EST Mastery

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Which of the following is the major source of

1. Erlang is used to: Measure busy period. thermal noise in a microwave system? TWT amplifier in

2. In free space, what is the radia�on characteris�c of a 15. Which of the following topologies requires the
half-wave dipole? Minimum radia�on from the ends, installa�on of termina�ng resistors at two loca�ons?
maximum broadside Bus

3. On an energized half-wave antenna, which of the 16. Analog signals can be ________by combining them
following electrical condi�ons exist? Voltage is minimum with a carrier frequency. mul�plexed
at the ends
17. What does horizontal wave polariza�on mean? The
4. The analog signal needs to be sampled at a minimum electric lines of force of a radio wave are parallel to the
sampling rate of: 2fs earth`s surface

5. In digital transmission, what modula�on technique 18. If the height of the reflec�ng layer of the ionosphere
requires minimum bandwidth? Delta modula�on increases, the skip distance of a high frequency (HF)
transmission: becomes greater
6. One Erlang is equal to: 3600 CCS
19. In a frequency modula�on transmiter, the _______
7. In a �me mul�plexed space switching system, one is located between the modulator and the frequency
speech sample appears every _____. 125 microsec mul�plier. oscillator

8. Which of the following pairs of well-known ports are 20. Busy hour traffic is the: Traffic during peak hour.
the default values you would use to configure a POP3
email client? 110 and 25 21. Telephone companies normally provide a voltage of
_________to power telephones. -48 volts DC
9. When a dc voltage is applied to a transmission line
and the load absorbs all the energy, what is the resul�ng 22. What factor significantly affects the frequency of
rela�onship between current and voltage? They are occurrence of the sporadic-E layer? La�tude
evenly distributed along the line.
23. In a DTMF phone, dialing of 8 generates: 1336 Hz -
10. The alternate speeding up and slowing down of 852 Hz
electrons in a beam that produces electron bunches is
known as which of the following modula�on terms? 24. For a non-blocking cross bar configura�on, taking N
Velocity modula�on as the number of subscribers, there will be ______
number of cross points and _______number of switches
11. Regarding a pin diode, which of the following for establishing connec�ons when all the subscribers are
statements is correct? It is preferred as a microwave engaged. N², N/2
25. At microwave frequencies, the circuit elements are
12. Traffic intensity can be measured in: taken as _____ elements. distributed
a. All of the choices
b. CCS 26. Adding a series inductance to an antenna would:
c. Erlangs decrease the resonant frequency
d. CM 27. In a frequency modula�on receiver, the _______ is
located between the limiter and the audio frequency
13. What does an SWR reading of less than 1.5:1 mean? amplifier. frequency discriminator
A fairly good impedance match
28. The error probability of a PCM is:
a. Calculated using noise and inter symbol interference 40. What technique may be used to increase average
b. All of the choices informa�on per bit? Shannon-Fano algorithm
c. Gaussian noise + error component due to inter
symbol interference 41. In Delta modula�on: Both one bit per sample is
d. Calculated using power spectral density transmited and the step size is fixed.

29. For hamming distance dmin and number of errors D, 42. Regenera�ve repeaters are used for:
what is the condi�on for receiving invalid codeword? D a. Transmission over long distances
≤ dmin – 1 b. Elimina�ng noise
c. Reconstruc�on of signals
30. The skip distance of a sky wave will be greatest d. All of the choices
when the: angle between ground and radia�on is
smallest 43. Traffic capacity is given by: Switching capacity ×
Theore�cal maximum load
31. Plas�c op�c fibers: Are used in the automobile
industry 44. What electromagne�c wave polariza�on does a half-
wavelength antenna have when it is perpendicular to
32. Due to which of the following reasons the the earth's surface? Ver�cal
microwave link repeaters are typically 50 km apart?
Earth`s curvature 45. For M equally likely messages, M>>1, if the rate of
informa�on R > C, the probability of error is____. close
33. Which of the following materials is used as a to unity
cathode material magnetron? Barium stron�um oxide
46. An antenna supplied by the center-feed method is
34. The ________ is a circuit-switched network, while fed at what point? Low voltage and high current
the ______ is a packet-switched network. Telephone,
ATM 47. The secured version of the Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTPS) uses a different well-known port from
35. What is the best antenna feed line to use, if it must the unsecured version. Which of the following ports is
be put near grounded metal objects? Coaxial cable used by HTTPS by default? 443

36. Echo suppressor is detrimental to full duplex 48. What are some reasons to use parallel conductor
opera�on because: It disables one of the two pairs in a feed line? It will operate with a high SWR, and has less
four-wire trunk line when a signal is detected on the loss than coaxial cable
other pair.
49. Matched filter may be op�mally used only for:
37. Which of the following protocols appears on the Gaussian noise
network as a service that client computers use to
resolve names into IP addresses? DNS 50. What is the advantage of using Manchester format
of coding? Power saving
38. The fiber op�c transmiter has which of the
following func�ons? MASTERY TEST 02
Converts the electrical input signal to an op�cal signal 1. What is the low angle radia�on patern of an ideal
half-wavelength dipole HF antenna installed parallel to
39. Radio waves that arrive at a receiving site along the earth? It is a figure-eight, perpendicular to the
different paths can cause signal fading if these waves antenna
have different _____. phase rela�onships
2. What is one way to tell if radio frequency interference 14. At HF frequencies, line-of-sight transmission
to a receiver is caused by front-end overload? If the between two sta�ons uses mainly the ____. ground
interference is about the same no mater what wave
frequency is used for the transmiter.
15. Which of these materials is best for a ground rod
3. Why should you regularly clean, �ghten and re-solder driven into the earth? Copper-clad steel
all antenna connectors? To help keep their resistance at
a minimum 16. In Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) is: 0 is encoded as
no pulse and 1 is encoded as posi�ve or nega�ve pulse
4. What microwave tube amplifier uses an axial
magne�c field and radial electric field? Reflex klystron 17. Parity check bit coding is used for: Error detec�on

5. Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) is also known as: 18. Forward error correc�ng code corrects errors by:
Pseudo ternary coding requiring no part of the signal to be retransmited

6. Common channel signalling: Needs no addi�onal 19. How litle electrical current flowing through the
transmission facili�es. human body can be fatal? As litle as 20 milliamperes

7. What kind of emission would your FM transmiter 20. Using ______ ARQ, a sending modem must wait for
produce if its microphone failed to work? An a return ACK for each sent block before sending the next
unmodulated carrier block. discrete

8. What does an SWR reading of less than 1.5:1 mean? 21. Microstrip is similar to which of the following? Flat
A fairly good impedance match coaxial transmission line

9. The current sta�on is the one that is accessing the 22. VHF signals from a mobile sta�on using a ver�cal
channel now. The right to this access has been passed whip antenna will normally be best received using a:
from the predecessor to the current sta�on. The right Ver�cal ground-plane antenna
will be passed to the successor when the current sta�on
has no more data to send. This network employs what 23. How can the bandwidth of a parasi�c beam antenna
kind of controlled access method? Token Passing be increased? Use larger diameter elements

10. Moving the feed point of a mul�element quad 24. The IF bandwidth of a radar receiver is inversely
antenna from a side parallel to the ground to a side propor�onal to the ____________. pulse width
perpendicular to the ground will have what effect? It
will change the antenna polariza�on from horizontal to 25. For safety, how high should you place a horizontal
ver�cal wire antenna? High enough so that no one can touch
any part of it from the ground
11. What kind of filter would you use to atenuate an
interfering carrier signal while receiving an SSB 26. QPSK system uses a phase shi� of _____. π/2
transmission? A notch filter

12. What is the main reason why so many VHF base and 27. Coherent detec�on of binary ASK signal requires:
mobile antennas are 5/8 of a wavelength? The angle of Both phase synchroniza�on and �ming synchroniza�on
radia�on is low
28. Why should you use only good quality coaxial cable
13. Which body organ can be fatally affected by a very and connectors for a UHF antenna system? To keep RF
small amount of electrical current? The heart loss low
29. What augments the algorithm to handle the collision 42. The maximum power that may be handled by a
specially for wired networks? Carrier sense mul�ple ferrite component is limited by the: curie temperature
access with collision detec�on
43. Orthogonality of two codes means: The integrated
30. Pulse width modula�on may be generated: With a product of two different code words is zero
monostable mul�vibrator.
44. Recep�on of high frequency (HF) radio waves
31. Indicate the correct statement regarding satellite beyond 4000 km is generally possible by _____ wave.
communica�ons. A satellite earth sta�on must have as ionospheric
many receiver chains as there are carriers transmited to
it. 45. In what values are RF feed line losses expressed? dB
per unit length
32. One solu�on to mul�band opera�on with a
shortened radiator is the "trap dipole" or trap ver�cal. 46. In a low-level AM system, amplifiers following the
These "traps" are actually: A coil and capacitor in modulated stage must be: linear devices
47. What is a skip zone? An area which is too far away
33. A duplexer is used: To allow the one antenna to be for ground-wave propaga�on, but too close for sky-wave
used for recep�on or transmission without mutual propaga�on
48. Ethernet 10 Base 2 is an example of ______ network
34. What may happen if an SSB transmiter is operated topology. bus
with the microphone gain set too high? It may cause
splater interference to other sta�ons opera�ng near its 49. In order to separate channels in a TDM receiver, it is
frequency necessary to use: AND gates

35. With reference to a ‘magnetron’ which of the 50. In a single sideband transmiter, the ________ is in
following statements is correct? It is a high power between the mixer and the antenna. linear amplifier
microwave oscillator
36. Interlacing is used in television to: Avoid flicker. 1. In a mul�point environment, the capacity of the
channel is shared. If several devices can use the link
37. In an SSB transmission, the carrier is: reinserted at temporally, it is a _______ connec�on. �me shared
the receiver
2. The gain of a collinear antenna is greatest when the
38. When a switch capacity is full, calls coming into that elements are spaced from ____ wavelength apart or
switch are said to be____. blocked when the number of elements is increased. 0.4 to 0.5

39. The expression for bandwidth BW of a PCM system, 3. The color of light depends on its ______. frequency,
where v is the number of bits per sample and fm is the not its wavelength
modula�ng frequency, is given by _____. BW ≥ vfm
4. What technique also expands the bandwidth of the
40. The binary waveform used to generate BPSK signal is original signal, but the process is different? In this
encoded in: Bipolar NRZ format technique, we replace each data bit with n bits using a
spreading code. Direct sequence spread spectrum
41. Switching systems: Improve the efficiency of the
data transfer.
5. What is the process of adding one extra 0 whenever 17. For transmission over bodies of water, _______
five consecu�ve 1s follow a 0 in the data, so that the polariza�on is much beter for antennas at the lower
receiver does not mistake the patern 0111110 for a heights. ver�cal
flag? Bit stuffing
18. To connect coaxial cable to devices, we need coaxial
6. What deals with procedures for communica�on connectors. The most common type of connector used
between two adjacent nodes—node-to-node today is the ______. Bayonet Neill-Concelman
communica�on—no mater whether the link is
dedicated or broadcast? Data link control 19. The first service provided by the data-link layer is
______. framing
7. For a series-resonant circuit, if the circuit is resonant
at a point above the generator frequency (the generator 20. In antennas, the points of minimum current and
frequency is too low), then the circuit acts ______. minimum voltage are known as current and voltage
capaci�vely _____. nodes

8. In wave propaga�on, the reflected energy is the 21. In _____ TDM, the data rate of the link is n �mes
greatest when the wave is _____ to the reflec�ng faster, and the unit dura�on is n �mes shorter.
surface. nearly parallel synchronous

9. When light waves, which travel in straight lines, 22. What is the most common UTP connector, which is a
encounter any substance, they are either: Transmited, keyed connector, meaning the connector can be
refracted, reflected, or absorbed inserted in only one way? RJ45

10. The field associated with the energy stored in the 23. In ____ propaga�on, higher-frequency radio waves
antenna is the _____ field. Induc�on radiate upward into the ionosphere (the layer of
atmosphere where par�cles exist as ions) where they
11. The cutoff wavelength of a circular guide is ____ are reflected back to earth. sky
�mes the diameter of the waveguide. 1.71
24. Today, the prevalent coding system is called ______,
12. What type of waveguide bend where the magne�c which uses 32 bits to represent a symbol or character
fields are distorted when a waveguide is bent in this used in any language in the world. Unicode
manner? H bend
25. In wave propaga�on, as the angle of incidence
13. The effec�veness of a data communica�ons system increases, the amount of wave energy reflected ______.
depends on what four fundamental characteris�cs? increases
Delivery, accuracy, �meliness, and jiter
26. In the reflec�on of waves, if the reflec�ng surface is
14. In antennas, the exact value of radia�on resistance smooth and polished, the angle between the incident
depends on the ______. height of the antenna above ray and the normal will be ______ the angle between
the ground the reflected ray and the normal. the same as

15. In what mode, each sta�on can both transmit and 27. Graded index fiber op�c cable is one with varying
receive, but not at the same �me? Half-duplex densi�es. Density is _____ at the center of the core.
16. In wave propaga�on, if either the source or the
receiver or both move toward the other, the receiver 28. A parity-check code can detect an ____ number of
will perceive a _____ frequency sound. higher errors. odd
29. In sound propaga�on, a denser material (such as 42. What refers to the bends, twists, and joints
lead) passes sound ______. slower necessary to install waveguides. E bends, H bends, and
twists must have a radius greater than two
30. The diameter of an equivalent circular waveguide wavelengths? Waveguide plumbing
must be ____ �mes the "a" dimension of a rectangular
waveguide. 1.17 43. In a circuit-switched network, a dedicated
connec�on, called a _____, is always available between
31. What signals can be used for short-range the two end systems; the switch can only make it ac�ve
communica�on in a closed area using line-of-sight or inac�ve. circuit
propaga�on? Infrared
44. A twisted-pair cable can pass a wide range of
32. Substances that transmit almost all the light waves frequencies. Increasing frequency, the atenua�on,
that fall upon them are said to be ______. transparent measured in decibels per kilometer (dB/km), sharply
increases with frequencies above____. 100 kHz
33. In a ____ code, if a codeword is cyclically shi�ed
(rotated), the result is another codeword. Cyclic 45. In a _____ protocol, frames are sent from one node
34. Changing the frequencies of a cavity is known as to the next without any rela�onship between the
_____. tuning frames; each frame is independent. connec�onless

35. In circular waveguides, the second subscript 46. The narrowest dimension determines the ______ of
indicates the number of _______. half-wave paterns the waveguide and is called the "b" dimension. power-
across the diameter handling capability of the line

36. In antenna radia�on, a ____ is the area of a 47. Single-mode uses _____ fiber and a highly focused
radia�on patern that has minimum radia�on. null source of light that limits beams to a small range of
angles, all close to the horizontal. step-index
37. In ____ propaga�on, radio waves travel through the
lowest por�on of the atmosphere, hugging the earth. 48. What technique uses M different carrier frequencies
ground that are modulated by the source signal? At one
moment, the signal modulates one carrier frequency; at
38. What is the process of adding one extra byte the next moment, the signal modulates another carrier
whenever there is a flag or escape character in the text? frequency. Frequency hopping spread spectrum
Byte stuffing
49. On an open-ended resonant line, and at all even ¼-
39. The denser the medium, the higher the speed of wavelength points, the voltage is _____, the current is
sound. The denser the medium, the _____ the speed of _____ and the impedance is maximum. maximum,
light. lesser minimum

40. To guarantee the detec�on of up to s errors in all 50. At medium and low frequencies, _____ polariza�on
cases, the minimum Hamming distance in a block code cannot be used at these frequencies because the
must be _____. dmin = s + 1 electric lines of force are parallel to and touch the earth.
41. The frequency range of any system using
waveguides is limited by the _______ of the MASTERY TEST 04
waveguides. physical dimensions 1. Assume that we need to download text documents at
the rate of 100 pages per minute. A page is an average
of 24 lines with 80 characters in each line and each
character requires 8 bits. Then the required bit rate of
the channel is _____. 25.6 kbps
2. A digital signal has eight levels. How many bits are 14. A router is a connec�ng device that operates in the
needed per level? 3 _______ layer(s). physical, data-link, and network

3. What does a very high SWR reading mean? 15. What kind of SWR reading may mean poor electrical
The antenna is the wrong length, or there may be an contact between parts of an antenna system? A jumpy
open or shorted connec�on somewhere in the feed line reading

4. The number N of radio transmiters or point sources 16. What is the bit rate for high-defini�on TV (HDTV)?
of radia�on distributed uniformly over the sky which an 1.5 Gbps
antenna can resolve is given by: 4π/ ΩA
17. Patch antennas are the antennas of small size and
5. In traffic engineering, 1 Erlang is equivalent to ____ are made of: Microstrip lines
CCS. 36
18. What is the required minimum bandwidth of a low-
6. In a star topology with six computers, we need pass channel if we need to send 1 Mbps by using
________ links. 6 baseband transmission? 500 kHz

7. What does an SWR reading of less than 1.5:1 mean? 19. A one-to-one communica�on between one source
A fairly good impedance match and one des�na�on is classified as a _______
communica�on. unicast
8. The loss in a cable is usually defined in decibels per
kilometer (dB/km). If the signal at the beginning of a 20. A network with bandwidth of 10 Mbps can pass only
cable with -0.3 dB/km has a power of 2 mW, what is the an average of 12,000 frames per minute with each
power of the signal at 5 km? 1.416 mW frame carrying an average of 10,000 bits. What is the
throughput of this network? 2 Mbps
9. What causes splater interference? Overmodula�ng a
transmiter 21. What factor significantly affects the frequency of
occurrence of the sporadic-E layer? La�tude
10. A radio link has 15 W transmiter connected to an
antenna of 2.5 m² effec�ve aperture at 5 GHz. The 22. When will a power source deliver maximum output
receiving antenna has an effec�ve aperture of 0.5 m² to the load? When the impedance of the load is equal to
and is located at a 15 km line of sight distance from the impedance of the source
transmi�ng antenna. Assuming lossless, matched
antennas, the power delivered to the receiver is: 23 µm 23. We have a low-pass channel with bandwidth 100
kHz. What is the maximum bit rate of this channel? 200

24. What do you call the effec�ve earth radius to true

11. If the transmiter power remains constant, an
earth radius ra�o? K factor
increase in the frequency of the sky wave will: Lengthen
the skip distance.
25. Which of the following restric�ons apply to analog
broadcas�ng? Interference, fading and mul�path
12. As the beam area of an antenna decreases, the
direc�vity of the antenna: Increases
26. To obtain efficient power transmission from a
13. A one-to-all communica�on between one source
transmiter to an antenna requires: matching of
and all hosts on a network is classified as a _______
communica�on. broadcast
27. In TCP/IP Reference model, the job of _______ layer 39. A digi�zed voice channel is made by digi�zing a 4-
is to permit hosts to inject packets into any network and kHz bandwidth analog voice signal. We need to sample
travel them independently to the des�na�on. 1, 2, 3 the signal at twice the highest frequency (two samples
and 4 per hertz). Assuming that each sample requires 8 bits.
1. Physical What is the required bit rate? 64 kbps
2. Transport
3. Applica�on 40. Consider the same noiseless channel of 3000 Hz
4. Host-to-network bandwidth transmi�ng a signal with four signal levels
(for each level, we send 2 bits). Calculate the maximum
28. Calculate the power of a signal with -30 dBm. 1 x bit rate. 12 kbps
10¯⁶ W
41. A simple sine wave can be represented by one single
29. In a fully connected mesh network with 10 spike in the _____ domain. frequency
computers, total ______ number of cables are required
and ______ number of ports are required for each 42. If an antenna radiates over half a sphere, direc�vity
device. 45, 9 of the antenna is: Two

30. The characteris�c impedance of a coaxial line: can 43. What is the length of the shortest element in the
be the same for different diameter line Yagi antenna? One half the wavelength of the highest
31. What factors determine the characteris�c
impedance of a coaxial antenna transmission line? The 44. The members of the antenna family which are made
ra�o of the diameter of the inner conductor to the of wires of certain value in terms of opera�ng
diameter of the outer shield wavelength are called: Dipole antennas

32. The antenna in which loca�on of the feed 45. A one-to-many communica�on between one source
determines the direc�on of the lobe are: Wire antenna and a specific group of hosts is classified as a _______
communica�on. mul�cast
33. The result of the presence of standing waves on a
transmission line is: reduced transfer of RF energy to the 46. If your antenna transmission line gets hot when you
antenna are transmi�ng, what might this mean? The SWR may
be too high, or the transmission line loss may be high
34. In a fully connected mesh topology with six
computers, we need ________ links. 15 47. An antenna has a field patern of E (θ) = cos2 θ, θ
varies between 0 and 90°. Half power beam width of the
35. The number of paterns radia�on patern required antenna is: 66°
to specify the characteris�cs of antenna are: Three

36. If the characteris�c impedance of the feedline does

not match the antenna input impedance then: standing
waves are produced in the feedline

37. What type of transmission impairment in which an

outside source such as crosstalk corrupts a signal? Noise
48. In what values are RF transmission line losses
38. When propaga�on speed is mul�plied by expressed? dB per unit length
propaga�on �me, we get the ________. distance a
signal or bit has traveled 49. What does standing-wave ra�o mean? The ra�o of
maximum to minimum voltages on a feed line
50. Assume we need to download text documents at the 11. Two or more strong out-of-band signals mix in your
rate of 100 pages per second. What is the required bit receiver to produce interference on a desired frequency.
rate of the channel? 1.636 Mbps What is this called? Intermodula�on interference

MASTERY TEST 05 12. What circuit blocks RF energy above and below a
1. Calculate the theore�cal highest bit rate of a regular certain limit? A band pass filter
telephone line. A telephone line normally has a
bandwidth of 3000 and with the usual signal-to-noise 13. A network with bandwidth of 10 Mbps can pass only
ra�o of 3162. 34.860 kbps an average of 12,000 frames per minute with each
frame carrying an average of 10,000 bits. What is the
2. Which of the following transmission lines will give the throughput of this network? 2 Mbps
best match to the base of a quarter-wave ground-plane
antenna? 50 ohms coaxial cable 14. If the distance between a transmi�ng sta�on and
receiving sta�on is 1 km and if the antennas are
3. Moving towards the clockwise direc�on in the Smith opera�ng at a wavelength of 5 cm, then the path loss is:
chart implies moving: Towards generator 108 dB

4. Radio waves that arrive at a receiving site along 15. The radia�on patern of a half-wave dipole has the
different paths can cause signal fading if these waves shape of a Doughnut
have different _______. phase rela�onships
16. The signal-to-noise ra�o is o�en given in decibels.
5. We need to send 265 kbps over a noiseless channel Assume that SNR = 36 dB and the channel bandwidth is
with a bandwidth of 20 kHz. How many signal levels do 2 MHz. Calculate the theore�cal channel capacity. 24
we need? 98.7 levels Mbps

6. Radio communica�ons can be diffracted to 17. Consider an extremely noisy channel in which the
excep�onally long distances through the use of what value of the signal-to-noise ra�o is almost zero. In other
frequency band at what rela�ve power level? Very low words, the noise is so strong that the signal is faint.
frequency; High power Calculate the channel capacity. 0

7. The amount of power by which the received power 18. Why is top hat added to antennas? To increase
must be greater than the threshold level required to capacitance
maintain a minimum quality of service is called _____.
Link margin 19. The greatest amount of absorp�on takes place in the
ionosphere under which of the following condi�ons?
8. What is the propaga�on �me if the distance between When the density of the ionized layer is the greatest.
the two points is 12,000 km? Assume the propaga�on
speed to be 2.4 x 10⁸ m/s in cable. 50 ms 20. To reduce energy from an HF transmiter ge�ng into
a television set, you would place a ____________ as
9. What would you use to connect a coaxial cable of 50 close to the TV as possible. high pass filter
ohms impedance to an antenna of 17 ohms impedance?
An impedance-matching device 21. If link transmits 4000 frames per second and each
slot has 8 bits, the transmission rate of circuit of this
10. In a parasi�c array antenna, the conductors that are TDM is ______. 32 kbps
not connected to the transmission line are called as:
Parasi�c elements 22. If the power input to an antenna is 100 mW and if
the radiated power is measured to be 90 mW, then the
efficiency of the antenna is: 90 %
23. In a Smith chart, what is the center and radius of a 33. If the direc�vity of a square corner receiving
line with normalized load impedance of 1 + 0.5j? (1,2) antenna is 20 and opera�ng at a wavelength of 0.25 m,
and 2 the effec�ve aperture of a square corner antenna is: 0.4

24. What is an advantage of downward sloping radials
on a ground plane antenna? It brings the feed point 34. What are the propaga�on �me and the transmission
impedance closer to 50 ohms �me for a 5-Mbyte message (an image) if the bandwidth
of the network is 1 Mbps? Assume that the distance
25. If we transmit a signal, the frequency of which is so between the sender and the receiver is 12000 km and
high we no longer receive a reflec�on from the that light travels at 2.4 x 10⁸ m/s. 40 s
ionosphere, the signal frequency is above the:
maximum usable frequency 35. How does the bandwidth of a folded dipole antenna
compare with that of a simple dipole antenna? It is
26. A parabolic reflector used for recep�on with the greater
direct broadcast system is 18 inches in diameter and
operates at 12.4 GHz. The far-field distance for this 36. The density of ionized layers is normally greatest
antenna is: 17.3 m during which of the following periods? Between
a�ernoon and sunset

37. What is the use of loading coil? Correc�ng

resonance to a desired frequency

38. If the center impedance of a folded dipole is

27. What does the beamwidth of an antenna tell us? approximately 300 ohms, and you are using RG8U (50
Direc�vity ohms) coaxial lines, what is the ra�o required to have
the line and the antenna matched? 6:1
28. In a comparison of waves of light and sound as they
travel from an air into water, how is the speed of light 39. The Smith chart is a polar chart which plots: R vs
waves and sound waves affected? Decreased; increased Z_norm

29. What does a very high SWR reading mean? The 40. A receiver designed for SSB recep�on must have a
antenna is the wrong length for the opera�ng BFO (beat frequency oscillator) because: the suppressed
frequency, or the transmission line may be open or carrier must be replaced for detec�on
short circuited
41. Which of the following antennas produce a ver�cal
30. If the length of coaxial transmission line is increased radia�on patern? Marconi antenna
from 20 meters (66 �) to 40 meters (132 �), how would
this affect the line loss? It would be increased by 100% 42. Suppose a signal travels through a transmission
medium and its power is reduced to one-half. Calculate
31. Why is the boom of the Yagi antenna connected to a the atenua�on or the loss of power. 3 dB
metal mast and electrical ground? Lightning protec�on
43. Which of the following is not one of the types of
32. What are the propaga�on �me and the transmission driven array antenna? Rec�linear antenna
�me for a 2.5-kbyte message (an e-mail) if the
bandwidth of the network is 1 Gbps? Assume that the 44. The power of a signal is 10 mW and the power of
distance between the sender and the receiver is 12,000 the noise is 1 µW. What are the values of SNR and
km and that light travels at 2.4 x 10⁸ m/s. 0.020 ms SNR_dB? 40 dB
45. A channel has a 1-MHz bandwidth. The SNR for this 4. Choose the Protocols used in the Data Link Control
channel is 63. What are the appropriate bit rate and layer of OSI model below? All of the choices
signal level? 6 Mbps; 4 levels

