Elecs Mastery

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Reluctance in magne�c circuit is analogous to ____

1. The output voltage of balanced Wheatstone bridge is: in an electric circuit. resistance
Equal to zero
14. The commuta�ve law of addi�on and mul�plica�on
2. In a series RC circuit, 10 V rms is measured across the indicates that: the way we OR or AND two variables is
resistor and 10 V rms is also measured across the unimportant because the result is the same
capacitor. The voltages are measured at a certain
frequency. To make the resistor voltage greater than the 15. Which of the following choices meets the minimum
capacitor voltage, the frequency must be increased requirement needed to create specialized waveforms
that are used in digital control and sequencing circuits?
3. In an RC differen�ator, the output pulse closely Basic gates, a clock oscillator, and a repe��ve waveform
resembles the input when T is much larger than the generator
pulse width
16. The purpose of the commutator in a generator or
4. Atoms within a semiconductor crystal are held motor is to change the direc�on of the current to the
together by: Covalent bonds rotor as it spins

5. Iron losses in a transformer are due to: 17. Which of the following statements is false?
Both eddy current and hysteresis losses A transformer whose secondary current is greater than
the primary current is a step-up transformer
6. Which of the following statements rela�ng to
opera�onal amplifiers is true? It has a high open-loop 18. The speed of a d.c. motor may be increased by:
voltage gain at low frequency, a high input impedance Decreasing the field current
and low output impedance
19. Why is an exclusive-NOR gate also called an equality
7. If you have an RC and an RL differen�ator with equal gate? The output is true if the inputs are equal.
�me constants si�ng side-by-side and you apply the
same input pulse to both, you cant tell the difference by 20. The slip speed of an induc�on motor: is 100 per cent
observing the output waveforms un�l the rotor moves and then falls to a low value

8. An advantage of an auto-transformer is that: Copper 21. In a motor, back emf serves to decrease the current
loss is reduced in the armature

9. With surface-mount technology (SMT), the devices 22. Which of the following is not a basic Boolean
should: mount directly opera�on? FOR

10. Pentavalent impuri�es: increase a condi�on of a 23. A sudden decrease in a total current into a parallel
semiconductor material circuit may indicate: Either an open resistor or a drop in
source voltage
11. What is the difference between a 7400 and a 7411
IC? 7400 has four two-input NAND gates; 7411 has three 24. Which of the following statements is false? The Q-
three-input AND gates factor at resonance in a parallel circuit is the voltage
12. A logic probe is placed on the output of a gate and
the display indicator is dim. A pulser is used on each of 25. The electron ac�va�on of a movable sha� is the
the input terminals, but the output indica�on does not basis for: Solenoids
change. What is wrong? The output of the gate appears
to be open. 26. A commutator is a device fited to a generator. Its
func�on is: To generate a direct current
27. A TTL totem-pole circuit is designed so that the 40. A network designed to pass signals with frequencies
output transistors: are never on together between two specified cut-off frequencies is called a
____ filter. band-pass
28. If you measure all the voltage drops and the source
voltage in a series circuit and add them together, taking 41. What is the advantage of using CMOS logic over
into considera�on the polari�es, you will get a result TTL? It uses less power.
equal to: Zero
42. When checking out a series resis�ve circuit, you find
29. Which of the following statements is true? that the current is higher that it should be. You should
Galvanizing iron helps to prevent corrosion look for: Both a short and a low resis�ve value

30. In a photodiode, light produces ___________. 43. In the cranksha� posi�on sensor in the figure below,
reverse current the induced voltage across the coils is caused by: a tab
passing through the magne�c field
31. In normal opera�on an n-p-n transistor connected in
common-base configura�on has: The emiter at a lower
poten�al than the base

32. A coil of wire is placed in a changing magne�c field.

If the number of turns in the coil is increased, the
voltage induced across the coil will _____. increase

33. Which of the following series combina�on dissipates

the most power when connected across a 100 V source?
One 100 ohms resistor

34. When the collector resistor in a CE amplifier is

increased in value, the voltage gain: Increases 44. The total resistance of the figure below can be found
with which of the following formulas? (R₁ + R₂) || (R₃ +
35. When the frequency of the source voltage is R₄ + R₅)
increased, the impedance of a parallel RC circuit ____.

36. In a class A amplifier, the output signal is _____. the

same shape as the input

45. When one of four series resistors is removed from a

37. Which of the following statements is false? When circuit and the circuit reconnected, the current increases
two metal electrodes are used in a simple cell, the one
that is higher in the electrochemical series: Acts as an 46. In the figure below, a voltmeter connected across
anode R_L reads zero. Most probably: the base collector
junc�on of the transistor has gone open circuit
38. A logic circuit that provides a HIGH output if one
input or the other input, but not both, is HIGH, is a(n):
Ex-OR gate

39. When an IC has two rows of parallel connec�ng pins,

the device is referred to as a: DIP
47. The systema�c reduc�on of logic circuits is 8. The angular frequency of a certain RLC series circuit is
accomplished by: using Boolean algebra w0. A source of sinusoidal emf, with angular frequency
w, is inserted into the circuit and w is varied while the
48. If the flux per pole of a shunt-wound d.c. generator amplitude of the source is held constant. For which of
is increased, and all other variables are kept the same, the following values of ω is the amplitude of the current
the speed: Decreases oscilla�ons the greatest? ω₀

49. When you connect an ammeter in a series resis�ve 9. What is the purpose of a coupling capacitor? It blocks
circuit and turn on the source voltage, the ammeter direct current and passes alterna�ng current.
reads zero. You should check for: Both a broken wire
and an open resistor 10. In an SCR, anode current flows over a narrow region
near the gate during ______. about 10 µsec
50. The resonant frequency of parallel circuit is the
same as a series circuit using the same components 11. The general approach used by automated computer
when: The Q is very high test equipment is: Providing a standard s�mulus to each
por�on of the computer and verifying the response and
MASTERY TEST 02 repea�ng for all parts of the system under test
1. An RLC circuit has a sinusoidal source of emf. The
average rate at which the source supplies energy is 5 12. In normal opera�on, the junc�ons of an n-p-n
nW. This must also be: The average rate at which energy transistor are: base emiter forward biased and base
is dissipated in the resistor. collector reverse biased

2. A series connected C −R circuit is suddenly connected 13. The magne�c field surrounding a solenoid is: like
to a d.c. source of V volts. Which of the statements is that a permanent magnet.
false? The capacitor voltage is equal to the voltage drop
across the resistor 14. When the frequency of the oscillator in a series RLC
circuit is doubled: the capaci�ve reactance is halved
3. In pure silicon, select which statements is true: The
holes and electrons exist in equal number 15. When a pulsa�ng dc voltage is applied as an input to
the primary of a transformer, the output from the
4. Which of the following statements is false? The field secondary contains: only the ac component of the input
winding of a d.c. machine is housed in slots on the signal.
16. A series connected C −R circuit is suddenly
5. A p-type high-pass filter consists of: a series capacitor connected to a d.c. source of V volts. Which of the
and parallel inductors. statements is false? The current grows exponen�ally

6. A long straight cylindrical shell caries current I parallel 17. What is probably happening when an ohmmeter,
to its axis and uniformly distributed over its cross- connected across an unpowered circuit, ini�ally
sec�on. The magnitude of the magne�c field is greatest: indicates a low resistance and then shows increasing
at the outer surface of the shell resistance with �me? The circuit contains a large
7. Which of the following is a safety hazard of a 12-volt
storage batery? Shor�ng the terminals can cause burns, 18. The di/dt capability of a thyristor increases when
fire, or an explosion. the: gate current increases

19. Why is a pull-up resistor needed when connec�ng

TTL logic to CMOS logic? increase the output HIGH
20. A capacitor which is charged to V volts is discharged 32. Which of the following statements is false about
through a resistor of R ohms. Which of the following when a germanium p-n junc�on diode is forward
statements is false? The current grows exponen�ally to biased: Current starts to flow in an appreciable amount
a final value of V/R amperes. when the applied voltage is about 600 mV.

21. The statement that magne�c field lines form closed 33. In an RC low-pass filter, output is taken across the
loops is a direct consequence of: Gauss` law for ______. capacitor
34. Iron, rather than copper, is used in the core of
22. A nickel-cadmium cell has an opera�ng voltage of transformers because iron: Has a very high permeability.
about ____ volts. 1.25
35. When examining the frequency response curve of an
23. For a relay, the holding current is defined as: the RC low-pass filer, it can be seen that the rate of roll-off
minimum amount of relay coil current required to keep well above the cutoff frequency is _______. Both 6
a relay energized. dB/octave and 20 dB/decade

24. In a series-wound generator running at constant 36. According to Gauss’ law for magne�sm, magne�c
speed, as the load current increases, the terminal field lines: form closed loops
voltage Increases
37. What is the characteris�c appearance of a cold
25. If the secondary current in a step-down transformer solder joint? A grainy or dull surface
increases, the primary current will ____. increase
38. Using the polar coordinate system, what visual
26. What waveform would appear on the voltage representa�on would you get of a voltage in a sinewave
outputs at the collectors of an astable mul�vibrator, circuit? The plot shows the magnitude and phase angle.
common-emiter stage? Square wave.
39. Which of the following instruments would be best
27. What is an L-network? A network consis�ng of an for checking a TTL logic circuit? Logic probe
inductor and a capacitor.
40. The magne�c field lines due to an ordinary bar
28. Which of the following types of solder is best for magnet: form closed curves
radio and electronic use? Rosin-core solder
41. The photoconduc�ve effect in crystalline solids
29. An oscilloscope with the signal input grounded and produce a no�ceable change in the _____ of the solid.
the sweep internally triggered automa�cally, will display resistance
what on the face of the screen? A horizontal line
42. In normal opera�on, a p-n-p collector connected in
30. What determines the visible color radiated by an common-base configura�on has: the collector at a lower
LED junc�on? The materials used to construct the poten�al than the emiter
43. Which of the following statements is false? For the
31. A resistor an inductor and a capacitor are connected same power, loads connected in delta have a higher line
in parallel to a sinusoidal source of emf. Which of the voltage and a smaller line current than loads connected
following is true? The poten�al differences across all in star.
branches are in phase.
44. The output of a separately-excited AC generator
running at a constant speed can be controlled by the
_________. amount of field current
45. When the amplitude of the oscillator in a series RLC memory matrix? DRAM – Dynamic Random-Access
circuit is doubled: the current amplitude is doubled Memory.

46. Skin effect is the phenomenon where: RF current 8. Analog and digital refer to the two ways electricity
flows in a thin layer of the conductor, closer to the can: Carry informa�on.
surface, as frequency increases.
9. What is the meaning of the term “�me constant of an
47. In a UJT, intrinsic standoff ra�o, η, is typically: 0.7 RL circuit”? The �me required for the: Current in the
circuit to build up to 63.2% of the maximum value.
48. What is the voltage range considered to be a valid
logic high input in a TTL device opera�ng at 5.0 volts? 10. For electricity to do work the electrons must: Flow
2.0 to 5.5 volts. from a higher to a lower electron voltage.

49. Which of the following precau�ons should be taken 11. Between the source of power and the point of use,
when measuring high voltages with a voltmeter? Ensure all that can happen to electricity is: It can be switched
that the voltmeter and leads are rated for use at the and regulated.
voltages to be measured
12. Which of the following is the best way bias a class B
50. Which of the following statements is false? A shunt- push-pull amplifier? Diode bias.
wound motor must be permanently connected to its
load. 13. What is a common use of a hot-carrier diode? VHF
and UHF mixers and detectors.
1. What is the characteris�c of the current flow within 14. In a nega�ve-logic circuit, what level is used to
the parallel elements in a parallel R-L-C circuit at represent a logic 0? High level.
resonance? Maximum
15. What is the voltage range considered to be valid
2. For a steady dc current, the X_L of an inductor is logic low input in a TTL device opera�ng at 5 volts? Zero
______. 0 Ω. to 0.8 volts.

3. An electrical relay is a: Remotely controlled switching 16. Which network provides the greatest harmonic
device. suppression? Pi-L network

4. How many R-S flip-flops would be required to 17. A transformer used to step up its input voltage must
construct an 8-bit storage register? 8 have: More turns of wire on its secondary than on its
5. What type of semiconductor diode varies its internal
capacitance as the voltage applied to its terminals 18. Permeability is defined as: The ra�o of magne�c flux
varies? Varactor diode. density in a substance to the magne�zing force that
produces it.
6. The very commonly used processes called “planar”
and “mesa” are sub-categories of which method of 19. What factors determine the capacitance of a
producing P-type and N-type regions in semiconductor capacitor? Distance between the plates and the
material? Diffused junc�on dielectric constant of the material between the plates.

7. What is the name of the random-accessed 20. What is the resistance of a 100-� length of copper
semiconductor memory IC that must be refreshed wire with a diameter of 0.020 in. at 20°C? 2.59 ohms
periodically to maintain reliable data storage in its
21. In an RL high-pass filter, the output is taken across 35. What are the two most commonly-used
the ____. inductor specifica�ons for a junc�on diode? Maximum forward
current and PIV (peak inverse voltage).
22. What is the diameter, in inches, of a #12 copper
wire? 0.0808 36. The average fully-charged voltage of a lead-acid
storage cell is _____. 2.06 volts.
23. What are the three terminals of a TRIAC? Gate,
anode 1, and anode 2. 37. In shi� registers are made up of several flip-flops,
the clock signal: Indicates when to shi� a bit of data
24. If the resistance of a copper wire at freezing (0°C) is from the input of the flip-flop to the output.
30 Ω, what is its resistance at -40°C? 24.88 ohms
38. Which of the following is best suited for controlling
25. The class B amplifier output is present for what power in ac circuits? Triac
por�on of the input cycle? 180 degrees.
39. What is the output in horsepower of a motor with
26. Which class of amplifier has the highest linearity and an efficiency of 80% and an input current of 8 A at 120
least distor�on? Class A. V? 1.029 hp

27. The basic material in the manufacture of most of the 40. What happens to the conduc�vity of a
semiconductor products presently being manufactured photosensi�ve semiconductor junc�on when it is
is: Monocrystalline silicon illuminated? The junc�on resistance decreases.

28. What is an astable mul�vibrator? A circuit that 41. For either an RC low-pass or high pass filter, Xc = R at
alternates between two unstable states. the cutoff frequency.

29. What is meant by the term “back EMF”? A voltage 42. A differen�ator is a circuit whose: Output is
that opposes the applied EMF. propor�onal to the change in applied voltage.

30. The three basic elements of all electrical systems 43. The Q of a coil is affected by:
are: Sense, decide, act a. Frequency.
b. All of the choices.
31. When induced currents produce expanding c. The resistance of the coil.
magne�c fields around conductors in a direc�on that d. Skin effect.
opposes the original magne�c field, this is known as:
Lenz`s law. 44. What is a truth table? A list of input combina�ons
and their corresponding outputs that characterizes a
32. What is the characteris�c of the current flow in a digital device`s func�on.
series R-L-C circuit at resonance? Maximum
45. “Building Blocks” in an electric system refer to:
33. What are the three general groupings of filters? Por�ons of the system that for purposes of systems
High-pass, low-pass and band-pass. analysis can be thought of as boxes with inputs, outputs,
and power supply connec�ons, without studying circuit
34. What is the total cost of using all of the following at details inside
9¢ per kilowat hour? 33.3 ¢
A 1200-W toaster for 30 min 46. TTL inputs le� open develop what logic state? A
Six 50-W bulbs for 4 h high-logic state.
A 400-W washing machine for 45 min
A 4800-W electric clothes dryer for 20 min 47. How could voltage be greater across reactances in
series than the applied voltage? Resonance.
48. A big advantage of the diffusion process is that: It
takes no more labor or �me to produce a whole slice full 11. The decaying factor in the wave shape of the output
of hundreds of semiconductor elements that it does to pulses from the pulse transformer is its: Inductance
produce only one transistor on a slice
12. Which of the following microcontroller doesn’t
49. In a basic transistor circuit, the most significant match with its architecture below? MSP430 – Harvard
factor which determines whether the transistor perform
as a switch or an amplifier is: The control circuit which 13. The APT (automa�cally programmed tools) language
provides the input signal to the transistor. is used with: Numerical controlled machines

50. When dividing complex numbers in polar form, 14. Iden�fy the problem in this motor control PLC
divide the magnitudes and subtract the phase angles. program: Seal-in contact

1. What will happen in that condi�on, if an interrupt
occurs while the microcontroller is serving any other
interrupt? The interrupt that is more priority in the
interrupt vector table will be served first.

