HUM034 - Module 1 Reviewer
HUM034 - Module 1 Reviewer
HUM034 - Module 1 Reviewer
• From the Latin word ‘humanus’ which means 1. human – ability to show kindness, tenderness,
human, cultured, and refined and rationality
• human beings have natural human tendencies, 2. refined – improvement is seen good taste
norms, and can adapt to the environment. 3. cultured – learned in ways of a civilized society
Social Sciences Humanities Humanities in Academics
attempt to see human more concerned with
beings in the mass, as the individual, and • It is the study of arts – the visual arts such as
subjects for especially with unique architecture, painting, and sculpture; music;
generalizations, their creations of the dance; the theater or drama; and literature.
behavior being a fit individual • Study of Art – delving into areas in which
subject for prediction imagination which we human values and individual expressiveness are
call works of art celebrated, where we can understand our being
Psychology, History, Philosophy, Literature, ‘human’.
and Economics Languages, and Arts
From the Latin word ‘ars’ which means ability or skill.
Assumption of Art
1. Art is Experience 2. Art is not Nature
• It tells of physical, emotional, intellectual, • Individual artists have their own very
and spiritual experiences personal ways of seeing. Personal
• Experience is the process of doing and perceptions and feelings come into play.
seeing things and having things happen to • Art is not real because it is an imitation of
you. nature by an artist; art is man- made.
• personal or individual
• accompanied by emotions or emotional 3. Art is Beauty
reaction • It provides aesthetic pleasure.
• John Dewey’s book “Art as Experience” • Interpreted through the concept value of:
Art is a powerful form of communication ▪ Aesthetics – depends on how
and expression. effectively the principles and elements
• Art is a dynamic human experience that of art interact that provide value
involves both the artist and audience, where ▪ Taste – depends on factors like class,
the audience connects to the artist’s culture, background, education, etc.
experience and transforms it into their own.
• You perceive art through your experience
• Example: EDVARD MUNCH (1863-1944)
'The Scream', 1893
Levels of Art Appreciation
Artist’s Audience – interact with the work of art, We become delighted in the arts through our
experience it. Thus, we recreate what is presented to senses. Our enjoyment can increase in two levels:
1. Understanding
2. Feeling
The Artistic Process
Artist vs Artisan
Artist Artisan
Somewhat an elitist Folk traditions and
view categorizing the practitioners are seen as
“Fine Arts” craftsman or artisans
Creates for aesthetics functional utilitarian art
“high art” Done by hand, in small
Camille Monet on a Garden The Dance (c.1910) by Henri Landscape with Factory
Bench (1873) by Claude Wheat Field with Cypresses Matisse
(1889) by Vincent van Gogh Chimney (1910) by Wassily
Monet Kandinsky