5. How do you calculate the length in meters (feet) of a

46. What happens to the feed point impedance of a
quarter-wavelength ver�cal antenna? Divide 71.5 (234)
ground-plane antenna when its radials are changed
by the antenna`s opera�ng frequency (in MHz)
from horizontal to downward-sloping? It increases
6. Given the following statements:
47. If the beam width of an antenna in two orthogonal
1. Frequency Division Mul�plexing is a technique that
planes are 300 and 600. Then the direc�vity of the
can be applied when the bandwidth of a link is greater
antenna is: 18
than combined bandwidth of signals to be transmited.
2. Wavelength Division Mul�plexing (WDM) is an analog
mul�plexing Technique to combine op�cal signals.
3. WDM is a Digital Mul�plexing Technique.
4. TDM is a Digital Mul�plexing Technique.
Which of the following is correct? 1, 2 and 4 are true; 3
is false.
48. A signal travels through an amplifier, and its power is
increased 10 �mes. Calculate the amplifica�on or gain 7. When a space-wave signal passes over a mountain
of power. 10 dB ridge, a small part of the signal is diffracted down the far
side of the mountain. This phenomenon is called
49. Consider a noiseless channel with a bandwidth of ______. knife-edge diffrac�on
3000 Hz, transmi�ng a signal with two signal levels.
What is the maximum bit rate? 6 kbps 8. Start and stop bits, respec�vely are: Space, mark

50. What does an SWR reading of 1:1 mean? The best 9. The characteris�c impedance of a transmission line is:
impedance match has been atained equal to the pure resistance which, if connected to the
end of the line, will absorb all the power arriving along it
1. The op�mum working frequency provides the best 10. The modes of a MAC to share a transmission
long range HF communica�on. Compared with the medium are: All of the choices
maximum usable frequency (MUF), it is usually: slightly

2. Op�cal fiber uses reflec�on to guide light through a

channel, in which angle of incidence is ________ the
cri�cal angle. greater than
11. Polariza�on of an antenna is determined by: the
3. To increase the transmission distance of UHF signal, electric field
which of the following should be done? Increase
antenna height.
12. A speech signal, band-limited to 4 kHz, is sampled at 22. The characteris�c impedance of a transmission line
1.25 �mes the Nyquist rate. The speech samples is determined by the: physical dimensions and rela�ve
assumed to be sta�s�cally independent and uniformly posi�ons of the conductors
distributed in the range -5V to +5V, are subsequently
quan�zed in an 8-bit uniform quan�zer and then 23. A transmission mode that can transmit data in both
transmited over a voice-grade AWGN telephone the direc�ons but transmits in only one direc�on at a
channel. If the ra�o of the transmited signal power to �me. Half duplex
channel noise power is 26 dB, the minimum channel
bandwidth required to ensure reliable transmission of 24. A rule or procedure that defines how data is to be
the signal with an arbitrarily small probability of transmited is called a(n): Protocol
transmission error (rounded off to two decimal places)
is ___kHz. 9.258 kHz 25. The conten�on mode of MAC implementa�on is
best suited for ______ traffic. low
13. Choose the Protocols working in the Data Link
Control Layer of OSI model below: All of the choices 26. The index of refrac�on of a material medium _____.
is greater than 1

27. A sudden and intense burst of ultraviolet light is

especially disrup�ve to communica�ons in which of the
following frequency bands? MF

28. A device is sending out data at the rate of 2000 bps.

14. When a signal is returned to Earth by the How long does it take to send a file of 100,000
ionosphere, what is this called? Sky-wave propaga�on characters? 400 s

15. The_________ layer lies between the session layer 29. The physical address to each machine is provided by
and the applica�on layer. presenta�on which layer in an OSI reference model? Data Link Layer

16. What layer is responsible for process delivery? 30. When sunspot numbers are high, how is
Transport layer propaga�on affected? Frequencies up to 40 MHz or
even higher become usable for long-distance
17. What is the effec�ve radiated power of a repeater communica�on
with 200 W transmiter power output, 4 dB feedline
loss, 4 dB duplexer and circulator loss, and 10 dB 31. A range of microwave frequencies more easily
feedline antenna gain? 317 W passed by the atmosphere than are the others is called a
_______. window
18. If there are N people in the world and are using
secret key encryp�on/decryp�on for privacy purpose, 32. A Token Ring implementa�on works on the
then number of secret keys required will be: N (N – 1) / ___mode. Round Robin
33. Home broadband connec�ons that work on DSL
19. The carrier used with a BPSK demodulator is: The (Digital Subscriber Line) use _______ protocol. All of the
BPSK signal itself choices

20. The distance from the transmiter to the nearest

point where the sky wave returns to the Earth is called
the: skip distance
21. If the received power at antenna terminals is -80
dBm, and if the input noise power is -115 dBm, then the
input SNR is: 35 dB
34. Which of the following descrip�ons of tropospheric 45. One type of network that never has a collision is:
scater signal recep�on is NOT true? Receiver signal Token-passing
strength decreases as the turbulence height is
increased. 46. If a wave has a velocity of 4800 feet per second and
a wavelength of 5 feet, what is the frequency of the
35. To which class does the following IPv4 address wave? 960 Hz
belong: Class B
47. What states that power density is inversely
36. The speed of a radio wave: is the same as the speed propor�onal to the distance from its source? Inverse
of light Square Law

37. Which is the layer that is responsible for sharing the 48. What will be the best stub selec�on for the
physical media (transmission medium) among many transmission line? Shunt short
computers or devices? MAC (Medium Access Control)
layer 49. The wavelength corresponding to a frequency of 2
MHz is: 150 m (492 �)
38. A pure ALOHA Network transmits 200-bit frames
using a shared channel with 200 Kbps bandwidth. If the 50. Why is the F2 region mainly responsible for the
system (all sta�ons put together) produces 500 frames longest distance radio-wave propaga�on? Because it is
per second, then the throughput of the system is the highest ionospheric region
______. 0.184
39. What does horizontal wave polariza�on mean? The 1. Data transmission of one character at a �me with
electric lines of force of a radio wave are parallel to the start and stop bits is known as what type of
earth`s surface transmission? Asynchronous

40. What is a data acquisi�on system? System used for 2. Natural Sampling does not use: a sample-and-hold
data processing, conversion and transmission. circuit

41. What wave propaga�on principle accounts for the 3. What layer of the Open Systems Interconnec�on (OSI)
apparent increase in frequency as a train whistle model is responsible for transla�ng and forma�ng
approaches and the apparent decrease in frequency as informa�on? Presenta�on
it moves away? Doppler`s effect
4. An Ethernet network interface adapter provides
42. A�er the radia�on field leaves an antenna, what is func�ons that span which two layers of the Open
the rela�onship between the E and H fields with respect Systems Interconnec�on (OSI) model? Physical and data
to phase and physical displacement in space? In phase; link
90 degrees
5. Which of the following devices is used to physically
43. What does maximum usable frequency mean? The connect computers in the same VLAN? A switch
highest frequency signal that will reach its intended
des�na�on 6. What is the maximum number of transmit and
receive antennae supported by the currently ra�fied
44. The ability of a reflec�ng surface to reflect a specific IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standards? 8
radio wave depends on which of the following factors?
All of the choices 7. The dynamic range of a system is the ra�o of: the
strongest transmitable signal to the weakest discernible
8. What is the maximum number of routes that can be 19. Huffman codes: allow alphanumeric data to be
included in a single RIP broadcast packet? 25 compressed

9. TV twin-lead feed line can be used for a feed line in 20. What would you use to connect a coaxial cable of 50
an amateur sta�on. The impedance of this line is ohms impedance to an antenna of 35 ohms impedance?
approximately: 300 ohms An impedance-matching device

10. Which of the OSI model layers is responsible for 21. The protocols at which layer of the Open Systems
syntax transla�on and compression or encryp�on? Interconnec�on (OSI) model use port numbers to
Presenta�on iden�fy the applica�ons that are the source and the
des�na�on of the data in the packets? Transport
11. Which of the following topologies provides the
greatest number of redundant paths through the 22. Mark and space refer respec�vely to: Binary 1 and
network? Mesh binary 0

12. How does the range of sky-wave propaga�on 23. In a circuit-switched network: each channel carries
compare to ground-wave propaga�on? It is much longer only one data stream

13. Quan�zing noise (quan�za�on noise): decreases as 24. The func�ons of a Logical Link Layer (LLC) are: All of
the bits per sample increases the choices

14. Why should you make sure that no one can touch an
open wire transmission line while you are transmi�ng
with it? Because high-voltage radio energy might burn
the person

15. Approximately what frequency range can most

humans hear? 20 - 20 000 Hz
25. Which of the following explana�ons best describes
16. Which protocols adopted the standards of HDLC the func�on of a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or
(High-Level Link Control) protocol? All of the choices User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number? The port
number is used by both the sender and the receiver to
iden�fy the applica�on that generated the informa�on
in the datagram.

26. Which is the protocol that maps varying IP addresses

to the Physical MAC Address of a machine in a LAN
network? ARP (Address Resolu�on Protocol)

27. The main reason that serial transmission is preferred

to parallel transmission is that: Serial requires only a
single channel
17. To protect you against electrical shock, the chassis of
each piece of your sta�on equipment should be
28. How can exposure to a large amount of RF energy
connected to: a good ground connec�on
affect body �ssue? It heats the �ssue

18. What should you do for safety when opera�ng at

29. Which of these materials is best for a ground rod
UHF and microwave frequencies? Keep antenna away
driven into the earth? Copper-clad steel
from your eyes when RF is applied
30. Which of the following is not an advantage of packet 43. The distance travelled by ground waves: is less at
switching over circuit switching? Packets can be stored higher frequencies
temporarily in the event of network conges�on.
44. Which of the following is not a technology typically
31. Which of the following IPv6 address types is the used for a personal area network (PAN)? ISDN
func�onal equivalent of an IPv4 APIPA address? Link
local 45. A longitudinal redundancy check produces a(n):
Block check character
32. What is a skip zone? An area which is too far away
for ground-wave propaga�on, but too close for sky-wave 46. The number of amplitude, frequency, or phase
propaga�on changes that take place per second is known as the:
Baud rate
33. At which layer of the OSI model do you find the
protocol responsible for the delivery of data to its 47. In prac�cal terms, parallel data transmission is sent:
ul�mate des�na�on on an internetwork? Network over short distances only

34. When antenna feed lines must be placed near 48. A 9600-baud-rate signal can pass over the voice-
grounded metal objects, which of the following feed grade telephone line if which kind of modula�on is
lines should be used? Coaxial cable used? QAM

35. Which layer of the Open Systems Interconnec�on 49. VLANs create the administra�ve boundaries on a
(OSI) model defines the medium, network interfaces, switched network that are otherwise provided by which
connec�ng hardware, and signaling methods used on a of the following devices? Routers
network? Physical
50. Compared to standard PCM systems, the quality of
36. What is the minimum voltage which is usually the output of a vocoder is: not as good
dangerous to humans? 30 volts
37. Which of the following Internet Protocol (IP) address 1. A dish designed for opera�on at 150 MHz is operated
classes iden�fies mul�cast addresses? Class D at twice that frequency. By what factor do gain change?
4 �mes
38. A 100BaseT cable uses: twisted-pair copper wires
2. Which of the following is not a field contained in a
39. Which of the following IEEE wireless LAN standards Frame Relay frame header? Commited Informa�on
provides the greatest possible throughput? 802.11ac Rate (CIR)

40. Which of the following technologies enables the IP 3. A noiseless channel with a bandwidth of 10,000 Hz
addresses assigned to clients by a Dynamic Host transmi�ng a signal with four signal levels can handle a
Configura�on Protocol (DHCP) server to be maximum of 40 kbps. If the signal level was altered to
automa�cally added to the DNS namespace? Dynamic eight, what will be the maximum channel bit rate kbps?
DNS 60

41. Which of the following is not a protocol used to 4. TCP residing in the receiving host will send an
allocate IP address assignments to clients on a network? acknowledgement for which of the following? Segment
5. What is the term for a device that combines several
42. Which of the following is correct? The bit rate may sources into a single bit stream with a data rate that is
be greater than the baud rate. less than the combined data rates of all input sources?
Sta�s�cal �me division mul�plexer
6. What is a cookie? A set of data that a website server 13. What is the ohmic resistance of the antenna, if the
gives to a browser the first �me the use visits the site, efficiency of the antenna is 0.96 and the radia�on
that is updated with each return visit. resistance is 72 Ω. 3 Ω

7. Which best describes the type of computer-based

device that interconnects two LANs of the SAME logical
link control protocol and of different medium access
control protocol? Bridge

8. A helical shape antenna with eight turns is used to

track a satellite that is opera�ng at 1.2 GHz. If the
spacing for the antenna is 10 cm, what is the beamwidth
of the antenna? 28.9°

14. In radio communica�ons, sidebands are generally

produced through modula�on process. How would you
understand the statement – “Not all forms of
modula�on produce sidebands”. Completely false

15. Which of the following statements regarding the

difference between a superframe (SF) and an extended
superframe (ESF) in a T-1 carrier is NOT true? Both SF
and ESF use A, B, C and D signaling bits

16. If the maximum number of free electrons in a

9. What power density is required to produce electric certain ionospheric layer is 2 x 10¹² per m³, what is its
field strength of 100 volts per meter in air? 26.5 W/m² cri�cal frequency? 12.73 MHz

10. In space propaga�on, radio waves go behind the so- 17. Two halfwave dipole antennas are posi�oned for
called geometrical horizon or line-of-sight horizon. This op�mum transmission and recep�on. Calculate the
is due to what phenomenon in the air? Refrac�on open-circuit voltage induced in one λ/2 dipole when 20
W of power at 250 MHz is radiated from another λ/2
11. What is the term for a device that allows for high dipole 100 km away. 119.32 µV
data rate access at a customer loca�on by distribu�ng
the data over several T-1 carriers? Inverse mul�plexer 18. In a SONET network, which of the following is a
func�on of the Line Overhead? Automa�c Protec�on
12. As specified by the Na�onal Commitee on Radia�on Switching
Protec�on Measurement (USA), what would be the
maximum accumulated permissible dose to the whole 19. Why is the F2 region mainly responsible for the
body of a 50-year-old man? 160 rems longest distance radio-wave propaga�on? Because it is
the highest ionosphere region