2. The NOR gate output will be high if the two inputs

are: 00
15. In case of class B commuta�on or resonant-pulse
commuta�on with L = 5 μH and C = 20 μC with the ini�al
3. If the gain of the system is reduced to a zero value,
voltage across the capacitor Vs = 230 V. Find the
the roots of the system in the s-plane: Coincide with the
conduc�on �me for auxiliary thyristor. 31.41 μs

4. An OR func�on implemented in ladder logic uses:

Normally-open contacts in parallel

5. Circuits fabricated from GaAs or AlGaAs operate in

wavelength region of __________. 0.8 and 0.9 μm

6. The Sta�c Induc�on Thyristor (SITH) is a: normally-on


7. To improve the efficiency of an MSP430 based 16. What converts the programs writen in assembly
microcontroller, for one register: There are 4 values for language into machine instruc�ons? Assembler
four addressing modes.
17. The total space for the data memory available in the
8. The Reverse Conduc�ng Thyristor (RCT) has: a diode AVR-based microcontroller is: FFFFH
in an�-parallel with the SCR
18. What two disciplines are usually �ed by a common
9. Which of the following devices are specifically being data base? Computer-aided design and computer-aided
used for conver�ng serial to parallel and from parallel to manufacturing
serial respec�vely? Registers
19. The class A commuta�on or load commuta�on is
10. What device from the thyristor family has its gate possible in case of: dc circuits only
terminal connected to the n-type material near the
anode? PUT 20. In case of class B commuta�on or resonant-pulse
commuta�on with L = 5 μH and C = 20 μC with ini�al
voltage across the capacitor Vs = 230 V. Find the peak
current value of resonant current. 460 A 32. When the microcontroller executes some arithme�c
opera�ons, then the flag bits of which of the following
21. Which of the following file extension that is loaded register are affected? PSW (Program Status Word)
in a microcontroller for execu�ng any instruc�on? .hex

22. The Sta�c Induc�on Thyristor (SITH) has: gate, 33. In case of class A type commuta�on or load
anode, cathode commuta�on with low value of R load the: L-C is
connected in series with R
23. Which of the following pins of a microcontroller are
directly connected with 8255? All of the men�oned 34. Which of the following bits are used for se�ng the
data frame size? UCSZ0

35. If the poles or zeros are repeated, then the func�on

is said to be having __________ poles or ________
zeros. mul�ple, mul�ple

36. The Sta�c Induc�on Thyristor (SITH) is a: 3 terminal,

self-controlled device
24. An SCR is connected in series with L = 5 mH and C =
20 μF. Find the resonant (radian) frequency of the 37. Which of the following devices provide complete
circuit. 3162 rad/s isola�on between triggering circuit and power circuit?
LASCR (Light Activated SCR)
25. Which of the following should a microcontroller at-
least should consist of? CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O ports, and 38. Which of the following is the basic func�ons of a
�mers �mer? All of the men�oned

26. Why are optoisolators normally used between the

microcontrollers and the ULN2803? To reduce the back

27. Why are solid-state relays advantageous over

electromechanical relays? They need less current to be
39. Which one of the following is not the property of
28. Consider the loop transfer func�on root loci? The root locus is symmetrical about imaginary
K(s+6)/(s+3)(s+5), in the root locus diagram the centroid axis.
will be located at: -2
40. The current flowing through an insula�ng medium is
29. The host sets _____ bit when a command is called: Convec�on
available for the controller to execute. command-ready
41. The 8255 is a ______ chip. Input/Output
30. Which of the following buses are present in a
microcontroller for transferring data from one place to 42. What is the largest integer number that a PLC
another? Address bus, data bus, control bus counter func�on can reach if it uses a 16-bit register?
31. Ladder logic programming consists primarily of:
Virtual relay contacts and coils
43. Which of the following architecture is followed by
general-purpose microprocessors? Von Neumann

44. The thyristor turn-off requires that the anode

current: falls below the holding current

45. What is the func�on of this instruc�on “WDTCTL = 3. In PLC programming, a reten�ve func�on is one that:
WDTPW | WDTCONFIG”, where * *#define WDTCONFIG Is not reset a�er a power cycle
(WDTCNTCL|WDTSSEL) * * It configures and clears the
watchdog �mer. 4. The last statement of the source program should be:
46. The type of commuta�on when the load is
commutated by transferring its load current to another 5. Which one of the following are correct?
incoming thyristor is: class C or complementary The root locus is the path of the roots of the
commuta�on characteris�c equa�on traced out in the s-plane: As a
system parameter is changed.
47. Which terminology deals with the excita�on or
s�mulus applied to the system from an external source 6. When dealing with the branching code the assembler
for the genera�on of an output? Input signal ___________. Finds the Branch offset and replaces the
Branch target with it
48. The Sta�c Induc�on Thyristor (SITH): has no reverse
blocking capabili�es 7. The equivalent circuit of Silicon Unilateral Switch
(SUS) consists of: a diode in an�-parallel with a PUT
49. What commuta�on technique is commonly
employed in series inverters? Load 8. What is the number of the root locus segments which
do not terminate on zeroes? The difference between
50. Which of the following pins of a microcontroller are the number of poles and zeroes
directly connected with 8255? All of the men�oned
9. Which one of the following applica�ons so�ware’s is
used to obtain an accurate root locus for? MATLAB

10. Instruc�ons which won’t appear in the object

program are called as _____. Assembler Direc�ves

11. What is the purpose of the ORIGIN direc�ve? To

indicate the star�ng posi�on in memory, where the
MASTERY TEST 05 program block is to be stored
1. Historically, central systems were used because: All of
the choices 12. The assembler stores the object code in: Magne�c

13. The Boolean representa�on of this PLC program is:

2. Which of the following is correct about WDTCTL? All

of the men�oned.
26. Which of the following bit/s of the status register
that allows the microcontroller to operate in its low
power mode? CPU off

27. The DIAC can be represented by: two diodes in an�-


28. The direc�ve used to perform ini�aliza�on before

14. The Sta�c Induc�on Thyristor (SITH) is a: the execu�on of the code is ______. Dataword
p+ n+ diode with p+ electrodes
29. The difference between online and offline PLC
programming is: where the edited program resides
15. What direc�ve is used to specify and assign the
memory required for the block of code? Reserve
30. Which among the following is not an advantage of
16. What direc�ve specifies the end of execu�on of a an open loop system? Requirement of system
program? Return recalibra�on from �me to �me

17. Which nota�on represents the feedback path in 31. The assembler stores all the names and their
closed loop system representa�on? b(t) corresponding values in: Symbol Table

18. The Silicon Controlled Switch (SCS) is a: four terminal 32. The Silicon Controlled Switch (SCS) can be turned on
device by two methods, by applying __________ and
__________. nega�ve pulse to the anode gate, posi�ve
19. The TRIAC can be represented by: two SCRs in an�- pulse to the cathode gate
33. In AVR, which of the following registers are there for
20. Op�cal interconnec�on between optoelectronic the I/O programming of ports? All of the men�oned
device is achieved in: Chip-to-chip interconnec�on

21. In a PLC, the scan �me refers to the amount of �me

in which: the en�re program takes to execute

22. If root loci plots of a par�cular control system do not

intersect the imaginary axis at any point, then the gain
margin of the system will be: Infinite 34. Find the conduc�on current density when
conduc�vity of a material is 500 units and
23. The Programmable Unijunc�on Transistor (PUT) corresponding electric field is 2 units. 1000
turns on & starts conduc�ng when the: anode voltage
exceeds gate voltage by a certain value

24. To overcome the problems of the assembler in

dealing with branching code we use _____. Two-pass

25. Does 8255 have handshaking capability? Yes 35. The TRIAC is most sensi�ve in the _________
quadrants. 1st with posi�ve gate current and 3rd with
nega�ve gate current
36. How is an output represented in the control 50. Which of the following steps have to be followed for
systems? c(t) interfacing a sensor to a microcontroller 8051? interface
sensor with ADC and ADC with 8051
37. Basically, poles of transfer func�on are the Laplace
transform variable values which causes the transfer MASTERY TEST 06
func�on to become: Infinite 1. A full adder logic circuit will have: Three inputs and
two outputs
38. The SCS is a four-layer, four terminal thyristor. Can
be turned on by: either of the gates 2. Which of the following is correct about BRNE
instruc�on in AVR microcontrollers? It is used to jump to
39. The u�lity program used to bring the object code the given men�oned label when the zero flag accounts
into memory for execu�on is ______. loader to 0.

3. Which CAD display configurability allows work

40. A good applica�on for a �med interrupt in a PLC without any host support? Highly intelligent
program would be: A PID func�on block
4. The output is said to be zero state response because
41. The thermal resistance between junc�on and the ______condi�ons are made equal to zero. ini�al
SCR (θ_jc) has the unit: °C/W
5. The output of a logic gate is 1 when all the inputs are
42. The current in a metal at any frequency is due to at logic 0 as shown below: The gate is either: A NOR or
Conduc�on current an EX-NOR

43. The zeros in the transfer func�on are denoted by: 0

44. Which among the following represents an

illustra�on of closed loop system? Automa�c electric

45. Why are ULN2803 normally used between the

microcontrollers and the relays? For increasing the
current capability required by a relay.

46. The SITH will act as a diode when the: anode is

forward biased with zero gate-cathode voltage

47. The acronym PLC stands for: Programmable Logic

Controller 6. The latch or IC 74LS373 acts as: good output port

48. The addi�on of open loop zero pulls the root loci 7. In Sta�c Induc�on Thyristor (SITH), the magnitude of
towards: The le� and therefore system becomes more the anode current can be controlled by: controlling the
stable. nega�ve gate bias

49. The type of commuta�on in which the pulse to turn 8. Device drivers are implemented to interface: All of
off the SCR is obtained by separate voltage source is: the men�oned
class E commuta�on
21. In case of a cosine firing scheme, __________ is
used to get a cosine wave. an integrator circuit

22. Calculate the convec�on current when electron

density of 200 units is travelling at a speed of 12 m/s.

9. If the RC firing circuit used for firing an SCR is to be

used to fire a TRIAC then: the diode should be replaced
by a diac
23. Four basic elements are required for an automated
10. Clamper clamps the ________ peak at the zero volt. machine tool or produc�on process. They are: input
posi�ve and nega�ve are correct interface, memory, output interface and: Logic

11. If the poles or zeros are not repeated, then the 24. R_B1 = 3 kΩ and R_B2 = 6 kΩ. Find the intrinsic
func�on is said to be having __________ poles or stand-off ra�o (η) of the UJT. 1/3
________ zeros. simple, simple

12. Which of the following are conductors? Mercury

13. The alternate way of wri�ng the instruc�on, ADD 25. The digi�zing technology that uses an electric field
#5,R1 is ______. ADDI 5,R1; radiated from the tablet and picked up by a cursor is:
14. If the loss tangent is very less, then the material will
be a: Lossless dielectric 26. If the number of zeros (n) are greater than the
number of poles (m), then there will be _________
15. When the number of poles is equal to the number of number of zeros at s = ∞. n-m
zeroes, how many branches of root locus tends towards
infinity? 0 27. A process is moved to wait queue when I/O request
is made with _______. blocking I/O
16. A limiter circuit is a __________ circuit. clipper and
wave shaping are correct 28. The data-in register of I/O port is: Read by host to
get input
17. Which of the following are known as universal
gates? NAND & NOR 29. From the following list of devices, choose the device
that only turns-on for a fixed-value of anode-cathode
18. Which one of the following connects high-speed voltage SUS
high-bandwidth device to memory subsystem and CPU?
Expansion bus 30. A posi�ve clamper adds: posi�ve DC level

19. Which hardware triggers some opera�on a�er 31. Alterna�ng current measured in a transmission line
certain programmed count? programmable interval will be: RMS value
32. What is the internal V_ref of an Atmega32 series?
20. A field can exist if it sa�sfies: All Maxwell`s equa�ons 2.56 V
33. When hardware is accessed by reading and wri�ng 46. Find the band gap energy when a light of
to the specific memory loca�ons, then it is called wavelength 1240 nm is incident on it. 1 eV
____________. none of the men�oned

47. Conduc�on in metals is due to: Electrons only

34. By equa�ng the denominator of transfer func�on to
zero, which among the following will be obtained? Poles 48. Maxwell’s equa�on cannot be represented in: Sta�c
35. Which among the following anode current
waveforms will have the minimum junc�on 49. Ergonomics refers to: The human aspect of the
temperature? 25 % DC environment around the worksta�on as well as the
worksta�on itself
36. Maxwell’s equa�ons give the rela�ons between:
Different fields 50. The TRIAC’s terminals are: MT1, MT2, gate

37. Which buffer holds the output for a device? spool

38. The instruc�ons like MOV or ADD are called as: OP- MASTERY TEST 07
Code 1. The temperature coefficient of a metal as the
temperature increases will __________. decrease
39. For conductors, the free electrons will exist at:
Conduc�on band 2. Large maps are used if flip-flops and inputs become
greater than: 5
40. The two-transistor model of the SCR can be obtained
by: bisec�ng the SCRs middle two layers 3. Any electronic holding place where data can be
stored and retrieved later whenever required is
41. The natural reversal of ac supply voltage ____________. memory
commutates the SCR in case of: both line and natural
commuta�on 4. What wave doubler is also called cascade voltage
doubler? Half wave
42. FORTRAN is: A mathema�cally oriented language
5. The major func�on of the pulse transformer is to:
43. The following switching func�ons are to be isolate low and high power circuit
implemented using a decoder: f1 = ∑m(1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 14)
f2 = ∑m(2, 5, 9, 11) f3 = ∑m(2, 4, 5, 6, 7). The minimum 6. Which of the following is the fastest means of
configura�on of decoder will be: 4 to 16 lines memory access for CPU? Registers

44. A common way to take x, y coordinates off a drawing 7. A current of 10 A is flowing through a circuit. The
is to use a: Digi�zer power factor is 0.5 lagging. The instantaneous value of
the current can be writen as: i = 14.14 sin (ωt − 60°) A
45. The code where all successive numbers differ from
their preceding number by single bit is: Gray 8. The poles in the transfer func�on are denoted by: x
9. The circuit which cuts the nega�ve part of input signal
is called _______ clipper. nega�ve 22. The coefficients of the polynomials P (S) and Q (S) in
the network func�on N (S) are ________ for passive
10. The device-status table contains: All of the network. real and posi�ve
23. Find the value of V if the current in the 3-ohm
resistor is 0. 7.5 V

11. P-I-N photoreceiver based on HEMT is integrated

with _________ guiding layers. InGaAsP

12. Find the average gate power dissipa�on (P_gav)

when the maximum allowable gate power dissipa�on
(P_gm) = 10 kW, with a duty cycle = 50 %. 5 kW

13. Find the range of band gap energy for conductors.

0.2-0.4 eV
24. The divergence of magne�c field intensity (H) is: 0
14. Control sequence state is indicated by: State box
15. If the number of poles (m) are greater than the 25. For a type 2 system, the steady-state: All of the
number of zeros (n), then there will be _________ choices
number of zeros at s = ∞. m-n

16. The duty cycle can be writen as: f x T

17. The chip 74LS245 is: All of the men�oned

26. Select the correct rela�on for ∫H·dL = 0. H = –


27. The firing-angle delay is: directly propor�onal to the

control signal voltage

28. Sequen�al opera�ons in digital system are described

18. The amp²-sec ra�ng of the SCR specifies: The energy
by: Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) chart
that the device can absorb before the fault is cleared.
29. The network func�on N (S) becomes _________
19. Clippers are mostly used for ________. wave
when s is equal to anyone of the zeros. 0
30. The ra�o of conduc�on to displacement current
20. The clamping circuit does not change a waveforms
density is referred to as: Loss tangent
shape otherwise, it changes the: DC level
31. A biased clipper is used to limit the ________ of a
21. To avoid large chip, __________ devices are used.
waveform at a level other than 0 V. amplitude
43. The change of state in Algorithmic State Machine
32. I/O hardware contains: All of the men�oned (ASM) chart is performed in: control logic

