Literatur Review
Literatur Review
Literatur Review
Department of Environment and Occupational health Science,
School of Public Health, University of Medical Sciences, Ondo city,
Ondo State, Nigeria.
Department of Physical and Health Education, University of
Maiduguri, Borno State.
Department of Physical and Health Education, Federal College of
Education, OKene, Kogi State.
This study assessed traders’ knowledge of prevention of mycotoxin contamination in Federal Capital Territorial markets, Abuja. Two
research questions, two research objective and two hypotheses guided the study. This adopted survey research design. The population for this
study comprises all traders’ in the selected major market in Abuja, which includes W use market, Garki international market, Utako
ultramodern market, Kado fish market, Karmo market, Gudu market, and Maitama farmers’ market, the estimated population for this study is
ten thousand and seventy three (10,073). Accidental sampling procedure was used to distribute copies of questionnaire to the respondents.
The instrument used for the study was researcher’s developed questionnaire, named questionnaire on assessment of traders’ knowledge of
prevent of mycotoxins contamination. The validity was established using the face and content, the reliability of the instrument was 0.81.
Descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentage was used to describe the demographic characteristics and to point out respondents’
opinion on research questions formulated while inferential statistics of chi-square and independent t-test was used to test all the formulated
null hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. All the tested hypotheses were accepted at 0.05 alpha level. The result of our data analyzed showed that
(90.2%) of our respondents had no good knowledge of mycotoxin contamination. Similarly, the result of tested hypothesis indicated that
there is no significant difference in knowledge of mycotoxins contamination among traders in FCT Abuja. It is concluded that traders in FCT
Abuja have no good knowledge of prevention of mycotoxin contamination. Therefore, it is recommended general public should be educated
on dangers of mycotoxin in order to have good knowledge of prevention of mycotoxin contamination.
deal with assessing how all the items of the questionnaire measure
4 50 (14.2%) 300
all the different dimensions of the concept in all its characteristics Do you think people can develop cancer from mycotoxin
. (85.7%)
and appropriateness of the statements. To establish content and face
validities of the instrument, a draft of the self designed questionnaire 5 76 (21.7%) 274(78.2%)
was presented to psycho-metrics who examined it and offered
If your food items have strange powdery substances on it,
corrections that were incorporated. The corrected version was given do you throw such food items away?
Table 1: Demographic Information of the information about mycotoxins in food and environment, but 316
Respondents (90.2%) do not have enough information of mycotoxins. Eighty 80
(22.8%) of the respondents can identify suspected mycotoxins
S/N Gender Percentage (%) contamination on food, food products or in the environment, while
1. Male 214 (61.1%) 270 (77.1%) of them cannot. Also, the table shows that 46 (13.1%)
Female 136 (38.8%) of the traders three are visible signs of dampness in there residence,
while 304 (86.8%) said no. 50 (14.2%) of the respondents stated that
Table 4.1 which is on demographic information of the respondents one can develop cancer from mycotoxin ingestion, whereas 300
shows that 214 (61.1%) were male, while 136 (38.8%) were female. (85.7%) of the participants said no one develop cancer though
This implies that majority of the marketers in Abuja are male. mycotoxin ingestion. Similarly, 76 (21.7%) of the traders throw
Do traders in FCT Abuja have knowledge of away their food items if it powdery substance, while 274(78.2%)
mycotoxins contamination? still make use of the food items contain powdery substance. Lastly,
35(10.0%) of the respondents said mycotoxin can, while 315(90.0%)
of the marketer in Abuja in market said no, mycotoxin cannot kill.
This means that traders in Abuja markets had poor knowledge of
mycotoxin contamination.
contamination among traders in FCT Abuja international market, Utako ultramodern market, Kado fish market,
Karmo market, Gudu market, and Maitama farmers’ market Abuja
dfChi- Prob Decision Markets Management Limited, 2005) have poor knowledge of
Observed Expected square
prevention of mycotoxin contamination. This can be seen as only 50
(14.2%) of the traders have enough information about mycotoxins in
YES 1 2.571 0.109Accepted food, but 316 (90.2%) do not have enough information of
160 175.0 -15.0
mycotoxins. Also, Eighty 80 (22.8%) of the respondents can identify
NO 190 175.0 15.0 suspected mycotoxins contamination on food, food products or in
the environment, while 270 (77.1%) of them cannot. This is
Total 350
supported by the recent study conducted in Markurdi, Nigeria among
markets by IItyo, Nyinoh, Kukwa & Okoh, (2021); they explained
Table 4.5 indicates there is no significance in knowledge of
that knowledge of Aflatoxin B1was very low, with only 36.36% of
mycotoxins contamination among traders in FCT Abuja. Responses
the respondents (groundnut sellers) lamented that they were aware of
from the questionnaire on the tested chi-square (X2) calculated is
AF, Aflatoxin which is the secondary product of mycotoxin [13].
2.571 which is less than the table value of 3.841 at 0.05 level of
Further more, the result of their work find a relationship between
significant, therefore the null hypothesis was accepted. This
moisture content in the groundnuts and AFB1 levels from different
indicates there is no significance in knowledge of mycotoxins
markets sampled as the sample of the groundnut collected showed
contamination among traders in FCT Abuja.
high moisture content (>50 %) and high moisture content has
Ho2: There is no significant difference in knowledge of mycotoxins relationship with the level of AFB1. Similarly, the result of this
contamination among traders in FCT Abuja based on gender study corroborate the conducted in Tanzania by Magembe,
Mwatawala, Mamiro and Chingonikaya, (2016), where the authors
Table 4.6: t-test summary on knowledge of
reported that t 97 % of respondents were not aware of mould
mycotoxins contamination among traders in FCT infection in stored maize and groundnuts. The female score higher
Abuja based on gender mean (1.7273 ± 0. 45055) on awareness of mould infections than
there than males counterpart (1.5714 ± 13.7) [14].
Std. df t-test Prob Decision
variablesN Mean Dev SEM The result of the hypothesis one indicated there is no significance in
knowledge of mycotoxins contamination among traders in FCT
variablesmale 1624.9691.63464 .049863480.84590.464accepted
Abuja. This is related to study conducted in Zimbawe by Nyanga
female 1885.0266.63274 .04615 and Ambali, (2017) [15]. The researchers investigated investigate
the effect of hermetic storage technology in reduction of mycotoxins
A t-test presented that there is no significant difference in contamination of maize grain and hence, the result showed that
knowledge of mycotoxins contamination among traders in FCT when knowledge, attitude and practice of small farmers were
Abuja based on gender. Therefore the null hypothesis was retained, assessed on moulds, 33% of the farmers lamented of presence of
meaning that there is no significant difference in knowledge of moulds in stored maize. In relation to gender, both male and female
mycotoxins contamination among traders in FCT Abuja based on members of the same households or member of the same family
gender. collaborate together during the process of pre and post-harvest
period–this is true as 52% of participants disclosed that both males
and females members of the households take part in drying the
Nursing and Health Care Researchers volume 1/Issue 2
maize. This same same study was
The study assessed traders’ knowledge towards prevention of
mycotoxin contamination in market in federal capital territory
Abuja. Mycotoxin is a contaminant which is mostly affected store
cereals and other food products. Ecology, environmental condition
and methods of storage are the main contributor factors that aids the
rapid growth and development of this fungi diseases in food that
Base on the results of this study, the following recommendations
were made: