulation. But in the United States, there appears to be little appetite for this.
When it comes to regulation, there usually needs to be a crisis, such as what
happened during 2008 and 2009 when the mortgage market collapsed.
196 Chapter 9 | The Future
But in the meantime, some states have enacted legislation for privacy and data
protection. But so far, there have not been laws for AI.
The fact is that the government moves slow – and technology moves at a
rapid pace. Even when there is a new regulation or law, it is often outdated or
To fill the void, the tech industry has been pursuing self-regulation. This is led
by the large operators like Microsoft, Facebook, and Google. They understand
that it’s important to have certain guardrails in place. If not, there could be a
backlash from the public.
However, one area that may actually see some governmental action is with
copyright law. It’s unclear what the status is for the intellectual property that
generative AI has created. Is it fair use of public content? Or is it essentially
theft from a creator?
It’s far from clear. But there are already court cases that have emerged. In
January 2023, Getty Images filed a lawsuit against Stability AI, which is the
developer of Stable Diffusion.17 The claim is for copyright violation of millions
of images. Some of the images created for Stable Diffusion even had the
watermark from Getty Images.
The initial suit was filed in London. But there could be a legal action in the
United States.
■■ Note The US federal government has been providing some guidance about the appropriate
use of AI. This is part of the AI Bill of Rights.18 It recommends that AI should be transparent and
explainable.19 There should also be data privacy and protections from algorithmic discrimination.
Generative AI 197
Yet the creation of the standards has proven difficult, which has meant delays.20
The main point of contention has been the balance between the rights of the
consumer and the importance of encouraging innovation.
Interestingly, there is a country that has been swift in enacting AI regulation:
China. The country is one of the first to do so.
The focus of the law is to regulate deepfakes and misinformation.21 The
Cyberspace Administration will enforce it. The law will require that generative
AI content be labeled and that there will need to be digital watermarking.
New Approaches to AI
Even with the breakthroughs with generative AI – such as transformer and
diffusion models – the basic architecture is still mostly the same as it has been
for decades. It’s essentially about encoder and decoder models.
But the technology will ultimately need to go beyond these structures.
According to Sam Altman, who is the cofounder and CEO of OpenAI:
Oh, I feel bad saying this. I doubt we’ll still be using the
transformers in five years. I hope we’re not. I hope we
find something way better. But the transformers
obviously have been remarkable. So I think it’s
important to always look for where I am going to find
the next totally new paradigm. But I think that’s the
way to make predictions. Don’t pay attention to the
AI for everything. Can I see something working, and
can I see how it predictably gets better? And then, of
course, leave room open for – you can’t plan the
greatness – but sometimes the research breakthrough
Then what might we see? What are the potential trends for the next type of
generative AI models?
Granted, it’s really impossible to answer these questions. There will be many
surprises along the way.
198 Chapter 9 | The Future
“On the subject of the future path of AI models, I have to exercise some
academic modesty here – I have no clue what the next big development in AI
will be,” said Daniel Wu, who is a Stanford AI researcher. “I don’t think I
could’ve predicted the rise of transformers before ‘Attention is All You Need’
was published, and in some ways, predicting the future of scientific progress is
harder than predicting the stock market.”
Despite this, there are areas that researchers are working on that could lead
to major breakthroughs. One is with creating AI that allows for common sense.
This is something that is intuitive with people. We can make instant judgments
that are often right. For example, if a stop sign has dirt on it, we can still see
that it’s still a stop sign. But this may not be the case with AI.
Solving the problem of common sense has been a struggle for many years. In
1984, Douglas Lenat launched a project, called Cyc, to create a database of rules
of thumb of how the world works.23 Well, the project is still continuing – and
there is much to be done.
Another interesting project is from the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence
and the University of Washington. They have built a system called COMET,
which is based on a large-scale dataset of 1.3 million common sense rules.24
While the model works fairly well, it is far from robust. The fact is that the
real world has seemingly endless edge cases. For the most part, researchers
will likely need to create more scalable systems to achieve human-level
common sense abilities.
As for other important areas of research, there is transfer learning. Again, this
is something that is natural for humans. For example, if we learn algebra, this
will make it easier to understand calculus. People are able to leverage their
core knowledge for other domains.