44. Which of the following cannot be computed using

the Biot Savart's law? Electric field intensity

45. State box without decision and condi�onal box is:

Simple block

46. The assembler direc�ve EQU, when used in the

33. The �me varying electric field is: E = −▽V – A instruc�on: Sum EQU 200 does: Replaces every
occurrence of Sum with 200
34. Stokes' theorem connects: Line integral and surface
integral 47. How many two input AND gates and two input OR
gates are required to realize Y = BD + CE + AB? 3, 2
35. The magnitude of gate voltage and gate current for
triggering an SCR is: inversely propor�onal to the 48. Time propor�oning control: Can be used on a
temperature PM550 programmable process controller

36. The N (S) becomes ________ when s is equal to any 49. In the complete firing circuit, the driver circuit
of the poles. ∞ consists of: pulse amplifier and pulse transformer
50. Find the triggering frequency when the average gate
37. Given a wire of resistance R Ω. The resistance of a power dissipa�on = 0.3 W and the peak gate drive
wire of the same material and same weight and double power is 5 Wats. The gate source has a pulse width of
the diameter is: 0.0625 R 20 μsec dura�on 3 kHz

38. Clipper circuit is also known as: All choices are


39. In a 3-phase full converter using six SCRs, ga�ng

circuit must provide: one firing pulse every 60°

40. A universal logic gate is one which can be used to MASTERY TEST 08
generate any logic func�on. Which of the following is a 1. The input and output opera�ons are respec�vely
universal logic gate? NAND similar to the opera�ons, read, write

41. In a single pulse semi-converter using two SCRs, the 2. In the thyristor ga�ng circuit, the supply to the pulse
triggering circuit must produce: One firing pulse in each amplifier is provided by the: isola�on transformer
half cycle.
3. Both the conduc�on and displacement current
42. The program execu�on �me: Will vary depending on densi�es coexist in: Conductors placed in any dielectric
the language used medium
4. If the ga�ng circuits generator nega�ve pulses, then 19. The forward dv/dt ra�ng of an SCR: increases with
those can be removed by using: Clippers increase in the junc�on temperature

5. The improved version of the UJT oscillator triggering 20. Control informa�on gives knowledge about the:
circuit is the: ramp and pedal triggering Command signals

6. In good conductors, the electric and magne�c fields 21. Which of the following statements holds for the
will be: 45 out of phase divergence of electric and magne�c flux densi�es? Zero
for magne�c flux density
7. While performing read opera�on, one must take care
that much current should not be: sourced or sinked 22. The finger voltage of an SCR is: minimum value of
from data lines V_ak to turn on the device with gate triggering

8. Algorithmic State Machine (ASM) chart resembles 23. The charge builds up in a capacitor is due to:
with: Flowchart Displacement current density

9. Magne�c vector poten�al is: Vector quan�ty 24. The voltage safety factor (VSF) for an SCR is the ra�o
of: peak repe��ve reverse voltage and maximum value
10. If the intrinsic angle is 20, then find the loss tangent. of input voltage
tan 40
11. Composi�onal and structural differences between 25. In the thyristor ga�ng circuit, the ZCD is used to:
photonic and electronic devices __________. create convert AC input the ramp voltage
26. Form factor of an AC wave indicates: Low sharp or
12. Dri� current in the semiconductors depends upon: steep the wave shape is.
both the electric field and the carrier concentra�on
27. Maxwell’s second equa�on is based on: Ampere`s
13. The materials to be used in manufacture of a law
standard resistance should be: High resis�vity and low
temperature coefficient 28. The memory implemented using the semiconductor
chips is _________. Main
14. The wafer scale replica�on technology uses: SOL gel
29. If the current sensi�vity of a galvanometer is
15. In memory-mapped scheme, the devices are viewed increased, the voltage sensi�vity: Decrease
as: memory loca�ons
30. Deflec�on of the d’ Arsonval meter movement is
16. di/dt protec�on is provided to the thryistor by: caused by: Current in the coil and the magnet
connec�ng an inductor in series with the load
31. A tangent drawn from the Y-axis to the P_avg on the
17. A solid iron cylinder is placed in a region containing a gate characteris�cs gives the value of the: minimum
uniform magne�c field such that the cylinder axis is value of gate-source resistance
parallel to the magne�c field direc�on. The magne�c
field lines inside the cylinder will: Bend closer to 32. Biot Savart's law in magne�c field is analogous to
cylinder axis which law in electric field? Coulomb`s law

18. The line integral of the vector poten�al A around the 33. Size of the ________ memory mainly depends on
boundary of a surface S represents: Flux through surface the size of the address bus. Main
34. The line integral of the electric field intensity is: Emf 49. Maxwell's equa�on derived from Faraday’s law is:
Curl(E) = −dB/dt
35. In free space, which of the following will be zero?
Conduc�vity 50. The pulse ga�ng is not suitable of: RL loads

36. Higher the magnitude of the gate pulse: lesser is the MASTERY TEST 09
�me required to inject the charges 1. If the north (N) pole of a permanent magnet is placed
near a piece of so� iron, what is the polarity of the
37. Which of the following is independent of the nearest induced pole? South (S) pole
address bus? Secondary memory
2. The electric or magne�c effect of one boy on other
38. What is the loca�on of the internal registers of CPU? without any physical contact between them is called:
On-chip Induc�on.

39. HEMT based __________ have a spot-size convertor 3. Which of the following measurements is usually the
with a photodiode. p-i-n photoreceiver most inconvenient and �me-consuming when
troubleshoo�ng? Current measurements
40. What is useful for produc�on of both planar micro-
op�cal elements and stacked op�cal microsystems? 4. Bipolar transistors are ________ than field effect
Replica�on technology transistor. less sensi�ve and slower

41. A Zener diode, when used in voltage stabiliza�on 5. The mo�on of ion charges in a liquid or gas is called
circuits, is biased in: reverse breakdown region ______. ioniza�on current.

42. Devices opera�ng at transmission rates greater than 6. Which of the following circuit configura�ons has the
40 Gb/s are _________. GaAs and InP same amount of voltage drop across each of its
components? Parallel
43. Magne�c vector poten�al for a line current will be
inversely propor�onal to: Distance 7. When applying Kirchhoff’s current law, consider all
currents flowing into a branch point posi�ve and all
44. From the two transistor (T₁ and T₂) analogy of SCR, currents directed away from that point nega�ve.
the total anode current of SCR is ___________ in the
equivalent circuit. the sum of both the collector current 8. A constant- current source: Supplies constant current
to a wide range of load resistances and has very high
45. If system is performing no func�on, then it is in: internal resistance.
Ini�al state
9. Which of the following circuit condi�ons does a metal
46. The sta�c error band of a recording instrument oxide varistor (MOV) protect against? High voltage
signifies: The error produced when the pen is stopped at
some deflec�on. 10. Which has more resistance, a 100-� length of No. 12
gage copper wire or a 100-� length of No. 12 gage
47. Consider the two-transistor analogy of SCR, if α₁ and aluminum wire? The 100-� length of No. 12 gage
if α₂ are the common-base current gains of both the aluminum wire.
transistors then to turn-on the device: α₁ + α₂ should
approach unity 11. Which of the following wires has the greatest cross-
sec�onal area? 9 AWG
48. Divergence of the electric flux density in free space
is: 0 12. Which of the following devices can be used to test
the windings of an inductor for con�nuity? Ohmmeter
26. A commercial permanent magnet will last
13. Which of these is a best descrip�on of a Zener indefinitely if it is not subjected to: All of the choices
diode? It is a constant voltage device.

14. The equivalent series resistance (ESR) of a capacitor

should ideally be: zero.

15. For a junc�on FET in the pinch-off region, as the

drain voltage is increased, the drain current: Remains
27. A carbon-film resistor is color-coded with red, violet,
16. Which of the following statements is true? There is black, and gold stripes. What are its resistance and
no correla�on between the physical size of a resistor tolerance? 27 Ω ± 5%
and its resistance value.
28. The term pole as it relates to switches is defined as:
17. An n-channel JFET has I_DS whose value is: the number of completely isolated circuits that can be
Maximum for V_GS = 0, and minimum for V_GS = controlled by the switch.
nega�ve and large

18. D-MOSFETs are some�mes used in series to 29. Capacitance increases with: Larger plate area and
construct a cascade high-frequency amplifier to less distance between the plates.
overcome the loss of: High input impedance
30. For an n-channel JFET, having drain–source voltage
19. A constant-voltage source: has very low internal constant if the gate–source voltage is increased to more
resistance. nega�ve pinch-off would occur for: Zero drain current

20. When a pulsa�ng dc voltage is applied as an input to 31. To a first approxima�on, a forward-biased diode is
the primary of a transformer, the output from the treated like a(n): Closed switch with a voltage drop of 0
secondary contains: Only the ac component of the input V.
32. A chip resistor is marked 394. Its resistance value is:
21. If a resistor suddenly decreases in value (resistance 390,000 Ω
decreases), what will happen to the current through the
resistor? Increases 33. Silicon diode is less suited for low voltage rec�fier
opera�on because: Its cut-in voltage is high.
22. Which of the following is an appropriate use for a
voltmeter? To measure difference of poten�al. 34. The transfer characteris�cs of a diode relates to: The
output voltage and the input voltage
23. For a transistor to func�on as an amplifier, the EB
junc�on must be forward-biased and the CB junc�on 35. The Henry is the unit of measurement for which of
must be-biased. the following proper�es? Inductance

24. The induc�on filter is mostly used for rec�fiers with: 36. In mutual induc�on, what passes between
High loads conductors in order to create voltage? Magne�c flux

25. As temperature increases, what happens to the 37. If the distance between the plates of a capacitor
current-carrying ability of a wire? The wire can carry less decreases while all other components of the capacitor
current. remain the same, what happens to the capacitance of
the device? Increases
1. What is the output waveform? Triangle wave
38. What type of meter can be used to measure ac
currents without breaking open the circuit? An amp-
clamp probe

39. Varactor diodes are used in FM receivers to obtain:

Automa�c frequency control

40. The charge and discharge current of a capacitor

flows: to and from the capacitor plates.

41. With the four-band resistor color code, gold in the 2. The dividing line for coupling capacitor at a specific
third stripe corresponds to a: Frac�onal mul�plier of frequency can be taken as: Xc one-tenth or less the
0.1. series resistance.

42. If a thermistor has a nega�ve temperature 3. Determine the common-mode gain of an op amp that
coefficient (NTC), its resistance: Decreases with an has a differen�al voltage gain of 150 x 10³ and a CMRR
increase in opera�ng temperature. of 90 dB. 4.74

43. Now a days in MOSFET’s the material used for the 4. Why is it important to maintain an impedance match
gate is: Heavily doped polycrystalline silicon from the source to the load when sending signals? To
reduce reflected energy
44. When using an ohmmeter to measure the con�nuity
of a wire, the resistance should measure: Both about 0 5. Using the method of mesh currents, any resistance
Ω if the wire is good and infinity if the wire is broken common of two meshes has: Two opposing mesh
(open) currents.

45. Which of the following resistors has the smallest 6. In a parallel circuit opera�ng with a source of 30 VAC,
physical size? surface-mount resistors. designed to carry a total current of 6 A, what happens
to the protec�on device (fuse) when the resistance
46. The Maxwell (Mx) is a unit of: magne�c flux. suddenly changes to 2 Ω? Opens

47. Which of the following determines total power in a 7. When applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law, consider any
series circuit? source voltage �mes the current voltage whose nega�ve terminal is reached first as
nega�ve and any voltage whose posi�ve terminal is
48. The internal resistance of a batery: Both cannot be reached first as posi�ve.
measured with an ohmmeter and can be measured
indirectly by determining how much the output voltage 8. When a small voltage is generated across the width of
drops for a given load current. a conductor carrying current in an external magne�c
field, the effect is called: The Hall effect.
49. Kirchhoff’s current law states that: the algebraic sum
of the currents entering and leaving any point in a circuit 9. For any capacitor, ________. All of the choices.
must equal zero.

50. What is the classifica�on of an AC circuit in which

the capaci�ve reactance is 50 Ω, the induc�ve reactance
is 30 Ω and the resistance is 100 Ω? Capaci�ve
10. Motor ac�on always tends to produce mo�on from:
MASTERY TEST 10 a stronger field toward a weaker field.
11. For a relay, the pickup current is defined as ______. 23. If one branch of a parallel circuit becomes open,
the minimum relay coil current required to energize a _______. the remaining branch currents do not change
relay. in value.

12. A material that becomes strongly magne�zed in the 24. Refer to the figure below. Which is the electrical
same direc�on as the magne�zing field is classified as symbol for a source of energy? I
______. ferromagne�c.

13. The ends of a load line drawn on a family of curves

determine Satura�on and cutoff.

14. What should be observed when connec�ng a

voltmeter into a DC circuit? Polarity

15. On the schema�c symbol of a pnp transistor,

_______. the arrow points in on the emiter lead.

16. Kirchhoff’s voltage law states that: The algebraic 25. The LED is usually made of materials like: GaAs
sum of the voltage sources and IR voltage drops in any
closed path must total zero. 26. Which component is considered to be an "OFF"
device? E-MOSFET
17. For an enhancement-type MOSFET the output V-I
characteris�c of has: An ohmic region at low voltage 27. What is the term used to describe the ability of a
value followed by a satura�on region at higher voltages device to store energy in the form of an electrical
charge? Capacitance
18. Introducing a resistor in the emiter of a common
emiter amplifier stabilizes the dc opera�ng point 28. If R_L is short-circuited in the figure shown below,
against varia�ons in: Both temperature and β which of the following will happen? The amplifier signal
output would fall to zero.
19. A principal node is ______. a junc�on where branch
currents can combine or divide.

20. A magnet that requires current in a coil to create the

magne�c field is called a(n): Electromagnet and

21. The leads of a mul�meter are across a diode in the

following manner: Red lead connects to the end of
diode with marking band, and the black lead connects 29. The polarity of a resistor’s voltage drop is
on other end. What does a reading of -0.6 volts determined by: The direc�on of current through the
indicate? Forward bias, leads connected with reverse resistor.
30. Refer to the figure below. What is the expected
22. In the BJT amplifier, the transistor is biased in the power level at the input to the receiver? 30 dBm
forward ac�ve region pu�ng a capacitor across R_E will:
Increase the voltage gain and increase the input
38. In a common emiter BJT amplifier, the maximum
usable supply voltage is limited by: Collector–emiter
breakdown voltage with base open (BVCEO)

39. In what opera�ng region does the collector of a

transistor act like a current source? The ac�ve region.

40. If Vm is the peak value of an applied voltage in a

half-wave rec�fier with a large capacitor across the load,
then PIV is: 2Vm

41. When using a standard mul�meter to measure AC

voltage, what type of measurement will the mul�meter
indicate? rms

42. The value of a bypass capacitor should be chosen so

that its Xc value is ______.
one-tenth or less the parallel resistance at the lowest
frequency to be bypassed.