20. In serial type of data transmission which bit is

usually transmited last? Most Significant Bit (MSB)
21. In system networking, which device or so�ware 32. A non-resonant RF line is infinitely long. This is
program determines the next network point to which a because ________. all the energy travelling down the
packet should be forwarded toward its des�na�on? line is absorbed by the load
33. The amount of radio signal reflected from a given
22. ATM and Frame Relay are referred to as “Fast surface depends on the nature of the surface and the
Packet” technologies. At which layer of the OSI 7-layer angle at which the wave strikes the surface. If the
model do these technologies work? Data link incident angle of the radio wave energy is perpendicular
to a dull surface, more of the incident energy is ______.
23. The company which provides you with a connec�on absorbed by the surface
to the Internet via either a Dial-up Connec�on or a
Direct Connec�on is called a(n): ISP 34. In Microso� Excel, how does one keep the heading
from scrolling when viewing a spreadsheet with may
24. Which of the following media does NOT belong to rows? Freeze Panes from Window menu
the group? Vacuum
35. What channel encoding technique whereby
25. Antenna efficiency is dependent on the effec�ve successive binary “1” bits in the bit stream are
radia�on resistance or the electrical length of the transmited with alterna�on polarity? RZ-AMI
antenna element. For antenna length of one quarter
wavelength what is its effec�ve radia�on resistance? 36. What would be the difference (in decibel) to the
Minimum antenna dish GAIN from its original value if its diameter
is increased by threefold while the other parameters
26. If an RF transmission line is open circuited, what will remain the same? 9
be the current at the end of the line? Zero
37. Inver�ng the inputs of an AND gate gives the same
27. To dis�nguish between varie�es of unshielded and result as inver�ng the output of which of the following?
shielded twisted pair cables, EIA/TIA formulated several An OR gate
cable categories according to their electrical
specifica�ons. Which of these voice-grade UTP cable is 38. A digital transmission line has a bandwidth of 2
capable of suppor�ng transmission rates of up to 4 MHz. With signal-to-noise of 36 dB, what is the
Mbps belongs? Cat 2 maximum capacity the line can handle in Mbps? 24

28. The tuned circuit of the oscillator in a simple AM 39. Which of the following technologies employs a
transmiter employs a 50 µH coil and a 1 nF capacitor. If Distributed Queue Dual Bus (DQDB) architecture? SMDS
the oscillator output is modulated by audio frequencies
up to 10 kHz, calculate the range occupied by the 40. In HF radio communica�ons, typically what
sidebands. 722 to 702 kHz percentage of the maximum usable frequency (MUF) is
the best frequency to use for op�mum transmission
29. Which of the following is defined under the (FOT)? 85
Broadband ISDN standards? ATM
41. In a coaxial line if the inner diameter is 0.51 cm and
30. The most common distance-limi�ng factor for mul�- the center conductor has a diameter of 0.22 cm. What is
mode fiber when carrying high bit-rate traffic is: Modal the characteris�c impedance? 50.4 Ω
42. A transmission can be physically and/or electrically
31. Which of the following modula�on schemes long. What will make any length of transmission line to
provides 4 bits per baud? 16-QAM appear as an infinitely long line? Termina�ng the line in
its characteris�c impedance
43. If the characteris�c impedance of the coax line does 4. Which one is used to perform rou�ng in OSI network
not match the antenna input impedance, then: standing architecture? Network layer
waves are produced in the transmission line
5. Which of the following is the subset of a network that
44. As a ray of light moves away from the center of a contains all the routers but has no loops? Spanning-tree
mul�-mode, graded index fiber, which of the following
statements is true? Velocity of light will increase 6. Which of these is usually referred to as the port
number (default) of several web servers like apache? 80
45. Which type of the technique does the signal remain
at the binary level assigned to it for the en�re bit �me? 7. Which one in the rou�ng algorithm that can be used
Nonreturn to zero (NRZ) for network layer design? I, II and III
I. Shortest path algorithm
46. One of the main du�es of the transport layer is to II. Link-state rou�ng
provide ____________ communica�on. process-to- III. Distance vector rou�ng
8. Which of the following is used for voice applica�on
47. Which term represents informa�on and overhead at and data rate up to 10 Mbps? Category 3
the Transport layer in the OSI 7- layer model? Segments
9. Select from the following which command is used to
48. Which of the following is most similar in func�on to operate TCP/IP rou�ng table. Route
an Ethernet LAN switch? Bridge
10. The TIA standard recognizes two basic types of
49. Which of the following determines the characteris�c balanced twisted pair cabling for use in a structured
impedance of a coaxial antenna feed line? The ra�o of cabling system. What are they? 100-ohm Unshielded
the diameter of the inner conductor to the diameter of Twisted Pair (UTP) and Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
the braid
11. Which of the following is the work of the router to
50. The figure below shows a simple block diagram of a do in a network? Iden�fied on which ou�ng link a
digital communica�on system. Which block recreates packet is to be sent.
incoming binary sequence? Channel decoder
12. Category 5e or Enhanced category 5 is intended to
support systems up to 1000Base-T of Gigabit Ethernet
up to a distance of ______. 100 m

13. Which of these is the oldest techniques used by

hackers for phone hacking to make free calls? Phreaking

14. Twisted pair cabling is used for both voice and data
cabling and typically a _______. 22 – 26 AWG
1. We use the transit �me and the response �me to 15. Which of the following cannot be detected and
measure a network’s ___________. Performance therefore it is difficult to separate the original signal
from distorted signal in audio signal? Distor�on
2. A ____________ can be a hardware device or a
so�ware program that filters all the packets of data that 16. Category 6A or Augmented Category 6 is designed to
comes through a network, the internet, etc. Firewall support _______ up to distances of 100 meters.
3. To double the covering range of TV transmiter tower,
its height should be mul�plied by: 4
17. Which of these is an an�virus program type? I, II and 29. What is a standard for balanced twisted pair cable
III and components suppor�ng signaling rates up to 250
I. Kaspersky MHz? Category 6
II. Quick heal
III. Mcafee 30. What is the horizontal beamwidth of a pyramidal
horn antenna if its width is one wavelength? 80°
18. The DNS would translate any Domain name into
___________. URL 31. Which type of audio video files can be made
portable by downloading? Compressed
19. In which manner each sample is represented in
audio signal? Stepwise 32. In which of these a person is con�nually
chased/followed by another person or a group of
20. Choose the func�on of a router. Send the packet to various people? Stalking
the uplinks
33. What is a standard for balanced twisted pair cable
21. What is the usual impedance characteris�c of and components suppor�ng signaling rates up to 500
twisted pair cables at 100 MHz? 100 ohms MHz? Category 6A

22. When DC flows through a transmission line, the 34. What twisted pair cable ISO class is used for
movement of electrons through the conductor’s cross frequency of 16 MHz? Class C
sec�on is uniform. However, when AC is applied, the
expanding and collapsing fields about each electron 35. Which LAN topology uses a closed, point-to-point-
encircle other electrons. This retards the movement of connected loop of sta�ons allowing data to flow in one
the encircled electrons. Which phenomenon is referred direc�on only e.g., from one sta�on to the next? Ring
to? Self-induc�on
36. A TV tower has a height of 100m. By how much the
23. In serial type of data transmission which bit is height of the tower should be increased to triple its
usually transmited last? Most Significant Bit (MSB) coverage range (in m). 800

24. A simple AM transmiter employs an oscillator with 37. When a wave passes through one medium and
a 40 µH coil and 1 nF capacitor. If the oscillator output is encounters a medium having different characteris�cs,
modulated by audio frequency of up to 24 kHz what is which of the following will likely NOT occur?
the center frequency of the transmiter in Hz? Regenera�on
38. Which of these ports and IP address scanners is
25. Which of the following is a standard for balanced popular among the users? Angry IP Scanner
twisted pair cable and components suppor�ng signaling
rates up to 100 MHz? Category 5e 39. Which of these is a sort of independent type of
malicious program that would not require any host
26. Which of these is the very first hacker’s conference? program? Worm
40. Which of these is NOT a scanning type? Cloud Scan
27. Which is the important part of the system which are
being used to �me shi� broadcast programs to skip 41. Which of these would refer to the explora�on of the
commercial breaks? Hard drive-based servers apt, ethical behaviors that are related to the digital
media pla�orm and online environment Cyberethics
28. Which of these is NOT involved in the CIA Triad?
Authen�city 42. Which of the following malware types does not
clone or replicate itself through infec�on? Trojans
43. Twisted pair cabling uses a color code to allow 5. For an antenna in a form of a linear conductor or an
installers to quickly iden�fy each pair within a cable. The array of conductors, calculate the effec�ve length at 3
�p colors indicate _______. which group a pair is MHz. 31.83 m
6. Select the command that is used to manipulate the
44. At which �me step is a sample taken in ADC? Even TCP/IP rou�ng table. Route

45. What is expressed as the magnitude of sample 7. Which of the following is the correct op�on about the
represented by finite number which is propor�onal to purpose of peak clipper circuits in radio transmiters? To
some voltage in audio signal? Quan�zing prevent overmodula�on.

46. What is the cri�cal angle of the signal when it passes 8. Select which one is used in delivery, the deliverer of
from glass, with rela�ve permi�vity of 7.8, into air? 7.4° the IP packet and the des�na�on are on different
networks. An indirect

9. Choose from the following in which one forwarding,

the mask, and des�na�on addresses are both in
the rou�ng table. Default

47. Using the cipher algorithm, which of these types of 10. If a digital signal s(t), described at t = t₁ is sufficient
text would be transformed? Plain text for determining the signal at t = t₂ at which the signal
48. Digital signals: Can u�lize binary systems. also exists, then s (t) represents the so called ____signal.
49. When DC flows through a transmission line, the
movement of electrons through the conductor’s cross 11. In order to transfer maximum power between
sec�on is uniform. However, when AC is applied, the transmit and receive antenna, both antennas must have
expanding and collapsing fields about each electron the same ________. Choose one that will make the
encircle other electrons. This retards the movement of statement NOT TRUE. physical size
the encircled electrons. Which phenomenon is referred
to? Self-induc�on 12. Which one is the natural mask for a class C
50. What category of performance is used for inside
wire and cable systems? Category 3 13. In skywave propaga�on, what is the cri�cal
frequency if the maximum number of free electrons in a
MASTERY TEST 10 certain ionospheric layer is 1.5 x 10¹² per cubic meter?
1. Which u�lity is used if you want to find the number of 11 MHz
routers between a source and des�na�on? Traceroute

2. Which type of the technique does the signal remain

at the binary level assigned to it for the en�re bit �me?
Nonreturn to zero (NRZ)
14. The VSWR on a loss-free line of 50 ohms
3. If the cri�cal frequency is 10 MHz in sky wave characteris�c impedance is 4.2. Determine the value of
propaga�on, what is the best frequency to use assuming the purely resis�ve load impedance which is known to
30° of radia�on angle? 17 MHz be larger than 50 ohms. 210 Ω

4. Select from the following in which forwarding, the

15. In analyzing the behavior of light in an op�cal fiber
complete IP address of a des�na�on is provided in the cable, which ray travels down the fiber without passing
rou�ng table. Host-specific
through the axis? Skew
16. In which type of channel coding is the informa�on 27. The rou�ng processor searches in the rou�ng table
bearing message stream is encoded in con�nuous is known as: Table lookup
fashion by interleaving informa�on bits and error
control bits? Convolu�on 28. A parallel-wire line spaced at 1.27 cm has a diameter
of 0.21 cm. What is the characteris�c impedance? 300 Ω
17. Select which one is used to relate to config in
Microso� Windows. I, II and III 29. is an example of which one? Private
I. Display all current TCP/IP network configura�on
values 30. The forward power in a transmission line is 150 W
II. Modify DNS se�ngs and the reverse power is 20 W. Calculate the SWR on
III. Modify DHCP se�ngs the line. 2.15

18. Which of the following determines the characteris�c 31. Which is used in delivery, both the deliverer of the IP
impedance of a coaxial antenna feed line? The ra�o of packet and the des�na�on are on the same network? A
the diameter of the inner conductor to the diameter of direct
the braid.
32. An amplifier with 20 dB gain is connected to another
19. What is the maximum line-of-sight distance between with 10 dB gain by means of a transmission line with a
a paging antenna 250 � high and a pager receiver 3.5 � loss of 4 dB; if a signal with a power level of -14 dBm
of the ground? 25 mi were applied to the system, calculate the power output.
12 dBm
20. The net reactance of the antenna varies with the
wavelength. If the antenna is shorter than one-quarter 33. In a spread spectrum technology, the frequency of
wavelength, which of the following dominates? the carrier of the transmiter changed according to a
Capaci�ve reactance predetermined sequence, called pseudorandom at a
rate higher that of the serial binary data modula�ng the
21. The rou�ng tables of a router used to keep what? carrier. Which type of spread spectrum this technique is
The routes for forwarding the data to its des�na�on iden�fied to? Direct-sequence

22. Fiber op�c cables are widely used for high-speed 34. If the antenna current increases 3.4 �mes, how
data transport. What is the main role of the glass much does the radiated power increase? 11.56 �mes
component in a glass fiber op�c cable? Carry the light
35. What would be the approximate series impedance
23. Which of these is also malicious so�ware? Malware of a quarter-wave matching line used to match a 600
ohms feed to 70 ohms antenna? 204.94 Ω
24. For a parallel-wire line, determine the conductance
if the conduc�vity is 200 x 10¯⁶ S/m and the conductor 36. What propor�on of the incident power is reflected
diameter is 12 mm. The conductor spacing is 10 mm. back from the load for a 75-Ω line terminated with Z_L=
1.23 mS/m 50 - j25 Ω? 7.84 %

25. In traffic engineering, which parameter measures

the average number of requests for connec�on per unit
�me? Calling rate

26. The computer networking classful addressing is

important as it gives as millions of network addresses.
Given this IP address 224-224.224.224. iden�fy what
classful address this number belongs? Class D
37. Calculate the velocity factor of a coaxial cable used 44. In aperture antennas for microwave
as a transmission line, with the characteris�c impedance communica�ons, what is the aperture number if the
of 50 ohms, capacitance is 40 pF/m, and inductance angular aperture is 55°? 0.48
equal to 50 μH/m. 0.0745

45. The beamwidth and the direc�ve gain of the

antenna are interrelated with each other. If the
beamwidth of the antenna decreases, its direc�ve gain
_____. increases
38. The bandwidth (BW) of a digital signal depends on
the bit rate and the pulse shape used. In dimensionality 46. To minimize interference, a 500 MHz dish needs to
theorem, if the rate of transmission required is 20 have a 1-degree beamwidth. What is the corresponding
Mbps, what must be the minimum BW of the medium? gain in dB? 44.7 dB
10 MHz