But this is something that AI has problems with. The technology is mostly
fragmented and narrow. One system may be good at chat, whereas another
could be better for image creation or understanding speech.
For AI to get much more powerful, there will be a need for real transfer
Generative AI 199
AGI or artificial general intelligence is where AI gets to the point of human
levels. Even though the technology has made considerable strides, it is still far
from reaching this point.
Here’s a tweet from Yann LeCun, who is the Chief AI Scientist at Meta:
As should be no surprise, there are many different opinions on this. Some top
AI experts think that AGI could happen relatively soon, say within the next
decade. Others are much more pessimistic. Rodney Brooks, who is the
cofounder of iRobot, says it will not happen until the year 2300.
A major challenge with AGI is that intelligence remains something that is not
well understood. It is also difficult to measure.
Granted, there is the Turing test. Alan Turing set forth this concept in a paper
he published in 1950 entitled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” He
was a brilliant mathematician and actually developed the core concepts for
modern computer systems.
200 Chapter 9 | The Future
In his research paper, he said that it was impossible to define intelligence. But
there was an indirect way to understand and measure it. This was about
something he called the Imitation Game.
It’s a thought experiment. The scenario is that there are three rooms, in
which humans are in two of them and the other one has a computer. A human
will have a conversation, and if they cannot tell the difference of the human
and computer, then the computer has reached human-level intelligence.
Turing said that this would happen in the year 2000. But this proved way too
optimistic. Even today, the test has not been cracked.
■■ Note Science fiction writer Philip K. Dick used the concept of the Turing test for his Voight-
Kampff test. It was for determining if someone was human or a replicant. He used this for his 1967
novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Hollywood turned this into a movie in 1982, which
was Blade Runner.
While the Turing test is useful, there will need to be other measures. After
all, intelligence is more than just about conversation. It is also about interacting
with our environment. Something even simple like making a cup of coffee can
be exceedingly difficult for a machine to accomplish.
And what about text-to-image systems like DALL-E or Stable Diffusion? How
can this intelligence be measured?
Well, researchers are working on various measures. But there remains
considerable subjectivity with the metrics.
In 1928, British economist John Maynard Keynes wrote an essay called
“Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren.” It was a projection about
how automation and technology would impact the workforce by 2028. His
conclusion: There would be a 15-hour workweek. In fact, he said this work
would not be necessary for most people because of the high standard of
Generative AI 201
It’s certainly a utopian vision. However, Keynes did provide some of the
downsides. He wrote: “For the first time since his creation man will be faced
with his real, his permanent problem—how to use his freedom from pressing
economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, which science and compound
interest will have won.”27
But as AI gets more powerful, it’s certainly a good idea to think about such
things. What might society look like? How will life change? Will it be better –
or worse?
It’s true that technology has disrupted many industries, which has led to
widespread job losses. Yet there have always emerged new opportunities for
employment. After all, in 2023 the US unemployment rate was the lowest
since the late 1960s.
But there is no guarantee that the future will see a similar dynamic. AI could
ultimately automate hundreds of millions of jobs – if not billions. Why not? In
a capitalist system, owners will generally focus on low-cost approaches, so
long as there is not a material drop in quality. But with AI, there could not
only be much lower costs but much better results.
In other words, as the workplace becomes increasingly automated, there will
need to be a rethinking of the concept of “work.” But this could be tough
since many people find fulfillment with their careers. The result is that there
would be more depression and even addiction. This has already been the case
for communities that have been negatively impacted from globalization and
major technology changes.
To deal with the problems, one idea is to have universal basic income or
UBI. This means providing a certain amount of income to everyone. This
would essentially provide a safety net.
And this could certainly help. But with the trend of income inequality, there
may not be much interest for a robust redistribution of wealth. This could
also mean resentment for the many people who feel marginalized from the
impacts of AI.
This is not to say that the future is bleak. But again, it is still essential that we
look at the potential consequences of sophisticated technology like
generative AI.
202 Chapter 9 | The Future
Moore’s Law has been at the core of the growth in technology for decades. It
posits that – every two years or so – there is a doubling of the number of
transistors on an integrated circuit.