43. On a schema�c diagram, what does the chassis

31. With an electromagnet, _______. more current and ground symbol represent? A common return path for
more coil turns mean a stronger magne�c field and if current in one or more circuits.
there is no current in the coil, there is no magne�c field.
44. A differen�al amplifier has an open-loop voltage
32. What happens to current flow in a capaci�ve circuit gain of 120. The input signals are 2.45 V and 2.35 V.
when the DC voltage across the capacitor is Calculate the output voltage of the amplifier. 12.0 V
approximately equal to the source voltage? Litle
current flows. 45. The primary func�on of the bias circuit is to: Hold
the circuit stable at the designed Q-point
33. What is the “power factor”? Ra�o of true power to
apparent power 46. The le�-hand rule for solenoids states that: If the
fingers of the le� hand encircle the coil in the same
34. Which of the following configura�on ifs normally thumb points in the direc�on of the north pole.
used in cascading? Common-emiter configura�on
47. How should a fuse be installed in a circuit to insure
35. Which of the following configura�on ifs normally proper opera�on? Series with the load
used in cascading? CB amplifier has low input
impedance and a low current gain 48. The main difference between resistance, R, and
capaci�ve reactance, Xc, is that: R is the same for both
36. Which of the following statements about parallel dc and ac. whereas Xc depends on frequency.
circuits is false? The equivalent resistance, R_EQ, of a
parallel circuit decreases when one or more parallel 49. At the same frequency, a larger capacitance provides
branches are removed from the circuit. ______. more charge and discharge current and less
capaci�ve reactance, Xc.
37. To increase the cutoff frequency of an RL high-pass
filter, you can ______. decrease the value of L and 50. The voltage follower has a: Closed-loop voltage gain
increase the value of R of unity
11. The magne�c field surrounding a solenoid is: Like
MASTERY TEST 11 that a permanent magnet.
1. For an analog VOM with a mirror along the printed
scale, _______. the meter is read when the pointer and 12. An ideal opera�onal amplifier has: Infinite
its mirror reflec�on appear as one. bandwidth

2. What value of capacitor is required to force 13. Hysteresis losses: Increase with higher frequencies.
commutate a thyristor with a turn- off �me of 20 µs
with a 96 V batery and a full-load current of 100 A? 30 14. As the voltage range of an analog VOM is increased,
µF the total voltmeter resistance, Rv ______. increases.

15. As the current range of an analog meter is increased,

the overall meter resistance, R_M: Decreases

16. A conductor will have an induced current or voltage

only when there is: rela�ve mo�on between the wire
and magne�c field.

17. A circuit whose output is propor�onal to the

3. In a parallel RC circuit, _______. V_A and I_R are in difference between the input signals is considered to be
phase. which type of amplifier? Differen�al
4. The V-I characteris�c of an n-channel deple�on FET
drain–source output has: I_DS = posi�ve maximum at 18. A differen�al amplifier has an open-loop voltage
V_GS = 0 V gain of 120 and a common input signal of 3.0 V to both
terminals. An output signal of 24 mV results. Calculate
5. A laminated iron-core transformer has reduced eddy- the common-mode gain and the CMRR. 83.52 dB
current losses because: the lamina�ons are insulated
from each other. 19. The fact that the sum of the resistor voltage drops
equals the applied voltage in a series circuit is the basis
6. In a CE transistor amplifier, if collector–emiter for ______. Kirchhoff`s voltage law.
voltage increases the instantaneous opera�ng point:
Moves up the load line 20. If one branch of a parallel circuit is short-circuited,
_______. both the fuse in the main line will blow and all
7. In a parallel circuit, the individual branch currents are the remaining branches are effec�vely short-circuited as
______. inversely propor�onal to the branch resistance well.
21. In the circuit shown below, determine the value of
8. The h-parameter equivalent circuit of a junc�on the output voltage, V₀, when V₁ = + 1V and V₂ = -3 V.
transistor is valid for: Low frequency, small signal –10V

9. The gate-to-source resistance of an FET is of the order

of: 0.1 MΩ

10. When the frequency of the applied voltage increases

in a parallel RC circuit, ______. Both the phase angel, θ,
increases and Z_EQ decreases.
22. Latches constructed with NOR and NAND gates tend 31. What is the rela�onship between current (I) and
to remain in the latched condi�on due to which voltage (E) in a circuit consis�ng of a capacitor in series
configura�on feature? Cross coupling with a resistor? I and E are in phase across the resistor

23. The transconductance g_m is defined as g_m = 32. Which of the following circuits is NOT found in
∂i_o/∂V_BE its value in terms of h-parameters is: emiter-coupled-logic (ECL)? Totem-pole
33. The capacitor that produces an AC ground is called:
24. Determine the value of the feedback resistor and Bypass capacitor
the frequency for an inver�ng amplifier to have a
voltage gain of 45 dB, a closed-loop bandwidth of 10 34. The inductance, L, of an inductor is affected by
kHz and an input resistance of 20 kΩ. 3.56 MΩ; 1.78 _______. All of the choices

35. A JFET has a poten�al divider bias arrangement if

the resistor between the gate and power supply
terminal is removed. The JFET will: Con�nue to work as
an amplifier
25. Inter-electrode capacitances in an FET are of the 36. Monolithic IC consists of: Both ac�ve and passive
order of: 1 pF components

26. Which of the following factors affect the capacitance 37. A basic S-R flip-flop can be constructed by cross-
of a capacitor? All of the choices coupling which basic logic gates? NOR or NAND gates

38. In a series circuit, the individual resistor voltage

drops are: Propor�onal to the series resistance values.

39. Voltmeter loading is usually a problem when

measuring voltages in: High-resistance circuits.

40. A plas�c-film capacitor, whose coded value is 333 M,

27. For a single conductor carrying an alterna�ng
measures 0.025 μF when tested with a capacitor-
current, the associated magne�c field is _______. at
inductor analyzer. The measured capacitance is: slightly
right angles to the direc�on of current.
out of tolerance.
28. The fact that the sum of the individual branch
41. For a relay, the holding current is defined as
currents equals the total current in a parallel circuit is
_______. the minimum amount of relay coil current
the basis for _______. Kirchhoff`s current law.
required to keep a relay energized.
29. Which of the following transistors is symmetrical in
42. Two iden�cal FET’s each characterized by the
their structure? MOSFET
parameters g_m and r_d are connected in parallel. The
composite FET is then characterized by the parameters:
30. The current at resonance in a series LC circuit is:
2 g_m and r_d/2
43. When using an ohmmeter to measure resistance in a 3. For a moving-coil meter movement, I_M is: The
circuit: The power in the circuit being tested must be off. amount of current needed in the moving-coil to produce
full scale deflec�on of the meter`s pointer.
44. The difference between a mesh current and a
branch current is _______. both a mesh current is an 4. What is the least number of NOR gates needed to do
assumed current and a branch current is an actual the func�on of an AND gate? 3
current and a mesh current does not divide at a branch
point. 5. In the figure below, what type of arrangement is
being used for the output? Totem-pole
45. Which of the symbols in the figure below (from a to
d) is the DeMorgan equivalent of the symbol shown in
e? a

46. The dividing line for calcula�ng the value of a choke

inductance is to make: X_L 10 or more �mes larger than
the series R.

47. For a conductor being move through a magne�c

field, the amount of induced voltage is determined by: 6. The Q of a parallel resonant circuit can be lowered by:
Both the rate at which the conductor cuts the magne�c Both placing resistor in parallel with the tank and adding
flux and the number of magne�c flux lines that are cut more resistance in series with the coil.
by the conductor.
7. A differen�ator is a circuit whose: Output is
48. All other factors remaining the same, what is the propor�onal to the change in applied voltage.
effect of increasing wire gauge, for example, from AWG
22 to AWG 26? Resistance will increase 8. The change in the direc�on of a compass needle,
when a current-carrying wire is brought near, is:
49. A difference amplifier has two inputs V₁ = 5 V and V₂ Electromagne�c deflec�on
= 3 V. If R₁ = 10 kilo-ohms and R₂ = 100 kilo-ohms, find
the output voltage. – 20 V 9. For a steady dc current, the X_L of an inductor is: 0 Ω.

50. The transconductance gm of a diffused JFET is the 10. The 555 �mer can be used in which of the following
order of: 1 mS configura�ons? Astable, monostable

MASTERY TEST 12 11. A current meter should have a ______. very low
1. For a first-order, ac�ve low-pass filter how fast does internal resistance.
the output voltage roll off above the cutoff frequency?
Both 20 dB/decade and 6 dB/octave. 12. With increase in temperature, the electrical
conduc�vity would _______. decrease in metals but
2. A voltmeter should have a: very high internal increase in intrinsic semiconductor
13. Which of the following is NOT a local memory
device? PCI status registers
27. What is the effect of an air gap in a magne�c circuit?
14. The main factor, which differen�ates a D-MOSFET Increases the reluctance.
from an E-MOSFET, in the absence of: Channel
28. Which type of capacitor could explode if the polarity
15. n-channel FET’s are superior to p-channel FET’s of voltage across its plates is incorrect? Aluminum
because: Mobility of electrons is greater than that of electroly�c.
29. For an n-channel enhancement type MOSFET, if the
16. Which theorem provides a shortcut for finding the source is connected at a higher poten�al than that of
common voltage across any number of parallel branches the bulk (VSB > 0), the threshold voltage VT of the
with different voltage sources? Millman`s theorem. MOSFET will ______. remain unchanged

17. What do you call the node of a circuit that is 30. For best results, an RC coupling circuit should have a
maintained at a steady reference poten�al without ______. long �me constant.
being connected directly to the reference poten�al?
Virtual ground 31. In order to protect a MOSFET against damage from
any stray voltage at the gate: Source terminal is earthen
18. Fill in the blanks. A NAND gate has ac�ve -
______inputs and an ac�ve - _______output. HIGH, 32. The output stage of a 741 op-amp is a: Push-pull
LOW amplifier.

19. In a series inverter the commuta�ng elements L and 33. How do you change the angle of conduc�on in an
C ____with the load. are in series SCR circuit? Vary the gate voltage.

20. A voltage that varies I magnitude but does not 34. In Boolean algebra, the OR func�on is described as
reverse in polarity is called a(n): Pulsa�ng dc voltage. logical _______and the AND func�on is described as
logical_______. addi�on, mul�plica�on
21. An op-amp comparator that uses posi�ve feedback
is known as a: Schmit trigger. 35. Which logic family combines the advantages of
22. In a parallel RL circuit, I_L lags I_R by 90°.
36. A small electric vehicle is powered by a 96 V batery
23. The capacitor in an RC coupling circuit: Blocks the and uses a series-wound motor. It has a step-down
steady dc component of the input voltage. chopper for forward drive and a step-up chopper for
regenera�ve braking. The total armature resistance is
24. The hybrid or h-parameter descrip�on is widely used 0.1 Ω, and the armature voltage constant is 10 mV/A-
in electronic circuits and is one convenient model for a rad/s. Descending a hill in regenera�on mode the
current amplifier. Which of the following is the open- motor speed is 1000 rev/min and the armature current
circuit output conductance? h22 is a constant average value of 80 A. Calculate the value
of the duty cycle required and the available braking
25. If the cross-sec�onal area of a magne�c field power. 0.17; 6.4 kW
increases, but the flux remains the same, the flux
density ______. decreases

26. The leakage resistance of a capacitor is typically

represented as a(n): Resistance in parallel with the
capacitor plates.
37. A triac is equivalent to _______. two SCRs in parallel.

38. How many 1-of-16 decoders are required for

decoding a 7-bit binary number? 8

39. Which of the following can provide a higher Q? A

higher L/C ra�o.

40. An ideal rec�fier should have 100% efficiency,

______ripple factor, _______harmonic factor and 50. The typical low frequency voltage gain of an industry
________displacement factor. zero, zero, unity standard 741 Op-Amp is ________. 200, 000

41. The ability of an LC circuit to supply complete sine MASTERY TEST 13

waves when the input to the tank is only a pulse is 1. Which is not a MOSFET terminal? Base
called: The flywheel effect.
2. The ac�ve switching element used in all TTL circuits is
42. A comparator never uses: Nega�ve feedback. the ________. bipolar junc�on transistor (BJT)

43. When an op-amp circuit uses a single supply voltage, 3. A TTL NAND gate with I_IL(max) of –1.6 mA per input
the dc output voltage from the op amp should be equal drives eight TTL inputs. How much current does the
to: (1/2) V_cc. drive output sink? –12.8 mA

44. Pinch-off voltage V_p for an FET is the drain voltage 4. Which is not a precau�on for handling CMOS? Wear
at which: Drain current becomes zero wool clothes at all �mes

45. In a series inverter: The commuta�ng elements L

and C are in series with load
5. Which of the figures given below represents a NAND
46. In a parallel ac circuit with X_L and X_C. I_L and I_C gate? a
are 180° out of phase.

47. An integrator is a circuit whose: Output combines its

original voltage with the new change in voltage.
6. An open-drain gate is the CMOS counterpart of
48. By what response are twin-T oscillators generally ________. an open-collector TTL gate
used? Band-stop
7. Which transistor element is used in CMOS logic?
49. The op amp shown in the figure below, has an input MOSFET
bias current of 90 nA at 20°C. Calculate the voltage gain
and the output offset voltage due to the input bias 8. An OR gate with inverted inputs func�ons as: a NAND
current. -80; 1.33 mV gate.

9. The nominal value of the dc supply voltage for TTL

and CMOS is ________. + 5 V

10. Any control system that has excessive noise would

most likely suffer from: Satura�on in the amplifying
11. Compared to bipolar junc�on transistor, a JFET has:
high input impedance and low voltage gain

12. An LTI system’s transfer func�on is given as 1/(s+1).

Here, what would be the steady-state value of any unit-
impulse response? 0

13. What is the correct sequence of the following step in

the fabrica�on of a monolithic, bipolar junc�on
23. The steady-state error is specified (usually) in terms
transistor? 4, 3, 2, 1
of: Error Constants
1. Emiter diffusion
2. Base diffusion
24. Refer to the given figure. What type of output
3. Buried layer forma�on
arrangement is being used for the output? Totem-pole
4. E pi-layer forma�on
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:

14. Which logic family combines the advantages of


15. Measurement of Hall coefficient enables the

determina�on of: type of conduc�vity and
concentra�on of charge carriers

16. A system becomes ____________ as and when the

polar plot would move toward the (-1, 0) point.

17. Which equa�on is correct? V_NH = V_OH(min) –


18. What causes the deple�on region? diffusion 25. In a TTL circuit, if an excessive number of load gate
inputs are connected, ________. V_OH drops below
19. An open-collector output requires ________. a pull- V_OH(min)
up resistor
26. What electrical characteris�c of intrinsic
20. Generally, the voltage measured at an unused TTL semiconductor material is controlled by the addi�on of
input would typically be measured between: 1.4 to 1.8 impuri�es? Conduc�vity
27. What are the mediums responsible for the
21. Surge current ra�ng of an SCR is: the maximum non- transporta�on lag? All of the choices, Lines, pipes and
repe��ve surge current in which the SCR can withstand belt conveyors

22. What type of circuit is shown below and which 28. For a CMOS gate, which is the best speed-power
statement best describes its opera�on? It is a CMOS product? 1.4 pJ
inverter with tristate output.
29. Most TTL logic used today is some form of
________. Schotky TTL

30. The greater the propaga�on delay, the _____. lower

the maximum frequency
31. The special so�ware applica�on that translates from
HDL into a grid of 1's and 0's, which can be loaded into a
PLD, is called a: compiler.

32. In a bipolar junc�on transistor, the base region is

made very thin so that: recombina�on in base region is

33. What is the basic difference between AHDL and

VHDL? ADHL is proprietary.

34. A NAND gate has: ac�ve-HIGH inputs and an ac�ve-

LOW output.