39. Determine the gain of a 6 �. parabolic dish opera�ng

at 1800 MHz. 28.17 dB

40. In wire communica�ons system, calculate the return 47. A TVRO installa�on for use with a C-band satellite
loss in dB, if the load impedance is 600 ohms and the (download frequency at 4 GHz), has a diameter of about
characteris�c impedance of the line is 300 ohms. 9.54 3.5 meters and an efficiency of 60%. Calculate its
dB beamwidth. 1.5°

41. What is the actual length in feet of one-quarter

wavelength of a coax with a velocity factor of 0.68 at 30 48. Select the uses of the switch in a datagram network.
MHz? 5.576 �. Rou�ng table

42. Select the size of the Source and Des�na�on IP 49. In an improperly loaded transmission line,
address in the IP header. 32 bits determine the power reflected from the load if the
incident power at the load is 500 W and the reflec�on
43. What is the effec�ve area of a Hertzian dipole coefficient is 0.71. 252.05 W
antenna for unity efficiency at 3 MHz? 1190 m²
50. A helical antenna has the following dimensions: 9. Calculate the electric field intensity in millivolts per
pitch is 1/3 wavelength; diameter is ¼ wavelength and meter at 30 kW from a 5 km source. 189.74 mV/m
turns is 27. What is the gain in dB? 19.2 dB
10. Fading is caused due to:
1. Mul� path propaga�on
2. Obstacles
3. Frequency varia�ons at the source
4. Varia�on in amplitude and phase at receiver
1, 2 and 4 are correct

11. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, which of the following is

a network layer protocol? The Internet Protocol (IP)
1. What kind of antenna is less likely to pick up man- 12. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, which of the following is
made interference? Ver�cally polarized a transport layer protocol? The Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP)
2. What is the free space loss, in dB, between two
microwave parabolic antennas 38.0 kilometer apart 13. BitTorrent is an example of a ____________ peer-to-
opera�ng at 7.0 GHz? 140.89 dB peer network. structured-decentralized

3. A certain earth sta�on transmiter output power is 10 14. Which of the following pairs of well-known ports are
kW, transmi�ng antenna gain 100 dBi, receiving the default values you would use to configure a POP3
antenna gain 75 dBi, uplink and downlink frequency of email client? 110 and 25
2.4 GHz and 2 GHz respec�vely. What is the received
signal level at the satellite? 7.71 µW 15. In a VHF mobile radio system, the base sta�on
transmits 100 W at 160 MHz frequency using half-wave
4. According to Shannon-Hartley theorem: Both the dipole antenna 20 meters above ground. Calculate the
channel capacity does not become infinite with infinite field strength at a receiving antenna at a height of 4
bandwidth and has a trade-off between bandwidth and meters and a distance of 30 km. (Gain of antenna is
signal-to-noise ra�o are correct 1.64). 41.78 µV/m

5. When a user logs into a local �me-sharing system, it is

called ________ login. local

6. What happens to the feed point impedance of a

ground-plane antenna when its radials are changed
from horizontal to downward-sloping? It increases.

7. A cell phone transmiter has a maximum frequency

devia�on of 12 kHz. Calculate the modula�on index if it
operates at maximum devia�on with a voice frequency
of 300 Hz. 40

8. According to Fourier analysis, any composite signal is

a combina�on of simple sine waves with different 16. In IEEE 802.11, when a frame is going from one
frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. If the composite
sta�on in a BSS to another without passing through the
signal is non-periodic, the decomposi�on gives a
distribu�on system, the address flag is _____. 00
combina�on of the sine waves with
__________frequencies. con�nuous
17. The diversity schemes are based on: All the four are 26. How can you increase your transmiter's power by 6
correct dB? Mul�ply the original power by 4.
1. Time diversity
2. Frequency diversity 27. A certain antenna has a gain of 7 dB with respect to
3. Space diversity an isotropic radiator. What is the effec�ve area if it
4. Polariza�on diversity operates at 200 MHz? 0.897 m²

18. A half-wave dipole antenna is used to operate at 54

MHz. Considering end effect, what is the effec�ve area
of the antenna? 3.64 m2

28. In wave propaga�on, determine the refrac�ve index

of an ionospheric layer with 100 x 10⁶ free electrons per
cubic meter at 5 MHz frequency. 0.99
19. In the domain name space, a full domain name is a
sequence of labels separated by ________. dots

20. What digital modula�on technique is used in

frequency selec�ve channels? BPSK

21. Which of the following components does the port

number in a transport layer protocol header iden�fy? 29. What is the refrac�ve index of an ionospheric layer
An applica�on with 100 x 10⁵ free electrons per m³? Assume frequency
to be at 20 MHz. 0.99
22. A resistor at a temperature of 25°C is connected
across the input of an amplifier with a bandwidth of 50
kHz. How much noise does the resistor supply to the
input of the amplifier? 0.206 fW

23. If an antenna has a length of 0.125λ then what is the

radia�on resistance? 12.34 Ω 30. For an antenna in a form of a linear conductor, what
is the effec�ve length at 10.5 MHz? 9.09 m
24. What is a language for crea�ng a sta�c
document? I, II and III
I. Extensible Style Language (XSL)
II. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
III. Extensible Markup Language (XML)

25. In a frequency modula�on transmiter, the

____________is in between the speech amplifier and
the oscillator. Modulator
31. A signal has a bandwidth of 1 MHz. It is sampled at a 36. Moving the feed point of a mul�-element quad
rate 50% higher than the Nyquist rate and quan�zed antenna from a side parallel to the ground to a side
into 256 level using a µ-law quan�zer with µ = 225. perpendicular to the ground will have what effect? It
Determine the signal-to-quan�za�on-noise ra�o. 38.06 will change the antenna polariza�on from horizontal to
dB ver�cal.

37. In the Shannon limit for informa�on capacity

theorem, if the bandwidth is reduced by 4 �mes while
maintaining the signal-to-noise ra�o of the transmission
medium at its original ra�o, what is the effect on its
maximum capacity? Reduced by 4 �mes

38. Polariza�on change o�en takes place on radio

waves that are propagated over long distances. Which
32. In a centralized P2P network, the directory system of these does not cause polariza�on change? Parabolic
uses the ________ paradigm; the storing and interac�on
downloading of the files are done using __________
paradigm. client-server; peer-to-peer 39. A local area network (LAN) is defined by: the
geometric size of the network
33. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
Sunspots increase and decrease in 11-year cycle and 40. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, which of the following is
higher sunspots numbers cause less ioniza�on, lower an applica�on layer protocol? The File Transfer Protocol
sunspot numbers increase ioniza�on. (FTP)

34. How does a host on an Ethernet LAN know when to 41. How do sunspots change the ioniza�on of the
transmit a�er a collision has occurred? 2 and 5 atmosphere? The more sunspots there are, the greater
1. In a CSMA/CD collision domain, mul�ple sta�ons can the ioniza�on.
successfully transmit data simultaneously.
2. In a CSMA/CD collision domain, sta�ons must wait 42. Which among the following are the stable discrete
un�l the media is not in use before transmi�ng. �me systems? 1, 2, 3 and 4
3. You can improve the CSMA/CD network by adding 1. y(n) = x(4n)
more hubs. 2. y(n) = x(-n)
4. A�er a collision, the sta�on that detected the collision 3. y(n) = ax(n) + 8
has first priority to resend the lost data. 4. y(n) = cos x(n)
5. A�er a collision, all sta�ons run a random backoff
algorithm. When the backoff delay period has expired, 43. Determine the gain of an antenna with respect to a
all sta�ons have equal priority to transmit data. dipole if its gain with respect to isotropic is 50 dBi. 47.86
35. What is the effec�ve radiated power (ERP) of a
repeater with 450 W transmi�ng power output, 4 dB
feedline loss, 6 dB duplexer loss, 7 dB circulator loss and
feedline antenna gain of 25 dB? 2839.31 W

44. The range of the radar horizon is affected by bending

or diffrac�on of electromagne�c waves. In which
por�on of the radar frequency band is diffrac�on of
waves greatest? Lower
45. Two λ/2 dipoles are separated by 50 km. They are 2. _______ is defined as any physical quan�ty that
“aligned” for op�mum recep�on. The transmiter feeds varies with �me, space or any other independent
its antenna with 10 W at 144 MHz. Calculate the power variable. Signal
received. 2.96 x10¯¹⁰ W
3. ______ is the ra�o of the radia�on intensity in a given
direc�on from the antenna to the radia�on intensity
averaged over all direc�ons. Direc�vity

4. What is the number of modes that an op�cal fiber

can support if the normalized frequency is 10? 50

5. A phase-locked loop has a VCO with a free-running

46. The free space model of propaga�on refers to: 1 and frequency of 14 MHz. As the frequency of the reference
2 are correct input is gradually raised from zero, the loop locks at 12
1. Unobstructed line of sight between the transmiter MHz and comes out of lock again at 18 MHz. Calculate
and receiver. the capture range. 4 MHz
2. Satellite communica�on systems and Microwave line
of sight radio links.
3. Propaga�on along the ground surface.

47. An Ethernet running at 10 Mbits / second uses:

Manchester encoding

48. The advantages of using a CDMA technique over

other spread spectrum techniques are: 1, 2 and 3 are
correct 6. What is the dura�on of the unit sample response of a
1. Increased capacity digital filter? Infinite
2. Easier handoff
3. Beter measure of security 7. A microwave radio-link operated at frequency of 4
4. Mul�ple users occupy different spectrum at a �me GHz has a separa�on distance of 50 km between
antennas. By how much must the beam clear the
49. In the Internet, the country domain sec�on uses obstacle? 18.35 m
___________ country abbrevia�ons. two-character

50. The total power delivered to the radiator of an

isotropic antenna is 200,000 W. Determine the power
density at a distance of 100 meters 1.59 W/m²

8. The zeros in the transfer func�on are denoted by: 0

9. The poles in the transfer func�on are denoted by: X

1. In _____ antennas the radia�on characteris�cs are
determined by the current distribu�on which produces
the local magne�c field. wire-type
10. Which three statements are true about the 15. How would you arrange, through a block diagram
opera�on of a full-duplex Ethernet network? 1, 2, and 5 the rela�onship of following devices? 2, 1, 6, 3, 4, & 5
1. There are no collisions in full-duplex mode. 1. Mixer
2. A dedicated switch port is required for each full- 2. RF Amplifier
duplex node. 3. Demodulator
3. Ethernet hub ports are preconfigured for full-duplex 4. AF Amplifier
mode. 5. Speaker
4. In a full-duplex environment, the host network card 6. IF Amplifier
must check for the availability of the network media
before transmi�ng. 16. When data is encapsulated, which is the correct
5. The host network card and the switch port must be order? Data, segment, packet, frame, bit
capable of opera�ng in full-duplex mode.
17. In an office with 20 PCs, how many interconnec�ng
11. A sine wave of frequency 15 kHz frequency- wires or links are required so that any computer can
modulates a carrier at 101.1 MHz. The peak frequency communicate with any other computer? 190
devia�on is 75 kHz. Determine the peak amplitude of
the modula�ng signal if the sensi�vity of the modulator
is 50 rad/V 100 mV

18. Using Carson’s rule, what is the bandwidth of an FM

signal with 5 kHz maximum frequency devia�on and 2.5
kHz maximum modula�ng frequency? 15 kHz

19. Which of the following methods are used to convert

analog filter into digital filter? All of the men�oned

12. With a maximum frequency devia�on of 75 kHz, 20. In aperture-type antenna, the _____ radia�on
what is the maximum phase devia�on that can be patern can be found from the Fourier transform of the
present in an FM radio broadcast signal, assuming it _____ patern. far-field; near-field
transmits a baseband frequency of 50 Hz to 20 kHz?
1500 21. What type of RJ45 UTP cable is used between
switches? Crossover cable

22. What is the frequency swing of an FM broadcast

transmiter when modulated 80%? 60 kHz

13. _______ is the func�onal equivalent area from

which an antenna directed toward the source of the
received signal gathers or absorbs the energy of an
incident electromagne�c wave. Effec�ve area

14. What are the decimal and hexadecimal equivalents

for the binary number 10110111? 183/B7
23. What is the number of modes that an op�cal fiber 4. It encourages industry standardiza�on by defining
can support if the normalized frequency is 10? 50 what func�ons occur at each layer of the model.
30. What type of RJ45 UTP cable do you use to connect
24. Which of the following are unique characteris�cs of a PC's COM port to a router or switch console port?
half-duplex Ethernet when compared to full-duplex Rolled
Ethernet? 1 and 4
1. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in a shared collision 31. Acknowledgments, sequencing, and flow control are
domain. characteris�cs of which OSI layer? Layer 4
2. Half-duplex Ethernet operates in a private collision
domain. 32. How to implement a network medium that is not
3. Half-duplex Ethernet has higher effec�ve throughput. suscep�ble to EMI. Which type of cabling should you
4. Half-duplex Ethernet has lower effec�ve throughput. use? Fiber-op�c cable

25. Which fields are contained within an IEEE Ethernet 33. The basic European TDM telephone signal combines
frame header? 1 and 4 30 voice channels with 2 signaling channels that have
1. Source and des�na�on MAC address the same data rate as the voice channels. The sampling
2. Source and des�na�on network address rate is 8 kHz and there are 8 bits per sample for each
3. Source and des�na�on MAC address and source and voice channel. Calculate the total bit rate for this signal.
des�na�on network address 2.048 Mbps
4. FCS field

26. Antennas have a property of being more sensi�ve in

one direc�on the in another which provides the ability
to filter signals from its environment. What is this
property of the antenna to filter signals? Spa�al
34. Which of the following are types of flow control? 1,
27. For a mul�-mode step-index fiber with glass core (n₁ 3 and 4
= 1.53) and a fused quartz cladding (n₂ = 1.44), 1. Buffering
determine the cri�cal angle. 70.25° 2. Cut-through
3. Windowing
28. What are two purposes for segmenta�on with a 4. Conges�on avoidance
bridge? 2 and 3
1. To add more broadcast domains. 35. Which of the following types of connec�ons can use
2. To create more collision domains. full duplex? 2, 3 and 5
3. To add more bandwidth for users. 1. Hub to hub
4. To allow more broadcasts for users. 2. Switch to switch
3. Host to host
29. Why does the data communica�on industry use the 4. Switch to hub
layered OSI reference model? 1 and 4 5. Switch to host
1. It divides the network communica�on process into
smaller and simpler components, thus aiding 36. An op�c fiber made of glass has a refrac�ve index of
component development, design, and troubleshoo�ng. 1.56 and is clad with another glass whose refrac�ve
2. It enables equipment from different vendors to use index is 1.51. Determine the acceptance angle when
the same electronic components, thus saving research launch in air. 23.07°
and development funds.3. It supports the evolu�on of
mul�ple compe�ng standards and thus provides
business opportuni�es for equipment manufacturers.
37. _____ is ra�o of the power at the input of a loss-free 45. A receiving host has failed to receive all of the
isotropic antenna to the power supplied to the input of segments that it should acknowledge. What can the
the given antenna to produce, in a given direc�on, the host do to improve the reliability of this communica�on
same field strength at the same distance. Gain session? Decrease the window size.