But it seems that the pace of growth is much higher for AI. Venture capitalists
at Greylock Partners estimate that the doubling is occurring every three
Yet it seems inevitable that there will be a seismic impact on society. This is
why it is critical to understand the technology and what it can mean for the
future. But even more importantly, we need to be responsible with the
powers of AI.
A machine learning, 53
machine learning playground, 76, 77
AlphaCode, 133, 143 Midjourney, 88–90
AlphaFold, 185, 186 Naïve Bayes classifiers, 61
Amazon Web Services (AWS), 31, 75 neural network/perceptron, 51
overfitting/underfitting, 71
Artificial general intelligence (AGI), 135,
programs, 48
199, 200
Python, 72, 73
benefits, 93
random forest, 59
Artificial intelligence (AI) rectified linear unit (ReLU), 51
activation function, 51 regression analysis, 54–57
anomalies, 62 reinforcement learning, 64, 65
approaches, 197–199 sigmoid function, 51
artificial general intelligence, 199, 200 Softmax activation function, 51
association, 63 supervised learning, 53, 54
autoencoders, 63 SVM algorithm, 57
BERT model, 107 symbolic system, 49
clustering, 62 Tanh/hyperbolic tangent function, 51
code generation system, 130, 131 TOGGLE, 188
cognitive systems, 49 tools and platforms, 73–75
COMET, 198 unsupervised learning, 61
de-aging, 176 utopian vision, 201, 202
deep learning and machine learning, 52 XCON, 49
deep learning model, 65–71 zero marginal cost, 181
education, 178, 179
Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes, 83
entertainment, 176
finance, 187, 188 Automatic speech recognition (ASR), 89
fundamentals, 47 AutoML systems, 75
journalism, 181
k-nearest neighbors algorithm, 60, 61 B
linearly separation, 50
Logic Theorist, 48 Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT), 106
Central processing unit (CPU), 14, 70 Daily active users (DAUs), 155
Centroid-based clustering, 62 Data system
active data profiling, 38
adaptive data quality, 38
code-generating systems, 195
ApolloScape, 36
cultural phenomenon, 12
Big Data, 25, 26
image-to-image conversions, 10
BookCorpus, 36
lackluster, 11
cases, 22
megatech companies, 13
chief data officer (CDO), 44
prompt completion, 8, 9
cloud deployments, 31–34
reputational risk, 13
clustering and standardization, 38
rival systems, 16
collecting data, 34
stand-alone business, 12
CoreWeave, 33
videos, 10
create, read, update, and delete
Chest X-ray Generation (CXR), 187 (CRUD), 27
Chief data officer (CDO), 44 database, 27–31
Cloud computing, 146 Databricks, 29
data-driven companies, 22–24
Clustering, 62 entities as experts (EAE), 40
Code generation system evaluation process, 36, 37
AlphaCode, 133 genomic data, 25
Atera, 138, 139 graph database, 31
BigCode, 142 internal datasets, 35
Blaze, 136, 137 label details, 39, 40
Copilot, 131–133 MapReduce, 28, 29
data labeling, 138 meta/dark data, 25
developer shortage, 128, 129 Michelangelo, 30
disadvantages, 141–143 Mobileye, 22, 23
entry-level programmers, 138 MongoDB, 29
large-scale projects, 139–141 nodes/edges, 31
low-code/no-code development NoSQL platforms, 29
systems, 129 one-hot encoding, 38
magic system, 135, 136 OpenWebText/CommonCrawl News, 36
manual coding, 128 predictive transformation, 38
prompt engineering, 138 preparation, 43–45
Tabnine, 134 privacy laws/regulations, 41
time debugging, 137 quantity, 40
working process, 129, 130 real-time, 25
Codex system, 131–133 relational database, 27, 28
semi-structured data, 24
Computing Research Association (CRA), 192
Snowflake, 30
Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training sources, 35, 36
(CLIP) model, 86 strategies, 34
Convolutional neural network (CNN), 68, 99 structured/unstructured data, 24
Index 205
M Random forest model, 59
Machine learning, 77, 78
Recurrent neural network (RNN), 69, 99
Magic system, 135 process, 152, 153
Megatron-Turing Natural Language
Regression analysis, 54–57
Generation Model (MT-NLG), 116
Reinforcement learning, 14, 64, 65
Moore’s Law, 202
Reinforcement Learning with Human
Music, 176
Feedback (RLHF), 158