35. A two-pole high-pass ac�ve filter would have a roll-

off rate of: –40 dB/decade

44. We can apply the standard test signal to give output

36. The format used to present the logic output for the
to: Linear Systems
various combina�ons of logic inputs to a gate is called
a(n): Truth table
45. Which of the following equa�ons would accurately
describe a 4-input OR gate when A = 1, B = 1, C = 0, and
37. Electron pair bonding occurs when atoms: share
D = 0? 1 + 1 + 0 + 0 = 1

46. In VHDL, the mode of a port does not define: the

38. Which of the figures given below represents an OR
TYPE of the bit.
gate? a

47. With a feedback system, the transient response:

Decays quickly

48. In the Nyquist plot, the unit circle would transform

into 0 dB line of the Bode diagram’s amplitude plot at:
39. How are the statements between BEGIN and END Any Frequency
not evaluated in VHDL? Sequen�ally
49. A standard TTL circuit with a totem-pole output can
40. Which of the examples below expresses the sink, in the LOW state (I_OL(max)), ________. 16 mA
distribu�ve law? A(B + C) = AB + AC
50. What are the points at which the deriva�ves of all
41. A small circle on the output of a logic gate is used to state variables happen to be zero? Singular Points
represent the: NOT opera�on.
42. A half bridge inverter: needs a 3 wire dc supply 1. Silicon atoms combine into an orderly patern called
a: crystal
43. Refer to this figure. Assuming it is configured as an
oscillator and if you desired to reduce the duty to less 2. For an n-channel enhancement type MOSFET, if the
than 50%, the following circuit change would need to be source is connected at a higher poten�al than that of
made. Connect a diode in parallel with R₁ the bulk (V_SB > 0), the threshold voltage V_T of the
MOSFET will: remain unchanged
3. Which of the following devices has metal-silicon 15. A bridge type single phase cycloconverter changes
junc�on? Schotky diode the frequency f to f/3. Then one-half wave of output
contains: 3 half waves of input
4. Asser�on (A): A half wave-controlled rec�fier has
poorer efficiency and higher ripple factor than a full 16. When an SCR is in forward blocking mode, the
wave-controlled rec�fier. applied voltage: appears across only one junc�on
Reason (R): The use of a freewheeling diode in half
wave-controlled rec�fier circuit improves the waveform 17. Mul�phase choppers are used in: High power
of load current and circuit power factor. Both A and R circuits
correct but R is not correct explana�on of A
18. Which of the examples below expresses the
5. In a parallel inverter: each thyristor is turned on twice associa�ve law of addi�on: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
during each cycle
19. It is best not to leave unused TTL inputs
6. When a load resistance is removed from the output unconnected (open) because of TTL's ________. noise
of a voltage divider circuit, the current drawn from the sensi�vity
source: decreases
20. If the input to a comparator is a sine wave, the
7. In all metals: conduc�vity decreases with increase in output is a: rectangular wave
21. A step-up chopper can give an output voltage:
8. The center frequency of a band-pass filter is always higher than input voltage
equal to the: geometric average of the cri�cal
frequencies 22. When a dc chopper feeds an RLE load, the load
current, during steady state opera�on: varies between
9. The ramp voltage at the output of an op-amp maximum and minimum values
integrator: increases or decreases at a linear rate
23. A string of series connected thyristors needs
10. Logic circuits that are designated as buffers, drivers, equalizing circuit to: ensure proper voltage division
or buffer/drivers are designed to have: a greater
current/voltage capability than an ordinary logic circuit. 24. How are the robots used in automobile plants
classified? Industrial Robots
11. If the value of resistor R_f in an averaging amplifier
circuit is equal to the value of one input resistor divided 25. A triangular-wave oscillator can consist of an op-amp
by the number of inputs, the output will be equal to: comparator, followed by a(n): integrator
the inverted average of the individual inputs
26. The specified maximum junc�on temperature of
12. The voltage across a zener diode: is constant in thyristors is about: 120°C
reverse direc�on
27. A zero-level detector is a: comparator with a trip
13. PMOS and NMOS circuits are used largely in point referenced to zero
________. LSI func�ons
28. In thermal ohm's law, temperature and power loss
14. Which inverter circuit uses coupled inductors? Both are analogous to: I and V respec�vely of ohm`s law
McMurray Bedford half bridge inverter and Modified
McMurray Bedford half bridge inverter
29. Which of the symbols shown below represents an 40. In an averaging amplifier, the input resistances are:
AND gate? d greater than the feedback resistance

41. An incremental model of a solid-state device is one

which represents the: ac property of the device at
desired opera�ng point

30. Which of the following is used for genera�ng �me 42. A 3-phase series inverter has: 6 thyristors
varying wave forms? UJT
43. A digital-to-analog converter is an applica�on of the:
31. Which factor does not affect CMOS loading? Output scaling adder
capacitance of the load gates
44. A 3-phase dual converter consists of: two 3 phase
32. If the frequency is less than the damped frequency full converters connected in an�parallel
in a series- inverter: the distor�on of output voltage
waveform is high 45. A TTL NAND gate with I_IH(max) of 40 µA per input
drives ten TTL inputs. How much current does the drive
33. In a series inverter: the commuta�ng elements L and output source? 400 A
C are in series with load
46. Which is not part of emiter-coupled logic (ECL)?
34. TTL is alive and well, par�cularly in ________. Totem-pole circuit
educa�onal applica�ons
47. A surge voltage: has very high magnitude and very
35. In a single-phase converter using a center tapped small dura�on and can be posi�ve or nega�ve
transformer and with a highly induc�ve load, the firing
angles is a. Each thyristor conducts for a period: π 48. n-type semiconductors: are produced when
phosphorus is added as impurity to silicon
36. A NOR gate with one HIGH input and one LOW
input: will output a LOW 49. A dc chopper is feeding an RLE load. The condi�on
for maximum ripple is: α = 1
37. This circuit is a ________ oscillator. phase-shi�
50. An externally introduced signal that affects the
controlled output is known as a: S�mulus

1. The carriers of n channel JFET are: free electrons

2. What must be done to interface TTL to CMOS? A pull-

up resistor must be used between the TTL output-CMOS
input node and Vcc; the value of RP will depend on the
number of CMOS gates connected to the node.

38. One output structure of a TTL gate is o�en referred

to as a ________. totem-pole arrangement

39. Which is not an output state for tristate logic? Low-Z

3. Refer to the given figure. This circuit is known as: a 10. Why is the fan-out of CMOS gates frequency
Colpits oscillator dependent? The input gates of the FETs are
predominantly capaci�ve, and as the signal frequency
increases the capaci�ve loading also increases, thereby
limi�ng the number of loads that may be atached to
the output of the driving gate.

11. In which of the following is the width of junc�on

barrier very small? Schotky diode

12. In a piezoelectric crystal, applica�on of a mechanical

stress would produce: electric polariza�on in the crystal

13. Asser�on (A): A decrease in temperature increases

the reverse satura�on current in a p-n diode.
Reason (R): When a diode is reverse biased surface
leakage current flows. A is false but R is true

14. The deple�on layer around p-n junc�on in JFET

consists of: immobile charges
4. From the given circuit below, we can conclude that:
transistor is faulty 15. What type of circuit is shown below, and how is the
output ordinarily connected? It is an open-collector
gate. An external load must be connected between the
output terminal and an appropriate supply voltage.

5. As temperature increases: the forbidden energy gap

in silicon and germanium decrease
16. Refer to the given figure. This circuit is known as: a
6. The logic gate that will have HIGH or "1" at its output Hartley oscillator
when any one of its inputs is HIGH is a(n): OR gate

7. For BJT transistor. The maximum power dissipa�on is

specified as 350 mW if ambient temperature is 25°C. If
ambient temperature is 60°C the maximum power
dissipa�on should be limited to about: 250 mW

8. Which statement is false as regards holes? Holes exist

in conductors as well as semiconductors

9. Which of the following logic families has the highest

maximum clock frequency? AS-TTL
17. Which of the logic families listed below allows the 29. When a p-n junc�on is forward biased: the width of
highest opera�ng frequency? ECL deple�on layer decreases

18. In a piezoelectric crystal, applica�ons of a 30. Which of the following devices has a silicon dioxide
mechanical stress would produce: electrical polariza�on layer? MOSFET
in the crystal
31. What is the sta�c charge that can be stored by your
19. Which of the figures given below represents a NOR body as you walk across a carpet? Over 30,000 volts
gate? d
32. Which of these has highly doped p and n region?
Tunnel diode

33. The drain characteris�cs of JFET in opera�ng region,

are: almost flat
20. Which of the following will not normally be found on
a data sheet? Minimum LOW level output voltage 34. Asser�on (A): Two transistors one n-p-n and the
other p-n-p are iden�cal in all respects (doping,
21. What is the sta�c charge that can be stored by your construc�on, shape, size). The n-p-n transistor will have
body as you walk across a carpet? As long as the CMOS beter frequency response.
supply voltage is 5 V, they can be interfaced; however, Reason (R): The electron mobility is higher than hole
the fan-out of the CMOS is limited to two TTL gates. mobility. Both A and R are true and R is correct
explana�on of A
22. If conductance increases as temperature increases,
this is known as a: nega�ve coefficient 35. When a p-n-p transistor is properly biased to
operate in ac�ve region the holes from emiter. diffuse
23. If the reverse voltage across a p-n junc�on is through base into collector region
increased three �mes, the junc�on capacitance: will
decrease by an approximate factor of about 2 36. Which of the following has highest conduc�vity?
24. What causes low-power Schotky TTL to use less
power than the 74XX series TTL? A larger value resistor 37. Which of the following logic families has the shortest
propaga�on delay? AS-TTL
25. Which of the following summarizes the important
features of ECL? Low noise margin, low output voltage 38. Which material may also be considered a
swing, nega�ve voltage opera�on, fast, and high power semiconductor element? Carbon
39. When a reverse bias is applied to a p-n junc�on, the
26. A Schotky diode clamp is used along with switching width of deple�on layer. increases
BJT for: reducing the switching �me
increasing 40. Which of the following statements apply to CMOS
devices? All of the choices.
27. Which of the following is not an arithme�c
instruc�on? ROL (rotate le�) 41. In an n-channel JFET, I_D, I_S and I_G are considered
posi�ve when flowing into the transistor
28. A diode is opera�ng in forward region and the
forward voltage and current are v = 3 + 0.3 sin ωt (volts) 42. A "floa�ng" TTL input may be defined as: unused
and i = 5 + 0.2 sin ωt (mA). The average power input that is not connected.
dissipated is: about 15 mW
43. The first Intel microprocessor to contain on-board 8. Refer the given figure. Which of the following
cache memory was the ________. 80486 describes the opera�on of the circuit? A HIGH input
turns Q1, Q2, and Q3 off, and Q4 is on.
44. The value of α in a transistor: is less than 1 but more
than 0.9

45. At room temperature a semiconductor material is:

slightly conduc�ng

46. Which of the following logic families has the highest

noise margin? HCMOS

47. What are the major differences between the 5400

and 7400 series of ICs? The 5400 series are military
grade and allow for a wider range of supply voltages and

48. Asser�on (A): Silicon is preferred over germanium in

manufacture of semiconductor devices.
Reason (R): Forbidden gap in silicon is more than that in 9. What type of logic circuit is shown below and what
germanium. Both A and R are true and R is correct logic func�on is being performed? It is a CMOS NOR
explana�on of A gate.

49. Which of these has degenerate p and n materials?

Tunnel diode

50. The concentra�on of minority carriers in a

semiconductor depends mainly on: temperature

1. Voltage-divider bias provides: a stable Q point

2. The Pen�um can address ________. 4 GB

3. A logic signal experiences a delay in going through a

circuit. The two propaga�on delay �mes are defined as:
t_PLH and t_PHL.

4. A 20-bit address bus can locate ________. 1,048,576

loca�ons 10. The Pen�um microprocessor has a data bus of
________. 64 bits
5. Which microprocessor has mul�plexed data and
address lines? 8086/8088 11. What is unique about TTL devices such as the
74S00? The devices use Schotky transistors and diodes
6. A transistor has a b_DC of 250 and a base current, to prevent them from going into satura�on; this results
I_B, of 20 µA. The collector current, I_C, equals: 5 mA in faster turn on and turn off �mes, which translates
into higher frequency opera�on.
7. Which is not an operand? Assembler
12. What is occurring when two or more sources of data
atempt to use the same bus? Bus conten�on
13. A collector characteris�c curve is a graph showing: 28. Which of the following was not a design
collector current (I_C) versus collector-emiter voltage improvement for the 8086/8088 over the 8085?
(V_CE) with (V_BB) base bias voltage held constant Arithme�c logic unit (ALU)

14. A port can be ________. All of the choices, Strictly 29. The ends of a load line drawn on a family of curves
for input, strictly for output, bidirec�onal determine: satura�on and cutoff

15. With the posi�ve probe on an NPN base, an 30. Which of the following is not a computer func�onal
ohmmeter reading between the other transistor block? Analog-to-digital converter
terminals should be: low resistance
31. Refer to the figure given below. What type of device
16. When transistors are used in digital circuits they is shown and what input levels are required to turn the
usually operate in the: satura�on and cutoff regions LED off? The device is an open-collector AND gate and
requires both inputs to be HIGH in order to turn the LED
17. Which method bypasses the CPU for certain types of off.
data transfer? Direct memory access (DMA)

18. The C-B configura�on is used to provide which type

of gain? voltage

19. The IEEE/ANSI nota�on of an internal underlined

diamond denotes: open-collector outputs.

20. What is the increase in switching speed between

74LS series TTL and 74HC/HCT (High-Speed CMOS)? 10
32. For a C-C configura�on to operate properly, the
21. Which of the following is not an enhancement to the collector-base junc�on should be reverse biased, while
Pen�um that was unavailable in the 8086/8088? forward bias should be applied to which junc�on?
Data/address line mul�plexing collector-emiter

22. The Q point on a load line may be used to 33. What does ECL stand for? It stands for emiter-
determine: V_B coupled logic; all of the emiters of the input transistors
are connected together and each transistor func�ons as
23. Which of the following is not an 8086/8088 general- an emiter follower.
purpose register? Address segment (AS)
34. Whenever a totem-pole TTL output goes from LOW
24. A current ra�o of I_C/I_E is usually less than one and to HIGH, a high-amplitude current spike is drawn from
is called: alpha the V_cc supply. How is this effect corrected to a digital
circuit? By connec�ng a radio-frequency capacitor from
25. Polled I/O works best when ________. there are no V_cc to ground.
priority considera�ons
35. DMA is par�cularly suited for data transfer between
26. Which of the following is not a jump instruc�on? JB the ________. disk drive and RAM
(jump back)
36. During a read opera�on the CPU fetches ________.
27. The first microprocessor had a(n)________. 4-bit All of the choices a program instruc�on, another
data bus address, data itself
37. With low-power transistor packages, the base 50. With interrupt-driven I/O, if two or more devices
terminal is usually the: middle request service at the same �me, ________. the device
assigned the highest priority is serviced first
38. Which of the following is not a computer bus? Timer
1. In a two-phase servomotor the two stator windings
39. What type of circuit is represented in the given have a phase difference of: 90°
figure, and which statement best describes its
opera�on? It is a tristate inverter. When the ENABLE 2. A 1-mW signal is atenuated at the rate of 5
input is HIGH, the output is effec�vely an open circuit— dB/1,000�. What is the power level into a receiver that
it is neither LOW nor HIGH. is 6,000 feet from the signal source? –30 dBm

3. The effect of adding poles and zeros can be

determined quickly by: Bode plot

4. A system is highly oscillatory if: gain margin is close to

40. In a C-E configura�on, an emiter resistor is used for: 1 or phase margin is zero
5. A transmission line is rated at 25 pF/�. How much
41. The process of jointly establishing communica�on is capacitance will one mile (5280 �) of this transmission
called ________. handshaking line have? 132 nF

42. Which bus is bidirec�onal? Data bus

43. Three different Q points are shown on a dc load line.

The upper Q point represents the: maximum current

44. Which of the following is not a basic element within

6. Robo�c manipulator arms mostly use: electric motor
the microprocessor? Microcontroller

45. The bipolar TTL logic family that was developed to

7. The amount of useful output power provided by a
increase switching speed by preven�ng transistor
device is 1.5 W. It is powered by a 48-V supply with 100
satura�on is: emiter-coupled logic (ECL) and transistor-
mA of current. How much power is wasted in heat? 3.3
transistor logic (TTL).