38. A circular waveguide is used for conical horn 46. Routers operate at layer _____. LAN switches
antenna. If the internal diameter of the waveguide is 5 operate at layer _____. Ethernet hubs operate at layer
cm for a 12 GHz opera�ng frequency, what is the _____. Word processing operates at layer _____. 3, 2, 1,
characteris�c impedance of the guide in a dominant none
mode? 394 Ω
47. ______ is the varia�on of the field intensity of an
antenna as an angular func�on with respect to the axis.
Radia�on patern

48. If an emf is applied to the terminals of antenna A

and the current measured at the terminals of another
antenna B, then an equal current (both in amplitude and
phase) will be obtained at the terminals of antenna A if
the same emf is applied to the terminals of antenna B.

39. In _____ antennas the radia�on characteris�cs are 49. Which of the following describe router func�ons? 1,
determined by the field distribu�on across the aperture. 2, 3 and 4
aperture-type 1. Packet switching
2. Packet filtering
40. Fiber op�c cables are widely used for high-speed 3. Internetwork communica�on
data transport. What is the main role of the glass 4. Path selec�on
component in a glass fiber op�c cable? Prevent light
leakages 50. The instantaneous value of the modula�ng signal to
an FM modulator is -2V, sensi�vity k_f = 25 kHz/V and
41. Which layer 1 devices can be used to enlarge the opera�ng at a carrier frequency of 88 MHz. Determine
area covered by a single LAN segment? 3 and 4 the output frequency of the modulator. 87.95 MHz
1. Switch
2. NIC
3. Hub
4. Repeater
5. RJ45 transceiver

42. Antennas have the property of being more sensi�ve MASTERY TEST 13
to one polariza�on than another which provides the 1. A token is: an electronic code used in ring topology
ability to filter signals. What is this property of the
antenna to filter signals? Polariza�on 2. Within buildings: both �ght-buffered and loose-
jacketed cables are used
43. What is the purpose of flow control? To provide a
means for the receiver to govern the amount of data 3. The resul�ng signal when a con�nuous �me periodic
sent by the sender. signal x(t) having period T, is convolved with itself is
___________. periodic having period T
44. Segmenta�on of a data stream happens at which
layer of the OSI model? Transport
4. In a certain microwave links, the following parameters 17. In satellite communica�ons, what is the height of a
are given: Path distance = 40 km, average terrain and satellite from the earth’s surface if the sidereal period is
climate opera�ng frequency = 8 GHz, reliability desired 20 hours? 31,022.5 km
= 99.99 %. Determine the fade margin to be assigned to
this link. 28.85 dB

5. The process of conversion of data along with its

forma�ng is called: Source Coding

6. An installa�on in single story building may not

include: an intermediate cross-connect

7. An op�c fiber is made of glass with a surface index of

1.55 and is clad with another glass with a refrac�ve
index of 1.51. Launching takes place on air. Determine 18. An AM transmiter has an output power of 100 W at
the numerical aperture of the fiber. 0.35 no modula�on with efficiency of 60%. What will be the
output power with 97% modula�on? 147 W
8. The primary buffer: is a plas�c layer around the
cladding to protect the op�c fiber from mechanical 19. A receiver has two uncoupled tuned circuits before
damage the mixer, each with a Q of 75. The signal frequency is
100.1 MHz and IF is 10.7 MHz. If the local oscillator uses
9. For detailed examina�on of a very short length of high-side injec�on, what is the image rejec�on ra�o in
op�c fiber cable, the OTDR should use the: shortest dB? 29.33 dB
possible pulsewidth

10. A white fiber with a black tracer is most likely to be

fiber number: 18

11. For any given signal, average power in its 6 harmonic

components as 10 mW each and fundamental
component also has 10 mV power. Then, average power
in the periodic signal is _______ mW. 60

12. A cable containing both op�c fiber and copper 20. The cutoff frequency of a TE₁₀ mode is 3.75 GHz in
conductors is called: a hybrid cable an air-dielectric waveguide with an inside cross-sec�on
of 2 cm by 4 cm. What is the characteris�c impedance
13. The values of V_max and V_min as read from an AM of this waveguide at the opera�ng frequency of 10 GHz?
wave on an oscilloscope are 2.6 and 0.29 respec�vely. 406.68 Ω
Determine the percentage modula�on. 79.9%
21. A bi-phase (Manchester) system: generates �ming
14. In the Fourier transform, if the �me domain signal informa�on, even when the incoming data is held at a
x(t) is real and even, then the frequency domain signal constant level
X(jΩ) will be: Real and even
22. Tree topology: uses less cable than bus topology
15. Star�ng with the smallest, the types of networks
are: LAN, MAN, WAN 23. The main advantage of using a star coupler to
connect a large number of terminals is that: the power
16. Which of these values of μ would correspond to the loss is lower than would be the case if tee couplers were
linear amplifica�on? = 0 to be used
24. Which of the following signals are con�nuous and 31. Find the orbital period of a satellite in a circular orbit
can vary in wide range of values? Analogue signals 600 km above the surface of the earth. 1.6 hours

25. From a digital filter, we would get an output pulse as

_______ of our current pulse and previous pulse.

26. Calculate the required via net loss for a satellite link
with a one-way delay of 250 ms. 50.4 dB

27. In the case of CDMA, ______ frequency reuse is

32. When external cables are passed through the wall of
totally possible. 100%
a building they should: be sealed to prevent water or
gas from gaining access to the building
28. An IF transformer of a radio receiver operates at 455
kHz. The primary circuit has a Q of 50 and the secondary
33. In the case of down-conversion, the mul�plica�on
has a Q of 40. Find the bandwidth using the op�mum
with cosine wave would be followed by which of these
coupling factor. 15.288 kHz
filters? Low pass
29. An AM transmission of 3 kW is 100% modulated. If it
34. An AM receiver uses a double tuned IF transformer
is transmited as an SSB signal, what would be the
with coupling constant of 1.5 k_c. The quality factor of
power transmited? 500 W
the primary and secondary winding is 60 and 30
respec�vely. What is the bandwidth of the transformer
if the IF is 455 kHz? 16.38 kHz

30. An AM receiver is tuned to broadcast sta�on at 600

kHz. Calculate the image rejec�on in dB, assuming that
the input filter consists of one tuned circuit with a Q of 35. Between two users of any given ideal TDM system,
40. 38.57 dB the cross-correla�on present is: 0

36. Antennas having a constant patern in the azimuthal

plane are called: Omni direc�onal antenna

37. Transmi�ng of JPEG signal in a bandwidth-limited

channel is hardly possible, thus data compression
technique is employed. Which technique is used in
JPEG? Lossy compression
38. During polishing of a silica fiber, final inspec�on 44. LEDs are not used as the light source for high-speed
reveals a large scratch running right across the fiber. A telecommunica�ons because of their: slow switching
likely cause of this is: contamina�on of the final lapping speed and higher spectral width
film with some coarse grit from a previous stage of the
polishing 45. The energy signal has _____ �me average power
and ______ energy. zero; finite
39. Changing the spectral width of the light source
would affect the: fiber bandwidth in a single mode 46. Let us consider a frequency range of 405.0125 MHz
system to 405.0875 MHz and a 25 kHz channeling plan,
determine the center frequency of the second channel
40. A single-mode fiber is made with a core diameter of from the lower limit. 405.05 MHz
10 micrometers and is coupled to a light source with a
wavelength of 1.2 micrometers. Its core glass has a
refrac�ve index of 1.55. Determine the cladding index
required for producing single-mode propaga�on. (V cut
off = 2.405) 1.547

47. Given the signal: Non-periodic and discon�nuous.

X (t) = cos t₁ if t<0
X (t) = Sin t₁ if t≥0
The correct statement among the following is:

48. Quan�za�on noise can be reduced by: increasing the

number of levels during sampling

49. Consider the following statements for a periodic

signal: 1, 2 and 3
1. Both the magnitude and phase spectra are line
41. A standard AM receiver is tuned to a sta�on at 650
kHz. If the intermediate frequency of the receiver is 455
2. For real-valued signals, the magnitude spectrum has
kHz, what is the image frequency (high–side injec�on)?
even symmetry.
1560 kHz
3. For real-valued signals, the phase has odd symmetry.
Which of the above statements are correct?

50. A cycle slip would occur whenever the original phase

error’s magnitude exceeds: 2π radians

42. A bit stream would be por�oned into an even MASTERY TEST 14

stream and an odd stream in which of these systems? 1. In digital modula�on system, what is the input rate to
QPSK MSK modulator, if the mark frequency is 5 MHz. Assume
n is equal to unity. 10 Mbps
43. If x(-t) = x(t), x[-n] = x[n] then signals x(t) and x[n] are
called as _____. even signal
2. Determine the output voltage of a µ-law compander 15. How many Hamming bits would have to be added to
with a maximum voltage range of 1 V and an input of a data block containing 128 bits? 8 bits
0.25 V. 0.75 V
16. Which of the following is true for Asynchronous
3. Determine the dynamic range for a 10-bit sign Transfer Mode (ATM)? Mul�plexing technique
magnitude code. 511
17. The three ciphers can easily operate ______ bit
4. The expression for poin�ng vector of an isotropic blocks of plaintext as well as cipher text. 64
point source at a distance “r” from the source is given
by: P/ 4πR² 18. The first sec�on of a URL iden�fier is the ______.
5. ATM cells have fixed length of ______ bytes. 53
19. On a 10 Mbps Ethernet packet format, how fast can
6. In PCM, assuming uniform quan�za�on, what is the a 1500-byte block of data be transmited? 1.2208 ms
signal-to-noise ra�o in dB for an 8-bit code word? 49.8

7. In A-law companding, determine the output voltage if

the input voltage to the compander is 0.8 V and the
maximum possible input voltage is 1 V. 0.96 V

8. In error detec�on and correc�on, ________ between

two words is the number of differences between
corresponding bits. hamming distance

9. Which of these tells us about a low-level transmission

20. A periodic digital signal will have _______ frequency
and also framing? G series
component(s) in the frequency domain. infinite number
of discrete
10. Effec�ve aperture in terms of beam area and
opera�ng wavelength is given by the rela�on: λ²/ ΩA
21. If the transmission rate of a digital communica�on
system of 10 Mbps modula�on scheme used is 16 QAM,
11. In Manchester and differen�al Manchester
determine the bandwidth efficiency. 4 bits/cycle
encoding, the transi�on at the middle of the bit is
mainly used to ________. None of the choices

12. Assume a file is being transmited between two

computers over a single-hop link. The propaga�on delay
component of the overall delay experienced during the
transmission can be reduced by: None of the choices

13. What device is used to interconnect two LANs that

use the SAME logical link control protocol but may use 22. Informa�on bearing channels in ISDN are called: B
different medium access control protocols? Bridge channels

14. In a ___________ connec�on, the server leaves the 23. What is the signal-to-noise ra�o in a PCM system
connec�on open for more requests a�er sending a with 512 quan�zing levels using uniform quan�za�on?
response. persistent 55.95 dB
24. What would be the difference (in decibel) to the 33. What devices allow several users to send
antenna dish GAIN from its original value if its diameter informa�on over a network at the same �me without
is increased by threefold while the other parameters slowing each other down? Switches
remain the same? 9
34. Which of the following are considered to be
advantage of circuit-switched over packet switched
networks? in-order packet delivery

35. For a dynamic range of 120, how many bits are

25. _______ fading occurs if the coherence bandwidth required in the PCM code (including the sign bit)? 8 bits
happens to be smaller than that of the bandwidth of the
given signal. Frequency selec�ve 36. For an Ethernet bus that is 500 meters in length,
using a cable with a velocity factor of 0.66, and a
26. Temperature of the troposphere decreases with communica�on rate of 10 Mb/s, calculate the total
al�tude. This is because of: High pressure of gas number of bits that would be sent by each sta�on
before it detects a collision, if both sta�ons begin to
27. What device allows different nodes of a network to transmit at the same �me. 25 bits
communicate directly with each other? Switch
37. Assume two web-browser applica�ons on Computer
28. In frequency hopping spread spectrum technology, A (applica�ons A-1 and A-2) are communica�ng with the
the frequency synthesizer puts out a random sine wave same web-server applica�on on Computer B
frequency to the mixer, and the mixer creates a new (applica�on B-1). Which of the following must be true?
carrier frequency. The �me that the synthesizer remains the port numbers of all three applica�ons (A-1, A-2, B-1)
on a single frequency is called _____�me. dwell are likely different from each other

29. If the pulse rate of a digital signal is N [pulse/sec], 38. What device is used to interconnect DISSIMILAR
then successful transmission of this signal over a protocols and servers? Gateway
noiseless channel (i.e. medium) will require that ______
of the channel’s bandwidth be allocated to the given 39. ______ antennas have gain less than reflector
signal. N/2 [Hz] antennas but have more lenient tolerance on surfaces.
30. Which mul�plexing technique signals are spread
over a wide bandwidth, making them less sensi�ve to 40. From the perspec�ve of local area network (LAN)
the noise, fading, reflec�ons, and mul�path organiza�on, the key advantages of bus (Ethernet)
transmission effects common in microwave topology over ring topology are: fast / effec�ve packet
communica�on systems? Orthogonal Frequency- transmission under low traffic condi�ons, i.e. when
Division there is only one machine sending at any given point in
31. What is the transmission rate of a system for
transmi�ng the output of a microcomputer to a line 41. A “unit” of measure of usage or traffic intensity.
printer opera�ng at a speed of 30 lines/minute? Assume Erlang
that the line printer has 8 bits of data per character and
prints out 80 characters/line. 320 bps 42. What device is used to interconnect SIMILAR
networks, e.g. similar protocols and worksta�ons and
32. A non-periodic digital signal will have ____ number servers? Router
of amplitude values in the �me domain. limited
43. The auto-correla�on func�on of a rectangular pulse
of dura�on T is: A triangular pulse of dura�on 2T.
44. In which layer do virtually all-weather phenomena 4. Which property of Fourier transform gives rise to an
take place? Troposphere addi�onal phase shi� of -2π �_d for the generated �me
delay in the communica�on system without affec�ng an
45. The direc�vity of an antenna in terms of the amplitude spectrum? Time Shi�ing
aperture efficiency and opera�ng wavelength is given
by: 4πAe/λ² 5. A one-quarter wave Q-matching sec�on made of
microstrip is designed to match a source of 50 Ω to a
46. In the case of NRZ-L coding, the signal’s baud rate is load of 136 Ω at 5.8 GHz. The PCB dielectric constant εr
generally expected to be ________ the bit rate of the is 2.4. Calculate the required impedance of the
respec�ve data sequence. equal to or smaller than microstrip and its length. 82.46 Ω and 0.3286 in.

