Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics - Vol 4 - Richard A. Muller
Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics - Vol 4 - Richard A. Muller
Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics - Vol 4 - Richard A. Muller
Reformed Dogmatics
The Rise and Development of Reformed
Orthodoxy, ca. 1520 to ca. 1725
The Triunity of God
1 N. B. several conventions have been observed in the following
bibliographies. Alphabetization of titles ignores initial articles, definite and
indefinite, in all languages, but uses prepositions. Latin works beginning with
the preposition “De” have been alphabetized under “D,” Dutch titles
beginning with the article “De” have been alphabetized according to the
initial letter of the following word. Alphabetization of Dutch names follows
the European practice of citing the actual last name as the primary reference
rather than listing all names with “van” or “van den” under “V”: e.g., Willem
J. van Asselt is found under “Asselt.” Anonymous works and Bibles have
been gathered into the primary source bibliography under the alphabetically
placed headings “Anonymous Works” and “Bibles” rather than alphabetizing
them separately by title. In references to works in which no place and/or
publisher have been ascertained, I have used the abbreviations “S.l.” and
“s.n.”—Sine locus indicating lack of place and sine nomine indicating lack of
a publisher’s or printer’s name.
PL Patrologia Latina Cursus Completus