46. To operate properly, a transistor's base-emiter

8. In the given figure, the number of individual loops is:
junc�on must be forward biased with reverse bias
applied to which junc�on? collector-base

47. A transistor may be used as a switching device or as

a: variable resistor

48. A P-N junc�on mimics a closed switch when it: has a

low junc�on resistance

49. Which is not part of the execu�on unit (EU)? Clock 9. Which of the following is used to obtain output
posi�on in a posi�on control system? Load cell
10. Which of the following can be used as a rota�ng 18. DC tachogenerator can be used in: both speed
amplifier in a control system? 1 and 2 control system and posi�on control system
1. Amplidyne
2. Separately excited dc generator 19. The sensor generally used in incremental op�cal
3. Synchro encoder is: photodiode
4. Self-excited dc generator
Select the answer from the following codes: 20. For the system in the given figure G varies slightly,
the ra�o of open loop sensi�vity to closed loop
11. What is the applied voltage on a circuit in which sensi�vity is: 1 : (1 + GH)¯¹
0.5A is flowing and 10 W is generated? 20 V

12. Refer to the figure below. Given values: R1 = 10 Ω,

R2 =10 Ω, R3 = 5 Ω, R4 = 10 Ω, R5 = 10 Ω and R6 = 10Ω.
What is the voltage drop across R1? 19.2 V

21. The block diagram of the given figure for: On-off


13. For any test point s on the real axis, the sum of
22. A lead compensator: increases the stability margin
angular contribu�ons of the complex conjugate poles is:
and speeds up the transient-response.
23. If any term in the first column of a Routh array
14. Asser�on (A): In an automobile the amount of fuel
becomes zero, then: Routh criterion can be used by
admited to the engine is adjusted as per the difference
subs�tu�ng a small posi�ve number for zero and
between desired and actual speed.
comple�ng the array
Reason (R): The control signal is the amount of fuel to
be admited to the engine. Both A and R are correct but
24. For type 1 system the velocity lag error is: inversely
R is not correct explana�on of A
propor�onal to gain constant

15. In a two-branch parallel circuit containing one 30-Ω

25. If the characteris�c equa�on is (λ + 1) (λ + 2) (λ + 3)
resistor in each branch and powered from a 10-V
= 0, the eigen values are: -1, -2, -3
source, what is the total current flowing in the circuit?
0.67 A
26. The constant M circle for M = 1 is the: straight line at
x = - 0.5
16. A power amplifier has a gain of 20 dB and an input
level of 2 volts. Assuming that the input and output
27. Which of the following can act as error detec�ng
impedances are the same, what is the voltage level at
devices? 1, 2, 5
the amplifier output? 20 V
1. a pair of poten�ometers
2. a pair of synchros
17. Which of the following features is not associated
3. a differen�al transformer
with Nichols chart? The frequency at intersec�on of
4. a metadyne
G(jω) locus and M = +3 dB locus gives bandwidth of
5a control transformer
closed loop system
Select the answer using the following codes:
28. In a synchro transmiter-control transformer, the 37. Asser�on (A): If minimum phase system has a gain
voltage induced in rotor winding of control transformer margin of 8 dB and phase margin of 21°, the system is
is zero when the angular displacement between rotors stable.
of transmiter and transformer is: 90° Reason (R): For a minimum phase system both GM and
PM must be posi�ve for the system to be stable. Both A
29. How many wats are in 100 microwats? 0.1 and R are correct and R is correct explana�on of A
38. In the given figure, the combina�ons of two non-
30. Refer to the figure below. What is the total touching loops is: 2
capacitance of this circuit? 105 pF

39. In a bridge inverter an output transformer

31. Asser�on (A): In root locus the breakaway and break _________. is not essen�al
in points either lie on real axis or occur in complex
conjugate pairs. 40. Refer to the figure below. Given values: R1 = 10 Ω,
Reason (R): All root locus asymptotes intersect on real R2 =10 Ω, R3 = 5 Ω, R4 = 10 Ω, R5 = 10 Ω and R6 = 10Ω.
axis. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct What is the total resistance of this circuit? 25 Ω
explana�on of A

32. Transport lag usually exists in: thermal, hydraulic and

pneuma�c systems

33. In force current analogue, mechanical mobility is

analogous to: impedance Z

34. What is the peak voltage of a sine wave that

measures 220 VAC rms? 311 V

35. In a parallel circuit opera�ng with a source of 30

VAC, designed to carry a total current of 6 A, what
happens to the protec�on device (fuse) when the
resistance suddenly changes to 2 Ω? Opens

36. Asser�on (A): When performance specifica�ons are

given in term of transient response characteris�cs, root
locus method is a suitable method.
Reason (R): When performance specifica�ons in terms
of state variables are given, modern control methods
can be used. Both A and R are correct but R is not
correct explana�on of A
41. In the given figure, the curves 1, 2, 3 are respec�vely MASTERY TEST 18
for: minimum phase, all pass and non-minimum phase 1. Consider the following statements about root locus
func�ons 1. The intersec�on of root locus branches with the
imaginary axis can be determined by the use of Routh
2. Segments of real axis having an odd number of real
axis open loop poles plus zeros to their right are not
parts of root locus
3. The number of root locus branches termina�ng on
infinity is always zero
Which of the above statements are correct? 1 and 2

2. If poles lie in first quadrant, damping ra�o is: less than

42. A condi�onally stable system is stable for the value
of gain between two cri�cal values. It is unstable if: both 3. If damping ra�o is 0.5, the lines joining complex poles
the gain is increased beyond upper cri�cal value and the with origin are inclined to nega�ve real axis at: ± 60°
gain is decreased below lower cri�cal value
4. Consider the following statements about root locus:
43. Which of the following is correct? Speed torque 1. The root locus is symmetrical about real axis.
characteris�cs of permanent magnet dc servomotor is 2. If a root locus branch moves along the real axis from
more flat than that of wound field dc servomotor an open loop pole to zero or to infinity, this root locus
branch is called real root branch.
44. The constant magnitude of G(s) plane are: a family 3. The breakaway points of the root locus are the
of circles solu�ons of dK/dS =0.
Which statements out of above are correct? 1, 2 and 3
45. If the poles lie in second quadrant, damping ra�o is:
less than 1 5. While forming Routh's array, the situa�on of a row of
zeros indicates that the system: has symmetrically
46. A power system is providing 200 VAC at 25 A. The located roots
phase angle between current and voltage is 25°. What is
the true power used by the system? 4,956 W 6. The permanent magnet field system of brushless dc
servo- motor is generally on: rotor
47. In a series circuit consis�ng of 3 resistors of 45 Ω
each and a 50-V source, what is the approximate 7. Asser�on (A): Nyquist stability criterion uses the
amount of heat produced? 18.5 W number of encirclements around (-1 + j0) point in GH
plane to determine stability
48. The impedance or z-parameters is used for modeling Reason (R): The (-1 + j0) point in the s plane lies in the
voltage amplifiers. Which of the following is the forward Nyquist path. A is correct but R is wrong
open circuit transresistance? z₂₁
8. Consider the following statements about variable
49. Using the ________, you can find the current in any reluctance stepper motor used in control system:
branch of a series-parallel circuit. current-divider 1. The sta�c torque ac�ng on rotor is a func�on of
formula angular misalignment between stator and rotor teeth
2. There are two posi�ons of zero torque i.e, Q = 0 and
50. A precision current shunt is measuring 100 millivolts 180°/T, where T is the number of rotor teeth
across it. This indicates a current of 25 A. What is the 3. Both zero torque posi�ons are stable
actual resistance of this shunt? 0.004 Ω
4. When stator is excited, rotor is pulled into minimum 16. The system of the given figure: is unstable for all
reluctance posi�on values of K
Of these statements, the correct ones are: 1, 2, 4

9. Asser�on (A): Industrial robots improve produc�vity.

Reason (R): Robots can handle monotonous and
complex jobs without error in opera�on. Both A and R
are correct and R is correct explana�on of A

10. If block diagrams of the given figure (a) and (b) are 17. Temperature is analogous to: voltage
to be equivalent, then: G₂ = 1/G₁
18. A unity feedback system has the following open loop
frequency response. The gain margin and phase margin
are: 3.86 dB, 10°

11. For a quadra�c factor in denominator of transfer

func�on the phase angle at corner frequency (in Bode
phase angle plot): is -90° 19. Asser�on (A): The phase angle plot in Bode diagram
is not affected by change in system gain.
12. M circles are symmetrical with respect to: M = 1 Reason (R): The varia�on in gain has no effect on phase
straight line and real axis margin of the system. A is correct but R is wrong

13. The resolu�on of a wire wound poten�ometer is 20. The poles with greater displacement from the real
about: 0.1% axis correspond to: higher frequencies of oscilla�ons

14. Asser�on (A): When the forward gain of a system is 21. A system has two poles as shown in the given figure.
increased, the transient response becomes oscillatory. The zeros are at infinity. If input is unit step, the steady
Reason (R): Increasing the forward gain reduces steady state output is: 1
state error. Both A and R are correct and R is correct
explana�on of A

15. The phase angle characteris�c in the given figure is

for: transport lag

22. If block diagrams of the given figure (a) and (b) are
to be equivalent, then: G₂ = G₁
31. In control systems the word controller includes:
23. In control systems the output of sensor usually, is: error detector and control elements
analog or digital electrical signal
32. A lag compensator: improves steady state behavior
24. Which dc servomotor requires strongest permanent and preserves the transient response of the system
magnet? Surface wound with sta�onary rotor
33. For the factor (1 + 0.5 jω) the corner frequency is: 2
25. If zeros at infinity are included in the count, the rad/sec
number of zeros of G(s) H(s) is equal to number of poles
34. The given figure shows dB magnitude plots for type
26. For a type 0 system and unit ramp input, the steady 0, type 1 and type 2 systems. Out of these: curves 1, 2, 3
state error is: ∞ are for type 0, 1, 2 systems respec�vely

27. In the given figure shows a root locus plot. Consider

the following statements for this plot:
1. The open loop system is a second order system
2. The system is overdamped for K > 1
3. The system is stable for all values of K
Which of the above statements are correct? 1, 3

35. In the given figure the number of combina�ons of

three non-touching loops is: 0

28. In a simple on-off controller with differen�al gap,

the magnitude of differen�al gap determines: both the
level of accuracy and the life of controller 36. Which of the following is open loop system? Wind
screen wiper
29. For any transfer func�on, the constant phase angle
loci are: a family of circles 37. Nichols chart consists of: magnitude and phase
angle loci in log-magnitude versus phase diagram
30. In the signal flow graph in the given figure the
number of forward paths and pairs of non-touching 38. In force current analogy, displacement x is analogous
loops are respec�vely: 3 and 1 to: magne�c flux linkage

39. Consider the following statements:

1. The effect of feedback is to reduce system error
2. Feedback increases the system gain at one frequency
but reduces the system gain as another frequency
3. Feedback can cause an originally stable system to
become unstable
Which of the above statements are correct? 1, 3
40. The rela�ve stability of a system is given by: both MASTERY TEST 19
phase and gain margins 1. Asser�on (A): The root locus of a control system is
symmetrical about real axis.
41. In a two phase servomotor the voltages applied to Reason (R): For all polynomials with real coefficients,
the two stator windings: are unequal in magnitude and complex poles always occur in conjugate pairs. Both A
have a phase difference of 90° and R are correct and R is correct explana�on of A

42. The distance of poles from origin depends on: 2. The number of stator field windings in an ac
undamped natural frequency tachometer are: 2

43. In the field controlled motor the en�re damping 3. Consider the following statements: A clamper circuit
comes from: motor fric�on and load 1. adds or subtracts a dc voltage to a waveform
2. does not change the waveform
44. The addi�on of a pole to the open loop transfer 3. amplifiers the waveform
func�on pulls the root locus: to the right Which are correct? 1, 2

45. In root locus analysis the breakaway and break in 4. The pole zero plot of the given figure is for: minimum
points: either lie on the real axis or occur in complex phase func�on
conjugate pairs

46. Magne�c amplifier is used for: power amplifica�on

47. Asser�on (A): In liquid system the ra�o of change in

liquid level to change in flow rate is called resistance of
liquid flow.
Reason (R): In liquid level systems the ra�o of change in
liquid stored in a tank to the change in head is called 5. For a stable system having two or more gain crossover
capacitance of tank. Both A and R are correct but R is frequencies the phase margin is measured: at highest
not correct explana�on of A gain crossover frequency

48. The poles of an RC func�on: are simple and lie on jω 6. When a current source I is suddenly connected across
axis a two terminal relaxed RC circuit at �me t = 0, the
voltage across the current source is shown in figure. The
49. Asser�on (A): In simplifying block diagram the RC circuit is: a series combina�on of R and parallel
product of transfer func�ons in feed forward direc�on combina�on of R and C
must remain the same.
Reason (R): In simplifying block diagram the product of
transfer func�ons around a closed loop must remain the
same. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct
explana�on of A

50. Consider the following statements about polar plots:

1. Addi�on of a non-zero pole to a transfer func�on 7. In the signal flow graph of the given figure, the
results in further rota�on of polar plot through an angle number of forward paths is: 2
of - 90° as ω → ∞
2. Addi�on of a pole at the origin to a transfer func�on
rotates the polar plot at zero and infinite frequencies by
a further angle of - 90°
Of the above statements: Both are correct
8. To protect the diodes in a rec�fier and capacitor input 18. Asser�on (A): The �me response, usually, is slower
filter circuit it is necessary to use: surge resistor with lag compensa�on.
Reason (R): The natural undamped frequency and
9. The self bias provides: stable Q point bandwidth are increased. R is correct but A is wrong

10. Which power amplifier can deliver maximum load 19. In a CE amplifier the input impedance is equal to the
power? Class C ra�o of: ac base voltage to ac base current

11. Which of the following pairs are correctly matched? 20. Power handling capacity of wire wound
1. Brune`s realiza�on : realiza�on with ideal poten�ometer used in control systems is about: 5 W
2. Cauer realiza�on : ladder realiza�on. 21. Asser�on (A): When the performance of a stable
3. Bot Duffin realisa�on : with non ideal transformer. second order system is improved by a PID controller, the
Select the answer using the following codes: 1 and 2 system may become unstable.
Reason (R): PID controller increases the order of the
12. The load impedance ZL of a CE amplifier has R and L system to 3. Both A and R are correct and R is correct
in series. The phase difference between output and explana�on of A
input will be: more than 180° but less than 270°
22. The root locus branches: start from open loop poles
13. In a minimum func�on: the degree of numerator and terminate at zeros
and denominator are equal
23. Consider the following statements: both 1 and 2 are
14. A current is flowing through a conductor with non- correct
uniform area of cross-sec�on. Then: current will be the 1. The posi�veness of coefficients of characteris�c
same but current density will be different at different equa�on is necessary as well as sufficient condi�on for
cross-sec�ons. stability of first and second order systems.
2. The posi�veness of coefficients of characteris�c
15. The degree of the nodes 1, 2, 3, 4 is: all 3 equa�on ensures nega�veness of real roots but is not
sufficient condi�on for stability of third and higher order
Out of above statements:

24. For stable network the real parts of poles and zeros
of driving point func�ons must be: nega�ve or zero

25. A compensator has its pole and zero as shown in the

given figure: lead compensator

16. The frequency at which phase angle is 180° is called:

phase crossover frequency

17. The given figure shows a hybrid servosystem. The

components 1, 2, 3, 4 are respec�vely: amplifier,
demodulator, dc servomotor and load

26. A stepper motor is essen�ally: a synchronous motor

27. In a mechanical accelerometer, the steady state 35. In force voltage analogy, displacement is analogous
displacement is a measure of: constant input to: charge
36. To prevent a DC return between source and load, it
28. An RLC series circuit is underdamped. To make it is necessary to use: capacitor between source and load
overdamped, the value of R: has to be increased
37. A forward voltage of 9 V is applied to a diode in
29. In an RC series circuit R = 100 Ω and XC = 10 Ω. In series with a 1 kΩ load resistor. The voltage across load
this circuit: the current leads the voltage by about 6° resistor is zero. It indicates that: diode is open circuited

30. The circuit diagram shown in the figure consists of 38. The dri� velocity of electrons is: very small as
transistors in: parallel connec�on compared to speed of light

39. The circuit in figure will act as ideal current source

with respect to terminals A and B when frequency is: 1

31. A two-branch parallel circuit has a 20 Ω resistance 40. In an ac circuit, the maximum and minimum values
and 1 H inductance in one branch and a 100 μF of power factor can be: 1 and 0
capacitor in the second branch. It is fed from 100 V ac
supply, at resonance, the input impedance of the circuit 41. Which of the following oscillators is suitable for
is: 500 Ω frequencies in the range of megahertz? Hartley

32. In a BJT circuit a pnp transistor is replaced by npn 42. In log magnitude Bode diagram the slope of high
transistor. To analyze the new circuit: replace all frequency asymptote of (1 + jωT) is: 20 dB per decade
calculated voltages and currents by reverse values
43. Wave A = 100 sin ωt and wave B = 100 cos ωt. Then:
33. The noise figure of FET circuit is: independent of the rms values of the two waves are equal
quiescent point
44. In a synchro transmiter: input is angular posi�on of
34. Study the circuit of figure and examine the following rotor sha� and output is stator voltages
1. It is an ac�ve low pass finer. 45. An amplifier has a large ac input signal. The clipping
2. It is a second order filter. occurs on both the peaks. The output voltage will be
3. The change in gain is 40 dB/decade. nearly a: square wave
Which of the above statements are correct? 1, 2 and 3
46. In a second order system, peak overshoot is
independent of: natural frequency
47. The current wave shape shown in figure (1) is 4. Most prac�cal alternators generate electricity from: a
applied to a circuit element. The voltage across the magne�c field rota�ng around fixed windings
element is shown in figure (2). The element is: C
5. What is a circuit that produces short-dura�on spikes?
A trigger pulse generator