47. If the length of aperture in a pyramidal horn

antenna is 10 cm and δ for the design is 0.25. Then, the
flaring angle of the pyramidal horn is: 25.4°

48. An asynchronous communica�on system uses ASCII

at 9600 bits/sec with eight bits, one start bit, one stop
bit and no parity bit. Express the data rate in words per
minute. (Assume a word has five characters or leters
and one space) 9600 wpm

49. Determine the resolu�on for an 8-bit linear sign-

magnitude PCM for a maximum decoded voltage of 2.55
Vp. 0.02 V

50. Which layer of atmosphere contains ozone in it?

Stratosphere 6. An RF voltmeter with a detector probe is used to
measure the voltage across a 75-Ω resis�ve load. The
MASTERY TEST 15 frequency is 137.5 MHz. The measured voltage is 8 V.
1. According to Rayleigh's theorem, it becomes possible What power is dissipated in the load? 426.5 mW
to determine the energy of a signal by: Es�ma�ng the
area under the square of its amplitude spectrum

2. An RG-11/U foam coaxial cable has a maximum

voltage standing wave of 52 V and a minimum voltage of
17 V. Find the SWR. 3.05

3. What is the maximum theore�cal data rate if one

transponder is used for binary transmission? The
bandwidth of one transponder channel is 36 MHz. 72 7. The data link layer is responsible for: I, II, III and IV
Mbps I. framing data bits
II. providing the physical addresses of the
III. data rate control
IV. detec�on and correc�on of damaged and lost frames

8. The number of cables for Mesh network is:

n (n – 1) / 2
9. The number of cables for Star network is: n 21. Which result is generated/ obtained by the addi�on
of a step to a ramp func�on? Ramp Func�on shi�ed by
10. Trunking in a cellular network refers to: an amount equal to step
Accommoda�ng large number of users in limited
spectrum 22. The number of cables for Bus network is: one
backbone and n drop lines
11. The spectral response of an ideal photodetector
depicts its efficiency as a func�on of: Wavelength 23. In single-mode fibers, how does the frac�on of
energy traveling through bound mode appear in the
12. Which of the following mul�mode fiber core sizes is cladding? As an evanescent wave
NOT a standard commercial fiber size? 5 μm
24. The transport layer oversees the process-to-process
13. The other devices will s�ll be able to send data delivery of the en�re message. It is responsible for: I, II
through the hub; there will be no access to the device and III
which has the failed connec�on to the hub. Star I. dividing the message into manageable segments
topology II. reassembling it at the des�na�on
III. flow and error control
14. An RG-11/U foam coaxial cable has a maximum
voltage standing wave of 52 V and a minimum voltage of 25. In an op�cal fiber, the concept of Numerical
17 V. Find the value of a resis�ve load. 24.59 Ω or Aperture (NA) is applicable in describing the ability of:
228.75 Ω Light collec�on

15. For a second order system, damping ra�o ζ is such 26. The components of a data communica�on systems
that 0 < ζ < 1. Then the roots of characteris�c equa�on are: I, II, III, IV and V
are: complex conjugate I. Sender
II. Receiver
16. A circuit has a bandwidth of 200 kHz. What is the III. Transmission medium
fastest rise �me this circuit will pass? 1.75 μs IV. Message
V. Protocol

27. What is the open-circuit noise voltage across a 100-

kΩ resistor over the frequency range of direct current to
20 kHz at room temperature (25°C)? 5.74 μV

17. Duality Theorem / Property of Fourier Transform 28. If the forward power and reflected power in a circuit
states that: Shape of signal in �me domain & shape of are known, the SWR can be calculated. If the forward
spectrum can be interchangeable. power is 380 W and the reflected power is 40 W, what is
the SWR? 1.96
18. All transmission stops if the failure is in the bus. If
the drop-line fails, only the corresponding device cannot 29. A fiber-op�c cable has a bandwidth ra�ng of 600
operate. Bus topology MHz·km. What is the bandwidth of a 500-� segment of
cable? 3.93 GHz
19. A cable TV service uses a single coaxial cable with a
bandwidth of 860 MHz to transmit mul�ple TV signals to
subscribers. Each TV signal is 6 MHz wide. How many
channels can be carried? 143

20 Hexagon shape is used for radio coverage for a

cell because: All of the choices
30. What term is used to define a cable system's signal 39. For an opera�ng frequency of 450 MHz, what length
processing center generally the main core of a Cable TV of a pair of conductors is considered to be a
system and usually includes antennas (off-air and transmission line? 2.628 in
satellite), satellite receivers, processors, demodulators,
modulators, system converters, decoders, encoders,
op�cal transmiters, op�cal receivers, de-mul�plexers,
mul�plexers, cable modem termina�on system, op�cal
line terminals, local origina�on equipment, servers,
routers, switches, monitoring equipment and other
related equipment? Headend

31. In a fixed channel assignment strategy, if all the 40. If one connec�on fails, the other connec�ons will
assigned channels are occupied, the call: Gets blocked s�ll be working. Mesh topology

32. A measurement is made on a fiber-op�c cable 1200 41. The failed connec�on may disable the whole
� long. Its upper frequency limit is determined to be 43 network unless it is a dual ring or there is a by-pass
Mbps. What is the dispersion factor d? 12.7 ns/km mechanism. Ring topology

42. An RG-11/U foam coaxial cable has a maximum

voltage standing wave of 52 V and a minimum voltage of
17 V. Find the reflec�on coefficient. 0.51

43. What is the nature of Fourier representa�on of a

discrete & aperiodic signal? Con�nuous & periodic
33. The number of cables for Ring network is: n – 1
44. The Philippine Electronics Code or the Code of
34. The numerical aperture of a fiber-op�c cable is 0.29. Technical Standards of Prac�ce for Professional
What is the cri�cal angle? 16.86° Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers and
Electronics Technicians defines distribu�on architecture
35. According to frequency response of photo-detector, in Cable TV system. Which type of fiber network used
the modula�on frequency at which the output current for delivering cable TV signals from Head-end to
decreases to ________of peak value. Half individual buildings such as residences, apartment
buildings and business establishments? FTTH – Fiber to
36. The Philippine Electronics Code or the Code of the home
Technical Standards of Prac�ce for Professional
Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers and 45. An RF amplifier has an S/N ra�o of 8 at the input and
Electronics Technicians defines distribu�on an S/N ra�o of 6 at the output. What are the noise
architectures in Cable TV system. Which type of Cable factor and noise figure? 1.333 and 1.25 dB
TV distribu�on arrangement fiber-fed termina�on units
are shared by several dwellings? FTTC – Fiber to the 46. Which property of periodic signal in DTFS gets
curb completely clarified / iden�fied by the equa�on x (n -
n₀)? Time Shi�ing
37. The discrete �me system describes by y(n) = x(n₂) is:
casual, linear, �me varying 47. Which type of system response to its input
represents the zero value of its ini�al condi�on? Zero
38. In a complex wave, the nega�ve half of the wave is a state response
reproduc�on of the posi�ve halfwave. Then: the wave
does not contain even harmonics
48. What are the three criteria necessary for an effec�ve 8. A receiver with a 75-Ω input resistance operates at a
and efficient network? I, II and III temperature of 31°C. The received signal is at 89 MHz
I. Performance with a bandwidth of 6 MHz. The received signal voltage
II. Reliability of 8.3 μV is applied to an amplifier with a noise figure of
III. Security 2.8 dB. Find the noise temperature of the amplifier.
261 K
49. The Philippine Electronics Code or the Code of
Technical Standards of Prac�ce for Professional 9. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network
Electronics Engineers, Electronics Engineers and communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on
Electronics Technicians defines distribu�on architecture (OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for
in Cable TV system. Which type of a distribu�on reliable process-to-process delivery? Transport layer
architecture in which fiber nodes feed coaxial feeder
lines without any intervening coaxial trunk lines? FTTF – 10. What gives the frequency domain of a nonperiodic
Fiber to the feeder signal? Fourier analysis

50. The integral of k u(t) is: a ramp of slope k 11. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on
MASTERY TEST 16 (OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for
1. A system is said to be defined as non-causal, when: log-in and log-out procedures? Session layer
the output at the present depends on the input at a
�me instant in the future 12. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on
2. An AM transmiter uses high-level modula�on of the (OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for
final RF power amplifier, which has a dc supply voltage defining frames? Data link layer
Vcc of 48 V with a total current I of 3.5 A. The efficiency
is 70 percent. What is the power in one sideband for 67 13. An informa�on signal to be transmited digitally is a
percent modula�on? 18.85 W rectangular wave with a period of 71.4 µs. It has been
determined that the wave will be adequately passed if
3. FIR digital filter is having __________ stability than the bandwidth includes the fourth harmonic. Calculate
FIR filter. good stability the fourth harmonics. 56 kHz

4. Double integra�on of a unit step func�on would lead 14. What are some reasons to use parallel conductor
to: a parabola feed line? It will operate with a high SWR and has less
loss than coaxial cable.
5. Which of the following is/are not a
property/proper�es power spectral density func�on 15. Which among the following belongs to the category
Sx(ω)? Sx(ω) is non-posi�ve func�on of ωSx(ω) ≤ 0 for of non-recursive systems? Causal FIR Systems
all ω
16. An AM transmiter uses high-level modula�on of the
6. A receiver with a 75- Ω input resistance operates at a final RF power amplifier, which has a dc supply voltage
temperature of 31°C. The received signal is at 89 MHz Vcc of 48 V with a total current I of 3.5 A. The efficiency
with a bandwidth of 6 MHz. The received signal voltage is 70 percent. What is the RF input power to the final
of 8.3 μV is applied to an amplifier with a noise figure of stage? 168 W
2.8 dB. Find the S/N in decibels. 9.63 dB
17. The reason that an RF transmission line should be
7. What gives the frequency domain of a periodic matched at the transmiter end is to: transfer the
signal? Fourier series maximum amount of power to the antenna
18. In 50/125 commercial fiber size, what does 50 29. A receiver with a 75-Ω input resistance operates at a
mean? Diameter of the fiber cable`s core temperature of 31°C. The received signal is at 89 MHz
with a bandwidth of 6 MHz. The received signal voltage
19. Which among the following is regarded as an of 8.3 µV is applied to an amplifier with a noise figure of
inelas�c scatering of a photon? Raman Effect 2.8 dB. Find the input noise power. 0.1 pW

20. What defines the maximum bit rate of a noiseless 30. The applica�on layer services include: I, II, III and IV
channel? Nyquist theorem I. file transfer
II. remote access
21. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network III. shared database management
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on IV. mail services
(OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for
format and code conversion services: Presenta�on layer 31. The mul�mode graded-index fiber that has the best
bend performance and will show the least amount of
22. In 50/125 commercial fiber size, what does 125 op�cal degrada�on if mishandled is what size? 85/125
mean? Diameter of the outside of the fiber cable`s µm
32. Which among the following represents the lateral
23. What is a means of sending a digital or an analog shi� of a light beam on reflec�on at a dielectric
signal without modula�on using a low-pass channel? interface? Goos-Haenchen`s Shi�
Baseband transmission
33. What does an SWR reading of less than 1.5:1 mean?
24. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network A fairly good impedance match
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on
(OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for 34. An SSB transmiter has a 24-V dc power supply. On
the transmission of bits across the medium? Physical voice peaks the current achieves a maximum of 9.3 A.
layer What is the PEP? 223.2 W

25. An AM transmiter uses high-level modula�on of the 35. The atributes of the 62.5/125- µm fiber do NOT
final RF power amplifier, which has a dc supply voltage include which of the following factors? Low source to
Vcc of 48 V with a total current I of 3.5 A. The efficiency fiber coupling efficiency
is 70 percent. How much AF power is required for 100
percent modula�on? (Hint: For 100 percent modula�on, 36. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network
AF modula�ng power Pm is one-half the input power.) communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on
84 W (OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for
ensuring reliable transmission of data? Data link and
26. A signal g(t) = A, then g(t) is a: power signal transport layers

27. An informa�on signal to be transmited digitally is a 37. The frequency domain of a voice signal is normally
rectangular wave with a period of 71.4 μs. It has been con�nuous because voice is a: nonperiodic signal
determined that the wave will be adequately passed if
the bandwidth includes the fourth harmonic. Calculate 38. What network for transmi�ng signals is modulated
the minimum sampling frequency (Nyquist rate). 112 onto RF carriers that includes a linearly amplitude
kHz modulated op�cal link followed by a coaxial distribu�on
network? Hybrid Fiber-Coax

28. All causal systems must have the component of:

39. An SSB transmiter has a 24-V dc power supply. On 49. An AM transmiter uses high-level modula�on of the
voice peaks the current achieves a maximum of 9.3 A. final RF power amplifier, which has a dc supply voltage
What is the average power of the transmiter? 55.8 W Vcc of 48 V with a total current I of 3.5 A. The efficiency
to 74.4 W is 70 percent. What is the carrier output power?
117.6 W
40. A receiver with a 75-Ω input resistance operates at a
temperature of 31°C. The received signal is at 89 MHz 50. An informa�on signal to be transmited digitally is a
with a bandwidth of 6 MHz. The received signal voltage rectangular wave with a period of 71.4 µs. It has been
of 8.3 μV is applied to an amplifier with a noise figure of determined that the wave will be adequately passed if
2.8 dB. Find the input signal power. 0.918 pW the bandwidth includes the fourth harmonic. Calculate
the signal frequency. 14 kHz
41. The Fourier series of an odd periodic func�on
contains: sine harmonics only MASTERY TEST 17
1. Near-field communica�on (NFC) is a short-range
42. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network wireless technology that is designed to facilitate
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on communica�ons between two devices within which of
(OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for the following distances from each other? 4 cen�meters
providing independence from different data
representa�on? Presenta�on layer 2. The voltage range of an A/D converter that uses 14-
bit numbers is 26 to 16 V. Find the number of discrete
43. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network levels (binary codes) that are represented. 16,384
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on
(OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for 3. To provide Internet access, the cable company has
establishing, managing and termina�ng sessions? divided the available bandwidth of the coaxial cable into
Session layer three bands: video, downstream data, and upstream
data. The downstream data occupies the upper band
44. Damped sinusoids are: sinusoid signals mul�plied by from: 550 to 750 MHz
decaying exponen�als
4. In a _________, there is a need for end-to-end
45. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network addressing during the setup and teardown phases to
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on make the corresponding entry in the switching table.
(OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for virtual-circuit network
providing user services? Applica�on layer
5. In _______, the corrupted message is discarded (the
46. What is the meaning of the term velocity factor of a sender needs to retransmit the message). error
transmission line? The velocity of the wave on the detec�on by retransmission
transmission line divided by the velocity of light in a
vacuum. 6. If you wanted to bridge two microwave antennas 10
kilometers apart using 2.4GHz, and the land was
47. An ISO standard that covers all aspects of network perfectly flat. By how much must the beam clear the
communica�ons is the Open Systems Interconnec�on obstacle? 11.0 m
(OSI) model. What layer of this model is responsible for
route selec�on: Network layer

48. A receiver with a 75-Ω input resistance operates at a

temperature of 31°C. The received signal is at 89 MHz
with a bandwidth of 6 MHz. The received signal voltage
of 8.3 μV is applied to an amplifier with a noise figure of
2.8 dB. Find the S/N of the amplifier. 4.83
7. From a digital filter, the output pulse can be obtained 16. To provide Internet access, the cable company has
as _______ of the current pulse and previous pulse. divided the available bandwidth of the coaxial cable into
Summa�on three bands: video, downstream data, and upstream
data. The downstream-only video band occupies
8. What is the maximum modula�ng frequency that can frequencies from: 54 to 550 MHz
be used to achieve a modula�on index of 2.2 with a
devia�on of 7.48 kHz? 3.4 kHz 17. What does the spectral density func�on of any
signal specify? Distribu�on of energy or power
9. What provides a prac�cal solu�on to the problem of
connec�ng mul�ple devices in a network? Switching 18. To provide Internet access, the cable company has
divided the available bandwidth of the coaxial cable into
10. What technique uses M different carrier frequencies three bands: video, downstream data, and upstream
that are modulated by the source signal? Frequency data. The upstream data occupies the lower band from:
Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) 5 to 42 MHz

11. A transmiter operates on a frequency of 915 MHz. 19. Where does the maximum value of auto-correla�on
The maximum FM devia�on is 612.5 kHz. What are the func�on of a power signal occur? At origin
maximum and minimum frequencies that occur during
modula�on? 915,012.5 kHz and 914,987.5 kHz 20. What do you call the number of signal elements sent
in 1s? The unit is the baud. Signal rate

21. In _________, slots are dynamically allocated to

improve bandwidth efficiency. sta�s�cal TDM

22. What defines the number of data elements (bits)

12. Convolu�on of step signal 49 �mes that is 49 sent in 1s? The unit is bits per second (bps). Data rate
convolu�on opera�ons. What is the Laplace transform?
1/s⁴⁹ 23. In a _____, more than one bit is corrupted (not
necessarily con�guous). burst error

24. The input voltage of a compander with a maximum

voltage range of 1 V and a μ of 255 is 0.25. What are the
output voltage and gain? 0.75 V and 3
13. The Ls path loss depends on: Wavelength
25Which of the following is true in the analog signal
14. A pulse train has a rise �me of 6 ns. What is the hierarchy? I, II, III, IV and V
minimum bandwidth to pass this pulse train faithfully? I. Voice channels (4 kHz)
58.3 MHz II. Groups (48 kHz)
III. Supergroups (240 kHz)
IV. Master groups (2.4 MHz)
V. Jumbo groups (15.12 MHz)

26. In ________, the receiver tries to correct the

corrupted codeword. forward error correc�on

15. What do you call a technique that subs�tutes long 27. In a ______, only one bit of a data unit is corrupted.
zero level pulses with a combina�on of other levels single bit error
without increasing the number of bits?
28. What are the major components of the telephone 37. What do you call the set of techniques that allows
network I, II and III the simultaneous transmission of mul�ple signals across
I. local loops a single data link? Mul�plexing
II. trunks
III. switching offices 38. What is the devia�on ra�o of TV sound if the
maximum devia�on is 25 kHz and the maximum
29. Which of the following statements is true? All of the modula�ng frequency is 15 kHz? 1.667
39. Which of the following IEEE wireless LAN standards
30. For a ______ channel, the Nyquist bit rate formula provides the greatest possible throughput? 802.11ac
defines the theore�cal maximum bit rate. Noiseless
40. Which of the following technologies associated with
31. Baseband transmission of a digital signal is possible the Internet of Things (IoT) is o�en used to iden�fy pets
only if we have a ____ channel. low-pass using embedded chips? RFID

32. The voltage range of an A/D converter that uses 14- 41. Which topology has the highest reliability? Mesh
bit numbers is 26 to 16 V. Find the resolu�on of topology
digi�za�on expressed as the smallest voltage increment.
732.5 μV 42. As per �me displacement theorem in Laplace
transforma�on, displacement in the �me domain by T
becomes: mul�plica�on by e^-sT in the s domain

43. An SWR meter measures the degree of match

between transmission line and antenna by: comparing
forward and reflected voltage
33. What is a skip zone? An area which is too far away
for ground-wave propaga�on, but too close for sky-wave 44. A circuit has a bandwidth of 200 kHz. What is the
propaga�on fastest rise �me this circuit will pass? 1.75 μs

34. In a __________, end-to-end addressing is needed 45. ______ is common for mul�plexing op�cal signals
during the setup and teardown phase to create a because it allows the mul�plexing of signals with a very
connec�on for the whole data transfer phase. circuit- high frequency. WDM
switched network
46. What is the average noise power of a device
35. Calculate the radius of the first Fresnel zone for a opera�ng at a temperature of 90°F with a bandwidth of
2.5-GHz signal at a point that is 12 km from the source 30 kHz? 1.26 x 10¯¹⁶ W
and 18 km from the des�na�on. 29.4 m
47. What is the noise variance for AWGN? N₀/2

48. When the voltage level in a digital signal is constant

for a while, the spectrum creates very low frequencies,
called _________, that present problems for a system
that cannot pass low frequencies. DC components

49. In _________, each input has a reserved slot in the

output frame. synchronous TDM
36. In a _______, each packet is independent. The
rou�ng of a packet is done for each individual packet.
datagram network
50. The voltage range of an A/D converter that uses 14- 9. The fiber NA relates to which of the following
bit numbers is 26 to 16 V. Find the number of voltage characteris�cs? Maximum angle within the fiber
increments used to divide the total voltage range. acceptance cone
10. In a S/H circuit, the �me that it must hold the
MASTERY TEST 18 sampled voltage is: Aperture �me
1. An AM transmiter has a carrier power of 30 W. The
percentage of modula�on is 85 percent. Calculate the 11. Which among the following opera�ons is/are not
power in one sideband. 5.4 W involved /associated with the computa�on process of
linear convolu�on? Integra�on Opera�on

12. For radio signals, the skip distance is determined by

the: height of the ionosphere and the angle of radia�on

13. What is the defini�on of the term “receiver

2. The data rate of QPSK is ___________ of BPSK. Twice
desensi�zing”? A reduc�on in receiver sensi�vity
because of a strong signal on a nearby frequency.
3. In free space, what is the radia�on characteris�c of a
half-wave dipole? Minimum radia�on from the ends,
14. How can selec�vity be achieved in the front-end
maximum broadside
circuitry of a communica�ons receiver? By using a
4. Which among the following asser�ons represents a
necessary condi�on for the existence of Fourier
15. How does the gain of a parabolic dish antenna
Transform of discrete �me signal (DTFT)? Discrete Time
change when the opera�ng frequency is doubled?
Signal should be absolutely summable
Gain increases 6 dB.

5. The sequence of opera�ons in which PCM is done is:

16. What mul�mode fiber proper�es help reduce
Sampling, quan�zing, encoding
connec�on losses? Larger core size and higher NA

6. The figure shows a simple block diagram of a digital

17. The distance travelled by ground waves: is less at
communica�on system. Which block recreates incoming
higher frequencies
binary sequence? Channel decoder
18. The main characteris�c of a ver�cal antenna is that
it will: receive signals equally well from all compass
points around it

19. The format in which the posi�ve half interval pulse is

followed by a nega�ve half interval pulse for
transmission of ‘1’ is: Manchester format
7. What happens to the feed point impedance of a
ground-plane antenna when its radials are changed 20. With respect to converter circuits: ADCs include a
from horizontal to downward-sloping? It increases. DAC

8. What is the term used to refer to the condi�on where 21. Under which condi�ons does an ini�ally relaxed
the signals from a very strong sta�on are superimposed system become unstable? Only if bounded input
on other signals being received? Cross-modula�on generates unbounded output
22. The ability of the ionosphere to reflect high 33. To produce a single sideband suppressed carrier
frequency radio signals depends on: the amount of solar transmission it is necessary to ____ the carrier and to
radia�on ____ the unwanted sideband. cancel, filter.

23. This is an analog system which is first used to 34. In a frequency modula�on receiver, the _______ is
transmit voice using analog signals. This was further located between the filter and the limiter. intermediate
changed a�er the born of computers for digital system. frequency amplifier
35. In a network, par�cipa�ng computers are referred to
24. Which condi�on determines the causality of the LTI as: Nodes
system in terms of its impulse response? Only if the
value of an impulse response is zero for all nega�ve 36. Which property of delta func�on indicates the
values of �me equality between the area under the product of
func�on with shi�ed impulse and the value of func�on
25. Aliasing can be defined as errors occurring when: located at unit impulse instant? Sampling
The input frequency exceeds the sample rate.
37. If a subscriber (normally an organiza�on) needs to
26. In a Yagi-Uda 3 element direc�onal antenna, the provide free connec�ons for other subscribers (normally
_______ is not the longest nor the shortest radia�ng customers), it can request what type of service?
element. driven element 800 service

27. What happens to the beamwidth of an antenna as 38. A data channel with bandwidth of 15 Mbps can pass
the gain is increased? The beamwidth: Decreases as the only an average of 15,000 frames per minute with each
gain is increased. frame carrying an average of 12,000 bits. What is the
throughput of this channel with respect to the
28. What kind of propaga�on would best be used by bandwidth? 0.20
two sta�ons within each other's skip zone on a certain
frequency? Ground-wave 39. What is the term for the ra�o between the largest
tolerable receiver input signal and the minimum
29. The usual effect of ionospheric storms is to: discernible signal? Dynamic range
cause a fade-out of sky-wave signals
40. An AM transmiter has a carrier power of 30 W. The
30. What does "antenna front-to- back ra�o" mean in percentage of modula�on is 85 percent. Calculate the
reference to a Yagi antenna? The power radiated in the total power. 40.8 W
major radia�on lobe compared to the power radiated in
exactly the opposite direc�on 41. It augments the algorithm to handle the collision
specially for wireless networks. Carrier sense mul�ple
31. Polar coding is a technique in which: 1 is access with collision avoidance
transmited by a posi�ve pulse and 0 is transmited by
nega�ve pulse 42. What is the result of cross-modula�on? The
modula�on of an unwanted signal is heard on the
32. In a certain microwave links, the following desired signal
parameters are given: Path distance = 40 km, average
terrain and climate opera�ng frequency = 8 GHz, 43. In the northern hemisphere, in which direc�on
reliability desired = 99.99 %. Determine the fade margin should a direc�onal antenna be pointed to take
to be assigned to this link. 28.85 dB maximum advantage of auroral propaga�on? North
44. The ______ between two words of the same size is
the number of differences between the corresponding
bits. Hamming distance

45. The resonant frequency of an antenna may be

increased by: shortening the radia�ng element

46. What is the limi�ng condi�on for sensi�vity in a

communica�ons receiver? The noise floor of the

47. Which of the following protocols uses jumbo frames

to increase performance levels on storage area
networks? Ethernet

48. Both SONET and SDH technology offers high speed

transport services and both are using different
standards. However, their transport bit rate meets at
higher level. What is the first common bit transport rate
level by which they meet? 51 Mbps

49. Which phenomenon occurs due to an increase in the

channel bandwidth during the transmission of narrow
pulses in order to avoid any interven�on of signal
distor�on? Expansion in frequency domain

50. What influences all radiocommunica�on beyond

ground-wave or line-of-sight ranges? Solar radia�on

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