6. If the input to a comparator is a sine wave, the output

is a: rectangular wave

7. A 256 x 4 EPROM has: 8 address pins and 4 data pins

48. In figure, v₁ = 8 V and v₂ = 4 V. Which diode will 8. The center frequency of a band-pass filter is always
conduct? D₁ only equal to the: geometric average of the cri�cal

9. The ramp voltage at the output of an op-amp

integrator: increases or decreases at a linear rate

10. Sample-and-hold circuits in ADCs are designed to:

stabilize the input analog signal during the conversion

49. For a system to work, as oscillator the total phase 11. Which electromagne�c device uses brushes and a
shi� of the loop gain must be equal to: 360° commutator? A dc generator

50. For a second order system, the posi�on of poles is 12. Most of the memory chips in sta�c RAM: need 5 V
shown in the given figure. This system is: underdamped supply

13. In CE approximately, the ac�ve region is where the

collector curves are: almost horizontal

14. In deriving ac equivalent circuit for an amplifier

circuit, we short circuit: all capacitors

15. The interface chip for 8086- and 16-bit ADC is: 8255

16. In a microprocessor: some instruc�ons need only

one machine cycle while some other instruc�ons need
more than one machine cycle

17. Which two values are ploted on a B-H curve graph?

Flux density and magne�zing force
1. In an averaging amplifier, the input resistances are:
greater than the feedback resistance
18. A basic series regulator has: both an error detector
and a reference voltage
2. The component that produces power in an
electromagne�c generator is called the: armature
19. Which of the following real variable names is not
valid in Fortran? AB *2
3. In a CB amplifier the maximum efficiency could be:
20. Which of the following can be accessed only 31. Which of the following memories uses a MOSFET
sequen�ally? Magne�c tape and a capacitor as its memory cell? DRAM

21. Asser�on (A): Points in the s plane at which func�on 32. An RL integrator and an RC differen�ator can act as
G(s) is not analy�c are called singular, points. what types of filters, respec�vely? low-pass, high-pass
Reason (R): Singular points at which the func�on G(s) or
its deriva�ve approach infinity are called poles. Both A 33. If the value of resistor Rf in an averaging amplifier
and R are correct but R is not correct explana�on of A circuit is equal to the value of one input resistor divided
by the number of inputs, the output will be equal to:
22. What is the difference between binary coding and the inverted average of the individual inputs
binary coded decimal? Binary coding is pure binary.
34. The encapsula�on of transistor is necessary for:
23. IC (instruc�on cycle), FC (fetch cycle) and EC mechanical ruggedness
(execu�ve cycle) are related as: IC = FC + EC
35. The polarity of induced voltage while a field is
24. Permeability is the inverse equivalent of which collapsing is: opposite to the force crea�ng the field
electrical term? Resistance
36. The size of cache memory in most microcomputers
25. Which of the following best describes nonvola�le is about: a few kilobytes
memory? memory that retains stored informa�on when
electrical power is removed 37. The Hall effect: is used in various sensor applica�ons

26. Which of the following is true for a capacitor? All of 38. What do you call the characteris�c of a magne�c
the choices material whereby a change in magne�za�on lags the
Choices: applica�on of a magne�zing force? Hysteresis
a. In a DC steady state, a capacitor acts like an open
circuit. 39. For the system in the given figure the root locus: is
b. A capacitor acts like a short to instantaneous changes on real axis between points s = -1 and s = -3.6
in current.
c. A capacitor's voltage cannot change instantaneously.

27. In a two-phasor servomotor, the direc�on of

rota�on of the rota�ng field depends on: phase rela�on
of voltages applied to the two stator windings
40. A computerized self-diagnos�c for a ROM test uses:
28. The access �me (t_acc) of a memory IC is governed the check-sum method
by the IC's: internal address decoder
41. A triangular-wave oscillator can consist of an op-amp
29. In a transistor leakage current mainly depends on: comparator, followed by a(n): integrator
42. "Series" and "parallel" as applied to dc motors refer
30. Which point is the trailing edge of the repe��ve to: the connec�on of the field coil and armature
pulse waveform in the given circuit? Point A windings

43. The power requirements of a DRAM in ac�ve and

stand by modes is about: 350 mW and 5 mW
44. Which electromagne�c device has a movable iron 7. The rise �me is the �me it takes a pulse to go from
core called a plunger? A solenoid ________. 10% of the pulse amplitude to 90% of the
pulse amplitude
45. When a silicon diode is forward biased, what is V_BE
for a C-E configura�on? 0.7 V 8. At series resonance, the impedance of a crystal is:
46. What are the effects of moving a closed wire loop
through a magne�c field? All of the choices 9. A commonly used pentavalent material is: arsenic
a) A voltage is induced in the wire. 10. Most of the electrons in the base of an NPN
b) A current is induced in the wire. transistor flow: into the collector
c) The polarity across the wire depends on the direc�on
of mo�on. 11. With a PNP circuit, the most posi�ve voltage is
probably: ground
47. A digital-to-analog converter is an applica�on of the
scaling adder 12. What is the minimum frequency at which a crystal
will oscillate? fundamental
48. Which of the following computer memories is
fastest? Cache 13. In a transistor, collector current is controlled by:
base current
49. During processing the instruc�ons, data,
intermediate results and final results in a computer are 14. A certain oscillator has a tap on the inductor in the
held in: Primary memory tank circuit. This oscillator is probably: a Hartley
50. The horizontal intercept of dc load line is the same
as ideal: cut off point 15. A full subtracter circuit requires ________. three
inputs and two outputs
1. When the current through the coil of an 16. When a solenoid is ac�vated, the force that moves
electromagnet reverses, the direc�on of the magne�c the plunger is an electromagne�c field
field reverses
17. One condi�on for posi�ve feedback is that the phase
2. If the steel disk in a cranksha� posi�on sensor has shi� around the feedback loop must be ________°. 0
stopped with the tab in the magnet's air gap, the
induced voltage is zero 18. When a transistor is connected in common emiter
mode, it with have: medium input resistance and high
3. Which of the following cannot actually move? ions output resistance

4. When the speed at which a conductor is moved 19. Which semiconductor material is made from coal
through a magne�c field is increased, the induced ash? germanium
voltage increases
20. For a phase-shi� oscillator, the gain of the amplifier
5. A coil of wire is placed in a changing magne�c field. If stage must be greater than ________. 29
the number of turns in the coil is decreased, the voltage
induced across the coil will decrease 21. What is the rela�onship between the series and
parallel resonant frequencies of a quartz crystal? Parallel
6. What kind of logic device or circuit is used to store resonant frequency is approximately 1 kHz higher than
informa�on? Register series resonant frequency.
22. If a transistor operates at the middle of the dc load 32. The feedback signal in a(n) ________ oscillator is
line, a decrease in the current gain will move the Q derived from a capaci�ve voltage divider in the LC
point: down circuit. Colpits

23. At what phase shi� is the magnitude of A at its 33. At what phase shi� is the magnitude of A at its
maximum in the Nyquist plot? 180° minimum in the Nyquist plot? 0°

24. Which of the following improvements is (are) a 34. Refer to the given figure. This circuit is known as: a
result of the nega�ve feedback in a circuit? All of the Clapp oscillator
a) Lower output impedance
b) Reduced noise
c) More linear opera�on

25. In the IC phase-shi� oscillator, what should the ra�o

of feedback resistor Rf to R1 be? Greater than –29

26. In the decimal numbering system, what is the MSD?

The digit with the most weight

27. A type of digital circuit technology that uses bipolar

35. If the cross-sec�onal area of a magne�c field
junc�on transistors is ________. TTL
increases, but the flux remains the same, the flux
density decreases
28. Refer to the given figure. The resonant frequency is
controlled by: C₃, C₄, C₅, and L₁
36. The input/output rela�onship of the common-
collector and common-base amplifiers is: 0 degrees

37. Which is the higher gain provided by a C-E

configura�on? Power

38. The lead-lag circuit in the Wien-bridge oscillator has

a resonant frequency at which the atenua�on is: 1/3

39. What is the ra�o of the input impedance with series

feedback to that without feedback? 1 + βA

29. What is an energy gap? the space between two 40. A circuit that can change the frequency of oscilla�on
orbital shells with an applica�on of a dc voltage is some�mes called:
a voltage-controlled oscillator.
30. When an electron jumps from the valence shell to
the conduc�on band, it leaves a gap. What is this gap 41. O�en a common-collector will be the last stage
called? hole before the load; the main func�on(s) of this stage is to:
buffer the voltage amplifiers from the low-resistance
31. Which of the following statements does NOT load and provide impedance matching for maximum
describe an advantage of digital technology? The values power transfer
may vary over a con�nuous range.
42. The induced voltage across a sta�onary conductor in
a sta�onary magne�c field is zero
43. The atenua�on of the three-sec�on RC feedback 3. Which of the following circuit is used as a special
phase-shi� oscillator is: 1/29. signal to demul�plex the address bus and data bus?
Address Latch Enable
44. Ioniza�on within a P-N junc�on causes a layer on
each side of the barrier called the: deple�on region 4. Basic opera�on of Class A amplifier uses: Switching
transistor theory
45. The feedback signal in a(n) ________ oscillator is
derived from an induc�ve voltage divider in the LC 5. If the ROC of the system func�on is the exterior of a
circuit. Hartley circle of radius r < ∞, including the point z = ∞, then the
system is said to be ___________. causal
46. If a loop in a basic dc generator suddenly begins
rota�ng at a faster speed, the induced voltage increases 6. Which of the following is used for genera�ng �me
varying wave forms? UJT
47. What is the ra�o of the output impedance with
series feedback to that without feedback? 1 + βA 7. A non-inver�ng amplifier is designed to have a gain of
46 dB (200) and is built using an opera�onal amplifier
48. Which of the following improvements is (are) a with an open loop gain of 80 dB (10⁴). Find the values of
result of the nega�ve feedback in a circuit? All of the the actual gain and the gain error. 196 and 2%
a) Lower output impedance
b) Reduced noise
c) More linear opera�on

49. Which of the following is required for oscilla�on?

Both βA > 1 and the phase shi� around the feedback
network must be 180°.
8. What is the conduc�on angle of class A amplifier?
50. In order to start up, a feedback oscillator requires: 360°
posi�ve feedback greater than 1.
9. The apparent power on a circuit is 100 W, and the
51. For a given wirewound core, an increase in current imaginary power is 40 W. What is the true power? 92 W
through the coil increases the flux density
10. Which of the following describes an RTD? Produces
MASTERY TEST 22 a change in resistance for a change in temperature
1. How do you change the angle of conduc�on in an SCR
circuit? Vary the gate voltage. 11. By what response are twin-T oscillators generally
used? Band-stop
2. If R_L is short-circuited in the figure shown, which of
the following will happen? The amplifier signal output 12. What is the purpose of using an n-stage cascading
would fall to zero. transistor amplifier? Increase voltage gain

13. Which of the following technique is used to increase

the efficiency of class A amplifier? By using matched
transformers as load.

14. A transfer func�on has two zeroes at infinity. Then

the rela�on between the numerator (N) and the
denominator degree (M) of the transfer func�on is: N =
15. What kind of circuit has a complete current path? 29. What does THD+N represent in higher order
Closed harmonic distor�on? Higher order distor�on with noise
16. If all the poles of H(z) are inside the unit circle, then
the system is said to be: BIBO stable and causal 30. The output of a certain voltage divider is 9 V with no
load. When a load is connected, the output voltage
17. Which of the following flag is used to mask INTR ________. decreases
interrupt? Interrupt flag
31. Whenever a non-maskable interrupt occurs in 8085
18. A memory connected to a microprocessor has 20 microprocessor, which of the following data line
address lines and 16 data lines. What will be the contains the data? 24 H
memory capacity? 2 MB
32. What is the cause of harmonic distor�on in a power
19. When it comes to safety around electrical amplifier? Non-linearity of transistors
equipment, you should: Follow manufacture direc�ons.
33. What is the term used to describe the ability of a
20. In an n channel JFET, _____. I_D, I_S and I_G are device to store energy in the form of an electrical
considered posi�ve when flowing into the transistor charge? Capacitance

21. What is the advantage of using CB amplifier 34. What is the value of input resistance in the
configura�on in a cascading transistor amplifier? Good simplified CE hybrid model? h_ie
high frequency opera�on
35. Which of the following register is not used in opcode
22. What is the drawback in using Darlington pair in fetch opera�ons? Flag register
differen�al amplifier? High offset voltage
36. What is the value of output resistance in the
23. What does cascading of two transistor amplifiers simplified CE hybrid model? ∞
imply? Output of first stage sent to coupling device.
37. In normal opera�on an n-p-n transistor connected in
24. Which of the following statement is true about class common-base configura�on has the ________. emiter
A amplifiers? They are weak against distor�ons. at a lower poten�al than the base

25. When deriving the transfer func�on of a linear 38. Which of the following is not a status flag in
element: Ini�al condi�ons are assumed to be zero but microprocessor? Index flag
loading is taken into account
39. Which of the following is a program or device
26. At what frequencies does the gain of the n-stage designed to protect a network by preven�ng
cascading amplifier get compromised? Low-range unauthorized users from gaining access or by
frequencies monitoring transfers of informa�on to and from the
network? A Firewall
27. If the ini�al condi�ons for a system are inherently
zero, what does it physically mean? The system is at rest 40. In an SCR circuit, what is the supply voltage in
or no energy is stored in any of its part. rela�on to the break-over voltage? Less than

28. Which of the following applica�on is a database 41. The output of a first order hold between two
applica�on? Access consecu�ve sampling instants is: Ramp Func�on
42. Which data memory control handles the opera�on 2. The rota�onal speed of a given stepper motor is
of several peripherals by assigning them in the category determined solely by the: Step pulse frequency
of special func�on registers? Internal on-chip RAM
3. An amplifier is measured to have an internal
43. A linear �me invariant system is said to be BIBO resistance of 10 kΩ, voltage gain of 100 V/V and output
stable if and only if the ROC of the system func�on resistance of 100 Ω. Also, when a load resistance of 1 kΩ
_____________. includes unit circle is connected between the output resistance if found to
decrease to 8 kΩ. If the amplifier is fed with the signal
44. If all the poles have small magnitudes, then the rate source having an internal resistance of 2 kΩ, find G_m. 1
of decay of signal is __________. rapid A/V

45. Why there is a need for heat sinks in Class A

amplifier? To control heat dissipa�on.

46. Why do we use CE amplifier as a large signal class A

amplifier? It has very high voltage gain.
4. A tachometer is added to servomechanism because:
47. Which opera�ons are performed by the bit It can adjust damping.
manipula�ng instruc�ons of Boolean processor? All of
the choices 5. Why is the speed accessibility of external data
memory slower than internal on-chip RAM? Due to
48. In the figure shown below, what type of mul�plexing of lower order byte of address-data bus
arrangement is being used for the output? Totem-pole
6. A “floa�ng” TTL input may be defined as unused input
that is ________. �ed to Vcc via 1 kΩ resistor

7. Which of the figures from a to d is the DeMorgan

equivalent of figure e? a

8. To increase the input resistance in differen�al

amplifier, replace the transistor by: Darlington pair

9. Conversion of decimal number 71 to its binary

number equivalent is _________. 1000111

49. In a series inverter the commuta�ng elements L and 10. Which of the following is not true about 8085
C ____with the load. are in series microprocessor? It is manufactured using PMOS
50. A fuse is a safety device ac�vated when: the current
through it is too high. 11. An SCR acts to control the speed of an electric motor
by _______ of the pulse delivered to the motor. varying
MASTERY TEST 23 the width
1. In the dual-diode model of an NPN transistor, the
emiter corresponds to______. either of the diode
12. In what type of oscillator is the feedback signal 25. Which of the following is NOT a primary operator
derived from an induc�ve voltage divider in the LC used in ESPRESSO? REDUNTANT
circuit? Hartley
26. With increase in temperature, the electrical
13. A NAND gate has ac�ve - ______inputs and an ac�ve conduc�vity would: decrease in metals but increase in
- _______output. HIGH, LOW intrinsic semiconductor

14. The change in the direc�on of a compass needle, 27. Which of the following configura�on classes has the
when a current-carrying wire is brought near, is lowest second order harmonics? Class A
_______. Electromagne�c deflec�on
28. Which logic family combines the advantages of
15. For Tellegen’s theorem to sa�sfy, the algebraic sum CMOS and TTL? BiCMOS
of the power delivered by the source is _____ than
power absorbed by all elements. equal 29. Which of the following most probably exists when a
slow blinking robe light happens to a logic probe placed
16. D-MOSFET in case of common source amplifier can on the input of a digital circuit? High frequency pulse
operate with gate to source voltage zero at: Q point train

17. A certain JFET has a g_m = 4mS with an external ac 30. Asser�on (A): DC servomotors are more commonly
drain resistance of 1.5 kΩ. What is the ideal voltage used in armature-controlled mode than field-controlled
gain? 6 mode.
Reason (R): Armature controlled DC motors have higher
18. Which of the following addressing mode is used by star�ng torque than fields-controlled motors. Both A
8085 microprocessor for array and list opera�ons? and R are true and R is the correct explana�on of A
31. What is the advantage of using a cascading
19. Which current source exhibits a very high output transistor amplifier? High gain and high bandwidth
resistance? Wilson current mirror
32. The figure shown below represents: Lag network
20. Which is not part of the execu�on unit (EU)? Clock

21. A widlar current source is used: to get low value of


22. The equa�on i_D = 0 for VGS ³ VTP, represent the

complete model for the i-v behavior of the PMOS
transistor in which region? Cut-off

23. For an n-channel enhancement type MOSFET, if the

source is connected at a higher poten�al than that of
33. Which register usually store the output generated by
the bulk (V_SB > 0), the threshold voltage VT of the
ALU in several arithme�c and logical opera�ons?
MOSFET will ______. remain unchanged

24. Which logic gate does this truth table describe? NOR
34. Which of the following is a so�ware interrupt? RST-5

35. A synchro transmiter is used with control

transformer for: Error detec�on
36. The AND, OR, and TEST instruc�ons are all part of Which of the above statements are correct?
which type of instruc�on? Bit manipula�on
48. Asser�on (A): Servomotors have heavier rotors and
37. According to Millman’s Theorem, if there are n lower R/X ra�o as compared to ordinary motors of
current sources with n internal conductances similar ra�ngs.
respec�vely, are in series, then these sources are Reason (R): Servomotor should have smaller electrical
replaced by: single current source I` in parallel with G` and mechanical �me constants for faster response. A is
false but R is true
38. According to Millman’s Theorem, if there are n
voltage sources with n internal resistances respec�vely, 49. What is stored in the H & L general-purpose
are in parallel, then these sources are replaced by: register? Address of memory
single voltage source V` in series with R`
50. What is the ra�o of the output impedance with
39. Backlash in a stable control system may cause: Low series feedback to that without feedback? 1 + βA
level oscilla�ons
40. What are unijunc�on transistors used for? On-off 1. Applica�on of DC voltage to a diode, transistor, or
switching device other device to produce a desired mode of opera�on is
called: Biasing
41. What are the working regions of a unijunc�on
transistor? Nega�ve resistance region 2. An amplifier is measured to have an internal
resistance of 10 kΩ, voltage gain of 100 V/V and output
42. What is the effect of an air gap in a magne�c circuit? resistance of 100 Ω. Also, when a load resistance of 1 kΩ
Increases the reluctance. is connected between the output resistance if found to
decrease to 8 kΩ. If the amplifier is fed with the signal
43. The input resistance of the base of a voltage-divider source having an internal resistance of 2 kΩ, find Av.
biased transistor can be neglected: Only if the base 90.9
current is much smaller than the current through R2
(the lower bias resistor).

44. Which of the following is an example of an open

loop system? Execu�on of program by computer

45. A transistor opera�ng with nominal g_m of 60 mA/V

has a b that ranges from 50 to 200. Also, the bias circuit,
3. Which of the following is true about MOV A, B
being less than ideal, allows a 20% varia�on in Ic. What
instruc�on? It doesn`t affect the flag register.
is the largest value found of the resistance looking into
the base? 4.2 kΩ
4. Mul�ple signals as input can be used in which
systems: Feedback systems
46. The bandwidth, in a feedback amplifier: Increases by
the same amount as the gain decrease
5. Which of the following configura�ons does (do) not
involve the Miller effect capacitance? Common-base
47. Consider the following statements regarding a
stepper motor: 1, 2 and 3 6. The rela�onship between an input and output
1. The rota�on angle of the motor is propor�onal to the
variable of a signal flow graph is given by the net gain
input pulse.
between the input and output node is known as the
2. The motor has full torque at stands�ll.
______________. overall gain of the system
3. Speed and electric control signal of the motor vary
mutually linearly.
7. Two 10 H inductors are in parallel and is in series with 20. Consider the following statements with respect to
a 3rd 10 H inductor. What is the approximate total the feedback of the control systems:
reactance when a voltage frequency of 7 kHz is applied 1. Feedback can improve stability or be harmful to
across the circuit terminals? 660 kΩ stability if it is not properly applied.
2. Feedback can always improve stability.
8. The stack follows the sequence: last-in-first-out 3. In many situa�ons the feedback can reduce the effect
of noise and disturbance on system performance.
9. Feedback control systems are: Less sensi�ve to 4. In general the sensi�vity of the system gain of a
forward path parameter changes that to feedback path feedback system of a parameter varia�on depends on
parameter changes. where the parameter is located. 1,3 and 4 only

10. Asser�on (A): The amount of photoelectric emission 21. Benefits of feedback: Affected by parameter
depends on the intensity of incident light. varia�ons
Reason (R): Photo electric emission can occur only if
frequency of incident light is less than threshold 22. Which of the following are the not characteris�cs of
frequency. A is true but R is false the closed loop systems It does not have the ability to
control the system transient response.
11. The principle of homogeneity and superposi�on are
applied to: Linear �me variant systems 23. A gantry robot consists of a manipulator mounted
on an overhead system that allows movement only in
12. What do you call the node of a circuit that is ________ plane. Horizontal
maintained at a steady reference poten�al without
being connected directly to the reference poten�al? 24. The circuit shown below is a small sine wave signal
Virtual ground with average zero and transistor β. Find Rc to establish a
dc collector voltage of about +5V. 20 kΩ
13. When a P-N junc�on is ionized, a layer is caused on
each side of the barrier. What do you call this layer?
Deple�on region

14. By what other name(s) are the cutoff frequencies in

a frequency response plot called? All of the choices

15. For which of the following frequency region(s) can

the coupling and bypass capacitors no longer be
replaced by the short-circuit approxima�on? Low-

16. In control system excessive bandwidth is not

employed because: Noise is propor�onal to bandwidth.

17. Which of the following is the input of a controller?

Error signal 25. Regenera�ve feedback implies feedback with:
Posi�ve sign
18. The transient response, with feedback system:
Decays quickly 26. An amplifier rated at 30-W output is connected to a
5- speaker. Calculate the input voltage for the rated
19. The reverse process of transferring the data back output if the amplifier voltage gain is 20 dB. 1.225 V
from the stack to the CPU register is known as: popping
off the stack
27. How many address lines are required to connect a 4 33. Which of the following is false about LDA
KB RAM to a microprocessor? 12 instruc�on? It uses indirect addressing mode.

28. The circuit shown below is a small sine wave signal 34. Which of the following elements is (are) important
with average zero and transistor β = 99. Find the value in determining the gain of the system in the high-
of R_E to establish a dc emiter current of about 0.5 mA. frequency region? All of the choices
28.57 kΩ
35. In Boolean algebra, the OR func�on is described as
logical _______and the AND func�on is described as
logical_______. addi�on, mul�plica�on

36. What is the ra�o of the capaci�ve reactance X_CS to

the input resistance R_I of the input RC circuit of a
single-stage BJT amplifier at the low-frequency cutoff?

37. Effect of feedback on sensi�vity is minimum in:

Closed loop control system

38. Which of the following semiconductor material can

be recovered in fly ash from power plants? Ge

39. A change in frequency by a factor of ________ is

equivalent to 1 octave. 2

40. Which is of the following is true about STA

instruc�on? It is a 3-byte instruc�on.

41. Which of the following best describes Statements A

and B.
Statement A: A half wave controlled rec�fier has poorer
efficiency and higher ripple factor than a full wave
controlled rec�fier.
Statement B: The use of a freewheeling diode in half
29. Feedback can cause a system that is originally stable wave controlled rec�fier circuit improves the waveform
to become: Either more stable or unstable of load current and circuit power factor. Both A and B
correct but B is not correct explana�on of A
30. By what factor does an audio level change if the
power level changes from 4 W to 4096 W? 6 42. Which of the mo�ons in actuators are preferred?
31. What range of resistor values would you get when
checking a transistor for forward-biased and reverse- 43. Which of the following is true about stack pointer?
biased condi�ons by an ohmmeter? 100 Ω to a few kΩ Stack pointer contains the address of the top of the
and >100 kΩ respec�vely stack memory.

32. In case of DC servomotor, the back emf is equivalent 44. What is the vectored address of RST-5? 0028 H
to an “electric fric�on” which tends to: Improve stability
of the system.
45. When the current through an inductor decrease, the 6. Which of the following statements rela�ng to
amount of energy stored in the electromagne�c field opera�onal amplifiers is true?
______. decreases 1. It has a high open-loop voltage gain at low frequency,
a low input impedance and low output impedance.
46. The rela�on between output response and input 2. It has a high open-loop voltage gain at low frequency,
signal in closed loop system is: Linear a high input impedance and low output impedance.
3. It has a low open-loop voltage gain at low frequency,
47. Determine the break frequency for this circuit. a high input impedance and low output impedance.
159.15 Hz 4. It has a high open-loop voltage gain at low frequency,
a low input impedance and high output impedance. 2

7. If the current through the coil of an electromagnet is

reversed, what happens? The direc�on of the magne�c
field reverses.

8. Which of the following combina�ons cannot be

combined into Karnaugh ma groups? Diagonal corners
48. As the storing of data words onto the stack is
increased, the stack pointer is: decremented by 2 9. Generally, the gain of a transistor amplifier falls at
high frequency due to the: Internal capacitance of the
49. An amplifier rated at 30-W output is connected to a device
5Ω- speaker. Calculate the input power required for full
power output if the power gain is 20 dB. 300 mW 10. In the input RC circuit of a single-stage BJT, by how
much does the base voltage lead the input voltage for
50. The closed system has higher ________ than open frequencies much larger than the cutoff frequency in
loop control system, this implies increased speed of the low-frequency region? About 0°
response. bandwidth
11. Using the ________, you can find the current in any
MASTERY TEST 25 branch of a series-parallel circuit. current-divider
1. DEBUG.COM facilitates the ______. debugging and formula
trouble shoo�ng
12. A control system with excessive noise, is likely to
2. A differen�al amplifier has an open-loop voltage gain suffer from: Satura�on in amplifying stages
of 120. The input signals are 2.45 V and 2.35 V. Calculate
the output voltage of the amplifier. 12 V 13. An amplifier with a gain of – 500 and a feedback of β
= - 0.1 has gain change of 15% due to temperature.
3. The mnemonic that is placed before the arithme�c Calculate the change in gain of the feedback amplifier.
opera�on is performed. AAD 0.3 %

4. What does a loader do in a microprocessor? Converts

hexadecimal code to binary.

5. The threshold voltage of a MOSFET can be lowered by

______. 1 and 3 are correct
1. using thin gate oxide
2. reducing the substrate concentra�on
3. increasing the substrate concentra�on
14. In con�nuous data systems: Data is necessarily a
con�nuous func�on of �me at all points in the system
15. When a nega�ve gate-to-source voltage is applied to 28. The g-parameter descrip�on is one of the most
an n-channel it operates in the ______. deple�on mode commonly used representa�ons for a voltage amplifier.
Which of the following is the reverse short-circuit
16. The purpose of a 3-wire bridge is to eliminate: the current gain? g12
effects of wire resistance in an RTD circuit
29. The amplifier circuit shown below uses a silicon
17. Zero ini�al condi�on for a system means: System is transistor. The capacitors CC and CE can be assumed to
at rest and no energy is stored in any of its components be short at signal frequency and the effect of output
resistance ro can be ignored. If CE is disconnected from
18. Which of the following statements is true for a the circuit, which one of the following statements is
square-wave signal? It is composed only of odd TRUE? The input resistance Ri increases and the
harmonics. magnitude of voltage gain AV decreases.

19. A thermistor: can be used in a constant-current

configura�on or a Wheatstone bridge

20. All amplifiers should have at least ______terminals

with ______terminals(s) controlling the flow between
_____other terminals (s). 3, 1, 2

21. The voltage gain of an opera�onal transconductance

amplifier (OTA) circuit is set by: the transconductance
and load resistor

22. Thermocouple: Produces a change in voltage for a

change in temperature and is made of two dissimilar

30. A thermocouple condi�oner is designed to provide:

23. A stepper motor may be considered as a
All of the choices
____________ converter. digital-to-analog

31. The coded object modules of the program to be

24. Choose the correct match for input resistance of
assembled are present in: .OBJ file
various amplifier configura�ons shown below:
Configura�on Input resistance
32. A voltage divider circuit is ini�ally without a load
CB: common base LO: Low
resistance. What happens to the current drawn from the
CC: common collector MO: Moderate
source when a load resistance is connected on the
CE: common emiter HI: High
output? It increases.

33. Assume that a transistor has a power ra�ng P_dmax

25. The split capacitor in a Colpits oscillator provides
of 350 mW at an ambient temperature T_A of 25°C. The
______. regenera�ve feedback
dera�ng factor is 2.8 mW/°C. Calculate the power ra�ng
at 50°C. 280 mW
26. A surge voltage has very high magnitude and very
______. small dura�on and can be posi�ve or nega�ve

27. If you have an RC and an RL differen�ator with equal

�me constants si�ng side-by-side and you apply the
same input pulse to both, ______. you can`t tell the
difference by observing the output waveform
34. In the hybrid π or Giacoleto model, which one of 44. The impedance, or z-parameters, is used for
the following does r_b include? All of the choices modeling voltage amplifiers. Which of the following is
the forward open-circuit transresistance? z₂₁
35. In an ideal differen�al amplifier shown in the figure,
a large value of (RE). Decreases the common-mode gain 45. The operands, source and des�na�on in an
only instruc�on cannot be: memory loca�on, memory

46. The current i_b through base of a silicon npn

transistor is 1+0.1 cos (1000πt) mA. At 300K, what is the
r_π in the small signal model of the transistor? 25 Ω

36. What are the major differences between the 5400

and 7400 series of ICs? 5400 series are military grade
and allow for a wider range of power supply voltages
and temperatures.

37. In a thermocouple circuit, where each of the

thermocouple wires is connected to a copper circuit
board terminal: All of the choices

38. A cascode amplifier stage is equivalent to: A

common emiter stage following by a common base

39. The characteris�c that allows an isola�on amplifier

to amplify small signal voltages in the presence of much 47. For how many �mes per instruc�on, the content of
greater noise voltages is its: CMMRR the program counter is placed on the address bus?
Depends on the length of the instruc�on
40. The output of a feedback control system must be a
func�on of: Output and feedback signal 48. Transfer func�on of a system is used to calculate
which of the following? The output for any given input.
41. In a dc millivoltmeter, the amplifier provides a meter
with _____input impedance and a scale factor 49. DAA instruc�on is used to perform which type of
dependent _____value and accuracy. high, resistor addi�on? BCD addi�on

42. What is the ra�o of the output power to the input 50. Suppose registers ‘A’ and ‘B’ contain 50H and 40H
power at the cutoff frequencies in a normalized respec�vely. A�er instruc�on MOV A, B, what will be
frequency response plot? 0.50 the contents of registers A and B? 40H, 40H

43. The advantages of assembly level programming

is/are: All of the choices

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